2Providing health services in medical sciences without utilizing human ethical principles and professional ethics is fruitless. Therefore, it is necessary to use an ethics-oriented curriculum at the beginning of practicing various levels of health and medical education. In this regard, different methods can be employed in implementing the professional ethics curriculum, one of which is mentoring. In this narrative review study, a query was conducted on ISI, Uptodate, Google Scholar, and PubMed databases from 2004-2014 (10 years) using the following keywords: mentoring, curriculum, professional ethics, medical sciences, and medical education. Initially, 141 articles were retrieved, which were reduced to 23 articles after screening, and this number was included in the present article. The findings demonstrated that the use of mentoring in the curriculum or educational goals, whether in educational institutions, universities, or other fields, provides conditions that will make the achievement of the set goals more effective. Educational experience based on mentoring education and changing curriculum developments using the mentoring method is considered an educational success in the educational system. Accordingly, the medical education system needs to utilize the mentoring strategy, which is a coherent and purposeful educational approach in line with advancements in health and medical sciences worldwide, and make changes with a focus on promoting professional ethics in the medical sciences curriculum reform document.