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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Work life quality (WLQ) is a series of constant measures and improvements that materializes job enrichment, personnel empowerment and knowledge enhancement, their professional vision and skills, individual organizational and community long term interests through improving work conditions. The present paper reviews the relationship between work life quality constituents and IRI Police University (IRIPU) personnel organizational commitment.Method: The present research is of correlative-descriptive type. Data was gathered from 700 IRIPU personnel through a questionnaire. The statistical method used was Pearson torque correlation test.Findings: Findings of the research indicate that there is significant relationship between WLQ constituents and organizational commitment.Conclusion: The results indicate that there is relationship between job features and personnel organizational commitment on one hand and between job environmental characteristics with personnel organizational commitment, in terms of intensity there is no relationship. Among job characteristics and among job environmental characteristics, feedback and job security respectively, have the most significant relationship with personnel organizational commitment.

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Background and Objectives: A series of factors and constituents have changed Kurdistan into a critical region during the post-revolution period. The present study reviews and measures the ethnic crises in Iranian Kurdistan during the post-revolution period and the role of the crisis creating factors in shaping the crisis, as well.Method: The present paper is among post-event researches in terms of nature and method. Statistical population includes Kurdistan ethnic experts' living in Tehran. The data collection instrument is a self-made questionnaire designed in the range of validity of the Lickert scale which was approved through using Chronbach's Alpha.Findings: Various factors and constituents have had important role in ethnic crisis formation. The most important factors contributing to emergence of ethnic crises are: role of elites, the interference of foreign forces and the specific conditions of transition period. The fourfold constituent are: security related and political, social and cultural, natural geographic, and ultimately the economic constituents.Conclusion: Understanding the factors and constituents leading to crisis requires, a master strategy (short, medium and long term) to reduce the impacts of the crisis. Paying attention to social and cultural factors and commonalities of Kurds with those living in the center and paving grounds for development of the region may help efforts being made regarding poverty eradication along with political and security.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Social services body, due to enhancement of competition and in order to sustains its survival and increase its profitability has been obliged to offer more diverse and higher quality services. Due to importance of the quality elevated services, the question still remains unanswered: “How can the quality of police services be assessed? The present research conducted aiming at assessment of police services quality all over the police forces offices.Method: Factors impacting the quality of police services identified through reviewing the research literature. Then, the disagreement between public’s view and management of police services offices reviewed through using various statistical tests (T test). Next, ServQual model was used for assessment of police services quality.Findings: There is significant difference between management of police services and the public regarding the quality of services provided by police forces.Conclusion: Speed in offering public’s required services are the first prioritized constituent is identified for apply reforms in manner of offering services.

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Background and Objectives: Enhancement of organizational efficiency in all levels is among the most important requirements of every organization to maintain its accountability power towards competitive conditions and growing environmental demands. The prerequisite to fulfill is arranging a method for assessing efficiency and finding weak points of the subordinate departments. With respect to the complexity of the tasks of police units and the various data and feedback of such units, it is not so easy to review their efficiency and performance. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is one of the best existing methods for determining the relative efficiency of decision-making units. The non-parametric method while being user-friendly is capable of offering proper and reliable ranking, as well as identifying weak points and recommending solutions for removing the weak points in every inefficient unit.Method: The present study reviews the scientific surveys conducted so far to assess the efficiency of police units through using the method. Therefore, some articles extracted from some electronic scientific databases such as Proquest and Science direct. Sixteen articles deeply studied and the result offered as articles summary in accompany with the relative contrastive table. The result of the research indicates the reliability and efficiency of the above mentioned method in assessing the relative efficiency of police units.Findings: This research has recommended the inputs and outputs in implementing DEA Model in police units.

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Background and Objectives: Security has been constantly one of the concerns of mankind and human communities; and due to its growing importance in communities, ways and tools of establishing and maintaining it home has been subject to astounding developments. Over the recent years, public security which is the consequence of some overlapping and effective elements and parameters in social, economic and political realms have become more visible, and have entered Iran’s security surveys and research field. On the other hand, measures taken by criminal international arena which is considered as a threat against community health, has challenged establishment of a desirable level of public security for the citizens, and has necessitated firm confrontation with that. The present research, while aiming at identifying threats resulted from the crimes for the country’s public security, contributes to materialization of such objective.Method: The research is of applied type, and conducted through using documentary and survey method. Validity of the self-made questionnaire calculated through using Cronbach Alpha (a=0.90), and Treston method is used for determining its reliability. The collected data analyzed through unilateral and multivariable variance analysis tests, path analysis, and multivariable regressions. Lisrel and SPSS was used for this purpose.Findings: Smuggling is the most important threat resulted from organized crimes. Public security indices include institutional, conceptual, value based and sector constituents. There is no significant difference between general status of various constituents of public security.Conclusion: The most important characteristics of organized crimes are: supportive tool, criminal activities, delinquent organization, monopoly; and their indices are explained, as well.

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Background and Objectives: Job stress is among the most common illnesses of our age. Studies indicate that job stress can stem from personal factors, nature and characteristics of jobs, organizational roles, organizational structure, relations, organization’s management, etc. Therefore, proper understanding and cognizance of job stress factors and adjusting and reducing them can pave the ground for organization’s improvement and flourishing. The present study aims at investigating job stress level among I. R. I Police University (IRIPU) graduates working in Tehran Police Stations.Method: The present research is of survey type. The variables impacting job stress dealt with in the present research are: personal features (age and gender), organizational structure, role’s characteristics, training and environmental resources. To assess the impact level of every variable, various methods such as simple and multi-variable regression analysis, Spearman, Man Whitney and CrosKal Wallice correlation coefficient is used. Statistical population of the study is IRIPU graduates (graduated in2001-2006) working in Tehran Police Stations. Statistical sample was randomly selected. With respect to omission of incorrect and incomplete questionnaires 107 correct questionnaires were accepted for statistical analysis.Findings: According to the findings of the study proved that there was no significant relationship between personnel individual characteristics (age, gender, being married) and environmental resources with personnel job stress; however, there is significant relationship between training, role features, and organizational structure.Conclusion: Based on multi-variable regression analysis, among independent variables organizational structure had the most part in predicting dependent variable behavior.

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Background and Objectives: Crisis is an event which occurs all of a sudden, and is a serious threat for to infrastructures and/or basic values and norms of a system which requires rapid reaction. Taking consideration the role of communication and information providing during crisis, the present research aims at finding ways to access ways of communication during crises.Method: The present study, reviews the results of communication during crises through searching in valid electronic databases such as SID and Magiran, and through using keywords review articles and works of crisis experts, and some of them selected.Findings: Crisis management system should focus on providing information to the public and officials during the crisis, before and after it, and try to implement projects proportionate with crisis conditions.Conclusion: There are two approaches for combating and controlling crisis: direct and indirect. In both of the approaches crisis managers should keep in touch with all the concerned and affected parties, i.e. the public and crisis control managers. While disclosing the nature of rioters, crisis managers should ensure them that they will control the conditions and should try to encourage them to cooperate with them. Meanwhile, they should make the rioters convinced to either withdraw or adjust their requests and approaches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Islamic Republic of Iran Police University (IRIPU) as the only higher education center in police forces plays a prominent role in training police officers and improving their scientific level. Due to this, and with regard to its critical role in fulfilling police forces objectives, and the undeniable role of budgeting in materializing police objectives, the present research aims at reviewing and analyzing the budgeting process at IRIPU at offering some recommendation to improve it.Method: The research is of applied type and conducted using descriptive survey method. Data were gathered from people comprised of managers, faculty members and those in charge of budget and financial affairs of universities and different faculties who have rather comprehensive information about budgeting (N=40). The tools for gathering date are interview, questionnaire and library survey.Findings: Inefficiency of the university budgeting confirms based on hypothesis analysis, and some suggestions offered for improving the current budgeting system.Conclusion: With respect to limitations ahead of the university budgeting system, due to its top-down planning and budgeting system, IRIPU is not as dependent as other universities. Moreover, lack of long, medium and short term plans at the university is among the other important issues.

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