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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    4 (پی در پی 52)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پی در پی 52)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Medulloblastoma which is classified as a primitive neuroectodermal tumor in WHO classification primarily affects pediatric population& constitutes about 25 percent of all intracranial neoplasms in this age group. Epidemiological characteristics of this neoplasm are somehow different in developing countries, as diagnosis is usually made in advanced stages of the disease.Results of surgery on 41 patients and outcome of adjuvant therapy between 1982 and 2005 have been reported.Materials & Methods: Results of treatment in 41 patients with long term follow-up are presented. Signs and symptoms, imaging, removal degree, management of hydrocephaly and shunt insertion policy were reviewed as well as clinical outcomes and results of adjuvant therapy, also discussed are the complications and mortality in this series. Resection was evaluated with post operative contrast enhanced compute tomography.Results: This was a study based on medical data of 41 patients with a 23 year follow-up. Twenty seven (66%) were male and 14 (34%) were female. When operated the mean age was 10.8 y (range between 6m and 32 y). Patients were followed between 6 and 261 months (mean f/u was 52m). 61 percent had disease free survival.Conclusions: VP shunt was used more frequently in our series which is probably due to late diagnosis in developing countries and our policy for precraniotomy shunting. Radiotherapy plays a major role in controlling the disease in cases where total resection leads to neurological deficit.

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View 3585

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    4 (52)
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Background: According to increasing trend of the consumption of sausage, diseases related to calorie intake in excess from fat, presence of the articles addressed in literature about fat replacing using modified corn (maize) starch, to formulation and possibility production of low calorie sausage, this research was performed in National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute and Gooshtiran company in 2005.Materials and Methods: This study was done at first to formulation of low calorie sausages by explorer method and secondary to comparison six low calorie formulas with control formula (high calorie) by experimental method. Formulas 1, 3 and 5 were produced by replacing different levels of fat with starch/water combination at 1:3 ratio and formulas 2, 4 and 6 were produced by replacing wheat flour and different levels of fat with starch/water combination at 1:3 ratio. The treatments were produced in three replicates totally twenty one formulas. Quality characteristics of all treatments as characteristics chemical, technological, microbial, sensorial and caloric value were evaluated and compared statistically.Results: The total caloric content significantly decreased with decreasing fat level. Low calorie formula 5 was the best compare to all treatments (P<0.05) and percentage of calorie from fat its was minimum. When energy value was reduced from 203.8±3.1 kcal/100g (control formula) to 132.7±0.9 kcal/100g (low calorie formula 5) decreases in energy value was found to be 34.9 percent (P<0.05).Conclusions: There is production possibility of low calorie sausage using modified corn starch.Regarding the presence of variety of fat replaces, it is recommended to study combination forms in future researches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1660

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    4 (52)
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Background: Hyperprolactinemiais a side effect of long-term administration of the antipsychotic drugs. Hyperprolactinemiamay lead to osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction and behavioral problems such as anxiety, depression and aggression. Therefore, control of hyperprolactinemia with a complementary agent is necessary. The present study was designed for evaluation of the effect of naltrexone on antipsychotic drug-induced hyperprolactinemia in schizophrenic patients. Materials and Methods: 32 patients (8 males and 24 females) that received typical antipsychotic drugs and had plasma prolactin levels over 20ng/ml, were studied according to a double-blind, randomized design. Naltrexone was administrated twice daily for 6 weeks. Drug regimen of patients was stable during the period of study.Conclusions: Patients were divided randomly in two experimental groups (each group: 4 males and 12 females). Groups were match for age, sex, drug dosage, amenorrhea and smoking. Our data show that naltrexone failed to normalize the hyperprolactinemia secondary to use of typical antipsychotic drugs after 6 weeks (P=0.22). However, naltrexone may prevent the increment of serum prolactin level.Results: Prescription of naltrexone as an opioid antagonist had no effect on typical antipsychotic drugs-induced hyperprolactinemia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1659

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    4 (52)
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Background: Major Depressire Disorder is a common psychiatric disorder in all communities, especially in ESRD patients.Materials and Methods: This was a Quasi-experimental study which was carried out in order to determine the effects of applying continuous care model (CCM) on depression in Hemodialysis (HD) patients in Hamedan in 2005. Thirty eight HD patients were selected through simple randomized sampling method and were assigned in one group as before & after groups for the purpose of this research, which was investigated over six months. Data collection tools included: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), demographic questionnaire and control check lists. In the first phase of the research (before) performed orientation stage in control group and until the end of the period he completed the questionnaire of BDI and control check lists only. Immediately after this time the researcher started to have some manipulations over the same group that had been considered as a case. The searchers applied SPSS Soft ware V 13, descriptive statistics, Paired Hest and McNemar statistical test to analyze the data.Results: Data analysis showed that with paired Hest, there was a significant relationship between applying continuous care model and depression of HD patients QOL (P=0.0001).Conclusions: According to these findings, applying CCM causes significant difference in the levels of depression of HO patients QOL; so that applying this caring model can promote HO patient's quality of life. Therefore, the research hypothesis that applying continuous care model can not promote depression level in Hemodialysis patients was rejected, while model effectiveness in these patients was confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1384

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    4 (52)
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Background: Scar contracture in joints especially in hands produces significant decrease in range of motion and this is the most common sequels of bum in upper extremity. This complication relieved by many techniques such as skin graft, local or distant flaps or free flaps. We introduced a new method in treatment and compared this technique with the others.Materials and Methods: This was a clinical trial study. We operated 96 patients (73 males, 23 females). In 45 we used partial or full thickness skin graft, in 19, Z-plasty, in 11, groin or abdominal flap and in 21 patient, we used a new method (Y-V flap + Distal and proximal relaxing Incision and graft) then we compared the results.Results: Patients follow -up during 3 years revealed that significant recurrence in using graft alone, Z-Plasty is only useful in short scars. Groin or abdominal flap did not have esthetic results, but in Y-V flap with relaxing incision and graft in distal and proximal, overall function and patient satisfaction was better.Conclusions: We advise Y-V advancement flap with relaxing incision and graft in distal and proximal region of contracted joint especially in joint contracture with 30-60 percent deficiency in range of montion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2695

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    4 (52)
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Background: Considering the occurance of nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy in cancer patient and 5HT3 receptor antagonist such as granisetron usage for prophylaxis of this complication and some reports of ECG changes in these patients and deficiencies of previous studies, we conducted this study in patients referred to Imam Hosein hospital dunring 2005-6, to determine the granisetron effects on ECG in cancer patient receiving chemotherapy.Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was conducted on 54 patients. Confounding factors were excluded. ECG parameters including PR, QRS, QTc Intervals and heart rate of before and 90 minutes after granisetron administration were determined and statistically assessed with paired-t-test and mann-u-whitney test.Results: After granisetron administration in cancer patient receiving chemotherapy PR and QTc intervals prolonged and heart rate decreased (p<0.0001), but there was no statistically meaningful difference between these ECG change based on type of chemotherapy regimen (with or without antryclines), type of cancer (breast cancer or other cancers) and age group (younger or older than 50 years). Therefore, QRS interval did not change statistically in this study.Conclusions: Granisetron caused PR and QTc prolongation and decrease of heart rate. Thus medical care of cancer patients especially regarding their cardiac condition and drug usage appears reasonable and essencial.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1432

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    4 (52)
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Background: Cabergolin is a new long acting dopamine-agonist drug with a low rate of side effects and well tolerated by patients and used in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. We conducted a research to compare the safety, efficacy, side effects and patient tolerance of cabergoline with those of bromocriptine which has been the standard therapy for idiopathic galactorrhea.Materials and Methods: This open-labled study was done on 96 women diagnosed with idiopathic galactorrhea randomly put in two groups of 48, one treated with cabergoline (0.25 mg-0.5 mg twice a week) another with bromocriptine (1.25mg-2.5 mg twice a day) for 12 weeks. Clinical status, symptoms, side effects and dosage assessment were examined in accordance with prolactine level every 2 weeks for one month and monthly thereafter.Results: Following results were achieved in two groups treated with bromocriptine and cabergoline respectively. Galactorrhea treatment (60.4% and 81%), normal level of prolactine (64.5% and 85.5%), menstrual disorder treated (37.5% and 61.5%).92 percent of patients were cured with bromocriptine and 100 percent with cabergoline. Side effects were recorded in 8504 percent of patients taken bromocriptine and 41.6 percent of those taken cabergoline. The side effects were similar in both groups and included gastrointestinal, neurological and cardiovascular symptoms. One patient discontinued taking cabergoline because of pregnancy and 4 patients coul not tolerated bromocriptine.Concussions: Both bromocriptine and cabergoline treated idiopathic galactorrhea and normalized prolactine level but cabergoline is significantly more effective, better tolerated and has less side effects both in incidence and severity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 21658

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    4 (52)
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Background: Our purpose was to examine the pattern of labor progression in nulliparous and multiparous parturients at Shohada Hospital.Materials and Methods: We extracted detailed labor data from 146 parturients (50 multiparous, 96 Nulliparous). Both nulliparous & multiparous parturients drawn out cervical dilation and Fetal Descent curve according to Friedman's curve. Mean duration of labor (1st, 2nd stage and third stages) estimated too. We used student Hest.Results: Mean duration of labor significantly was shorter than Friedman criteria, but labor curve was similar to Friedman curve.Conclusions: In spite of similarity between our labor curve and Friedman curve, due to short mean duration of labor, normal labor analysis needs be to established through a similar study at other sites of Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1902

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    4 (52)
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Background: Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children and its prevalence is increasing in the worldwide. This study was carried out to evaluate the association between asthma and wheezing in school children in Gorgan with parental smoking in house, personal symptomatic atopy, sex, and family history of atopy.Materials and Methods: Our survey was a cross-sectional study. The study populations were 2800 schoolchildren aged 12, including 53 percent female and 47 percent male. First, survey participants completed a questionnaire and then underwent peak flow measurement. Data analyzed in Epi-Info 2002 software through of appropriate statistical tests.Results: Among the children, 28.2 percent had had wheezing during last 12 months, and 7.1 percent was asthmatic. 35.3 percent of children that did have wheezing, exposed to smoking. Our study found the association between wheezing and parental smoking (P=0.0001). There were strong relations between family history of atopy to asthma in children (P=0.000), also associated with wheezing (P=0.003).Conclusions: Parental smoking seems not to be a causal or increasing factor in the prevalence of asthma among school children of Gorgan, although it is related to incidence of wheezing. It appears that genetic factor and allergens to have a central role in the prevalence of asthma in our study population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1253

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Background: Atherosclerosis is a common cardiovascular disease; many factors are effective on its occurrence. There are derangements in lipoprotein and lipid and enzyme level like as ApoA, ApoB, ApoJ and ApoE. ApoE and ApoB level assessment and relationship between these lipoproteins and atherosclerosis was investigated to help us, better diagnosis and predication of atherosclerosis related problems. Materials and Methods: A case - control study was performed in cardiology department (Taleghani hospital, Shaheed Beheshti -University), which included 25 atherosclerosis patients and 25 healthy people as control group ( at the range of 35-70 years old) and age, weight, smoking matched. We obtained 6 ml of venous blood from each one and after serum removal, ApoE and ApoB level was measured by ELISA method in endocrine and methabolism research center lab. Results: Mean ApoB level in case group was 1.45 glL and 0.76 mg/L in control group. Mean ApoE level in case group was 32.5 mg/Lit and 35.4 mg/L in control group. Difference in weight, age, blood pressure between case and control group was not important from statistical point of view The difference between case and control groups for ApoB was 0.68 (P<0.01) and for ApoE was 2.9 (P=0.46), the findings that measured are meaningful just for ApoB trom statistical point of view.Conclusions: Although we consider difference between case and control groups in ApoB and ApoE level, and just difference in ApoB level was considerable from statistical point of view. Former investigations also confirmed the relationship between ApoB and atherosclerosis. But just some investigations show the relationship between atherosclerosis and ApoE. These findings depend on different alleles. Therefore, that the increased level of ApoE is a nonspecific factor for atherosclerosis process, and more investigations are necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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