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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Objectives: Shift work can cause the decreased productivity, changing eating habits, increased fatigue and insomnia, individual and social life disorders and health problems. The workers of automotive industry experience shift wok system according to their workplace conditions. The purpose of this study is the investigation of the health, family and social life problems among the workers of this vital industry.Material & Methods: In this Descriptive-analytic study, 150 workers of the automotive industries at Tehran were selected by simple random sampling. Data collection tool was Survey of Shift Worker questionnaire (SOS). Reliability and validity of the mentioned questionnaire was approved in previous studies.Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS (version 18.0), and presented with Chi-2.Results The results showed that the highest prevalence rate of problems caused by shift work were related to individual, family and social life disorders of shift workers, respectively (>85%).Prevalence of digestive disorders was 82%. According to our findings, persons who have selected the type of their shift work system had the higher level of job satisfaction than others (P<0.001). In addition, the regular shift rotation schedules caused the more job satisfaction than the irregular type (P<0.001).Conclusion: Choosing people voluntarily in shift work schedule and presence of regular shift rotation plans lead to the increased job satisfaction and decreased health problems. According to results, the social and health problems among the workers of the under study industry was too high, so it suggests that to make proper decisions such as lowering shift cycles (two-day change with respect to week), training shift personnel about health effects of shift work and lowering the hours of night shift in order to decrease the presents problem as much as possible.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and objectives: Asthma is a major public health problem affecting over millions people worldwide. Intermittent asthma is the most common pattern in children. Asthma exacerbations often occur after viral respiratory infection.Montelukast (a leukotriene receptor antagonist) has a rapid onset of action and may be effective on reduction of asthma exacerbation if that use early onset viral upper respiratory tract infection.Method and materials: A total of 187 children with intermittent asthma aged between 6-12 years with were participated in this multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial over 2-month period. The children were divided into two groups as Montelukast (93) and placebo (94). Treatment with Montelukast or placebo was initiated by parents at the onset of viral upper respiratory tract infection and continued for 7 days.Results:. Montelukast significantly decreased the cough by 6% (p=0.006), night time awakenings by 5.4% (p=0.013), whereas there were a non significant reduction in wheezing, thachypnea and respiratory distress. (p=0.801) Conclusion: A short course of Montelukast, introduced at the first sign of an viral URI, results in a reduction in symptoms such as: cough and nights awakened. Montelukast as an available treatment, has no significant side effect. Further studies are needed with exceeding cases and duration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: As one of the most vital sections in every hospital, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is where controlling nosocomial infections play an important role in recovery and health improvement of patients. In the present study, effort has been made to find out the Sources of bacteria causing nosocomial infections in order to prevent nosocomial infections in NICU.Material & Methods: In this cross-sectional research, the involving bacteria were identified by collecting samples from hands and nipples of 50 mothers who regularly came in NICU to visit and breastfeed their babies. In addition, samples were collected from hands of 50 hospital staff, breast milk from 50 mothers, airstream in HVAC system, and 50 of the medical equipments available at NICU.Results: This study indicated that in respect of frequency, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Escherichia coli were the main bacteria isolated from mothers’ hands and nipples, hands of the staff, feeding bottles and breast milk samples. As for the airstream in HVAC system, however, no types of bacteria were observed.Conclusion: Coagulase-negative Staphylococci and Klebsiella pneumonia are the most widespread colonized bacteria causing nosocomial infections such as neonatal sepsis in NICU. Having isolated the highest amount of Coagulase-negative staphylococci and Klebsiella pneumonia, the present study revealed that hands and nipples of the mothers, hands of the staff, feeding milk bottles and the containing breast milk are among the major Sources of bacteria causing nosocomial infections at NICU. With regard to the cultured samples of the airstream in HVAC system, there existed no types of bacteria; therefore, it could not have been a Sources of bacteria at NICU.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1089

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Background and Objective: Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood. The disease is caused by a temporary blockage of airflow due to chronic inflammation of the airways.One of the conditions that often occur with asthma and exacerbate disease, is gastroesophageal reflux. The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of acid suppressing therapy in patients with refractory asthma.Materials and Methods: In this study children with moderate to severe asthma under maintenance therapy at least for 3 months and poor response to treatment were evaluated. after exclusion of other exacerbating conditions, treatment with proton pump inhibitor was initiated and reassessment was done.Results: The frequency of mild intermittent asthma increased from 0 to 30% and mild persistent from 40 to 70% whereas moderate persistent asthma decreased from 60% to 0 and there is no case of severe persistent asthma.differences in disease stage before and after treatment were statisticaly significant.Conclusion: Based on the role of antireflux therapy in persistent asthma, we recommend treatment with proton pump inhibitor for these patients after exclusion of other exacerbating conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Backgrounds and Objectives: In Fenton process, ferrous ions reacted with peroxide Hydrogen and produce very active hydroxyl radicals and high potential that its can oxidation of organic compounds such as Humic acid. Thus, the present study aimed at surveying the amount of Humic acid removed from environmental aqueous by Fenton process.Materials and Methods: In this study several parameters, such as initial Humic acid (2, 4, 8 mg/l), pH (2, 3, 4, 5), Ferrous (4, 8, 12, 16 mg/l), H2O2 (20, 40, 60, 80 mg/l) and reaction time (5, 10, 20, 40 min) to removal of Humic acid from environmental aqueous in one-liter water containers were studied. Finally, the outcome of Humic acid removal was assessed by means of TOC analyzer.Results: it was revealed that the most removal of Humic acid from from environmental aqueous could be achieved (1.969 mg/l removed) when the pH was 3, ratio of Peroxide Hydrogen per ferrous was 40/4, oxidation time was 40 minutes and initial concentration was 2 mg/l.Conclusion: It was found Humic acid can be removed effectively by Fenton Oxidation process.

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View 977

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Background & Objective: Poisoning is one of the most common causes in referred children to hospital. Prevalence and Incidence of poisoning is different based on cultural and economic characteristics of different communities. Therefore, in this study we aimed to assess the epidemiologic of acute poisoning in children cases admitted to Imam Reza hospital of Bojnurd.Material and Methods: In a cross sectional descriptive study, the required data were collected from the records of patients younger than 12 years referred to Imam Reza hospital during two years (from April 2010 to end March 2012).Data were analyzed using SPSS-16 software.Results: 211 children younger than 12 years were studied during two years.124 (58.8%) were male and 87 were female (41.2%) and the most common range of age were under 6 months.56.9 percent of the children levied in the rural areas and the summer season with 26.5 percent accounted for the most of the poisoning. The mean duration of hospitalization of children was 2.6 day. The most common case was opium poisoning in children with 68.5 percent.Conclusion: This study showed that the most common cause of poisoning among children were the use of opium given by parents, therefore, parents' instruction is recommended for poisoning prevention among children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1332

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Background & Objectives: Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the major causes of occupational disease in the work places.Prevention of these disorders requires assessment and improvement of working conditions by ergonomics techniques.This study aimed to assess ergonomic risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders construction worker using PATH.Material & Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical study.Work status of 60 construction workers were evaluated using the PATH. Data analysis was performed by SPSS 16 statistical software and presented with general linear model and descriptive statics.Results: from three successive jobs of building Foundation, hard work and joinery have been selected. Labors age was 30.8±10.4 years and the average work experience was 10.6±5.6 years. The trunk posture in the work procedures of the study showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.001).Trunk and legs status assessment showed that neutral state labors make up about 50% of the time. In most jobs, about 80% of labors work in a neutral position and about 51% of labors did not bearing weight during their work.Conclusion: Further studies aimed at assessing job offers, ergonomic tools and design tools and teaching labors in proper lifting techniques can be effective in reducing musculoskeletal disorders.

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Background & objectives: Lakes and reservoirs have been noticed as the important resources to provide drinking and agriculture water, so the optimal usage of water resources demands suitable methods to monitor and define the quality of these resources. Regarding the importance of Ekbatan reservoir that provides main part of drinking water of Hamadan, so quality evaluation seems to be necessary.Material & Methods: This is a cross sectional study that sampling a in 12 months of 2010 in 7 different stations. Quality parameters that were measured including: pH, TS, BOD5, DO, Nitrate, Phosphate, Temperature, turbidity and fecal coliform.Data were analyzed with NSFWQI Results: according to NSFWQI index in studied stations during a year, the highest quality was seen in station No 1 (average quality: 65.24) and the lowest one was observed in station No 6 (average quality: 53.02). Based on the months, the highest quality was seen in February (average quality: 67.52) and the lowest one was seen in August (average quality: 52.76) Conclusion: lake water had higher quality in cold months of the year than those of warm months. In terms of the possibility of using lake water as drinking water, station No 1 and station No 2 had higher quality and with Conventional treatment it would be possible to use the water as drinking water.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1251

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Background & Objectives: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS, is a global hygienic and medical problem.It is a progressive incurable but preventable disease. The aim of this study was assess the knowledge, attitudes to AIDS in the applicant for drivers' health card referred to the health center of Bojnurd in 2011.Material & Methods: In a cross - sectional study 600 drivers were asked to answer the questionnaire containing two sections: demographic information and questions about knowledge and attitude to AIDS respectively. Data were analyzed by chi-square test using SPSS version 16.Results: 45.3% of participants were at age between 20-25years old, education level of 47% of them were in elementry school, 37.8% of drivers had good knowledge, 26.5% had average and almost 35.7% had low knowledge to AIDS respectively.Knowledge related with age, education, the number of children and work experience.15.2% of them had good attitude. There was a positive correlation between age and attitude Conclusion: Less than 30% of them were aware of the ways of HIV transmission. Knowledge of treatment and prevention of HIV was little.Therefore it needs as necessity to promote public knowledge and act about AIDS and through media, schools and health centers.

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Background & Objectives: Affection to Human T Lymphocytic Virus-type 1 (HTLV-1) in 3% of carriers results in HTLV-1 associated Myelopathy or Tropical Spastic Paraparesis (HAM/TSP) with motor, sensory and sphincteric signs. Although, chronic inflammation of spinal cord plays a critical role in this disease, immunomodulatory treatments could not show an acceptive improvement in its symptoms yet. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of sodium valproate, in combination with Peg-Interferon and prednizolone on clinical findings in patients with HAM/TSP.Material and Methods: In a clinical trial study conducted between September and December 2012, HAM/TSP screening was done for patients referred to the neurology clinic of Qaem hospital, Mashhad.10 patients with inclusion criteria were underwent a triple treatment with sodium valproate, Peg- Interferon and prednizolone for 3 months. The clinical signs were assessed with Osame motor disability scale, Ashworth spasticity scale and checklist of urinary signs, before and after the treatment.Results: Pretreatment mean Osame scores in remaining 10 patients was 2.4±1.9, which improved 0.8 in 70% of patients at the end of treatment (P=0.003). Ashworth and urinary frequency scores also showed a significant improvement (P=0.001, and P=0.024 respectively).Conclusion: Our data revealed a significant improvement in motor disability and spasticity in undertreated patients. The authors have reached to a lower or same score of Osme criteria in each patient and higher improvement percentages of all studied population, if compared to IFN based mono-therapy studies. Therefore, the role of sodium valproate in improvement of motor signs in patients with HAM/TSP needs to more investigations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Backgroud & Objective: Debridment necrotic tissues then healing under tissue is one of the necessary intervention in management burn wounds. The presence of necrotic tissue is an important problem in patients with deep burns. This study compare topical effectivness of kiwifruit versus Elase pomade on removal of necrotic tissue of full-thickness burns in male rats.Material & Methods: In this experimental study, were selected 10 vistar rats. After anesthesia by ketamin and xylosine, both flanks of rats were shaved. Then full thickness burns with 3cm diameter were produced using boiling water. Rats were divided into 3 groups randomly. One side of the first was treated by elase pomade and the other side of the first was treated by elase pomade and the othere side in group was used from topical kiwifruit.Results: Findings showed that kiwifruit debridement time with 5.7days was related to elase pomade (p=0.001). also this difference was significant in elase groups (p=0.001). On the other hand there was relatively no significant difference between debridement time in two control groups. In addition neoepithelialization and healing were faster other groups.Conclusion: The result of research indicate that using topical kiwifruit not only causes no injury to healthy tissues but also can be debridement in the short time. Findings this study can open new horizons and provid a new treatment modality for burns.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2379

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Background & Objectives: Aflatoxins are major group of mycotoxins which are mainly produced by some mould strains of Aspergillus Flavus, Aspergillus Parasiticus and Aspergillus Nomius. Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is a hydroxylated metabolite of aflatoxin B1 that it can be found in milk and milk products.Cancer of liver is the most toxicogenic effects of aflatoxins. The presence of AFM1 contamination in milk and other dairy products are caused to serious health concerns as if today's it has investigated by many of experts and public health researchers.Recent studies have presented that microbial methods are one of the most effective ways for removing AFM1. Whereas some of probiotics as viable micro organism have shown the aflatoxins reduction, so the aim of this study is detoxification of Lactobacillus casei in yoghurt for making new probiotic yoghurt with detoxification properties.Materials & Methods: Milk contaminated artificially with aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) at levels of 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, and 0.75 (ppb).Then starter Yc-280 & Lb.casei-431 were added and incubated at 42oC. In next step the cold yoghurt was centrifuged and the amount of aflatoxin M1 residue in the supernatant was measured by ELISA method. Finally, the results were analyzed with the SPSS 16.Results: The analysis of yoghurts during manufacturing with starter & Lb.casei-431 showed that the mean percentage of absorbance was 94.15%.Conclusion: This study showed that all tested yoghurts had significant differences (P<0.05) in reducing the levels of aflatoxin M1. The effect of probiotic strain of Lb.casei-431 is a safe method that it can be used for detoxification without losing nutritional value.

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View 1205

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Backgrounds and Objectives: post anesthesia shivering increases the oxygen requirement up to 500%, post operative pain, post operative nausea and vomiting, blood pressure, intra-ocular pressure, intracranial pressure, and prolongs recovery stay. Meperidine is one of the most useful drugs for treatment and prevention of this condition but would lead to common side effects of opioids. Addressing an effective drug with less adverse reactions, we compared the therapeutic effects of Ondansetron and Meperidine.Methods and Materials: This randomized triple blind placebo controlled clinical trial examined 206 patients were divided into three groups. Statistical analysis was done using paired T-test.All patients were analyzed in the group as they were randomized (Intension to treat). All statistical analysis performed in SPSS-18 software.Results: The difference between three groups was significant in particular treated patients with meperidine group (P<0.001). The number mepredine group was significantly more than 50%while the number of patients treated with Ondansetron was 50% and showed no significant difference. The number of patients treated with placebo was significantly lesser than 50%.Conclusions: Meperidine is more effective than Ondansetron in treatment of post anesthesia shivering notwithstanding, ondansetron is an appropriate therapy in some conditions.

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View 1088

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Background & objectives: Occupational burnout is a syndrome in response to chronic stress and is seen mostly in human service professions. It includes three components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal dis- achievement. The aim of this study is to determine the rate of burnout syndrome within the mentioned community and its relationship with some demographic and occupational factors.Material & Methods: We invited all midwives who were working in public health centers and hospitals to participate in the study.200 midwives filled Maslach questionnaire completely.Results: 56% of the individuals felt emotionally exhausted, 53.5% were depersonalized and 60.5% did not feel a sense of personal accomplishment in their jobs. The factor of workplace was found to be strongly related to all components of occupational burnout. The midwives who had more duration of midwifery experience, working more hours per month, had rotating shifts were more likely experience burnout syndrome than others.Conclusion: Our results suggest that improvement in the midwives' work conditions especially in the hospitals can help to prevent burnout, job dissatisfaction and subsequent complication.In addition, there is a dire need to help midwives to learn effective coping skills with their job conditions.

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Background and Objectives: dental Caries prevalence is high among Iranian students. Studies have shown that motivational interviewing is able to change health behaviors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a brief intervention based on motivational interviewing in promoting oral health selfcare behaviors among adolescents in Qazvin city.Material & Method: In a quasi-experimental study based on a multi-stage sampling with random selection of 4 boy-specific schools, 40 students were assigned to each of the experimental and control groups. Intervention protocol was conducted in treatment group in accordance with the recommendations of Miller and Rowling included 6 sessions (60 minute per session) based on the initial need assessment and in order to coping skills and problem solving development. Demographic variables, psychological constructs were measured using self report questionnaire before, 2 and 6 month after motivational interviewing. Finally, the data were entered into SPSS 17.0 software and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential analyses.Results: The results indicated that a significant change in the attitude (from 14.82±3.86 to 25.75±3.86), behavioral intention ( from 11.03±4.15 to 18.80±3.37) and self efficacy (from 37.65±9.43 to 52.93±7.48) were seen in the experimental group 6 months after motivational interviewing (P<0.001). furthermore, the average of brushing (from 0.79±0.33 to 1.24±0.37) and dental flossing (from 0.30±0.32 to 0.42±0.37) showed a significant increase in the experimental group after interviewing (P<0.001).Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that motivational interviewing in the individual level can lead to a better antecedent psychological constructs and promote oral health self care behavior and as an effective component of prevention and promotion programs can play an important role in oral health.

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View 1637

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Background & objectives: Tissue engineering techniques try to produce artificial tissues with properties like normal tissues.Regardless of progress in tissue engineering techniques especially in design and synthesis of suitable scaffolds, loading of cells into scaffolds is a serious obstacle in obtaining proper results in tissue engineering. Aim of this study was to prepare scaffolds from decellularized esophagus tissue with dimensions like normal tissue to study arrangement capability of cultured human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSCs).Methods: After removing the esophagus, physical and chemical decellularization methods including snap freeze-thaw and treatment with Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), as detergents, were performed. The scaffolds, were then cultivated with human AD-MSCs at a density of 5´105 cells /cm2.Microscopic sections were prepared from the scaffolds before and after 2 weeks of culture with cells and were studied.Results: Histological studies showed that proper migration and extension of mesenchymal stem cells in esophagus matrix led to arrangement of these cells in different layers of the prepared scaffold.Conclusion: considering layers structure of esophagus matrix, prepared scaffold might be a suitable scaffold for studying cell behaviors and preliminary studies in esophagus tissue engineering.

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Background Objectives: This study was carried out to evaluate the development of skeletal muscle-like cells derived from human adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells induced by 5-azacytidine [5- aza] under in vitro condition.Materials and methods: Human adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells [ADSCs] were purified. These cells were cultured in osteogenic or adipogenic induction medium to induce osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation. On the other hand, the skeletal myogenic differentiation potential of these cells was investigated using 3mmol 5-azacytidine [5-aza] treatment for 24 hours. Then the culture was washed out by PBS and were put in the culture medium free of 5-aza for another 4 weeks until sampling. RT-PCR assay was performed to detect the expression of specific skeletal muscle genes including Myogenin, Myh, alpha-actin, tropomyosin and myosin at 1-4 weeks after the first induction.Results: The adherent adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells exhibited a significant proliferative capacity and also showed osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation as seen in previous studies. The expression of four skeletal muscle cells genes was detected 1st to 4th week after induction in a time-dependent manner.There was a continuous increase in expression of Myogenin gene from the 1st to 4th week, whereas that of the Myh was higher after two weeks and lower after 4 weeks in comparison to the other weeks.The levels of mRNA of alpha-actin and Myosin expression were at the highest level in the fourth week. Expression of tropomyosin gene was not significant in the samples.Conclusion: The current study indicated that stimulating human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells by 5-aza with the concentration of 3mmol under in vitro condition can lead to differentiating skeletal muscle-like cells. Furthermore prolonged culture duration may lead to more differentiated cells.

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Background & objectives: Service quality is important in evaluating hospitals. For accurate evaluating, it should be a standard to compare the quality and quantity of existed status of emergency units. Promoting the quality of service in emergency unit needs accurate measuring of existed conditions and investigating the problems of this unit. The goal of this study is investigating the performance of emergency unit of hospitals.Materials and Method: This project was a descriptive-cross sectional study in 2011 which investigated six emergency indices related to human resources, structural issues, medical facilities and medicine, non-medical and security facilities and medical services in all hospitals of the province using standards of ministry of health evaluating checklist were evaluated. The data was analyzed by SPSS software and presented with descriptive statistics and single sample t-tests.Results: From total score of 1801, the studied hospitals acquired scores were as follow: hospital A 1552, hospital B 1463, Hospital C 1440, hospital D 1394, hospital E 1420 and hospital F 1449.According to these scores, hospital A was categorized in first class hospitals and the rest of hospitals were categorized in second-class.Conclusion: Although these hospitals were categorized in first and second class by final score of evaluating checklist of ministry of health care, still some promotion and upgrading is demanded.

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Background & Objectives: The frequent Comorbidity of depression disorder and substance use disorders (SUD) is welldocumented.Metacognitive therapy is designed as a treatment to influence cognitive-attention syndrome, metacognitive processes, knowledge of its stimulating and action on the cognitive subsystem. The aim of present study was to investigate effect of metacognitive therapy on depressed addicts on methadone Maintenance treatment in Mashhad.Methods and materials: Of the 75 addicts receiving methadone the sample was included 24 participants who were assigned by random sampling in experimental (N=12) and control group (N=12). Addicts were completed Beck Depression short Inventory (BDI-13) in the pre-test, post-test. Data were analyzed by the SPSS 16 and presented with covariance (ANCOVA) test. Alpha level less than.05 was considered significance ( p<0.05).Findings: analysis of ANCOVA showed that there are significant differences between experimental and control group based on depression (f=184.8, p<0.001) in post-test stage.Conclusion results suggest that metacognitive therapy could be a short and effective treatment. Thus the thoughts and feelings without judgment and evaluation are done with the help of mental imagery. Additionally it is consistent with a detached mindfulness conceptualization of problematic abuse behavior and further add to our understanding of the role of specific metacognitions and mindfulness across the continuum of Abuse behavior and mood disorders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objective: Accompanying with industrialization, noise pollution is coming to be a serious problem in the workplace. Since some of peripheral infections have been caused by Escherichia coli bacteria, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of single-frequency noise pollution on the growth of Escherichia coli.Material & methods: An audio amplifier was designed and constructed in order to produce sound waves of multiple 8 different frequencies. Centers of frequency were included 63.5, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 Hz. The sound intensity was considered as well of 30 dB. In each frequency, ten medium of E-Coli were studied. Mediums were divided into two groups and were incubated in the same conditions one group in the exposure of sound waves (experimental group) and the other without a sound wave (controls). The bacteria were incubated at 37oC for 24h. Then bacterial colonies were counted. The results of the experimental and control groups were analyzed by with MATLAB2011 and presented with t-test. Alpha level of 0.05 was considered significance.Results: The results showed that the bacterial growth rate significantly increases in frequency of 63.5, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz (p<0.05), such that bacterial growth rates also increase through the frequency increasing. Bacterial growth rate was significantly reduced in 8000 Hz (p<0.05). In other frequencies, the bacteria growth rate did not follow a specific pattern and their changes were not significant.Conclusions: This study showed that single frequency noise pollution has effect on bacteria growth and its effects are increased on within the ear sensitivity. Therefore this area could provide fertile ground for the growth of bacteria, thus controlling the audio frequency is proposed in industrial environments.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a potentially devastating disease in the central nervous system with an unknown etiology. Many epidemiologic and genetic studies are revealed that both genetic and environment can influence the susceptibility of MS. When microRNAs are introduced to molecular genetic world, they could establish their position in genetic studies. MiRNAs are small (19-24 nucleotides) noncoding RNAs. Here, we are trying to introduce the role of miRNAs in MS and their potentials to serve as biomarkers.Material & Methods: In this study we reviewed some different articles in a 10-years period about the role of miRNAs in MS.Then we selected the specific keywords and the most recent data were collected in this field.Results: The results show that many studies are performed on the role of miRNAs in various aspects of miRNAs in MS. In addition, miRNAs can be involved in the pathogenesis of MS, as well as they have some new therapeutic potential for MS through the gene expression regulation.Conclusion: Our results suggest that beside the role of miRNAs in MS pathogenesis, they have some therapeutic potential for MS.As well as, they can serve as biomarkers to evaluate disease progression and therapeutic efforts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nicolau Syndrome (NS) is a rare but severe localized adverse reaction at the site of intramuscular drug injection. The typical presentation is intense pain around the injection site soon after injection, followed by erythema, purplish network discolouration of the skin (livido reticularis), haemorrhagic patch, and finally tissue necrosis. Here in, we report a 7years old boy, the forth Nicolau Syndrome (NS) reported from Iran after a single intramuscular injection of penicillin.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: Breastfeeding is an important principle in pediatric health. It decreases their mortality and protect them fromm diseases in the first 6-month of life. This study aimed to determined Maternal Knowledge and practice in Mashhad City about Breast-feeding in first 6 -month of Infant's life.Material and Methods: This Analytic study was conducted on 105 mothers who had a child between 6 to 12 months, and selected by the cluster sampling and simple random, completed the Knowledge and Practic questionnaire who was made by researchers. Information were analyzed by descriptiveanalytical test (ANOWA, T-test, corelation) in spss software in version11.5.Results: This findings showed that 72.4% of infants have had exclusive until end of the first 6-month.breast-feeding. Average of maternal knowledge about exclusive breast-feeding was 19.818+4.545 of total score 28 and average of maternal practice was 7.106+2.338 of total score 12. Status of growth infants at 4.8% was very good and in 42.9% was good.There was a significant relationship between maternal practice about Breast-feeding and fathers' education, number of children, status of growth (p<0.05). There was a significant relationship between maternal knowledge about Breast-feeding and area who lived there (p<0.05) and also there was a direct and positive correlation between maternal knowledg and practice (p=0.000, r=0.212). There was a significant relationship and reverse between maternal practice and age of mothers (p=0.007, r=- 0.266).Conclusion: Maternal Knowledge and practice about breastfeeding infants is moderate. Planning is essential to target groups to promote breastfeeding in the first 6- month of infant's life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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