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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multimedia, sound and color on the brain waves of male undergraduate students.Population of the study was male students at the TarbiatMoallem University of Tehran. The sample consisted of 14 male students. The instrument of the study was EEG (SD-C24). The results indicated that: (a) the use of multimedia had a significant effect on brainwaves at p<0.01 when eyes were open, (b) the use of sound had a significant effect on brainwaves at p<0.05 when eyes were shut, (c) there was no significant difference between sound and multimedia on brainwaves at p<0.05, and (d) there was a significant difference between sound, multimedia and colors on brainwaves at p<0.05.This investigation showed that multimedia affects the brainwaves. However, there was no significant difference between effects of sound and multimedia.Color in comparison to other two variables had a meaningful effect on the brainwaves. Therefore, in designing and developing the media, these factors must be considered. Since learning is the outcome of change of the behavior, it is reflected on the brainwaves.

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The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of play therapy on decreasing behavioral disorders of physically- emotionally abused students of 9 -12 years old in Tehran city. From the population, of all the physically- emotionally abused students inhabiting supportive institutes of Tehran, an available sample of 24 people were selected and assigned into two groups of experiment (n=12) and control (n=12). The experiment group had10, 45 minute sessions of play therapy twice a week with 5 individual sessions and 5 group sessions. After finishing play therapy program, both groups were given post-test. Data collecting instrument used here was Achenbach Children Behavioral Check List (CBCL). Since we lack the assumption of having a normal distribution, we analyzed data using non-parametric test of Umann-whitney. Findings demonstrated that play therapy decreases the degree of anxiety/depression in physically emotionally abused students but it doesn’t decrease the degree of behavioral disorders, aggression, withdrawn, depression, and attention problem in physically-emotionally abused students. Although play therapy was effective within groups and has decreased the degree of these disorders, it was not however significantly effective enough to statistically differentiate the groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Many important events have occurred in recent decades; more over criticism of ordered Newtonian world according complexity paradigm has been continued. These occurrences have challenged education with new needs and problems. For replying to this new condition, many models and theories have been developed. The aim of this article is to explore one of this new theories-named connectivism that has been under consideration of many researchers in recent years. For this aim, researcher has gathered text documents and analyzed them to answer questions about this theory by descriptive-analytic methods: can connectivism be a theory? What criticisms challenge it? Is it essentially a new-build theory or has been built over previous theories? Analyzing of theoretical (and epistemological) bases of this theory according some criteria shows that connectivism can be seen as a theory. In comparison to behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism, reliance of this theory on connective knowledge (or distributed knowledge) has been given a different epistemological base to it. However this theory still has no enough experimental support.So, applying it especially in the field of instructional design needs more research. Consequently, this theory can act as new coworker of existing learning theories not as their rival and especially can help to develop and direct e-learning in new spaces such as web 2.0.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of Gagne's and five leveled Bybee' sinstructional design models on the learning and retention of students in web-based instruction. The research population was all BCS students of Instructional Technology from AllamehTabataba'i University in the academic year of 1388-89 and 32 students were chosen by available sampling. After pretest, these 32 students were randomly divided into two groups. Gagne' sinstructional design model on one group and Bybeeinstructional design model on another group was performed; and then post-test was given to both groups.After three weeks learning post-test as a retention test was exactly repeated for two groups. According to the research questions, the results showed that (a) there was a significant difference between the learning of students that were instructed by Bybee' sinstructional design model and those of Gagne' sinstructional design model and the learning of students taught by Bybee' sinstructional design model was more than students trained by Gagne' sinstructional design model; (b) there was a significant difference between retention of students that were taught by Bybee' sinstructional design model and those that were instructed by Gagne' sinstructional design model and the retention of students taught by Bybee' sinstructional design modelwas more than students trained by Gagne' sinstructional design model.

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View 2099

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This research investigated the effect of component alternative assessment methods (performance and portfolio) onpre-university students' attitude and academic achievement in Khorramabad city.40male students were selected by cluster sampling. The School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised (SAAS-R), chemic academic achievement test, chemic performance test and portfolio were used for gathering data. Data were analyzed by MANCOVA and ANCOVA.Results indicated that, students whose performances were assessed with alternative assessment did better in academic achievement on psychomotor and cognitive domains than those assessed with traditional methods. They had also more positive attitude than other ones toward school.

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The objective of the present study was to review the role of cognitive and somatic anxiety in athletic performance. The statistical sample comprised a group of 60 indoor football players participating in the footsal matches of the Social Security Organization in Tehran in 2009- 2010 using a random method. In this study, the cognitive and somatic anxieties are the predicting variables and athletic pressure and heartbeat, Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) and players' performance questionnaire were used. In order to analyze the data, the Pearson correlation and regression were used as two variables employing Enter method and SPSS software. The results showed that, there is a meaningful negative relation between the cognitive and somatic anxiety and the athletic performance of the players. The cognitive and somatic anxiety also define each about 12% of the athletic performance; whereas, 32% of the athletic performance of the players is defined by self-confidence. According to this study, anxiety at an average level results in the best athletic performance, whereas anxiety at low or high level is detrimental to athletic performance.

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View 2132

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of positive self-talk training on increasing the women’s general self-efficacy beliefs. In this study, Sherer’s General Self-Efficacy scale (GSE, 1982) was used, the reliability of which from Cronbach’s coefficient Alpha is 0.86 and 0.71 for general and social self-efficacy subscales respectively. Subjects were married women who referred to family training center of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in west of Tehran Province. Volunteers for training sessions were interviewed and 24 persons were randomly selected and assigned into 2 groups each with 12 persons. All answered to the self-efficacy questionnaire.The control group didn’t receive any treatment. The experimental group received training for 8 sessions of 1.5 hours based on techniques of cognitive therapy and positive self-talk. At the end, both groups answered again the GSE scale and the data were analyzed with t-test for means of the 2 independent groups. Results indicated that this training was effective on increasing the women’s general self efficacy beliefs.

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