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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Captain's Log cognitive software on the visual-spatial perception of students with specific learning disorders (SLD). Method: This quasi-experimental research employed a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population consisted of all students with SLDs visiting state and private educational and rehabilitation centers in Tehran in 2016. Twenty-two individuals were selected using convenience sampling and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (12 each). The experimental group was trained with Captain’ s Log cognitive training program for 12 sessions, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Before and after the intervention, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale was used to measure visual-spatial perception. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate covariance analysis. Results: The results showed that the effect of Captain's Log cognitive software was 81. 1% (p<0. 01) on the spatial perception of students, 59. 8% (p<0. 01) on their visual-spatial perception, and 36. 7% (p<0. 01) on their non-verbal visual-spatial perception memory. Conclusion: Considering the advantages of the Captain’ s Log software on the visual-spatial perception of students, it is recommended that the use of this software be instructed to teachers of students with SLD.

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Objective: The main purpose of this study was to predict the behavioral problems of cochlear implant users by their language ability and secure attachment based on the mediating role of selfregulation. Method: In this correlational study, 114 cochlear implant users in the age range of 3-7 years for whom at least one year had passed since the implant surgery were selected via convenience sampling. A test of language ability and the Structured Observation of Behavioral Regulation were administered on children, and their mothers responded to the Private Speech Scale and Preschool Children Behavioral problems questionnaire. Path analysis was employed in order to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that language ability (b=0. 60, p<0. 01) predicted 36% of the variance of private speech. Also, language ability (b=0. 45, p<0. 01) and private speech (b=0. 28, p<0. 01) predicted 52% of selfregulation. Finally, language ability (b=-0. 23, p<0. 01) with the mediating role of private speech (b=-0. 33, p<0/01) and self-regulation (b=-0. 29, p<0. 01) predicted 43% of the variance of behavioral problems. Conclusion: Behavioral problems can be predicted by language ability, with the mediating role of private speech and selfregulation, in cochlear implant users. This result can apply in prediction and rehabilitation programs for reducing behavioral problems in the target group.

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Objective: The present study intended to compare the effectiveness of narrative therapy and psychodrama on the social self-empowerment and alexithymia of female students with specific learning disorders (SLD). Method: A quasi-experimental research design with pretest, posttest, and a control group was employed. The sample included 48 sixth-grade female students with SLD identified by Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) and the Colorado Learning Difficulties Questionnaire in 2017-2018. Using simple random sampling, the sample was selected and randomly assigned to three groups (two experimental groups and one control group). After completing the Social Self-Empowerment Questionnaire and Alexithymia Questionnaire, the first experimental group received narrative therapy for 10 sessions of 1. 5 hours, and the second experimental group received psychodrama for eight sessions of two hours. Results: The results demonstrated a significant difference between the experimental groups in terms of social self-empowerment and alexithymia. Comparing the differences between mean scores of the two experimental groups, narrative therapy and psychodrama showed the highest effect on increasing social self-empowerment and decreasing alexithymia, respectively. Conclusion: Narrative therapy and psychodrama can be utilized as complementary interventions for ameliorating the psychological problems of female students with SLD.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of sensory systems involved in postural control of the congenitally deaf and blind. Method: The statistical population of the present cross-sectional study included all the congenitally deaf and blind people in Qazvin, Iran, from among whom, 21 congenital deaf students (11 boys and 10 girls) and 19 congenitally blind students (10 boys and 9 girls) were selected through purposive sampling according to the inclusion criteria. Nashner’ s postural control test was used to measure the performance of each sensory system involved in postural control. Data were analyzed by an independent t-test using SPSS (p≤ 0. 05). Results: In the situation without sensory interference (p=0. 003) and in the predominance of the visual system (p=0. 004), the deaf group had a better balance function. However, in the predominance of the somatosensory system (p=0. 001) and the vestibular system (p=0. 001), the blind showed better performance. Conclusion: It seems that, in the absence of the visual system, blind people have the most dependence on the somatosensory system, and deaf people rely on the data from visual information to maintain greater balance, with the somatosensory system playing a secondary role in these individuals.

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Objectives: The present study examined the lexical knowledge related to reading among children with deep deafness in two age groups of 9-10 and 10-11 years with two groups of normally hearing children aged 9-10 and 10-11 years. Method: This research was a causal-comparative study. The achievement of 16 deaf children and 16 normally hearing children was examined on a vocabulary assessment task consisting of two tasks, namely a lexical decision task and a use decision task. The target words in both tasks represented the vocabulary children should have at the end of primary school. Results & Conclusion: The results indicated that most hearing students reached this norm, whereas deafest students did not. In addition, results showed that deaf students not only knew fewer words, but also knew them more poorly. Additionally, the comparison of the two tasks demonstrated the efficacy of the lexical decision task as a measure of lexical semantic knowledge.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of filial therapy on the quality of parent-child interactions and health-related quality of life in children with behavioral/emotional problems. Method: The present study was a quasiexperimental study with a pretest, posttest, and control group. The statistical population consisted of all mothers of children with behavioral/emotional problems visiting counseling centers in Isfahan, Iran, from among whom 30 people were selected through purposive sampling and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received eight sessions of filial therapy in one-hour weekly group sessions, while the control group received no training. The data collection instruments were the Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire (Penta et al., 1996) and the Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire. (Landgraff & Abbots, 1996). Results: Filial therapy increased closeness and reduced dependence and conflict in the parent-child relationship. Also, filial therapy was an effective intervention in improving the health-related quality of children. Conclusion: Filial therapy is effective in improving the parent-child relationship and health-related quality of life of children.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a perceptual-motor training program on the fine motor skills and writing scores of children with motor dysgraphia. Method: This was a quasi-experimental applied research. From among 41 male students suspected of motor dysgraphia studying in regular schools in Ziaabadi, Iran, 20 third-grade children were purposefully selected and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received the training program three days a week for six weeks. Measurement tools included the individual characteristics questionnaire, Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP), and the third-grade writing test. Analysis of covariance was used to test the hypothesis. Results: The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in fine motor skills and on the writing test. Conclusion: The selected perceptual-motor training program can improve the fine motor skills and writing of children with motor dysgraphia. Thus, it is suggested that these types of programs be used in educational and rehabilitation centers for children with specific learning disorders.

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Objective: Attention to adaptation and the factors influencing it is important for promoting maternal health and improving parent-child relationships, especially in mothers of children with intellectual disability. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of acceptance and action and prospects for the future with psychological flexibility and adaptation in mothers of children with intellectual disability. Method: This study employed a descriptive-correlational designed and path analysis. The population consisted of all mothers of children with intellectual disability aged 12-16 years and studying in exceptional schools of Mashhad, Iran, in 2016-2017. A sample of 217 mothers was selected by convenience sampling. The data were analyzed in LISREL using path analysis which includes a set of regression equations. Results: By examining the fitness indices and considering the value of RMSEA <0. 08 and SRMR <0. 08, the fit of the model was desirable. Also, in other indices (e. g. NNF NFI, NNFI, CFI, RFI, and IFI), results were >0. 9, indicating the acceptable fit of the model. Conclusion: Prospects for the future and acceptance and action both directly and indirectly increase adaptation in mothers of children with intellectual disability. Therefore, these mothers differ in terms of adaptation according to the degree of acceptance and action and psychological flexibility, and adaptation can be promoted in them by interventions designed to enhance these variables.

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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of group reality therapy on irrational beliefs, psychological hardiness, and academic achievement of students with exceptional talents. Method: This study employed an experimental, pretest-post-test design with a control group and six-month follow-up. The statistical population consisted of all secondary-school students with exceptional talents in Shahr-e Kord in 2017. To conduct the research, 40 students with exceptional talents were selected via random sampling and assigned to the experimental and control groups. Before the intervention, students completed the Jones’ Irrational Beliefs Test (IBT) and Kobasa's (1990) Psychological Hardiness Scale, and their grades were also recorded. In the next stage, eight sessions of reality group therapy were provided for the experimental group, while the control group did not receive any intervention. At the end of the intervention, the questionnaires were completed again in posttest and follow-up stages. Data were analyzed through covariance analysis. Results: The results indicated that reality group therapy was effective in reducing irrational beliefs and increasing the psychological hardiness and academic achievement of students with exceptional talents (p<0. 05). This effect persisted on the six-month follow-up. Conclusion: Group reality therapy can be used as a suitable method for improving the psychological and educational status of secondary-school students with exceptional talents.

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Objective: Mindful-based interventions have been the focus of attention among the followers of the third wave of cognitive-behavioral interventions in recent years. A variety of interventional techniques such as acceptance, emotional control, cognitive restructuring, confrontation, and attention to the present moment are increasingly incorporated into the interventional framework directed to help the parents and caregivers of those with intellectual disability. Method: The present study was a meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in alleviating the psychological problems experienced by the parents and caregivers of people with intellectual disability. Seven studies were selected with a total of 211 participants: 181 mothers and 22 fathers of people with intellectual disability. Results: The results indicated the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing stress and improving psychological factors such as mental health, life expectancy, parenting skills, and interaction strategies in the target population.

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