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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to design and validate the model of professional competencies of faculty members at Farhangian University. This applied-developmental research was conducted using a sequential exploratory mixed method. The statistical population of the qualitative section includes students, faculty and education experts of Fars Farhangian University. Using purposeful sampling and theoretical saturation technique, 60 members (15 faculty members, 15 education experts and 30 students: 15 girls and 15 boys) were selected. In the quantitative section, the faculty members of Farhangian University were the statistical population of which 150 were randomly selected. Semi-structured interviews and document review were used for data collection in the qualitative section, and a researcher-made questionnaire was used for quantitative data. Thematic analysis method was used for qualitative data analysis and factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used for quantitative data analysis. The initial framework was validated using qualitative criteria. The results showed that the model of the professional competencies of the faculty members of Farhangian University consisted of 3 factors 1) professional knowledge 2) professional skills 3) professional ethics and 11 criteria 1). Content knowledge. 2). Pedagogical conent knowledge, . 3). Knowledge of research. 4). Organizational knowledge. 5). Knowledge of technology. 6). Teaching skill. 7). Research skill. 8). Technology skills. 9). Communication skills. 10). Individual ethics. 11). Organizational ethics and 62 indicators. This model can be used as a framework for recruitment, professional development and evaluation of faculty members of Farhangian University.

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The purpose of this study was to identify the impact indicators in designing MobileMooc system for virtual teaching of employees. Twenty-six papers were selected from ProQuest, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Emerald, Scopus and Springer's databases were analyzed using constant comparative and qualitative content analysis to extract the findings of previous studies. As a result, 27 concepts and 4 main categories (indicators) were extracted through content, open coding, axial coding and selective coding. The findings showed that in MobileMooc design, we should focus on the categories of mobile interactions, educational support system, technology acceptance and technical support system. According to research findings, mooc format combination and mobile learning have potential for informal and lifelong learning, and it is recommended that employees through interaction or being as researchers take a step in fulfilling professional competence through MobileMooc technology. Understanding the important indicators in the design of MobileMooc Technology is important in increasing the professional competence and organizational innovation since we can use it through synergy of experts for the benefit of promoting employee performance and organizational innovation.

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The aim of this study was to design a model of Strategic Thinking for Educational Managements. This research, from the view of the target, is applied, in terms of strategy and method, is a mixed research and exploratory. The statistical population in the qualitative section consisted of faculty members of the educational sciences and Ph. D students of educational management of Kermanshah Azad University and quantitative section consisted of primary schools’,principals in Kermanshah province. The sample size at the qualitative section, 12 people were considered based on saturation principle which, were chosen through purposefully sampling and in quantitative section was 200 people were considered based on the principles of determining sample size in structural equation modeling. A tool for collecting research data in qualitative section was semi-structured interviews and quantitative section was made researcher questionnaire. Validity and reliability of the tool in the qualitative section with acceptable and appropriateness criteria, and validity in quantitative section by the experts and its reliability with Cronbach’, s alpha, Spirman-Brown and combination method was confirmed. The qualitative data were analyzed by thematic analysis based on Brown and Clark model (2006) and quantitative data were analyzed by structural equations and it was tested through the SPSS and LISREL software. The findings from the qualitative section led to the identification of five main elements, including: providence, creative thinking, intuitive thinking, intelligent opportunism and environmental intelligence about the strategic thinking of educational managers. Then, a 32-item scale was presented to the statistical population in quantitative section. The findings of the data analysis in the quantitative section showed that the model of the extracted elements has favorable fit indices.

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Today's organizations need to move towards learning and Learning is created only through human resources analysis and systematic and programmed training. This research is aimed at the pathology of In-Service Training Courses. The methodology of this research is qualitative with the phenomenological approach. The statistical population of the research are employees of at the Organization for Development, Renovation and Equipping schools of East Azerbaijan province. 15 people were selected as the statistical sample purposefully. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect information. Data were analyzed by using Colaizzi e seven-stage method and using MAXQDA software. The research findings included 4 main themes and 17 sub-themes: Lack of suitable context ( Resistance to change, Lack of a specific planning, Lack of employee motivation, Lack of coordination in holding courses and centralization), Shortcomings and inconsistencies in the realm of implementation(Low employee participation, Technical and technological problems, Inadequate budget, Low expertise of instructors and lack of attractiveness of course content), Problems after the implementation ( Lack of comprehensive evaluation system, The lack of relation between theory and practice And not fixing the defects of the courses after the evaluation) And suggestions for improvement(Culture-building, Coordination between Related factors, Funding and initiating change from the administrators themselves) Extracted. According to research findings, there are problems and injuries in the process before the implementation, implementation and after the implementation of training courses in this organization. Key words: Organizational Training, Training Management, In-Service Training, Staff Training, Phenomenological

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The purpose of the study was to evaluate strategic planning in organizations of higher education through the approach of the BSC (Balanced Scorecard) respectively. The research method is descriptive survey as well as inferential analysis using confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the validity. Data were analyzed using Excel software and LISREL. The population in this study using a sample of 214 subjects, 138 cases has been chosen to distribute the questionnaire. Its validity is tested through a pilot study. Its reliability is estimated using Cronbach's alpha value of 0. 821. According to statistical analysis conducted in study In this first hypothesis, "an internal approach (how higher education services), we hypothesized" Client (attracting talented students) "predicted" the needs of stakeholders (founders, the Ministry of Education) ", the fourth hypothesis "innovation in Higher education", the fifth hypothesis, "strategic map", the sixth hypothesis, "financial perspective (budget)" and the seventh hypothesis, "educational technologies and related methods" on higher education organizations, according to there was a significant relationship between the variables that influence and was approved.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of deep and surface emotional labor strategies on students' satisfaction with the mediating role of job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion The research method is descriptive-correlation survey. The statistical population of the present study is faculty members and students of Isfahan University. A total of 175 faculty members were selected using stratified sampling method and 361 students were selected using simple random sampling. The path coefficient calculations and model indicators were processed in Smart-PLS software so that the number of questionnaires collected and analyzed for a part of the model (faculty members) was 175 and for the other part (students) was 361 which after the collection And the answers were analyzed. The results of this study showed that emotional exhaustion has a mediator role between the surface strategies of emotional labor and job satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion has a mediating role between deep emotional labor strategies and job satisfaction, as well as job satisfaction between surface strategies as well as deep emotional labor strategies and Student Satisfaction has a mediating role. The results indicated that emotional exhaustion had an effect on job satisfaction and also the job satisfaction of faculty members affects students' satisfaction.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the use of IoT on the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities with the mediating role of knowledge creation. The purpose of the present study was to describe the purpose of the study in terms of type and type. The statistical population of this study was 95 experts and senior managers of Sari Technical and Vocational Office. The sampling method was census. Data were collected using three questionnaires, namely, IQI, Pohaka Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition Questionnaire (2011) and Nonaka and Takuchi Knowledge Creation Questionnaire (2004). The Technical and Professional General Bureau was approved and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the research instrument, each calculated at the level of 0. 923, 0. 931, and 0. 971, respectively. In this research, data were analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests and Pearson correlation test, regression, structural equations, modeling and path analysis. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between using IoT and identifying entrepreneurial opportunities with the mediating effect of knowledge creation. Also, the use of IoT has significant effects on variable components of identifying competitive opportunities, entrepreneurial opportunities, pioneering opportunity searching and innovative opportunity creation strategies, and also the knowledge creation variable as an intermediary variable.

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The purpose of this study was to present a model and analyze the application of knowledge management in staff improvement. The research was a qualitative and analytical exploratory mixed method. Statistical population of two groups of petroleum engineering faculty member at Islamic Azad University of Khuzestan with 30 of full-time and adjucent members and 100 persons of senior and middle managers in the national southern oilfields company. The statistical sample of managers was selected by stratified random sampling method and the faculty members were selected by simple random sampling method from 20 individuals in each group. Sample size was selected based on Delphi technique. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. Its ostensible and content validity was confirmed by expert opinion and pilot study results. The research hypotheses were adjusted based on the main components and knowledge management infrastructure factors, comparison of NIOC with several oil brand companies, how to return technical knowledge of staff, evaluation of researcher-made 3D model of knowledge management. Written Delphi technique and in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted in 3 separate rounds. Data were analyzed, classified, coded, reviewed, scored and analyzed using content analysis method. The results show that the knowledge cycle of employees at various levels is weak and technical knowledge is traditionally transferred and it is often logged out with retired employees. Managers do not fully understand the impact of knowledge management on organizational improvement and employee improvement. Finally, the knowledge leadership pyramid and the three-dimensional model of knowledge management were both researcher-mode have proposed.

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In this study which is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of quantitative heuristics and of structural equations branch, until the to present a model of factors affecting occupational safety of faculty members with emphasis on the independence of Islamic Azad University. The statistical population in the qualitative sector is composed of experts familiar with the subject (university professors in the field of study). In the selection of experts for interviewing the professors of the top 10 free universities in the country with theoretical saturation according to the ranking of webometrics in 1396 were selected as the statistical population. The statistical population in the quantitative section is composed of all faculty members of free universities throughout the country that number was over 30, 000A sample of 384 was selected by simple random sampling. The data collection tool is the qualitative part of the interview and the quantitative part is a researcher-made questionnaireIts validity is confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis, and its reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and frequency as well as inferential statistics such as correlation coefficient and structural equations were used to analyze the collected data using Spss and Lisrel software. The results of the study show Financial, human, social, political, personal, structural and managerial factors were identified as factors related to job security with emphasis on university independence. The tests showf the other factor besides the social factor influences the job security of professors. Check the average rating that shows the priority of each agent, It shows that the political factor is first and foremost, the average political rating was 4. 85 and higher than the average of other factors. On this basis, it can be said that the political factor has the greatest impact on job security. After the political factor, there is a management factor with an average rating of 4. 81 and the third priority is the structural factor with an average rating of 4. 72.

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The growth and development of any community and society is conditioned on its education system. In this regard, the primary school grade plays a far significant role. Advancing the objectives of this grade can be possible with the help of diligent, compassionate, and servant leaders. The main objective of the current study is to providing a successful leadership model for primary schools based on grounded theory. The approach utilized in the study is based on a qualitative frame of mind and the grounded theory methodology. The sampling method used here involves targeted sampling based on the criterion of theoretical saturation of the data. In order to realize this objective, semi-structured interviews with 24 successful primary school principals as well as key informants were carried out. The duration of each interview session was 30 to 100 minutes and some interviewees were consulted twice. The interviews lasted until the interviewee didn’, t have any new information to provide and the information provided became a repetition of the previous information,in this way, data saturation was realized. In order to measure the validity and reliability of the data, the reviews of the participants and non-participant experts were utilized. The results of the data analysis based on three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding indicated 22 general issues, analyzed in this study based on a paradigm model which includes causal factors, phenomenological factors, contextual factors leadership, intervention factors, strategies and outcomes

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The purpose of this study was the narrative analysis of the perceptions and lived experience of educational leaders of the implementation of Teacher-Oriented Educational Monitoring Patterns in Elementary Schools and the preparation and validation of a native pattern. The research method was exploratory mixed. The Qualitative stage by the method of research narration and with a targeted approach (the method of desirable sampling), participants from educational leaders of West Azarbaijan province were selected to reach the theoretical saturation point and semi-structured interviews were conducted with them. Calculation of reliability and validity of the data was done using two methods of reviewing the participants and reviewing non-participating experts in the research. By analyzing the theme, were dicovered 6 organizing themes and 22 basic themes about the teacher-centered model of supervision. To validate the pattern, a quantitative section was conducted using descriptive survey method. Using Cochran sampling formula, 120 educational leaders from West Azarbaijan Province were selected. The tool used in the quantitative section was a researcher-made scale based on the qualitative section themes network. In the quantitative part, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to determine the validity of the pattern. The results of the quantitative part, using first and second order factor analysis, showed that the teacher-centric the teacher-centered supervision model of native has structural validity.

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The lack of school principals competencies has made them fail to show capabilities required leading to their poor performance in their managerial and leadership roles. The current paper aims at identifing the strategy, context, and outcomes of competence development of high school principals in Tehran province. This is a qualitative paper based on Grounded theory. Thus, using a targeted approach and applying theoretical saturation criterion, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 individuals (seven expert faculty members specializing in the field of educational management, five educational staff principal in Tehran province and five school principals). The data validity was obtained through two methods for reviewing the participants and reviewing non-participant experts were used in the study. The results of the data analysis during the three stages of open coding, theoretical coding and selective coding represent 12 categories including: the pivotal phenomenon (required knowledge, required attitudes, required skills),strategies (create growth venters, providing direct training, implicit training),context (collaborative work culture, supportive atmosphere, decentralized structure,and outcomes, (improving learning quality, organizational growth, professional development).

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This study was applied in terms of purpose and correlative in nature and method. The statistical population consisted of 130 professors of Marvdasht Boys' Technical School out of which 97 were selected by simple random sampling method based on Morgan table. The samples were evaluated by Parsons Organizational Entrepreneurship Questionnaire, Sharon Lawson Knowledge Management, and Organizational Agility by Jank. The collected data were analyzed in two levels. In descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used in concurrent and hierarchical Baron-Kenny methods. The results showed that knowledge management plays a significant mediating role in the relationship between entrepreneurship variables and organizational agility.

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This study aimed to present the suitable model for organizational innovation among the Islamic Azad University Libraries. This research is an applied one and also the method is descriptive survey research with the type of correlational. The statistical society is including all directors and staffs for Islamic Azad University Libraries which the statistical society of this research is 500 in accordance with the recent researches, since total society is available, hence, the all societies were considered as sample. The results of the researches show that research model includes the optimal fitness, so the dimensions and components of effective factors on organizational innovation among Islamic Azad University Libraries determined because of the factor load which is more than 0. 4 and putting t-value in the suitable period. These factors include the individual, group, organizational, environmental as well as human and educational factors. Also, the gained dimensions which were identified, are such as 1-the human and educational dimensions include the components of empowering the knowledge skills, intellectual capital. 2-Organizational dimension includes the components like organizational structure, knowledge management, and organizational innovation. 3-Individual dimension includes the components of ambiguity tolerance, knowledge and specialty. 4-Environmental dimension includes the components of organizational dynamics, technology complexity. 5-Grouping dimension includes the components of management support and communication system.

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The purpose of this study was to design a schooling model for school principals to prevent coronary heart disease (COVID-19). The research method was qualitative content analysis. The research environment consisted of all 54 sources derived from surveys on school management strategies and prevention of respiratory illness and coronary artery disease 2019. The reliability of the results was estimated to be 0. 90 by Holstei method. The data were analyzed using the thematic network. Overall, the results showed that school principals' schooling model for coronary artery disease (COVID-19) had 5 overarching themes (linking health centers, psychological empowerment, setting up a health development council, school health education and immunization) and 14 organizing themes (periodic communication with health centers, cross-sectional communication with health centers, creating a sense of worth, creating a sense of accomplishment, creating a sense of effectiveness, creating a sense of autonomy, controlling staff health, checking teachers' physical status, checking Students' physical condition, with information available Eden Bulletin, notification via posters, inform the teachers on the sidelines of course, the prevention of infection COVID-19, to investigate the prevention of infectious diseases, respectively).

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