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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In current century, success of organizations is dependent on the correct management of knowledge and also knowledge management (KM) successful implementation relies on its critical success factors (CSFs). Identifying these critical factors can help businesses in planning and implementing knowledge management. Hence, this study aims to propose a conceptual model with the CSFs approach in order to identify and prioritize these factors in automobile industry in Iran and to reduce the probability of knowledge management system implementation failure. After reviewing the research literature and integration and summarization of the factors, 26 indicators were found and categorized in 5 groups. After the endorsement of experts, questionnaires were broadcasted among the population of statistical society in Bahman Automobile Industry. Data analysis showed that all the factors of the model were verified. In the next step, Friedman test results show that the ratings are as follows: 1.organizational culture, 2. Organizational factors, 3. Information technology, 4. Goals and strategies, 5. human resource management.

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The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of modern political marketing tools on national cohesion. In this study, researchers sought to study the concept of these variables in case of recognizing the relationship between them. This study has been in done in 6th region of Tehran. For collecting data, a survey method has been used which its construct and content reliabilities were tested. In addition, the validity of questionnaire’s items was verified by researchers, scholars and experts. Liserl software and Factor Analysis were used to assess construct reliability. The conceptual model of research includes modern political marketing tools as independent variables, and national cohesion as dependent and political participation and public trust as nuisance variables. As a result, this paper shows the significant relationship between modern marketing tools and national cohesion.

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The purpose of this study is investigation the impact of components of action-centered team leadership on team synergy development has been with mediator role of individual learning and team skills. The research method is descriptive-correlation and was based on Path analysis. Statistical population included all staff of general administration of tax affairs of Hamadan province comprised of 518 people, and the sample size of 221 subjects was determined based on the Cochran formula. Toward data collected used from the four questionnaires with items: action-centered team leadership, individual learning, team skills, and team synergy. For appointment of the questionnaires validity used of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and to assess the reliability used by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, was estimated 0.87, 0.91, 0.90 and 0.89 respectively. The data after collecting analyzed by SPSS and Amos Graphics. Results showed that: Direct effect of components of action-centered team leadership include task management, team efficacy, and individual autonomy support on individual learning, team skills, and team synergy is positive and significant. Indirect effect of these factors on team synergy with intermediary of individual learning is positive and significant. Furthermore, indirect effect of every three components on team synergy with intermediary of team skills is positive and significant.

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Existence of pressure on industries for successful competition, gives redundant importance to ability of percepting future. Withal, manufacturing sector is one of the important economic pillars of each country. In line with this, the purpose of this study is presenting a model of key factors affecting the future of manufacturing in Islamic Republic of Iran. This research is an applied research and in terms of data gathering, is descriptive from metrical type. In this research, research fiches, asking experts’ opinions and questionnaires have been used for data gathering, so that by using library studies, 31 key factors affecting the future of manufacturing were identified and then based on opinions of 7 professors and experts, expertized conjointly in both foresight and manufacturing fields, 9 other factors were added and categorized in 8 dimensions. Then questionnaires, containing all factors, after validity confirming by 7 experts, were distributed among 121 experts of foresight and manufacturing fields in Tehran, chosen based on snowball sampling method till the saturation stage. In reliability examination stage, 4 factors and in the stage of data analysis through confirmatory factor analysis, 4 other factors were eliminated and finally a model of key factors affecting the future of manufacturing was presented.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of strategic leadership on performance in Technology-driven Enterprises listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. The research used a mixed methodology for attaining this goal. In the first step, Delphi method was used for identification the dimensions and factors of strategic leadership (qualitative). In the next step, the survey method was used for investigating the effect of strategic leadership on performance (quantitative). In the qualitative section, the sample included 24 experts in leadership and strategic management. Descriptive statistics were used for data analyses. In the quantitative section, the Statistical population included 65 cases in four industries of automobile, electrical machines, chemical and medical products. Using census method, the data of 42 corporations were analyzed. Questionnaires and secondhand data of corporate were used as instruments for data collection. It has used Structural Equation Modeling in Partial Least Square (PLS) method for data analysis. Based on results of Delphi, a model of strategic leadership with 3 dimensions and 18 factors were presented. The results of quantitative data show that, totally, individual, organizational, and environmental capabilities describe %29.2 of performance changes. Several suggestions have been presented based on the findings.

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Entrepreneurship is one of the interdisciplinary sciences that has recently received a lot of attention and plays a strategic role in the development of science and technology in the country. But the development of this knowledge needs to policy making and also in turn requires an accurate understanding of the current status of the field of entrepreneurship in the country. Map of science, is a tool that is able to provide the knowledge to policy makers, this study aimed at mapping based on scientific knowledge of entrepreneurship, Iran’s Persian scientific researches in recent years (2000-2011) has been performed. Survey of all Persian scientific paper and research in the field of entrepreneurship that had been collected from the SID database, from the number of scientific papers, 219 samples have been selected and analyzed. Data were analyzed using Pajek software. The credibility and transferability of data were assessed. The results showed that the largest number of published papers were in the areas of “organizational entrepreneurship” and “individual entrepreneurship”. “Journal of entrepreneurship Development” and “Quarterly Journal of New Economy & Commerce” have most subscribed, and Journals “Women’s Studies” and “psychological outcomes” lowest common themes in the articles published by Industry, Agriculture and Services sectors in the area of entrepreneurship

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Abstract This study aims to identify job stressors faculty members of Birjand University and its relationship with quality of work life. The research method was descriptive and correlational that Using Cochran’s sampling formula that Sample size was determined by actual count, 136 members and simple random sampling was used. Job stress (HSE) questionnaire with reliability (a= 0.90) and quality of work life questionnaire with reliability (a= 0.91) was used to collect data .Data collected by the research questions and using KM test, explorarity factor analysis, correlation analysis, stepwise regression for analysis. Result showed the most important job stressors are demand, officials and support staff, management and relationship. QWL as well as faculty members of Birjand, in the rule of law, fair and adequate pay, Human capabilities development, providing opportunities for continued growth and security, overall living space, workplace safety and health and social integrity. Job stress and QWL(r =-0.33)have a significant inverse relationship and demand (r= -0.35), control (r= -0.30) and Role (r= -0.11) as job stressors have a significant inverse relationship with the quality of work life. Among job stressors, demand and control have a significant multiple correlation with QWL and predicted 0.17% of their change.

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A suitable organization climate not only can be affective on improving individuals’ stimulation, motivation and participation in decision-making, and increase their creativity and innovation, but also it can be seen as a source of enhancing their productivity. Therefore, this research has been done to investigate the role of organizational climate on increasing the staffs’ productivity in Technical and Vocational colleges in Tehran. Regarding the methodology, the study is conducted as a correlation descriptive research. The population includes staffs working in all technical and vocational colleges in Tehran (1500 individuals). 305 participants as are randomly selected and the sample size is determined on the basis of Kukran formula. The data collection tools are the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire (OCDQ) by Andrew Halpin and Don Croft (1963) and Productivity Questionnaire by Blanchard and Gold Smith (1980). The questionnaires’ validity are confirmed by experts and their reliability coefficient are 0.87, 0.85 respectively according to Cronbach’s Alpha. In order to investigate the relationship between variables, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis methods are applied. The gained results reveals that there is a positive significant relationship between different aspects of organizational climate such as team spirit, circumspect behavior at workplace, cordiality among staff, disturbance at workplace, spacing at workplace, employers` penetration and dynamism, evaluation of science production, and the staffs’ productivity.

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Organizational storytelling is frequently discussed for many years in management but unfortunately, there is only one study in this case in Iran. According to the above mentioned theoretical vacuum, we decided to describe the method of using culture, morality and spirituality from organizational storytelling. This study is descriptive and functional. Two hypotheses: the storytelling impact on moral and spiritual culture development. Data collected by questionnaire, Content validity and reliability of the questionnaire were obtained by Cronbach’s alpha. Research community id the Staff of electricity industry and the sample size was 131. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and LISREL and to test the hypothesis, t- student test was used. Accordingly, this research was 95 percent were approved. In our research we found that storytelling can integrate and improve these items in organization. We use best resource to begin improving this content (storytelling) in theory.

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Organizational forgetting is new concept that recently entered to organization and management literature and researchers attend to it. Current research investigates the effect of organizational forgetting (intentional and accidental) on organizational learning process. Research design is descriptive, survey and in terms of goal is applicable. Data was gathered by means of researcher made questionnaire of organizational learning and forgetting. Research census is all managers and experts of Jahad Daneshgahi central office in Tehran city. According to Cochran formula size of sample is 127, which randomly selected from census. The results show that Planned organizational forgetting is a significant positive effect on organizational learning process while non-targeted organizational forgetting no significant effect on the process of organizational learning; Then, the effectiveness of organizational forgetting (intentional and accidenta) were measured on different factors. For example, it was found that organizational forgetting is a positive and significant effect on the dissemination of knowledge, knowledge performance, and result review. The results showed that accidental organizational forgetting had no significant effect on these factors.

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Human forces is training is a beneficial investment while its effects have a leading role on optimized development and nourishment of related enterprises and community general improvement. Research main goal is studying and evaluating OEM model dimensions in zones in-service training of Qom pedagogy. So, research model changed according to our population features, then data was gathered and got to ready to be analyzed via survey research methodology. Research hypotheses were tested using inferential statistics. Questionnaires tool was used for gathering data. The sample consists of participant teachers (n = 296) in in-service training completed the questionnaire, that a 0.972 Cranach α approved questionnaire validity. Demographic features were examined in descriptive statistical part, frequency distribution graphs were drawn. One- sample T–test was used to evaluate usefulness of in-service training in inferential statistical part, that results showed in-service training popularity hypothesis was rejected, based on OEM model dimensions. Furthermore, model dimensions were ranked based on Friedman test during which it turned output dimension was more undesirable than the other dimensions. Totally, findings demonstrated that zones in-service training of Qom pedagogy does not have desirability. Getting favorite status needs training courses to be considered by education authorities.

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In recent years there has been considerable debate about the positive outcomes of organizational justice ‘So that it is effective as a tool to achieve Organizational virtuousness. Because the rate of municipal facilities in leading economic, social and cultural role is responsible for the different areas And the other people as owners and beneficiaries of justice are mutually communication Infrastructure and create conditions for the development of trust among individuals and organizations, public and municipal employees can be for mutual gain. The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the relationship between organizational justice and organizational virtuousness is in Rasht municipality. For this purpose, the population of 927 employees in Rasht municipality, a sample size of 247 was determined. The results of this study show that in Rasht municipality significant positive relationship between Organizational justice and organizational virtuousness.

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Ambidexterity concept refers to the ability of organizations to address two incompatible objectives. In environmental uncertainty, organizational ambidexterity typically has a positive effect on performance and leads to sustainable competitive advantage, long-term success and survival. Nevertheless, it is possible only when the culture enables organizational members to exploit current competence (exploitation) and explore new opportunities and abilities (exploration). The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of organizational culture ambidexterity and organizational ambidexterity on performance. In order to evaluate the research hypotheses, companies operating in the food industry were selected as population and questionnaires from managers of 62 companies is collected and analyzed. The proposed model is analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling techniques with the help of Warp PLS program. Results support the relationship between organizational culture ambidexterity and organizational ambidexterity, as well as their relationship with performance. Also according to the results, organizational ambidexterity has a mediator role in the relationship between organizational culture ambidexterity and performance.

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Abstract As the spiritual intelligence structure is more complete than other ones such as emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence and it influences other intelligences, the present research assesses the impact of this intelligence on performance. In order to measure the related parameters, most of the items of Naseri tool have been used, but according to its generality and non-nativeness, we achieved seven main indicators to measure the variable of the spiritual intelligence by taking advantage of the opinions of the experts. A questionnaire was prepared and distributed with the Kazemi tool in the department of Education and Training of the region 6 of Tehran, with a population of 120 and 85 samples were analyzed. The factor analysis was performed and the reliability and validity of the prepared tool and the Kazemi tool was approved. According to the results of this research, the impact of the indicators of self-awareness, flexibility, patience, spiritual experiences and problem-solving ability on performance was confirmed; but the same was rejected for the impact of indicators of targeting and Excellency.

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