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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Writing in English is often regarded as the most difficult of the four English language skills. Feedback is considered an essential component of the writing process as it helps students improve their writing skills. There is a general agreement that waiting for the instructor’, s feedback in a large class is impractical,therefore, implementing "peer input" in the writing classroom is a problem. The effectiveness of peer feedback in improving students' writing skills has been dealt with in many research works. However, how peer feedback should be done has been ignored and is only used in restricted circumstances. In this study, two kinds of peer feedback were examined to see which one had the most impact on students’,writing. The sample comprised 65 EFL students from South Tehran Branch (Islamic Azad University). Results showed that providing students with online-class peer feedback and small group peer feedback improved their writing skills. However, neither of these approaches proved to be more successful than the other. As an implication of this study, universities need to adopt an engaging, practical, collaborative, and nonthreatening approach to writing which will help students develop their writing skills towards global communicative competence.

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This study investigates the attitudes of Iranian learners of Japanese as a Foreign Language (JFL) towards the influence of Japanese culture on learning the language. The study explores these attitudes from the perspectives of personal factors, social factors, and the importance of culture. Additionally, the study examines how learners' attitudes vary based on their years of Japanese language learning. Through a questionnaire adapted from previous research, data were collected from 50 JFL learners at an Iranian university. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. The findings reveal that JFL learners hold positive attitudes towards the role of Japanese culture in their language learning. The study challenges the stereotype seen in prior research suggesting negative attitudes among Muslims by highlighting the influence of contextual factors. Participants emphasized the significance of culture in their language learning experience, albeit to varying degrees depending on the duration of Japanese language study. Moreover, personal factors proved to be a stronger motivational factor than social factors in Iranian students' learning of Japanese. The study provides insights for educators and curriculum designers seeking to understand learners' preferences and motivations in the context of culture-based language learning.

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Ahrari Ramin

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The current study aimed to investigate the effects of Content-Based Instruction and Collaborative learning instruction on metaphorical competence. The initial participants of the present study were 75 upper-intermediate EFL learners who were given an OPT the results of which were used to select 60 learners. The 60 learners were chosen and divided into three groups each consisting of 20 students and given a pretest of metaphorical competence. Next, the first experimental group was exposed to Collaborative learning teaching of metaphors. The second group was taught the target metaphorical expressions through Content-Based instruction. The control group was exposed to the conventional method of teaching. The findings of the statistical test of one-way ANOVA indicated that both Content-Based instruction and Collaborative learning instruction significantly affected the metaphorical competence of EFL learners. However, no significant difference was found between the Content-based and Collaborative learning instruction in improving L2 learners’,metaphorical competence. Based on the findings of the present study, it is suggested that metaphorical language be taught via Content-Based instruction and/or Collaborative learning as both of these methods were found effective for teaching metaphorical language.

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Lieaghat Atefeh

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The present study attempts to carry out the idea of freedom in selected works from the short stories collection under the tittle Unaccustomed Earth (2008) by Jhumpa Lahiri. Based on this, the upcoming research tries to take a close look at the selected stories of this collection and examine it from view point of the prominent Irish philosopher Philip Noel Pettit (1945-) in the theory of freedom. Regarding, Unaccustomed Earth is another Lahiri’, s short stories collection that consists of two parts. The collection depicts the lives of Bengali-American characters who handle their mixed culture. Also, the characters try to find their freedom in the two different cultures. In this collection, Lahiri describes the lives of people who try to create an identity in the host country. The people who maintain and improve their identity as they wish. Besides, this collection of stories contains the life stories of immigrants who try to preserve their lost identities and freedoms in another country to show their true personalities. With reference to, this study tries to show how Lahiri’, s character afford to remove slavery bond to reach freedom according to Pettit theory of freedom.

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This study investigates the use of escape rooms to teach and learn English at university. Ninety-five male and female university students (aged 18-20) participated in the experiment. They belonged to two intact groups, and were enrolled in English for Teachers subjects. Group 1 had higher levels of English proficiency, it was decided that they would design the story and the clues to be solved out for the escape room. Conversely, students in Group 2 would participate solving out the challenges to escape from the classroom. Eight clues were designed around a story, which was about the murder of a doctor. Then, students in Group 1 were distributed in 9 groups of work: one group worked out the story and the rest invented eight clues around it. After the experiment, students filled in an open questionnaire (provided by the teacher) about their experience learning and teaching English through an escape room. Results showed that students considered the escape room as a good tool for learning and teaching English. The product of this study can help curriculum designers and language instructors appreciate the importance of escape room as a good tool for learning and teaching English.

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Aghaei Navid

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One of the most important and fundamental problems in the education system, especially in our country, is not using new teaching methods in education. For this reason, the quality of education is not at the desired level and students do not show much interest in studying. One of the reasons is teachers' lack of familiarity with new teaching methods in Persian literature. The increasing progress of various sciences and researches in various fields indicates that human information increases day by day and new materials are obtained. Today, every human being is forced to use new findings. The teacher should be familiar with different teaching methods and should know which method to use in which educational situation. What will come in this article is a short and brief look at the new teaching methods in Persian literature and the criticism will be discussed. Then the conclusion will be made and at the end some suggestions will be presented.

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Iran-Ottoman relations are one of the most controversial relations during the Safavid period. These relations were damaged by wars and had gone through many problems. Long-term wars and hostile relations had caused many problems for the Safavid government. The Treaty of Amasia was concluded during the reign of Shah Tahmasab Safavi and Sultan Suleiman I and the Treaty of Zahab was concluded between Shah Safavi and Sultan Murad IV. These two treaties ended the war between the two countries,It can be said that the Zahab Treaty was able to solve the problems of relations between the two countries for a long time. The following research is entitled comparative comparison of the Peace of Amasya and the Treaty of Zahab and their impact on Iran-Ottoman relations. They played a significant role in creating peace. The main question of this research is based on what kind of changes have been made in the relations between the two countries with the conclusion of these treaties? The results indicate that the peace of Amasya failed at the end of the war between the two countries, and only with the Zahab peace treaty did we see the end of the wars. The method used in this research is descriptive-explanatory. The method of data collection is a library.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study investigates the effect of DA on learning form and meaning of news vocabularies among Iranian EFL learners. To do this, 90 students from the population of Iranian EFL learners studying English in Sadat Language Institute in Tehran, Iran were selected. A proficiency test administered and 60 students selected. They were then divided into two groups as experimental and control group. Prior to the instruction, a pretest on the news vocabularies administered to both groups. The experimental group received DA treatment and the control group would not. After eight session’, s instruction, a posttest was given to both groups. Students’,pre-and post-test scores compared to determine if students made any news vocabulary form and meaning development. A‘, t-test’,on the mean scores of both groups indicated a significant difference between the scores of the post-tests, meaning that the DA was significantly effective in the experimental group’, s learning form and meaning of news vocabularies. Findings led to the conclusion that the experimental group outperformed the control group. The product of this study can help curriculum designers,language instructors and practitioners appreciate the importance of DA and to introduce DA to students to expand their vocabulary knowledge.

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The aim of this study was to determine if group dynamics affect Iranian EFL learners' socio-affective and cognitive strategies of listening skills. Participants were a sample of 90 students from the population of Iranian EFL learners studying English in the Sadat Language Institute in Tehran, Iran. The experiment was conducted in 8 weeks. In the first week, students took a pre-test and randomized in the control and experimental group based on their scores. They underwent the treatment for a period of six weeks. Both groups practiced the listening exercises once a week (45 minutes) for a period of six weeks. The experimental group received instructions on how to employ socio affective and cognitive strategies for listening tasks. They were asked to reflect their feelings and worries either by writing or talking about them. They were encouraged communicating with their peers and the researcher. The control group, on the other hand, did not receive any explicit instruction from the researcher. The results revealed learners’,socio-affective and cognitive strategies of listening skills were significantly affected by group dynamics. The product of this study can help curriculum designers,language instructors and practitioners appreciate the importance of group dynamics.

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This study was an effort to shed more enlightening light on the current wave of teachers’,attitudes toward using semantic mapping strategies for vocabulary teaching. To achieve the objective, this study examined Iranian EFL teachers’,attitudes toward the semantic mapping strategy. What makes the current study noticeably different from the other studies is in the context of research, namely Iran. The participants were 66 school teachers in Shiraz. To collect the data, a questionnaire and interview were employed. The results indicated that the participants maintained corroboratory attitudes toward the semantic mapping strategy. The results of the study may have beneficial implications for both EFL teachers and researchers.

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Chegini Milad

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This study investigates the impact of three sorts of reading comprehension strategies on the Iranian language teaching sophomores' reading comprehension ability. In phase one the participants were divided into three groups. Each group was taught differently according to each one of the strategies. Afterwards, they were given a final test. The results were analyzed through the one way ANOVA along with the post hoc analysis. According to the observed F it was unraveled that reflective strategies helped the subjects in reading comprehension more than the other two. In phase two the subjects were divided into six subgroups-three 30 male groups and three 30 female groups. Comprehension was assessed by reading comprehension questions (10 items) and a twenty-item M/C test for each test. The results unraveled that reflective reading strategies was the most effective in this respect. On the other hand, it was also proved that female learners did a better job than the male ones while using the reflective strategies. Accordingly, the educational practitioners and teachers are considerably recommended to take this issue into consideration which may count as the ultimate objective of EFL reading instruction.

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Haiku is the most important form of Japanese poetry and due to its crossing of cultural borders,it is now one of the short poetry genres worldwide. This type of poetry is deeply connected with Japanese culture and art and tied to Zen philosophy and its most important feature is its simplicity and brevity. It talks about things as they are. In haiku, the poet escapes from words. He tries to deepen his connection with the details of the world by escaping words and escaping eloquence. Hence the most complete poem that a haiku can write is wordless poetry and this paradox is the result of the philosophical and, of course, artistic contradiction that exists in the nature of haiku. The choice of topics that come up in haiku is meaningful and reflects the character, nationality, social status and worldview of haiku poets. Due to the shortness of haiku, many poets of the world call their short poems haiku, regardless of its principles. The point is that the shortness of haiku has nothing to do with its meaning and content. In fact, this type of poetry is a poetic effort that illuminates the poet's soul in the state of discovery and intuition and flows on the page in an instant. This paper traces Haiku in poetry and tries-despite the Japanese origin-to see if poems in Arabic and Persian literature contain them or not. The study uses a descriptive-analytical method and concludes that the translation of Japanese haiku into other languages is a near translation that the translators have not been able to ignore language and speech,because in any case, the reader deals with poetry through his traditional perceptions and criteria. In addition, there are significant differences between Japanese haiku and what has been reproduced in Arabic and Persian under this title, which is due to differences in culture and language.

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Akbarifar Zahra

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This study investigates the role of FSB in enhancing EFL writing quality in high-school online classes. To do this, 70 students from the population of Iranian EFL learners studying English in the Sadat language institute and Narges high school in Tehran, Iran were selected. This study was conducted with Iranian female. The sample population was divided into two groups,namely, control and experimental. Prior to scheduling class visits to collect the data, the researcher explained to the instructors the purpose and procedures of the study. Students were also informed about the right to voluntary participation, the anonymous nature and the confidentiality of their data. It took the participants approximately 15 min on average to complete the questionnaires. A ‘, t-test’,on the mean scores of both groups indicated a significant difference between the scores of the post-tests, meaning that the FSB was significantly effective in the experimental group’, s writing quality. Findings led to the conclusion that the experimental group outperformed the control group in writing quality. The product of this study can help curriculum designers,language instructors and practitioners appreciate the importance of FSB and to introduce FSB to students to expand their writing quality on tasks of language systematically.

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Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a rapidly developing area of language study. It considers discourse as a social practice and focus on the relation between language and power. CDA emphasis on language as it is used by real people with real intentions. Based on this approach members of the society and their speech is a reflection of a set of relational, and expressive values. In such a context linguistic production and social variables are linked together. The purpose of this investigation is to shed light on CDA specially Fairclough and Farahzad’, s outlooks in this regard. The study has some implications specially for EFL students in translation education. CDA can be used as a powerful device for analyzing the novel text to come up with the intended ideologies. Besides, it may be helpful in socio-cultural studies for discovering how attitudes and identities can lead to sociolinguistic variations.

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The study investigates the utility of MDE gamification framework. To do this, 96 students from elementary school in Tehran, Iran were selected. The sample population divided into two groups,namely, control and experimental. The students in the experimental group were taught with the different methods that the researcher implemented. The students in the control group did not receive any instruction. During the class, the researcher tried to observe the student's characteristics and filled the observation checklist three times at the beginning of the class, during the class, and at the end of the class. The observation items were prepared for each student and filled with researcher and cooperation between the teacher and the students analyzed. The pre-test and post-test tests were designed based on the standards of Phonics structure. A‘, t-test’,on the mean scores of both groups indicated a significant difference between the scores of the post-tests, meaning that the gamification framework was significantly effective on the learners’,engagement and phonics alphabets acquisition. Findings led to the conclusion that the experimental group outperformed the control group. The product of this study can help curriculum designers,language instructors and practitioners appreciate the importance of gamification framework.

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Chegini Milad

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This study dealt with economic idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs in translating economical texts from English into Persian. The corpus of the study has been taken from”,Business Law by Gordon Brown”,and translated into Persian by three translators. The considered strategies along with their frequencies obtained are as follow: translation by paraphrase using a related word. (TPR), translation by loan translation (TC/TL), translation by loan transcription (TLT), translation by paraphrase using unrelated word (TPU) and translation by recognized translation (TRT). Therefore, the mostly used strategies were paraphrase, calque/ loan translation and recognized translation. It has been found that Persian translators inadvertently use paraphrase for every expression disregarding the idiomatic aspect of that expression or the context in which any expression located.

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In contemporary Persian and Arabic poetry, Fereydoon Tavallali and Khali Matran are known as the vanguards and initiators and in addition to that, element of romanticism, and particularly social romanticism, are more prevalent and outstanding in their poetry. Environmental factors, political and social experiences, various studies, various cultural and literary activities, and historical and social conditions in which these two poets have developed, have led to enhancement of their orientation to romanticism. The present research based on Eastern Europe’, s school of comparative literature, has taken into account factors and formation of social romanticism in these two poets’,poetry and then, reviews some of the most important components of social romanticism. Research findings indicate that Tavallali’, s social romanticism is influenced by the dark and suffocating atmosphere following the 1953 coup’,in Iran but, Matran’, s social romanticism more than anything else, is affected by migration, emotions and thoughts stemming from being distant from country and motherland. Liberalism, fighting oppression and tyranny, empathy with the social disadvantaged, hero praising, nationalism and…,are considered among both poets’,common components, with the difference that Tavallali is more angry and explicit and Matran’, s poetry, using the story content, is milder and inexplicit.

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