Introduction: The present study examines aesthetics and art as an approach and perspective for the problem-oriented curriculum to provide its components and teachings as a model. Here, the problem-oriented curriculum is the type of curriculum that emphasizes real and artistic issues instead of pre-determined content and goals, and presents the issue as the axis of organization in the curriculum. Method: This research is a combination of research. For this purpose, first, the written sources of the two disciplines of curriculum and aesthetics, which were obtained by chain sampling, were studied, and then the views of experts in the two disciplines, which were selected by purposive sampling, were examined. Data collection and components in the qualitative stage were extracted and coded from 57 studies and in the quantitative stage, the Delphi questionnaire was used to screen the components. Analysis-interpretation and inference were used to analyze qualitative data, Delphi technique was used for quantitative data, and Demetel network-analysis process was used to determine and prioritize criteria and components. findings: Findings showed that the effective factors in problem-oriented curriculum planning are composed of sub-criteria, each of which includes a number of indicators. 1-Objective element: including criteria for problem solving, problem thinking, problem description; 2-Content element: including problem dimensions, information sources, problem description tools; 3-The element of teaching and learning methods: including modeling criteria in knowledge, dialogue and assistance tools, guidance, time working on the problem, context of the problem, support and The evaluation element includes the criteria for evaluating and monitoring performance, which is shown as a conceptual model at the end of the research. Conclusion: In this study, which for the first time sought to integrate and overlap the problem-oriented curriculum with the aesthetic approach, the results showed that art and aesthetics can provide components for the curriculum and its elements. In this study, 161 components were obtained, all of which They were deemed appropriate for a problem-oriented curriculum based on expert opinion.