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Evident Externalizing behaviour disorders and subtle internalizing behaviours in childhood, risk of poor results in academic and social domain in the next life; to the so The identification of these behavioural problems is very important, to the so purpose of the current study was to comparison externalizing behavior problems (aggression and rule breaking behaviors) and depression to children with specific learning disorders associated with defects in Reading. The research method was causal-comparative study. To do so, 140 children with specific learning disorders associated with defects in Reading and normal children were selected using at-hand sampling. Both groups filled out child behavior checklist (1991) scale. Independent sampling t test was used for analyzing data. The findings of the study indicated a significant difference (P<0. 05) in aggressive and rule breaking behaviors in students with reading learning disorder compared to normal students. This means that students with learning disabilities show more aggressive behavior and rule breaking behavior in comparison with normal children students. On other hand the results showed that children with learning disability have high depression symptoms comparing with normal children (P<0/05). Therefore, it seems that students with learning disability in reading compared with normal students experience more behavioral and emotional problems as well as higher also report with this children.

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Cancer is a chronic disease that may affect psychological functioning of all family members including siblings. Many factors such as personality characteristics and emotion regulation strategies may have a role in coping with stressful situations. The aim of the present study was to examine the mediator role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between personality characteristics psychological distress in a group of siblings of pediatric cancer children. A sample of 70 adolescent siblings (38 brothers, 36 sisters) referred to one of the 3 assigned hospitals have been selected through convenience sampling method. All participants were asked to complete Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), and psychological distress subscale of Mental Health Inventory (MHI). Method of the present descriptive study was correlational. Analysis of the data involved both descriptive and inferential statistics including means, standard deviations, correlation, and regression analysis. The results showed that personality characteristics of harm avoidance, persistence, self-directedness and cooperativeness as well as psychological distress were correlated with cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Regression analysis revealed that the relation between self-directedness and cooperativeness with psychological distress was mediated by cognitive emotion regulation strategies. It can be concluded that the relationship between personality characteristics and psychological distress is not a simple linear one. This is partly mediated by cognitive emotion regulation strategis. Investigating the reciprocal effect of emotion regulation strategis and personality characteristics provides researcher with a more precise explanation of the role each of which may has on behavior and mental health.

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Researchers in the field of clinical psychology have emphasized the effective role of interventions based on cognitive-behavioral approach on managing adolescent behavioral problems. Studying anger management training as well as the efficient ways to moderate behavior problems in adolescents is considered to be an important issue. The purpose of the current study was to investigate and determine the effects of anger management training based on cognitive-behavioral approach on behavioral problems of adolescent girls. This Study used a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest and control group. 142 adolescent girls (12-15 age) were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups. Anger management training program based on cognitive-behavioral approach was designed for seven two-hour sessions. Using Achenbach Problem Behavior Scale-Youth Self Report Form (YSR) (1991), the behavioral problems of the participants were measured before and after the workshop. The data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance. Results showed that the post-test scores of the experimental group were decreased significantly in all dimensions (P<0. 01). This study indicated that anger management program based on cognitive-behavioral approach can reduce behavioral problems in adolescent girls.

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Ahangar Zadeh zh. | HATAMI M.

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Journalism has always been considered as a profession associated with a high level of stress that can be accompanied with negative results for both individuals and organizations. Proper management of stress experienced by a person in the work environment is known as a kind of psychological ability which is essential for mental health. In addition, the spiritual well-being can also be affected by this ability. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of multifaceted stress management training on spiritual well-being in journalists with job stress. The study design was quasi-experimental (pretest-posttest design with control group). The sample consisted of 30 volunteer stressful journalists in Fars news agency of Tehran city who randomly were assigned into two groups of experimental (n=15) and control (n=15). The sessions were conducted for 18 weekly sessions of 90 minutes and the subjects responded to Spirituality Index of Well-Being (SIWB). The data were analyzed using univariate analysis of variance and univariate analysis of covariance. The results showed that Loren's multifaceted stress management training program significantly affects spiritual well-being (p<0. 01). There is also a statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in self-efficacy and live map scores (P<0. 01). Therefore, the multifaceted stress management training program focusing on increasing the sense of individual control over situations and changing lifestyles, ceraintly about one's abilities, increasing the cognitive, emotional, social and behavioral abilities to achieve different goals, m and reviewing the knowledge and feedback, the ability to mange time and the importance of nutrition, sleep, and exercise with balancing in work can improve the above mentioned characteristics.

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Since sexual relationship itself is an emotional excitement, one must study it in the context of emotions. Therefore, learning about the manner in which the two important psychological variables of alexithymia and emotional schemas relate and influence sexual dysfunction becomes important. The aim of this study was to examine the moderating role of alexithymia on the relationship between emotional schemas and sexual dysfunctional beliefs in women and men with diabetes. Descriptive correlational methodology was used for this study. A total of 152 individuals (78 women, 74 men) diagnosed with diabetes were selected in person and online, through convenient sampling, who completed Leahy emotional schema scale (LESS, 2002), Farsi Toronto alexithymia scale (FTAS-20, 1994), and sexual dysfunction beliefs questionnaire (SDBQ, 2003) during a 3 month period. For data analysis, Pearson correlation and regression adjustment was used. Results of this research showed a significant positive correlation between emotional schemas and sexual dysfunctional beliefs and alexithymia and sexual dysfunctional beliefs (p=0/01). Regression analysis indicated that alexithymia played a moderating role between emotional schemas and sexual dysfunctional beliefs (p=0/05). From the research findings, it can be concluded that the link between emotional schemas and sexual dysfunctional beliefs is not merely a simple linear relationship, but can be influenced by alexithymia.

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Procrastination refer to do delay doing something until a have time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy. Many studies have addressed the effect of contextual factors and personality traits on procrastination. The problem statement was that family pattern communication and identity styles can predict academic procrastination This purpose of the study was to prediction of academic procrastination based on family communication pattern with mediating role of identity styles among students. The present study was done with correlational design specially with path analysis method. Sample included 302 (168 girls & 134 boys) high school students in sector of Mashhad Morghab who were selected via random cluster sampeling method. Tools used in research: Procrastination Assessment Scale-Student (PASS) Solomon & Rothblum(1984), Revised Family Communication Pattern(RFCP) Koerner & Fitzpatrick (2002) and Identity Style Inventory (ISI-6G) Berzonsky (1989). Then data through path analysis were analyzed. The results showed that conversation orientation positively (0. 17) and conformity orientation negatively (-0. 36) can predict procrastination. In sum, the results showed that family pattern comunication had effect on academic procrastionation through informative identity. In another words informative processing could explain the mechanism of the effects of family pattern comunication on academic procrastionation.

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The studies have shown that social psychologists have used narrative methods to test the hypothesis of the dynamics of close, intimate and kindly relationships between couples in order to improve family functions and promote intimacy. The subject of the present research is the effect of group narrative therapy on couples‟ intimacy. The subject of the present research is that what effect does the group narrative therapy has on couples‟ intimacy. The aim of study is to investigate the effectiveness of training based on group narrative therapy on the couples‟ intimacy in the form of quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest and control group has been studied. The sample consisted of 16 volunteer couples of Shahrod university students selected and random assignment (8 couples in the experimental groups and 8 couples in control group and) was done. The experimental group participated in 9 sessions of group narrative therapy, (adapted from the Michael White and David Epstein‟ s Treatment Program, 1990) while the control group received no intervention. The couples of two groups completed in pre-test and post-test phases the Bagarozy intimacy needs questionnaire (2001). The results of analysis of covariance showed that compared with the control group, the group narrative therapy has increased significantly all subscales of intimacy (emotional, psychological, intellectual, sexual, physical, spiritual-religious, social-recreational, aesthetic) in couples of experimental group (p<0. 01). In other words, narrative group therapy improved relationship and increased intimacy in couples.

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The majority of group action plans for intervention for parent-adolescent relationships are affected by individuation theory. But attachment theorists believe that due to the role of parents as a safe haven, the need for intimacy in this period will increase, but transform. The main issue of the present study is the separation of childhood from adolescence and the serious attention to attachment during adolescence. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop and evaluate a group action plan to promote the relationship between parents and adolescents in the form of an experimental design. The statistical population consisted of the parents of adolescents in region No. 6 of Tehran, among which a randomly selected school was selected and parents were asked to participate in the project. Finally, 18 subjects in the experimental group and 17 in the control group randomly fitted. At first, the 21-item Parent-Adolescent Relationship Scale (PARS) (Husseini, Sanaee, Pourhossein, Karaskian, 2016) was provided to both groups. The experimental group was then subjected to a group action program promoting the relationship between parents and adolescents as independent variable for 9 sessions of 1. 5 hours. At the end, both groups were again evaluated in terms of the relationship between the parent and the adolescent. Finally, 25 subjects (13 controls and 14 controls) were entered. Independent and dependent t test showed that the main hypothesis of the research was that "the researcher-made group action plan to improve the parent-teen relationship" promoted the parent-adolescent relationship (p <0. 01). As a result, according to a qualitative interview with parents and adolescents, the group action plan was able to perfectly enhance the parent-adolescent relationship.

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