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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Lack of clear and codified scientific methods for agricultural waste management extension education (AWMEE) in the country is the most agricultural impresive problem. Therefore, it is worth considering that by applying an appropriate model of waste management extension education, agricultural development will bost in Iran. This applied research was conducted with the aim of designing a structural model Waste Management Extension Education in agricultural Through quasi-experimental method. The statistical population consisted of 242, 235 farmers, gardeners and experts of Mazandaran province. In each group, 1061 participants were determined as a sample using Cochran's sampling formula. A questionnaire was used to collect required data. In order to determine validity of the questionnaire, construct validity average variance extracted AVE= 0. 6 calculated and to determine the reliability, ordinal alpha coepicient (α =0. 80), (θ =0. 81) and cumulative reliability coefficient (CR=0. 90) were used. Data analyses was performed using LISREL8. 8 software for confirmatory factor analysis. results showed that the factor structure and measurement model designed to measure (AWMEE( factors and the data were in good shape for analysis. Results the path analysis showed that at P= 0. 05, causing of agricultural waste, agricultural extension education waste management, waste reduction factors have a direct and significant positive effect on agricultural development (t> 1. 96) and among them agricultural extension education waste management had the greatest impact on agricultural development (t = 6. 53 and β =0. 30). Also, based on the results of the final model, it can be said that the factor promoting waste reduction management had the greatest impact on agricultural development.

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The agricultural sector has been the center for the development of economic resilience and creates many job opportunities in the country by increasing value added and the level of productivity of activities, with the advancement of science and technology. Considering the predominance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) businesses in the agricultural sector, human resource empowerment, reinforcing the social, physical, financial capital and the business environment can boos t the economic prosperity of these businesses. Therefore, due to the uncertainty of dimensions and s tructures affecting the improvement of the position of small and mediumsized agricultural businesses in Alborz province through agricultural education and development of human and social capitals, this applied research was conducted in 2020. The s tatis tical population in this s tudy was 404 agricultural business owners in the province. The sampling was done by the use of Cochran's formula and the number of samples was 200 and the method was random and the validity of the ques tionnaire was confirmed by the expert panel. The reliability of the s tudy was confirmed by the calculation of sequential theta (θ =0/732-0/814) and combined reliability (CR=0/825-0/841) and the calculation of the average variance was extracted to be (AVE>0/5). Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and s tructural equations tes ts were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the business environment with (%75 of efficacy coefficient) and human resources with (%25 of efficacy coefficient) had a significant positive effect on the economic prosperity of SMEs. Among them, Joint cooperation in infras tructure, holding conferences, exhibitions and introducing new agricultural ideas, business unit communication s tructure and information transfer among colleagues, continuous training of human resources and the participation of skilled people have the highes t priority in the economic prosperity of small and medium-sized agricultural businesses respectively. In the end, practical sugges tions for the prosperity of agricultural SMEs in Alborz province were presented with a view to education and human capital.

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Both cognitive and non-cognitive skills are crucial to improve entrepreneurial intentions and readiness, but little research has been done. The main purpose of this descriptive-correlational study was to investigate the level of cognitive and non-cognitive skills and their role in shaping students' entrepreneurial intentions of agricultural vocational schools in Kermanshah province. The study population consisted of second and third grade students of agricultural vocational schools in Kermanshah province in the 2020-2021 academic year (N=300). Based on Krejcie and Morgan sampling table, 167 students were selected as a sample using stratified random sampling method. Data were collected through a standardized questionnaire. The face validity of the questionnaire was verified by a panel of experts and its reliability was confirmed using composite reliability coefficient (CR>0. 70). In addition, convergent validity was evaluated using average variance extracted (AVE) which was found to be adequate. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and partial least squares method with the help of SmartPLS 3. 0 software. The results showed that students' cognitive and non-cognitive skills are not at the desired level. Furthermore, the results indicated that attitudes toward entrepreneurship and cognitive skills had a positive and significant relationship with students' entrepreneurial intentions. However, among non-cognitive skills, only proactivity was directly and significantly related to entrepreneurial intentions. The results also showed that attitudes toward entrepreneurship mediated the relationship between cognitive skills, proactivity, and risk-taking with entrepreneurial intentions. Based on the results, suggestions were made to develop and deliver appropriate entrepreneurship education and improve students' cognitive and non-cognitive skills.

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Since universities in Iran play a significant role in preparing human resources achieve advancing goals ofthe country, evaluating emotional intelligence (self-motivation, self-awareness, self-control, empathy, socialskills) and its role in educational achievement of the s tudents can lead to better planning and providing moreuseful solutions to the higher education sys tem obs tacles. Thus, this research was aimed at: " s tudying the effectof emotional intelligence's dimensions on the educational achievement of Agricultural S tudent's Razi Universityof Kermanshah" in the academic year 2020-2021. For this purpose, a quantitative research method based on the survey was used. And the s tatis tical population of the s tudy consis ted of 812 undergraduate agriculturals tudents of Razi University of Kermanshah who were selected by s tratified sampling techniques with theproportional allocation and using Cochran formula 180 of them. The main ins trument for data collection wasa s tandard ques tionnaire of emotional intelligence of Siberia Schering (1996), validity of which was evaluatedby experts’ panel, and its reliability using Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient and composite reliability index was analyzed and confirmed due to the fact that the rate was higher than 0. 7 for all the cons tructs. Also, the scale used in answering the ques tionnaire was based on the Likert scale (s trongly disagree to s trongly agree). S tructural equation modeling (SEM), as a multivariate technique, and Smart-PLS software was used. According to pathanalysis results, dimensions of emotional intelligence (except empathy) have significant roles in improvingthe educational achievement of agricultural s tudents among agricultural s tudents of the Razi University ofKermanshah. Empirical results showed that the agricultural S tudents' academic achievement depends on theiremotional intelligence level and dimensions, and their emotional intelligence can explain 33% of agriculturalS tudents' educational achievement variance. Research findings offer a new theoretical framework for futuretheory development.

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The goal of this study was analyzing and determining the professional competencies of the extension agents responsible for the area, by descriptive correlation method. The statistical population of the study was the extension agents who were selected based on polarization (5 poles). A questionnaire was the main tool for collecting data, which measured the opinion of extension agents (in five provinces; Tehran, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, Fars and West Azerbaijan) in the field of professional competencies knowledge and familiarity based on the new conditions of extension system and expectations of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture. Some educational and social characteristics of the extension agents were also assessed. The results showed that in the field of familiarity with the professional competencies, they had moderate to high knowledge, but they had relatively high knowledge in the field of agronomy, conducting needs assessments, organizing farm days, prioritizing needs and problems and guiding participants' observations. Extension agents were also unfamiliar with the areas of conflict management, nominal grouping, social networking, brainstorming, and fisheries. These should be the first priority of empowerment. Factor analysis showed that the variables related to professional competencies were classified based on the specific value into 7 factors (planning, implementation, evaluation, technical specialization, general, production specialized and communication-social), which in total explained about 62. 200% of the total variance. The regression results show that the variables of education level, contact with city experts, contact with researchers and interest in the profession of extension agent significantly predict the competencies.

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, it is predicted that education that provides students with access to deeper learning opportunities can lead to their personal and professional growth and development. Regarding this issue, the purpose of this research was to assess the impact of access to deeper learning opportunities on the development of entrepreneurial capabilities of students in the Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. The statistical population of this study was 1000 active students in the university. Using stratified random sampling method with proportional assignment according to the table of Bartlett et al. (2001), 213 students were selected as the research sample. The research tool for data collection was a researcher– made questionnaire. The formal validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by an expert panel (including faculty members of agricultural education and entrepreneurship). Reliability of the main indexes of the questionnaire was determined based on Theta (θ ) reliability coefficient (0. 83, 0. 87). Data analysis was analyzed using SPSS26 and SAS software. The research findings based on the correlation matrix showed that a significant positive relationship between access to deeper learning opportunities and entrepreneurial capabilities of the students. Also, the canonical correlation analysis between 8 dimensions of access to deeper learning opportunities and 11 dimensions of entrepreneurial capabilities of agricultural students led to two pairs of important canonical variables of individual development based on self-awareness and learning approach with correlation rates of 0. 67 and 0. 37, respectively. The results showed that providing deeper learning conditions and contexts for students increases or strengthens their entrepreneurial capabilities.

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Familiarity of soybean producers with sustainable agriculture is one of the effective factors in the stability of their agricultural system. Soybean cultivation sustainability is a system that includes the usefulness of soybean cultivation through reducing soil erosion and improving its fertility, developing methods for effective use of internal resources of the farm, developing strategies to improve the quality of rural society and using methods with the least impact on environmental destruction. In this regard, this study aimed at investigating the impact of information sources and extension training on soybean cultivation sustainability in Neka County in 2020. The statistical population of study includes soybean farmers of Neka County in Mazandaran Province (N= 940). According to Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table, 275 soybean farmers were selected as a statistical sample. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The questionnaire was divided into three main sections: information sources, participation in extension training and soybean cultivation sustainability with a Likert scale. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts' opinions. Also, based on the Average Variance Extracted (0. 506>AVE< 0. 551) and Composite Reliability (0. 858>CR<0. 909), the questionnaire had a convergent validity and appropriate reliability. SPSS16 and Smart PLS2 software were used to analyze the data. The results of structural equation modeling showed that participation in extension training and information sources had a positive and significant impact on soybean cultivation sustainability. Participating in extension training and information sources explained about 83 percent of variance of the soybean cultivation stability.

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The main purpose of this study was factors affecting the improvement of technical knowledge of wheat farmers in relation to sustainable environmental operations. The statistical population of this study was consisted of all Khorramabad County were the central province in case study (N = 12500). Using Cochran's sampling formula, 240 of them were selected as a sample (N=240). The main instrument in this study was questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by the panel of experts and the reliability of it was also calculated by using a sequential alpha test and through software. Data were analyzed by SPSS18 software. The results of regression analysis showed Membership variables in Social capital, attitude towards sustainable environmental operations, level of education, number of extension calls and use of information resources have the greatest impact on improving the technical knowledge of antagonists. Also, the range of technical knowledge (cognitive, knowledge and skill) have a significant impact on the improvement of the sustainable environmental operations. So that they can predict 40% of variance of the dependent variable of the research (sustainable environmental operations).

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High unemployment of agricultural graduates is one of the main concerns of Iran’ s higher education system, which can reduce the motivation of Agricultural students to be educated. Therefore, this research eliminate conducted to provide a pattern to empower Razi University agricultural students to enter Iran’ s market. with a Mixed (quantitative-qualitative) exploratory research design applied to conduct this research. Grounded theory for the quantitative part and cause-correlation method used to handle the quantitative part. The s tatis tical population of the qualitative part Consisted of 108 agricultural faculty members at Razi University, Iran. By Interviewing 21 of them researcher achieved theoretical saturation threshold. In 2020-2021, there were 644 people, which according to Krejcie and Morgan table, 238 people were selected as a sample by proportional stratified random sampling method. Data were collected through interviews in the qualitative section, which resulted in the design of a student empowerment mode. In the quantitative part, information was collected from students through a questionnaire that the content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by opinion polls and convergent validity was confirmed by calculating CR = 0. 82 and AVE = 0. 77. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined using R software and the sequential theta coefficient was calculated for different parts of the questionnaire (Ө = 0. 75-91) and the designed pattern was validated. Qualitative data analysis was performed through three stages of open, axial and selective coding using Maxqda16 software. In the quantitative part, SPSSwin16 to investigate individual characteristic and the partial leas t squares method using smartpls3 software to evaluate the measurement model. Structural and hypothesis tests were used. The results of the research in the qualitative part resulted in the identification of 65 indicators in the form of seven categories of entrepreneurial, educational and research, psychological, institutional, environmental, individual and governmental factors. The results of the quantitative part of the research showed that all 7 research hypotheses are approved. Also, the value of multiple coefficients for structural equation is above 0. 90, which shows that the exogenous independent variables related to empowerment have been able to explain more than 0. 90 of the changes of the dependent variable. Due to the importance of empowering students in the study period to enter the job market and alignment of faculty members and students comments on the components and indicators related to empowerment, the results of the research can be used to enhance student's empowerment.

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Considering the world's rapid population grouth, climate change, and the advancement of agricultural science and technology, agricultural education systems have to address the current and future generations of farmers to solve the problems and challenges of the coming century, Competition domestically and globally and with fluctuations and uncertainties caused by climate change as well as the optimal use of agricultural technologies. Achieving these goals requires continuous review and updating of agricultural education sys tems, and development of components of a desirable sys tem for training future farmers. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the pillars of a new approach to agricultural education in order to train future farmers in Iran from the perspective of experts and specialists in the agricultural education system. The statistical population of this study included all faculty members of agricultural extension and education departments in agricultural colleges, educational assistants of agricultural research and training centers, and faculty members and experts of the Agricultural Education and Extension Institute and 26 of them were selected using snowball sampling method. Sampling continued until the theoretical saturation s tage was reached. The data required in this s tudy were collected using Delphi technique in two s tages. Using Kendall’ s Coefficient of Concordance, it was found that after the end of the third stage, a strong agreement was reached between the respondents and the implementation of Delphi technique was s topped. Finally, after summarizing the answers, the pillars of the future farmers' education approach, including ideals and philosophy, goals, strategies and executive plans were identified, explained, and analyzed.

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