Informal settlement is a phenomenon resulting from social-economic inequality in proper distribution of social facilities and resources. Distribution of economic, social and political facilities among all regions of states particularly in developing countries is not identical and uniform, which results in migration of people from deprived regions to wealthy regions, that in its turn result in some problems in urbanization process including informal settlement, which is considered as one of the negative element of urbanization. This research aims to emphasis on preventing informal settlement extension, and necessity of attention and organizing the Islamabad, one of the region situated in district 2 of Tehran municipality, to measure the amount of adaptability of this region features with characteristics of informal settlement.
I have used Analytical Network Process model as the main method of measurement.
The statistical universe was the households residing in Islamabad, which due to the fact that this statistical universe was huge, a stochastic sampling methods was implemented by gathering data through 185 questionnaires. The criteria used in this study by means of Delphi model, was confirmed by the experts as follows: The household’s specifications, household’s demographic specifications, employment status, household’s economic power, household’s anatomic specifications, ownership status, building completion license, accessing the welfare facilities, tendency to cooperate, skills, and sense of dependency to the region.The result of this research using this model, indicate full adaptability of Islamabad with informal settlement features. The comparison of ANP model outcome with information and observations confirms proper application of this model too. I hope this essay be useful to discern the situation and characteristics of this habitation, and be a background for due consideration of informal settlement issues in planning, and cooperation with population of this habitation for the purpose of organization and improving such unorganized urban textures