Evaluation of physical and chemical properties of fruit can help to optimal design and operation of processing, and safe and secure handling. In this study, the textural, physical and chemical characteristics of sweet cherry (cv. Syaahe Mashhad) in the period of ripening were investigated. Changes in the amount of soluble solid, stemming force, firmness, hardness, cohesiveness, resilience, gumminess, chewiness and color indices i.e. lightness (L*), a*, the total color difference (DE),a*/b* , Chroma (C), hue angle were measured. Simultaneously with increasing °Brix, magnitude of true density increased from 0.995±1.13 g/cm3 (for fruits with green color) to 1.032±0.33 g/cm3 (for red color fruits). During ripening period, the force required to stemming, firmness and hardness values decreased with a positive significant correlation (confidence level of 0.95). Changes in the stemming force, firmness and hardness were obtained by 4.89±1.92 N, 1.3± 0.54 N/mm, 3.8± 1.18 N, respectively, from first harvest date (47th day after anthesis( to last harvest date (68th day after anthesis(. Variations in cohesiveness and resilience were relatively insignificant, but gumminess and chewiness decreased. Results showed that during the final days of fruit development, L* and Hue angle parameters decreased, but total color differences )DE( and a*/b* increased.