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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study is to provide an interactive model of the role of charity relationship marketing on the behavior of the benefactors. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of collecting information, it is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the research consisted of the charities and the supporters of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Ilam which according to the unrestricted statistical society, 384 people were selected as the sample. Sampling method In this research is the available sampling. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. PLS visual analysis software has been used to analyze the data. The results showed that affiliated marketing in charity organizations has a positive and significant effect on the trust and commitment of the benefactors. The trust of the benefactors to the charitable organizations has a positive and significant effect on their commitment. Benefactors commitment to charitable organizations has a positive and significant effect on positive oral advertising and donation of help. Also religious beliefs plays a moderating role in the relationship between the commitment of the benefactors and their donation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, people are more confident in their decision-making about purchasing goods or using the service to get information from mouth-links. On the other hand, due to the expansion of cyberspace among the people and the increasing use of it among the community, these ads are spreading more in cyberspace and social networks. However, all of these advertisements are not the type of ads that are accepted by the audience. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to identify the factors influencing the acceptance of mouth-to-mouth advertising in the Instagram social network. The present research is an applied research in terms of purpose. Also, and exploratory in terms of the method of execution, since it identifies the relationship between different variables. In this research, for constructing a model, quality-oriented content analysis method is used, which is a qualitative method. In this method, the proposed model has 7 dimensions and 38 indexes. The dimensions of the research model are: the quality of electronic mouth-to-mouth advertisement, the validity of electronic mouth-to-mouth advertising, apparent features, situational factors, the individual characteristics of the recipients of electronic mouth-to-mouth ads, the amount of promotional message and social factors.

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The purpose of this study is to identify and model the most important internal and external factors in the successful implementation of customer relationship management system in social security organization and its effects on improving internal processes of the organization on the one hand and customer satisfaction and profitability on the other,The statistical population of the study consisted of senior managers and senior staff of Social Security Organization of Isfahan Province,among whom 285 were selected by simple random sampling,A researcher-made questionnaire with 40 items was used to collect data,Its reliability was confirmed by the content validity and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0,77,SPSS22 and AMOS22 software and structural equation approach were used to analyze the data and test the research hypotheses,The fitting values (including CMIN / df = 3,21,CFI =,92,RMSEA =,069) were confirmed,The research model was,The results of the research,while identifying the most important factors in implementing customer relationship management,showed that effective implementation of customer relationship management has a positive effect on improving internal processes of organization,profitability and customer satisfaction.

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Today's business environment is very complex and dynamic, and this will be even more complicated when the economic downturn is also affecting the economic conditions of the country and the manufacturing and service sectors. In such a situation where firms are also in recession, the adoption of marketing strategies as a process that allows the company to achieve the goals of increased sales and sustainable competitive advantage by focusing resources on optimal opportunities and can help companies to continually improve their performance. This process will help them to keep pace with dynamic and competitive market conditions. Among the industries that today have such a complicated situation, are the apparel and construction industries. They are facing declining demand and need to adopt appropriate marketing strategies. Therefore, the research goals were to investigate the effects of marketing strategies on the marketing performance of apparel and construction companies and their ranking in terms of economic downturn. In order to achieve the research objective, in addition to library studies, field studies were conducted and a questionnaire with 27 questions was formulated and after verifying its content validity, it was distributed among senior managers of production, marketing and research of 9 apparel companies and 20 companies in the construction industry who were selected through purposeful judgment sampling. After data collection, the reliability of the questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha was figured higher than 0. 7 and it was found acceptable scientifically. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the fitting indexes of the model were appropriate and the results of the path analysis showed that separation marketing strategy and centralized marketing strategy have a positive and significant effect on the marketing performance of the companies, but the effect of the similar marketing strategy on the performance of the corporate market was negative. Also, the results of Friedman's test showed that segregation marketing strategy in both industries was ranked first.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Non-oil export development is one of the important strategies of the country's economic development. In line with the policy of increasing non-oil exports, recognizing the priorities of domestic products that have the necessary conditions for global market penetration, seems necessary. In this study, the structure of the global market for apples, grapes and kiwi fruit, and market power of Iran in target countries compared to rivals using the Herfindal-Hirschman index, as well as the prioritization of target countries of Iran, based on the estimation of market sustainability indicators, the average price of the dollar, the average import share of the target country, the coefficient of fluctuation of the price of the dollar and the coefficient of fluctuation of the imported share of the target country have been studied using numerical taxonomic approach. The results of the prioritization of the target countries of Iran for apples show that the UAE, Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia comprise the first to third priorities. The global market structure for apples, grapes and kiwi fruit suggests that the market structure of these three products during the period from 2001 to 2014 is an open multilateral monopoly, between open and closed multilateral monopoly, and closed multilateral monopoly respectively. With regard to the results of prioritizing the target countries for the three products, it is suggested to use the preferential and bilateral agreements to market these three products in the countries that have been stratified so that the conditions for changing the export pattern and reaching the proposed model are prepared.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Evidence-based literature suggests that customers behave in a desirable and functional way during the exchange process, but sometimes, customers display inappropriate behaviors, thus causing problems for organizations, employees, and even other customers. They come. The non-functional behavior of customers is affected by several factors. Given the role and importance of the customer in the survival of the organization, managers need to understand the importance of these factors. . Since few studies have focused on this aspect of customer behavior, the purpose of this study is to measure the impact of effective factors on the incongruity of customer behaviors. The statistical sample of the research is the customers of the after sales service dealers of the automobile companies (Iran Khodro and Saipa) in Ahwaz metropolis. Data collected from 385 questionnaires were analyzed using structural equation method and PLS software. The results of the statistical tests showed that all three identified factors, including disturbance of service space, discontent with services and bug-specific characteristics, directly affect the incidence of inappropriate customer behavior.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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FEIZ DAVOOD | Shabani Atefeh

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In the current world, export development is not only limited to increasing foreign exchange earnings through export of goods and services, but also plays a more important role as a growth strategy and even economic development in the world. So, how can a successful exporter become more relevant every day? Present research aimed to study the effects of entrepreneurial orientation on export power through investigating the mediatory role of organizational learning and innovation performance in small and medium sized exporting companies. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive correlational in terms of data collection method. The statistical society consisted of 1000 small and medium enterprises, active in the export sector, that are members of and listed in the Small and Medium Business Information Base. Regarding the statistical population, the sample size, based on Morgan's table, was 278. Through cluster sampling, 305 questionnaires were collected electronically. The reliability of the research tool was verified by internal consistency and its validity through convergent and divergent validity. The research hypotheses were verified in the framework of Structural Equation Modeling with the help of LISREL software. For collecting information, three standard questionnaires for entrepreneurial orientation, organizational learning capability, and innovation performance were used and the export power, consistent with the literature of the field, was considered as the share of export in the total sales of each company. At the confidence level of 0. 05, the test results of the research hypotheses, while confirming the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on export power, showed that entrepreneurial orientation directly increases the company's export capacity; it can indirectly, and through two mediatory variables of innovation performance and the organizational ability to learn, identify the unconsidered needs and wants of the customers in the global market and, accordingly, increase the export power of the companies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Advertising as the main way of communicating with the audience and the most popular form of marketing can only survive and grow in the long run, focusing on effectiveness. Also, the human face in advertising as the most commonly used communication tool, allocates a large part of the massive advertising capital and its use is still under development. Considering the importance of measuring the effectiveness of advertising and the inefficiency of our communication approaches, in this study, we will use a complementary and comparative observational approach in the form of a pilot project to measure the impact of using the human face on the effectiveness of advertising. The research was carried out in a six-month time frame at the location of the eye-witness lab of the Institute of Cognitive Sciences at Shahid Beheshti University. The results showed that the use or non-use of the human face influences the visual attention of the audience to the visual and textual features of the advertisement, in such a way that the human face leads to attracting more attention of the audience to the advertisement, especially the image section. Finally, the effects of using or not using the face on the effectiveness of advertising in a limited number of subjects can be evaluated using an ocular tracking tool and the communication tool of the questionnaire does not report a significant difference. In other words, the observational approach is presented as a complement to the information obtained from the communication approach, provides us with cognitive and emotional information that cannot be obtained from the questionnaire.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Strategic management is one of the ways through which Iranian insurance companies may attain their deserving position globally. Research results indicate that many strategic processes in organizations lead to failure. Strategies that fail, in addition to imposing additional costs on the organization, will cause loss of future opportunities and benefits as well as damage to profitability and competitive advantage. Strategic management risks (or strategic risks) are used to address the factors that defeat strategies. The purpose of this study is to identify these risks for the Iranian insurance industry, so that risk managers become familiar with the obstacles ahead of them before the start of strategic processes. And to enable them to cope with such obstacles and increase the likelihood of success of the strategies. According to the study conducted, no related research has been carried out in this country so far. To identify the strategic management risks in the Iranian insurance industry, the data base method has been used and the data required for the research has been collected through in-depth interviews with a number of prominent experts in the insurance industry. These people are selected by judgment and snowball. The interviews were analyzed using codec method using the Atlas software. As a result, 97 concepts were identified first and, after classification, the strategic management risks of the Iranian insurance industry in the form of human resource risks, business risks (environment), operational risks and event risks Were identified.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Brand consumer engagement is a new concept in marketing literature that attracts more attention from academics and researchers every day. The cause of increasing attention to this phenomenon is the effect that brand-led customers have on the performance of companies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of mental stimuli (mental conflict, brand jealousy, brand love), social stimuli (social identity, social norm) and behavioral stimuli (brand use experience, functional benefits) on consumer brand involvement with regard to the nature of goods. The research method is descriptive, and in terms of type, it is applied. The statistical population of the research was the customers of two brands of Apple and Samsung in Tehran. 334 questionnaires were collected. Structural equation analysis and subgroup correlation test are used to analyze the data. The softwares used for research are IMOS and SPIOSS. The results showed that all three categories of mental, social and behavioral stimuli have a positive effect on consumer brand engagement. The results also showed that the relationship between brand jealousy and consumer brand engagement in pleasure goods is stronger. Finally, the research results showed that consumer brand engagement has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, loyalty, oral advertising and customer confidence.

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