A faunistic study was carried out during 2005 in alfalfa fields of south west of East Azarbaijan (Sardrod, Khosroshahr, Oskoo, Kandovan, Maragheh, Bonab, Ajabshir, Gogan, Azarshahr) in order to collect and identify the edaphic astigmatic mites. This survey was resulted in identifying the following two families, eight genera and 11 species. Species indicated with * are new records for the alfalfa fields mite fauna of East Azarbaijan. Histiostommatidae Krantz, 1978: Histiostoma feroniarum Du four, 1939 , Acaridae Latreille 1802; Suidasia sp.; Tyrophagus perniciosus Zachvatkin, 1991; T.similis Volgin, 1949; T. neiswanderi Johnston and Bruce, 1965; T. brevicrinatus Robertson, 1959; T. putrescentiae Schrank, 1781; Tyroborus lini Oudemans, 1924; Rhizoglyphus robini Claparede, 1869; Aleuroglyphus ovatus Troupeau, 1878; Acarus tyrophagoides Zachvatkin, 1941. Family Acaridae, genus Tyrophagus and species T. putrescentiae had the highest numbers among all collected speciemens. However, the genera Aleuroglyphus Zackvatkin, 1935, and Caloglyphus sp. both had the lowest percentage among nine studied areas. Among 11 recognized species, T. putrescentiae and A. ovatus with 44.58% and 0.3%, respectively, had the highest and lowest percentage which were collected from Khosroshahr, Oskoo, Azarshahr, Gogan, Kandovan, Ajabshir, Bonab, Maragheh (T putrescetiae) and Kandovan (A. ovatus). Also, among all nine studied areas, Khosroshahr with 28.79% and Gogan, Sardrood with 0.6% of all identified mite species had the highest and lowest numbers, respectively. All specimens were deposited in Acarology collection, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz.