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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Test of common types of assessments that are done in the education system. Test results should be invoked for any of the validity, reliability, and has the ability to run each test covers a different aspect of. Poorly made tool that is not only not useful, but dangerous as well. self test mechanism so carefully constructed, run and score can be read. To ensure fairness test scores from different test forms with methods that are commonly referred to as equating is adjusted. Alignment is commonly used as a statistical method for matching test scores to account for differences between different forms of unwanted application form so that scores are comparable. National Education Assessment is described and appropriate manner. The purpose of this study is to Anchor matched groups design and plans for the disparate groups with anchor test and linear equating methods, mean Equipercentile the classical test theory and compare it with the results of the new theory for measuring equating, the equating position measurement system training in the proper manner must be presented and explained.

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پژوهش حاضر با هدف تحلیل ساختاری روابط متغیرهای منابع اطلاعات خودکارآمدی، باورهای خودکارآمدی، هدف گذاری و خود تنظیمی با عملکرد ریاضی انجام شد. جامعه پژوهش کلیه دانش آموزان پایه نهم مقطع متوسطه اول شهرستان سنندج هستند که از این جامعه به شیوه تصادفی، نمونه ای به حجم 396 دانش آموز انتخاب گردید. ابزارپژوهش پرسشنامه های منابع اطلاعات خودکارآمدی در ریاضیات، پرسشنامه هدف گذاری، پرسشنامه خودکارآمدی ریاضی و پرسشنامه خودتنظیمی ریاضی بود. نتایج حاصل از آلفای کرانباخ و تحلیل عاملی تائیدی مرتبه اول بیانگر پایایی و روایی مناسب ابزار پژوهش بود. داده ها با استفاده از تکنیک آماری مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری (تحلیل مسیر تاییدی) با نرم افزار LISREL 8.50 تحلیل شد، نتایج بیانگر آن اند: متغیر باورهای خودکارآمدی دارای اثر مستقیم، مثبت و معنادار در سطح 0.01 بر عملکرد ریاضی به مقدار (0.589) و فاقد اثر غیرمستقیم و اثر کل بر متغیر عملکرد ریاضی برابر با (0.589) بود. متغیر هدف گذاری دارای اثر مثبت، مستقیم و معنادار در سطح 0.01 بر عملکرد ریاضی به مقدار (0.453)، اثر غیرمستقیم مثبت (0.211) و اثر کل (0.664) بر متغیر عملکرد ریاضی بود. متغیر خودتنظیمی دارای اثر مثبت، مستقیم و معنادار در سطح 0.01 بر عملکرد ریاضی به مقدار (0.326)، اثر غیرمستقیم مثبت (0.190) و اثر کل (0.516) بر متغیر عملکرد ریاضی بود. متغیر منابع اطلاعات خودکارآمدی دارای اثر مثبت، مستقیم و معنادار در سطح 0.01 بر عملکرد ریاضی به مقدار (0.113)، اثر غیرمستقیم مثبت (0.541) و اثر کل (0.654) بر متغیر عملکرد ریاضی بود.

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Successful intelligence integrated set of abilities required for success in life. The present study was conducted To evaluate the validity and reliability of teaching for successful intelligence questionnaire. The Statistical Society were all public high schools teachers in Tehran in the 93-94 school year. The sample size in this research was included 404 (278 women, 126 men) teachers that were selected with Cluster random sampling of Tehran public high schools. All they completed the teaching for succeessful Intelligence Questionnaire and NEO personality questionnaire.Exploratory factor analysis, correlation item- total score, and Exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Exploratory factor analysis with principle component method, confirmed four factors (ability to memorize, repeat and restate ability, analytical- creative ability and practical abilitiy) for questionnaire teaching for successful intelligence. The results showed an acceptable internal consistency and Cronbach's alpha coefficients subscales is respectively between 0.67 (repeat and restate ability) to 0.89 (analytical- creative ability).External validity between dimensions of teaching for successful intelligence questionnaire and Neo personality questionnaire were evaluated. Between analytical- creative abilities with Neuroticism is negative relationship And significant, Was found Between extraversion and creative- analytical and practical abilities, between Analytical- creative abilities with openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness, between Practical ability with agreeableness and between memorize ability and to repeat and restate ability with Agreeableness and conscientiousness positive relationship And significant. According to the desirable psychometric properties This questionnaire is a useful tool for the study of the teaching for succeessful Intelligence in teachers.

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The study consists to evaluate the quality of the curriculum on the basis of Core competencie. The. Thecouceptual framework of this research consists of four dimensions: 1.The dimension of thought 2.dimension of interaction 3.dimension of personality 4. Dimension of measures. The (statistical) subjects include 38 university lecturers an 267 MA students studying at the last semester. The research data were collected using two questionairs, and were analyzed using variance mean, KMO test and factorial analysis. The research results were considered and discussed on the basis of sevsn Core competencies: 1. Personal competency 2. Interpersonal and organization competency 3.research and technology competency 4. The competency of access to, selection of, and keeping a job 5. Psychological, futuristic, analytic, problem- solving, and decision- making competency.6. Leadership and management competency 7.Strategic and conceptual thinking competency.

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According to many experts, entrance examination is the most important test in Iran and demographic characteristics such as gender, region (socio- economic status) and province (language) can affect the performance of participants’ responses to the test items. Controlling for the ability of examinees, if the answers to the test items are the function of demographic characteristics, the test items have Differential Item Functioning (DIF) toward them. The purpose of this investigation is to study Differential Item Functioning of the test items of Entrance Examinations of National Organization of Educational Testing across the demographic characteristics. The research sample consisted of all examinees of a test booklet which included some special exams of the experimental groups of Konkur from 2008 to 2011. Binary logisitic regression was used in order to analyzing DIF. After assuring unidimensionality through NOHARM approach, DIF analysis results indicated that the most number of detected DIF items were related to gender, region (socio- economic status) and province (language) variables respectively, but effect sizes were very small and negligible. Nevertheless, based on current research results, it is recommended that subject matter committees are formed to detect biased items based on final decisions of the committees and will be considered in designing test items in future.

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The current investigation was aimed toward testing the factor structure and Measurement of internal consistency of academic well- Being questionnaire (AWBQ).Method: Three- hundred and sixty five students from school of Poldokhtar city (189 male and 176 female) were selected through multi- stage sampling method. Students completed the Farsi version of AWBQ and the academic stress questionnaire (ASQ). The exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency were used to compute the AWBQ' s factorial validity and reliability, respectively.Findings: The results of principle component analysis (PC) and oblique rotation replicated the four- factor structure of the AWBQ. Based on item content, factors were named difficulty with school values, school burnout, satisfaction with educational choice and schoolwork engagement. Based on AMOS software, Goodness- of- fit indices of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the 4 extracted factors. The multidimensional scales of AWBQ were shown to be an acceptable measurement model in this sample. The significant correlation between the AWBQ factor score and it’s dimensions with total score of academic stress confirmed the validity of the AWBQ.Conclusion: These findings speak to the robustness of the AWBQ, in revealing its relatively stable structure, and consequently, to its potential usefulness as a valid measure of academic well- being for Iranian students.

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Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is a testing procedure that can result in improved precision for a specified test length or reduced test length with no loss of precision. But, for computerized adaptive tests (CATs) to work well, they must have an item pool with sufficient numbers of good quality items. Many researchers have pointed out that, in developing item pool for CATs, not only is the item pool size is important, but also the distribution of item parameters. Yet, there is little research on how to identify those desirable features. This paper applied and extended the basic idea of the "bin- and- union" method proposed by Reckase (2003),- which is a Monte Carlo method to determine the properties of an optimal item pool-, and mathematical programming method to develop the optimal item pool for a mathematic operational CAT. This study extended the method for designing item pools calibrated with the three- parameter logistic model and applied it to situations where the Sympson- Hetter procedure is used to control the item exposure rate. The designs include estimates of desired item pool size and item parameter distribution. The design process includes identifying a series of candidate item pool features by taking into consideration multiple factors that may affect the desired features of the item pool. The performance of the simulated item pools has been compared with operational item pool by considering some evaluation criteria. The result of evaluation indicated that the mechanism used to identify the desirable item pool features has functioned well and appropriate for identifying a desirable item pool features of mathematic operational CAT.

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Purpose: equipping for vocational opportunity skills resultes to more compatibility with career today's changes; improving career path decision- making competence and ultimately more meaningful life in 21th century. The purpose of this study to assess the validation, Stability and factor structure of the openness to vocational oportunity Scale (OVOS) that based on Krumboltz and Mitchell's planned happenstance approach and it is applied on medical students.Methods: in this cross- sectional study with stratified random sampling method, 185 students of Kerman medical college are selected through data analysis algorithms with SmartPLS 2 (Partial least square), which include the Measurement Model (Alpha, Loadings, Composite Reliability, Convergent and Discriminant Validity), Structural Model (significant factor "T-values" and "R Square", the prediction model"Q" ^ "2" "Stone- Geisser", Quality Indexes Redundancy, GOF "Goodness of fit"). To appraisal scale (OVOS) which include the component Curiosity, Flexibility, Flexibility, Optimism, Risk- taking were examined.Results: fitting both the data algorithm and the results of confirmatory factor analysis indicates the desirability and acceptability of latent structure in components and index.Deduction: given the results of this study can be said that the Persian version of OVOS has construct validation and Stability in the academic community well and can be used to assessment and identification the vocational opportunity skills and facilitating understanding of the influence of chance events on career choice behavior.

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Background: Aside from test anxiety scales, measurement instruments assessing students’ achievement emotions are largely lacking. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study was to investigate factorial validity of the Class- Related Emotion Scales (CRES) among Iranian university students.Method: 400 university students (240 male, 160 female) completed the Class- Related Emotion Scales. The confirmatory factor analysis method and internal consistency were used to compute the CRES's factorial validity and reliability, respectively.Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis, based AMOS software, indicated that multidimensional structure of the CRES consisted enjoyment, hope, pride, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness and boredom had acceptable fit to data in the Iranian sample. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis by replication multidimensional factorial structure of the Farsi version of the CRES consisted of 8 scales measuring enjoyment, hope, pride, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and boredom during class indicated that the scales were internally valid. Internal consistencies for the scales measuring enjoyment, hope, pride, relief, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and boredom during class were 0.93, 0.92, 0.89, 0.89, 0.89, 0.91, 0.93 and 0.95, respectively.Conclusion: In sum, on the one hand, the results provide further support for the control- value theory and on the other hand, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the AEQ as an instrument to measure of achievement emotions among Iranian university students.

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