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The purpose of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of positive psychotherapy based on belief to good on happiness, psychological well-being and satisfaction with life in subclinical depression. According this, a single subject multiple baselines with follow up phase will be conducted. The first, three people with sign and symptom of depression were chosen from a Center of Psychology and Counseling in Tehran by purposeful sampling. Participants attended from 3 to7 week baseline phase. Within base line stage (3-7 weeks) therapy phase (8 weekly) and follow up step (4 month after treatment), patient filled out The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, Riff’ s Psychological well-being inventory, Satisfaction With Life Scale of Diener (SWLS) and orientations of happiness scale of Peterson. Treatment conducted in 8 sessions of 45 minutes. in The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire(37%), Riff’ s Psychological well-being inventory (14%), and Satisfaction With Life Scale(60%). Also, results showed increasing and improving trend in mediator variables such as pleasure (72%), engagement (70%) and meaning (128%) subscales. These results remain during fallow up phase. It seems that positive psychotherapy Based on belief to good is a short-term effective treatment for increasing happiness, Well-being and satisfaction with life in subclinical depression.

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Background: The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive-metacognitive strategies on information processing speed based on the result of Stroop test on students with specific learning difficulties. Method: The research method was pre and post-test experimental plan with control group. The target population of the research included all fourth, fifth and sixth grade students with specific learning disabilities in specific learning school of Omid in the academic year of 2016-17. (N=76). Sample for the research was 36 students (both genders) with math learning disability, which were selected using systematic random sampling. Tools used for gathering data included: Researcher-made questionnaire, Raven's IQ test, Iranian Keymath test and Stroop test. Experimental group received 10 sessions of cognitive-metacognitive strategies and control group did not. Results: The results of multivariate analysis of variance (MACNOVA) showed that automatic and controlled information processing (response time index, number of correct responses and error response) is different in experimental group after cognitive-metacognitive intervention(P≥ 0/001). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that cognitive-metacognitive strategies based intervention was effective in improving information processing. These interventions are recommended to be exploited.

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Purpose: This study aimed at comparing schema therapy and CBT on beliefs related to eating disorders (negative self-esteem, self-accepted weight, the weight accepted by others and control overeating) among anorexia and bulimia nervosa patients based on the parental bonding. Method: The study had an experimental method with pretest-posttest design. The study population included all patients aged 16 to 23 years with eating disorder who had referred to psychiatrists, psychologists and all obesity and weight loss centers in Tehran. Purposeful sampling was used and the diagnostic criteria for the disorder was psychiatric diagnosis according to the fifth edition of the DSM manual (DSM-5). After the first sampling, the patients were screened in terms of parental bonding and then treatment plans were administered to patients in each group according to their age and body mass. because one of the ingress criteria in this study, has been the having a parents weak link (More supportive and less care Subjects with anorexia nervosa were considered in the category of mild in terms of body mass index (BMI≥ 17kg/m2<19kg/m2) and subjects with bulimia nervosa were considered in the category of mild in terms of body mass index and intensity (BMI≥ 30kg/m2). The instruments of the study included the Parental Bonding Questionnaire, Eating Disorders Beliefs and Yang’ s Schema Questionnaire (1994). Multivariate analysis of Variance (ANCOVA) was used for data analysis. Results: The results of the study indicated that schema therapy had a higher effectiveness in both groups of patients compared to the cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive and behavioral therapy was also effective for bulimia nervosa patients. However, it was less effective than schema therapy in these patients. Conclusion: Due to the high effectiveness of schema therapy compared to cognitive behavioral therapy, it should not be assumed that schema therapy is the ultimate therapy for these patients as the use of the techniques of this approach is tied with social and cultural behaviors and the therapy should be considered in accordance with other underlying factors. chema therapy in these patients. Conclusion: Due to the high effectiveness of schema therapy compared to cognitive behavioral therapy, it should not be assumed that schema therapy is the ultimate therapy for these patients as the use of the techniques of this approach is tied with social and cultural behaviors and the therapy should be considered in accordance with other underlying factors. nd the therapy should be considered in accordance with other underlying factors.

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the goal of this study was to investigate enrichment education of communication on conjugal satisfaction of addicted couples. Hence, 30 couples were chosen from all addicted couples who had referred to Bouali health house in Tehran province in 1392 and as random, they were attributed in two groups who were received enrichment education of communication (15 people) and a group who were not received this education (15 people). Both groups at first and end of education, responded to scale of Enrich’ s conjugal satisfaction. The results of test of univariate covariance analysis showed, there is a meaningful difference between both groups in pre-test and test group had a higher average. It seems that enrichment education in solving dispute, clearly stating itself, being more acceptable, making speaking skills, making skills of its change, and finally help to change partner can be helpful.

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Introduction; It seems that one of the important factors affecting individuals’ political attitudes is personality traits. Previous literature indicate that there is a significant relationship between some of the dimensions of personality traits and political-cultural attitudes. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of individuals’ personality traits on conservatism in two political and cultural domains. Method: The population of the present study is students of University of Isfahan. To collect data, the NEO-FFI and Political Attitudes Questionnaire were used. The validity of the later questionnaire was obtained using the formal method and its reliability was evaluated using Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient. Results: Findings of the present study indicate that there is a negative and significant correlation between flexibility and tendency to cultural and political conservatism. The results also indicate that conscientiousness has a positive and significant effect on individuals’ tendencies towards conservatism in two cultural and political domains. Finally, the results of the research indicate that the three other variables in personality traits, only agitation can have significant effects on the tendency to cultural conservatism and causes the more tendency of individuals toward conservative political attitudes in cultural domains. Discussion and Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of the personality traits on explanation of political and cultural trends.

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Introduction: Stability or changes of personality during the life is one of the controversial issues in psychology. Both views have reasons to prove their hypothesis. In this study the changes in personality traits of employees of offshore oil installations were studied. Method: The assessment tools are mid-life personality development questionnaire (MLPD) and semi-structured interview. The subjects ( N=87) were divided into three groups in terms of job history: 1 to 5 years, 6 to 10 years and up to 10 years. Findings: Comparing the mean scores of the six dimensions of personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, adaptability and agency) showed that with increasing job experience increase in conscientiousness and decline in neuroticism can be seen. But the findings of semi-structured interview showed different changes in personality traits linked to length of employment. In such a way that whatever retention period in offshore oil installations increases decline in extraversion and increase in neuroticism can be seen. Conclusion: This finding contradicts the normative changes of personality, reflecting the impact of social status and occupation on personality traits.

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Introduction: Diagnosis and identification of the antecedents of risky behaviors and moral disengagement will lead to better treatment-intervention plans designed for prevention and, eventually, reduction of immoral behaviors and risky behaviors. This research, therefore, was conducted to fulfill the purpose of replying to the question of whether the dark triad personality traits play a role in behavioral risk-taking and moral disengagement. Method: In a descriptive-correlational study, 265 male pre-university students of Birjand city were selected by stage cluster sampling method. The participants completed Jonason and Webster’ s (2010) dark triad scale, Iranian adolescent risk-taking scale, and Bandura’ s moral disengagement scale (1996). Data were analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. The cluster sampling method was used for sample selection, and Jonason and Webster’ s (2010) dark triad scale, Iranian adolescent risk-taking scale, and Bandura’ s moral disengagement scale (1996) were used for data collection. Multiple regression analysis was used for investigation of the research hypotheses. Results: The results demonstrated that narcissism, psychopathy, and machiavellism account for 33 percent of the behavioral risk-taking variance. On that basis, if narcissism, psychopathy, and machiavellism are incremented by one, the change increases the behavioral risk-taking scores by 0. 30, 0. 26, and 0. 24, respectively. Furthermore, the findings of the research demonstrated that psychopathy and machiavellism account for 29 percent of the moral disengagement variance, but narcissism was not a predictor of moral disengagement. If psychopathy and machiavellism are incremented by one, the change increases the moral disengagement scores by 0. 39 and 0. 35. Discussion and conclusion: The results of this study showed that dark triad personality traits play an important role in predicting behavioral risk-taking and moral disengagement in boy students.

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The aim of Present study was study the effectiveness of group therapy based on multimodal approach on emotional well-being and academic burnout of male students. Study type was semi experimental, pre-posttest design with control group. Population include all male high school students of Andimeshk city in academic year 2016. 30 students were chosen with cluster sampling method and assigned into tow experimental and control groups (each group n=15). experimental group received 8 sessions multimodal therapy weekly (each session 90 minute duration). Instruments were Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS). data analyzed with multiple analyze of covariance (MANCOVA). Findings showed that there is significant differences between experimental and control groups in mental well-being and academic burnout (p>0/001). In whole findings indicated the role and importance of multimodal group therapy in decreasing academic burnout and increasing mental well-being in students.

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Introduction: people have always been seeking to understand how a good life could be achieved and they see it a accompanied by well-being and happiness. The notion of “ well-being” has been used in psychology literature as a general term of mental health. This study aimed to construct and test a model for people’ s psychological well-being based on personality factors in Talesh with ethnic identity as mediators. Methods: 300 people of Talesh who had been living in the Gilan region in the year 2016 were selected using convenience sampling method and filled out Ryff’ s Psychological Well-being Scales, Solgi Ethnic Identity Questionnaire, Short NEO Questionnaire. The current study is a descriptive (non-experimental), correlational, and path structural modeling. Study data were analyzed using Pearsonian correlation test, Multi-variance regression, and linear model to be exact, by the software Lisrel version 8. 5. Results: results indicate that personality factors have influence over people’ s psychological well-being. Of course, considering the negative path coefficient of Neuroticism with psychological well-being, the influence of these two variables on each other is converse. Also, results showed that the variable ethnic identity mediated the relations of all personality factors (except Neuroticism) to psychological well-being. Discussion and Conclusion: based on this research, there is clear perspective for experts to wards life satisfaction and psychological well-being among Iranian ethnics. And to reach healthy psychological well-being we should pay special attention to social support and ethnic integrity.

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this research has done with the aim of analyzing mothers personality types and religious orientation in predicting the parenting style. the studies was descriptive-correlation. for this research 100 mothers of the teenagers between 15-18 year old boy in Hamedan has been chosen by the method of cluster sampling. mothers has answered the A & B FREDMAN and ROSEMAN's personality type questionnaire, RAHEH and SOLOMAN's C personality type scale, DENOLT's D personality type scale, ALPORT's religious orientation and Bumrind's parenting style. for analyzing the data we use Pearson correlation coefficient & Path analysis based on regression. the results indicate that C & D personality type has got a positive relation with Authoritarian parenting style and D personality type has negative relation with decisive parenting style. so internal religious orientation and decisive parenting style, external religious orientation and Authoritarian & permissive parenting style has got positive relation. also Path analysis claims that external religious orientation has got direct relation with permissive parenting style and indirect relation with Authoritarian parenting style, it has relation with this by D personality type as mediator variable. We can use the result of the research in preventing the damages on children that can cause by parents incorrect choosing of parenting style.

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Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder is a common problem in childhood that continue through adolescence and adulthood. Affect the various aspects of one's life. Because several treatment models designed to draw the disorder. The purpose of this research was to Study of Effectiveness of Mindfulness on decreasing clinical signs in Attention Deficit/ Hyperactive Disorder children. The design of the study was quasi– experimental, and of pretest-posttest with control group kind. The statistical population comprised children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) referred to psychological clinics. of Tehran municipality. The research sample consisted of 30 child that were selected by the available sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. IVA scale and CBCL scale were used to gather data. The experimental groups received 8 eight 90 minutes sessions of mindfulness each week while the control group received no specific intervention. At the end, both were re-evaluated (post-test). Data were analyzed by analysis of multi covariance (MANCOVA). The results indicate that mindfulness training on clinical signs of children with ADHD was significantly effective and children of experimental group Showed significant reduction (p<0/001) in clinical sign. And co morbid disorder such as anxiety ad affective problem and oppositional defiant disorder reduced significantly. According to these findings, mindfulness training is recommended to be used for reduction and improving clinical signs of children with ADHD.

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The present research was a causal-comparative study with ex post facto method to evaluate brain behavioral inhibition and activation systems (BIS/BAS) and hemispheric dominance in alexithymia. For this purpose, 25 university students without alexithymia symptoms and 25 university students with alexithymia were selected with purposive sampling among male and female undergraduate students of Bonab and Tabriz Payam-e-Noor Universities. In this study, data collection tools included Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), the Brain Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems (BIS/BAS) questionnaire of Carver and White (1994), and Edinburgh’ s handedness questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and statistical software of SPSS-18. The results indicated that there is no difference between people with alexithymia and people without alexithymia in terms of hemispheric dominance. People with alexithymia had less behavioral inhibition and the drive mean in people with alexithymia was lower.

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The current study was carried out in order to identify the effects of the group therapy spirituality on psychological well-being and personal growth initiative among university students. The statistical population included all the female students who were studying at Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch in the second semester of the academic year 2015-2016. The purposive convenience sampling method was used to evaluate 150 subjects (in a two-month period) individually with Personal Growth Initiative and Psychological Well-Being Scales. After screening, 30 subjects were selected and equally divided into experimental and control groups (The Cohen Table was used, and the effect size and the statistical power were considered 0. 5 and 0. 76, respectively). The experimental group received group therapy spirituality treatment for 10 sessions of intervention; however, the control group did not receive any treatments. The two groups were revaluated with the abovementioned scales both at the beginning and the end of the study. The results of SPANOVA (Split-Plot-Analysis of Variance) indicated that the personal growth initiative scores of the participants in the experimental group were significantly different from those of the participants in the control group in follow-up (P=0. 011). Moreover, the psychological well-being scores of the two groups were significantly different from each other in the posttest (P=0. 017) and follow-up (P=0. 004). Investigating the means of personal growth initiative and psychological well-being in the two groups showed that personal growth initiative was significantly greater among the students of the experimental group (8. 75) compared with the other group in follow-up. Furthermore, the students of the experimental group showed higher levels of psychological well-being in the posttest (3. 813) and follow-up (4. 75). This indicates the effect of group therapy spirituality on the increase in the scores of personal growth initiative and psychological well-being among students.

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Introduction & Goal: Family life is important satisfaction factors and for life is calm couples. understanding the factors that influence marital satisfaction & understanding the factor that ultimately my reach a considerable impact on marital satisfaction of spouses compatibility. The overal goal of this study is to predict the variables sensation seeking sexual satisfaction, intimacy, sexual function, & personality traits among nurses (men & women) in Tehran. Method & Means: The peresent study, The correlation & predict. statistical community were married men & women in Tehran & using the method of sampling is available & the number of 350 people were selected. The instrument was a questionnaire consisted of marital satisfaction, Zuckerman sensation seeking scale form V, questionnaire Bagarozy marital intimacy, Female sexual Function inventory, a questionnaire distress famale, male sexual performance, personality traits Neo. The findngs: The results show that %57 of the total variables predict marital satisfaction addressing and general could explain %27 of the finactial structure of marital satisfaction this means that the components of marital satisfaction there is a weak positive relationship adventure while thrill-seeking among other components with low marital satisfaction is negative. also between some of the components of intimacy(emotional, psychological, sexual, physical, rational)strong positive relationship & (moral, aesthetic, recreational socio)positive relationship with some other medium its dimensions of marital satisfaction there. between the components of sexual function there, and except(desire)and average positive relationship between the components of satisfaction with distress there is no sex, marital satisfaction between some of the components of male sexual function and negative relationship and others about average and there is a positive and significant relationship between marital satisfaction and orgasm in men of course, there is no significant relationship. poor relationship with marital satisfaction between neuroticism and negative components of extroversion, openness, accountability and responsibilities consistent positive relationship is weak. Discussion: According to the results of the variables can be positive and negative relationship between couples increase intimacy on its relationship whit marital satisfaction and sexual performance, and cognitive control of emotion and personality characteristics of effective strategies and good wife presented so that the marital satisfaction increase in couples.

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Aim: The present study aimed was to compare aggression, depression, anexity, stress, fear of negative evaluation in addicts with normal people. Method: The research method was causal-comparative research method which is categorized as descriptive research method. The sample included 140 people (70 addict, and 70 normal) that by convenience sampling with considering of entry criteria selected. Buss and Perry aggression questionnaire, Standard questionnaires for depression, anxiety, stress and fear of negative evaluation administered among selected sample. Results: The results indicated that there is a significant difference between aggression, depression, anexity, stress and fear of negative evaluation in addict and normal groups. So that all the variables mean scores of addicts were higher than normal people. Conclusion: The results imply the importance and role of aggression, negative emotions and fear of negative evaluation in addict. These results suggest planning to reduce agression and distress and having regard to these variables is important in addiction and relapse prevention.

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Background and Objectives: Attending to psychological state in pregnant women with depression because of strong influence on incidence, progression and prognosis of this disease is very important. The aim of present study was investigating the effectiveness of Mindfullness Based Cognitive therapy on Depression, Rumination and Dysfunctional Attitude in pregnant women with depression. Methods and Materials: This study is pretest – posttest and follow-up with control group. The present study was performed on pregnant women with depression of Kohdasht society health centers. 24 pregnant women were selected by volunteers sampling method and were assigned to either control group (n=12) and or MBCT groups (n=12) and Demographic Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory, Ruminative Response Scale and Dysfunctional Attitude Scale were administrated as pretest. The MBCT group received 8 sessions of mindfulness based cognitive therapy and the control group received no intervention. At the end, post-test was administrated on two groups and repeated measure multi-variable was used for data analysis by spss-20 software. Results: The results of the present study indicated that there were significant differences between the experimental groups control group and MBCT (p<0. 001). So that, in MBCT group decrease the mean of depression, Rumination and Dysfunctional Attitude. Discussion: Therefore, can be suggested that Considered appropriate clinical trials for reduce in psychological symptom in pregnant women with depression.

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The aim of this research was to investigate the role of brain-behavioral systems, emotional schemas and deficits in executive functioning in prediction of obsessive beliefs in Students. using the correlation method, 152 Undergraduate students of kharazmi University of karaj (81 girl students and 71 boy students) of the age range of 18 to 22 years were selected through available non-probability sampling and completed Carver and White Brain-Behavioral Systems questionnaire (Carver, White, 1994), Emotional Schema Scale (Leahy, 2002), Cognitive Abilities Questionnaire (Nejati, 2013) and Obsessive Beliefs questionnaire (OCCWG, 2001). in order to analysing of data, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression was used. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation (p<0/01) between Brain-Behavioral Systems and Students obsessive beliefs. The results also showed that there was a significant relationship (p<0/05) between Most components of emotional schemas and executive functioning with Students obsessive beliefs. Moreover, the regression results showed that predictor variables in current study could explain the 42/8 percent of the changes in obsessive beliefs variable that In the meantime, inhibitory control and selective attention component, brain-behavioral systems and demands for rationality emotional schemas, were The most important in predicting obsessive beliefs variable, respectively. based on results of this study can be said that The presence of maladaptive emotional schemas and also Reduce in effectiveness of executive functioning in people who have high levels of Brain-Behavioral Systems activity, Can predict their tendency towards obsessive beliefs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Prediction about the advance of programs for achieving to goal is revealed in hope and failure sense is revealed in hopelessness. Therefore, the aim of this research has been study of psychometric characteristics of children hopelessness scale (Kazdin, Rodgers & Colbus, 1986) in Iranian children. Method: Research statistical sample was composed of 482 female and male students of elementary school of Tehran city that were selected by multiphase clustring method from statistical population. Research instrument was children hopelessness scale (Kazdin etal., 1986). To study the scale`s reliability, Cronbach`s alpha coefficient and to study scale`s valilidity, content validity, construct validity, concurrent validity and confirmatory factor analysis were used. Results: Cronbach`s alpha coefficients showed that this scale has high reliability in both future and happiness factors and results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that model has good fitness in determining factors in the primary form expressed by Kazdin etal (1986). Conclusion: According to research results, children hopelessness scale is a reliable and valid tool for studying of children hopelessness condition in two factors of look at future and happiness in elementary students of Tehran city.

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Because of the high prevalence of anxiety disorders and the heavy costs they impose on individuals and society, devising appropriate tools for the screening and early diagnosis of such disorders is imperative. This study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties and the confirmatory factor structure of the adult version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED-A). The research population consisted of all adults residing in the city of Yazd. A text message containing a link to the online questionnaire was sent 1000 residents over the age of 18 using the multistage random sampling method. As a result, 210 analyzable questionnaires were obtained. Internal consistency was 0/941 for the whole scale and 0/612 and 0/876 for its subscales respectively. SCARED-A test-retest reliability coefficient was also acceptable within two weeks. SCARED-A indicates a significant correlation with the trait version of STAI, which supports the convergent validity of this questionnaire. According to the results of confirmatory factor analysis, such as the factor loadings of each item in relation to its structure, the cross loading of each item in relation to all structures (subscales), composite reliability index, and AVE, some items were removed to modify the model. In the modified model, the factor loadings for all items were significant and above 0/65. In addition, the composite reliability indexes, AVE and GOF became acceptable. Because of the numerous advantages of SCARED-A, such as measuring all anxiety disorders and having a child version for intergenerational studies, we suggest that the psychometric properties and the factor structure of the questionnaire be evaluated in further studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: One of the main concepts of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is the concept of the values of people’ s lives that can play a significant role in creating a psychological flexibility. Aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric characteristics of Persian version of Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ). Method: In this Correlation-Descriptive study, 369 Undergraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University, Allameh Tabataba’ i University and Kharazmi University completed VLQ, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II), short form Health Survey questionnaire (SF-36) and Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21). Validity of VLQ was Assessed in terms of Content validity, Construct validity, and Concurrent validity. In order to investigate the reliability of the scale, the internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) and test-retest method were used. Results: The results of the study showed that the test-retest coefficient of four weeks of VLQ was 0. 76 and its coefficient of internal consistency for the whole tool was 0. 80. Content validity of this questionnaire was evaluated using judgment of five experts on the acceptance and commitment therapist and the Kendall coefficient of consensus for all items of the questionnaire was confirmed. For authentication of Construct validity, the results of exploratory factor analysis proposed the one-factor of VLQ. This factor explained 68% of the total variance. The concurrent validity was assessed through the correlation coefficient of participants' scores in this instrument with their scores in the subscales of SF-36, AAQ-II and DASS-21 (range from 0. 58 to 0. 87) and obtained results confirmed concurrent validity. Conclusion: According to obtained results, Persian version of Valued Living Questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing values of peoples of Iranian students and can be that used suitable measurement in psychological research, especially researches related to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a very general statistical modeling technique, which is widely used in the behavioral sciences. It can be viewed as a combination of path analysis, regression and factor analysis. One of the prominent features of this method is the ability to compute direct, indirect and total effects, as well as latent variable modeling. Methods: This systematic review study done on published original article in Iranian search database (Iranmedex, SID, Magiran) and international search database (Google Scholar, ISI, Scopus, Science Direct، Pubmed ) during year 1973 until 2018. In this study searched done with key words like " Correlation", " Path Analysis", " Factor Analysis: Confirmatory And Explanatory", " Structural Equation Modeling: SEM", " Latent variable", " Formative Model", " Reflective Model", "Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes: MIMIC", " Direct Effect", " Indirect Effect" and " Total Effect" and related Persian synonyms. Results: The review of articles contain structural equation modeling shows the new study areas like formative versus reflective structural models, Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes: MIMIC model, variance versus covariance model, structural models with non-normal response and use item response model for analyzing latent variables. Conclusion: Considering advance growth in structural modeling, behavioral researchers can be more response to more complicated research questions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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