Background: In order to maintain and increase the quality, efficiency and effectiveness and, ultimately, long-term survival and success of organizations in the rather complex and changing environment, it is essential to take advantage of their employees talent and creativity. However, the use of creativity involves the measurement and analyzing it. So the results of the analysis of creativity measurement can be used for the creative staff and adherence to utilizing it.Objective: This study aimed to identify and analyze the current state of creativity and its four dimensions: Problem finding, idea finding, evaluating ideas and implement ideas.Methods: Using a survey method, a questionnaire was distributed among the statistical population and after completion, they were collected. Data were gathered and refined, using SPSS. Then to ensure the validity (exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and convergent and divergent validity) and reliability (internal consistency), based on research using predicates one sample t-test and t-test samples, were analyzed.Results: The results showed that, although the staff under investigation enjoyed enough creativity levels, higher than average, but they were away from ideal situation. The results indicate that characteristics such as gender, marital status, responsibility (manager/subordinate), work (province/city), date (informal/contract) and the University graduation place (University of/at other universities), influence the creativity. Especially those with the lowest levels of creativity and the place of graduation of the University, shows the highest level of creativity.Conclusions: Priority should be given to enhancing employees creativity, both women and men by the managers on the staff in the provincial capital city. In addition, to enhance creativity in organizations, experts are needed to be organized, financed and employed.