Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (پیاپی 48)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Self-esteem is one of the most important factors in personality development, which can cause increase in personality development and make positive changes in one's mental health. Reading the Qur'anic stories has a positive effect on children's upbringing and guidance. So, this study aimed to examine the effect of Qur'anic stories on preschoolers' self-esteem.Methods: In this semi-experimental study with a pretest and posttest design, 60 preschool students in Gonbad-e Kavus City were randomly selected and allocated into the two groups of excremental and control during 2015-2016. We performed 8 sessions (twice a week for 60 minutes) of Qur'anic stories on the groups. The Cooper Smith's self-esteem questionnaire was used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (paired and independent t-tests) with the SPSS 16 software.Results: The results of the paired t-test showed that the self-esteem level in the control group before using the Qur' nic stories was 27.03 (4/7) and after that was 27.73 (4/6) (P=0.054). The results of the independent t-test showed no significant difference in the self-steem level between the two groups only in the dimension of family self-esteem (P=0.006).Conclusions: The results of this study showed that the Qur'anic stories did not have a significant effect on children's self-esteem but it had a significant effect on family self-esteem. Families of preschoolers can be considered as an important factor at providing context for developing recognition and awareness on matters of faith and religious values.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2933

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    3 (48)
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Introduction: Coronary artery bypass graft surgery is commonly performed to treat the symptoms of the coronary artery disease. Evidences suggest that relaxation therapies may improve psychological outcomes in patients with heart diseases. This study aimed to compare the effects of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery on the quality of life of patients undergoing the coronary artery bypass graft surgery.Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 49 patients who were scheduled for the coronary artery bypass graft surgery and hospitalized in the medical educational center of Ayatollah Mousavi, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, were recruited using the convenience sampling method. Participants were randomly assigned into the guided imagery group (n=27) and progressive muscle relaxation group (n=22). The quality of life was measured using the Macnew quality of life questionnaire before performing the coronary artery bypass graft surgery and then 2 months after training and doing relaxation by the participants. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 17.Results: Results of this study showed a significant increase in the quality of life in two groups after the intervention (P<0.05), but no significant difference was found in the quality of life between the two groups after the intervention (P=0.8).Conclusions: It seems that both guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation as relaxation techniques can be effective in improving the quality of life of patients undergoing the coronary artery bypass graft surgery. These techniques can be used in discharge planning of patients undergoing the coronary artery bypass graft surgery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1360

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    3 (48)
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Introduction: One of the key factors behind the recovery of patients following heart surgery is the level of self-efficacy, which empowers patients to self-care. This study aimed to examine the effect of an educational intervention based on the health promotion model (HPM) on patients’ self-efficacy following heart surgery.Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 220 patients were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups (each group, n=110) one month after the heart surgery. Data were collected using a researcher-made self-care questionnaire developed from the Pender’s model. This instrument included 97 questions and the average content validity index and content validity ratio for the entire questionnaire were 0.90 and 0.84, respectively. Also, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the entire questionnaire was 0.77. Before implementing the educational intervention, the self-care questionnaire was filled out for both groups. The educational program was designed according to the steps used for the HPM. The experimental group and the control group received intervention and usual care, respectively. Patients in both groups were followed up at 3 and 6 months after the educational intervention and the related questionnaire was filled out for them once more. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 22 software, Chi-square tests and repeated-measures ANOVA at the significance level (P<0.05).Results: The results showed that the perceived self-efficacy was changed significantly over time (P<0.001) and the effect of the intervention after control was significant for other variables as well (P=0.036). More precisely, the mean score of self-efficacy in the intervention group was higher than in the control group at both 3 and 6 months after the intervention.Conclusions: According to the results of this study, it is highly recommended that the Pender’s HPM be used as a model for the improvement of self-efficacy in patients following heart surgery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2750

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (48)
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Introduction: Spinal cord injuries are a major public health problem. Spinal cord injuries are the most important cause of disability around the world. Understanding of spouses' experiences of living with these patients by the health worker team can play a significant role in minimizing disability consequences and burden of the spouses. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the experiences and perceptions of spouses of patients with spinal cord injuries.Methods: In this phenomenological qualitative study, 15 spouses of patients with spinal cord injuries were selected from Tehran rehabilitation centers for spinal cord injuries during 2014-2015 and were interviewed. The participants were selected using the purposeful sampling method. Data were collected through individual semi-structured interviews and analyzed using the Collizi's method.Results: Based on the results of the collizi's analysis, 3 major themes and 12 sub-themes were extracted. The three major themes included "encountering with multiple constraints and challenges", "non-supportive structure", and "need to care with support". Need to support in spite of some restrictions was the essence of the participants' experiences.Conclusions: The findings show that providing care and support to these patients by their spouses is very necessary. Experiences of the patients' spouses can help health care workers and policy makers to eliminate the barriers and enable the patients' families to confront the disabilities and consequences of injuries by implementing the training programs for patients and their families.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1047

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    3 (48)
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Introduction: Educational consultation is an interaction of a consultant with one or more students. Actually, the purpose of the educational consultation is to help students to solve the problems, which are related to their educational performance, thinking disorders, emotional pain and suffering or behavioral problems.Methods: This descriptive survey study was conducted on 120 students studying at the School of Nursing and Midwifery of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2014. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire included demographic characteristics and an assessment questionnaire for evaluating students' attitude dimensions in three areas of behavioral, emotional and recognition. The validity and reliability of the questionaire were confirmed and then the collected data were analyzed using Chi-square and independent t-test with the SPSS 16 software.Results: The results of this study showed that students had a positive attitude towards the behavioral, emotional and recognition areas. So the attitude of these students towards educational counseling centers was favorable (α=0.01).Conclusions: The findings of the present study show the positive attitudes of students towards educational consultation. This positive attitude can be used to improve the educational status of students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2826

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    3 (48)
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Introduction: Job stress can affect the behavior and job performance in many different ways. Studies have shown that different factors are associated with occupational stress. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between job stress and nurses' personality traits and spiritual experiences.Methods: This correlational descriptive study was conducted on 178 nurses working in different wards and 59 nurses in the operating room of Imam Reza Hospital in the Birjand City, Iran. Among this population, 134 nurses were selected through the simple random sampling method. To collect data, three questionnaires including the daily spiritual experience scale, big five factors of personality inventory and job stress questionnaire were used. Data were collected by the self-reporting method and analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation and regression analysis) with the SPSS 19 software.Results: Results showed that there was a significant relationship between feelings of the presence of the God from the components of daily spiritual experiences and job stress (P<0.01). The results also showed that among the components of personality traits, only two components of extraversion and neuroticism were significantly correlated with job stress (P<0.01).Conclusions: According to the findings of this study, there is a relationship between job stress with daily spiritual experiences and personality characteristics in nurses. So, it is recommended that the personality characteristics be considered in recruiting the nurses and positive spiritual experiences be developed to reduce their job-related stress.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2173

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (48)
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Introduction: Comparison of the geriatric nursing with other curriculums may help to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program and provide an opportunity to improve the program and competition. This study aimed to compare the geriatric nursing curriculum in Iran and USA.Methods: This descriptive comparative study was conducted in 2014 by using the Brody's four steps pattern. The two curriculums were selected among geriatric nursing education curriculums using the purposeful sampling method in Iran (Tehran University of Medical Sciences) and USA (John Hopkins University). Information on the web page of the two universities was used for comparison of the two curriculums in 2014. Comparative elements were the mission and objectives, course contents, student admission, graduate working opportunity, and tuition.Results: The results showed differences and similarities among the two curriculums. In Iran, the main focus of program was on clinical, teaching and research areas and students were admitted through norm testing, which is centralized. In USA, admission was followed by a decentralized pattern and students posed selection criteria. The curriculum in USA was presented separately by focusing on prevention and clinical areas.Conclusions: According to the findings of the present study, using a decentralized method and considering multi-criteria for admitting student, defining objective working opportunity, defining program for clinical setting and community health care separately, designing an educational program for tutor and researcher training, to improve geriatric nursing graduate programs are offered in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2053

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (48)
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Introduction: Innovation has become widely recognized as a key to organizations' success and leadership style is one of the most important dynamic factors in progress or stagnation of the organizations. Transformational leadership with creating changes in the organization can be able to stimulate staff innovation. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and process and service innovation in a teaching hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, 200 staff members were selected from a teaching hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences using the random and classification method in 2016.The data were collected through two questionnaires, a standard questionnaire of transformational leadership of Bass & Avolio and a researcher-made questionnaire of innovation. Data were analyzed using Pearson's tests and regression analysis with SPSS 24 software.Results: The results showed a positive and significant relationship between transformational leadership and process and service innovation (P=0.0001). Also, there was a positive and significant relationship between all components of transformational leadership (idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration and inspirational motivation) with process and service innovation. The results of the regression showed a significant relationship between transformational leadership and process and service innovation (P=0.0001). In this study, a significant relationship was found between the level of employees' education and innovation (P=0.0001).Conclusions: It can be concluded that if the senior management of organizations adopts the transformational leadership style, the ability of the organizations increases to create innovation and organization goes toward growth and progress.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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