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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


La traduction franç aise du Elā hi-nā me d’ Attā r par Fuad Rouhani au regard des critè res bermaniens (IN ENGLISH: The French translation of attars elahi-name by Fuad Rouhani regarding to bermannian's criteria)




tique perspective bermanienne (IN ENGLISH: Elahi-nameQ2
bermanian perspective)Q1


 IN FRENCH: Cet article se penche sur l’ analyse de la traduction de l’ Elā hi-nā me du poè te mystique Attā r Neys͂ ā bū ri par Fuad Rouhani, sous le titre de: Le livre divin. Nous nous proposons de voir si cette traduction remplit son rô le de «vecteur culturel» et de point d’ é change «entre l’ autre-soi et le soi-soi», d’ autant plus que le traducteur est un é rudit litté raire iranien, qui traduit de sa propre langue vers une langue secondaire. Il s’ agit é galement de voir le degré de succè s dans la transposition du contenu didactique de l’ ouvrage source. Cette traduction est é tudié e dans une perspective bermanienne au regard de la traductologie moderne, secondé e d’ une analyse de la traduction au regard des procé dé s de la traduction technique-emprunt lexical, calque, traduction litté rale, transposition, chassé-croisé , é toffement, modulation, é quivalence et adaptation. La dé marche du traducteur quant à la dimension poé tique du texte est ensuite analysé e. IN ENGLISH: This article examines the translation of the mystic poet tt r Neys ri’ s l hi-n me by Fuad Rouhani, under the title of The Divine Book. We propose to see if this translation fulfills its role of "cultural vector" and point of exchange "between the other-self and the self-self, " especially in view of the fact that the translator is an Iranian literary scholar, who translates from his own language to a secondary language. It is also a question of seeing the degree of success in the transposition of the didactic content of the source work. This translation, based on a Persian version edited by F. Rouhani, is studied in a Bermanian perspective with regard to modern translation studies, assisted by an analysis of translation in terms of technical translation processes-lexical borrowing, tracing, literal translation, transposition, crossover, expansion, modulation, equivalence and adaptation. The translator’ s approach to the poetic dimension of the text is then analyzed.


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    APA: Copy

    ALAVI, FARIDEH, & Hosseini Hejazi, Arefeh Nessa. (2019). La traduction franç aise du Elā hi-nā me d’ Attā r par Fuad Rouhani au regard des critè res bermaniens (IN ENGLISH: The French translation of attars elahi-name by Fuad Rouhani regarding to bermannian's criteria). REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, 11(1 (20) ), 51-64. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/223198/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ALAVI FARIDEH, Hosseini Hejazi Arefeh Nessa. La traduction franç aise du Elā hi-nā me d’ Attā r par Fuad Rouhani au regard des critè res bermaniens (IN ENGLISH: The French translation of attars elahi-name by Fuad Rouhani regarding to bermannian's criteria). REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE[Internet]. 2019;11(1 (20) ):51-64. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/223198/en

    IEEE: Copy

    FARIDEH ALAVI, and Arefeh Nessa Hosseini Hejazi, “La traduction franç aise du Elā hi-nā me d’ Attā r par Fuad Rouhani au regard des critè res bermaniens (IN ENGLISH: The French translation of attars elahi-name by Fuad Rouhani regarding to bermannian's criteria),” REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, vol. 11, no. 1 (20) , pp. 51–64, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/223198/en

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