The aim of this research was to investigate the rate of life skills between the female and male students in three branches of secondary education (theoretical, technical and practical) in Garmsar city on the basis of Wiles and Bondy's model in the school year 1387-88. The target population of the study comprised 3041 secondary education students from Garmsar. Based on Morgan's Table 342 students were sampled in this study. A questionnaire was made by the researchers to collect data whose reliability was estimated at 0.85. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that there was no statistically meaningful difference among three groups of students as regards organization importance, problem-solving, knowledge searching, good intellectual and physical habits, self-conception and direction finding towards family and future. However, regarding cooperative behavior and readiness for change there were meaningful differences. It was also revealed that with respect to educational advancement, knowledge searching, good intellectual and physical habits, cooperative behavior and direction finding toward future and readiness for change there were meaningful differences between girls and boys. But no meaningful difference was indicated between girls and boys concerning organization importance, problem-solving, self-conception and direction finding toward family.