Chaordic organizations are the systems that maintain their activities between stability and instability, or chaos and order. A perceptive management of these organizations can lead them to the optimal dynamical balance state. These organizations are combinations of many heterogeneous factors continually interacting with each other and their management is only possible through generative learning. Chaordic organizations have certain characteristics such as Organizational Consciousness, Connectivity, Indetermination, Unpredictability, Flexibility and Continuous Transformation. The aim of this article is to identify the concepts and variables relating to the Chaordic organizations’ characteristics. Hence, initially the literature was reviewed, and then Chaordic attributes were examined in the instance organization. EFA analysis shows that Chaordic organizations in IRAN have seven main attributes including: acceptance of innovations, connectivity, indeterminacy, nonlinearity, unpredictability, formless structure, and hiring of empowered employees.