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Background: Alexithymia is difficulty in describing, differentiating and regulating emotions. This construct is rooted in the relatively stable emotional bond of the child with the primary caregiver and it continues under the influence of one's effort to avoid emotions by focusing on perfectness and hiding defects. Based on these, does it possible to predict alexithymia by attachment styles and dimentions of perfection? Aims: The present study was carried to predict alexithymia based on attachment styles and dimensions of perfectionism in students of University of Tehran. Method: current study is descriptive-correlation research. 268 students (37 women and 231 men) from University of Tehran completed the Adult Attachment Inventory (Besharat, 1392), Tehran's Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (Besharat, 1386) and Farsi Toronto Alexithymia Scale 20 (Besharat, 2007) by accessible sampeling, voluntarily. Results: The analysis of data involves Pearson’ s correlation coefficient and simultaneous regression analytic. The results demonstrated that as the self-oriented (p<0/01, r=0/30), other-oriented (p<0/01, r=-0/26) and social-oriented (p<0/05, r=0/14) perfectionism increased, the scores of alexithymia increased too. Results also showed that increasing in secure attachment subscale (p<0/01, r=-0/35), the alexithymia score reduce and an increasing in avoidance (p<0/01, r=0/38) and ambivalence (p<0/01, r=0/38) attachment sunscales, the alexithymia score increased. Findings showed that secure, avoidance, and ambivalent attachment styles, along with self-oriented perfectionism, explained 26% of alexithymia variances (p<0/01) Conclusions: This means that child's failure to have a secure relationship with the caregiver leads to alexithymia and perfectionism that operate as a means to self-expression during the development also delay recognition and description of emotions so that alexithymia persists.

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Background: Measuring the quality of life of psychiatric patients provides useful information for planning and evaluating of therapeutic strategies. Personality is an important factor in quality of life. But which cognitive and emotional dimensions of quality of life are more relevant in serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressant drugs users? Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between quality of life and cognitive and emotional personality dimensions of Cloninger in serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressant drugs users. Method: This is a descriptive-correlational study. The Short form of Quality of Life of Ware and Sherbourne (SF-36) (1992) and Temperament and Character Inventory of Cloninger (TCI-56) (1994) questionnaires were used as the research instruments. In this study, a group of 37 patients with major depressive disorder using serotonin reuptake inhibitors drugs, were selected by available sampling method. In order to analyze the data, Multiple Regression Analysis and Spearman Correlation Coefficient test were used. Results: The results of correlation coefficient showed that there is a significant relationship between Cloninger personality dimensions and quality of life dimensions. (p<0/05). And the results of multiple regression indicate that among the cognitive dimensions of personality, self-directedness positively and among the emotional dimensions of personality, harm avoidance negatively able to predict the quality of life (p<0/01). Conclusions: This means that high Self-directedness and low harm avoidance improve the quality of life of serotonin reuptake inhibitors drug users.

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Background: Addiction is a chronic disease. Failure of mental health can cause difficulties in abstinence. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)and mindfulness are considerd effective in improving mental health in people with SUD. The efficacy of either of these methods with respect to their special characteristics had been shown separately but is the combination of these two methodes effective, too? Previous studies suggested that combination of Mindfulness training and tDCS is effective in non clinical population, but it is still unclear whether the method can be effective in clinical populatuin or not. Aims: The aim was evaluating effect of combination of mindfulness and tDCS in people with substance abuse disorder. Method: Current study is a Quasi-experimental research whithout control group and with pre & post evaluation. Ten people with SUD were chosen through convenience sampling. They received 5 sessions of mindfulness training based on therapeutic protocol of Bowen, Chawla & Marlatt(2011) combined with tDCS. Before and after intervention, mental health was assessed via Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993). Results: combination of mindfulness training and brain stimulation resulted in significant decrease in scores of BSI including obsessive-compulsive (P= 0/02), Hostility (P= 0/04) & psychoticism (P= 0/007). Conclusions: the combination of tDCS and Mindfulness can improve mental health in people with SUD.

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Background: the research background indicates that people in exposing to stress, use determined defense styles according to the rat of ego development. Along with ego development It is expected that the impulsivity as a personality trait will be reduced and the usage of mature defenses will be increased. The relation between impulsivity and fundamental structures like defense styles consider this issue that whether using of defense styles differs regarding to domination of impulsivity axis? . Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the pattern of using defense styles and Prevalence of impulsivity axis. Method: the method of this study was correlation. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and Stebwise regression. The study population consisted of all undergraduate students of Tehran, Allameh Tabataba'i and elm-o-Farhang Universities. A sample of 201 students was selected by a convenient sampling method. The applied research tools for this study were Defense Styles (Andrews, 1993), and Impulsivity (Whiteside & Lynam, 2001) Questionnaires. Results: Data analysis revealed that impulsivity has a significant direct correlation with Neurotic and immature defense styles )p<0/01) there is a significant reverse correlation between this personality treat and mature defense style )P>0/01(. Conclusions: This study introduced impulsivity as a personality variable which explains some of the immature behaviors and defenses. Moreover, it is noted impulsivity characteristic could directly influence the individual’ s quality of actions and decisions.

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Background: Providing feedback with self-controlled methods has improved the performance and learning of motor skills as a result of the motivational effects and the deeper processing of related information. despite extensive research on self-inhibition feedback, can it be said that this type of feedback, verbally, can influence the pattern of movement? Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-controlled practice on the performance of female student basketball shooters. Method: This is a semi-experimental study and its design is pre-test and post-test with control group. Participants of this study were 20 female students who were randomly divided into two self-controlled and yoked groups. Research was conducted in 5 sessions consisted of a pre-test session before the beginning of the exercise, 3 sessions of practice and one post-test session. Films were taken from the pattern of throwing the Subjects, then the films were evaluated by three instructors. Results: Findings of the independent t-test showed a significant difference between groups' acquisition (P= 0/025) and retention (P= 0/035) mean score. Both groups had significant progression from pre-test to post-test, and according to the data, the self-controlled group had a significant difference compared to the yoked group in the post-test. Conclusions: Using self-controlled practice which leads to internal motivation, enhancement of self-efficacy, personality independence, anxiety and stress decrease coaches can create optimal conditions for practicing and provide conditions for obtaining a better pattern of movement in practice.

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Background: Individuals have been sentenced to prison for beating are divided into two categories of Premeditated and impulsive aggression that use different patterns of violence. Although research has emphasized the psychological problems of these groups, it is not clear how they differ from one another in psychiatric problems. Aims: The purpose of this study was to compare psychological disorder among prisoners in two groups with non-violent prisoners. Method: In this study, 151 prisoners were selected by random sampling (from the list of prisoners). All of them completed two questionnaires of Impulsivity and premeditated Violence Scales (IPAS and SCL-90-R 90-item Syndrome Inventory). Using the IPAS scale to determine the cut-off point of the scores, a standard deviation score above the mean was considered. Based on the cut-off point in each of the scales, three groups of non-violent, impulsive and premeditated violent were divided and finally two groups of premeditated and impulsive violence were compared with the non-violent group. Results: impulsive aggression individuals obtain higher score on the variables of somatization, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, and phobic anxiety, and Premeditated aggressive showed more paranoid and psychotic thoughts. The T-test revealed the significant difference between the two groups of Premeditated and impulsive violence in the components of somatization, obsession, depression and paranoid thoughts of the impulsive group achieved higher scores and the intentional violent group had interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety. They demonstrated less phobic anxiety and higher psychotic disorder. Conclusions: both of violent groups harmed by psychiatric problems more than non-violent defendants, but it seems that this deferential wouldn’ t be in a line. Impulsive group tend to be more neurotic, and deliberate tend to be psychotic.

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Background: Research has shown the effectiveness of games on various variables such as social abilities, communication, and reducing isolation in children with learning disabilities. But the effectiveness of Lego's skill-thinking game on parent-child interaction tension remains neglected. Aims: Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of Hand-Thinking Playing LEGO on stress parent-child interaction in children with learning disabilities. Method: The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. the statistical society included all 3rd grade elementary school children with a learning disorder in reading and writing in Tehran. 50 children were selected through available sampling. then, 30 children with high levels of stress parent-child interaction were selected randomly and replaced in two groups of 15 people (one experimental group and one control group). each of the children in the experimental group received 12 sessions of Hand-Thinking Playing LEGO (Story Starter) by Lego Educational Group (2014) with a phonological awareness, once a week for 60 minutes. The research instrument consisted of, Parental Stress Index (PSI) by Abidin (1990). Results: Data were analyzed by ANCOVA analysis. Findings showed that lego skill-intellectual play had a significant effect with 95% confidence Interval on the level of stress parent-child interaction in terms of parents (P<0/05, F= 39/65). Conclusions: The results of this study showed that using Lego game can improving the problem solving and social relationships lead to Reduce child problems and increased sense of parental competence. Therefore Hand-Thinking Playing Lego as a new learning system, improved the parental stress of children with learning disabilities.

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Background: The results of recent decades of psychology have shown that happiness and resilience can predict the hope of women with breast cancer, but does quality of life play a mediating role in the relationship between these variables? Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the Hopefulness Prediction Modeling based on Resilience and Happiness Considering the Mediating Role of Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer. Method: The research method was descriptive and of structural equation modeling. The statistical population of this study included all patients with breast cancer referring to Cancer Institute of Imam Khomeini and Milad hospitals in Tehran. Purposeful sampling method was used to select the sample. In this way, 300 patients with breast cancer were selected based on the criteria of entering and leaving the research. The research instruments were Omid Schneider et al. (1991), the Conor-Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (2003), Oxford Happiness Scale (1989), and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (1996). Results: For data analysis, structural equation modeling was used. Resilience has a direct (t=2/38 & β =0/37) and indirect (t=2/03 & β =0/14) effect on the hope of patients with breast cancer (due to quality of life) (p<0/05). Happiness also has a direct effect(t=4/52 & β =0/46) on hopefulness of patients with breast cancer (p<0/05). Conclusions: The findings confirmed the research model in general. Increasing resilience and happiness can improve the quality of life of patients with breast cancer and raise their hope level.

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Background: Identification of Transdiagnostic treatments, given the high comorbidity of couples' life injuries, can be effective in preventing high medical costs and wasting time due to dealing with each of these injuries separately. But is Transdiagnostic Educational package, effective on couple communication patterns and secure transplantation? Aims: The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Transdiagnostic Educational package, on Communication patterns and Secure Bond of couples. Method: In this research, qualitative method was used in the first stage and in the second stage; a semi-experimental research was used including pre-test, post-test, unequal control group and follow up. The study population included all couples who referred to Isfahan Family Counseling Centers in Isfahan in 1396. 20 couples were selected who were selected through purposeful sampling and randomly replaced into experimental and control group. The research instruments included the Communication Patterns Questionnaire of Christensen and Salavi (1984) and the Secure Bond Questionnaire of Johnson (2008), also a researcher-made Transdiagnostic Educational package, (1398) was used for intervention. The data was analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The results showed that content training of the Transdiagnostic Educational package, had a significant effect on couple's communication patterns and secure transplantation (p<0/001). Conclusions: Based on the findings of the present study, training of the content of the Transdiagnostic Educational package of couples reduces withdrawal and avoidance expectation patterns and increases the constructive relationship and secure bonding pattern in couples.

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Background: Marital commitment and its various dimensions are among the most important factors in the sustainability of a shared life. Much research has been done using paired therapeutic approaches of theory of choice, acceptance, and commitment, and coupled therapies. But which of these could be more effective? Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of couple therapy methods of selection, acceptance and commitment theory and coupled couples therapy in promoting couples' commitment. Method: The present study was a pilot study with pre-test and post-test design with one month control and follow-up group. The study population was all couples in Ardabil city in 2018. The sampling method was available, 60 couples whose scores on the Commitment Questionnaire were lower than the average were selected and randomly divided into four groups. The Adams & Jones (1997) Cognitive Commitment Inventory was used to evaluate and compare Glasser's group therapy (Abbasi Mollid et al, 2015) in 8 sessions of 120 minutes, one session per week on the 15 couples, acceptance and commitment based therapy (Hayes, 2006) A 2-hour session was conducted in 8 sessions per week on 15 couples and paired therapy (Feldman's, 1979) was conducted in 8 sessions in 1. 5-hour sessions on 15 couples and covariance analysis was used to analyze the hypotheses. Results: The results of covariance analysis showed a significant difference between the experimental and control groups. This difference showed that there was a significant difference in the experimental groups in post-test (P<0/05) and follow-up (P<0/01) compared to the pre-test mean marital commitment scores and also the effectiveness of choice therapy education in couple therapy. Compared with the other two groups. Conclusions: From the results obtained in this study it can be concluded that couples therapy methods of choice theory, acceptance and commitment and couples therapy therapy have been effective in promoting couples' commitment.

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Background: research has been indicated about effectiveness of narrative therapy But does the combination of narrative therapy and imagotherapy affect attitudes to marriage? Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the combined approach of narrative therapy and imagotherapy on marital expectations in marriage volunteers. Method: The research method is semi-experimental with experimental and control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of 80 girls and boys of marriage age in Boroujerd. Using a convenience sampling method from 60 men and women who were willing to participate in the research, a total of 60 person were selected for the experimental and control groups. The attitude to Marriage Scale (MAS) Brateen &Rosen (1998) was used for data collection. Each of the experimental groups received 8 sessions 11-minute of combined Imagotherapy and Couples Narrative Therapy (Shaver, Niener & Albert, Aurangz, 2018). Multivariate analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the combined approach of imagotherapy and narrative therapy on attitude to marriage (pessimistic attitude to marriage, optimistic attitude to marriage and realistic attitude to marriage) had a positive effect on both post-test and follow-up (p<0/01). Conclusions: Therefore, it is possible to use a combination of narrative therapy and imagotherapy on a realistic view of marriage in marriage volunteers.

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Background: Aging can cause negative perceptions for people with the sense of inefficacy. Researches showed the positive effect of good perception to elderly on life quality. But it should be answered if integrated educational program can increase this perception of aging in elderly? Aims: The aim of this study was to design integrated educational program and investigate its effectiveness on perception of aging in the elderly of Iran. Method: This was a semi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test and control group. The sample of this study was 40 of more than 60 years old people who had been selected based on random available sampling. The people in experimental group went under 8 sessions (100 minutes) of integrated educational program intervention. The intervention in this study was designed based on psychological capital model of Lutans (2003) and positive psychology model of Seligman (2006) and was revised based on specialist’ s view. To analyze data, the analysis of covariance had been used. Results: The findings of this study showed that the integrated educational program can have significant effects on perception of aging in the elderly of Tehran (p≤ 0/01) and this intervention can increase the average of perception of aging in elderly. Conclusions: Integration-based education for older people leads to a positive attitude towards the aging process and can cause a good life quality.

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