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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This research is aimed to design and validate a competency model for the Kabul public universities' presidents using the content analysis of the exploratory mixed method. In the qualitative section of this research, 10 people of who were experts in the field of competence selected through targeted sampling and semi-structured interviews were done. Then, in two stages of analyzing qualitative data using open and axial coding, competencies were classified into three main categories of individual characteristics, theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Then, based on the findings of the qualitative stage analysis, a research questionnaire was designed and implemented in the statistical sample of 304 faculty members of Kabul public universities who were selected by stratified random sampling method using Morgan table. Therefore, the quantitative data were collected. In the quantitative phase, the path analysis was used to validate the competencies of university presidents. The results indicate that the model has a suitable fitting and acceptable validity. Also, standardized coefficients are meaningful on each of the main themes. Besides, the two main themes, including individual characteristics and theoretical knowledge, have the power to predict the ability of practical skills at a meaningful level. Therefore, the proposed model in the qualitative section was confirmed after the elimination of two factors which were the problem-solving skills in the practical skills theme and charm in the individual characteristics theme.

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Conceptual roadmap, at universities, reflects the goals, missions, and perspectives clearly leading to reinforce and expand the mission of the university components, such as faculties based on the mission of the university. This study was carried out aimed to investigate the faculty members' attitudes towards some factors affecting the creation of a conceptual roadmap of university development (university legitimacy, organizational atmosphere, functions, and disciplines development). This is a confirmatory type work that in the quantitative section through a descriptive-survey method, a researcher-made questionnaire and statistics (mean, frequency, and percent) were used, and in the qualitative section, the focus group interview method and coding and content analysis were utilized to collect and analyze the information. In quantitative section, 234 people were selected among the faculty members of the Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz by randomly simple sampling method. In qualitative section, the group interview was conducted with the participation of 8 experienced people and experts of the university. In addition to face and content validity, the reliability of the questionnaire was also calculated and reported in the quantitative section through the Alpha-cronbach coefficient. According to the quantitative results, the scientific elites are requesting immigration to the other cities and countries, and the atmosphere of the university is heavily political. The educational function is a priority of the university, and the disciplines relative to the potential of Khuzestan province have been focused greatly. The results also indicated that the members of the focus group did not agree with some results obtained in the quantitative section, the most important of which were the faculty members' fear of criticism, the positive impressions of graduates from their studying place and the importance of engineering development and basic sciences as well as the low level of immigration of the university's academic elites from the province.

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The study aimed to design and determine the questionnaire psychometric properties appropriate to the cultural standards of the Iranian community, the fundamental reform document and the national curriculum for effective schools. This was a methodological research, That is statistical population included the professors of Department of Educational Sciences of four provinces in Northwest of Iran: West Azarbaijan, East Azarbaijan, Ardebil and Zanjan. In the first stage, the dimensions and components of effective schools were extracted using theoretical foundations and researches done inside and outside the country, and in the second stage, the questionnaire items were developed considering the extracted components. In the third stage, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were evaluated using face validity, content validity, internal consistency and stability. Based on the results of the first and second stages, the initial questionnaire was provided to panel group members and the face and content validity were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. CVR and CVI values were obtained 0. 65 and 0. 84, respectively. After adjusting, these values increased up to 0. 75 and 0. 91. The internal consistency of the questions (Cronbach's alpha 0. 982) and the test stability were obtained 0. 931 by using the inter-class correlation coefficient with the test-retest method, through the response of 60 people from the target group to the questionnaire. The results showed that the designed questionnaire had the required validity and reliability and could be an appropriate tool for assessing the effectiveness of schools or developing models for effective schools.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of strategic human resource management on the financial performance of university campuses in Iran's higher education system, considering the market strategy (Scholes and Jackson) as moderator variables. The research method was descriptive and survey. The statistical population of this research composed university campuses (N= 49), in which the sample considered all the university campuses, due to the limited number of the statistical population. The research questionnaires gathered from 98 human resources managers and financial managers of university campuses. Data were analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential methods and PLS software. The findings indicated that strategic human resource management effected financial performance of university campuses. Also, the findings showed that the quality of services and financial performance would be increased by implementing strategic human resource management. In addition, market strategy could influence the relationship between strategic human resource management and financial performance of university compuses.

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The purpose of this research is to design a performance management model for faculty members based on the components of intellectual capital. From the point of view, the method is a quantitative and qualitative method. From the viewpoint of information gathering, it is a survey descriptive. Survey research community, All faculty members of Karaj Islamic Azad University. The sample of the sample was Morgan table based on the Morgan table and random sampling was used. Data gathering tool, two researcher-made questionnaires, one functional executive management, and a questionnaire on the appropriateness of the model from specialists and a standard capital questionnaire The Idea of Benati (2004) and the acquired data, Bastat In order to investigate the dimensions of performance management, intellectual capital and also to evaluate the appropriateness of the model with the opinion of experts, one-sample T-test was used. The results of this study showed that all variables were considered to be relevant. In other words, Performance management in the 27th and 127th components and dimensions of intellectual capital in 3 dimensions of human capital, structural capital and customer (communication), and 42 components were identified. Also, the description of the data on different dimensions of the proposed model showed that 90% of the specialists and prospects of the next philosophy and the objectives of the model For example, the relationship between the 80% and 90% of the constructive model was very high. For the implementation of the model, the value section is 70%, the 80% structure, the 100% leadership section, and the bonus section 90%, and the proportion of the model, and the evaluation and reappraisal of the model is also 90% The results of this research indicate that the model is highly specialized by experts. Keywords: Performance Management, University, Intellectual Capital.

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The aim of this study is to develop a model for promoting the role of school in creating social capital of elementary school students in Tehran-District 1. The research method was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data type, it was mixed method. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the research consisted of experts in education and people with executive posts in the field of human resources management. The sample was selected using purposeful sampling method and saturation principle of ten people. The second group of the statistical population of this study included 2695 teachers of non-profit and governmental schools in the elementary school district 1 of Tehran, in the academic year 2017-2018. Among them, 400 samples were selected using the Morgan table and by random stratified sampling method. In this research, the library method, semi-structured interview (qualitative part) and researcher-made questionnaire (quantitative part) were used to collect data. The interview with the experts indicated that the interview was valid, and two coders used to calculate the reliability. The results indicated that the interview was valid and reliable. In order to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire, the face, content and construct validity were used. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and combined reliability were used. Results indicated that the researcher made a valid and reliable questionnaire. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data of the research. In the quantitative part, according to the research questions, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution tables and graphs) and inferential (structural equation modeling, exploratory factor analysis and single sample T-test) were used. The results showed that the school's factors to creating social capital of students were teacher(0. 51), education(0. 53), curriculum(0. 58), school principal, educational staff(0. 40) and school environment(0. 51).

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hashemi sayedahmad

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    4 (40)
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the use of electronic content and educational technology with the job satisfaction of the first grade teachers in the junior high schools of Galehdar city. In terms of purpose and nature, the research method was the applied method and in terms of the data collection procedures, the research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study includes all the first grade teachers of the junior high schools of Galehdar city who were teaching in the schools of this city during the school year 1397-98. In this study, 152 individuals were selected using stratified sampling method. Two standard questionnaires of teachers' attitude toward using electronic content and job satisfaction were used for data collection. The validity of both questionnaires were confirmed by the experts and their reliability were respectively 0. 826 and 0. 816, through Cronbach's alpha test. Our data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and standard multiple regression. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between attitude towards using electronic content and educational technology with teachers' job satisfaction. The findings also showed that up-to-date and efficient electronic content and educational technology, motivation and mastery of teachers in using educational media motivate their students to learn.

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The present study investigates the relationship between organizational learning and organizational commitment among employees of Kurdistan University. Method-population of the study consisted of all employed employees (205 people). Using Cochran's formula, 143 individuals were randomly selected to participate in the study. The data collection tools were two organizational learning questionnaires: Watkins & Marick (1996) and Allen & Meyer (1997) organizational commitment questionnaire. Validity of the questionnaires was confirmed according to the experts' opinion. Reliability was also obtained by using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient 89% and 91% respectively. Data were analyzed using SPSS and LISREL statistical software. In the descriptive statistics section, the mean of standard deviations and inferential statistics were used by Pearson correlation coefficient, one-sample t-test and structural equation model. The results of this study showed that both main dimensions of organizational learning and organizational commitment among respondents are satisfactory and satisfactory. Also, there is a direct and significant relationship between organizational learning and organizational commitment (r = 0. 56). The findings also showed that the highest variance of organizational commitment related to the dimension of the mental model, which is an aspect of organizational learning.

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The aim of this study was examine the relationship of abusive supervision with organizational citizenship behavior and affective organizational commitment. Also examined the relationship of employees' perceptions of interactional justice as moderator variable. This study in terms of aim, functional and in terms of data collection, descriptive survey and the population of the population consisted of 126 elementary school teachers in Arsanjan. Data collecting tool was questionnaire. Validity and reliability the questionnaires using face validity, construct validity and Cronbach's alpha were examined. To analyze the data, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling was used. The results showed abusive supervision has a negative and significant relationship with organizational citizenship behavior, affective organizational commitment and employees' perceptions of interactional justice. It was also found employees' perceptions of interactional justice has a positive and significant relationship with organizational citizenship behavior and affective organizational commitment. Finally, the results was confirming a significant role Variable mediator of employees' perceptions of interactional justice in Relation between abusive supervision with organizational citizenship behavior and affective organizational commitment.

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This paper aimed at identifying the parental participation components in implementing elementary school curriculums from the perspective of the curriculum planning experts of the elementary textbook compilation organization and the professors of curriculum. The Delphi method was used to perform this research according to its subject and nature. Snowball sampling method was used in qualitative section and its size was according to the saturation principle, which was saturated in the 14th person. An unstructured questionnaire was used to collect data in the qualitative section and a structured questionnaire was used in the quantitative part. To determine its validity in the qualitative section, recommendations and training were provided to the members of the Delphi group before responding and Cronbach’ s alpha was used in the quantitative section. For validity of the questionnaire, the professors were used as referee to determine the validity of the questions that were distributed among the group members after their approval. To analyze the data in the qualitative section of the questionnaire, the ranking method and the third quartet were used as agreement criterion and the Kendal coordination coefficient was used to determine the agreement among experts' opinions in the quantitative part, according to the results of the findings regarding parenting practices in implementation of elementary school curriculums are as follows: helping to reduce anxiety and mental tensions, financial assistance for programs, participation through teaching and learning opportunities, parent participation as a teacher and his successor, participation in the implementation of practical methods, facilitating teaching and learning process, emotional and social support in implementing curriculum projects and helping in performing teaching methods according to recognition of local and natural facilities and facilitating lesson study processes. Based on the results, it can be said that the experts have confirmed and selected the following components with more agreement: participation in implementation, financial assistance in implementation of programs and participation in creating learning and learning opportunities.

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The purpose of this study was to identify the skill needs of the educational department managers of the departments of Shahid Beheshti University based on the theory of Wetten Cameron and Woods theory. The research method is descriptive and survey and it is considered as an applied research regarding the purpose. The statistical population of the study included all 113 managers of the educational departments of Shahid Beheshti University in 2017-2018. Morgan table was used to determine the sample size, and 87 people were selected as sample through simple random sampling method. The data were collected using the standard questionnaire for the managers' questionnaires, Wetten Cameron and Woods 2000 questionnaire The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was obtained as 0. 87, and the content and content validity was confirmed by experts. The data were analyzed using SPSS software and T-test and Friedman tests. The results of the study revealed that the most important educational needs identified for these managers were significant effective motivation, conflict management, constructive communication and problem solving management skills. Finally, it is suggested to design the improvement programs for this group of managers based on the mentioned skills.

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There are demands on TEFL students and researchers from national authorities to publish widely. Because of the growing pressure put on students and their professors in the area of humanities especially TEFL to publish in national and international journals, it is often tempting for them to take the shortest possible root to get their articles published. Thus, the objective of this paper is to explore why publishing in predatory journals has been growing among students in higher education. In this article the researchers drew on critical English for academic purposes approach (CEAP) and Bourdieu’ s (1991) concept of symbolic violence to demonstrate how violence and domination are reproduced in higher education which causes students to publish in predatory journals. In order to look into students’ views regarding predatory publishing a structured questionnaire was developed by the researchers and distributed among 52 PhD and MA students. The results of this study state that academic institutions and professors can exert symbolic violence that silence students’ voices. This study pervades critical pedagogy and right analysis into the learning system in order to democratize higher education institutions and to enact genuine and meaningful student engagement in the process of article publication.

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Present Research has been conducted with the aim of providing a model for effective leadership in the country's University of Applied Science. In this work the opinion of Iranian and world scientists and researchers in leadership and high education area and especially community-colleges and vocational high education centers models and frameworks of effective leadership was used. Methodology of this study from the prospective of objective is practical and from the prospective of implementation is descriptive-survey. From the point of data, it also mingles among the research and located in the exploration project. The study Statistical Society includes all managers of university at headquarters and heads of educational centers. To answer the survey's questions, researchers conducted a literature review and semi-structured interview, 54 Index as the main item questionnaire was determined and content validity and Cronbach's alpha was used to determine the validity and reliability and by stratified sampling method among 332 members of the community was collected and distributed. The results was obtained from t-test and exploratory factor analysis and by using structural modeling techniques, the final model of effective leadership consists of 2 dimensions (roles and responsibilities dimension and competence of effective academic leadership dimension) and 9 indices and 54 components.

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The development of faculty members during the learning process, learning is the result of explicit and implicit knowledge through education, research, interaction, and experience. This qualitative research was designed with the aim of The model for the development of faculty members of Payame Noor University based on informal learning using the foundation data theory in the grounded theory framework. Initially, the factors were extracted by reviewing the research history. Finally, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 30 faculty members at Payame Noor University of Hormozgan. By defining the concept of data, the faculty members' meanings and facial features are extracted through informal learning in three stages of coding, and, finally, a research model is presented. The reliability and reliability of the interviews are confirmed by the reliability of the retest and inter-subject agreement. The results of data analysis indicate that the phenomenon of development through informal learning consists of two categories: the implicit learning areas including: educational, ethical, organizational categories; and 2) the domain of learning including individual, academic and meta-class. Interest and morale, challenge and ability to communicate, the condition of wisdom, and promotion and promotion policies are the great conditions. Intervener conditions refer to the students' academic level, university policies and regulations, technology infrastructure, and livelihood status. Social capital, organizational communication, workload and. . . ground conditions. Strategies include collaborative, collaborative, and independent methods based on technology and cooperative and relational methods. The implications of enhancing lifelong learning, higher self-efficacy and promoting individual competencies with limited potential impact domains and creating learning communities, increasing social confidence, are implications for a broad range of possible impacts.

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In the last two decades, as the globalization of universities has taken place, the governance structures of countries have influenced their policy making and this has led to changes in policies, particularly in higher education policy making and in promoting academic scholarship. Has attracted and attracted international students. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the intensity of democracy in the country which is the basis for the scientific promotion of universities. For this purpose, referring to the statistics and information of 16 countries which are more or less in the geographical area of the Islamic Republic of Iran and have some features in common with our country and rank their universities (of course in terms of country statistics) with The partial least squares method is analyzed. The results show that between the indicators of democracy, the dimensions of government functions and free elections, there is a significant and positive impact on the academic rank of universities, which can make countries more developed or more developed. Becoming a contributor and eventually developing these countries can be more effective in attracting international students.

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