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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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سردبیر محترم مجله پژوهش درآموزش علوم پزشکی ارﺳﺎل اﻳﻦ ﻧﺎﻣﻪﻋﻠﻤﻲ در ﺟﻬﺖ ﺗﻮﺟﻪ و اراﺋﻪ ﭘﻴﺸﻨﻬﺎد ﺑﻪ اﺳﺎﺗﻴﺪ محترم علوم پزشکی در خصوص استفاده از فرصت ارزشیابی دانشجو برای آموزش موثر است. همانطور که می دانید سنجش، بخش جدایی ناپذیر فرایند آموزش و یادگیری است و تاثیر مهمی بر نحوه مطالعه و آماده شدن برای امتحان دارد (1). ازجمله اهداف و ضرورت های ارزشیابی، مشخص کردن سطح توانایی ها و آمادگی دانشجو برای یادگیری، برنامه ریزی برای جبران کاستی های مربوط به محتوای از قبل تدریس شده، شروع مناسب فعالیت های یاددهی یادگیری، شناسایی نقاط قوت و ضعف دانشجو در جریان تدریس، مشخص کردن و دادن بازخورد از طرف تصحیح کننده به دانشجو و مطلع کردن دانشجو از سطح عملکرد مورد نیاز می باشد (2)…

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Introduction: Regarding the importance of using new technologies, including blending learning in medical education and the necessity of evaluating students learning, this study was conducted to investigate the role of educational Self-Efficacy and interpersonal relations skills of students in the evaluation based on blending learning.Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study. The research population included all undergraduate students in nursing and midwifery of Mashad University of Medical Sciences, selected by stratified sampling. Data collection instruments included educational Self-Efficacy inventory, standard interpersonal relations skills inventory, and students' perspective towards blending learning evaluation inventory. For data analysis, one-sample t-test, ANOVA, and hierarchical multiple regression statistical tests were used.Results: The students were in agreement and strong agreement with the evaluation based on blending learning (90%), and the results of one-sample t-test were significant (t=51.14, and p=0.01). A significant difference was observed between interpersonal relations skills of the students, with respect to their field of study. The variables of relation skills and Self-Efficacy predicted the students' perspective towards evaluation based on blending learning (p=0.01).Conclusion: Findings showed the role of interpersonal relations skills and Self-Efficacy of the students in the evaluation based on blending learning. Therefore, it is recommended to highlight and pay special attention to the application of the evaluation based on blending learning in this educational system.

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Introduction: Peer assisted learning system is a new method in education. Regarding to the benefits of this system, the present study aimed to evaluate the attitudes of clinical medicine and basic sciences teachers' of Babol University of Medical Sciences on peer assisted learning.Methods: in this cross sectional- descriptive study, opinions of 238 of clinical medicine and basic science teachers about benefits of peer assisted learning, evaluated by questionnaire. Study population gathered by census. The collected data were analyzed using one sample t test, paired t test and ANOVA.Results: the results of this study showed that this system has the most impression in maintaining the important role of teachers in education (51.2%), increasing students self-confidence (47%) and provide timely and appropriate deposits feedback (47%). Satisfaction mean was not significant among sex, age and teaching experience and the mean was significantly greater than 74 (the index number).Conclusion: based on results, clinical medicine and basic science teacher's agreed with implementing of this system. Implementation of this active learning system would lead in capable work force.

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Introduction: Multiple choice questions are the most common and objective test in medical science education. The aim of this study is to determine effectiveness of faculty development program on quality of residency exams in medical school of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences (QUMS) in Iran.Methods: This was a Quasi-experimental study (before & after intervention).Faculty development program was conducted in three phases: First, a book titled ”design and evaluation of multiple choice questions “was given to all departments. All questions from residency exams of QUMS for 7 specialty programs in 2013 (there were 150 questions for each specialty, totaling 1050 questions) were structurally evaluated using a valid and reliable checklist based on Millman principles. In the second phase, feedback of survey result were given to all 7 groups. Finally, educational workshops, one for each department were organized before residency exams in 2014. Data related to questions designed by faculties who had participated in the interventional workshop were analyzed using statistical T-test and ANOVA.Results: Overall, 2100 questions related to 7 departments including: pediatric, surgery, internal medicine, cardiology, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology were analyzed. Findings showed that poorly structural questions in 2013were 0.58±0.02, and in 2014, were 0.44± 0.02. Using a t-test of independent groups showed significantly different before and after training (p<0.001).Conclusion: Current study showed that faculty development programs are significantly effective in promoting and it needs to be developed.

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Introduction: Burnout is disruction reaction in response to long-term work-related stress and can cause somatic, psychological disorders and poor relationship with patient. Medical residency is a period which needs high psychosocial energy and by considering the high stress between patient and physician, residency is high stress job. The present study evaluates burnout prevalence in medical residents.Methods: In this analytical cross sectional study, 160 medical residents were studied in Kashan and Isfahan Medical Universities by randomized stratified sampling. The instruments were Maslach burnout Inventory and demographic questionnaire. Maslach burnout Inventory has three sub scales include Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. Data were analyzed with SPSS v.16 software.Results: Prevalence of burnout was 96.9 percent.42.5 percent of residents had mild burnout, 53.1 percent had moderate and 1.3percent had severe burnout. Prevalence of burnout in female was 98.9 percent and in male 94.5 percent. The mean score of burnout was higher in single residents than married residents and in first grade residents to higher grade residents (p=0.04, p=0.044). Frequency of depersonalization score in internal residents was higher than the surgical residents (p=0.04). Emotional exhaustion was higher in single and first year residents than to married and higher grade residents. (p=0.03, p<0.05). There was not Significant difference between sex, age, educational field and local of education with burnout (p>0.05).Conclusion: The Majority of medical residents had burnout. further studies for decreasing burnout is necessary to health promotion of residents. Periodic evaluation of residents burnout is necessary and professional counseling should be prepared for them.

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Introduction: Some individual and environmental factors affect on learning and learners’ educational progress, among them, motivation plays a prominent and perhaps more important role. Students’ motivation for learning can be affected by a set of correlated factors Knowing these factors help teacher choose appropriate teaching learning activities and strategies, interact effectively with learners and also improve teaching effectiveness. The aim of this study was to determine the educational motivation and its effective factors from the viewpoints of nursing students in Ahvaz Jondishopour university of medical sciences.Methods: This is a descriptive-analytic study, 155 nursing students were selected by census sampling. The tools for data collection includes: demographic data form and self-designed Motivation Questionnaire contain of four dimensions: primary and secondary physiologic motivations, mental-social motivations, spiritual and educational motivations. The reliability of questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's Alpha (a=0.86). The data were analyzed using descriptive and Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient, Spearman’s correlation coefficient, independent T-test and multiple response tests in SPSS software version 16.Results: Mean and standard deviation of students’ academic motivation was 86.3±19.2, and 50.7 percent of them had academic motivation scores higher than average.60.6 and 49.7 percent of students had higher scores than average in spiritual and social dimensions respectively. A negative significant correlation was observed between semester and motivation (r=-0.21, p=0.007). Also there was a significant relation between marriage status and motivation (p<0.05). The most factors that increased motivation were Achieve their fellow service (71.6%), Provide more opportunities to help families (69.7%), achieve dignity living (65.8%) respectively. giving lower level duties to nursing students in clinical field (59.4%), physicians’ attitude toward nursing (51.6%), society attitude toward nursing (50.3%) and how doctors behave to nursing students (50.3%) were the most factors that decrease motivation.Discussion: The result showed that the students had average level of educational motivation and this is decreased during course study. So it is possible to improve the students’ motivation by adjustment of society and care givers views.

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Introduction: Knowledge about effective factors on employing graduates, makes it possible to give their professional role and function to authorities and identify possible shortcomings in planning educational programs and provide appropriate training. This study try to explore effective factors on quality of nursing curriculum and competence based on viewpoints of nursing graduates from Qazvin university.Methods: In this cross– sectional study, all graduates in nursing from Qazvin faculty of Nursing and Midwifery from 2007 to 2011 have been examined. They completed a questionnaire in one of three ways: (by phone, in person and via e-mail). Data from 301 graduates were analyzed on SPSS 19. Significant level of 0.05 was considered.Results: The results showed that 65% of graduates had moderate satisfaction of training programs had been offered in the faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. From graduates viewpoint, the main effective factors on the quality of educational programs were access to resource, oppropriate environment, facilities, experienced teachers and activity of clinical departments, theoretical and clinical discipline.66.9% of graduates evaluated their ability to care patients "many", and most graduates regarded practical courses to be more useful than theoretical program. There was a significant linear relationship between the scores of the goals of nursing curriculum and how to implement them in the Qazvin Faculty of nursing & midwifery (r=0.383 and p<0.001).Discussion: From the viewpoints of graduates, the skills gained during education was moderately related to the professional skills. Given the fact that people working in the nursing profession are directly dealing with human lives and considering rapid advances in this filed, methods of teaching and evaluating students and training skill need to be reconsidered and revised.

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Introduction: Interprofessional education (IPE) as one of educational methods has been emphasized in many literature. It is believed that it can increase Interprofessional collaborations and improve the quality of patient care. Given the importance of teamwork in improving patient care, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of interprofessional education in improving healthcare by review the articles.Method: In this narrative review, For achieving its goals several articles with keywords interprofessional education, interprofessional learning and improving HealthCare, in Internet resources and databases and library resources And Iranian publications in the field of Medical Education were Selected and reviewed And the articles that are more relevant to the subject of study and its objectives, were used.Results: Out of the 73 papers reviewed, 30 related and valid papers were examined. Most studies indicated the effect of interprofessional education on knowledge and attitudes among students. However in some studies, its impact on group work and performance improvement and health promotion has been reported. It can be said that interprofessional education can affect on the cooperative behavior, providing services within each professional and having more attention to the needs of receiving services and their caregivers, and can improves Perceived self-efficacy in students of medical sciences And consequently improves health care.Conclusion: Considering the importance of interprofessional learning to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills of health professions, this type of education can play an important role in improving the health and health care delivery.

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Introduction: Needle stick injuries are the most common kind of occupational exposure to blood and body fluids. Obeying the standard precautions decrease the risk of injuries. This study assessed the effect of educational intervention based on Health Belief Model on the behavior associated with standard precautions among medical student’s of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This was a case-control interventional study.Study population was consisted of 117 medical students of Fourth to seventh- year who were randomly assigned to two intervention groups; case group (n=57) and control. Data were collected using a questionnaire made by researcher and were analyzed by statistical of Paired and independent t tests using SPSS (18th edition).Results: The results showed that 80.8 Percent of students had no history of previous training on standard precautions.15.5 Percent had experienced injuries with needles and sharp objects (Needle Stick), and 13.5 Percent of them had a history of contact with patients’ secretions. The intervention in the case group, regarding the standard precautions, increased statistically significant the mean of structures of knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, self- efficacy and behavior. Despite the increase in the score of cues to action and reduction in the score of perceived barriers, changes were not significant.Conclusion: the result showed that educational intervention is effective in conducting healthy behavior and has been compatible with the Health Belief Model. Continuous education regarding precaution standards is recommended for medical students.

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Introduction: The way of transforming medical knowledge and findings has great importance in medical sciences. Today, because of changing behavioral and cognitive sciences traditional Classroom-based teaching methods couldn' t be so useful thus, medical education needs new teaching methods. One new approach that meet the current needs of medical education is constructivism. The authors of this paper studied medical education based on constructivism and elements of this approach have been explored. This is a review article in the field of studying teaching approaches of medical sciences.Reviewing of existing documents show that problem-based learning, cognitive approach and reflective writing that often use in clinical education to obtain insight in clinical thinking, are constructivism approaches in medical education.

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