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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Aim: The poor performance of neck proprioception is a risk factor for athlete’ s head and neck injury. Muscle fatigue, as an inevitable factor of any physical activity, can cause disorder in proprioception performance. The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of cervical muscular fatigue on neck proprioception performance in karate athletes in comparison to non-athletes. Materials and Methods: A total of 16 professional karate athletes (mean age ± SD; 21. 00 ± 2. 73 years, mean height ± SD; 1. 78 ± 0. 05 cm, and mean weight ± SD; 71. 38 ± 11. 32 kg) and 16 non-athletes (mean age ± SD; 20. 81 ± 1. 87 years, mean height ± SD; 1. 75 ± 0. 04 cm, and mean weight ± SD; 70. 00 ± 12. 24 kg) participated in the study. Participants performed dumbbell shrug shoulder (with 30% 1RM) for fatigue protocol. Cervicocephalic relocation test was used measuring angle repositioning error during active cervical extension and rotation movements to assess neck proprioception ability, before and after isotonic muscular fatigue. Results: No significant difference was observed in neck position sense before and after neck muscles fatigue in the two groups. However, a significant difference was found in neck proprioception performance between karate athletes and non-athletes following extension (P<0/05). In general, athletes had greater joint position errors compared with non-athletes. Conclusion: Although muscular fatigue did not affect proprioceptive neck performance, probably the effects of degenerative changes in neck proprioception and the acceleration repeated movements in karate athletes have weakened their neck proprioception function in some direction in comparison to non-athletes. Therefore, it is important to improve the performance of neck proprioception in karate athletes through special neck proprioception trainings.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Reading disorder is one of the neurocognitive problems that causes academic, psycho-cognitive problems for students suffering from this problem. Neurofeedback is one of the therapeutic techniques in the field of reading disorder for normalizing brain waves. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of neurofeedback training on reading performance and working memory of the students with dyslexia. Materials and Methods: The design used in the current study was quasi-experimental design including pretest-posttest and a control group. Using available sampling method, 36 students with reading disorders were selected from among all students with dyslexia in Torbat Heydarieh city in 1394-95 academic year, divided into two parallel )age, gender, intelligence) groups of control and experimental with 18 students in each group. In the pretest and posttest, the Wechsler memory and Nema tests were used. Also, in addition to the academic teaching, as a part of routine practice of in the disability centers, the experimental group received 20 sessions of therapeutic; training neurofeedback for four sessions )each session lasted for 40 minutes(. In addition to receiving the academic training of dyslexia, the control group received 20 sessions of sham therapeutic training neurofeedback, four sessions a week, each session lasting for 40 minutes. To analyze the results, a variable analysis of covariance (working memory) and multivariable analysis of covariance (reading performance) were used. Results: The findings showed that neurofeedback training improved the working memory (p<0. 0001) and all the components of reading performance (p<0. 0001) except for testing issue marks (p>0. 05) and naming images components (p>0. 05) in students. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the current study, it is suggested that this therapeutic method be used along with other therapeutic methods.

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Background and Aim: Hypermobility is generally referred to as a distinguished risk factor in developing joint instability and the possibility of causing damage. Thus, it is widely believed that proprioception goes impaired in individuals with hypermobility. Therefore, the present study was carried out to compare elbow joint proprioception in female athletes and non-athletes showing hypermobility syndrome and healthy female athletes. Materials and Methods: The study followed a case-control methodology and the sampling was choice-based and based on the availability of the participants. A total of 30 female participants were categorized into three distinct groups, each comprising of 10 healthy athletes, 10 athletes showing hypermobility, and 10 non-athletes with hypermobility. Participants age range was between 20-30. Elbow flexion position sense error was measured through isokinetic dynamometer biodex system 3 through active method in 45 and 60 degrees and the values obtained were compared among the three groups and different angles. For data analysis, variance analysis test with repeated measures was used. The significance level was set at p< 0. 05. Results: Data analysis indicated that the athletes showing hypermobility syndrome and healthy athletes both showed a higher proprioceptive precision compared with non-athletes demonstrating hypermobility. Additionally, the athletes with hypermobility and healthy athlete groups demonstrated more accurate proprioceptive acuity at an angle of 60 degrees compared with that of 45 degrees. But, the non-athletes showing hypermobility demonstrated a less accurate proprioceptive acuity at an angle of 60 degrees compared with that of 45 degrees. Conclusion: Unlike the previous investigations, the current study rejected the notion of existing impaired proprioception within the individuals showing hypermobility. So far, the hypermobility athletes’ proprioception has not been evaluated, which can be a good reason to justify this claim, since we may direct attentions to the key role of physical exercises in joints proprioception. Therefore, it seems that we could rely on hypermobility athletes to be used in higher levels of competition and in sport talent scouting.

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Background and Aim: Aging reduces the physiological function of the body and perturbs the gait. On the other hand, based on the previous studies, regular physical activities postpone these perturbations. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of Pilate's exercises on some lower extremity kinematics parameters in healthy sedentary middle age women during walking. Materials and Methods: A total of 20 healthy middle-aged sedentary women, between 50-45 years old, were purposefully selected to participate in the present study. In pre-test, each participant placed on a treadmill, then she walked on the treadmill for one minute. Then, the final 30-second of walking was recorded using the two-dimensional motion analysis system with 6 cameras at 120 Hz speed rate. Then, participants performed eight weeks of Pilates which was followed by a post-test similar to the pre-test. The Cortex software was used for data processing. Statistical analyses of data was performed using SPSS, version 22, running a paired T-test at a significant level of 0. 05. Then, The desired parameter, including the hip, knee, and ankle motion range during the swing and stance phases were measured. Moreover, hip, knee, and ankle joint angles at both the heel contact and toe off moments were evaluated. Finally, the length step parameter was extracted, as well. Result: The results showed no significant differences between the evaluated parameters. Conclusion: The present study showed that the eight weeks of Pilates training does not affect the lower extremity kinematics during walking in healthy sedentary middle-aged women. This must be due the fact that the aging physiological problems in middle aged women are less than those in the elderly.

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Background and Purpose: Recovery may alleviate athletes’ muscle soreness and the vital factors. The present study aimed to compare the effects of active recovery without water along with hot and cold water on vital factors and muscle soreness after resistance training in two different environments. Materials and Methods: A total of 36 female students were randomly divided into 3 groups of control, recovery with cold water, and recovery with hot water, with 12 participants in each group. The experimental groups performed a week of resistance training in hot environment (35 to 40° c, 75± 2% humidity) and recovery in cold (10 to 12° c) and warm (40° c) water. Then, they took a rest for the second week. In the third week, they did the trainings in cold environment (5 to 10° c, 60± 2% humidity) and went under recovery in cold and warm water. The control group underwent a week of resistance training in an environment with mild temperature (26± 2° c, 43± 2% humidity) and had the active recovery without water. Muscle soreness, body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate were assessed at different stages. Results: The results revealed that there was a significant difference between recovery in warm and cold water on muscle soreness and vital factors after performing resistance exercise in cold and heat in stressful environments (P≤ 0. 05). Active recovery in cold water causes greater reduction of muscle soreness in periods of 24 and 48 hours after training in cold environments and of blood pressure and heart rate two hours after doing exercise in warm and cold environments. Conclusion: Swift recovery of vital factors and muscle soreness after resistance trainings in abnormal temperatures could best be achieved by an active recovery with cold water.

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Background and Aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate and compare the impact of taping and two types of braces (Lacy brace and Brace Neoprene) on functional performance of volleyball players with an unstable foot ankle. Materials and Methods: In the current comparative research, 15 volleyball players of Iraqi Kurdish State, who had an unstable foot ankle (average age: 21. 93± 1. 94 years, height: 1. 85± 0. 08m, weight: 80. 50± 7. 25kg, and Body Mass Index: 23. 37± 1. 65 kg/m² ) were included. Functional tests included Jump Sargent and Y Balance Test. Data was analyzed using repeated Analysis of Variance (repeated ANOVA) in SPSS, version 22 (p˂ 0. 05). Result: The findings showed that in Brace Neoprene (p˂ 0. 001) and Lacy brace (p˂ 0. 001), the scores of Y Balance Test and all three protecting devices, including taping (p ˂ 0. 001), brace neoprene (p ˂ 0. 002), and Lacy brace (p ˂ 0. 001), had a positive impact on the vertical jump test score, but these three types of protective equipments had no certain superiority over each other prior to and after the practices. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study and since in Y Balance Test the taping had no effect on the results of the test, overall, no difference was found between the three types of protective devices. Also, based on the findings of the previous studies, showing that using braces is less expensive, it seems reasonable to use the brace compared with taping. It is noteworthy to remind that the preference of one of these methods to other is dependent on the factors like the convenience of the athlete and the biomechanical items, which deserve further investigation.

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Background and Aim: Community Re-Entry Program (CRP) is one of the new programs that equips participants with the skills and information necessary to enable them to meet the requirements of hospital stay, to live independently in their community. The present study aimed to assess the effect of Community Re-Entry Program (CRP) on the mental state of patients with chronic mental disorders. Materials and Methods: In the present study, 40 patients with chronic mental disorders referring to outpatient rehabilitation centers of Hamadan, Iran, were randomly divided into two intervention (N=20) and control (N=20) groups. The intervention group received CRP in 16 educational sessions, each lasting for 60-90-minutes, held twice a week for two months. The control group, on the other hand, took part in the routine occupational therapy of the rehabilitation center. Both groups were evaluated using the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scales (PANSS) questionnaire before and after the intervention. Results: The results showed a significant change in negative symptoms (P=0. 04), general psychopathology (P=0. 01), and total score of PANSS questionnaire (P=0. 02) in the intervention group compared with those of the control group, after the intervention. However, no significant difference was found between the two groups concerning positive symptoms. Conclusion: According the research findings, CRP could reduce negative symptoms, general psychopathology, and total scores of mental state in chronic mental patients, which reflects the impact of the program in improving mental state in these patients. Yet, future studies are required to assess the long-term clinical effects of this program.

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Background and Aim: Although the biomechanical effects of insole on optimization of movement patterns, especially in the lower limbs in rehabilitation sciences, have been documented, the effect of applying it in modifying sports basic movement patterns is not well-known. The aim of present study was to investigate the effect of three foot insoles (rigid, semi-rigid, and soft) on electromyography activity ratio of VMO and VL muscles. Materials and Methods: A total of 13 male participants took part in the present semiexperimental study. Electromyography activities of Vastus Medialis Obliqe (VMO) and Vastus Lateralis (VL) muscles were recorded and VMO/VL ratio was compared in four conditions: wearing only shoes, soft-sole, semi-sole, and rigid-sole during one-leg drop jump. ANOVA with Repeated measures test was used for data analyses (p<0. 05). Results: The VMO muscle activation in soft-sole condition significantly increased in comparison with semi-rigid condition in the eccentric phase (P<0. 05). There was a significant increase in electromyography activation for Vastus lateralis muscle in soft-sole condition compared to non-sole and rigid-sole in the eccentric phase (P<0. 05). Also, there was no significant difference observed for VMO and VL activation in conditions during concentric and pre-activation phases. Finally, VMO/VL activation ratio in rigid-sole significantly increased in comparison with semi-sole in the eccentric phase. Conclusion: Considering the influence of rigid insole on increasing the VMO/VL ratio during the execution of drop jump task, it seems that using rigid insole may be useful in improving and expediting individuals' rehabilitation with imbalance problems between VMO and VL muscles during jumping tasks.

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Background and Aim: Despite the relatively long history of palatal surgery, little consensus has been reached regarding the best surgical techniques, and even less regarding optimal timing. There are still no standard protocols to address the issues of ideal timing for cleft palate repair to attain optimal speech and to avoid abnormal maxillofacial growth after repair. Otherwise, there are various types of cleft of the primary and secondary palate and researches indicate that the extent and type of cleft, surgical techniques, and timing of surgical and behavioral management might impress the frequency and type of speech errors. The present study was conducted to examine the impact of the time of primary palatal surgery and cleft type on compensatory misarticulation in 3-7 years old children with cleft palate. Materials and Methods: In the present retrospective descriptive-analytic study. A total of 175 children, aged 3-7 years, with repaired cleft palate were chosen from Isfahan Cleft palate and Craniofacial Team. The case files were chosen based on the entrance criteria and then the personal data and speech assessment forms were filled. Information about the cleft type and timing of primary palatal surgery was collected from children’ files. Data was analyzed using analytic statistics in SPSS, version 16. Results: Chi-square analyses revealed no significant relationship between dependent variable of the frequency of preschoolers with cleft palate who produced compensatory misarticulation and the independent variables of cleft type and age of primary palatal surgery. Conclusion: In the present study, the age range was wide, and the extent of the cleft was unclear. Additional research is needed to determine if there are variables (such as type and time of early intervention program) that might have masked the influence of timing of primary surgery and cleft type.

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Background and Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of Pilates and traditional corrective exercises on lumbar lordosis. Materials and Methods: Statistical population of the present study consisted of nonathletic female students from Farhangian University in Khoy. A total of 30 participants (19-24 years old) with lumbar lordosis were selected and divided into two experimental (Pilates and traditional corrective) and control groups. The experimental groups performed the related exercises 3 days in a week for 3 weeks, each session lasting for 60 min each. Flexible ruler, Thomas test, leaning forward, squat test, and sit-up test were used, respectively, for measuring lordosis degree, flexibility of quadriceps muscles, flexibility of back muscles, power of hamstring, and power of abdominal muscles before and after the six-week training. To compare pre-test and post-test of dependent variables, paired t-test was used. One way ANOVA and Bonferoni test was run to compare the three groups. Results: The results showed that in both experimental groups lumbar lordosis decreased (in both groups: p=0. 001) and flexibility of quadriceps (traditional corrective group: p=0. 001; Pilates group: p=0. 003), flexibility of back muscles (in both groups: p=0. 001), power of hamstring (in both groups: p=0. 001), and power of abdominal muscles (in both groups: p=0. 001) improved. There was no significant difference between two experimental groups for lumbar lordosis (p=1. 000), flexibility of quadriceps (p=0. 856), flexibility of back muscles (p=0. 786), power of hamstring muscles (p=1. 000), and power of abdominal muscles (p=0. 579). Conclusion: Based on the findings, it is suggested that to treat lumbar lordosis both Pilates and traditional corrective exercises can be used. Both training methods may treat hyperlordosis with increase in the flexibility of back muscles and quadriceps muscles and with increase in the power of hamstring and of abdominal muscles.

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Background and Aim: The prevalence of moderate to profound hearing loss in children is 1 to 6 out of 1000. Children with deafness are at the risk of vestibular dysfunction. Since the vestibular apparatus triggers the vestibular reflex mechanisms that stabilize the eyes, head, and body in space, impairment of this mechanism will also affect postural sensibility. The aim of the present study was to investigate the balance performance in 7 to 12 year-old students with hearing loss in Qom deaf schools. Materials and methods: In the present study, the balance performance of 47 students with moderate, severe, and profound hearing loss in Qom deaf schools was evaluated using balance subtest of Bruiniks Ozeretsky test of motor proficiency. For data analysis, the means of standard scores in different gender and age groups were compared. Also, based on classification of standard scores in test manual, classification of balance performance in age and gender groups and then students’ distribution in the performance classifications were determined. Results: In each of the age groups, more than 50 percent and in each of gender groups 60 and more than 60 percent of the students had low balance performance. The means of their balance standard scores in each of age groups was 6 and less than 6 and in each of gender groups less than 6. Conclusion: In the studied cases, most students in age and gender groups had low balance performance. The means of balance standard scores in age and gender groups indicate that balance performance level is low. These findings demonstrate that organizations related to hearing-impaired children such as Welfare Organization of Iran and Special Education Organization must pay more attention to balance rehabilitation in these children.

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Background and Aim: Patients with metabolic syndrome are more prone to elevated cholesterol, hypertension, and coronary diseases. Determining synchronized effects of aerobic training on both overall metabolic risk and also NON0HDL-c levels, as a valid, easily available, and cheap index of athrogenic events, in patients with metabolic syndrome is of practical interest in clinical settings. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted following an experimental method with pretest and post-test. A total of 30 sedentary volunteer patients with metabolic syndrome from Tabriz (Age: 55. 5± 16. 2 years and BMI: 30. 09± 2. 5 kg/m2) randomized into experimental (Ex, n=15) and control (n=15) groups after blood sampling and daily measurements of CHO, protein, lipid, and total calories using N4 software. Participants in the experimental group took part in eight weeks of aerobic training at moderate intensity and the measurements were renewed following the intervention period. The data were analyzed using paired samples t-test, ANCOVA for repeated measurements, independent t-test, and the kappa correlation coefficient. Results: No significant within-group change was observed in the amount of dietary CHO, protein, lipid, and total calories (P>0. 05). In the experimental group, the majority of metabolic risk factors (Mean arterial blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, LDL, overall metabolic z score, and NON HDLC) decreased and the amount of blood HDL-c elevated following the intervention (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Regular aerobic exercise has an efficient impact to decrease blood NON HDL-c levels and also overall metabolic z score which is of importance in reducing the risk of cardiac diseases.

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Background and Aim: After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR), postural control deficit remains due to sensory defect. Performing exercises based on neuromuscular training (perturbation training) may cause “ postural control” and “ functional level” improvement. The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of perturbation training on postural control in patients with history of ACLR. Materials and Methods: A total of 20 patients with history of ACLR who had followed routine rehabilitation protocol, and who returned to the previous level of activity, were included in two equal treatment and control groups. The mean time after surgery was 9. 5+/-2. 1 months. Force plate test was performed for evaluating the center of pressure parameters such as mean Velocity (Vm), Standard Seviation for distance (SDx), and Velocity (SDv) for each group. Also, cross hop functional test and subjective IKDC were performed for both groups. For treatment group only, 10 sessions of perturbation training were performed. Finally, these tests were repeated and compared between the two groups. Results: A significant increase was observed in the score of IkDC in treatment group (Pvalue< 0. 005). Also, the results of functional test showed a decrease in the mean velocity and SDx in the involved limbs in the treatment group, but in the control group no obvious difference was noticed. The difference observed between treatment and control groups were statistically significant. Conclusion: Perturbation training can induce decrease in the center of pressure parameters, which increases functional test and IKDS scores. According to the results of the present study, performing perturbation protocol in patients who have had ACLR is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Autism spectrum disorders are neuro-developmental condition which is most prevalent among children in recent years. Children with autism spectrum disorders usually have mobility problems in postural control and balance. Balance is the one of basic ability in daily life. In this study researchers decided to investigation the effect of gym ball exercises on static and dynamic balance in children with autism spectrum disorders. Materials and Methods: This study was an experimental with pre and posttests design and control grope. The population includes children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders from Farazdaghi exceptional school in Shiraz. 16 (males) subject were selected with access sampling method and after pre-test of static and dynamic balance were randomly placed in the experimental and control groups (each n = 8). Mean age of subjects were (8. 2 ± 2. 9). Gym ball training intervention was applied in 24 sessions of 35 minutes. Flamingo test to measure static balance and walking on a balance board (WOBB) test, were used to measure dynamic balance. Results: In static balance, significant difference were found between control and experimental groups (U=1, Z= 3. 256). In dynamic, there was no significant difference between the two groups (U= 26, Z= 0. 630). Conclusion: According to the results of this study it can be concluded that Gym ball training is effective on static balance in children with autism spectrum disorders.

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Background and Aim: Speech is the most important part of human's communication. Auditory reception of speech facilitates normal language acquisition and cognitive development. Therefore, precise and early evaluation of speech perception ability in children is highly important. Since the performance of speech recognition test needs word lists with equal difficulty, the present study was designed to compare word recognition score of monosyllabic word lists in 7-9 years Persian speaking children with normal hearing. Materials and Method: The current cross-sectional analytic study was performed on 113 Persian speaking children aged 7 to 9 years with normal hearing. After confirming that all participants had normal hearing using pure-tone and immittance audiometry, pictured word recognition score test was performed using four children’ s monosyllabic pictured word lists. Descriptive and analytical statistical methods (ANCOVA) were used to analyze the data. Results: The results indicated no significant differences between the mean scores of the four lists in each age group (Pv=0. 073). The mean scores of all lists were between 88%-96%. Also, a significant relationship was observed between increased age and increased score of the four lists. (Pv<0. 001) Conclusion: The results showed that the scores of all lists were within the normal range. Since there were no significant differences between list's scores in all age groups, it could be concluded that all the lists were of the same difficulty. Scores of 88% and above at most comfortable level are within the normal range.

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Background and Aim: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder usually characterized by poor coordination and clumsiness. In the present study, we tried to evaluate the effect of perceptual-motor training on the balance function of children with ADHD. Materials and Methods: The present study followed a semi experimental design with pretest-posttest also including a control group. Participants included 20 boys with ADHD aged between 9-12 years who were selected, based on available sampling, from one of the clinics in the city of Tabriz and randomly divided into two equal groups of experimental and control. Perceptual-motor training was conducted for 4 weeks, 3 sessions per week, on experimental group. The data were collected using the Stork Balance Stand Test, Functional Reach Test, and Modified Bass Test of Dynamic Balance. Data analysis was performed using covariance analysis method. Results: The results showed that the intervention did not have a significant effect on static balance, but significantly improved semi-dynamic balance and dynamic balance of children with ADHD. Conclusion: The perceptual-motor training can be used to improve balance in children with ADHD.

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Background and aim: Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal problems which can affect the quality of life, family, health and the individual’ s occupation. Investigation of different treatment techniques in managing neck pain is essential to reduce such expenses. One of the most effective treatments for musculoskeletal disorders is the muscle energy techniques. The present study was conducted to survey the effects of these techniques on neck pain, Range of Motion (ROM) and proprioception in patients with nonspecific chronic neck pain. Materials and methods: In a semi-experimental pre-post designed study, 31 patients with the age range of 18-40 years old were selected from clientele of a physiotherapy clinic with nonspecific chronic neck pain, using available non probability convenience sampling method. Pain intensity, cervical ROM, and cervical position sense error were measured using, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), universal goniometer, and head repositioning accuracy, respectively. All variables were measured one week prior to the study, before, and immediately after the intervention and one week afterwards. Three trials of muscle energy technique were applied to the participant’ s neck as the study intervention. Repeated measures of ANOVA was used to analyze the data. The level of significance was set at P<0. 05. Results: The mean pain intensity reduced from 3. 18 to 1. 76 immediately after treatment and to 1. 85 a week later (P<0. 001). The ROM recovery percentage increased from 61. 33% to 74. 42% immediately and to 73. 44% a week after the treatment (P<0. 001). As for proprioception indicator, the absolute error was reduced from 4. 32 to 3. 7 immediately after the treatment and to 4. 1 a week after (P<0. 001). Conclusion: A session of muscle energy technique on nonspecific chronic neck pain patients can reduce the pain and increase the ROM and decrease the proprioception absolute error.

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Background and Aim: Several studies revealed that motion sickness is among the disorders that usually occurs with migraine. The aim of the present study was to compare the motion sickness score in vestibular migraine and non-vestibular migraine using the Persian version of Motion Sickness Susceptibility Questionnaire-short form (MSSQ-Short). Materials and Methods: Participants suffering from vestibular migraine and non-vestibular migraine were studied from October 2015 to May 2016. International Classification of Headache Disorder III (beta version) was used for diagnosing the type of migraine, and also MSSQ-Short for earning the score of motion sickness susceptibility. Results: MSSQ-score was obtained to be 16. 8± 12. 85 in vestibular migraine and 11. 5± 11. 38 in nonvestibular migraine. The difference was statistically significant (p=0. 044). Conclusion: In vestibular migraine, MSSQ-score was significantly more than that in non-vestibular migraine.

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Background and Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of the Hand Static Rest Splint on reducing the pain and other compliance of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Materials and Methods: In the present clinical trial, 12 patients, aged 35-50 (average: 39 years) with RA, referring to the Occupational Therapy Unit of Taleghani hospital and meeting America College of Rheumatology diagnostic criteria, were included. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was administered and swelling, tenderness and morning stiffness were assessed. Moreover, assessments of active range of motion using goniometry and grip strength with Jamar dynamometer in both hands were performed. Statistical analysis of data was performed using t-test and Mann-Whitney Test for two independent samples and willcoxon tests and paired t-test for paired samples run in SPSS, version 18. The level of significance was set at p˂ 0. 05. Results: The findings showed that the Static Rest Splint led to improvement in the wrist range of motion (flexion p=0/005, extension p=0/03) when the two groups were compared, but it did not have a significant effect on Morning Stiffness (p=1), pain (p=0/1), Swelling (p=0/06), and Tenderness (p=0/2). However, when compared between after and before intervention in hand with splint, pain (p=0/02) and wrist range of motion (p=0/004) improved. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the current study, and since using splints only improve range of motion in the wrist compared between two groups and pain relief before and after the intervention, it seems that using hand Static Rest Splint to reduce other symptoms need further investigation and also given that the use of this position without stress on the tendon can be effective in reducing the causes deformity, further studies are needed to more delineate these points.

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Background and Aim: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, which causes multifocal demyelization in the nervous system (brain and spine). Muscle weakness and balance problems are limiting factors in MS patients that can improve by exercise. The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of six weeks of Pilates training in balance and electrical muscle activity. Materials and Methods: A total of 15 females with MS were selected from Multiple Sclerosis Society of Tehran with 1≤ EDSS≤ 6 (average disease period 10/93± 7/04 year, average age 38/53± 10/51year, average weight 62/40± 8/11 Kg, and average height 159/46± 5/22) took part in the present study on a voluntary basis. Participants were randomly assigned into two groups of control (n=7) and experimental (n=8). Then, assessment of balance and electrical muscles activity test (soleus tibialis anterior and gluteus medius) were performed for each leg. Patients in the experimental group participated in a six-week Pilates training. At the end, once more, balance and electrical muscle activity test were performed similar to pre-test from each group. Data was analyzed using repetitive ANOVA 2*2 (time*group). Results: The result of the present study showed that Pilate's exercises during six weeks have significant effects on the balance of 25-50 year-old women with MS. Furthermore, Pilates training was shown to have effects on the right soleus, tibialis, and left soleus (p≤ 0/01), but it does not have any effect on other muscles (p≥ 0/01). Conclusion: According to the results of the current study, six weeks of Pilates caused balance improvement and increased muscle activity (right soleus, tibialis anterior, and left soleus), thus using Pilates training is recommended for women with MS.

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Background and Aim: Mentally retarded people are those whose mental development ceased or are incomplete, and may include disorders in developmental skills related to intellectual levels. This problem usually has its crucial effects on their verbal, cognitive, and physical mobilities. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of combined training (strength and balance) on balance, muscle strength, and aggression in mentally retarded educable children. Materials and Methods: In a semi-experimental study, a total of 30 male students, 7 to 14 years old, studying at special school of Varzaneh District, with the mean age and standard deviation of 9. 3± 2. 03 and IQ 50 to 70, were purposefully and according to availability selected as the sample and then assigned to experimental (N=15) and control (N=15) groups based on their IQ scores. Bruininks-Oserestsky Test of Motor Proficiency was used to evaluate participants’ balance. Also, to measure aggression, the researcher made use of Zahedifar scale. Participants of the experimental group performed the combined training (strength and balance) for eight weeks, three sessions a week, with each session lasting for 40 minutes, while the control group did not participate in any special training. At the end of this period, both groups took the posttest. For statistical analysis, repeated measures of ANOVA was use. The level of significance was set at p=0. 05. Results: Research findings showed that combined training (strength and balance) had significant effects on static and dynamic balance. However, the effects of selected training on participants’ aggression were not statistically significant. Conclusion: It can be concluded that based on the effectiveness of this training protocol on rehabilitation of mentally retarded children, it is recommended that such rehabilitation programs be included for participants with mental disabilities.

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Background and Aim: Warm up is used for reducing risk of injury and increasing performance prior to practice. Whole body vibration is one of the new methods of warm up that has increasingly been taken into consideration. Despite increased application of this method, its effect on proprioception is not well-known. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of whole body vibration on the accuracy of force reproduction as a key indicator of proprioception. Materials and Methods: In the current randomized control trial, 44 participants (25 males and 19 females, with 22. 02± 2. 75 years of age and BMI: 21. 92 ± 2. 33 kg/m2) selected from healthy students of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, were randomly assigned into two groups: whole body vibration (frequency of 30 Hz and amplitude of 4 mm) and control group (vibration plate inactivated). Participants performed dynamic squats in five minutes with one minute rest interval between each performance on the machine and accuracy of force reproduction of knee extensor muscle was evaluated before and after the intervention. The absolute error, constant error, and variable error were measured to evaluate the participants’ errors in their realization of force sense. Results: Absolute error and variable error of force in both groups showed significant increase after intervention (P<0/01, P=0/009), but there were no significant difference between the two groups, and constant error of force showed no significant difference before and after intervention in each group and between the two groups (P>0/05). Conclusion: According to the results, it seems that immediate effect of this method of warm up reduces accuracy of force production which can be due to fatigue caused by dynamic squat performed five times at one-minute which consequently led to incorrect matching between peripheral and central mechanisms of realization of the force sense. This point should be considered when prescribing the appropriate protocol of warm up.

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Background and Aim: Brain injury is a brain dysfunction disorder. One of the main problems of patients with brain injury is high level language defect, such as naming. Naming test is essential for assessing language content ability. Since improving the ability of naming can have positive effects on patients’ communication, these aspects of speech and language disorders were decided to be investigated in patients with head injury so as to help Speechlanguage pathologists to design an appropriate treatment plan. Materials and Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted on 25 hospitalized patients with mild brain injury (20 males and 5 females). Patients were selected based on the Glasgow coma scale (above 13), according to a neurologist diagnosis. Naming assessment was performed using two tests: confrontational naming and verbal fluency. Results: Intra-class Correlation Coefficient obtained in the first and the second stages of picture naming was 0. 856, which is a high reliability index. Patients were better in semantic fluency than in phonemic fluency. Also, pearson correlation test showed a mild to moderate positive correlation between the average picture naming and verbal fluency (r=0. 337, p=0. 100). Conclusion: Since naming skill is one of the language neuropsychology tests and its evaluation is important in executive function, assessment of these problems is essential for intervention planning in traumatic brain injury patients.

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Background and Aim: Auditory temporal processing is the perception of sound or perception of sound changes within a short time interval and seems to be a major capability in the perception of speech and non-speech sounds, music, rhythm and periodicity. Auditory temporal processing is also considered as an essential ability in discrimination of pitch, duration of acoustic signals and phoneme. Several tests have been developed to assess auditory temporal processing; the most popular of these tests are Duration Pattern Sequence Test (DPST), Pitch Pattern Sequence Test (PPST), and Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT). Materials and Methods: The current study was carried out on 100 monolingual individuals (people with Persian language) with normal hearing including 50 females and 50 males. DPST, PPST, and RGDT were performed for all cases. Results: The means and standard deviations for DPST, PPST, and RGDT were %96. 61 ± 4. 51, %89. 78 ± 7. 72, and 8. 07 ms ± 3. 56, respectively. The results revealed no significant differences between the results of women and men in any of the tests (P>0. 05). The statistical results showed no significant differences between right and left ears scores in monaural tests (P>0. 05). Conclusion: According to the statistical analysis, it seems that normative data obtained in the present study could be used as a diagnostic tool for determination of auditory cortical lesions in adults.

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Background and Aim: Memory plays an important role in Psychology and is inseparable from simple to difficult tasks involved in any cognitive task. The present research aimed to examine the effects of an eight-week perceptual-motor training program on working memory in 8-12 year-old children with Developmental Coordination Disorders (DCD). Materials and Methods: A total of 20 children with DCD were selected from DCD students of exceptional schools in Kermanshah city and randomly divided into two groups of experimental and control. The perceptual-motor training protocol consisted of eight weeks, three sessions per week, and 50 minutes for each session. Working memory was measured using the working memory software standard test. Results: After making sure about normality of distribution using klomogrov-smirnov test, the data were analyzed using paired and independent t-tests for comparing within and between group effects. There was a significant improvement from pretest to posttests in the experimental group regarding the working memory (p=0/001). Moreover, the findings showed that experimental group was significantly better than control group in working memory (p=0/002). Conclusion: According to the present study, perceptual-motor training program improves working memory functions in children with DCD.

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Background and Aim: Hearing loss is one of the most common disorders in the elderly people. Sensory neural hearing loss mostly results from outer and inner hair cell damages in cochlea. The area wherein inner hair cells or auditory nerve fibers are inactive is named Dead Region (DR) or Cochlear dead Region (CDR). Many studies have investigated DR at high frequencies in sloping or sharply sloping audiograms, but few studies have investigated flat audiograms. Hence, the aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of DR in hearing impaired adults with mild to severe flat sensory neural hearing loss. Materials and Methods: In the current descriptive-analytical study, 30 elderly people (60 ears) aged 65 years and above, with bilateral mild to severe flat sensory neural hearing loss were tested for DR at frequencies from 0. 5 to 4 kHz using the threshold equalizing noise (HL) test. Based on the hearing thresholds, participants were divided into three groups of mild, moderate, and severe hearing loss. Results: The prevalence of DR at 2 kHz, 3 kHz, and 4 kHz were significantly higher than DR at frequencies below 2 kHz (p<0. 05). With increasing the amount of hearing loss, the number of DR increased. As a result, the difference between prevalence of DR in severe hearing loss and the other two groups was statistically significant (p<0. 05). Conclusion: The results indicated a relatively high prevalence of dead regions in the elderly with severe degree of hearing loss (60-80dBHL) and at high frequencies. Furthermore, with increasing frequency, the number of dead regions increased correspondingly.

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Background and Aim: The number of people getting old is increasing and according to the latest reports, the highest growth will be over the next 50 years especially in low-income countries. Age-related changes in sensory sensitivity and acuity, especially in the cognitive processing, are the strongest scientific findings. The aim of the present review article was studying the effect of cognition and mild cognitive impairment on the auditory system as well as actions that can be used to improve and prevent the progression of the disease in the patients. Methods: In the present review study, the latest articles about cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and auditory system in the databases Proquest, Scopous, Magiran, Springer, GoogleScholar, ScienceDirect, and PubMed, using related keywords were studied between 1988 and 2015. Conclusion: Auditory and cognition are complementary and contain similar resources and processes, which are completely intertwined. The use of pure tone audiometry for the examination of the relationship between cognitive decline and auditory will not be enough, so it seems that the use of a more sensitive measure of auditory aspects such as the frequency selectivity and temporal processing, can show this relationship efficiently. On the other hand, the recent studies have shown that rehabilitation programs that are focused on increasing cognitive abilities can slow disease progression and also improves memory and cognitive function. Therefore, it is recommended that treatment interventions and cognitive rehabilitation be carried out for these people.

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Background and Aim: Task-oriented treatment is a training or treatment that patients can practice movement tasks in an environmental context and receive feedback. The Occupational Therapy (OT) Task-Oriented Approach emerges from a system model of motor behavior and was discussed in 1995 by Trombly in OT models that are occupation based and client centered. It is one of the new approaches in OT which has been neglected by therapists. Thus, in the present review article, the effectiveness of this approach in various disorders was checked to help therapists and also provide the grounds for needs analysis in the future studies. Methods: In the present study, keywords including Task oriented, occupational therapy, and intervention were searched in Scopus, Proquest, ScholarGoogle, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases. Articles published between 1995-2016 were examined. From among the papers obtained, those meeting the inclusion criteria were selected and other articles were excluded. Results: From a total of 48 articles, 21 most relevant studies were selected for a full review. The results revealed that task-oriented approach improved occupational performance in activities of daily living, functional movements of the upper extremity, level of independence in self-care, postural stability, and mobility of people involved. Conclusion: The review of the studies showed that task-oriented approach to rehabilitation is one of the effective techniques in improving movements of upper extremity in stroke, SCI, CP, as well as balance and mobility in stroke, MS, CP, and occupational performance in stroke and dementia.

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Background and Aim: The goal of models in occupational therapy is providing a structured format which leads to systematic comprehension in the process of evaluation, intervention, and treatment. Kawa model which is a conceptual model is recently developed in occupational therapy. This model uses a river as a metaphor to represent humans’ life and allows clients to participate actively in the process of treatment. By narrating the life story and depicting symbolically, clients can recognize their problems in the context of their lives preferably. Materials and Methods: In order to find relevant documents, a number of keywords were searched in medical specialized search engines. In addition, according to Dr. IWAMA’ s recommendation who is the founder of the KAWA model, his book was considered as the main reference. Conclusion: KAWA model can be exploited as a practical occupation-based model and a method for leading different processes in occupational therapy. One of the most significant features of Kawa model is offering an opportunity to clients for depicting their life circumstances very comfortably and calmly. Interviewers should have professional point of view toward concepts of Kawa model. Moreover, interviewers should have adequate experience and appropriate ability to communicate well with clients. Kawa model also helps both client and therapist to reach a better understanding of the client’ s problems.

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Background and Aim: Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury commonly occurs during sport activities. Prophylactic knee brace is introduced to reduce the risk of ligament injuries but it can limit the performance. The present study was carried out to review the studies conducted regarding the effect of prophylactic knee brace on efficient biomechanical variables on performance and ligament tear risk factors. Materials and Methods: A literature review was done on the studies published between 1980-May 2016 in PubMed, Elsevier, ScienceDirect, Springer, and SID databases. The following terms were used as keywords: Prophylactic knee brace, neoprene knee sleeve, ACL injuries risk factors, and Biomechanical factors. A total of 15 articles were selected as final articles for the present study. Results: Review of the literature demonstrated that athletes without injury of ligament can use prophylactic knee brace to reduce ligament tear risk factors without any significant effect on kinetic variables (strength, torque, power, balance). But most articles demonstrated that using brace can limit the kinematic variables (speed, agility, acceleration). On the other hand, literature showed that brace can improve kinetic factors (power and strength) in athletes with injury of anterior cruciate ligament, but the effectiveness of brace on reducing the ligament injury is controversial. Conclusion: It is concluded that athletes without injury of ACL in the sports, in which kinematic factors (speed and agility) do not play the primary role in the success of the individuals, can use prophylactic knee brace to reduce ligament tear risk factors, while athletes with history of ACL injury can improve their kinetic variables (strength, power and balance) using prophylactic knee brace; however, the effect of knee brace on the reduction of re-injury is unknown.

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Background and Aim: Bearing in the mind the importance of proprioception in preventing joints injury and the role of improving proprioception after joints injuries, the aim of the present study was to review the effects of different exercise methods on decreasing proprioception indexes error. Materials and Methods: A literature search for the period between 1990-2015 was performed in the databases of GoogleScholar, ScienceDirect, Pedro, PubMed, Cochrane, and SID. Postural control, tilt board, BAPS board, stability, instability, postural sway, single leg stance, and lower limb were used as keywords in combination with proprioception, sense of position, sense of force, and kinesthesia. Irrelevant studies and studies which evaluated other indexes, instead of proprioception, were ignored. Conclusion: Nine articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria. The present review showed that balance training in some cases may have positive effects on proprioception accuracy, at least on non-athletic people. But the number of studies was not sufficient and also it is necessary to evaluate the effect of training in different individual categories, such as healthy, athletes, and those with joint injury.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Back ground and Aim: Hamstring strain is the most prevalent injury with long term complications and the attendant poor function. As previousely known, hamstring has an important role in knee joint biomechanics and there is a link between its function and the function of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). The aim of the present study was to review the hamstring injury effects on the knee biomechanical changes and its role in increasing the incidence of non-contact knee injuries such as ACL tearing as the most common injury. Materials and Methods: PubMed, ScienceDirect, and GoogleScholar databases were searched for studies published in English between 2000 and 2016. The following terms: knee, athletes, and hamstring injury, as well as the combination of these terms were used. Results: Among the relevant studies, 32 studies were selected based on the topics and then divided into three groups: 1) hamstring neuromuscular changes after injury; 2) role of hamstring injury on the knee biomechanical changes, and 3) hamstring co-activation with the other lower extremity muscles. Conclusion: Because of long term defect after hamstring injury, long term period of treatment, and its effects on the knee joint biomechanics in some special tasks, hamstring injury could be the reason of knee joint biomechanical changes and non-contact injuries, such as ACL tearing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Back ground and Aim: People after a stroke have many problems in daily activities such as writing and driving. Virtual reality and interactive video gaming have emerged as recent treatment approaches in stroke rehabilitation. Present study compares the effects of virtual Materials and Methods: This study is a systematic review with meta-analysis. Five scientific databases were systematically searched through their online search engines on articles using virtual reality in upper limb rehabilitation; these databases were Cochrane Library, sience direct, PED, Rehabdata and medline (Pubmad). Results: We included 21 trials that involved 1005 participants. Study sample sizes were generally small and interventions varied. The methodological quality of the chosen RCTs was evaluated using the PEDro scale. Intervention approaches in the included studies were predominantly designed to improve motor function or activity performance. Control groups received no intervention or therapy based on a standard care approach. Conclusion: Using virtual reality improves the upper extremity function and performance of daily activities. Also the use of virtual reality as a supplement in addition to the conventional rehabilitation improves the function of the hand.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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