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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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In this research have tried to identify barriers of industry development of Sistan and Baluchestan province and to ranking of barriers and then express solutions of industry development of Sistan and Baluchestan province. Statistical population of this research is included all planners and managers of industrial units and organizations of ministry of industries and mines, the assistance office of strategic planning and the industry and mining bank of Sistan and Baluchestan province. From the simple sampling method (n=196) 38 persons of planners and 158 persons of an expert managers of mentioned organizations as expert and aware about issue have been selected as statistical sample. For analysis of the data collected have been used from statistical tests the Friedman and Chi do and also from SPSS software. In this regard, barriers in four categories have enumerated included: credits of financial and currency, technology, specialist manpower and supply of primary materials. barriers of not accompanied the financial strong centers such as banks in support of the manufacturer, problems relating to importation of machine tools and advanced technology, escape the wealth from province, transfer of facilities to unskillful people; escape the specialist work force from province and lack of privileges and incentives of investment of province are the most important barriers of industrial development and solutions are for resolving these barriers.

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An understanding of a competitive strategy and organizational performance can help managers identify decision making processes. Attempts to find the most appropriate strategies for the company which has a better performance. The statistical population study includes food companies of Khorasan Razavi Province. 69 companieswere selected through sample size determination method of Cochran by two-stage cluster sampling. The questionnaires were available to senior managers of companies to test the hypothesis through Pearson correlation then cluster analysis, strategic groups available on the food companies have been identified. The following results were obtained. There is a direct positive relationship between competitive strategies and organizational performance in food companies. Distinctive companies and Cost leadership have a better performance compared with companies implementing Hybrid strategy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of internal strategic factors on financial performance of manufacturing industries listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. The Gursoy & Swanger (2007) standard questionnaire was used to collect data. In this research were surveyed 114 company’ s senior managers and all of the company’ s population. The research population was the car industry listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. In order to analyze the relationship between research variables was used the Structural Equation Modeling technique by using LISREL software. The results of the goodness-of-fit indices such as RMSEA, GFI and AGFI represent the good fit of the model which is usable data. Accordingly to the research findings, the impact of information technology, research and development, marketing, human resources and accounting on the financial performance is positive and significant. So, research conclusions and recommendations are provided to strengthen the relationships between variables in the model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study, is to explain the relationship between the organization's entrepreneurial skills and strategic positioning in the Bank Melli Iran. Four "closed questionnaires" were used for data gathering. The first sample size, is the 80 branches of Bank Melli Iran in Tehran. Also, in order to further field study, strategic positioning questionnaire was collected from the second sample which is 96 individuals of customers. The results indicate a significant relationship (at the 95% confidence interval) between "entrepreneurial skills in the organization" and "superior strategic position" (beta coefficient = 0. 279). The results, Also, obtain the positive relationship between "entrepreneurial skills in the organization" and "entrepreneurial behavior in organizations" (beta coefficient = 0. 299) and the positive relationship between "entrepreneurial behavior in the organization" and "superior strategic position at the 95% confidence interval" (beta coefficient = 0. 936). In addition, the results show that "entrepreneurial culture" (at the 95% confidence interval) influence the relationship between "entrepreneurial skills in the organization" and "entrepreneurial behavior in organizations" (beta coefficient = 0. 310). On the other hand, a comparison of branch managers and customers indicate that their views about superior strategic position of Bank Melli Iran are identical. But their view about physical and perceptual positioning, branch managers and customers had different opinions, although, their views about brand positioning are the same.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present investigation aimed to investigate the impacts of effective components on personal brands based on individual competencies in the framework of cultural, social and professional components. The collected data was obtained from 94 persons who owned brands in Iran in 2013 by using researcher made questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by employing Cronbach’ s alpha method, which was 0. 85. The structural validity was used to check the reliability of it, and the results validated the research tool. The data was analyzed through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), Smart PLS software and Multiple Regression (MP), and the final model was presented in this paper. The results of the present research demonstrated the proper fit of the model based on the effect of the dimensions of cultural, social and professional components and their subdirectories on personal brands based onindividual competencies in the fields of knowledge, skill and attitude.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In recent years, subjects concerning Brand and brand orientation has attracted consideration of some specialists of management field especially marketing. In this research, brand orientation empowerment components, artists and craftsperson of small craft enterprises has been recognized and selected and by examining the manner of communication and their effects, a model as a process recognized and has been tested in Zanjan Province. All craftsperson employing in active handicrafts enterprises in Zanjan province in spring 1392 forms statistical society of research. By judgment sampling, 197 craftsperson from 400 handicrafts enterprises were selected. Research data was collected through questioner and secondary information. Research hypothesis were tested by using structural equations model and correlation analysis and soft wares like SPSS13, LESREL 8/5. Finally, after analysis, all suggested elements of research were approved. Based on direction analysis in process, only two sub-hypothesis was not accepted.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of Paper is to analyze and evaluate the performance of management in Tehran academic public libraries based on the model of EFQM that tries to identify the weak points and strong points of the management, plan for the improvement of strong points and resolve the weak points to get to a more competent and desirable situation in the society so that they can be able to improve their services and satisfy the needs of their members and customers more than ever. The methodology used to conduct this research is a survey and to collect the data a 72 item questionnaire of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) edition 2010 with some changes based on the sample of the study was distributed. The targeted sample comprised of all the middle line managers of central libraries of Tehran State universities under the supervision of Ministry of Science and Technology (70 people) that are working as supervisors of different sections of the libraries. The results of this study show us that the sum of the performance scores of state library management of Tehran city is 434. 17 (43. 42 percent) from the possible 1000 score EFQM which in Enabling section from 500 possible score 238. 37 score and in the Results section from the possible 500 scores, 195. 79 scores had been obtained. Overall this score shows a moderate performance of management in these libraries. Among 9 criteria of Organizational Excellence “ processes and services” and “ leadership” respectively gained 52. 45 (52. 45 percent) and 49. 95 (49. 95 percent) of desired condition as the highest scores and the criteria “ the results of employees” and “ the results of the society” gained respectively 35. 94 (35. 94 percent of the desired condition) and 36. 91 (36. 91 percent of the desired condition) as the lowest scores among these factors. The variance analysis test also showed us that among different public libraries of Tehran universities there is no significant difference with regard to implementing the Organizational Excellence model.

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This research aims; impact of Porter's competitive forces as a stimulus for the application of knowledge management in supply chain financial performance Interfering with an emphasis on the role of innovation in the global appliance industry (case study Pars Khazar ) review Hive to the question: What effect Porter's competitive forces to improve supply chain performance is the application of knowledge? The research and expert holding the appliance industry and Madeira Pars Khazar, respondents to the questionnaire survey form 150 is the number of random samples by using Morgan 108 is intended Method of data collection using a questionnaire consisting of 115 questions with a Likert The validity and reliability has been confirmed Then the structural equation modeling techniques were used to analyze Software from spss16, for statistical analysis and software lizrel8. 5, inferential statistics were used for analysis. Four hypotheses were tested in this study confirm the hypothesis that the first and fourth, second and third hypotheses were rejected. The results of the data suggests that competitive forces Porter has a direct impact on supply chain performance.

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This study is to investigate the effect of negative word of mouth on customers' reactions considering the moderation role of tie strength. Accordingly, a scenario-based questionnaire was online distributed to 268 users of cell-phone operators. It should be noted that, face and content validity of the questionnaire were confirmed through the experts' opinions, and its reliability was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha. Research results indicated that the current customers are more engaged in exit and voice intention than loyalty intention in reaction to abandonment of unprofitable customers. Furthermore, reactions to abandonment of unprofitable customers are affected by tie strength between the current and abandoned customers. It can be concluded that, although the customer relationship management is considered as maintaining the relationship with profitable customers in most of the modern companies, marketing managers should make some appropriate strategies in order to control the unprofitable customers.

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