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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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One of the most important changes that have happened in promotion of performance in the last decade is evaluation of customer's satisfaction as one of the major elements and necessities of management system in commercial institutes and agencies. Therefore it was necessary to implement customer satisfaction evaluation system as one of the important indices in promotion of performance.Regarding the importance of the topic, this research has been conducted to study and compare the expectations of customers of the quality of service of Automated Teller System of TEJARAT and PARSIAN bank and the quality perceived from the service of those systems so as to make applied use of the result of research.To conduct the research, 200 customers of TEJARAT & PARSIAN banks were randomly selected and the research information has been gathered using “Sevqual” Questionnaire.Before implementation, the questionnaire has been implemented on the accredited sample and after its verification, on the final sample. The research has been conducted with applied, descriptive and survey method and the data obtained by SPSS15 were investigated.The result of research show that based on indices of quality of service, there is a meaningful differences between the present status (service operation of Automated Teller System) and desirable status (customer's expectations) in TEJARAT and PARSIAN banks.Based on study of each of indices of quality of service, all indices (Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles), the gap is negative and the quality perceived of quality indices of the services of Automated Teller System of TEJARAT and PARSIAN bank are lower than the level and limit of customer's expectations. Therefore is necessary to take necessary measures in order to fill these negative gaps.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research reviews factors affecting product class involvement in industrial-bread-purchasing behavior. Model of this paper is based on the conceptual model presented in Drichoutis & et al's study (2007). Their recommendations and suggestions have been planned and developed for future researchers. Product class involvement is measured by five factors: taste, price, nutrition, ease of preparation, and brand name. The research method is descriptive and our data is gathered by questionnaire tool and survey method. Statistical universe of this study is buyers of Industrial-bread in Tehran metropolitan and 404 samples choosed by multi stage cluster sampling. Using Generalized Linear Models (GLM), data have been analyzed. Firstly, the model accuracy has been verified by chisquare test. And magnitude of Cox and Snell, Nagelkerke and McFadden indexes showed the appropriate status of Model Fitting After that by examining the amount of probability of eath variables in 95% Confidence Level, hypothesizes “education”, “income”, “household size”, “main meal planners”, “follow certain dietary guidelines”, “believe what one eats can reduce the risk of getting a disease”, “spend more time looking for nutritional information” is supported and influence of “nutrition knowledge”, “major grocery shoppers”, “special diet status”, “time spent grocery shopping”, “working Status”, “ family life cycle” is not supported.

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Nowadays one of the most important subjects and objectives for companies that render services is to better understand their customers’ needs and to be able to foresee their expectations. Regarding the above, designing and implementing customers satisfaction measurement systems becomes one of the most effective instruments for these companies in order to evaluate themselves and better understand their customers’ needs. Commodity inspection companies have an essential role in international commerce seriously require the above mentioned program. This research is based on such company. Bekhrad international inspection company has tried to evaluate itself and understand its customer's expectations.Aims of this research are finding and pinpointing important values for customers in their point of view, evaluating different levels of expectation from customers’ point of view and quality of services received according different indexes and forwarding solutions to upgrade the companies’ disadvantages and levering the advantages to a higher position.In this research we have used the following statistic techniques such as t-student, ANOVA and Duncan test in order to derive results. We found that the customers’ expectations exceed the level of services they receive. Knowledge, speed and communication facilities were pinpointed. In all three subjects we have set parameters to be able to measure them. In this research we found out which parameters have priority according the customers. Finally based on our practiced experience of working in the company as an employee, we have tried to propose the most effective solutions to facilitate the organizations functions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Attitudes can impact as one of the major factors in the behavior and performance of employees. A lot of research has been done about the employee performance and organizational commitment and the relationship between these two subjects. One of the areas considered by experts has been organizational commitment. Organizational commitment over time has been undergoing changes. Early studies considered a single dimension and the newer approaches are mentioned multidimensional. One of the patterns of multidimensional model of organizational commitment is a three dimension model that are stated from two experts in this field by the names Meyer and Allen. They regard organizational commitment as having dimensions: emotional commitment, commitment to tasks and continuous commitment. Performance as a way of performing work are sometimes synonymous with the result, and the result is considered to being one of the perennial challenges in management of organizations. In this study the relationship between organizational commitment and performance of employees in West Azerbaijan Province Gas Company was investigated. Reviews and research results statistically indicate that there are significant relationship between each of the three dimensions independently of employee performance and the overall relationship between performance and organizational commitment of staff in the main research hypothesis test.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Due to limited resources and the presence of agile and intelligent competitors in business environment, develop and prioritize a balanced portfolio of strategic initiatives and projects are vital. This article attempts to develop, prioritize and select strategic business projects by using powerful management tools. Therefore, a fuzzy integrated approach of balanced scorecard (BSC) and quality function deployment (QFD) that combination of business management strategic tools based on fuzzy analytical network process (FANP) is selected. Also, in this paper is shown how a company can use three stage "quality function deployment" method based on balanced scorecard (strategy planning, strategy management, initiative management) and with fuzzy analytical network process approach, for achieving the qualitative portfolio of strategic business projects. Thus the presented methodology in this article extracts and prioritizes the more significant portfolio of organizational projects. Finally, an application in one of active Companies in Oil industry is presented to illustrate the proposed methodology.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article presents the measuring of brand special effect on purchasing behavior through Zar Makaron consumers’ society at Tehran. According to Aaker model, Brand Value Indicators are prepared by perceived quality, perceived value, uniqueness and willingness to pay a high price premium for a brand. perceived quality is customers’ judgment on the advantage, superiority credit and brand differences from other competitors’ brands in which not only they influence on the other parts of brand, but they influence on the products categories from the customers’ perspective. Cost-based perceived value is all of the brand advantages in which the customer has earned or has lost while comparing it with other brands. Uniqueness of Quality is the value and the difference of brand from the customer's perspective. Willingness to pay more Cost premium is made due to three variables that the customer's behavior is also shaped by them. These measures are performed by constructive equations. Article information has randomly taken from 273 of Zar Makaron at Tehran. The mentioned information has prepared through the valid questionnaire with 20 questions. Questionnaire reliability using alpha coefficients and factor analysis confirmed Kronbakh has been approved. Analytic results prove that three independent variables of Perceived Quality, perceived Value for the Cost and Uniqueness leading into the willingness to pay a high Price premium and also product brand loyalty. Furthermore, willingness to pay the price premium as a mid variable directly and meaningfully increases the purchase behavior willingness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Information and technology management system of ministry of science has been defined as a system to provide consistent and comprehensive information for the sake of decision and policy making as regards to research affairs. Successful implementation of the mentioned system has been facing with numerous challenges. According concentration and focus on key success factors help us to identify, difficulties and problems in process of system implementation, subsequently remedies to solve any probable problems would be the advantage of having a deep understanding on key success factors. The objective of this study is to categorize and prioritize the key factors which built the mentioned system successful. Research hypothesis are examined and examined and studied through distributing of questionnaire with utilizing of descriptive statistics. According to the literature and interviews with the experts of ministry of Science and Technology, respectively, three managerial factors, legal factors, and technical and technological factors have been defind and prioritized. Each of these factors, are decomposed to other factors. In a lump sum number twenty-three factors were defined. The most significant of these factors are as following: sustained support and commitment of senior management of organization in running and using the system, defining legislation and regulations by ministry of Science in order to support the system, as well as allocating the financial credits and budget based on the system's requirements. Direct users of research results are: Policy makes and excutive persons in science and technology information management systems, the mentioned users, based on identified key factors are able to establish infrastructures and build required foundations in order to implement the above system. The result information provides design and implementation stages and users have the privilege of an optimal and simple usage of the system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Basically, there are different executive levels on organizations, and the managers of different levels are facing with so many challenges and conflicts which are mostly resulted from relations with people in society and supervising the employees in their supervision scope. One of the most important and significant characteristics of the leaders in pioneer and successful organizations is taking advantage of a proper strategy and method for facing conflicts and challenging factors within organization. The applied methods for study are from descriptive, integrating and surveying type. Also, the study is based on an applied approach. Statistical society consists of totally 400 members, including the managers and officers of Social Security Organization within Branches in the city of Tehran. Random Sampling method is applied for selecting 200 members of society. Main means for collecting data under this paper are questionnaires, including type1 and type2 questionnaires. Type1 questionnaires are about conflict management strategies and type2 questionnaires are about structure. To study the documents and evidences and to take part in interviews were the applied methods for limiting possible errors in collected data. After comparing the questions of questionnaires, obtained information was analyzed using Spss software. In order to determine the relation between variables, Karl Pierson test (divergence test) was implemented, and a meaningfulness level equal to (0.05) was considered. According to the results obtained of Karl Pierson test, the hypotheses in this paper were confirmed. Finally, regarding the relations between conflict management strategies and organizational structure, it most be mentioned that education, looking employees from investment point of view, participating employees and applying their opinions on making strategies, and also imperceptible supervisions are to be considered as necessary factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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