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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of group logotherapy on depression, anxiety and quality of life in cancer patients in Ahvaz Big Oil Hospital. The original sample included 60 patients who were selected by matching method. Then 30 patients who scored one standard deviation above the mean in Anxiety Inventory (ANQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) & Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ-C30) were selected randomly and divided into two groups (experimental and control). Then 10 sessions of group logotherapy were held for experimental group, but the control group received no intervention. Also MANCOVA was used for analyzing the data. The results revealed that there were significant differences between two groupe on variables (p < 0.001). The depression and anxiety of experimental group were significantly decreased comparing to control group. Also, the quality of life was significantly increased in experimental group in comparison to control group. So, using logotherapy for cancer patients is recommended.

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This Study was done to determine the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral treatment in reduction of negative emotions and pain severity in patients with chronic pain. After selecting 12 eligible people for the test, the subjects were divided randomly in two groups, cognitive- behavioral pain therapy group and the other control group (6 persons per each group). The cognitive-behavioral therapy group received the treatment for 8 sessions (a session per week, for 2 hours), and the control group was put in waiting list for treatment. The subjects in the two groups have completed the relevant questionnaires twice, once before the treatment and again at the end of treatment (approximately 2 months later). Then, the difference between pre-test and post-test of the two groups was compared. The results showed, in general, that in comparison to the control group, cognitive-behavioral therapy led to reduction of negative emotions in experimental group.

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The aim of the present study was to compare anxiety sensitivity, negative affectivity and alexhitymia in asthma patients and normal subjects in Ahvaz. The study sample consisted of 78 patients and 74 normal people. All patients were diagnosed by an allergy and asthma specialist. Psychological variables were evaluated by the ASI, TAS-20, PANAS and SCL-25. The results of this study showed that there were significant differences between the two groups in alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and negative affectivity, but there was no significant difference between the two groups in mental health. The scores of alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and negative affectivity in asthma patients were higher than normal people.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of workplace characteristics and perceived social support on turnover intention, with mediating role of job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion. Survey respondents include 309 employees from the National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) in Ahvaz that were chosen by simple random sampling method. The research instruments were Perceived Job Security Scale, Trust in Senior Management Scale, Perceived Distributive Justice Scale, Information Sharing Scale, Perceived Social Support Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, Emotional Exhaustion Scale and Turnover Intention Scale. The fitness of the proposed model was examined through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), using SPSS-16 and AMOS-16 software packages. The indirect effects were tested by using Baron and Kenny's (1986) method and bootstrap procedure in Preacher and Hayse (2008) Macro program. The findings indicated that the proposed model fitted the data. Better fit and more meaningful results were obtained by omitting 5 non significant paths and using AMOS modification indices. Results revealed that job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion mediate relationships between workplace characteristics and perceived social support with turnover intention.

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The purpose of the present research was to investigate the effectiveness of Islamic therapy in comparison to cognitive-behavior therapy in decreasing the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. For this purpose, from those who had referred to the psychiatric and psychological clinic in Mashhad, 45 subjects with obsessive- compulsive disorder were selected randomly. The subjects were assigned into three groups, Islamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and control. For pretest and posttest the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale was used. The treatment sessions were held once a week. For eight sessions (I hour per session). ANOVA was used to analyze the results. The results showed that both methods used (Islamic therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy) were equally effective in decreasing the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and no significant difference was found between them.

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structure of vocational interests of Shahrekord teachers, based on the Tracey's Spherical Model. The population includes the whole teachers of primary, middle and high schools of Shahrekord from which 633 were selected through the stratified random sampling. The research instruments was Tracey's Personal Globe Inventory. Data analysis, using CI statistical index, revealed that the teachers' interests fitted the data significantly according to the spherical, 8-type and 6-type models and their interests were in accord with a global model. Teachers mostly have helping, artistic and investigative interests and tend to prestigious ideas, people and prestigious occupations. Also the results of analysis of variance showed that there were differences between the teachers' interests, and demographic properties.

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Focusing on the importance of identity formation during adolescence, the objective of this study was to examine the effects of identity status in using coping strategies in stressful situations, in visually handicapped adolescents. The data was collected from 96 visually impaired and sighted adolescents students, male and female, between 15-19 years old, in Tabriz, Maragheh and Tehran. The method was causal-comparative, using the tests: The Dellas Identity Status Inventory-Occupation, and Coping Inventory of Endler & Parker, and were analyzed via Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and t- test. The results showed that there are significant differences between identity status and coping strategies, in the visually handicapped group and sighted adolescents, but the gender was not significant.

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The purpose of this study was to investigale the relationship of personality traits with academic self-handicapping and the comparison of parenting styles in terms of the later variable in the third grade of high school students in Behbahan. Statistical population included the third- grade high school boys and girls in academic year of 1389-1390. 353 students were selected from this population by multistage random sampling method, including 175 boys and 178 girls. Academic self handicapping questionnaire, parenting style questionnaire and NEO personality questionnaire were used to measure variables of the study. Statistical methods of one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regressions (Enter and Stepwise) were used for data analysis. ANOVA results indicated that there were significant differences between parenting styles in regard of academic self handicapping. The results of multiple regression analysis by enter method showed that 16% of the academic self handicapping variance was explained by personality variables. Also result of multivariate regression analysis by stepwise method showed that neuroticism and openness to experience were able to predict academic self handicapping.

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The aim of this research was to specify the causal relationships of IQ and fluid intelligence with academic performance, mediated by personality traits and learning approaches of female students in sophemore and junior high school students of Azna. The sample consisted of 260 students who were selected by simple random method. In this research, the students completed Personal Information Questionnaire, Raven Intelligence Test, Fluid Intelligence Test, the abbreviated version of the Big Five Personality Inventory and the Study Process Questionnaire. The academic performance of students was the average of their final exams of that year. The statistical method was structural equation modeling. The results showed that the proposed model fitted the data and that direct paths from IQ to academic performance and from agreeableness to academic performance was positive and significant. Direct paths from deep learning approach to academic performance and from IQ to deep learning approach was positive and significant. Direct paths from IQ to openness and from IQ to agreeableness was also positive and significant. The mediating role of personality traits and deep learning approach was also confirmed. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through openness to experience and deep learning approach was significant and positive. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through conscientiousness was also significant and positive. The indirect effect of IQ on academic performance through agreeableness was also significant and positive and the indirect effect of fluid intelligence on academic performance through conscientiousness was also significant and positive.

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive group therapy based on mindfulness on sleep quality and life quality in female university students. The study was an experimental method (with control group design). Participants were selected by using accessable sampling method, and were then randomly divided into control and experimental groups. Each group had 15 participants. The Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index and WHO Life Quality Questionnaire were used as pre-test for both groups. The experimental group received 8 sessions of cognitive group therapy based on mindfulness. The results of statistical analysis of MONCOVA showed that cognitive group therapy based on mindfulness significantly increased the sleep quality but did not increase the life quality, during this short session of therapy. These results supported the main hypothesis that cognitive group therapy based on mindfulness would significantly increase the sleep quality.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of therapeutic touch and muscle relaxation on the test anxiety and brain wave activity in Tarbiat Moallem University's students, Tehran. Population of the study included all the students of this university in the academic year of 2008-2009. A sample of 40 students was selected through simple random sampling. Based on the Sarason Test Anxiety Scale and EEG, the subjects were put into four groups of ten: Therapeutic touch group, muscle relaxation group, control group having test anxiety, and normal control group. In this study which was a quasi-experimental research, pretest-posttest, control group design was used. To analyze the data and test the hypotheses of the study, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference between the muscle relaxation group and the control group, in terms of test anxiety and brain wave activity; however, the difference between the therapeutic touch group and the control group wasn't significant. In other words, therapeutic touch method decrease the test anxiety of the subjects significantly, and did not have an effect on the brain wave activity, but the muscle relaxation method decreased the test anxiety and had an effect on the brain wave activity. Therefore, muscle relaxation could be used to decrease the test anxiety.

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The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational health among high school principals. The method was correlational. The sample was 200 high schools principals (107 female and 93 male) in Tehran, who were selected by stratified random sampling method. The Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) and Organizational Health Inventory (OH-S) (1997) were administered to principals. Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results indicated that there was a significant and positive correlation between emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, emotional utilization, emotional evaluation and organizational health (institutional integrity, principal influence, consideration, resource support, morale, and academic emphasis). Also, emotional intelligence could predict organizational health among high school principals. The findings showed that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational health in schools. This could be helpful in planning preventional programs in schools.

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