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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study was to compare students' academic achievement, academic engagement, hardiness and perceived classroom environment among female and male students in math and science. A sample size of 300 female and male students in the third grade high school in Dezful were selected using multi-stage random sampling. For data collection, hardiness questionnaire, perceived classroom environment and academic engagement questionnaire were used. To analyze the data, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. The results showed that gender significantly affected dependent variables (p<0/001). It also means academic achievement, and academic engagement (p<0/001) of female and male students were significantly different and the mean of hardiness and perceived classroom environment were not significantly different. Based on the results, it is necessity that parents, instructional planners and trainers produce good opportunities for engagement, activation and using of challenging and useful tasks for the development and academic achievement of girls and boys.

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    3 (31)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between adherence to decrees, religious orientation and psychological capital among male and female students. The population of this study was the male and female students of the Sama Institute of Islamic Azad University of Ardabil Branch in the academic year of 2018-2019. The sample consisted of 50 males and females who were selected by two-stage cluster sampling. The participants completed the following questionnaires: the Agent-to-Decrees Questionnaires, the Luthans' Psychological Capital Questionnaire, and Allport Religion Orientation Questionnaire. The internal consistency of the questionnaires was investigated using Cronbach's alpha. Pearson Correlation Coefficient and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Based on correlation coefficients, there was a positive and significant relationship between the adherence to decrees, except for internal religious orientation, and the components of psychological capital and external religious involvement. There was also a positive and significant relationship between external religious orientation, except for internal religious involvement, and the adherence to decrees and all components related to psychological wellbeing. Based on the results of multiple regressions, all the components of psychological capital had a positive and significant impact on adherence to decrees, among which the first and third components, respectively, had the highest positive coefficients.

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    3 (31)
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The concept of psychological well-being symbolizes a multi-dimensional structure consisting of life attitudes. It has been designed to investigate whether one is aware of his potential, his goals, the quality of his relationships with others and what he feels about his life or not. The objective of this study is to examine the role of positive and negative affect in predicting psychological well-being of athletic students. The population included all athletic students in Amol city in the academic year of 1393-1394. 100 students were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling, and Positive and Negative Affects Scale of Power and Psychological Well-Being Scale of Ryff was administered among the selected sample. The data were analyzed using SPSS-21 by Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The results showed that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between positive affect and psychological well-being (r=0. 53; p<0. 01) in athletic adolescence, also there is a negative relationship between negative affect and psychological well-being (r=-34; p<0. 01). The results of multivariate regression analysis showed that positive and negative emotions are able to predict psychological well-being of athletic students (R2=0. 358; p<0. 001). Using sport can help to increase psychological wellbeing of students. Therefore, it is recommended that stakeholders pay more attention to physical activity of students.

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    3 (31)
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Problem-solving has an important and influential impact on all stages of life including education and social life. Using the tower of Hanoi, the present research tended to investigate the developmental cognitive processes of problem-solving in children aged 7-12. The study has a non-experimental design using a three-way ANOVA. The population consisted of all the primary school students (1st grade to 6th grade) in Qom Province in 1394-1395 (2016-2017). 180 students (15 girls and 15 boys in each grade) were selected randomly through stratified sampling. After learning how to solve the tower of Hanoi, they solved the 3-disk and the 4-disk tower of Hanoi. The number of movements and the solving time were recorded. To ensure the reliability of the collected data, a follow-up research was performed in 1395. The data were analyzed by repeated measurement (two inter– one intra). The obtained results revealed an overall linear cognitive and problem-solving development in children. It was also revealed that there were some differences in girls and boys when they tried to solve problems. Problem-solving skills in both girls and boys developed as the age increased which can be related to the nervous system development and maturity.

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    3 (31)
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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parents' communication styles with narcissistic students. The research method was correlation and the population included all female junior high school students in the city of Birjand in the academic year 1398-1397, from whom 360 were selected as the sample (based on Morgan table). In this research, the Querner and Fitzpatrick communication styles questionnaire and narcissism questionnaire of Roskin and Terry were employed. The correlation coefficient and stepwise regression were used for data analysis. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the communication style of dialogue and the sense of truth, prudence and authoritarianism, while the power of predicting a family relationship was not significant in terms of consistency. Therefore, it can be said that families with orientation in dialogue increases sense of truth, supremacy and authoritarianism.

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    3 (31)
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This study surveys factors related to increasing and decreasing creativity of students in 59 studies, dissertations and theses in relationship with students’ creativity analyzed through meta-analysis. The results of the study indicated that the surveyed factors related to creativity of students include teaching methods, learning strategy, learning factor, school factor, teacher factor, family factor, cooperation in school activity, self– esteem, motivation, language accent, cognition beliefs, playing, self-concept, control source, self– efficacy and thinking styles. Thus, that variables have positive effects on increasing creativity. Such variables include student’ s personality, intelligence, social class, orphanage, anxiety, school administration, sources, equipment and creation of art activity haven't significant relationship with students' creativity. Furthermore, the results of t-test and ANOVA indicate that effect size of student’ s gender and study stage of students do not affect student’ s creativity.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (31)
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The aim of this study is to determine the role of aggression, depression and psychological well-being of teachers in predicting academic achievement of guidance students. The research method is correlational. The population included all teachers and students in Tabriz city. The sample consisted of 100 teachers and 500 students selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. For the measurement of variables, Williams aggression questionnaire as well as Riffs depression and psychological well-being of scale were employed. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression. The results showed that there is negative correlation between aggression, depression of teachers with student achievement, but there was positive relationship between the psychological wellbeing and academic achievement. Furthermore, the results of the regression analysis showed that about 26 percent of the variance in academic achievement is explained by the variables of physical aggression, verbal aggression, psychological well-being and depression. According to the beta values, psychological well-being, verbal aggression, physical aggression and depression are the strongest variable to predict student achievement. There is positive correlation between academic achievement and psychological well-being, but negative correlation between physical aggression, verbal and depression and academic achievement. Thus aggression, depression and psychological well-being of teachers can play a role in predicting academic achievement of students.

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    3 (31)
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Motivation and its conditions are among the most important environmental factors affecting learning. Non-generic feedback implies that performance is malleable, while generic feedback implies that task performance reflects an inherent ability. Therefore, each one has different motivational effects. This quasi-experimental study examined the motivational effects of generic and non-generic feedback on motor learning in twelve-year-old girls. The participants were 40 female students randomly assigned to two different groups-generic feedback (G-FB) and non-generic feedback (NG-FB). The task required participants to perform low kicks at a squared target area consisting of a piece of cardboard (measuring 50 cm wide and 50 cm high) attached to a wall and touching the ground, and placed at a distance of seven meters from the participants. Accuracy scores were analyzed in 2 x 4 (group*blocks) analysis of variance with repeated measures for the first experimental phase, and in 2 x 2 (group*blocks) analysis of variance with repeated measures for the negative feedback phase and the retention test. The findings show that both groups performed with similar accuracy across practice blocks. But on the second phase and no-feedback retention test, the NG-FB group indicated higher accuracy than the G-FB group. Therefore, it seems that that children’ s motor performance, learning and motivation can be affected by the kind of augmented feedback provided during practice.

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  • Volume: 

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    3 (31)
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The purpose of the present study was a comparison of psychological capital, social adjustment and emotional styles in athletic (individual and group) and non-athletic boys in Ardabil province. The research method was descriptive correlational. The sample was 376 students (188 athletes and 188 nonathletes). They were randomly selected from among the male students of Ardabil. The data collection instruments included psychological capital questionnaire, social adjustment questionnaire, and emotional styles questionnaire. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics were used and Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression were used to test the hypotheses. For data analysis, SPSS-22 was used. The results showed no significant relationship between psychological capital and emotional styles (p> 0. 05). But there was a correlation of 0. 36 between psychological capital and social adjustment that was positive and significant. There was a correlation of 0. 36 between individual emotional styles and social adjustment, which was positive and significant. But the correlation between group emotional styles was 0. 001 which is not significant.

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NASIRZADE S. | Nargesian J.

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (31)
  • Pages: 

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of metcognitive beliefs on educational well-being through the mediation of perfectionism among students in Tehran. This research was applied and based on descriptive method and structural equation modeling. The population of this study includes all 2nd grade students in Tehran amounting to 2, 700 students. The sample size is 324. The data were collected through Wals and Carthage-Hatton's metacognitive beliefs questionnaire, Trie-Schwert's perfectionism questionnaire, Petrineen wellbeing questionnaire. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics (structural equation modeling) were used. The findings showed that advanced students have more rational metacognitive beliefs and this is a factor in improving their educational wellbeing, teaching cognitive and metacognitive strategies can be important for increasing students' educational well-being. Finally, some suggestions are provided.

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