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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Energy consumption has been an important issue in consumer behavior in selecting and buying products in recent decades. TV manufacture are doing their best to improve their technologies in order to persuade and promote customers in more usage of their products and increase their market share. LED is the latest technology of TV-sets. This TVs have less energy consumption comparing to LCD. This research has studies the Relationship between promotion mix and sales amount of foreign TV-sets in Iran Sony and Samsung LED. Relationship and effect of five promotion and advertising tool were studied according to Katler model and they were rakked according to Fridman test. Results show that advertisement has positive relationship with the sales of LED TVs. Rank of promotion mix elements is as the following priority: promotion, direct sales, public relation, advertisement and direct marketing. In Sumsong company, promotion, direct sales, public relation, advertisement and direct marketing had more impacts on the sales but in Sony, public relation, direct sales, promotion, advertisement and direct marketing had more impacts on the sales. Totally, this research shows that Somsung company has sensible difference with Sony company in the usage of advertisement in its marketing mix.

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View 2301

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Six Sigma as a powerful management tool that is introduced in order to make changes in the organization is essential. Six Sigma not only a technique but a vision, and vision and strategy is strong tools The study determined the effect of applying Six Sigma accuracy, reduce the number of customer complaints, savings in costs, saving staff time meter reading gas company Marand has been studied, this hypothesis has been proposed for four - Applying Six Sigma increase meter reading accuracy is staff Applying Six Sigma reduces the number of customer complaints are 3-Applying Six Sigma cost saving is 4-Applying Six Sigma saving in time is In order to collect data and information about the company Marand city gas was used for statistical analysis by SPSS assumptions used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1042

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Today, Customer loyalty is the key to commercial success. With increasing customer loyalty, market share and profitability of companies increases. Understanding and planning strategies for the market with loyal customers and increase their loyalty creates long-term benefits for firms. With advances in technology and a more competitive market conditions in the different sectors of production and services, customer loyalty can be considered as the capital of any company. The goal of all marketing activities is to build consumer loyalty to the brand and build customer loyalty and repeated visits, which requires consumers to trust trademark. The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the test results which indicates a positive impacts are defined. The research method is descriptive survey and the main tool for data collection was questionnaire that was distributed among the province and national bank customers. Data analysis was performed using Amos software. After analyzing the data, the results showed that Advertising, Sales promotions, perceived quality, Brand awareness and brand association have impact on brand loyalty.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2461

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Systems talent, today more and more sophisticated metrics are used to evaluate individuals. In addition to the criteria of leadership capacities of individuals associated with the organization's values and norms and includes the capacity to learn and grow as individuals as well as the results of their performance. First, successful companies identify the capabilities and competencies of the organization's strategic goals and direction of attention are capabilities based on the needs and issues related to strategy formulation and Second, in assessing the capabilities of current practice and focus on their potential. Performance-related  criteria usually include how to achieve the objectives and adherence to the organization's values and Norms while the Ability of the Individual potential for successful leadership in higher levels. This research effort, using a descriptive survey to assess the underlying factors used to provide realistic and accurate high-potential individuals and increase the accuracy and reliability of subjective assessments and judgments using new approaches to psychology and factors of these approaches is valuable. The population of Internet service providers are companies that are number 11 in the company. A questionnaire was used as research tools Its validity by experts and its reliability was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha. Accordingly, 250 questionnaires were distributed among experts Category headed up. Three variables of cognitive, behavioral and environmental factors in the process of identifying talent in this study as intended the impact of these three variables has been studied at different stages of the talent. Statistical analysis was also done to confirm the profound impact of these factors. The result implies that Retaining talent Psychological most important variable approach to assess the influence of variations in the performance management process is gifted. The most important factor in keeping the talent is.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1197

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Experts believe that the lack of effective managers as well as the failure to identify the abilities and using them in organizational performance is the main reason behind organizations' failure to achieve the stated goals. As studies show, this has not been taken into account in the context of Iranian organizations. This study aims to identify the abilities of an effective manager in Iranian public organizations. To this end, the primary model was designed, drawing on the research literature and conducting theoretical studies. Then, 25 experts were interviewed for purpose of designing the model which incorporates the characteristics of effective managers of administrative system as well as the dimensions of theses abilities. The universities professors who had served as the advisers and managers in administrative organizations along with the views of mangers of public organizations in Qazvin province and Eastern Azerbaijan Province were used to improve the model. 240 questionnaires were distributed among the professors and managers. Finally 204 questionnaires were confirmed and analyzed, using factorial analysis method and Lizer Software .At the end, a fuzzy system was designed by drawing on 8 experts' opinions. This system was tested in several stressful and non-stressful jobs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1305

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Policy implementation by government agencies is needed to develop formal rules. To implement a policy, legislation is necessary. Policies were implemented according to standards, criteria and specific conditions and real life situations, to enforce the law, action shall. The official rules have run out of power, but at run time, the efficiency and effectiveness are necessary to enjoy. This has led to the improper implementation of policies and barriers that have been. The tenders will be considered one of legislative policy in 1383 that was approved by parliament. Significant parts of the objectives of this law can be Mnaqshgran qualitative evaluation, technical evaluation of commercial proposals, explain and describe documents, documentation and information noted. The main pillars or foundations of law are: transparency, competitiveness, according to the quality, consistency in the procedures and resources expended funds belonging to public sector. Absence or scarcity of the factors mentioned, Obstacles and difficulties in holding that the law of tenders after they were identified, With giving opinions on a broad population consists of scientific and academic elite, The main obstacles in holding law enforcement agencies with a view to, Regulatory agencies and contractors participating in the tenders, Using techniques of AHP (MADM approach to the collection of the following techniques) Were determined. Finally, five key indicators and 20 criteria that influence the effective implementation of the tenders were prioritized as Lack of appropriate procedures for evaluating the quality of contractors participating in the tenders, Lack of adequate procedures for financial evaluation contractors participating in the tenders, Lack of transparency and inform the appropriate government agencies, Public tenders by the tender system of justice in transition and Discrimination than participants in the tender.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2065

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Lean is one of effective and fundamental concepts in increasing operational efficiency and effectiveness of each organization. Current research "consideration of effective factors on leanness of police maintenance system is going to use lean models to consider effective factors on leanness of police maintenance system. This is a descriptive-analytic research. So, 144 people from specialist and managers of police maintenance system were selected as a sample by random sampling. After recognition of critical factors, the research questioner was provided, and distributed between samples. After data entry in SPSS, KS test was applied for considering normality of data, one sample T-test for recognition of effective factors, Friedman and Wilcoxon for ranking and Liesrel and confirmative factor analysis for confirming effective factors. The results showed that effective factors on leanness of police maintenance system are: capabilities, strategies, and infrastructure and structure. Also, there is a significant relation between these factors and leanness of police maintenance system. The ranking of effective factors is as follow: strategies, capabilities, and infrastructure and structure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2434

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