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Inoculant of Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteria is one of the important factors affecting soybean seed’s oil and protein contents. To study the effects of bacterial strains on soybean seeds quality (oil and protein) and quantity (seed yield) an experiment was carried out during 2000-2001 at research field of soybean in Sari. A split plot arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized block design was used with four replications. The treatments were consisted of three bacterial strains (Helynitro, Soyar and Abokhak) and four soybean cultivars (Hill, Sahar, J/k and B/P) and control plots (seeds without inoculants). Seed quality (oil and protein), yield, number and dry weight of nodules per plant were measured. Bacterial strains did not show significant effect on traits, but the results mentioned that cultivars had significant effects on almost of traits. In fact, the interaction effects of J/K with Helynitro strain produced the highest seed, oil and protein yields. Cultivar J/K and Hill in control plots had the highest seed oil and protein percentages respectively. The maximum number of nodules per plant was obtained in J/K with Abokhak. Contrast to other cultivars Sahar produced the highest nodule dry weight with all bacterial strains.

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The effects of cold pre-treatment duration (8, 10, 12 & 14 days at 8oC) and different induction media (N6 and Chu) were studied on callus induction and plant regeneration of the first Iranian hybrid rice “Bahar1” anther culture. The experiment was performed in randomized complete design with three replications. Percentage of callus induction in N6 medium was higher than Chu medium, but the percentage of green plant regeneration in Chu media was significantly higher than N6 medium. In the other words embryogenic callus in chu medium was more than N6 medium. The results showed that a cold pre-treatment was essential for the induction of callus from anthers. Increasing the duration of cold pre-treatment resulted in more callus production but green plant regeneration decreased. The best duration of cold pretreatment for percentage of green plant regeneration was 8 to 10 days at 8oC. Thus the best conditions to anther culture of hybrid rice was using of chu medium with 8 to 10 days cold pre-treatment.

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nvestigate the Ellis and Roberts deterioration model in seeds of Secale montanum seeds and to introduction constants of viability equation, this experiment was conducted in Tehran university, Department of agronomy and plant breeding during 1384-85. Seeds were provided by Secale montanum seed production station in markazi province and after determining seed viability, seed vigor and initial moisture content, seeds were adjusted to 9, 11, 13 and 15% and sealed hermetically in aluminum packets. Storage temperatures were 25, 35, 45 and 55oc. The interval of sampling depended on the storage conditions. Seed viability constants to predict seed longevity in this species was estimated. The viability equation for this species is: V=ki-p/105.98-2.65log10m-0.025t-0.000057t2. Relationship between sigma and moisture content and temperature was determined and after probit analysis, survival curves were depicted in each condition. Sigma logarithm to moisture content and temperature lines were parallel. The results show that survival curves is constrained to a common origin. Also the results show that with increasing in moisture content, in each temperature, especially in high temperature, seed longevity decrease, is higher with increase in moisture content.

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    1 (94)
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To determine the effects of sources and rates of potassium on quantitative and qualitative properties of cotton an experiment was conducted in a clay loam soil, with 220 available potassium (K).The experiment design was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications and eight treatments as follow: 1-Control (N.P) 2-N.P.K (50 kg.ha-1 K2O before planting as MOP) 3- N.P.K (50 kg.ha-1 K2O before planting as SOP) 4 N.P.K (100 kg.ha-1 K2O before planting as MOP) 5-N.P.K (100 kg.ha-1 K2O before planting as SOP) 6- N.P.K (50 kg.ha-1 K2O top dressing as MOP) 7- N.P.K (100 kg.ha-1 K2O top dressing as MOP). Data showed that there was a significant difference in yield among treatments. The highest yield (4091 Kg.ha-1) was obtained by using K as topdressing in flowering stage (treatments no: 6 and 7). Duncan multiple range test showed that there was not a significant effects on yield among treatments No: 1 to No: 5. This means that use of potassium before planting (different amounts and different sources) did not significant effects on yield. Data showed that use of MOP as topdressing increased yield significantly. Use of MOP as topdressing improved cotton fiber quality. Use of 50 Kg.ha-1 K2O produced maximum fiber length (32.1 mm), fiber percentage (46%), fiber strength (4.29 g.tex-1) among treatments. Data also showed that potassium concentration in petiole in this treatment was highest. There were significant correlations between potassium concentration in petiole with yield and with fiber strength. Fertilizer use efficiency was increased due to use of potassium as MOP as top dressing.

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    1 (94)
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Canola (Brassica napus L.) is one of oil crops being cultivated in many areas of Iran. Its molecular breeding and production of varieties with new characteristics using genetic engineering needs the establishment of efficient transformation methods in commercial varieties. In this research transformation potential of 8 commercial cultivars; Licord, SLM046, RGS003, Zarfam, Okapi, Sarigol, Modena and Opera adapted to different regions of Iran was studied using cotyledon and hypocotyl explants. Agrobacterium tumifaciens, strain AGL0 containing the plasmid pCAMBIA3301 was used for transformation. Cotyledon and hypocotyl explants after inoculation with Agrobacterium were co-cultivated on MS medium containing 1 mg/l 2, 4-D and 4.5 mg/l BAP, respectively. Cotyledonary explants after co-cultivation were transferred on selection MS medium, containing 4.5 mg/l BAP and 3 mg/l phosphinothricin. Hypocotyl explants were transferred on selection MS medium containing 4 mg/l BAP, 2 mg/l Zeatin and 5 mg/l phosphinotricin. The regenerated plants were analyzed by PCR and histochemical GUS assay for gene transformation. The results showed that most of genotyes had gene transformation potential regenerated from hypocotyl segments, while this potential was limited to some cultivars using cotyledon explants. Among transgenic plants, using hypocotyls, Licord cultivar had the most transformation rate (15.26%) and Sarigol the least (0.2%). Also among regenerated plan's from cotyledon, SLM046 cultivar had the most transformation frequency (4.7%) and Modena, Opera and Zarfam cultivars did not respond to transformation.

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    1 (94)
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In order to evaluate the effects of different organic and biological fertilizers on chickpea (Cicer aritenium L.) yield and yield components, field experiments were carried out in Sanandaj Agriculture Research Station in 2007 and 2008 growing seasons. Experimental units were arranged in split-split plots based on randomized complete blocks with three replications. Main plots consisted of (G1): establishing a mixed vegetation ofVicia panunica and Hordeum vulgareand (G2): control, as green manure levels. Also, five strategies for obtaining the base fertilizer requirement including (N1): 20 t.ha-1 farm yard manure; (N2): 10 t.ha-1 compost; (N3): 75 kg.ha-1 triple super phosphate; (N4): 10 t.ha-1 farm yard manure and 5 t.ha-1 compost and (N5): 10 t.ha-1 farm yard manure and 5 t.ha-1 compost and 50 kg.ha-1 triple super phosphate were considered in split plots. Four levels of biofertilizers including (B1): Bacillus lentusand Pseudomonas putida; (B2): Trichoderma harzianum; (B3): Bacillus lentus and Pseudomonas putida and Trichoderma harzianum; and (B4): control, (without biofertilizers) were arranged in sub-sub plots. Results showed that green manure had a significant effect on grain yield, pod number, pod fertile number, number of main shoot and leaf chlorophyll content. Also different fertilizer compounds had a significant effect on grain yield and yield components. The highest grain yield was obtained from combined application of compost, farmyard manure and chemical fertilizer. Biofertilizers also had significant effects on grain yield and yield components. Simultaneous inoculation via phosphate solubilizing bacteria and Trichoderma fungus resulted in significant increase of grain yield. The highest seed weight and seed number per pod were obtained in this treatment.

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    1 (94)
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In order to determine of potential forage productivity of cold-region alfalfa ecotypes and introduce superior ecotype for each location, this experiment was conducted with 17 ecotypes in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replication in 5 locations include Karaj, Esfahan, Tabriz, Mashad and Hamedan for 4 years during 2004-2008. Significant differences were found among total mean of fresh, dry forage yield, plant height in harvesting and leaf to stem ratio among tested locations. However, ecotypes have significant differences for fresh and dry forage yield. Also for all traits except dry forage yield, significant differences were found among three years. Interaction effects were significant especially for yields. Regarding to results, Esfahan with 124.76 and 27.25T/ha for fresh and dry forage yield was the best location corresponding to forage productivity. Three superior ecotypes corresponding to fresh and dry forage yield, plant height and leaf to stem ratio in all locations and years were as follows: Silvana, Galebani and Rahnani with 67.63, 67.22 and 66.98 T/ha for fresh forage yield, Ghahavand, Kozareh and Silvana with 18.69, 18.47 and 18.44 T/ha for dry forage yield, Galebani, Silvana and Sahandava with 72.06, 70.00 and 69.70 centimeter for plant height in harvesting and Silvana, Sahandava and Malek-kandi with 1.04, 1.02 and 1.02 for leaf to stem ratio respectively.

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To examine the effect of two irrigation systems (Tape and Furrow Irrigation), plant spacing and different Amount of nitrogen (0, 60, 120 kg.ha-1), a field experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design arranged in a split Split Plot with three replication since 2004 to 2006.system irrigation (Tape and Furrow Irrigation) were as main plot, plant distance (8 and 12 cm) and different amount of N (0, 60, 120 kg.ha-1) were as sub plots. The results of combined analysis over two years showed that effect of plant spacing on yield and water use efficiency were significant at 1% and 5 % level, respectively. The yield in two irrigation systems was equal approximately. The effect of Irrigation systems on yield was not significant. The effect of different treatments on number of bulb, number of skine, diameter of bulb and amount of N in bulbs were not significant. The means of water consumption in Tape and Furrow irrigation systems were 2448.5 and 4940 m3ha-1 respectively. Water consumption in Tape irrigation decreased about 50% compare to Furrow irrigation. The average of water use efficiency in Tape and Furrow irrigation was 5.2 and 2.65 kg/m3, respectively. The maximum of water use efficiency (4.1 kg/m3) belong to 60 kgha-1 of N treatment. It was concluded that by using Tape irrigation, water consumption was decreased and water use efficiency increased about 100% compare to Furrow irrigation. So, Tape irrigation and 60 kgha-1 of nitrate in garlic cultivation are recommended.

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    1 (94)
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In order to evaluate the effect of irrigation intervals and nitrogen rate on corn and redroot pigweed competition, a split- plot experiment was conducted based on strip block at Agricultural Research Station of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Treatments were combination of 3 irrigation intervals (7, 14 and 21 days) as main-plots and different rates of urea fertilizer (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg/ha) as sub-plots. Results showed increasing nitrogen rates had a significantly effect (P<0.01) on corn yield in weed free conditions. But in the presence of redroot pigweed, nitrogen had no significant effect on corn yield and redroot pigweed competition was the main cause of corn yield reduction specially in water stress conditions. Reduction of corn yield by redroot pigweed competition in optimum irrigation (7 day) was 55% that equals to the yield reduction in 14 and 21 days irrigation intervals. It seems that in corn-redroot pigweed competition, water is more important resource than nitrogen and effects of water stress, nitrogen and pig-weed were additive.

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In order to map the QTLs for cooking quality in rice, two populations of BC2F5 lines, derived from indica rice varieties IR64 and Teqing (TQ) as recurrent parents and an Iranian rice variety, Tarom molaeii (TM) as donor, studied in International Rice Research Institute. Traits amylose content (AMY), gelatinization temperature (GT), and gel consistency (GC) were used to evaluate cooking quality. Two-hundred thirty five SSR markers on all 12 rice linkage groups were tested on parents to identify polymorphic markers potentially linked to QTLs controlling studied traits. One-hundred fourteen markers showed polymorphism and assigned for genotyping of the populations. The map length in IR64/TM and TQ/TM populations were 1692.6 cM and 1743.3 cM, respectively with an average interval size of 16.3 cM and 15.3 cM., respectively. Transgressive segregation observed for all traits in population IR64/TM while in population TQ/TM, it was only observed for AMY. Seventeen QTLs were identified in the population IR64/ TM, including one for AMY, 3 for GC, and 13 for GT.QTLs identified in the population Teqing/TM were twenty six as one for AMY, 15 for GC, and 10 for GT. However, of the 43 QTLs detected in both backgrounds, only one (2%) were common and mapped to the same genomic regions in both genetic backgrounds. Our results indicated that expression of QTLs involved in cooking quality are affected by different genetic backgrounds and should be specially considered in marker-aided breeding programms of cooking quality in rice.

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Salinity stress negatively affect agricultural yield throughout the world. The aim of this study, which was done in Arak university during the year 2009, was to investigative the effect of salt stress on morphology, chlorophyll content and protein profile of wheat cultivar “shahriar”. Wheat was grown on Hoagland media containing 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mM of NaCl for a period of 15 day, then the length and weight of the leaf and root was measured every 3 days and samples were collected for further analysis. Morphological study was carried on a tine section prepared using crayostat under an olympous light microscope. Chlorophyll content of the 80% acetone extracted samples was estimated using Brouers method. Samples were extracted and run on 12% polyacrylamid gel with the help of constant voltage. Salt stress resulted in 44 and 43% reduction in weight of leaf and root respectively as compared to control. In addition significant reduction of chlorophyll content in salt treated samples were observed followed by morphological changes in vascular tissue. There were 15 major polypeptide/proteins bands observed in the control group, where at least changes in 5 bands could be observed due to salt stress in samples treated with NaCl. The result of this study showed that the salinity caused morphologica, chlorophyll content as well as protein profile changes in shahriar cultivar.

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    1 (94)
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Cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility system can be used to exploit heterosis in grain crops only when the effective restorer lines are available. Crosses between CMS line Neda A with three promising lines DN-32-6, DN-33-1 and DN-33-18 were made. Studies on pollen and grain fertility of these crosses showed that the cross of Neda-A/DN-33-18 had more than 80% pollen and grain fertility in the F1 generation. The inheritance of fertility restoration genes in F2 population of this cross was evaluated at flowering and grain filling stages. Pollen staining test showed segregation of 312 fertile: 16 sterile plants that in accordance with Mendelian 15: 1 ratio, representing existence of two genes in the genome of DN-33-18.12 SSR markers were used for molecular tagging of these fertility-restoring genes showing that 4 markers including RM258, RM171, RM591 and RM3148 produced polymorphic bands between parents. Linkage analysis showed that marker RM3148 located on chromosome 1 linked with Rf3 gene at a genetic distance of 19.7 cM and markers RM258 and RM171 located on chromosome 10 flanked to Rf4 gene at the genetic distances of 3.1 and 6.3 cM, respectively. These markers are useful in MAS (marker-assisted selection) for transferring and pyramiding of fertility restoring genes in hybrid rice breeding programs.

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