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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Money laundering is one of the illegal acts that has negative effects on economy. This study aims to identify the factors which affect money laundering in Sport. The research was done using mixed methods. In the qualitative phase data was collected through in-depth interviews using snowball sampling technics. 17 experts were interviewed; then the data was coded and analyzed based on grounded theory via Emergent approach. A questionnaire was designed according to the data collected in the qualitative phase; after confirming its validity and reliability the questionnaire was given to the samples of the research. In this phase data was analyzed through SEM. The analysis of the data from the qualitative phase revealed that main categories are: Contextual factors (poisoning the economic atmosphere); Structural factors (unhealthy economic structure); Behavioral factors (unclear financial supervising). In quantitative phase, the conceptual model of path analysis was calculated using the goodness of fit index; according to this data the experimental-conceptual hypotheses were confirmed. According to the effectiveness of factors effecting the money laundering among which the economic atmosphere poisoning played the most important role, to prevent ML in Sport there must be clear supervising on financial affairs, healthy economic structure and development in economic atmosphere of financial channels.

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Jorkesh S. | NAZARI R. | TAHERI M.

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The growing number of elderlies has resulted in new issues and considerations. Since the disabilities of the elderly period become more prevalent as the age increases, sport plays a more prominent role in this situation to keep the elderlies healthy and improve their social participation. Present study aims to introduce a model for elderly sport in Iran. This is a qualitative study conducted based on grounded theory. Participants of the study included the scholars and specialists of sport sciences, psychologists, social workers, sociologists, and nurses, the officials of the organizations for elderlies including health and welfare, social affairs of municipality in Isfahan. They were selected based on purposive sampling for semi-structured interviews. Interviews continued until theoretical saturation. Data were simultaneously collected and analyzed using Strauss & Corbin method. Data was validated based on the criteria recommended by Lincoln & Guba. The results identified 276 basic conceptual statements with 11 primary categories and 50 secondary categories in paradigm model including causal conditions (3 categories), central phenomena (7 categories), action strategy (2 categories), context (2 categories), intervening conditions (2 categories), and consequence (1 category). The integration of categories based on the interrelations between them about on the elderly sport in Iran forms the paradigmatic model, reflecting the model of involved managers in the elderly issues.

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Talents play an essential role in the development of a country's sport and paying attention to them and discovering and developing these individuals is one of the key factors in sport success. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors, which affect the development of successful talent in the first and second division women's futsal league in Iran. The research method was descriptive-survey. The statistical population of this study was included all the players in the women first and second futsal league (202 people) in season 2017-2018. The data collection tool was a questionnaire of successful talent development factors derived from the dissertation of Mudege (2011), which has 7 dimensions and 51 questions. Its validity confirmed by physical education professors and its reliability was obtained through Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 86. Data analysis were done using descriptive and inferential (Friedman) statistics by AMOS24 and SPSS22 software. The findings showed that cultural factors with the load of (0. 71) and financial support by the load of (0. 28), had respectively the most and the least impacts on the development of successful talent. In sum, on the base of the results the talented players for a successful sport often need the influence and development of cultural factors and possibly this is one of the challenges of women sport, which sport managers in the women's sector must pay attention to it.

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Bamir m. | Setayesh A.H.

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The success of the country's sport in international competitions is influenced by several factors. Recognition the factors affecting the success of sport can be effective in sport development. The purpose of this study was to measure the process of scientific outputs impact in subject area of physical education and sport sciences on sports championship in four periods of 4 years. Scientific data of four time periods have been extracted from web of science and Olympic data from Olympic games website. To evaluate this survey, four indicators were considered: number of productive degrees, number of active sport organizations, number of researchers and number of medals won in the Olympic Games. Then, correlation between these indicators was calculated, using SPSS software version 21. The results showed that correlation coefficient between indicators was from 0. 45 to 0. 75 in all time periods; which indicates that there is significant correlation between the number of received medals and the other three indicators. In general, it can be concluded that over time, the correlation coefficient has grown in all variables, which means that the role of scientific outputs has become more important in development of sports championship.

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Researches show that limited models have been designed to measure the research productivity of higher education centers, but so far, no reliable and valid instrument have been provided to measure the research productivity of university faculty members. Identifying effective factors on research productivity is very significant to improve the scientific quality of the faculty and the institution of the interest. The purpose of this study was to construction and validation of an instrument to determine effective factors on research productivity in physical education faculty members. The statistical population of the study consisted of 831 faculty members of physical education and sport sciences of Islamic Azad University. The statistical sample for determining the psychometric indices was 150 people and 300 people were selected by cluster sampling method. Research questionnaire with 29 questions was made based on theoretical bases and gaining expert opinions through a mixed study (qualitative and quantitative) according to structural equation modeling which has consisted of three main factors and nine sub-factors. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factors analysis using Amos software version 23 showed that the instrument are reliable. Therefore, based on the findings of the research, it can be suggested that university administrators can use the questionnaire designed in this research to measure and improving research productivity of their faculty members.

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Since the planning of the sport field development needs the Knowledge of the current situation, this thesis examines the development situation of badminton in the provinces of Iran. The research method is descriptive – survey and its goal are practical; the data collection type is by field study. The Statistical Society includes badminton associations in the provinces of the country. The statistical sample was chosen as a sampling of the total number of items. The research tools were a researcher questionnaire consisting of four general viewpoints of “ human resources” , “ structure and organization” , “ events and gym management” and “ infrastructure and facilities” . Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the viewpoint of 13 experts. For analyzing data, descriptive, ranking and leveling methods were used in “ EXCEL” and “ SPSS” and “ GIS” software. The findings showed that the factors of infrastructure and facilities, events and gym management, human resources and structure and organization respectively had the most impact on the development of the Badminton in the provincial level. According to findings: lower than 7% of provinces in the country being in level 1 or developed, about 15% being in level 2 or less developed, and about 78% of provinces being in level 3 or undeveloped. It is necessary that the future strategies of the badminton federation be based on the balanced development and reduction of inequality. In order to achieve the balance, it is recommended that the dimensions of the development of this field, given their importance, be considered for regional planning accordingly.

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The present study aimed to determine the productivity of Iranian Olympic federations in the professional dimension and it was a process research conducted as a survey under the influence of limited time domain. The research was conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire. The content, face, and criterion validity of questionnaire was examined and confirmed; and the tool reliability was tested using the Cronbach's alpha leading to the desirable coefficient of 0. 96. The statistical population consisted of senior managers of Iranian Olympic federations; and managers of all federations (26) were considered as statistical samples by the full enumeration due to the limited number of managers. Data was analyzed using the Paired-Samples T-Test (to compare the productivity indicators in financial, material and human components with an emphasis on the professional dimension in desired status, and identify gaps) and the effect severity (to evaluate the productivity). According to results of financial component and mean values, the mean desired status was higher than the current status in indexes namely the commemoration of heroes and pioneers; setting up local camps; development of infrastructures; and promoting local championship levels, but due to the significant t and high effect severity, the indices namely budgets for dispatch the knowledge application had the effect severity of less than 0. 05; and the mean difference of desired and current status was lower than other indices of financial components in the professional dimension. Finally, it was found that the productivity of Iranian Olympic federations was lower than the standard level in this dimension.

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One of the most important events in the field of sport sciences is the practical physical education test. The significance of this test is due to the sensitivity of choosing the right people to enter this field and leaving expert and competent people in the end. Therefore, in this regard implementing an optimized test that has the maximum efficiency and effectiveness is very important and necessary. In this regard, the purpose of this research was to optimize the practical physical education test process using simulation and multi-criteria decision-making methods. The test was designed using the ARENA simulation model in order to select the appropriate method of test implementation, in addition, to determine the optimal number of necessary resources. For this purpose, eight different scenarios were first designed and then modeling in the ARENA software. In the design of scenarios, the process of entering volunteers, the process of setup the physical and medical status assessment station and the number of stations in the section of physical fitness was considered. Multi-criteria decision-making methods were used to select the best scenario, taking into account the appropriate criteria (volunteer waiting time, execution time process, average utilization of resources, and total cost of resources). In this method, first, determine the weight of the criteria with the CRITIC method and then the best scenario was selected using the PROMETHEE method. The results showed that scenario 6 is the best scenario and scenario 3 is the worst scenario. The optimization of the physical education test process will help the organizers to resolve some of the problems in this field and thus improve the results of the test, especially in the implementation section.

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The significance of fans in the development of professional sports has a special status. This is while brand communities and unique social media features are well placed for brand fans. The present study aimed to develop a comprehensive model of interactive behavior of fans of football clubs, as members of social media-based brand communities. The research was conducted using a correlational-survey method. The samples were selected from fans of professional football clubs active in the social media. To collect the required data, a researcher-made questionnaire containing 45 items was employed. In order to obtain of the questionnaire validity, content and construct validity indicators were used, and to evaluate its reliability, Cronbach's alpha was used. For data analysis, SEM software was put into service. The research findings indicated that a brand community, as an independent variable, has a positive and significant effect on the variables of interactions among the members, communication maturity and value creation strategies. In addition, the factor of value creation strategies has positive and significant effects on loyalty and communication maturity. The results confirmed the social mediabased fan behavior model using SEM.

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In e-commerce, the quality of providing e-services is important for satisfaction of users, because it can lead to user’ s loyalty. The purpose of this study was to identify the affective factors on the user's e-loyalty. The statistical population of the study included all undergraduate and graduate students of physical education (N = 260). To measure the variables of the research, standard questionnaires of quality of sports websites, e-satisfaction, e-loyalty and flow experience were used. To formal validity survey, experts opinion and to content validity, carcass model (CVR=0. 78) and Cronbach's Alpha reliability were used. In order to analyze the data, suitable descriptive and inferential statistic methods (structural equation model) were used. The findings showed that the service quality effects on eloyalty through e-satisfaction mediators and a flow experience (32%). Generally, the findings showed that the higher quality of sports websites, the greater level of e-loyalty. The role of the flow experience and e-satisfaction as a mediator between them are the same and have a positive effect on this.

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In order to effectively carry out market-side strategies and succeed in marketing, a marketer must be aware of the factors affecting consumer purchase decisionmaking. Young consumers in the student age group form a major part of the market. The present paper aims at the development and validation of a purchasing style evaluation scale based on the Sporles and Kendal model (1986). To this aim, 377 physical education and sports science students randomly completed the purchasing style evaluation scale developed for sports products, which included new sub-scales for religion and politics. The validity of the scale structure was confirmed by the findings of exploratory factor analysis with respect to the ratio of the chi-square index to the degree of freedom and other indicators. Generally, the findings showed that some buyers prefer to buy products from their own country because of their sense of interest and loyalty to their homeland or because of the perceived quality of domestic products. Also, religious values affect the personality of the consumer and, therefore, their beliefs, values and attitudes tend to affect the behaviors and choices of consumers. We can use this scale in light of the importance of the sub-scales of religion and politics when assessing the purchasing style of sports products consumers.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of services personalization and customer gratitude on customer Loyalty in Arak's Sport Clubs considering given the mediating role of Relationship Quality Dimensions. The sample for this study was selected among all consumers in health clubs and fitness centers in Arak by stratified sampling (north, south, east, west and center of city). Data were gathered by questionnaire (27 items); Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were tested. Data analyses were done using Structural equation modeling in SPSS15 and LISREL8. 8 Software. Findings reveal that services personalization and customer gratitude have a direct and significant impact on customer Loyalty. Also, the results showed that relationship quality dimensions have a mediating role in the relationship between services personalization and customer gratitude and customer Loyalty in Arak's sport clubs. Therefore, by providing services tailored to the needs and demands of customers, clubs can develop their sense of appreciation as well as their satisfaction and loyalty, and by creating a high-quality relationship increase this effectiveness.

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