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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of transactional analysis group counseling on improving interpersonal relationships and selfefficacy in female students of Bukan PNU. It was an applied, quasi (semi)-experimental research conducted in 1394-1395 academic year. The study population included all students of Bukan PNU, of which 60 people were selected using cluster sampling, and placed in experimental (n=30) and control (n=30) groups. Experimental group received the independent variable (transactional analysis counseling) but the control group did not receive any treatment Research data were gathered through standardized Questioners of Monnajemi-zade's Interpersonal Communication Skills and Scherrer's Self-Efficacy, which had high validity and reliability. To analyze the data, descriptive statistical methods and inferential statistics were used. The results showed that transactional analysis group counseling had effects on improving interpersonal relationships and self-efficacy in Bukan PNU students (0P>0/01) and improved their interpersonal relationships and increased their self-efficacy. The reported Eta coefficient was %24 for interpersonal relationships and %12 for self-efficacy. However the findings didn’ t show any significant difference in the interpersonal relationships and self-efficacy after treatment related to the gender element.

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This study aimed to determine the effects of vocational training on reducing depression among people with intellectual disability in vocational training centers. The target population included all disabled people with intellectual disability referring to vocational training centers. The total sample included 30 disabled people who were dividec on to two homogeneous groups (n=15) of experimental and control. For data collection the beak depression Inventory was used. And using the Beck Depression Inventory were studied. In this study due to the nature of the problem the quasi – expprimental desial was used. After extracting the data, descriptive and inferential statistics, and ANCOVA were used for hypothesis testing. According to the results there was not a significant difference between the scores of boys and girls with intellectual disabilities. There was a significant relationship between age and depression. The rate of depression increases with age. Also, there was a significant negative linear relationship between the use of psychiatric drug and depressior. Finally the main hypothesis regarding the effect of Vocational training on the reducing of depression in people with intellectual disability was confirmed.

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Tourism industry has improved rapidly and it is pioneer in progress of the connection among five continents and obtaining net profit. The women's effective role is undeniable and adorning in this regard. Thus, women attend in the scope of employment as the new rivals and they possess most professions such as startups, tourism, airlines firms and the goods online marketing, modern and high quality industries. The women social function in tourism industry reveals their success in this scope, so that belief in gender equality and change in social visions towards women have paved the way to end false beliefs of human societies in the women employment in different occupations, particularly tourism. These issues are observed in their human rights mostly. Therefore, the women's economic function in tourism industry has led to improvement of financial independence and reduction of failures in the society and also caused the promotion of occupation and gaining foreign currency for them and for their countries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prediction of the female students aggression and academic adjustment based on their attachment styles. The main aim of the present research was to study the types of the relationships between secure, avoidant and ambivalent/anxiety styles of attachment with aggression and its subscales and academic adjustment. 231 students of various fields of Azad University of Karaj (202 girls and 29 boys) participated in this study. Subjects were asked to complete the scales of Buss&Perry aggression, academic adjustment of Baker & Siryk and adult affection of Hazan and Shaver. The results of the research showed that secure attachment style and hostility, avoidant attachment and aggression and its subscales (verbal, anger and hostility) and academic adjustment, ambivalent/anxiety attachment and aggression and its subscales and also academic adjustment all have positive correlation. The results of the regression analysis showed that attachment styles can explain changes of aggression and academic adjustment.

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Shirbaigy Maryam

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Spiritual health is the core of human health and its effects on various aspects of life have always been studied. So, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between spiritual health and happiness in female athletes present in the futsal league of Iran in 1395. This study was carried out through cross-sectional survey method using the Pulotsin and Ellison Spiritual Well-being (swbs) and Oxford Happiness Questionnaires. The statistical population of this study included all Iranian women working in the futsal league in the 1395 year (144 people). Using a simple random sampling method without placement, Cochran sampling method was used and 88 questionnaires were distributed with a 5% error. Of these, 63 were willing to respond to and collaborate with researchers, and the rest were considered as missing data, and by using the data mining instruments, the necessary preprocessing, such as deleting the samples or estimating them (replacing the average of the other replies instead of them) were performed. For data analysis descriptive statistics (average and standard deviation) and analytical methods (Chi-square test and Pearson correlation coefficient) were used. Chisquare test results showed that there is a significant relationship between spiritual health and happiness as well as spiritual health dimensions (religious health and existential health). Also, Pearson correlation coefficient between variables indicates a direct and positive correlation between the variables discussed (P≤ 0 / 01). Spiritual health has relation with increasing the happiness and vitality of athletes, so their happiness can be increased by planning to promote the spiritual health of female athletes.

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The purpose of this research is to review and analyze the relationship between workaholism and life satisfaction. Statistical society of this research consisted of women who work in the Education and Training office of Yazd. The sampling method of this research was available sampling. The number of sample members were 340. So by using the Morgan table, sample size became 181. The questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire consists of 2 parts. 1) Workaholism questionnaire Spence and Robbins (1992) and 2) SWLS for life satisfaction questionnaire Diener et al (1985). 190 questionnaires were distributed but 167 questionnaires were returned and eventually were 161 acceptable ones. The Confirmatory factor analysis and Structural equation modeling was used to analyze data. The analysis was calculated by SMARTPLS software. The results showed that there was a signification negative relationship between the female teacher's workaholism and their life satisfaction. There was also a significant negative relationship between the three dimensions of workaholism and family life satisfaction, not with the self-life satisfaction.

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This study aims at determining the relationship between the cultural capital and perceived social status of male and female teachers of second grade high school of Bonab city in 1395. To analyze the data, SPss were used. The main hypothesis test results showed that secondary school teachers between cultural capital city, therefore there is a significant relationship with perceived social status. This means that the teachers who have higher cultural capital, they have also higher perceived social status.

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The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of gender-stereotype images about women in occupational discrimination over them; further more, some origins of creation and reinforcement of these images such as educational system, literature and language were investigated This study was a qualitative type and the data collection has been documentary-based and carried out by using written sources, experimental and statistical searches, analyses and theoretical perspectives in sociology, social psychology and linguistics. The results and findings of this study shows that one of the important and effective factors in gender discrimination over women, in most human societies, is the existence of current gender-stereotype images in the general culture of those societies; by assigning special characteristics to male and female genders, each of them are considered more talented and deserving and suitable to get certain responsibilities or are not considered deserving or suitable for certain responsibilities. These gender-stereotype images made by the educational system are the institutionalized historical authority and settled thoughts and images in the traditional literature and even the structure of language and despite the fact that it does not have much relation with the objective reality of women’ s and men’ s capabilities and characteristics, they have their effects on women’ s social, economic and occupational life. They seriously and practically lead to inequality in women’ s and men’ s occupations and payments and most women are deprived from getting jobs of higher order which have higher payment. Therefore, one of the current solutions for occupational discrimination over women is to correct discourse and gender-stereotype images ascribed to women in each society in which the belief to such stereotypes are observed.

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