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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

AMANI MALAHAT | Saemian Homa

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of mental health, organizational justice, burnout in the relationships between job satisfaction and job stress among police's staff of Bojnourd. The statistical population included all employees of the police of Bojnourd. Method: one hundered and sixty employees were selected through quota sampling and they replied the questionnaires of organizational justice (Niehoff & Moorman, 1993), job stress (Parker &Decotiis, 1983), burnout (Malach-Pines, 2005), job satisfaction (Weiss et al. 1967) and general health(Goldberg, 3915). Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tests and SPSS and PLS software. Results: The results of structural equation showed that organizational justice Organizational justice had a direct positive effect on job satisfaction through mental health. Also, job stress had a negative effect on mental health and job satisfaction by increasing job burnout and decreasing organizational justice. The goodness value of the overall fit was 0,52, which indicates the high predictive ability of the model. Conclusion: In order to promote mental health and increase job satisfaction, the organization needs to take measures to establish organizational justice and reduce the stress of Bojnourd police personnel.

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Background and Aim: : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of computer-based educational simulation on emotional, psychological and social well-being in students. Method: This research was an applied and semi-experimental method was a pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population of the present study was all second high school students in district 12 of Tehran in the academic year of 2017-2016. Sixty of them (30 in experimental group) and (30 in control group) were selected as sample by available sampling method. The research tools included the subjective well-being questionnaire Keyes and Magyaromo (2003). The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and specialists in the field and its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha coefficient for mental well-being 0,82, emotional well-being 0,66, psychological well-being 0,71, social well-being 0,76, which indicates reliability. Results: The findings showed that computer-based educational simulation had an effect on the components of emotional well-being (positive and negative emotion). Computer-based educational simulation influences the components of psychological well-being (self-acceptance, purpose in life, mastery of the environment, relationships with others, and personal growth). Computer-based educational simulation influences the components of social well-being (solidarity, acceptance and admissibility and realism). Conclusion: Based on the research results, the research findings have reduced the research gap, especially in the application of educational simulation for students. Teachers are advised to use educational simulations for practical and applied skills alongside the traditional method and as a supplement to improve emotional, psychological and social well-being and facilitate learning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Various training courses are held annually in NAJA. These courses are held in order to improve the general and specialized knowledge of NAJA staff. One of these courses is specialized-supplementary courses that were implemented in the Disciplinary Command of South Khorasan Province and we need to evaluate its effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the specialized-supplementary course among the employees of the Disciplinary Command of Province. Methodology: This research is of applied type and in terms of nature and method, descriptive-survey. The statistical population of this study includes all line staff and staff participating in specialized-supplementary training courses, as well as managers and commanders of the first and second layers of the Police Command in 1399. The sample size was determined using Morgan table ....... people, of which ....... employees and..... managers and commanders were included and the sampling method was random. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire. The study of Cronbach's alpha coefficients for each of the variables was acceptable (above 0,7). SPSS software was used to analyze the data. We also used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data Findings: Exploratory analysis of the four levels of reaction, learning, job behavior and quality of education of learners to hold specialized-supplementary training courses in terms of desirability is moderate (3 and above). Also, according to managers and commanders, the average of variables of communication, technical-executive and perceptual ability before and after the implementation of specialized-supplementary training courses is more than the average soft (with an average of 3,50 out of five). Results: The quality of the planning process of specialized-supplementary training courses in this command is desirable and holding specialized-supplementary training courses has been effective in improving staff learning and performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Purpose: The aim of this study was to meta-analyze the studies conducted on the effectiveness of two high-intensity and low-intensity morning exercise training methods on physical fitness indices. For the present study, two factors of physical fitness including aerobic strength and muscle strength were selected. Method: The method of this research is meta-analysis. The statistical population of the study includes all Persian scientific research journals and English ISI that have studied the effect of morning exercise on physical fitness. Initially, 305 and after a closer look, 96 related articles were identified. Finally, by reviewing the full text of the articles, a total of 19 articles were systematically reviewed. For statistical analysis, the mean changes of FMD in each group were compared and the standard deviation of the mean changes was calculated using the reported p-value, T-statistic and standard error. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA software. To analyze the findings, the difference between the means of the extracted results and the metan command was used, and to investigate the heterogeneity, the chi-square test and the I2 index in the software were used. findings: Findings of Meta-Analysis 8 Studies on aerobic power showed that morning exercise improves aerobic power whether high or low intensity. The results of a meta-analysis of 11 studies on muscle strength also showed that morning exercise, whether high-intensity or low-intensity, improved muscle strength. Results: However, in comparison with high-intensity morning exercise and low-intensity morning exercise, the effect of high-intensity morning exercise on physical fitness factors was significantly greater. However, some studies have shown that high-intensity morning exercise has a negative effect on physical health, so it is better to do low-intensity morning exercise, which in addition to improving physical fitness factors, also improves physical health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: The purpose of this applied research was to develop and validate a scale to assess students' academic motivation potential. Research method: Descriptive is methodological. The statistical population was all students of Shiraz University. In order to check the content validity, the scale was provided to 25 faculty members of Shiraz University. In order to check the face validity, the scale was distributed among 201 students. The sampling method was multi-stage cluster. Due to the lack of such a scale in the academic environment, Wagner and Helenbeck (1995) motivational potential questionnaire was used as a basis and the dimensions and items were reconstructed according to the academic environment. Data analysis was performed using MPS formula and Spss23 software to analyze the variance of repeated measures and multivariate analysis of variance. Findings: The validity and reliability of the dimensions of the students' academic motivation potential scale were appropriate. After confirming the validity and reliability, the developed scale was used to assess the status of academic motivation potential of Shiraz University students to evaluate its applicability, which has been developed and validated for the first time. Results: The results showed that the motivational potential of the departments of Shiraz University is very low. Comparison of the dimensions of academic motivational potential also showed that the highest mean belongs to the dimension of importance and the lowest mean belongs to the dimension of feedback and there is a significant difference between the dimensions of motivational potential in different educational groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: The fundamental and sustainable transformation in any society depends on the evolution of the education system of that society and the main axis of the evolution and development of the education system is to improve the quality of teacher work and recognize their characteristics. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Ohio University Teachers' Assessment Standards Questionnaire and to assess the status of teachers in these standards. Method: The present study is among the quantitative researches in terms of data collection method and is among the descriptive and psychometric studies in terms of analysis method. The statistical population of the study included all teachers in Rashtkhar (450 people) who selected 200 people as a sample by simple random sampling and participated in the study. Data were collected in this study using the Ohio University Assessment Standards Questionnaire (2000) with a reliability coefficient of 0,87. In order to analyze the data, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation and total question-score correlation and reliability analysis using SPSSV22 software were used. Results: The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the eight-factor structure, which explains 69,998% of teacher evaluation standards. Among the identified factors, the teacher's deep understanding of the teaching content with9,82% and the design of long-term and daily programs with 9,598% had the highest factor load. The results of one-sample t-test also showed that the teachers surveyed in the research are in good condition in terms of all evaluation standards. Conclusion: Finally, considering the desired validity and reliability coefficients, ease of implementation, grading and interpretation, as well as a short time to answer, it can be said that the questionnaire of evaluation standards of teachers qualified to be used in research. Psychology is to measure the extent of these standards.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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