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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Aims: Increasing the intensity of physical activity and as a result increasing oxidative stress causes free radicals in the body and these free radicals destroy cell biological structures such as proteins, fats, membranes, and structures. They are inherited. Considering that taking supplements can be a good way to control the effects of strenuous physical activity,therefore, it is important to study the mechanism of action of complementary compounds of organic and non-organic origin and compare their effects and performance at the biochemical and genetic level. In this regard, the study of the expression of genes related to the inhibition of oxidative stress can be a direct and appropriate solution to evaluate the function of various supplements. The satellite cells beneath the skeletal muscle basement membrane are adjacent to Myofibrillar sarcoma and makeup 2 to 7% of the nuclei of a muscle fiber. The number of satellite cells depends on the type of muscle fiber, age, and species. The amount of these cells varies at different ages,in the neonatal, adult, and older mice, they make up 30%, 4%, and 2% of the muscle nuclei, respectively, and as they age, the decrease in satellite cells increases the number of muscle nuclei. It becomes glycolytic fibers. The migration capacity of satellite cells depends on the integrity and integrity of the cell's basement membrane. After rupture (high-intensity destruction) of the basement membrane by muscle damage, satellite cells migrate to adjacent damaged myofibrils using tissue connections, but only if tissue damage is limited. And if there is no rupture in the basal lamina, the satellite cells move to the affected area from the beginning of the healthy myofibril section (below the membrane) to participate in the repair of muscle tissue. Activation of satellite cells (six hours after muscle injury) rapidly increases the expression of the myoD gene, which is why this factor transcribes into adult skeletal muscle, activates and multiplies satellite cells. They take into account. The amount of myoD transcription factor mRNA varies at different ages and is more pronounced in fast-twitch muscles. In animal models, the amount of myoD gene protein is lower in the fast and slow-twitch muscles of older mice. This value is lowest in the horseshoe muscle and therefore the response of the horseshoe myoD gene (slow-twitch muscle) is also lower than that of the Plantaris muscle (fasttwitch muscle). In addition, the effects of supplements on myoD gene expression in muscle have not been studied, but in a study, the protective effect of organic Spirulina supplementation in preventing the destruction of hereditary structures in mice has been shown and appears. Consumption of this supplement is a good way to prevent injuries caused by oxidative stress in muscle, and most of the research done on this gene has paid less attention to slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle contraction and experimental models (animal and human). While the protocols for this research were either endurance or the measurement times after physical activity was not appropriate. With this description, the aim of this study was to compare the effects of organic and inorganic supplementation on myoD gene expression in slow-twitch muscle after a session of high-intensity resistance activity to determine whether organic and inorganic supplementation on myoD gene expression. In slow muscle, does the contraction of the horseshoe muscle have different effects after a session of high-intensity resistance activity? Methods: In this experimental study, 40 Wistar rats with an average weight of 100-200 g were prepared and in the control groups (number = 10), exercise (number = 10), Spirulina + exercise (number = 10), glutamine + exercise (number = 10) were divided. Mice in the exercise group performed a two-week exercise program of 3 days per week of walking on a sloping surface (4 sets, 5 repetitions, 30 seconds rest between repetitions), and the supplement + exercise group performed a supplement program five days before the main protocol. They consumed half a gram/kg of body weight once a day. The obtained data were evaluated by t-test. Results: The results showed that the relative expression of myoD gene in slow-twitch muscle tissue after taking an organic Spirulina supplement was significant after performing a session of high-intensity resistance activity (P ≤, 0. 001). While in slow muscle contraction, the change in expression after glutamine and resistance exercise is no different from the control group (P = 0. 245). Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the use of organic supplements is a good way to prevent reduced expression and the amount of damage to muscle fibers after highintensity resistance exercise. These results may be due to possible injuries after highintensity resistance exercise in slow-twitch fibers, or they may indicate a response to the development of adaptations related to the performance of resistance training in such fibers. It is important to note that in the Spirulina organic supplement group, prior to a high-intensity resistance activity session, myoD gene expression was lower than in highintensity resistance activity without supplementation. Taking an organic supplement is a good way to prevent reduced expression and the amount of damage to muscle fibers. So far, the effects of glutamine and Spirulina supplements on the expression of myoD gene in muscle have not been studied, but a study has shown the protective effect of organic Spirulina supplementation in preventing DNA damage in mice. Taking this supplement is a good way to prevent injuries caused by oxidative stress in the muscle. Since in each study, there are limitations that can affect the results of the study, so this study also had such limitations that include not determining some of the basic physiological capacities in resting and training states of mice, lack of Determining the effects of organic and inorganic supplements on the expression of the target gene independently and without performing intense one-session resistance activity, no measurement of morphological changes in adult male Wistar rats, no measurement of protein content by the method Western blot and lack of control over the activity of adult male Wistar rats were in cages. According to the results of the study, it is suggested that in combination with highintensity resistance activity, it is better to use appropriate supplements such as organic Spirulina supplement to increase the expression of myoD gene, which may be affected by the amount of damage to muscle fibers.

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Background & Aims: Nowadays, imaging of the blood supply of the heart muscle by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT: Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) due to its non-invasive nature and providing information with physiological value and low cost compared to the valuable angiography method. It is highly diagnostic. But these images undergo changes and artifacts under the influence of factors, the result of which is the reduction of the diagnostic accuracy of the images and false positive cases. During the detection process, several physical effects such as attenuation, scattering, and collimator response function affect the frequency of emitted photons,this leads to the destruction of the contrast and as a result of reducing the quantitative and qualitative accuracy of the images. Attenuation, as the most destructive factor of SPECT images, reduces the quality of SPECT images of heart blood supply and reduces the sensitivity of tests related to the diagnosis of coronary artery diseases, and for non-uniform environments, especially in nuclear imaging of chest areas. And the heart is necessary to produce a map of patient attenuation coefficients. The existence of scattered photons is also one of the main factors of error in quantization,the detection of scattered events affects the contrast of the lesions and causes the lack of image resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, to correct the attenuation and scattering of the rays in the heart images quantitatively and qualitatively, patterns are needed in SPECT systems. Due to the importance of the topic, various research groups around the world have presented their research and results on correcting the effect of scattering of rays and also correcting the effect of weakening the rays. If there was no limitation of energy resolution, it was easily possible to identify the scattered rays and prevent them from being recorded in the image. Because we know that scattered rays lose energy. Because gamma rays are single energy and their energy amount is completely known. Therefore, each photon with less energy will represent scattered rays, but due to the limited energy resolution of the gamma camera, a range is usually considered on the sides of the main energy, which is called the energy window. It is assumed that the photons recorded in this energy range are primary photons, but in fact, many photons scattered in the body are also recorded in this window. These scattered rays do not carry correct spatial information and lead to a decrease in image resolution and contrast and quantization errors in the image. In nuclear medicine, instead of researching and examining the patient or processing the image of the patient, simulated images can be examined. Simulators can provide information about each of the image destruction factors. The purpose of this research is to propose a new method for scattering correction, in this research, a combination of Monte Carlo and modeling is used for the rapid production of scattered views, and in the proposed method, the two-matrix method is used, this method At the stage of generating mathematical views, dispersion is added and this problem leads to the removal of scattered rays. As a result, an image is reconstructed that is free from the effects of attenuation and non-ideal dispersion and leads to an increase in contrast and improvement of power. Detecting waste, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, and increasing the accuracy of quantification. Methods: In this study, the effect of applying attenuation and dispersion correction using two energy windows (DEW) and three energy windows (TEW) methods in cardiac aspect imaging was investigated and evaluated, and to simulate cardiac aspect imaging, a special code similar to SAR Monte Carlo GATE was used as the SPECT imaging system and XCAT digital phantom with activity distribution and realistic attenuation map was used to model the human trunk. Results: Comparison of image contrast improvement in different modes of attenuation and dispersion correction shows that the highest image contrast is obtained from the (TEW1+AC) method with an average increase of 25% and MSE in different modes of attenuation correction. And the dispersion compared to the reference image was reduced from 51. 5% to 54. 5%. Compared to the reference image, MSE decreased from 1. 4 in Un_Cor to 1. 15, 1. 13, 1. 12, and 1. 14 in AC+TEW1, AC+DEW, AC, and AC+TEW2, respectively, and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) increased up to 71% in all methods of applying dispersion correction along with attenuation correction compared to applying attenuation correction (AC). Conclusion: In this study, the effect of attenuation and dispersion correction in 5 non-correction modes, with attenuation correction, attenuation, and dispersion correction using two-window and three-window methods with triangular approximation and three-window with trapezoidal approximation on We evaluated XCAT phantom simulated images and heart muscle perfusion images by SPECT method and 4 different parameters were used to compare and evaluate the images, including profile, contrast, mean squared error (MSE) and signal to noise. According to the results of the quantification of reconstructed images, it is possible to apply dispersion correction along with attenuation correction.

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Background & Aims: Most cardiovascular diseases have a genetic background. Many of these diseases have a Mendelian (single gene disorders) inherited pattern. For instance, among the arrhythmias, long QT syndrome could be named. This syndrome is a fatal ventricular arrhythmia characterized by an increase in QT interval on the electrocardiogram. An increase in QT may lead to torsade de points and premature heart death. Long QT syndrome has two dominant autosomal inherited patterns (commonly Romano-Ward syndrome) and an autosomal recessive form with congenital deafness (less commonly Jerrvel-Lange-Nielsen syndrome which is characterized by congenital deafness, prolongation of the QT interval, syncopal attacks due to ventricular arrhythmias, and a high risk of sudden death). The prevalence of this disease is one person per 2000 and it usually affects children and adolescents in the age group of 14 years. In addition to the congenital form that occurs due to variants in genes encoding sodium, potassium, and calcium ion channels, the consumption of certain drugs or electrolyte disturbances can also increase the QT intervals. About 20 genes are known to cause long QT syndrome the KCNQ1 gene causing LQTS1,KCNH2 causing LQT2,SCN5A causing LQT3,ANK2 causing LQTS4,KCNE1 causing LQTS5,KCNE2 causing LQT6,KCNJ2 causing LQTS7,CACNA1c causing LQTS8,CAV3 causing LQTS9,SCN4B causing LQTS10,AKAB9 causing LQTS11,SNTA1 causing LQTS12,KCNJ5 causing LQTS13,CALM1 causing LQTS14,CALM2 causing LQTS15,CALM2 causing LQTS16,and TRDN causing atypical type of LQTS (LQTS17), among which variants in the KCNE1 and KCNE2 genes encoding Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E member 1 and 2 account for less than 2 % of the genotype. KCNE1 and 2 proteins act as ancillary proteins assembling as a beta subunit of a voltage-gated potassium channel complex of pore-forming alpha subunits. Jerrvel-Lange-Nielsen syndrome is due to KCNQ1 (JLNS1) KCNE1 (JLNS2). Here, KCNE1 and KCNE2 variants are studied among Iranian affected families. Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral whole blood by salting out method. A pair of primers was designed for each gene and checked using the Primer blast and Nucleotide blast sites. The coding regions of each gene were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Sanger sequencing was applied to find out the variants. Results: In this study, a total of 50 patients (ages from 7 months to 25 years) with QTc between 338 ms to > 600 ms including 37 patients with Romano-Ward Syndrome phenotype and 4 patients with Jerrvel-Lange-Nielsen Syndrome phenotype were studied. The most common symptoms and signs were syncope (in 23 cases), premature heart death (in 11 cases), palpitations (in 11 patients), notched T-wave (in 6 cases), chest pain (in 5 cases) of and epilepsy (in 5 cases). p. Ser38Gly (c. 112 A > G) in KCNE1 was seen in 18 homozygous cases and 22 heterozygous cases followed by the next variant (c. * 132 A > G) in the 3 ′,UTR region in 2 patients,a 19-month-old boy with Romano-Ward Syndrome phenotype and a history of palpitations (Schwartz Score3, QTC524ms) and the other patient was a 3-year-old boy with a Jerrvel-Lange-Nielsen Syndrome phenotype and a history of syncope with stress, deafness and notched T-wave (Schwartz score 7. 5, QTC > 600 ms). The variant (c. * 124 A > G) located in the 3 ′,UTR region was seen in 11 patients (3 patients with Jerrvel-Lange-Nielsen Syndrome phenotype). Given that variant (c. * 132A> G) KCNE1 is predicted by the HSF site to be in a region that is a potential enhancer, it may break Exonic Splicing Enhancers. c. 29 C > T (p. Thr10Met) in heterozygous form was found in a 5-year-old Kurdish male with a history of cardiac pacemaker, cardiac arrest and stress syncope (QTC > 500 ms, Schwartz Score 5) which was affected by congenitally lack of right kidney. Another heterozygous variant was observed in (c. 325 G > A) (p. Val109Ile) in a 12-year-old boy with a history of ICD implantation and stress syncope (QTc > 480 ms, Schwartz Score 5). The patient's family history showed that one of the family members had proband-like symptoms and the other two had atherosclerosis. KCNE2 variants were also found in our patients,c.-12-44 C > T was found in 6 cases, 2 of which had Schwartz score zero and 2 others had Schwartz score 4, 5. In addition, one patient had JERRVEL-LANGE-NIELSEN SYNDROME phenotype and 5 had Romano-Ward Syndrome. Another intron variant (c.-12-16 A > G) was detected in 2 cases, one patient with Schwartz score zero and the other one with Schwartz score five. The heterozygous exon variant was also found in 2 unrelated patients (p. Thr8Ala, c. 22 A > G), case number 15, a 3. 5-yearold boy with a history of 2 fainting and sinus tachycardia and taking a quarter of captopril twice a day which undergone mitral valve repair. Case number 50 was also a 3. 5-year-old boy from Tehran with a history of syncope, epilepsy and taking propranolol at a dose of 10 mg every 8 hours (Schwartz score 5). 3 members of this recent family had a heart attack, one of whom died at the age of 16. Also, proband's father had epileptic seizures before puberty. A heterozygous variant, p. Ile57Thr (c. 170 T > C) was found in a 13-year-old boy with a history of chest pain, palpitations and anemia (QTc 371 –,546 ms, Schwartz score 3). Briefly, fifty patients referring to Rajaei Cardiovascular Hospital who negative for common genes were selected. Coding regions of KCNE1 and KCNE2 genes were amplified and directly sequenced to find possible variants of these genes. Bioinformatic tools were used to predict pathogenicity of the variants. KCNE1 variants included c. * 132 A > G and c. * 124 A > G in 3’,UTR and c. 325 G > A and c. 112 A > G in exonic regions were found. In addition, two intronic variants, c.-12-16 A > G and c.-12-44 C > T and two exonic variants c. 170 T > C and c. 22 A > G were observed in KCNE2 gene. Bioinformatics analysis showed pathogenicity of the variants. The exon variant (c. 112A > G, p. Ser38Gly) and 2 regulatory variants (c. * 132 A > G) and (c. * 124 A > G) were benign and 2 exon variants (c. 29 C > T and c 325 G > A) showed conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity and uncertain significance, respectively. In the case of the KCNE2 gene, two exonic variants (c. 22 A > G) and (c. 170 T > C) are categorized as disease causing variants based on the predictions of SIFT, Polyphen2 and Mutation Taster. Conclusion: KCNE1 and KCNE2 variants have a high frequency among Iranian patients with Long QT syndrome. Therefore, study of pathogenicity of these two genes and other KCNE gene family is recommended to include in genetic tests for Iranian patients. Due to the fact that the Iran population is composed of different ethnicities and subpopulations and the frequency and type of causative mutations may be different. Therefore, it is suggested that it be studied separately in different subpopulations and ethnicities of Iran.

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Background & Aims: Adolescents are among the vulnerable groups against suicide, many of them have dysfunctional attitudes, cognitive errors, and inconsistent moral problems. Therefore, it is important to know the antecedents of this problem. Therefore, the current study was conducted with the aim of investigating the structural model of suicide based on resilience and cognitive distortion with the mediation of moral identity in adolescents. Methods: The current research is a theoretical research and its design was descriptivecorrelation and structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the research included all ninth grade female students of Takestan city with an average age of 15 years who study in the schools of Takestan city in the academic year of 1400-1401. The sample size to test the hypotheses was determined by referring to Klein's (2015) strategy for studies that use the structural equation modeling method. That is, the minimum ratio of the sample size for each observed variable is 5 people, the ratio of 10 people for each variable is more suitable and the ratio of 20 people for each variable is considered desirable,Therefore, in the present study, using available sampling method, a sample size of 300 participants was considered. Research tools included: Revised Suicide Questionnaire (SBQ-R), Connor and Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (2003), Abdullahzadeh and Salar's Cognitive Distortion Scale (2009) and Aquino and Reed's Moral Identity Questionnaire (2002). Results: The findings showed that the standardized factor loading for all questions is more than 0. 4. It can be said that the validity of the measurement structures of the relevant variables is confirmed at a significance level of 0. 05. The value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient of all variables is more than 0. 7. Further, in order to confirm the factor analysis model and document the obtained results, it is necessary that the fit indices of the model are acceptable. The following table shows the indicators used along with their values. In the factor analysis model, the chi-square value for the degree of freedom is 1. 309 and less than 3. Also, the value of the root mean square error estimate (RMSEA) is equal to 0. 032 and less than 0. 08. Also, Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Incremental Fit Index (IFI) and Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) have all been calculated at a reasonable level. Therefore, in general and according to the calculated indices, it is possible to conclude the optimal fit of the model. Also, in the research model, the chi-square value of the degree of freedom is 1. 485 and smaller than 3. Also, the value of the root mean square error estimate (RMSEA) is equal to 0. 040 and less than 0. 08. The comparative fit index (CFI), goodness of fit index (GFI) and incremental fit index (IFI) are equal to 0. 96, 0. 86 and 0. 96, respectively, and all of them are at a very favorable level, so the model shows a good fit and is approved. The findings showed that the existence of a relationship between resilience and suicide tendency is confirmed with a probability of 95%. Because the standard path coefficient between these two variables is positive and equal to-0. 149. Therefore, it can be said that there is a significant and inverse relationship between resilience and the tendency to commit suicide. On the other hand, the existence of a relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal tendencies is confirmed with a probability of 95%. Because the standard path coefficient between these two variables is positive and equal to 0. 134. Therefore, it can be said that there is a significant and direct relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal tendencies. In order to investigate the mediating role of moral identity between the independent (resilience) and dependent (suicidal) variables, Baron and Kenny's test was used. According to the conceptual model of the research, in addition to the direct relationship between resilience and suicidal tendency, its indirect relationship can also be obtained through the mediating variable of moral identity. Based on the findings in the first stage and the initial model, which considered only the relationship between resilience and suicidal tendencies, this relationship is significant and its path coefficient is estimated as-0. 340. In the next step, the mediating variable (moral identity) is entered into the model and is placed between the two variables of resilience and tendency to commit suicide. The path coefficient between these two variables has decreased from-0. 340 to-0. 149 and is statistically significant. Therefore, it can be said that the mediation of moral identity in the relationship between resilience and suicidal tendency is confirmed. Also, the investigation of the mediating role of moral identity in the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicide was determined. In the first stage and the initial model, which only considered the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicide tendency, this relationship was significant and its path coefficient was estimated as 0. 304. In the next step, the mediator variable (moral identity) is entered into the model and is placed between the two variables of cognitive distortion and suicidal tendency. The path coefficient between these two variables has decreased from 0. 304 to 0. 134 and is statistically significant. Therefore, it can be said that the mediation of moral identity in the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal tendency is confirmed. Conclusion: The results confirmed the significant relationship between resilience and tendency to commit suicide on the one hand and cognitive distortion with suicide on the other hand, and moral identity also plays a mediating role in the relationship between these components. Therefore, it is suggested that teaching resilience skills and recognizing distorted thoughts, along with paying attention to a rich moral identity and in order to prevent issues related to suicide, especially among teenage students, should be considered important by the school authorities and the country and should be on their agenda.

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Background & Aims: Attention to psychological issues has always been emphasized by psychologists and it has been mentioned as a field for predicting behaviors and identifying the causes of behaviors. The importance of psychological issues is so great that today, by examining the psychological dimensions of people, many problems and dilemmas of their lives can be identified and solutions can be applied to manage it. This has led to attention to the psychological dimensions of important and key people more than ever. In the meantime, psychological ability as one of the important characteristics of successful people has always played an important role in people's success. The use of psychological empowerment capabilities in individual domains has led to its use as an internal force to strengthen individual behaviors and attitudes. This issue has led to various studies to improve the psychological empowerment of individuals and extensive efforts to improve the level of psychological empowerment among all groups. One of the important issues that affect the behavioral aspects of people along with psychological empowerment is moral behaviors. Ethical behaviors play an important role in the development and promotion of ethics. Nowadays, ethical behaviors due to their impact on the environment have been identified as an important factor in the development of ethics. Ethical behaviors cause people to have an important understanding of the importance of morality and to do their utmost to develop and spread morality. Using the capabilities of psychological empowerment and ethical behaviors to improve individual performance can improve the productivity of individuals and groups. Understanding the role of psychological empowerment and ethical behaviors in some variables such as competitiveness, while creating scientific evidence in this area can lead to the formation of strategies to improve competitiveness. Due to the destructive nature of some aspects of competitiveness, the use of psychological empowerment capacities and ethical behaviors can play an effective role in the formation of desirable and positive competitiveness. In view of the above, in the present study, the researcher seeks to answer the question: Do psychological competence and moral behavior affect competitiveness? Methods: The present research is a descriptive-survey research and from the purpose perspective, it is one of the applied researches that was conducted in the field. The statistical population of the present study included managers and deputies of municipalities in the north of the country (242 people). Also, to collect data in the present study, three questionnaires of psychological empowerment of Park and SEO (2019), which include 4 questions. In the present study, the reliability of this questionnaire was determined to be 0. 81. Loser (2013) questionnaire was used to assess moral behavior. This questionnaire consists of 15 questions. In the present study, the reliability of this questionnaire was determined to be 0. 84. Ozdemir and Aslan (2012) questionnaire with 11 questions was used to assess competitiveness. In the present study, the reliability of this questionnaire was determined to be 0. 80. Finally, Kalmogorov-Smirnov test was used to investigate the natural distribution of data and structural equations were used using SPSS software version 20 and PLS version 3 software to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that psychological empowerment has an effect on competitiveness of 0. 234. It was also found that ethical behavior has an effect on competitiveness of 0. 694 (Table 2). It was also found that the research and model variables have a good fit (criteria higher than 0. 7). On the other hand, considering that the desired value of this Q2 index is higher than 0. 32, it can be said that the rate of Q2 index in the identified factors is in a favorable position (Table 4). Finally, considering that the desired value of GOF index is higher than 0. 36, it was found that the research model has a good fit in all indicators. Conclusion: The present study found that psychological empowerment improves competitiveness. In other words, improving the level of psychological empowerment increases the level of competitiveness in its positive aspect. Psychological empowerment seems to create positive capacities among people. Psychological empowerment means the release of forces, the inner strength of individuals as well as the provision of opportunities and opportunities for the development of talents, abilities and competencies. This has led to the psychological empowerment of positive capacities to improve the abilities of individuals and thus improve the skills to perform competitively. This issue has caused that in the present study, psychological empowerment due to its capacities and ability to influence the behaviors and attitudes of individuals improves the competitiveness. The present study also found that ethical behavior improves competitiveness. In other words, improving the level of ethical behaviors improves the level of competitiveness of individuals. It seems that moral behaviors by promoting values and ethics cause people's behaviors to be done properly to improve success. In other words, moral behaviors cause people to have a good level of behavior and as a result, have a good performance in order to achieve success. Ethical behaviors will be the initial basis for the formation of a suitable atmosphere in groups and organizations in order to improve performance, and this issue causes ethical behaviors to improve the context for improving competitiveness. This issue has led to the present study to improve the ethical behaviors to improve the competitiveness of individuals.

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Background & Aims: Although regular and moderate exercise reduces cardiovascular risk, recent studies have shown an increase in biomarkers compatible with heart damage (e. g., cardiac troponin T after prolonged periods of exercise in healthy individuals without cardiovascular disease) (1–, 3). Studies show that strenuous physical activity may cause acute cardiovascular and hemodynamic stress, which can be assessed through necrosis of myocytes and myocardial infarction. Research shows that exercise is an effective factor in changing the levels of indicators Heart damage includes cardiac troponin T. Prolonged exercise is associated with an acute increase in cardiac biomarkers. Cardiac troponin T is a very specific marker of myocardial damage. Which is released from the myocardium during different periods of stress and heart damage(9). Cardiac troponin I and cardiac troponin T are proteins present in the contractile system of heart cells and are very sensitive and specific indicators of cardiac cell necrosis. As a result, these indicators are a good tool for assessing the potential damage to heart muscle cells in athletes. Prolonged exercise also leads to increased plasma free fatty acid concentrations(10). The aim of this study was to explain Effect of physical activityon cardiac troponin T and free fatty acids. Methods: 20 professional Sky Running athletes with an average age of 27-37 years from Tehran participated in this competition voluntarily and purposefully. The race was held in the valleys of Central Alborz, the total distance traveled was 21 km and 200 m, the starting point was 1650 m above sea level and the maximum altitude was 3150 m. 5 ml of blood was taken from the subjects 30 minutes before the start of the race. Immediately after the race and 1 hour later, 5 ml of blood was taken from the subjects again. To isolate serum after blood sampling, blood was poured into sterile test tubes labeled with each sample that did not contain any anticoagulants and incubated at room temperature for 60 minutes. They were then centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 20 minutes. The clear supernatant (serum) was carefully separated by a sampler 1000 so that it did not mix with the red blood cells, and the serum was kept at-80 °,C until the experiment was performed. Cardiac troponin T was injected by ELISA with a highsensitive kit with1. 56 ng / L sensitivity of Zellbio brand made in Germany and free fatty acids were measured by colorimetric method with a hypersensitive kit with a sensitivity of 5 μ, mol/ L by Zellbio brand made in Germany. Correlated t-test at the significance level of 0. 05 alpha was used to evaluate the changes in the studied variables. Results: The amount of cardiac troponin T immediately after and one hour after the end of the race increased significantly compared to before the race (P <0. 05). The amount of free fatty acids immediately and one hour after the end of the race increases significantly compared to before the race (P <0. 05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that immediately and 1 hour after the end of the Sky Running competition, the amount of cardiac troponin T increased significantly. These changes identified in our study are in accordance with the results of previous studies performed in athletes completing endurance competitions. Richardson et al. reported an increase in cardiac troponin T after the marathon, stating that an increase in cardiac troponin T was related to exercise intensity associated with ventilation threshold and maximal oxygen consumption, but it has nothing to do with a person's cardiovascular fitness, training status or exercise history(16). Similarly, Dapont et al. reported that cardiac troponin I was elevated in all marathon runners(17). Lagzaras et al. showed an increase in troponin levels in all participants in the triple race (18). While Kim et al. Moreover, Park et al. Did not observe a significant increase in cardiac troponin T after prolonged exercise(19, 20). Physiological mechanisms of cardiac biomarker enhancement associated with endurance activities include increased permeability of the cardiomyocyte membrane, which causes the release of cardiac troponin T in the cytosol on a concentration gradient from intracellular to extracellular. The initial peak represents the release of cardiac troponin T through the sarcolemma membrane, the level of which decreases after 24 hours and reflects the half-life and subsequent clearance of cardiac troponin T subunits. It has been suggested that mechanical or oxidative stress through Transient disorder (wounding) of sarcolemma may be responsible for this increase in membrane permeability and increase troponin secretion(21). Therefore,it seems that the increase in troponin following exercise may be a reflection of the adaptation of cellular cascades seen in exercise-induced remodeling and cardiac hypertrophy. Another result observed in the present study was a significant increase in free fatty acids immediately and 1 hour after the race compared to before the race. Which was in line with previous studies in this field. Vincent et al. 2020 showed that long-term high-intensity exercise could deplete the heart fat basin(24). Waskiwisk et al. 2011 showed that prolonged exercise significantly increased free fatty acids immediately, 12 and 24 hours after competition(35). Pak and Walk 2019 showed that cardiac troponin T did not change significantly, but free fatty acids immediately after Completion of triple and triple ultra competitions increased significantly(20). Bilt et al. 2011 showed that a 2-hour cycle of fasting cycling in 11 men untrain, tripled plasma free fatty acid concentrations while increasing cardiac lipid content, but did not impair systolic function(36). Elevated cardiac troponin T and elevated free fatty acids can indicate a degree of "cardiac fatigue. " Increased free fatty acids after competition and long-term exercise appear to play an important role in reducing cardiac inotropic. Due to the multifaceted nature of heart fatigue, two main hypotheses have been proposed: A reversible process of heart damage is often referred to as “, stunning “, ,Myocardial injury can underlie left ventricular diastolic and systolic dysfunction,transient ischemia has a mechanism similar to cardiac fatigue, and can lead to a process called stunning, stunning theory because it leads to necrosis or injury. It does not become a permanent cell, it has a transient nature. It is called cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization. A wide range of studies have identified biomarkers of increased heart damage after prolonged exercise and have linked them to functional changes(29–, 32). Increased catecholamine concentrations, increased plasma free fatty acids, and accumulation of oxygen free radicals may lead to decreased blood flow to the heart through increased vascular tone and endothelial dysfunction(33). Physical activity increase heart injury biomarkers in professional athletes. Elevated cardiac troponin T and elevated free fatty acids can indicate a degree of "cardiac fatigue". Increased free fatty acids after competition and longterm exercise appear to play an important role in reducing cardiac inotropic.

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Background & Aims: Based on the results of international studies, it has been determined that the performance of elite and skilled athletes is affected by cognitive, perceptual-motor skills and physiological and anatomical adaptations. Recent evidence suggests that regular exercise affects brain plasticity and improves cognitive function (1, 2). Cognition is defined as "mental function in achieving knowledge and understanding" (3). Participation in high-level sports exercises (elite athletes) at a young age is associated with the development of physiological, psychological and motor skills in a particular sport (4). soccer is a team sport in which players are faced with complex movements such as running with a rapid change of direction, with or without the ball, and its people have different characteristics, depending on the nature of the sport and the environment in which the game is played. Numerous factors play a role in the size of the pitch, the playing environment, the playing time, the playing systems, and the skills and conflicts involved in the sport (5). A player's performance in a soccer match depends on his cognitive, perceptual and motor skills (6). These characteristics are influenced by technical, tactical, physiological, physical and psychological factors (7). Some studies have reported better cognitive performance of young elite soccer players. Verburgh et al. (2014) conducted a study to examine a wide range of cognitive skills in young elite and non-elite soccer players. The results of this study showed that the elite group performed better than the non-elite group in terms of reaction time in motor inhibition as well as alertness and orientation. However, no difference was observed in executive network and selective attention or working memory capacity between the two groups (13). However, Granacher and Borde (2017) did not report any significant differences in concentration and attention between young elite and non-athlete players (16). As reported,Behavioral characteristics are not known, especially in young elite athletes. While several studies have been performed on the analysis of physiological, biomechanical, and anthropometric indices of elite adult soccer players (17-19), few studies have examined mental characteristics, especially in young elite athletes. Therefore, the present study has been compiled with the aim of the Identifying the mental skills in the elite players of soccer national team in the Iranian men under 23-year. Methods: The statistical population of this descriptive study consists of elite male soccer players under the age of 23 in Iran. The sampling method was counting and the number of samples was 200 players of Omid Iran men's national team. Field method and Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool (OMSAT-3) Salmala et al. (2001) were used to collect data. Friedman test and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the data using Amos software version 24 and SPSS software version 26. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of this study, the variables of concentration recovery, self-confidence, commitment, stress response, mental training, fear control, empowerment, concentration and optimal imagery and targeting variables, competition design and relaxation were evaluated in unfavorable range. Commitment subscale with an average of 5. 766 was in the first place and other subscales of confidence (5. 563), goal setting (5. 531), invigoration (4. 962), mental training (4. 923) Fear control (4. 430), concentration (4. 652), relaxation (4. 612), illustration (4. 578), stress response (4. 538), contest design (4. 309) and recycling Concentration (4. 242) was in the next ranks. Also, the fit coefficients of the model showed that all dimensions of mental skills specific to soccer players were able to explain the variable. Conclusion: The results of the present study assessed the status of the dimensions of recovery of concentration, self-confidence, commitment, response to stress, mental training, fear control, empowerment, concentration and imagery, and the status of the dimensions of targeting, competition design and relaxation. These findings show that the mental skills of elite soccer athletes are at a high level. The results of our study are consistent with the findings of Vestberg et al. (2016), Verburgh et al. (2017) and Najah & Rejeb (2015) who examined the mental functions of elite athletes (11, 14, 21). It is still debated whether the excellent mental skills of young elite athletes are due to training (eg, the result of long training hours, high quality training facilities and coaches) or inherent (22, 23). Possible modulatory factors, such as improved motor skills (required for many neurocognitive tasks) or motivational aspects, may play a role in the relationship between athletic participation and neuropsychological function (24). Potential mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of exercise on neurological function include increased cerebral blood flow, growth factor release, neurogenesis, and angiogenesis (25). The short-term beneficial effects of exercise on youth have been established in a laboratory setting (26). But it remains largely unknown whether regular exercise is also positively associated with neurocognitive function in young elite athletes. Previous studies have shown that organized exercise at a younger age helps to improve mental function (27-30). The present study also confirmed the high mental performance of elite players, so these results are important for designing specific intervention programs to promote physical activity and subsequently develop mental performance in young people. The results of our study showed that there is a significant difference between the average rank of the dimensions of mental skills for young elite soccer players, so that the dimension of commitment is in the first place and other dimensions with the average value, respectively, confidence, goal setting, empowerment, Mental exercises include fear control, concentration, relaxation, imagery, stress response, competition design, and concentration recovery. In addition, in our study, it was found that all dimensions of mental skills specific to soccer players are capable of explaining this variable. In the meanwhile, the effect of mental training dimension was more than other dimensions and the effect of fear control dimension was less than other dimensions. It seems that playing soccer every day at a high level of performance in a professional soccer club team is associated with the further development of cognitive skills, especially mental training. In general, the identification of mental skills in young soccer elite athletes helps coaches to take steps to strengthen these mental skills. One of the limitations of the present study is the small number of samples. Due to the limited sample size of the study, it is recommended to perform mental studies in athletes of different disciplines with more accuracy, wider studies and with a larger sample size. It is also suggested that a similar study be conducted among elite adolescents and adults and that the results be compared. The results of the present study support the high mental performance of young elite players. Also, among the special mental skills of soccer players, the effectiveness of the mental training dimension is higher than other dimensions.

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Background & Aims: Considering that today the progress and success of any society depends on its members, it can be said that the progress and development in any group is owed to the human resources of that organization (1). One of the most important factors that indicate correct management and can increase the efficiency of the organization is paying attention to psychological issues (2). Human resources and their success are related to psychological and sports characteristics. In other words, the development and progress of the real performance of the countries has different indicators, one of the most important of which is sports (3). The importance of physical training and exercise is increasing day by day (4). The categories of culture and sports have a close and close relationship with soft war, and they basically overlap with each other (5). The target point of soft war is cultural customs, beliefs, and beliefs that in a calm and tension-free atmosphere, one can engage in cultural bias by creating special tastes (6), which should take into account psychological characteristics. People have different influence in this direction (7). The study of people's behavior is in the field of psychological activities (8). The Middle East region, like Iran, has always been the focus of other countries due to its geographical features and natural resources. This issue has caused problems in this region and wars in this region (9). The definitions related to war and terrorism show that paying attention to the management of war and terrorism as well as investigating the effects of war and terrorism is one of the most important and current issues in the societies (8). One of the areas that is definitely under the influence of war and terrorism is sports. Sports and war and, in this regard, psychological characteristics and other factors have interacted (13), because sports as a bridge between nations play an important role in strengthening communication between societies. Also, sport creates solidarity in regions and communities (14). In this regard, the intelligence and tact of those involved will make the sport always experience the refinement of the system's respected beliefs and the value in this field will be brought to the fore based on religious and jurisprudential foundations, and finally it will not be attacked by the strategy of soft war (8). In various researches, sports, war and politics have been examined (13) and they found that sports are under the influence due to the occurrence of disputes and wars, and on the other hand, sports can be implemented in societies to reduce the effects of war (17). Cleland (2019) specified in his research that war causes problems in this regard due to damage to irrigation structures (14). On the other hand, Cha (2013) specified that terrorist activities cause the image of sports events to be damaged (15). Shariati Goodarzi (2014) pointed out that terrorist activities cause the audience of sports events to decrease (11). The lack of research in the fields of sports and war has caused that, in the first stage, solutions to reduce the negative effects of war and terrorism on the image of sports in Islamic countries are not available (18) and in the second stage, it has caused the few programs and activities carried out with this purpose to gain Major and essential successes should not be made (19). According to the guidelines of Islam in various areas including war, the use of Quranic verses, hadiths and Islamic orders regarding war can reduce war and terrorism as well as improve the state of sports (11). This problem caused the present research to be conducted with the aim of studying the psychological and non-psychological dimensions and investigating the solutions of the negative effects of war on the society. Methods: The current research is applied research and in terms of the data collection method, it was conducted in the field. The statistical population included experts knowledgeable about sports and politics. After identifying these people (n=34), all these people were identified as the research sample based on the whole number sampling method. In order to identify these samples, the purposeful sampling method was used. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The whole research data analysis process was done using Superdesign and BT Topsys solver software. Results: The results showed that 87. 5% of the people participating in the research are men and 12. 5% are women. 81. 22% had a doctoral degree and 18. 78% had a master's degree or lower. The results showed that the military war has an effect of-0. 198 on the image of Middle Eastern sports. Also, psychological warfare has an effect of-0. 387 on the image of Middle East sports. Conclusion: The present research determined that the war in military and psychological dimensions as well as the presence of terrorism causes the reduction of the image of sports in Islamic countries. It was also found that war and terrorism, due to their negative effects, reduce the image of sports in Islamic countries. This issue shows the destructive nature of war and terrorism on various aspects including sports. Although sport has a wide potential in the world and even according to previous researches (7, 10, 11, 20, 21) sport has a positive role in improving the political situation, but sport itself suffers from some unpleasant political events such as war and terrorism. It is found that it is in line with the background of the research (14, 15). This issue shows that the relationship between sports and the international environment is a two-way relationship that can both lead to the reduction of some international tensions and be affected by the tensions formed at the international level. It seems that war and terrorism are closely related to sports. Meanwhile, the high tensions in the Middle East in recent years have made sports unable to play a central role in reducing these tensions, and this has caused the image of sports in Islamic countries to decrease. On the other hand, it seems that the interference of some foreign countries has caused the tensions in the Middle East so that sports cannot play a central role in the development of relations in Islamic countries. War affects sports due to the occurrence of negative psychological currents. On the other hand, various researches pointed to the negative effects of terrorism on sports (17, 20, 21, 22). Mental toughness and psychological factors are among the factors of success and excellent performance of athletes (23), but stress and mental wars are considered negative factors in performance (24). Mental health is at risk based on alcohol, stress and many other factors (25). It seems that the military and psychological war as well as the occurrence of terrorism in two aspects cause problems for the sport of Islamic countries. In the first stage, this war and terrorism caused physical destructive effects on Islamic countries, which caused the lack of development of some sports infrastructures. According to the results of this research, some suggestions are made: creating a sports television network for sports in Islamic countries in order to establish sports communication, accepting the hosting of important sports events by Islamic countries and cooperation between Islamic countries in order to take pride in holding these events, holding regular sports competitions for the solidarity of Islamic countries and extensive media coverage of these competitions to broadcast at the international level, holding symbolic sports competitions between Islamic countries with tension to reduce the existing tensions, inviting prominent sports teams to participate in Islamic countries and holding joint camps and competitions to expand the sports interactions of the countries Islamic with other countries. In short, war has a negative and significant relationship with the image of sports, and this reduction itself has bad psychological effects on the sports community. According to the results of creating a sports network covering the sports of Islamic countries, it is the best solution for managing and controlling war and terrorism in the way of improving the image of the sports of Islamic countries with emphasis on Islamic verses and traditions.

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Background & Aims: Leptospirosis is a common infectious disease between humans and animals, which is of particular importance in terms of global spread. The cause of the disease is Leptospira bacteria. This bacterium is gram-negative and spiral-shaped and belongs to the Leptospiraceae family and the Spirochetes branch (1, 2). The genus Leptospira is divided into 20 species (9 pathogenic, 5 intermediate and 6 saprophytic) based on phylogenic and DNA analysis. Saprophytic species (eg L. biflex). Leptospira species cause a common disease called leptospirosis. Leptospira settle in the kidney tubules of animals (susceptible mammals) and because of this the host animals remain infected for a long time and expel the bacteria (7). Livestock (cows and sheep) are sources of leptospirosis and should be taken care of to prevent transmission of the disease to humans (8, 9). Leptospira species remain in the environment for a long time, transfer to humans through damaged skin and mucous membranes, mortality and economic losses are considered as an important global health issue (2, 7, 10). Every year, half a million cases of leptospirosis (45 cases per 100, 000 people) are reported worldwide (11). Leptospirosis is more common in hot seasons and in tropical and rainy regions of the world (11, 12). The incubation period of leptospirosis in humans is about 10 days and may be asymptomatic (12). The clinical face of this disease is so variable that it is considered as a disease with a thousand faces and it can never be diagnosed based on clinical signs and symptoms alone, so diagnosis is more based on trusting the laboratory in showing and observing the cause of the disease. And the accuracy of laboratory methods is stable. Definitive diagnosis of leptospirosis is based on laboratory tests such as bacterial culture, ELISA test, MAT and PCR (16), which is the standard serological method for identifying leptospirosis antibodies according to the World Health Organization (WHO) Microscopic agglutination test (MAT), which is a method It is cheap with acceptable sensitivity and it is possible to access it (17) and it shows the wide presence of Leptospira in the world (16). Bacteremia develops within 7-10 days after symptoms of infection by Leptospira and antibodies can be detected in the blood (18, 19). The aim of the present study was to investigate leptospirosis seroepidemiologically among the farmers of Kohdasht in Lorestan province by microscopic agglutination method (MAT) and also to determine and obtain the serovars infecting people in Kohdasht region. The results obtained from the present research can provide a lot of help to researchers in medical and veterinary sciences of the country, and it is also very useful in human and animal health and rapid diagnosis and treatment of patients. Methods: The study was conducted on the blood samples of 200 cattle farmers of Kohdasht in February 2013. After selecting the livestock farms, he went to the livestock farm and took 10 cc of blood samples from the hand veins of the people who were active in livestock farming. After the complete collection of samples, microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and measurement of serum contamination were performed to determine the contamination of serum samples with Leptospira serovars on blood serum samples. The results obtained from the MAT method were analyzed with SPSS software (Version 16) through Chi-square and Fisher's test. P<0. 01 was considered as significant difference. Results: 48 serum samples (24%) were positive among 200 tested sera at the 1: 100 dilution. Serum samples were shown positive reaction with two L. Grippotyphosa and L. canicola serovars. The prevalence of Grippotyphosa 66. 67% and Canicola 33. 33% were resulted by MAT. 31 samples (64. 58%) were related to males and 17 cases (35. 42%) females among 60 positive samples. The highest prevalence of Leptospira serovars was founded in more than 50 years group with 16 cases. P. value based on gender was 0. 01. (p<0. 01). Conclusion: Leptospira pathogenic species can survive for a long time under suitable environmental conditions (humidity and temperature). Domestic animals (cows, sheep and dogs) are considered important as hosts of this bacterium in the spread of leptospirosis and play a significant role (20). Leptospira is released into the environment through the urine of animals. Human infection with leptospirosis is caused by contact with the urine of infected animals (21). Diagnosis of leptospirosis is difficult for many doctors, and its definitive diagnosis is possible with laboratory methods. The MAT method is universally used as a reference test for the diagnosis of leptospirosis. In the present study, the prevalence of leptospirosis among farmers in Kohdasht was 24%, and the serovars Gripotiphosa and Canicula had the highest prevalence, respectively. The P value of p<0. 01 was significant for gender and showed that leptospiral infection is different according to gender. All over the world, studies on the prevalence of leptospirosis have been carried out. In Iran, in 2004, the prevalence of leptospirosis in Gilan University Hospital was reported by Honarmand et al. to be 24. 6% (22). In 2016, in a serological study of leptospiral infection of sheep using the MAT method in Ahvaz, Hajikolaei et al. reported the occurrence of 14. 9% leptospirosis and the highest number of leptospirosis serovars was related to Pomona with 14 cases (43. 8%), respectively. canicula with 7 cases (21. 9%) and ictrohemorrhage with 4 cases (14. 5%) (23). This study showed that transmission of leptospirosis is carried out by sheep as hosts, so livestock farmers are prone to leptospirosis. A study was conducted on dairy cows in Hamedan industrial farms in 2009 by Bahari et al., out of 80 blood samples, 18 were positive for Leptospira and the highest serovar prevalence was Canicula (21. 25%) (24). This study is another proof of the susceptibility of livestock farmers to leptospirosis. In 2008, Agampodi et al. conducted a study on 404 patients with fever in Sri Lanka using the MAT method, of which 155 patients were found to have leptospirosis. In this study, the prevalence of serovars Pyrogenesis (28. 7%) and Hardjo (18. 8%) was reported (25). In 2012, Ngbede et al. conducted a study in Nigeria using the MAT method on 142 blood samples of cows slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, and 5 samples were found to have antibodies against Hardjo serovar (26). Goris et al. in 2013 in the Netherlands in a study they conducted on sick people concluded that serovars Ictrohemorrhagia, Hardjo, and Gripotyphosa cause severe leptospirosis in humans (27). In 2014, Dreyfus et al. used the MAT method to investigate the risk factors of leptospirosis among 567 slaughterhouse workers in New Zealand. They found that 11% of the workers had antibodies against Hardjo and Pomona serovars in their blood serum (28). Leptospirosis is related to occupation and environment (29). Floods and inundation as well as contact with animal waste are the most important factors of leptospirosis infection (30). Leptospirosis may lead to failure of liver, kidney and many organs of the body. In general, leptospirosis is spreading, so disease control should be considered. it is concluded that livestock farmers are one of the groups at risk of leptospirosis due to the presence of different leptospira serovars in animals. Livestock farmers can prevent the occurrence of leptospiral infection by controlling their safety and health. The results of this study are very useful in the research of medical and veterinary sciences as well as human and animal health and rapid diagnosis and treatment of patients and provide a lot of information to researchers in disease control.

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Background & Aims: Several studies have reported that obesity causes vascular disorders in all tissues such as the heart and even the central nervous system along with disorders in the function of the hypothalamus, in such a way that these disorders in the nervous system, especially in the hypothalamus as the center of homeostasis and control of satiety and hunger can cause a significant increase in weight at different ages and even in children. Recent studies have led researchers to the etiology of this global epidemic and have drawn their attention to the influence of genetics, environmental factors, social and behavioral factors. Appetite is a physiological response to eating food, and behavioral signals and energy fluctuations throughout the day regulate the appetite in the central nervous system. Among these, the monoamine neurotransmitter serotonin can cause the development and evolution of some behaviors related to appetite through the regulation of the interval between two meals and the role of this neurotransmitter in inducing satiety. On the other hand, some studies have shown that moderate and intense sports activity and even intense intermittent exercise led to an increase in serotonin levels, which can have an effect on the caloric intake of obese women. In addition, recently, the attention of sports science researchers has been drawn to the use of medicinal plants effective in fat metabolism. Among medicinal herbs, there has been a recent increase in interest in naturally sweet herbs such as stevia and garlic. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of endurance training with garlic and stevia supplementation on serotonin gene expression and serotonin receptor in the brain tissue of obese Wistar rats. Methods: 35 obese male Wistar rats fed with a high-fat diet (24 grams of fat, 24 grams of protein and 41 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams) were divided into seven groups, including: 1) Sham. 2) stevia supplement, 3) garlic supplement, 4) endurance exercise, 5) stevia supplement+endurance exercise, 6) garlic supplement+endurance exercise, and 7) healthy control. The training groups performed incremental endurance training for 15-50 minutes at a speed of 15-25 meters per minute, five sessions per week for eight weeks. Garlic and stevia supplements were added to the diet of the supplemented groups at a dose of 250 mg/kg. 48 hours after the last training session and in a state of 12 hours of fasting, the rats were anesthetized with ketamine (80 mg/kg) and xylosin (15 mg/kg) in a ratio of 3 to 1. Further, after ensuring complete anesthesia and painlessness, rats were perfused with 10 cc of 9% sodium chloride to drain the brain tissue from the blood. In order to extract the brain tissue, first the rats were completely restrained and after cutting the upper part of the skull, the brain tissue was carefully separated, and after weighing and washing, they were placed in special tissue preservation cryotypes and immediately cooled to-80 were transferred. The qReal Time PCR method was used to measure the gene expression levels of the variables in the brain tissue. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’, s post hoc test was used for the data analysis. All statistical methods were performed using SPSS version 26 software at a significance level of P<0. 05. Results: Regarding serotonin, the results showed that there was no significant difference in serotonin gene expression level between the healthy control group and the sham group (P = 0. 903). Also, there was no significant difference between the sham group with stevia (P = 0. 856), garlic (P = 0. 994), endurance training+stevia (P = 0. 303) and endurance training+garlic (P = 0. 094). However, the results showed that the serotonin gene expression level of the endurance exercise group was significantly higher than that of the sham group (P = 0. 000). Another important result is that there was no significant difference between the stevia and garlic groups (P = 0. 996). However, adding endurance training to stevia had a significant effect on serotonin gene expression, so that the level of serotonin gene expression in the stevia+exercise group was significantly higher than the stevia group (P = 0. 022). Also, adding endurance training to garlic caused the level of serotonin gene expression in the garlic+exercise group to be significantly higher than the stevia (P = 0. 005) and garlic (P = 0. 021) groups. Finally, the expression level of serotonin gene in the exercise group was significantly higher than all groups (P < 0. 05). Regarding the serotonin receptor, the results showed that the expression level of the serotonin receptor gene in the healthy control group is significantly higher than the sham group (P = 0. 003). Also, the level of serotonin receptor gene expression in stevia (P = 0. 000), exercise (P = 0. 000), exercise+garlic (P = 0. 002) groups was significantly higher than the sham group. From other important results, it can be stated that the level of serotonin receptor gene expression in the stevia group was significantly higher than that of the garlic group (P = 0. 000). Adding endurance exercise to stevia caused the serotonin receptor gene expression level to be significantly lower than the stevia group (P = 0. 000). But, adding endurance exercise to garlic caused the serotonin receptor gene expression level to be significantly higher than the garlic group (P = 0. 006). Finally, the expression level of the serotonin receptor gene in the exercise group was significantly higher than all groups (P < 0. 05). Conclusion: It seems that aerobic exercise with stevia supplement with AMPK activation mechanism activates hormone-sensitive lipase, improves fat and sugar metabolism and increases the expression of metabolic proteins in the hypothalamus. Therefore, it seems that consumption of stevia and aerobic exercise have synergistic effects in modulating and increasing serotonin in the brain tissue of desert rats exposed to high-fat food. Therefore, it can be concluded that endurance training with stevia supplementation synergistically affects the appetite control protein. However, more studies are needed on the changes in serotonin and serotonin receptor levels following the exercise and supplements used in this study.

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Background & Aims: Depression is a common and debilitating disease that affects more than 300 million people worldwide (1). Depressive disorder is associated with unemployment, poor physical health, impaired social functioning and, especially in severe cases, with suicide. Therefore, depressive disorder carries a great burden due to the increase in economic costs and the loss of productivity and demand in health care, not only on individuals but also on the whole society (3). with depression also stated that they are classified as "common mental disorders" (4) Although these symptoms have specific diagnostic thresholds, they affect the quality of life and social and occupational performance and cause pressure on the person and the economic status of the population in the scale becomes larger (5). Various methods have been proposed and recommended to reduce anxiety and depression and improve mental health. One of the non-medicinal, simple and uncomplicated methods for treating anxiety and depression is aromatherapy or aromatherapy, which is the use of volatile oils or aromas extracted from flowers and aromatic plants in order to promote therapeutic goals, and through inhalation, Inhalation and massage are performed (6). Aromatherapy using aromatic plant oil is effective in reducing anxiety, pain, fatigue and healing skin wounds (7-9). Massage is one of the most important non-drug interventions to reduce the level of anxiety (10). The use of aromatic plant oils in the traditional medicine of Asian nations including China, India and Iran has a history of thousands of years (12). In this regard, jasmine oil is widely used in different countries in order to benefit from its benefits. Jasmine oil is a sweet smelling substance that is prepared from the jasmine plant (Jasminum officinale) (14). Widely used in aromatherapy, this type of essential oil contains aromatic plant compounds that have various health benefits, including skin care and stress reduction. This plant has analgesic, sedative and anti-depressant properties (15). The results of some studies show that aromatherapy can help improve the physiological and psychological indicators of sick people (18, 19). There is little information about the effect of aromatherapy on anxiety, depression and mental health of people suffering from depression. On the other hand, the use of different medicinal plants in a traditional way has become widespread in the treatment of many ailments and also in the improvement of mental states. By reviewing the research done, no research was found that investigated the benefits of relaxation massage with jasmine oil to reduce depression and improve mental health. Therefore, considering the lack of sufficient information in this field, the need to conduct more studies is felt. Considering the benefits of massage therapy on many symptoms and psychological problems on the one hand and the positive effects of jasmine oil on the other hand, Does six weeks of relaxation massage with jasmine oil affect the level of anxiety, depression and mental health of middle-aged women with depression? Methods: In this semi experimental study, 30 middle-aged women (age 42 ±,3. 06 years) with depression based on the DSM-IV standard were randomly divided into 2 groups,control and relaxation massage with jasmine oil. Experimental group received Relaxation Massage with Jasmine Oil for 6 weeks, 3 sessions per week and 30 to 45 minutes each session. Spiel Berger, Beck and GHQ28 questionnaires were used to measure anxiety, depression and mental health of the subjects before and after the intervention. Data were analyzed by independent t-test and dependent t-test at the P<0. 05. Results: The results showed that relaxation massage with jasmine oil improved the mental health of middle-aged women with depression compared to the control group (P=0. 001). Also, the mean score of depression and anxiety was significantly lower in relaxation massage with jasmine oil group compared to the control group (P=0. 001). Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that six weeks of relaxation massage with jasmine oil significantly reduced the anxiety of middle-aged women with depression. The results of this research are consistent with the findings of Alavi et al. (2013) who showed that aromatherapy with jasmine oil significantly reduces anxiety in pregnant women (20). Some aromatherapy studies show that essential oils, including jasmine oil, may affect biological factors such as heart rate, stress level, blood pressure, breathing, and immune system function (14). In aromatherapy, the absorption of jasmine oil through the skin causes a message to be transmitted to the brain area called the limbic system. This region is involved in the control of emotions and also affects the nervous system (22-24). Therefore, it is possible that jasmine oil along with massage has led to the reduction of anxiety in middle-aged women with depression through the effect on the limbic system. Also, the present findings show that six weeks of relaxation massage with jasmine oil significantly reduced depression in depressed middle-aged women. There is evidence that aromatherapy can effectively reduce symptoms of depression. The stimulating and activating effect of jasmine oil can be useful for relieving depression and improving mood (14). When inhaled, jasmine oil affects brain activity and mood, and participants reported feeling more positive and energetic (22). The results of the present research also indicate the beneficial effects of jasmine oil in reducing depression symptoms. Finally, the present findings show that six weeks of relaxation massage with jasmine oil significantly improved the mental health of middle-aged women with depression. This finding is consistent with the results of Shahrjardi and Darvish (2013), who showed a significant improvement in the mental health of women with cancer after the massage period (29). Jasmine flower contains benzyl acetate, lymal alcohol, benzylic alcohol, indole oleanolic acid, dacosterol, hesperidin and active compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins and jasmine (30-32). It is possible that jasmine oil along with massage has led to a significant improvement in the mental health of middle-aged women with depression through the compounds found in jasmine. In the present research, after six weeks of relaxation massage with jasmine oil in middle-aged women suffering from depression, the level of mental stress has decreased and the patients have the feeling that they have the same abilities as other people and thus feel more self-confidence. have obtained Therefore, relaxation massage with jasmine oil can help to improve the mental health of patients suffering from depression, and as a behavioral intervention and complementary treatment, it can play an important role in improving the mental health of patients. One of the positive effects of relaxation massage with jasmine oil is regulating the amount of neurotransmitters in nerve cells and as a result establishing balance in the person's nervous function and reducing mental abnormalities. By performing a relaxation massage with jasmine oil, the level of stress decreases due to the secretion of a number of hormones from different glands and the effect on the nervous system, as well as increasing the consumption of oxygen (14). There were also some limitations in the present research, including the non-use of other massage methods. Overall, one can benefit from its mental health benefits by using relaxation massage with jasmine oil, as shown by the present findings. According to the findings of this research, according to the results of the research, it seems that relaxation massage with jasmine oil can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve the mental health of middle-aged women with depression. Therefore, according to the findings of the research, it is suggested that middle-aged women suffering from depression receive relaxation massage with jasmine oil to reduce the negative consequences of depression.

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Background & Aims: According to the learning approach, adaptation is a set of learned behaviors, and incompatibility occurs when a person has not learned the necessary skills to cope with daily life problems. At the same time, there is no perfect compatibility, but optimal compatibility probably occurs when there is a reasonable agreement between what a person thinks about himself and what others think about him. Therefore, it can be said that behavioral compatibility with new processes or new ways of doing work and tasks that result from using the Internet of Things in the organization is a fundamental issue in today's organizations (13). In other words, successfully dealing with new phenomena is called adaptation. Creating a logical connection between the new ways of doing things and tasks, which can be called processes modified by the Internet of Things, with the behavior of employees and how they deal with these processes is of great importance and is considered one of the important issues of the organization a problem caused by technological changes in the organization's environment (14). One of the companies providing services to people and citizens is the Electricity Distribution Company. In recent years, this company has been able to update many internal processes through the use of administrative automation, and subscribers do not need to visit in person to solve their problems or follow up on their requests. The use of the Internet of Things in the electricity distribution company is one of the new topics in the organization, which has improved the quality of providing services to subscribers both in terms of the speed of service delivery and the access of all people to services at any place and time (15). But the point that should be checked and evaluated is how the employees of this company deal with these changes. The behavioral adaptation of the employees of the electricity distribution company with the new way of providing services to the subscribers and also the changes made in the duties of the employees are among the issues that have arisen due to these changes. During the past few years, the managers of the Mazandaran and Golestan Regional Electric Company have made many changes within the company and also want to make extensive changes in the coming years, so it is important and necessary for the company managers to know that the employees are facing the changes that are going to be made. How will they react? The critical issue for company managers is to see these behavior patterns so that they can implement a system that fits these behavior patterns for employees to adapt to changes in their organization and deal with each behavior pattern accordingly. Therefore, if organizations want to survive, continue to live, improve, develop, and increase effectiveness, they must be sensitive to the different behaviors of employees and show appropriate reactions. Therefore, the current research seeks to answer the following central question: What is the pattern of adaptation of employees' behavior with an emphasis on the Internet of Things? Methods: In this research, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has been done. The statistical population of the qualitative research includes organizational experts. These people included university professors (scientific experts) and senior managers, assistants, middle managers, and senior experts of the specialized mother company of Tavanir (practical experts) who had expertise (scientific experts) and sufficient experience (practical experts) in the field of research. Their opinions were used during Delphi and AHP hierarchical analysis. Criteria for selecting experts: People who have a master's degree or higher in the fields of human resource management or organizational behavior are included in this list. Also, have work experience in the management department of the electricity company (Tavanir specialized mother company) for 5 years or work experience for 10 years in the electricity company (Tavanir specialized mother company). Also, university professors in related fields as scientific experts are on this list. The time frame of data collection and implementation of the interview technique was carried out in the winter of 1400 and for one month. In the quantitative part of the questionnaire, the pairwise comparison of the dimensions and indicators of the model was provided to the statistical community, which included senior managers, assistant managers, middle managers, and senior experts in the field of human resources in the specialized mother company of Tavanir. To determine the sample in this section, the purposeful, non-probability sampling method was used until reaching theoretical saturation. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview (Delphi questionnaire) and a researcher-made quantitative questionnaire. Data analysis was done using the Delphi technique, structural equation method with the help of SMART PLS software, and AHP hierarchical analysis method. Results: The results show that the proposed model of employee behavior adaptation consists of 5 main dimensions, including attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, usage experience, cognitive processes, and behavioral motivation. In the hierarchical analysis section, the results show that the dimension of behavioral inspiration with a weight of 1. 563 ranks first, and the dimension of mental norms with a weight of 0. 602 ranks next in terms of importance in adapting the behavior of employees in the fourth industrial revolution with an emphasis on the Internet. Objects are located. Conclusion: In general, according to the results of the study, it can be said that the technology factor played an important role in the behavioral adaptation of the employees, therefore, the acceptance of technology and the behavioral adaptation of the employees with its, technological capabilities are needed in the field of improving the conditions of performing tasks for Describe the staff. The limitations of the research are those factors that create obstacles in the way of collecting information, analyzing, and obtaining desirable results. Limitations are inherent in any research. This research is not exempted from this principle and limitations include the problems of determining the index and converting qualitative categories into quantitative values such as attitude to behavior and the involvement of factors such as boredom, stress, lack of time and lack of sufficient knowledge of the respondents causing inaccuracy of people in Answering questions has had. Considering that behavioral motivation was recognized as the most important dimension of the behavioral adaptation model of the employees, it is suggested to improve the behavioral adaptation of the employees, to identify the expectations of the employees from the changes made, and to fulfill them or provide a logical justification for it. To accept the technology and adapt the behavior of the employees to it, it is suggested to explain the capabilities of the technology in the field of improving the working conditions for the employees.

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Background & Aims: The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on global health systems with a ripple effect on all aspects of human life, and the outbreak of this disease began as an acute global emergency on January 30, 2020. Different governments have implemented various strategies such as border closures, travel restrictions, and quarantines even in the countries that make up the world's largest economies, raising fears of an impending economic crisis and economic stagnation. Its pandemic had a significant impact on world economic growth, and estimates so far show that the virus could reduce global economic growth if current conditions continue and increase the risk of global economic recession by approximately 2% per month, similar to what will happen during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Therefore, it is important to identify the appropriate solutions for the market to be active and the economy wheel to move, so that these solutions can play an effective role in dealing with the spread of the coronavirus and increasing the public health of society while increasing the economic cycle. The present age is the age of communication and information. In this era, the use of the Internet is expanding and it forms an important part of people's lives. Nowadays, people use the Internet and virtual space for shopping, collecting information, having conversations, and many other activities. Meanwhile, social media are the most popular parts of virtual space for public use. Social media are a group of Internet-based tools that are based on the ideological foundation and web technology and allow users to create content and exchange it. Unlike traditional media that send a one-way message to customers, social media is an ideal tool for continuous and two-way conversations with customers. Social media marketing forces organizations to use social media applications to complement traditional business methods and offers them a new way of relational evaluation. Give It seems that due to the ambiguities and limitations in the field of social media marketing, medical equipment sellers do not take much advantage of this marketing tool in the conditions of the corona disease. At the same time, all the market players need to use new methods of income generation to face threats such as many consumers and buyers not visiting in person due to the fear of corona disease. In addition, despite conducting numerous types of research in the field of social media abroad, this important field of science in the market of medical equipment has been less investigated in the current conditions of the market and especially its corona conditions. . It seems that considering the internet penetration rate of 82. 12% in Iran, it is necessary to investigate and solve the issue of social media marketing in the purchase of medical equipment in the conditions of corona disease, considering the existing foundations of the society,Based on this, this research aims to clarify the role of social media marketing in the purchase of medical equipment in the conditions of the corona disease with the foundation's data theorizing approach. With this method, the researcher intends to produce a theory that has a deep connection with the data. As a result of this research, with the aim of identifying, categorizing, and designing the development model of social media marketing in the purchase of medical equipment in the conditions of corona disease, with the approach of data theorizing, the foundation, with an emphasis on qualitative and quantitative evaluation, developed the development model of social media marketing in the purchase of equipment. Medicine deals with the corona disease, which is a basic and absolutely necessary field to deal with the field of social media marketing in the current market conditions. Therefore, the researcher seeks to design the development model of social media marketing in the purchase of medical equipment in the conditions of corona disease in order to improve the general health of the people of the society with two qualitative and quantitative approaches and to answer this question: the qualitative paradigm model of social media marketing in How is the purchase of medical equipment in the conditions of corona disease to improve the public health of the society? Methods: The statistical population of this qualitative study included all academic experts and experts in the field of marketing, most of whom were members of the faculty of universities in the country, as well as experienced people in the field of marketing, especially the marketing of medical products and equipment. The statistical sample size was 25 people until reaching theoretical saturation through semi-structured Delphi interviews. Results: The results showed that the categories were identified in the form of 41 categories, 136 conceptual codes and 256 items (measures) and in the heart of the 6 structures of the paradigm model in the form of causal conditions (8 categories, 49 items, and 28 concepts), the main phenomenon and central: social media marketing in the purchase of medical equipment, (3 categories, 40 items, and 13 concepts), strategies (5 categories, 46 items, and 19 concepts), background conditions (8 categories, 49 items, and 32 concepts), conditions Intervenor or mediator (8 categories, 37 items, and 29 concepts), and consequences (4 categories, 35 items, and 15 concepts) were placed. Conclusion: In general, it can be said that paying attention to the qualitative model of the development model of social media marketing in the purchase of medical equipment in viral crisis conditions can be a fundamental and necessary basis for dealing with the field of social media marketing in viral crisis conditions. Be in the market the use of social media has become a big social phenomenon as group applications, online tools, and technologies that encourage and enable participation, dialogue, free-thinking, creation, and socialization in a group of users. . Social media have several features in common. One of the most important features is that most of these sites rely heavily on usergenerated content, where it is the users who largely determine the product offered by the company. Do The large customer base has made social media very popular not only among users but also among companies that use social media as a marketing communication medium. Marketing programs based on social media are usually focused on creating content that can attract the attention of users of social sites and encourage them to share the desired content on social media. In this way, the message of the desired company/person/organization is transferred from one user to another in the form of a chain.

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Letter to The Editor COVID-19, the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus was declared as a pandemic by The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. The widespread spread of infections created an immediate emergency, with the number of affected patients exceeding the capacity of many involved healthcare systems, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality (1). More than 300 million people have been infected as a result of this pandemic disease (2). A significant number of people have also been affected by the acute and chronic complications of the pandemic disease COVID-19. Large-scale studies revealed that many COVID-19 patients experience symptoms for at least six months after recovery. The quality of life of about 10–, 30% of patients is severely impacted by lingering symptoms. This clinical condition has been acknowledged and labeled as a post-COVID-19 condition by the World Health Organization. Physical, neurocognitive, and psychiatric symptoms of this condition that last longer than two months and cannot be accounted for by another diagnosis are present three months after the onset of COVID-19 (2). Most clinicians have focused on pulmonary manifestations of this disease since its inception,however, neurologic complications may occur subtly and significantly increase morbidity and mortality in these patients. Although SARS-CoV-2 primarily affects the respiratory system, several studies have found neurological complications in COVID-19 patients. Headache, dizziness, loss of taste and smell, encephalitis, encephalopathy, and cerebrovascular diseases are the most common neurological complications associated with COVID-19. Seizures, neuromuscular junction disorders, and Guillain-Barré,syndrome, as well as neurodegenerative and demyelinating disorders, have also been reported as COVID-19 complications (3). PCNS denotes prolonged post-COVID-19 neurological symptoms. Several studies have found that PCNS can manifest as long-term symptoms that last for months, such as muscle pain and weakness, myopathy, sleep impairment, anxiety, depression, severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dizziness, headaches, and anosmia. Previous findings suggest that COVID-19 patients should be followed up after recovery for possible long-term post-COVID-19 neurological complications (3). Indeed, SARS-CoV-2 acts on angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 receptors found in lung alveoli type 2 as well as the brain (mainly in the brainstem). In this framework, the neuro-invasion of SARS-CoV2 has even been advocated to explain the development of respiratory failure in some patients (1). Fatigue, muscle weakness, depression, sleep difficulties, headaches, loss of smell and taste, tingling sensations, dizziness, nausea, and severe fatigue are some of the other symptoms. Furthermore, COVID-19 has been shown to be a risk factor for acute ischemic stroke (AIS). AIS in SARSCoV2 patients is associated with more severe neurological deficits and higher in-hospital mortality. The incidence of AIS in COVID-19 patients is estimated to be around 1. 5%, though this percentage is higher in critically ill patients (4). Myoclonus and ataxia, with or without opsoclonus, have recently been identified as a central nervous system syndrome associated with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), one of the other distinct neurological manifestations (5, 6). The exact mechanism of COVID-19's effects on the brain is unknown: either direct invasion to the brain or indirect invasion through hypoxia of the brain or a severe inflammatory response of the body (3). Many COVID-19 patients with severe hypoxia have disproportionately few symptoms of cerebral hypoxia, a phenomenon known as "happy hypoxia" (7). As a result, the brain's oxygen supply is underestimated, resulting in neurological damage, particularly in brain regions such as the hippocampus, which are particularly vulnerable to hypoxia. According to studies, a severe inflammatory response involving different immune cells around the vascular system and in brain tissue, as well as microhemorrhages, can develop in the CNS of COVID-19 patients (8). Because of the neuronal damage, patients may experience ongoing neurological and psychological issues that negatively impact their quality of life. After recovering from COVID-19, many patients, according to researchers, continue to struggle with cognitive issues such as memory loss and impaired concentration for several months. These COVID-19 neurological manifestations can be diagnosed using imaging, laboratory tests, and CSF analysis, depending on the patient's symptoms. Although CT and MRI are the primary methods used to evaluate these patients, some neurological complications show no abnormal findings in these imaging modalities. Brain SPECT, or single photon emission computed tomography, uses 99m-Tc ECD/HMPAO as a radioactive tracer to measure regional cerebral perfusion and create tomographic images of the three-dimensional distribution of the radiopharmaceutical. As a functional, anatomical, and molecular imaging technique, this method can be utilized for the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic complications in COVID-19 patients. The imaging algorithm of COVID-19 does not prioritize brain scanning, and for some patients, it may not even be practical. In a small subset of patients, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be useful during the acute phase and may be useful in understanding neuro-COVID mechanisms immediately following recovery. Even though the mid-and long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 neuro-infection are still unknown, cases of post-COVID-19 likely autoimmune (steroid responsive) but seronegative encephalitis as well as patients with anosemia have been reported in the absence of any change on MRI in COVID-19 patients (1). There are many uses for brain perfusion scintigraphy in COVID patients that have been demonstrated in the literature, including the assessment of cerebrovascular disease, convulsions, psychiatric issues, etc. By using baseline imaging and follow-up imaging, this imaging modality is useful for the diagnosis and assessment of the severity of cerebrovascular disease, such as CVA, and the assessment of the viability of brain tissue. It is also helpful for choosing the best therapy and evaluating the response to treatment. The evaluation of epileptogenic focus could also be done using this technique. Pharmaceuticals that improve local cerebral blood flow, like acetazolamide, can be used in conjunction with this modality (carbonic anhydrase). In transient ischemic attack and stroke patients with COVID-19, acetazolamide increases local pCO2 and causes arteriolar dilation, allowing for the assessment of cerebrovascular reserve. It can also be used to differentiate between vascular and neuronal causes of dementia (9). Additionally, brain SPECT can help with the differential diagnosis and diagnosis of various psychiatric issues, such as mood disorders, depression, anxiety, mild cognitive impairment, and loss of smell, and it can tell a factitious disorder from a real disease (9). Brain SPECT results can be used to guide the individualized treatment of COVID-19 patients with neurological and psychological complications. Additionally, by comparing baseline and follow-up images, which is done by visually and quantitatively measuring brain perfusion, SPECT brain images could be used to assess treatment response. Brain perfusion scintigraphy may be useful for proper diagnosis, improving patient management, and predicting prognosis. Prompt diagnosis of neurologic and psychiatric manifestations of COVID-19 is essential for appropriate management.

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Background & Aims: Aging is a result of physiological changes, such as a higher level of stress, functional impairment, decreased hormone production, and decreased metabolic rate, which can lead to catabolism and degeneration of organs (1). These processes lead to progressive loss of nerve extensions, bone mass, skeletal muscle mass, and strength. These are phenomena that disrupt the ability to perform daily life activities, reduce the quality of life and increase the risk of falling (2). Decreased ability to maintain balance may be associated with an increased risk of falling. In the elderly, falls usually lead to injury, loss of independence, associated illness, and premature death (22). Mobility, being strong and steadfast can help the elderly to remain independent, increase selfconfidence and well-being with age (23). Cognition, the ability to think clearly, learn, and remember, often changes with age. Although some people develop cognitive impairment or other types of cognitive decline, many older people experience fewer changes in memory and thinking (12, 13). The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association determined that cognitive function can be divided into six key areas (13). These areas include executive function, attention, learning and memory, language, motor-perceptual function and social cognition. The areas that are especially shocking for this research are memory, executive function, complex attention and social cognition, memory is the ability to encode, store and retrieve information (14). Anxiety, depression and cognitive decline are common problems in the elderly population. which contribute to significant mental complications and illness (19). Group movement and mindfulness exercises are specifically designed to strengthen the body and improve neural flexibility and multitasking ability. Group exercise and mindfulness include lots of fun cardio, strength and balance movements that increase heart rate, and can improve flexibility and reduce the risk of some diseases in the elderly (23). Methods: The present research was semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design, with two experimental groups and one control group and a one-month follow-up test. The statistical population of the research was made up of all the elderly in District 5 of Tehran. The participants were selected by the Federation of Public Sports in Tehran. It was done by purposeful sampling. 60 people with an average age of 60-75 years, in the movement group (20 people), the mindfulness group (20 people), and control group (20 people) were included in the research. Fullerton-Rose & Loches (2006) Advanced Balance Clinical Instrument: This scale is a performance-based measure that broadly refers to various dimensions of balance. The brief cognitive status test was used to screen and evaluate the cognitive status of the elderly. This test was created by Folstein (1997) (7). The short form of the depression scale of the elderly was used to screen and examine the depression status of the elderly. This questionnaire, was created by Sheikh and Yasavij (1986), consists of 15 questions. The method of conducting the present study was that after receiving the code of ethics (Ir. iau. srb. rec. 1399. 147) from the National Biomedical Research Ethics Committee, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, a pre-test was taken from the participants. Then group movement intervention and mindfulness intervention were conducted for 12 weeks and after the end of the interventions, all the participants were tested in two rounds. Research data analysis: Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used for data analysis. In the inferential statistics section, the method of analysis of variance with repeated measurements and its presuppositions and Benferoni's post hoc test were used. All statistical tests were analyzed at a significance level of 500, and SPSS version 24 software was also used for data analysis. Results: In this research, the assumptions of analysis of variance with repeated measurements and Bonferroni's post hoc test including normality test, homogeneity of variance matrix, homogeneity of variance of groups, homogeneity of variances and homogeneity of regression coefficients were implemented and investigated. The results of the Shapiro-Wilk test indicated the normality of the data distribution of the variables used for variance analysis. The results of the analysis of variance with repeated measurement show the difference between the experimental and control groups in the scores of emotional state (moderate depression, anxiety), cognitive state, overall balance score. The results of the analysis of variance with repeated measurement in depression showed that the difference between the depression post-test scores in the groups of group movement intervention, mindfulness exercises and the control group was significant for the source of group changes (F=7. 88, P<0. 05). Using Bonferroni's post hoc test, it was shown that there is a significant difference between the group movement intervention group and the control group (MD=0. 691, P=0. 001) and also between the mindfulness exercises group and the control group. The results of the analysis of variance with repeated measurement of anxiety showed that the difference between the post-test anxiety scores in the groups of group movement intervention, mindfulness exercises and control was significant for the source of group changes (F = 7. 88, P<0. 05). Using Bonferroni's post hoc test, it was shown that there is a significant difference between the group movement intervention and the control group (MD=0. 747, P=0. 001) and also between the mindfulness exercises group and the control group. Conclusion: The present study, which was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness and comparison of group movement intervention and mindfulness on balance, emotional state and cognitive performance of the elderly with and without mild cognitive impairment, shows the positive effect of group movement intervention and mindfulness on improving balance, emotional state and cognitive function. The results of the research showed that group movement exercises and mindfulness exercises have a positive and significant effect in the post-exam. No significant difference was observed between the balance scores of the two groups of group exercise and mindfulness in the post-test. These very interesting findings show that not only exercise training can improve metabolic parameters, but if it is a group exercise, it improves motor, emotional and cognitive performance. Increasing motor, emotional and cognitive functions is important to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment. Therefore, the results of the present study show that group movement intervention and mindfulness in healthy elderly people can be implemented well. Adaptation and training causes continuous changes in the physiological parameters of motor, emotional and cognitive functions, and if it is group motor training, it changes to a greater extent. The present findings may contribute to recommendations for people of retirement age to cope with long-term declines in physical function, metabolism, and health. This research recommends that it is never too late to participate in exercise training to improve motor performance and that group exercise intervention is superior to mindfulness training. In addition, continued group exercise and mindfulness seem to help improve the maintenance of several parameters related to overall body function and health.

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Background & Aims: The family, as the founder of the personality, identity, values and intellectual standards of children and the place of learning the culture, norms, values and gender roles that exist in societies (2). In fact, given the importance of early moral development, children learn responsibility from their parents and learn to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions (3). Research has shown that families affect cognitive and emotional development through their relationship (6). Also, among human skills, none may be as important and effective as beliefs about self-efficacy defined as individuals' beliefs about their ability to control life-changing events (12). The tasks that human beings face throughout their lives are very wide and varied,As a result, the self-efficacy feature can be used and examined in specific spectrums. When a person has self-efficacy in situations in his life, he can experience more responsibility as a result (14). Other research in this field has shown that self-esteem affects interpersonal communication and responsible behaviors, social communication, and constructive thinking skills. Emotional development can follow a family communication pattern (15). In other words, emotion regulation can also affect human behaviors, such as responsibility. In this context, it has been shown that training emotion regulation skills can be considered as part of programs that create and increase responsibility (19). In addition, it has been found that a person who can control emotions and feelings experiences more responsibility (20). Based on the above, the researcher seeks to answer the question that what role does the family communication model play in adolescents 'responsibility with mediating the role of students' self-efficacy and emotional regulation? Methods: This research was a correlation in the form of structural equation model. To conduct this research, 352 students (163 boys and 189 girls) were selected from the second year high school students in Shiraz in the academic year 2010-2011 using a multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Were selected as a sample. The method of conducting the research was that the researcher first referred to the education and training of Shiraz city and after explaining the purpose of the research and the satisfaction of the officials and with a referral letter in hand, referred to the schools and questionnaires of communication patterns of Koerner family and Fitz Patrick (2002) distributed and collected the self-efficacy of Scherer et al. (1982), the Grosso John (2003) emotion regulation questionnaire, and Soroush (2011). Finally, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), Kalmogorov-Smirnov test and structural equations using SPSS-23 and AMOS-22 software were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the relationships between many exogenous, mediating and endogenous variables are positively and negatively significant. And the range of correlation coefficients between all studied variables is from-0. 001 to 0. 86. In addition, the relationships between the research variables were significant at the level of 0. 01 and 0. 05. Another finding showed that dialogue affects responsibility through self-efficacy (p = 0. 02, β,= 0. 32) and cognitive reassessment (p = 0. 01, β,= 0. 18). . Also, compliance through cognitive reassessment affects responsibility (β,= 0. 06, p = 0. 05). However, suppression between dialogue (p = 0. 92, β,= 0. 0001) and compliance (β,= 0. 04, p = 0. 10) does not have a significant mediating role on responsibility. Self-efficacy and cognitive reassessment are significant between the relationship between dialogue orientation and family compliance orientation and responsibility. On the other hand, it was found that the direct and indirect path (self-efficacy and cognitive re-evaluation) of dialogue to responsibility and the indirect path of compliance (cognitive re-evaluation) to responsibility are significant. Also, the coefficient of determination of responsibility (R2 = 0. 46) is higher than the coefficient of determination of self-efficacy (R2 = 0. 10), cognitive re-evaluation (R2 = 0. 13) and repression (R2 = 0. 7). Finally, the results showed that the self-efficacy prediction based on dialogue was approved and the compliance prediction based on self-efficacy was rejected. Also, the prediction of cognitive reassessment based on dialogue and compliance was confirmed. But in the field of repression, only conformity could predict repression, and dialogue could not predict repression. The liability prediction was approved based on dialogue and Conformity was not able to predict liability. The prediction of responsibility based on self-efficacy and the prediction of responsibility based on cognitive reassessment were confirmed. However, this hypothesis was not confirmed in the context of predicting liability based on suppression. On the other hand, it was found that self-efficacy between dialogue orientation and mediation responsibility is significant. However, self-efficacy is not significant between compliance orientation and mediation responsibility, and also, it was found that only cognitive reassessment between dialogue and compliance with mediation responsibility is significant. Conclusion: In the explanation of the present research, it can be stated that in the direction of dialogue, the person in the family can express his / her opinions, hear the arguments of family members and present appropriate arguments himself / herself, and skills Achieves a variety of topics such as problem solving, effective communication, emotion control and management,Because the individual is influential in important family decisions and has gained the necessary independence (22). These provide the basis for the development of abilities and belief in them, and thus verbal persuasion creates a source of self-efficacy (31). Also, when a person has a conversation in the family environment, he / she can get acquainted with different opinions according to the arguments that are put forward in the family environment on various issues (5),And he can use adaptive strategies to regulate his emotions and learn different cognitive skills. As a result, he knows that his thoughts, emotions and behaviors are under his control and he can look at events from different angles and perceive them (26). This confirms that external situations do not affect the individual, but it is his thoughts that create behavioral and emotional consequences (32). Also in the direction of conformity, the individual tries to avoid conflict and to experience mutual dependence with the family. In this regard, the cohesion of the family is high and the family has a hierarchy and emphasizes the relationships within the family and the interests of the family are paramount (5). All of these, especially the emphasis on matching one's views with others and emphasizing the interests and values of the family, can provide the basis for understanding phenomena and events from different perspectives. Can use cognitive reassessment strategy. When adolescents use this strategy, they can eventually experience responsibility (5).

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Background & Aims: Innovation, which is the result of the joint work of university and industry, is an initiative that improves the efficiency of innovation. This type of cooperation, i. e. collaborative innovation between university and industry, is called collaborative innovation. Collaborative innovation brings dynamism and vitality to companies and causes economic growth and expansion. (1). In fact, one of the important factors in innovation, and one of the important factors in economic growth and development, is the transfer of knowledge that takes place between universities and industry because this cooperation makes commercialization in companies easier (2). On the other hand, one of the things that has always been very important in knowledgebased companies is the commercialization process. This process has three separate phases, the ideation phase, the technology/product development phase, and the commercialization phase. First, an idea that has a demand in the market is created and cultivated. In the development stage, this idea becomes a product or technology, and commercialization is technological knowledge that has entered the market (9). In our beloved country of Iran, knowledge-based companies active in the field of medical products have succeeded in reaching self-sufficiency in the field of medical products to almost 40% in the past few years, but they have been very unsuccessful in the discussion of commercializing medical products for export to other countries. . Now, according to the capacity of our country, we can earn up to two billion dollars a year from the commercialization of these types of goods, which has a positive impact on the national economy. Therefore, the researcher seeks to solve these problems by presenting a model for commercialization. Therefore, the main research question is, what is the commercialization model of medical products for knowledge-based companies? Methods: The current research is of an exploratory and expansion type, which was conducted using a qualitative method. The statistical population of this research is experts with practical experience in the field of commercialization of products of knowledgebased companies in the science and technology park of Mazandaran province, and professors of the University of Medical Sciences and management professors of management faculties of universities of Mazandaran province, who are aware of the subject of the research. 12 people were selected as samples from among them by snowball method until full saturation. Then a semi-structured interview was conducted to collect data from them. Interviews were held one by one with each expert. After conducting the interviews (audio recording), the texts of the interviews recorded from the experts, on the same day of the interview, were transcribed word by word on paper and typed as research data., was used. The research data are analyzed on two levels, the textual level and the conceptual level. The textual level includes the coding of the data, the conceptual level emphasizes the construction of the research model including establishing a relationship between the codes based on the Strauss and Corbin model. Also, in order to ensure the validity of the model, the strategy of analysis and review by knowledgeable people (multi-view) has been used. Results: To design the model using the foundation data method in the first step,Initial coding was done using the text of the interviews. In this step, one hundred and nine primary codes were extracted. In the second step,Axial coding was done. In this step, thirty-two axial codings were obtained from a total of one hundred and nine initial codes. In the third step,Selective coding Selective coding was done based on the results of open coding and axial coding in this step, which is the main step of theorizing. Thirteen codes were obtained. Also, the validity of the research model was done by using the analysis and review method by knowledgeable people, in this method, to check the validity of the research model, all the data and primary extracted codes were sent to other experts who are familiar with the issue of commercialization of medical products in knowledge-based companies. They were informed and experts were given and they were asked to modify and approve the designed codes, and all the codes were approved, thus the validity of this research was proved. Also, the reliability of the research was checked with Kreppendorf's alpha method, and the agreement of five experts on the codes was equal to 89%. Considering that this amount is more than 60%, the reliability of the codings of this research is confirmed. Conclusion: In this research, the causal conditions for the commercialization of medical products, four factors of human capital, technology, digital transformability of the company and environmental factors have been stated. (Shirvani, Tulai and Delavi, 2019 limited the causal conditions to digital technology. Considering these factors by the companies residing in the science and technology park, they can take into account all the effective factors in creating a successful business for their products and Don't just focus on technology. The strategies of this research have been identified in three dimensions,Financial strategies, market orientation and attracting cooperation of the University of Medical Sciences. Every business unit needs capital in order to set up and start its activity, and in order to develop and continue its activity, it needs new investment, which must be provided through financial resources (24). Access to financial resources is one of the important factors in the success of companies and one of the important concerns of companies at different stages of their life (25). Market orientation can be defined as a stage of organizational growth or as a level that reflects organizational maturity (26). Kotler has looked at market orientation as the final stage of the development of a business organization and believes that the market orientation is created along the development of different business orientations. Market orientation is based on marketing thinking and marketing thinking forms its philosophical foundation. (26). However, marketing thinking as a foundation and philosophical foundation is not enough. Because market orientation focuses not only on customers, but also on competitors, different organizational issues and many external factors that affect the needs and preferences of customers.

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Background & Aims: Today's world is the world of science, knowledge, and information, and the progress of every society is based on the expansion of information. Since the nature of higher education is to create information and exchange knowledge, it is reasonable to accept it. Developments in information technology have transformed schools and universities, and this seems inevitable. In the last century, which is the period of transition from the industrial age to the age of information and communication. Compared to the past, education has changed significantly both in terms of quantity and quality and speed of presentation. According to the experiences gained in education, it should be accepted that electronic education has become one of the necessities of life and has facilitated the teaching and learning process for professors and students. This use can be seen in the methods of teaching, taking units, lesson exercises, discussing and exchanging opinions with professors and their colleagues. The accessibility of people has expanded to such an extent that it is used to meet the daily needs of life. The ever-increasing growth of information technology in the world has made many people have access to the Internet in such a way that the speed of this movement is well evident in developing countries, including Iran. Terms such as e-commerce, egovernment, e-education, e-society, etc., when they enter societies, require the use and application of information technology in different fields more than it seems. Information technology is one of the tools that can win in today's competitive arena by absorbing and applying correctly, accurately and quickly. Meanwhile, the development of the educational system in the era of information and communication technology is one of the main challenges of educational policy makers. The main purpose of using information and communication technology in higher education is to increase the efficiency of educational processes and improve the educational processes of students. Due to the ability to send content and course materials to the whole world at the same time, the ultimate goal of educational institutions to adapt to communication and information technologies is to serve newer and larger groups outside of their physical reach. Provide training. In the educational system of the 21st century, the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning process has received much attention, and the issue of electronic education has been raised. This type of education is a foundation of the application of communication technology, professional and academic psychological concepts, based on common criteria and standards, which takes a special form according to the goals, needs and existing realities of societies. Electronic education has promised this to mankind. With the passage of time, place and borders, it can easily enter any home and fill the thirst of education with learning. Electronic learning is a better educational system for the new generation. This system includes many activities such as knowledge delivery, advanced training system, good coding, regular information updates, etc. E-learning is generally dependent on advanced computing and information technology infrastructure. The role of technology in the educational system is effective and can make it universal, simple, flexible and easily accessible. As a result, it can be concluded that today's education system needs new technology to make it more advanced and the education system better. Electronic education means the use of electronic information transfer tools to transfer information and knowledge, which include computer-based education, intranet-based education, web-based education, new paradigms and information technology products that humanity lead to a great educational revolution. The transition from the industrial society to the information society is not necessarily an evolutionary movement, but a structural leap. Therefore, for the first time, it is possible for countries to jump from a backward position to an advanced position. Meanwhile, the amount of development and application of information and communication technology in education is considered the most important indicator of progress, and virtual education or electronic education is considered the most important factor of scientific and cultural leap. In this research, an attempt is made to identify the challenges in the mentioned field after examining and studying e-learning and the capacities of using elearning at different levels of medical education. Using the obtained information and the current situation, it is necessary to examine the relationship between the individual characteristics of the students of medical sciences universities and learning through electronic education, and the main question of this study is whether the individual characteristics of the faculty members of the universities of sciences Does medicine have a significant relationship with learning through e-learning? Methods: The method of this research was descriptive and correlational. In terms of data collection, it was a descriptive-field method. The statistical population of this research includes professors of Khuzestan universities of medical sciences, who are 680 people, and the sampling method in this research is a simple random method considering that the number of the statistical population is known. The current research questionnaire includes 7 main indicators and 32 items. The content-form validity of the present research questionnaire was obtained from the consensus of experts and experts based on the Delphi method. Data analysis in the quantitative part, the descriptive statistics of the professors of medical sciences universities of Khuzestan province are presented and Spearman's correlation coefficient is used. Results: The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between individual faculty characteristics (gender: 0. 985, education status: 0. 652, age: 0. 432, job experience: 0. 501) and learning through electronic education. There is no significant relationship between experience in e-learning with a coefficient of 0. 125 and learning through e-learning. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the personal characteristics of faculty members of medical sciences universities and learning through e-learning, so trying to achieve optimal personal characteristics in the direction of education is considered important. This research, like other research, has some limitations, for example, considering that this research was conducted on the faculty of the Khuzestan University of Medical Sciences, the results of this research should be cautiously shared with other institutions, bodies, and organizations. The country extended. Also, due to the large number of questions and the time-consuming completion of questionnaires by experts, there is a possibility of bias in the results. Another limitation of this study was the difficulty in arranging and coordinating the appropriate time and place for some experts to answer the questionnaire. According to the results, it is suggested that the regional connections with the headquarters area and the role of universities in the development of virtual education need to strengthen the supporting role of the headquarters area in providing infrastructure and financial resources and more independence to the universities in planning and implementing the development of virtual education. Also, one of the most important factors in achieving such an environment is the training of management and experienced support staff who have the necessary knowledge, attitudes, and skills to guide students.

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Background & Aims: Sustainability is a phenomenon that has long been considered by human societies and has continued to be dynamic in terms of social and economic needs. Sustainability and development in any industry or style are considered the largest and most diverse development processes. Many countries consider achieving sustainability as the main source of income, job creation, growth of publishers, development of infrastructure. In many cases, the development of sustainability is the key to success. Today, stability in any field is becoming the first human desire. The dramatic and upward growth of physical activity in the world suggests that the future will largely belong to the people themselves. Today, sports and physical activity have become the common language of many people in the world, and the development of physical activity is increasing day by day, and creativity and innovation in the services of people who specialize in this field, sports sustainability is the first and most important The principle in the development of the physical activity. Today, no other social phenomenon is considered as much as physical activity and especially its events by different strata around the world, which have soft power and cultural, social, economic, and political aspects. When engaging in physical activity, even if it means getting out of bed. Physical activity, as the greatest social phenomenon, has become one of the necessities of contemporary human life and part of the culture and identity of human societies. As a result of the link between sports and people's psychological changes, a strong link was established. Since psychology is one of the most important aspects of human life in achieving health and many people around the world are thinking about developing their mental health, the relationship between physical activity and psychology is of particular importance and understanding the relationship of stability. Physical activity and psychological stability are of particular importance. Stability of physical activity and psychology is important of its importance is attention to physical activity and mental and emotional states of individuals The stability and capability of the workforce lead to a reduction in the life expectancy and quality of life of the workforce. The development of physical and mental health has become very important in the countries of the world today and has a special place. But the results of an internal study show that to achieve such a position requires significant action by various authorities. Manpower in the field of health can be achieved by relying on many natural and human potentials. From the ground up and managerial in the sustainable development of human resources and consequently the health of individuals effective, conducting various studies and reviewing the results of this research. As a result of this study, with the aim of the role of physical activity and psychology in the sustainability of human resources, with emphasis on qualitative and quantitative evaluation, is the basis and a complete necessity for addressing the field of human health. Methods: The research method is qualitative research with an exploratory and systematic approach. The statistical population consisted of two sections: human resources (managers, professors, etc. ) and information resources (books, articles, documents, media). Adequate sampling was performed judiciously based on theoretical saturation (18 people and 53 documents). Research tools included library study and structured exploratory interviews. The validity of the instrument was evaluated and confirmed based on the legal and scientific validity of the statistical sample, expert opinion, and agreement coefficient between coding proofreaders. Results: After measuring the validity and reliability of the measurement model, the structural model is examined through the relationships between latent variables. In addition, in the present study, the most widely used criteria have been used to fit the structural model. These criteria include,T-values,the coefficient of determination (R2) and the coefficient of predictive power (Q2). Given that all paths of relationships between research components are greater than 1. 96 and significant, this sign indicates the correct prediction of research model relationships. The results showed that psychological stability with a path coefficient of 2. 61 and a significance level of 0. 54 and also sports stability with a path coefficient of 11. 07 and a significance level of 0. 63, affect human resources. Conclusion: In general, based on the research findings, it can be said that the sustainability of human resources depends on two factors: the stability of physical activity and the sustainability of human resources. Data and, as appropriate, work on strengthening the sustainability of the workforce in all areas, processes and processes. Applying a higher level of methods to ensure the stability of physical activity and psychology has a positive effect on improving organizational performance and competitive advantage. Therefore, the sustainability of physical activity and psychology must first, in the dimensions of technology, lay the groundwork for the implementation of standards of sustainability and sustainable development. The importance of sustainability stems from the fact that the organization must have a complete description of human health in the process of applying them. The application of the research model can be predicted and proposed in managerial, educational, and research approaches. The present model can be used as an intellectual and analytical model in decision-making and planning for policymakers and managers in the field of the sports industry for sustainable development. Be taken in this industry. It can also be used as information and a guide to business and management for entrepreneurs, managers, and sports analysts. In addition, the results of this research and the model derived from it can be used as knowledge and scientific background for educational and research activities by university professors, course instructors, researchers, students. Sustainability is a positive development that increases human insight into activities in the form of a flow of value and provides them with greater and greater opportunities.

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Background & Aims: Today, organizations are facing a competitive environment that is accompanied by amazing developments in which changes are constantly taking place, and markets do not have a fixed situation, and the political and legal frameworks often change and go along with these management developments. Organizations are faced with complexity, the speed of communication has increased, and organizations are required to examine and respond to customer requirements. In the meantime, large organizations with traditional structures do not have the necessary strength and flexibility to align with these changes, and for their survival, they are forced to change their structure or equip themselves with tools that can face and align with global developments. To obtain in this framework, education is one of the most basic necessities of a society in order to harmonize with these changes. Because education is an important part of individual and social activities. As UNESCO has announced in its global report, almost one out of every five people living today is a teacher or serves as a teacher in the formal education system and is in charge of educating the new generation. In this connection, many thinkers have identified a solution to this problem in the preparation of human resources. Therefore, efficient human resources can be considered the most important capital of an organization. Therefore, any process that improves the capability of human resources according to the type of work and activity is a capital-increasing process, the result of which is directly reflected in the quality and quantity of the system, which with the help of empowering human resources it is obtained. It can be said that the main capital in the education system of any country is its human resources, which become effective in the development of the society through knowledge, restraints and specialized motivations of their jobs. Teachers play an important role. Therefore, today, schools that equip their educational system with such precious capital, show more competitive advantage among their peers, because the excellence of schools in a close competition depends on skill, creativity, and independence. Knowledge and ability of teachers are dependent. In this connection, the present research was conducted with the aim of explaining the cultural and psychological empowerment of the first year secondary school teachers in Tehran. Methods: The research method was part of mixed research in terms of data collection. In the qualitative part, the statistical population included university experts, including managers and senior experts in education, and in the quantitative part, it included all the teachers of the first year of high school in Tehran in the academic year 2021-2022. The sample size in the qualitative part with theoretical saturation (10 people) and in the quantitative part is estimated to be 300 people based on Morgan's table, and for the selection of the sample in the qualitative part, purposive sampling was used and in the quantitative part, stratified random sampling was used. The data collection tool was an interview in the qualitative part and a researcher-made questionnaire with 144 questions and 17 components based on a 5-option scale in the quantitative part. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained through Cronbach's alpha for the whole questionnaire at 0. 86. Confirmatory factor analysis using smartpls3 software was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that psychological cultural empowerment included organizational culture, organizational structure, organizational monitoring system, organizational reward system, organizational management systems, and its consequences include improving interpersonal ability, management and leadership ability, and the ability to create events. Conclusion: In the current research, two dimensions of psychological and cultural empowerment of secondary school teachers were pointed out and it was stated that today's teachers need more cultural and psychological empowerment because they are responsible for educating a generation that is supposed to be the future builder of the country. For this purpose, they must first have such ability so that they can transfer it to the students. In this research, it was found that when it comes to the psychological and cultural empowerment of teachers. It means mental and emotional empowerment, knowledge, and overall empowerment. Ensuring the health and mental health of teachers through the implementation of personality, mental and emotional tests and planning to prevent them from developing mental disorders are ways to ensure their mental health. Also, special attention should be paid to the intrinsic and psychological characteristics of teachers and their behavior, sense of acceptance of responsibility, appropriate social behavior and ability to adapt to the educational environment should be evaluated. It is in this way that one can have confidence in the ability of teachers and know that they are suitable options for educating students. In addition, teachers should be empowered in terms of knowledge and have an understanding of the logical relationships of phenomena and the interpretation of information, and be familiar with philosophical and scientific schools and their views, as well as a detailed understanding of tasks, tasks and educational phenomena of the school or the educational system of the society to better understand the work environment. Perceptual ability is also one of the other factors of psychological and cultural ability. It is imperative for teachers to have the power of analysis to diagnose problems correctly and to have the ability to make correct judgments about behaviors and the cause of those behaviors, as well as the ability to integrate different ideas and methods to achieve goals. In the current research, various factors affecting the psychological and cultural ability of teachers were also pointed out and it was determined that the organizational culture governing the education system and schools determines the degree of flexibility, adaptability, participation, and independence of teachers. A favorable organizational culture based on participation guarantees the psychological and cultural ability of teachers. In addition, the flexible organizational structure, decentralization, and the degree of risk-taking of the educational institution affect the ability of teachers. Of course, one should not neglect the rules and regulations, supervision and control of communication skills and mutual relations, value creation and wealth creation, welfare facilities, the number of salaries and wages, rewards and appreciation, and attention to satisfaction and respect. These cases determine the cultural and psychological ability of teachers. In general, it can be said that the practical components of cultural-psychological empowerment among teachers include the promotion of interpersonal competence, management, and leadership competence, and the ability to create events.

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Pakravan Behnaz | AHMADI REZA

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Background & Aims: Children with learning disabilities do not have problems with intelligence and motivation and are not lazy or deaf and dumb. In fact, most of them are as smart as others and are healthy in terms of brain, but this difference affects the way they receive and process information (4). Researches have mentioned three factors of children's characteristics, family aspects and social environment as the main and influential factors in the occurrence of children's disabilities (5). Therefore, methods that can simultaneously affect more aspects of these factors will have more and more stable therapeutic effects. Play therapy is one of these lasting and effective methods (6). Among the new methods of play therapy that are used for children with behavioral or functional problems are therapy and philial therapy. The results of various researches support the effectiveness of therapy on depression (8), anxiety (9) and behavioral problems (7) in children. In fact, this approach is a combination of interpersonal theories of human development, such as object relations theory, Balbi and Inworth's attachment theory (10). On the other hand, filial therapy, as a play therapy method, is a structured and direct theory for working with parents and children (11). Filial therapy is designed as a treatment program for children with emotional problems. In this intervention approach, children play with their caregivers and find out that they are lovable and important (12). These methods simultaneously affect the family environment, the quality of the parent-child relationship, and the psychological characteristics of children, this multifacetedness highlights the therapeutic importance of this method. One of the psychological characteristics in children that may help students with learning disorders or deepen their problems when facing stressors is coping behaviors. Coping behaviors or skills refer to cognitions that control stressful situations and become more specific along with the growth of children and adolescents (14). Therefore, the researcher is trying to answer the question of whether there is a difference between the effectiveness of play therapy in two ways, therapeutic and filial, on students' coping behaviors or not? Methods: The method of the current research was semi-experimental with a pre-testpost-test-follow-up plan with a control group. For this purpose, the statistical population of the present study includes 183 male and female students with learning disabilities in Isfahan city, 54 students (30 boys and 24 girls) with learning disabilities without mental disabilities, neurodevelopmental disorders, and obvious physical and sensory motor disorders with mothers without obvious clinical symptoms. They were selected as available for cooperation. Then they were randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group (18 people in each group). In the previous stages, immediately after and 2 months follow-up, they completed the Hernandez (2008) Coping Behavior Questionnaire. Also, to check and diagnose the learning disorder, the clinical interview was used based on the diagnostic criteria of DSM-5, which was conducted by a child psychiatry specialist. And the teenager took place. In the following, the Terapoly play therapy group gave its program based on the guide of Booth and Jerenberg (2019) to the first experimental group of 10 one-hour sessions (once a week for 10 weeks) and the filial therapy group gave its program based on the guide of Brighton et al. (2006). and Kalam et al. (2013) conducted 10 one-hour sessions (once a week for 10 weeks) to the second experimental group. Finally, the data were analyzed using software version 26 and using the multivariate analysis of covariance method. Results: The results showed that the mean scores of all three components of coping behaviors, including deviation from the problem, coping with the problem, and destructive coping, had a significant difference over time. Table 3 shows the results of intersubject analysis. Based on this table, the average scores for the dimension of deviation from the problem (F = 8. 98 and P = 0. 001), the dimension of coping with the problem (F = 6. 91 and P = 0. 002) and the dimension of destructive coping (42 F=83 and P=0. 001) were obtained, which indicates that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups. The results showed that filial therapy and therapy play therapy has been effective in improving the coping behaviors of students with learning disabilities. Also, based on the results of Table 4, there was no significant difference between the average of all three components of coping behaviors in the two experimental groups in the post-test phase (P<0. 001), which shows that both methods equally affect the components of deviation from the problem and coping with the problem. and destructive coping have been effective. The results of the Bonferroni test in Table 5 show that the average scores of the components of deviation from the problem, coping with the problem, and destructive coping in the post-test and follow-up stages are significantly different from the pre-test stage, but there was no significant difference between the average scores of the post-test and follow-up stages. It indicates that the average scores in the post-test and follow-up stage have changed compared to the pre-test stage and managed to maintain this change. Conclusion: The results of this research showed that therapy and filial therapy methods are effective in improving coping behaviors of students with learning disabilities. In explaining this finding, it can be said that both therapy and filial therapy methods have been able to leave a positive impact on the improvement of dimensions related to the coping behaviors of students with learning disabilities with a different structure (19). Because Teraplay is a type of short-term interactive play therapy that focuses on attachment-based games in the form of active games to create better relationships between parents and children. The therapist takes more responsibility for the progress of play sessions, as characterized by more attachment, empathic behavior, interactive play, interpersonal eye and body contact (24). Thus, in the present study, both parents and therapists helped the children in the test groups to strengthen their self-esteem and sense of competence and self-efficacy by providing playful challenges. Challenges caused frustration for children who learned how to face challenges and stress with the help of play (25). On the other hand, the emotional release capability of play is another explanation for the effect of parent-child play therapy, which helps children externalize their emotions in a completely safe and comfortable manner, and finally, these capabilities, when used in the context of parent-child play therapy are used to help not only children, but also mothers who have been placed in the role of coach and play therapist during play therapy to help their children get rid of the stresses and pressures of everyday life (16).

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Background & Aims: The organizations in order to maintain and stabilize their superiority over other organizations, must renew their valuable resources and use effective approaches, strategies, principles and components in this field (2). The marketing is related to the daily life of people and the assessment of their needs and has different types, which one of them is sports marketing (4). The sport in developed countries is considered as an important and influential industry in the growth of the national economy and is considered one of the most profitable industries of the 21st century (5). The sports marketing is a new scientific field and territory that tries to achieve its goals and ideals by using marketing principles and techniques (6). A sports marketer should be able to change, adjust and skillfully adapt controllable factors in an environment that is full of uncontrollable factors in the best way and the sports marketing includes all activities designed to satisfy the needs and desires of sports spectators (8). In today's competitive world, only organizations that use strategic planning in their marketing are successful (9). The strategic plan is a process which through that the organizations analyze their internal and external environment and gain knowledge from it. Then, they determine their strategic path and create strategies to reach them and finally implement and evaluate them (10). The marketing strategic plan is a management process that is responsible for creating, maintaining and logical balance between the objectives, resources and changing and unstable market situations and organizations' products, and its purpose is to create or change the work and products of organizations to achieve satisfactory growth and profit (13). Nowadays, it is absolutely necessary to use marketing activities in sports,So that not using it means failure in competition with competitors, and accordingly, senior managers are looking for effective and appropriate implementation of strategies to ensure the future of sports organizations (16). As a result, the sports marketing are done based on principles and components. Therefore, the present research was conducted with the aim of identifying the components of the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation. Methods: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative from type of hybrid. The research population was all sources related to the sports marketing strategic plan in the handball federation in the 2002-2022 years. In this research, among the 1452 searched sources (Articles, books and dissertations), numbers of 80 sources after reviewing the title were selected as the initial sample, but the final sample after reviewing the abstract and content was 55 sources. The process of conducting the research was as follows: first, all sources including articles, books and dissertations with using the keywords of marketing, competitive advantage, sport marketing, brand, capabilities, marketing strategy, marketing management, strategic management, mobile marketing and handball research in the sources English and the keywords of sports marketing strategic plan, championship and public sports, strategic management, handball federation talent search, cultural intelligence, marketing capabilities in Persian sources in databases of EBS Chost, Science direct, SID, ERIC, DOJA, Emerald, Springer, Taylor and Fransic., Sage Wiley, Proquest, Scopus, Noormags, Irandoc and Magira and in search engines of Google and Google Scholar. The tool of the current research was taking notes from the sources using the following questions. What are the components and sub-components of the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation and what is their pattern. All 55 sources were read line by line and written its components and subcomponents. The formal validity of the findings obtained from note-taking was confirmed by the triangulation method and its reliability was calculated by the agreement coefficient method between two coders 0. 86. Finally, the data were analyzed by thematic analysis method. Results: The findings showed that for the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation were identified 101 subcomponents in the form of 5 components including positioning, goals and strategies, market opportunities, target market and marketing budget. Finally, the pattern of the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation was drawn. Conclusion: According to the findings of the present research, i. e. identification of 5 components of positioning, goals and strategies, market opportunities, target market and marketing budget for the sports marketing strategic plan with an emphasis on the health of the players in the handball federation and considering the inequality of sports participation in the provinces of the country, it is suggested that in the future planning the priority of allocation of resources should be assigned to the border and surrounding provinces so that in addition to preventing the migration of athletes, sports development and success in global and international events can be established. Also, to the managers, officials and planners It is suggested that selection of managers and officials of the Handball Federation from among experienced and expert people in the field of economics and marketing, the use of trained and efficient security forces in holding sports competitions, the use of the principle of outsourcing in the Handball Federation for the optimal use of facilities and sports resources and achieving success, getting to know competitors along with using the internet for marketing activities, paying attention to mass media including sports press to broadcast non-football disciplines such as handball, establishing a talent search system along with paying attention to the business intelligence and cultural intelligence of player managers and leaders, create an ethical-oriented sports opportunity and equal and justice-oriented growth in the distribution of resources and increase the support of the maximum presence of financial sponsors with an emphasis on securing and making investment attractive. The results of this study can be used as a pattern of sports marketing strategic plan in the handball federation and will improve the quality, efficiency, effectiveness and effective marketing in the handball federation.

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In 2019, the prevalence of diabetes was estimated at 463 million people, and it is predicted that its prevalence will reach 548 million people by 2045. The most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes (T2DM), which accounts for more than 90% of all diabetes cases and is the fifth leading cause of death in people aged 50 to 74 years (1). T2DM is a metabolic disorder that is associated with elevated blood glucose levels, insulin resistance, or relative insulin deficiency, and (2) is on the rise around the world due to progressive damage to beta cells (4). A combination of nonpharmacological measures (such as exercise and diet modification) and anti-diabetic drugs are commonly needed to improve glycemic control and slow disease progression (5). Incretin hormones are insulin-stimulating agents that are released from the gastrointestinal tract within minutes after eating (6, 7). Intestinal function and incretin secretion have been reported to directly regulate pancreatic health (4). glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is one of the types of incretins (7) that contains 42 amino acids and is synthesized in the L cells of the intestine by post-translational modifications of proglucagon by prohormone convertase 1 (PC1) (8, 9). Recent evidences have shown that GLP-1 plays an important role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis (10-12). In several clinical trials, it has been observed that the adverse effects of incretin loss in patients with T2DM have improved after treatment with incretins or incretin agonists (13-15). In addition, evidences suggest that incretin-based therapies may have a positive effect on inflammation, cardiovascular and liver health, sleep, and the central nervous system (16). Intact GLP-1 is rapidly degraded by the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) (20) and the resulting metabolite lacks insulinotropic activity (21). Therefore, less than 10% of the secreted GLP-1 is delivered to its target organs (23). using DPP-4 inhibitors (sitagliptin, vildagliptin) which prevent degradation of natural GLP-1, and synthesing DPP-4 resistant GLP-1 analogs (exenatide, liraglutide, exenatide LAR, albiglutide, D lixisenatide) are Two methods to overcome the short half-life defect of endogenous GLP-1 and achieve therapeutic benefits (25). The general effects of GLP-1 on metabolism include insulin secretion, glucagon inhibition, β,cell preservation, suppression of gastric emptying, anorexia, weight loss, bone formation, and protection of certain organs (brain, heart, and kidney) (31). GLP-1 increases insulin sensitivity through several molecular mechanisms. These pathways are: 1-Reduction of oxidative stress through several molecular pathways (34-40), 2-Induction of insulin expression/secretion through various molecular mechanisms (40-42), 3-Improving insulin resistance due to inflammation by reducing pro-inflammatory mediators (43-45), 4-Increasing expression/localization of GLUT-4 in insulin-dependent tissues (46-49), 5-Improving the profile of plasma lipids, which leads to a decrease in insulin resistance due to dyslipidemia (50-54), 6-Improving the function of pancreatic beta cells through several molecular pathways (55-58), 7-Amplify insulin signal transmission in different stages (59-61), 8-Reducing endoplasmic reticulum stress (62, 63). GLP-1 causes long-term glucose-lowering activity in a glucose-dependent manner, due to its insulinotropic action in pancreatic β,cells (64). This activity of GLP-1 is partly mediated by interaction with β,cells membrane GLP-1 receptors (65). In contrast, its non-insulinotropic function has been shown to have extra-pancreatic effects that may be useful in the prevention and treatment of diabetes-related complications and diseases independent of glycemic control (64). The results of studies have shown that exercise leads to the stimulation of GLP-1 secretion from intestinal L cells and α,cells through an increase in IL-6 levels (71-73). GLP-1 (7-36) amide and GLP-1 (7-37) are two different biologically active isoforms of GLP-1 that are synthesized and secreted simultaneously in the body (74). Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) is a member of the GPCR (G protein-coupled receptor) glucagon receptor family found in pancreatic beta cells and brain neurons and is involved in controlling blood sugar levels by increasing insulin secretion (76-78). Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists are also known as incretin mimetics. These drugs are used to treat type 2 diabetes (85) and One of their advantages over older insulin-secreting stimulants, such as sulfonylureas or meglitinides, is that they have a lower risk of developing hypoglycemia (86). to overcome GLP-1 short duration of activity limitation, several modifications to the drug or its formulation are being developed. Approved GLP-1 receptor agonists are exenatide, liraglutide, lixisenatide, albiglutide, dulaglutide, semaglutide, and the GLP-1 receptor agonists under study are taspoglutide, efpeglenatide, and tirzepatide (87). GLP-1 analogs have a broad polytropic effect on metabolism. beneficial effects of GLP1R agonists consist of blood glucose regulation, weight loss through inhibition of food intake and gastric motility, stimulation of cell proliferation, reduction of inflammation and apoptosis, improvement of cardiovascular function, and neuroprotection (88). Liraglutide is an acyl GLP-1 agonist derived from the human GLP-1-(7-37), a less common form of endogenous GLP-1. It is a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes or obesity (90) and reduces meal-related hyperglycemia by increasing insulin secretion, delaying gastric emptying, and suppressing glucagon secretion during the meal. Liraglutide is resistant to metabolic degradation by peptidases with a plasma half-life of 13 hours (91, 92). Exenatide is a 39 amino acid peptide with 50% amino acid homology with GLP-1 which has a longer half-life in vivo. It binds to the intact human GLP-1R in a manner similar to the human GLP-1 peptide (93, 94). Lixisenatide is a 44 amino acids peptide with an amide group at its C terminal which is a GLP-1 receptor agonist used as a diet and exercise supplement to treat type 2 diabetes (95). Albiglutide is another GLP-1 agonist that can be used alone or in combination with other anti-diabetic drugs, including insulin, to treat type 2 diabetes in adults. According to an analysis in 2015, Albiglutide is less effective than other GLP-1 agonists in reducing glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c, an indicator of long-term blood glucose control) and weight loss (96). Dulaglutide is an adult diet supplement and exercise supplement for improving blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes which can be used alone or in combination with other medicines for type 2 diabetes, especially metformin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, and insulin is taken with food. Dulaglutide is not recommended for the treatment of people with type 1 diabetes or patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, as these problems are due to the inability of islet cells to produce insulin, and one of the actions of Dulaglutide is to stimulate islet cells to produce more insulin (97). Semaglutide is chemically similar to human GLP-1 with 94% similarity and acts like GLP-1 because it increases insulin secretion and sugar metabolism. It is administered by subcutaneous injection in a pre-filled pen or orally. One of its advantages over other anti-diabetic drugs is that it has a long-lasting effect, so a once-weekly injection is sufficient. It has been shown to supplement diet and exercise to improve blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes (98, 99). Finally, GLP-1R activation leads to cAMP production and cAMPdependent activation of protein kinase A (PKA) and Epac2 messenger pathways. These pathways are involved in a variety of intracellular events, including increased systolic calcium levels, altered ion channel activity, and increased exocytosis of insulin-containing granules, all of which participate in the stimulation of insulin secretion in a glucose-dependent manner. Current therapeutic approaches, including drastic lifestyle modifications and dietary and pharmacological interventions to control the global increase in metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes, are not sufficient. Therefore, a new method is needed to combat metabolic disorders. Although GLP-1 has several potentially beneficial effects on type 2 diabetes, it is not a suitable treatment for type 2 diabetes due to its short half-life. Therefore, due to the reduction of GLP-1 incretin hormone activity in patients with type 2 diabetes, incretin mimics have been developed as new therapeutic agents for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

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Background & Aims: Aging is a period that is associated with gradual, progressive and spontaneous erosive changes in most organs and physiological functions of the body. In fact, human beings have many problems that affect their lives as they enter old age. Common physical problems among the elderly that occur as a result of certain diseases or as a result of the aging process include loss of balance, postural control, difficulty in gait and gait control, muscle atrophy, weakness and dysfunction, and decreased strength (1). Balance is a complex motor skill that describes the body's postural dynamics in preventing falls. With the onset of old age, changes in the function of the musculoskeletal system, vestibular system, sensory system and visual system occur as physiological systems involved in balance, and the elderly are exposed to serious injuries due to imbalance, including bone fractures and Places long disabilities (1, 2). It is one of the effective factors in improving the balance of athletic performance, but older people have problems in performing these exercises due to movement restrictions due to chronic pain, low level of physical fitness, as well as fear of imbalance and falling. Research has shown that water has a beneficial role in rehabilitation in injured people due to its special properties such as buoyancy, relaxing role on muscles and reducing tension, reducing pain caused by environmental stresses such as weight pressure on the lower extremities, as well as People with special disabilities, such as the elderly (9). According to the above, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of exercises and sports activities in water on the balance of injured elderly athletes. Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 30 retired athletes with knee and ankle injuries were selected by purposive sampling and randomly divided into two groups of control and water exercise. Dynamic balance and static balance of subjects were measured before and after the exercise intervention. The star excursion balance test (7) was used to measure static balance and the star balance test (11) was used to measure the dynamic balance of the subjects. The intervention included 8 weeks of water balance exercises. SPSS version 26 was used for data analysis software. Results: The results showed that in the static equilibrium index, the main effect of test sessions (F1, 28= 184. 90, P=. 001, η, 2= 0. 738) and group (F1, 28= 19. 84, P=. 001, η, 2= 0. 524) was significant. In the dynamic equilibrium index, the main effect of the test sessions (F1, 28= 317. 40, P=. 001, η, 2= 0. 689) and the group (F1, 28= 55. 33, P=. 001, η, 2= 0. 511) was significant. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that selected water sports exercises improved static and dynamic balance of elderly athletes with a history of knee and ankle injuries. The results of the present study are in line with the results of previous research, including the research of Guillamó, n et al. (2019), Askari et al. (2018), Padua et al. (2018), Mousavi and Ghazalian (2020) and Dokht Abdiyan et al. (2016), all of which have beneficial effects of exercise in water mentioned (8, 12-15) was consistent. Retired Athletes are a group of seniors who, in addition to the problems that arise in the normal course of old age, are also involved in chronic injuries during their professional sports career. In some cases, the presence of such chronic sports injuries can increase the problems many times over. Exercise in water can improve the motor function (9, 10) of the elderly by developing the capabilities of the central nervous system as well as motor coordination. One of the limiting factors of motor function in injured people is chronic pain caused by injury (16). It has also been shown that these individuals are limited in their daily activities due to chronic pain and excitatory stress-induced stress (17, 18),On the other hand, to prevent age-related complications that include the destructive process of the nervous system as well as skeletal muscles, and exercise can be a preventive and therapeutic process (18). The use of the aquatic environment due to its properties can reduce the fear of falling in the elderly with the buoyancy it creates (9, 10),Therefore, the elderly can easily exercise and enjoy the benefits of exercise. On the other hand, due to the fact that body weight on land causes pressure on the lower limbs and thus increases stress on nerve endings and as a result increases pain in injured limbs, they usually have problems for training on land,Therefore, according to the characteristics of aquatic environments, these people can benefit from the benefits of rehabilitation exercises as well as physical activities by adjusting their weight due to the special conditions of water (19, 20). In general, it can be said that exercising in water by increasing neuromuscular function improves balance in elderly athletes with a history of lower limb injuries. Balance and gait problems and maintaining a proper walking pattern are complications of aging that are much more severe in the elderly with a history of severe sports injuries to the knee and ankle. Exercise has its limitations due to the physiological problems of the aging process, especially those suffering from diseases such as osteoarthritis, chronic joint injuries, and mobility disabilities. Therefore, despite the benefits of physical exercise, it should be considered that doing this type of exercise on land due to some psychological and physical problems of old age, especially in people who suffer from diseases and injuries such as joint pain and have limitations. They are, it is difficult. Therefore, due to the low risk nature of water, water exercises can be used to improve balance and gait indicators. The results of the present study showed that participation in 8 weeks of selected water sports exercises led to improved gate parameters such as stride length, step frequency, walking speed and endurance as well as static and dynamic balance in elderly athletes with a history of severe knee and ankle injuries This exercise method can be used to prevent the complications of old age, especially in the elderly who have a strong sports history and have suffered severe ankle and knee injuries during their professional sports.

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Background & Aims: Ballet is not only a dramatic sport but also an activity with high physical needs. In ballet jumps and rotations, delicate movements, high flexibility and the final transition to the en pointe are performed in women (1). Every position and step in ballet requires postural control (2), and researchers consider static and dynamic balance and weight movement to be very important for motor function in ballet (3). A determining factor in maintaining balance is the size of the support surface, and ballerinas must perform some movements on very little support surface (3, 4). Doing these techniques on young ballerinas who have not had enough proper training can lead to numerous injuries (5). Balance is a key component of motor skills for maintaining posture and performing complex sports skills. It seems that maintaining balance and use training programs to improve it is a good solution that will help reduce the amount of falls during training or competitions (23). Balance is achieved through a variety of sensory input information to the CNS, including visual, vestibular, and sensorimotor (24, 25). It seems that by simultaneously stimulating the superficial and proprioceptive senses and creating sensory integration, it can increase the cortex's awareness of the organs and increase the balance this causes proper control during movement (9). Proprioceptive sense refers to the ability to integrate sensory information received from mechanical receptors and thus determine the position and movements of the body in space. Mechanical receptors for proprioceptive sensation in the muscles of the lower limb, soles of the feet, and around the ankle joint provide important information about the displacement and movement of the body mass center, as well as the characteristics of the impact surface for the CNS (7). Proprioceptive training includes activities that challenge the ability of the target joint to find and respond to input information about the position of the joint (11). Some evidence suggests that improving the proprioception of agonist muscle groups strengthens and stabilizes limb coordination, thus leading to improve movement during ballet (12, 13). Conversely, some studies show that ballerinas are more dependent on visual information to maintain balance (3, 14). Accordingly, the question of whether it is possible to increase balance by strengthening the sense of proprioception and also enhance performance in ballerinas has not been studied and needs to be investigated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of open or closed eyes balance training on static and dynamic balance in adolescent ballerina girls. Methods: Twenty ballerina girls aged 8-15 years with a history of 6 months to 1 year ballet training were selected and divided into two groups of ten: 1-closed-eyes balance training (proprioceptive training) in addition to routine ballet training and 2-open-eyes balance training in addition to routine ballet training. Both groups participated in balance training for 8 weeks (3 sessions per week, 30 minutes to 1 hour each session) (15). The training movements used in the balance section were 14 items and were used from simple (exercises with hand support, with two legs and without interference) to complex (exercises without support, with one foot and with interference by the trainer) (14). 48 hours after the end of the last training session in both groups, post-test was taken. Stork balance test and star excursion balance test were used to measure static and dynamic balances, respectively. Before starting the research protocol, to eliminate the learning effects, the samples were asked to perform stork and star balance tests several times during the routine ballet training period. Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to examine the data. If time was significant, the paired t-test was used to examine the post-test changes compared to the pre-test in each group, and if the group was significant, the independent t-test was used to examine the differences between the two groups in the post-test. Significance level was set at 0. 05. All calculations were performed using SPSS statistical software version 21. Results: The results of repeated measures analysis of variance showed that the group (F1, 9 = 7. 50, P = 0. 023) and time (F1, 9 = 593. 64, P = 0. 001) effects on static balance were significant. The results of paired-samples t-test showed that there were significant difference in static balance scores between pre-test and post-test in the closed-eyes (P = 0. 001) and open-eyes (P = 0. 001) groups. The results of independent-samples t-test showed that static balance was significantly increased in the closed-eyes group compared to the open-eyes group (P = 0. 006). The results of repeated measures analysis of variance showed that the time effect on dynamic balance (dominant foot and non-dominant foot) was significant but the group effect was not significant. The results of paired-samples t-test showed that there were significant difference in dynamic balance scores between pre-test and post-test in the closed-eyes (P = 0. 001) and open-eyes (P = 0. 001) groups. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that both types of balance training with open and closed eyes significantly improved static and dynamic balances in adolescent ballerinas. The result of the present study on the effect of exercise on dynamic balance is consistent with the results of Yalfani et al. (2017) (17), Ashoury et al. (2016) (18), and Sadeghi Dehcheshmeh et al (2015) (19). The results of the present study showed that closed-eyes training significantly increased static balance compared to the open-eyes training group, but in the dynamic balance there was no difference between the two groups. Gebel et al. (2018) set a minimum training duration of 12 weeks for significant balance improvement but found that 8 weeks could also be effective (15). In the present study, eight weeks of exercise improved balance in both groups, but the short duration of exercise probably had an effect on the results. Another reason could be the use of more static exercises in the present study, and therefore the significance of static balance in closed-eyes exercises compared to open-eyes exercises can be explained. The next point to consider is that open-eyes balance tests were used to assess balance in the present study, and it is possible that different results will be seen in closed-eyes balance tests. Finally, in the present study, the effect of exercise on ballet performance was not evaluated, and the stork and star tests used in the present study provide the opportunity to use more visual information to maintain balance, and as mentioned Ballerinas are more dependent on visual information to maintain balance. Therefore, if the ballet performance was evaluated according to its dynamics, it could be effective on the results. One of the limitations of the present study was the low volume of research samples, which was due to the small number of athletes active in this field according to the research criteria. Also, due to being in the growth ages, the age range of research samples was wide and it was not possible to form research groups in a more limited age range.

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Background & Aims: In recent years, different vision training has been used to improve visual skills and performance. One of these trainings is sports vision training. Sport vision training, that uses stimuli in optometric tasks (2, 3), sport-specific videos or images (4), or stroboscopic interruption of vision (5, 6), has been proposed under the idea that improving vision with oculomotor exercises, which might be associated with motor actions, would improve performance. For instance, Abernethy and Wood (2) used generic stimuli (e. g., alphanumeric symbols, shapes, patterns and colors) presented to athletes in a form of painted charts or apparatuses. Participants had to respond with simple ocular adjustments, which in some cases were combined with simple motor actions, such as pointing or touching targets (7). Although an increasing interest in vision training for sport performance, whether vision training would have a transfer to the field-sport setting remains unclear. Most of the intervention studies employed tasks based on optometric stimuli (e. g., hart charts and Marsden ball) and on computer programs (e. g., D2 Dynavision and Eye port) requiring simple ocular adjustments, and generic movements of hands as responses (2, 3, 11-14). The lack of evidences for supporting sport vision training efficacy to improve performance has been proposed to be related to methodological approaches resulting in a lack of ecological validity of the training stimuli (15). As such, generic and automated nature of the motor actions required as response might have limited the potential effects on the sport performance. This lack of transfer seems to support the idea, proposed in ecological framework by Gibson, that perception and action have a direct circular relationship mediated by the information within external environment (i. e. affordances), rather than by internal representations (16). Although the results of various studies have shown an improvement in visual skills and athletic performance based on sports vision training,but the main challenge is to examine the qualitative process versus the quantitative processes. Considering that balance is one of the main components in hockey (25), and considering that balance is created from the interaction of three visual, atrial and sensory-motor systems (26), The main question is whether sports vision training can improve the balance (kinetics) of hockey players or not? Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to examine the effect of sports vision training on balance and gaze behavior. Methods: The current study, according to the predicted goals, was a quasi-experimental research and the research design was pretest-posttest. Also, the current study was applied in terms of using the obtained results. Participants in the current study were 40 male hockey novices aged 15 to 20 years who were selected by convenience sampling. Participants were randomly divided into two groups of sports vision training and control. Criteria for inclusion in the study include normal vision, binocular vision, right leg and right hand. Exclusion criteria include withdrawal from the study, absence on the day of the test, and injury at various phases of the study. The measuring instruments included a force plate form and an eye tracking system. The present study included pre-test, intervention (practice) and post-test phases. In the pre-test phase, participants stood on a force platform to measure their balance. Participants were asked to stand barefoot on the force plate for 30 seconds while looking at the marked spot in front of them and trying to maintain their balance. At the same time, an eye tracking system was used to measure the gaze behavior of participants in performing balance skills. In the intervention phase (practice), which lasted for nine weeks and two sessions per week and each session lasted 90 minutes,the training group performed the relevant exercises while the control group performed their daily activities. The post-test phase was performed exactly after the last training session. At this phase, participants were asked to stand barefoot on the force plate for 30 seconds. At the same time, an eye tracking system was used to measure the gaze behavior of participants in performing balance skills. Data analyzed with paired sample t test and independent t test. Results: The results showed that the anterior-posterior displacement of the center of pressure was significantly improved by pre-test (29. 25) to post-test (24. 45) mm. Other results indicate that there is a significant difference between the groups in the anteriorposterior displacement of the center of pressure, and the sports vision group with an mean difference of 4. 30 mm has a lower center of pressure displacement compared to the control group (P <0. 05). Other results showed that the lateral-midlateral displacement of the center of pressure was significantly improved by pre-test (45. 80) to post-test (39. 90) mm. Other results indicate that there is a significant difference between the groups in the lateral-midlateral displacement of the center of pressure, and the sports vision group with an mean difference of 7. 15 mm has a lower center of pressure displacement compared to the control group (P <0. 05). Also, other results showed that fixation was significantly improved by pre-test (188. 70) to post-test (248. 60) ms. Other results indicate that there is a significant difference between the groups in fixation, and the sports vision group with an mean difference of 52. 014 ms has a longer fixation compared to the control group (P <0. 05). Conclusion: In general, the results of the current study showed that sports vision training improved balance and increased fixation of participants, so the results of the present study emphasize the importance of sports vision training on behavioral (balance) and process (fixation) characteristics. As a result, coaches and professionals working with novice hockey players are advised to pay attention to these exercises beforehand and use them in field and laboratory environments to improve performance and movement process. Also, according to the research results, trainers are advised to pay special attention to sports vision exercises and their possible effects on gaze behavior so that they can at least overcome the negative effects (psychological and physiological pressures). Although the current study and previous studies in this field have provided considerable insight into the value of sports vision training in understanding conscious perception, note that this work has been done almost exclusively using information processing paradigms. Other paradigms, such as ecological psychology and nonlinear dynamics, can provide new methods for the research gap identified in this study.

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Background & Aims: Among psychological issues, anxiety is a "futuristic state of mind" in which a person is ready or preparing for the negative events of the future, indicating that there is a distinction between present and future dangers that alienate fear. Separates from anxiety (2). In fact, normal reaction anxiety is considered to be stress that may help a person cope with difficult situations. When anxiety is excessive, it may be so great that it is placed in the categories associated with anxiety disorders (2). Another variable that can be different in different situations between individuals and students is the individual self-efficacy of students. Self-efficacy refers to a person's personality strength in dealing with problems in achieving his goals and success, and more than it is influenced by the student's intelligence and learning ability, it is influenced by personality traits such as self-confidence, diligence and submission, self-esteem, Is self-regulation and self-direction. In the age of information explosion, cultivating selfsufficient people, people who can overcome their own anxiety and learn and solve problems independently is much more important than transferring a huge amount of information (3). Humans, on the other hand, are constantly solving problems throughout their lives. Problem solving helps people deal effectively with life's problems and challenges. When an issue is not clearly defined, ambiguity tolerance is used to construct and reconstruct solutions and interpretations. When an issue is not clearly defined, ambiguity tolerance is used to construct and reconstruct solutions and interpretations (4). Due to the above and the impact of anxiety on students' lives on the one hand, the identification of important factors and factors related to anxiety on the other hand and considering that research in the field and research was not found in the field The researcher seeks to answer the questions of whether there is a relationship between students' tolerance of ambiguity, anxiety and self-efficacy? Can tolerance of ambiguity and anxiety be able to predict anxiety in students? Methods: To conduct the present descriptive research, which is a type of basic and applied research, among male and female students of Farhangian University (former teacher training), Tehran in the academic year 1394-2014, based on multi-stage sampling of 150 people with a minimum of Undergraduate education was selected as a sample and then the questionnaires of McDonald (1970), Beck Anxiety (1998) and the self-efficacy of Scherer et al. (1982) were distributed and collected among the sample. After removing incomplete and invalid questionnaires, a total of 142 questionnaires were collected. Finally, descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation and linear regression tests were used simultaneously with the help of SPSS software for statistical analysis of data. Results: The results showed that the sum of the variables used (self-efficacy and ambiguity tolerance) predicted 18% of the variance of students' anxiety. Given that F calculated at the level less than 0. 01 is significant, so the linear regression model is significant. The results of regression analysis show that self-efficacy at the level (= = 0. 01) is able to significantly predict students' anxiety and t-test is significant for the significance of regression coefficients at the level less than 0. 01. In other words, with increasing self-efficacy score, students' anxiety score decreases and vice versa. Given that β,is the standardized coefficient of regression, it is clear that self-efficacy with an coefficient of explanation (0. 393) is more effective in predicting student anxiety. Conclusion: The results showed that the variables of self-efficacy and ambiguity tolerance predict 18% of the variance of anxiety in students. Also, the results of regression analysis showed that self-efficacy is able to significantly predict students 'anxiety. In other words, with increasing self-efficacy score, students' anxiety score decreases and vice versa. It was also found that self-efficacy was more effective in predicting student anxiety. Explaining this finding, it can be said that tolerating the ambiguity of a personality variable is perceptual-emotional. In the clinical literature, ambiguity tolerance is a cognitive characteristic that can predict the risk of anxiety disorder. Tolerance of ambiguity is associated with negative anxiety and expectation about the future and is therefore always considered in research on anxiety disorders (11). Self-efficacy also refers to a person's perceived ability to perform a desired action. This means that evaluating one's abilities in a situation influences one's decision to act or avoid that situation, and because fear of judgment and negative evaluation prevents anxious people from displaying their abilities, The person is drawn to avoidance, passivity, and ultimately the inability to perform functional activities. Therefore, it is likely that a common factor in the structure of anxiety and low self-efficacy is the inability to understand individual competencies and adequacy and the misconception about the failure of activities (13). Beliefs about strong self-efficacy have been suggested as a powerful personal resource in dealing with stressful situations. Much evidence has been reported on the effect of selfefficacy beliefs on blood pressure with heart rate in heart patients. According to Bandura, self-efficacy related to one's judgments can affect one's actions in future situations. When a person is examining behavior or performing a task, he or she also makes judgments about his or her ability to perform the task and its circumstances. These judgments about self-efficacy affect a person's thinking about the ability or inability to do work and the individual's excitement and performance (14). The main focus of social cognitive theory is that self-efficacy beliefs strongly influence human performance. According to Graham and Wiener, self-efficacy is the most consistent predictor of behavioral outcomes relative to any other motivational structure (15). In predicting student anxiety.

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Background & Aims: In general, divorce is the most common destructive consequence of conflict, and the high rate of divorce in Western countries confirms it, so that its prevalence reaches more than 50% (5). Various factors are influential in divorce, one of them is schemas. A schema is an abstract representation of the distinctive features and salient elements of an event. Many primary schemas are formed early in life and confirm themselves in later life experiences, even if they are no longer applicable (8). But one of the variables that is related to the pathology of marital relations is cognitive flexibility (13). Cognitive flexibility is a person's assessment of the controllability of the situation, which changes in different situations (13). Cognitive flexibility enables a person to deal effectively with pressures, challenges and other emotional and social issues. Flexibility means abilities such as changing a person's perspective or adapting to rules, demands and new environmental conditions (14). Considering the above contents and the negative impact of divorce on personal and social life on the one hand and because the effect of three variables of cognitive flexibility, primary maladaptive schemas and emotional regulation have not been analyzed together in predicting the tendency to divorce, also specifying the variables Related to divorce, in order to prevent this social problem, the researcher is trying to answer the question whether the divorce tendency score can be predicted based on cognitive flexibility, emotional regulation, and initial incompatible schemas in Iranian couples living in Iran and Canada? Methods: The current research is practical and of the correlational type, and to do it, 250 couples (140 couples living in Iran and 110 Iranian couples living in Canada) were selected from among the Iranian couples who were inside Iran and Canada and 5 years had passed since their marriage. The condition of having the conditions to enter the research (having at least 5 years of cohabitation among couples living in Iran and couples living in Canada, having at least 3 years of living experience among couples living in Canada and informed consent to participate in the research) by available sampling method were selected as samples. Also, the criteria for withdrawing from the research were unwillingness to continue participating in the research and undergoing psychiatric or psychotherapy treatment. Couples living in Iran, men or women, living in areas 9, 10, and 11 of Mashhad Municipality and couples living in Canada were among the people who referred (men or women) to financial advisors in Toronto in the summer, fall, and winter of 2017 (from July 2018 to March 2019). . Then, all the subjects were asked the Johnson and Morrow (1986) Divorce Propensity Questionnaires, Young (1990) (short form, third edition, 90 items), Dennis and Vanderwaal (2010) cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation (Gross and John, 2003) completed. Finally, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), Kalmogorov Smirnov test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression at the first type error level of 0. 05 and SPSS software version 21 were used for statistical analysis of the data. Results: Based on the results obtained from Table 1, the correlation between initial incompatible schemas with the divorce tendency score was positive and the correlation between cognitive flexibility and emotional regulation with the divorce tendency score was negative. According to Table 2, the standard regression coefficient (beta) for self-directedness is 0. 500, impaired performance is 0. 713, cutting and rejection is 0. 816, impaired limitation is 0. 231. According to the statistical value of t obtained from the variables of self-management and impaired functioning, other orientation, cut and rejection, the impaired limitation predicts the tendency to divorce is positive and significant. Based on the results obtained from Table 3, the correlation between initial incompatible schemas with the divorce tendency score was positive and the correlation between cognitive flexibility and emotional regulation with the divorce tendency score was negative. Based on Table 4, it is clear that the standard regression coefficient (beta) for cognitive flexibility is-0. 280, self-management and impaired performance is 0. 251. According to the statistical value of t obtained from the variable of self-management and impaired performance, the prediction of the tendency to divorce is positive and significant, and for the variable of cognitive flexibility, the prediction of the tendency to divorce is negative and significant. Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, cognitive flexibility and selfmanagement and dysfunctional performance were able to predict the divorce tendency score in couples living in Canada, it can be concluded that family communication patterns, motivational structure and psychological flexibility were the factors affecting the emotional divorce of spouses. . Therefore, the results of the present study can be used to prevent couples from divorcing. Also, the results indicated that there was a negative and inverse relationship between emotion regulation and the tendency to divorce. In marital conflicts, revenge and spite had given place to compatibility,They regulated their negative emotions and responded positively. People with emotional instability and impulsivity were considered undesirable spouses, while people with stability and open and expressive emotions had happier relationships. In this way, it is clear that emotion regulation is an important principle in determining the quality of the relationship. In the life of most couples, there are differences, but how to manage these emotional impulses is important. Relationships serve as the primary developmental context for the successful acquisition of emotion regulation skills. Conversely, emotion regulation skills are a prerequisite for full engagement in social relationships. People who enter adulthood and married life without these skills face problems (31). The results of the correlation test showed that there was a relationship between the initial incompatible schemas and the tendency to divorce. To clarify this result, it can be said that the increase of these schemas was associated with the increase of divorce. With the increase in the presence of primary incompatible schemas, marital satisfaction and intimacy decreased. According to Yang and Brown (2005), early maladaptive schemas are self-damaging emotional and cognitive patterns that are the result of not meeting basic needs in the child's primary environment in relation to parents and are repeated throughout life and affect the interpretation of experiences and Relationships with others are affected (33). Because incompatible schemas are ineffective, they lead to dissatisfaction and lack of intimacy in marital relationships and provide the basis for separation, and that is why divorce occurs. According to Yang, those whose schemas are placed in the field of rejection and exclusion cannot establish a safe and satisfying relationship with others and believe that they do not need stability, security, love and belonging (34).

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Background & Aims: Social issues and harms caused by the rapid transformations of human societies are important issues that have always occupied the minds of sociologists and thinkers. Accelerated social changes such as rapid population growth, the rapid growth of industrialization and urbanization, rapid migration of masses and migration to big cities and marginalization of megacities, increase in social inequalities and the class gap in megacities, transformation in The construction and functioning of the family, the collapse of traditional patterns and norms of behavior and the increase of social tensions have caused unfortunate social consequences in the urban life of societies. Children and teenagers are one of the most vulnerable groups in today's society. Working children are all people who are under 18 years of age and are directly or indirectly involved in earning money. In general, the importance working and street children in the city due to the lack of social abilities and skills to correctly and dynamically face the social environment and their dependence on adults in meeting their needs and going through the stages of their growth and development is more than other groups. Institutions such as family, education and religious institutions, government, and mass media under social changes cannot fulfill their obligations towards socialization and normalization of children and adolescents. Functioning as a city, the consequence of such inabilities is to abandon and even send children and teenagers to the unsafe and anxious environment of the streets of big cities. The entry of children into the road is mostly due to the unfavorable conditions of children in disorganized and broken families, child abuse in the family, and running away from home. In some cases, street children are considered to be the result of poverty and the inability of children's families to meet their living expenses, and street children are part of working children. Sometimes, a set of family factors such as divorce, lack of guardianship and mistreatment of children in the family, and economic problems are known to be effective in the emergence of street children. The phenomenon of street children, which is referred to as an urban tragedy, is a common social problem in the metropolises of contemporary societies, both in industrialized and developing countries, with the difference that the incidence of this phenomenon, the grounds, and factors of its spread And the way to deal with it is different in different societies according to their economic, social and cultural characteristics. The work of children on the street is a serious problem in the capitals and many big cities of the world, especially in developing countries, but it is difficult to accurately estimate the number of street children and the difference in how to define and classify the children who live on the street. Child labor is a global problem and has a broad research background. Although according to the statistics of the International Labor Organization, since 2000, the number of children working in the world has decreased to two-thirds, it still includes around 168 million children, of which 85 million are engaged in risky work. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate the factors affecting the mental and psychological pathology of working children in Mazandaran province. Methods: This survey study was approved by the code of ethics IR. IAU. BABOL. REC. 1399. 142 in the Code of Ethics Commission of the Islamic Azad University of Babol branch. The statistical population of the research was made up of working children of Sari city, who were selected as a sample of 200 people based on Cochran's formula. The sampling method was a multi-stage cluster and random sampling. The data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. This questionnaire has 60 items that measured the number of injuries by working children in Sari city in 2019. Each item was graded on a fivepoint Likert scale from one (very little) to five (very much). The number of items in each component of the questionnaire made by the researcher for the components of the feeling of objective physical security was 15 items, the feeling of objective verbal security was 7 items, the feeling of mental security was 8 items, the family breakdown was 6 items, sense of parental responsibility was 10 items, social support was 4 items, child labor was 11 items. Construct validity, which is the most important part of validity investigation in this research, was obtained through Cronbach's alpha in Spss24 software, based on which the coefficient of research variables and dimensions for social support components was 0. 855, sense of responsibility of parents 0. 836, sense of security 0. 884, the family breakdown was 0. 799, and child labor was 0. 879, which indicated the high reliability of the questionnaire components. To analyze the research data, correlation coefficient tests with Spss24 software and confirmatory factor analysis of the second stage with Amos25 software were used. Results: Demographic descriptive results showed that out of the total of 200 people in the sample measured in this research, 110 people equal to 51. 8% are girls and 90 people equal to 48. 2% of working children are boys. There are 169 children, equivalent to 84. 5%, in peddling, 20 children, equivalent to 10%, are engaged in deviant jobs such as garbage collection, etc., and 11 children, equivalent to 5. 5%, are engaged in vaccinating on the street. . Also, 111 people, equal to 55. 5% of the children working on the street, stated that they were verbally and physically abused by their parents. Among these children, 110 people, equivalent to 55%, are illiterate, and 70 people, equal to 35%, have primary education, and only 20 of them, equivalent to 10%, were studying. In this research, the relationship between the variables of verbal and physical violence and parents' sense of responsibility, the sense of objective and mental security, family disintegration, and the injury of working children were measured, and the relationship of all variables was confirmed. Conclusion: In general, based on the results of the research, it can be stated that the family and the consolidation of relationships between family members is an important issue in preventing the phenomenon of child labor at the community level, and it is necessary to change variables such as parents' sense of responsibility, family breakdown, and support. Social issues should be taken into consideration and parents must pay attention to the important issues of child-rearing before getting married and having children to reduce the phenomenon of working children at the community level. One of the limitations of the current research was relying on the data obtained from the self-report questionnaire, in this style of information collection, the participant will probably have difficulty in expressing his emotions and cognitions, so it is suggested to increase the statistical power and reliability of the findings to collect information from methods Other than an interview or qualitative study. The results of the present research can be generalized and applied in different situations by considering the mentioned limitations. It is also suggested that the officials of counseling centers consider training courses for couples and affected families so that their children do not get involved in issues such as street work. Among the limitations of the current research was the difficulty of coordinating and establishing communication with the participants, which was time-consuming. Another limitation is that the current research was conducted at this point and place. Perhaps, if it was conducted at another point in time and place, different results would be obtained.

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Background & Aims: Social and psychological capital is one of the environmental factors that determine the level of adaptation and health of the society,mainly because social activities and mobility require more physical activity compared to activities that are socially isolated. Social capital is a set of existing norms in the social system that increases the level of cooperation among members of the group or society and also reduces the level of exchange and communication costs. In general, it can be said that trust, norms, and networks are the most important components of social capital. Reconstruction of organizations is done by harmonizing the goals with the current situation and modifying and improving the methods of achieving these goals. What is new in recent decades is the speed of amazing developments in various fields. What has become more apparent to organizations today than in the past is the necessity of predicting ways to meet the needs that may appear in the future due to possible changes, as a result, to predict the ways to meet the needs. To help, the organization must be able to institutionalize creativity and innovation,because it is with creativity that new ways are obtained and this discussion shows the importance of creativity and innovation in the organization. Sports and society have common value patterns and so-called behavioral configurations. The evolution and transformation of sports do not take place outside of society, but their development is achieved in close connection with the social environment in which the action takes place. Sports reflect the social relations of society. The reality of sports as a product of human action is related to cultural, social, and historical processes. Considering that social and psychological capital includes interpersonal relationships within groups and social networks that enable access to successes, opportunities, information, material resources, and social situations for people. And in the organizational dimension, the possibility that these relationships can be effective needs more investigation. Therefore, on the other hand, the innovation factor seeks to achieve a common goal, which is growth, development, and effectiveness. We can assume the point of intersection between these two variables. Also, considering that the Tehran Municipal Sports Organization, according to its mission, needs human resources with the approach of innovation and improving the atmosphere of individual and interpersonal working relationships in the organization, and considering the extent of the work environment of the Tehran Municipal Sports Organization, despite the presence of several employees Culturally, the researcher seeks to answer the question of whether there is a significant relationship between organizational innovation and social and psychological capital in the municipal sports organization. Methods: The statistical population of this descriptive-correlation study included all the employees (managers and experts) of the sports organization of the city of Tehran, totaling 300 people, and the whole number sampling method was used for the number of the statistical sample. The organizational innovation questionnaire of Omid and colleagues (2002) and the social and psychological capital questionnaire of Putnam (2000) were used to collect data. Data analysis was done using Pearson's correlation test and multiple correlations from regression. Results: The findings showed that the variable of organizational innovation has a significant effect on social and psychological capital. The beta coefficient of 0. 29 of organizational innovation means that for each unit change in the standard deviation of organizational innovation, there is a 0. 29 unit change in social and psychological capital, and since the direction of this relationship is positive, the change is directly and it is of increasing type. Conclusion: Today, sports organizations need to manage their human resources in a different way in order to meet and respond to these challenges and opportunities. It should be noted that human capital is the main focus of behavior and performance in the organization, and for this reason, in the last two decades, managers and educational researchers have always paid the most attention to it. Based on the findings of researchers and the experiences of managers, it is necessary to achieve stable human and intellectual capital by implementing an efficient human resource management system. On the other hand, human resources committed to the goals and values of the organization is not only a factor for the superiority of one organization over another, but it is also considered as a sustainable competitive advantage for many organizations. In this regard, the optimal use and utilization of human resources are within the scope of the duties of the organization's human resources managers, and the real investment in human capital and the implementation of human resources measures lead to an increase in organizational performance and productivity. The municipal sports organization is a local organization responsible for various and many tasks. One of the most important tasks of this organization is the development and promotion of sports in different parts. In this regard, this organization needs to have committed and expert human resources in addition to using new technology, using all facilities and equipment of the municipality, and using the capacities and abilities of the public and private sectors. Having one of the largest organizational and organizational structures in the field of sports, the municipal sports organization seeks to manage its diverse human resources by providing the necessary grounds, but the problem is that this organization has key uncertainties, and trends, He does not know the drivers and drivers affecting his system in the relevant field, and he has formulated strategic plans in the medium and long term. Thinkers consider today's world to be an organizational world, because, in the present era, people are connected with various organizations in every place they live and in everything they do, and organizations are a part of They form the daily life of all people. The general conclusion of the research is that human resources are considered the most valuable capital of any organization and are considered the center of development, and it is clear that the municipal sports organization in the path of growth and development needs detailed planning for this valuable capital. And because the municipal sports organization is always exposed to rapid changes in the environment, both the organization in question and human resources need to change, it is necessary to correctly respond to these changes by considering future developments, predicting the environment, and making effective decisions about the future. Therefore, flexibility and acquiring sufficient knowledge to respond to these uncertainties in sports organizations are more necessary than ever.

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Background & Aims: Neural activation is associated with increasing energy requirements, and increasing peripheral Lactate (LA) concentration in response to severe exercise, enhances LA supply as an energy substrate to meet acute neurological needs. The acute speed and football exercises may affect cognitive function by increasing LA concentration and nervous activation. Increasing the neurocognitive performance of growing adolescent boy players an important role in their physical performance. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of speed and plyometric training activity on the concentrations of nerve proteins in blood circulation. Although speed interval and plyometric training in football players may lead to progressive fatigue and activate the central nervous system and subsequent cognitive disorders, it may also positively increase neurotrophines such as BDNF or IGF-1 and affect brain neutrophils and neurological function. According to this evidence, we assumed that BDNF, BNG and IGF-1 increase in response to a football training session, which may be associated with increasing neurological function of adolescents. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of an acute speed and plyometric football-based exercise on plasma concentrations of BDNF, BNG and IGF-1 neural proteins, which may play an important role in enhancing cognitive abilities. And the effect of speed and plyometric training activity on the concentrations of nerve proteins in blood circulation. Methods: The present study is a semi-experimental type with a pre-test and post-test design, which was conducted in two sessions, including an intervention and control session. After calling in Tehran's schools, 20 adolescents 14-15 years of age were selected and accessible as a sample, and randomly participated in 2 sessions of speed and plyometric exercises and control sessions. All subjects are familiar with how to perform speed exercises (RAST Test) during a familiarization period (two sessions). On the day of the main test, after 12 hours of fasting, the test was referred to the test site and the first blood sample (5 cc) was taken from the antiquiobital vein. After the standard breakfast of the subjects, we were wearing sportswear and after ten minutes of general warming up the speed training included six times a maximum of 35 meters with a 10-second recovery between each run. After the test was performed, the plyometric exercise was executed, including a pair jump and one-foot barriers, jump on barriers with 180 degrees rotation, zigzag jump and one foot forward, jump on obstacles with both legs and legs Single-tofoot jumping on the barriers of single-foot and throwing a medicine ball, on the sides, with 12 repetitions. The active rest between turn was considered two to three minutes (29). The subject's heart rate was performed during the controlled exercise (Polar heart rate monitor) and the exercise in the range of 80-90 % of the heart rate. The second blood sample was taken immediately after the training session was completed. All sampling steps for each subject were performed under the same conditions and the BDNF and NGF levels were measured through the USA-made Kit. The IGF-I levels were measured through the ELISA methods and IGF-I Kit. Cognitive neurological function was also measured through the Stroop test (ST) before and after the training session. In this study, the Polish paper version of ST was used. ST consisted of 71 words written with colored ink. The task of the participants was to name the font color regardless of the written word. For statistical analysis, the research data are first described using the mean and standard deviation, then the changes before and after all the variables of the two sessions were calculated and analyzed using the dependent stroop test. A significant level was considered to be P≤, 0. 05 and SPSS 16 was used to perform statistical calculations. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the somatic specifications of the research subjects was as follow: Weight (59. 7±, 3. 2), Body mass index (21. 4±, 1. 3), Fat percentage (21. 7±, 2. 8), and Fat free mase (41. 10±, 4. 1) The results of the present study showed that BDNF data changes were significantly different in training and control session (t19=12/89, p<0/001). In the exercise session, the BDNF rate increased by approximately 2. 5 times compared with control session. NGF data also showed significant differences in both sessions before and after acute speed and Plyometric training (t19=4. 89, p<0/001). Regarding the plasma levels of IGF-1 also the results showed a quite significant difference in comparison of two sessions (t19 =2. 89, p=0. 019). The time of implementation of the stroop test at two sessions of training and control in the preceding and later times also showed significant differences that in the exercise session the test was significantly reduced than the control session (t19 =3. 89, p=0/009). The test time in the exercise session decreased from 59. 3s to 53. 1s. There was no significant change in the control session at the time of stroop performance (58. 6 s and 59. 3 s). These findings show that acute speeds and plyometric exercise are useful for improving post exercise cognitive performance in adolescent. Skeletal muscle contraction during high-intensity exercise increases BDNF levels in the brain, and the speed and plyeometric exercise protocol is a more effective and preferred intervention to raise BDNF levels than traditional exercise mode, with moderate intensity. Acute speed and plyometric exercises increase human cognitive function. Improvement of cognitive function may be the synthesis or release of neurological proteins that are adjusted by high blood LA after exercise. Conclusion: In summary, the current findings suggest that acute plyometric and speed training enhances human cognitive performance. The improvement in cognitive performance may be from the synthesis or release of neuroprotective proteins modulated by high blood LA concentrations after exercise.

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Background & Aims: Due to the negative effects of cancer, various methods such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used to treat cancer and are used as primary methods in the treatment of colorectal cancer. However, the success rate of this treatment is not enough and the death rate due to it increases every year, and a series of necessary strategies are needed to control this deadly disease (5). In general, the main characteristic of cancer cells is uncontrollable cell proliferation and resistance to programmed death, so an agent that causes apoptosis in cancer cells can be known as an anticancer substance (8). Among various cases, probiotics control the digestive enzymes of animals and humans, inhibit cancer agents in the body and in laboratory conditions, and also play an important role in suppressing compounds and tumors caused by cancer in laboratory animals (9, 10). HT29 is not only used to study the biology of human colon cancers, but is of particular interest in studies focused on digestion and accessibility due to its ability to express the characteristics of colon cells (11). HUVEC are human umbilical vein endothelial cells used to study endothelial cell function and pathology (eg, angiogenesis). Primary isolated HUVECs are probably the most popular used in research, as human umbilical vessels are more readily available than other blood vessel types (8). Today, due to the increasing prevalence of gastrointestinal cancer, this issue is considered as an important global health challenge, and in the past few decades, it has been shown that the imbalance in the intestinal microbiota is related to the rate of various chronic disorders, including cancer. Oral administration of different strains of probiotics can prevent the occurrence of cancer or reduce the incidence of inflammation after surgery (12). Therefore, the researcher is trying to answer the question whether probiotic properties and toxic effects of Lactobacillus cell extract isolated from dairy products of Gilan province have an effect on HT-29 cancer cell line and normal HUVEC cell or not. Methods: In order to carry out this research, lactobacilli were first isolated from dairy samples, then morphological, biochemical, genetic and phylogenetic identification was performed on them. Using sequencing and then analyzing the determined sequences on the NCBI site, Lactobacillus fermentum species (L. Fermentum) was detected with 88. 61% homology and its phylogenetic tree was drawn and registered as Limosilactobacillus fermentum GL strain. The isolated lactobacillus extract was affected on the HT-29 cancer cell line and normal HUVEC cells, and the survival of the cells under the effect of lactobacillus was determined using the MTT test (3-(4, 5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide) was investigated. Finally, considering that all the tests were performed in triplicate, Minitab ver16 software and GraphPad Prism ver9 software were used to determine the mean (One-Way Unstacked ANOVA) and standard deviation, respectively (p < 0. 05). Results: The results showed that the bacteria were gram positive, catalase negative, oxidase negative, negative movement, no growth at 15°, C and growth at 37°, C and 45°, C. Also, molecular analysis showed the amplification of S rRNA16 gene in two of the 4 samples. Further, the blast results showed that the desired sequence of one of the samples with 61. 88% similarity belongs to Lactobacillus fermentum. Then, the phylogenetic tree resulting from the analysis of S rRNA 16 sequence was performed by NCBI genome database and MEGA 7 software, and its relationship with other bacteria is shown. Finally, gene registration was done from the sequence obtained in the NCBI database and the desired bacterium was named Limosilactobacillus fermentum GL. Also, the results of cell viability were evaluated using the MTT colorimetric method. Based on the results, cytoplasmic extract in concentrations of 0. 5, 0. 75 mg/ml did not significantly change the cell viability of HT-29 cells, and concentrations of 1, 1. 5, 2 mg/ml increased cell viability by 4. 87±, 50%, respectively, decreased 8. 61±, 40%, 5. 80±, 25%. The IC50 value of cytoplasmic extract for HT-29 cells was 1. 43 mg/ml. Also, the results of the cytotoxicity study showed that the concentrations used of the cytoplasmic extract had no inhibitory effect on the normal HUVEC cell line for 24 hours (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Despite recent advances in cancer treatment strategies, cancers are one of the most important causes of death worldwide. Although some anticancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy have been used with varying degrees of success in many types of cancer patients, these treatments are expensive and have harmful side effects including cardiotoxicity, diarrhea, intestinal strictures, and Inability to effectively absorb nutrients. Probiotics have been suggested as supplements to increase the effectiveness of anti-cancer treatments (24). The results showed that the concentrations of 1, 1. 5 and 2 mg/ml of lactobacillus extract can reduce the cell viability by 50±, 4. 87, 40±, 8. 61 and 25±, 5. 80% respectively during 24 hours. . Based on the MTT test, a concentration of 1 mg/ml of the cytoplasmic extract inhibited 50% of HT29 cells and had no toxic effect on normal HUVEC cells. In a study after 24-hour treatment of HT29 cells with 109 CFU/mL of Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393, cell survival decreased by 78% (13). Probably, in the future, these species or their metabolites can be used as food supplements or additives with anti-cancer activity, and for the production of such products, the selection of Lactobacillus strain is of high value (4). As shown in the results, the cell extract of Limosilactobacillus fermentum GL had important effects on growth inhibition in HT-29 cells by suppressing cell proliferation. However, the exact underlying mechanisms of the effects of probiotics on cancer cells have not been fully defined (4). It should be noted that the bacteria used in this study (Limosilactobacillus fermentum GL) were isolated from traditional dairy samples of Gilan and their anti-proliferative and anti-cancer effects were investigated for the first time.

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Background & Aims: The family is the first and smallest social unit in which a person experiences collective life, and group and cooperative behavior for the first time and builds his cultural-social identity. A healthy person is the product of a healthy family, and social health is undoubtedly related to family health. The family is the most suitable system for meeting the material, mental and spiritual needs of human beings, and it has provided the best platform for providing the security and peace of mind of the members, raising the new generation, socializing the children, and meeting the emotional needs. For people, the starting point of family formation is when a man and a woman marry each other and get married to form a family. What is being paid attention to today, along with psychological issues, is the issue of cognitive flexibility. In general, the ability to change cognitive signs to adapt to changing environmental stimuli is the main element in operational definitions of cognitive flexibility. This factor requires the ability to communicate with the present and the ability to separate the person from inner thoughts and experiences. People with flexible thinking positively adjust and change their mental structure according to the environment and overcome stressful and stressful situations by accepting and tolerating them to achieve optimal mental health. Another component of research is perfectionism. Perfectionism is a motivational component that includes the individual's efforts to reach the perfect self,In other words, people have a strong drive for perfection, unrealistically high standards, compulsive effort, and all-or-nothing thinking about outcomes in the form of complete success or complete failure. These people are so scrutinizing and critical that they cannot accept their faults and mistakes or failures in different aspects of life. Of course, reaching perfection and flourishing hidden and potential talents and abilities is very valuable in itself, and in this valley, perfectionism is a positive and desirable thing, but what was mentioned is the extreme or negative aspect of perfectionism. The characteristics of perfectionism are defined in three dimensions: self-centered perfectionism, other-oriented perfectionism, and societyoriented perfectionism. It seems that people's perfectionism originates from their illogical and distorted views and thoughts,therefore, to treat these people, it is necessary to be familiar with cognitive biases and thinking errors, as well as to identify how these errors appear in perfectionism. Various methods have been used to improve psychological components in people. One of these methods is a treatment based on acceptance and commitment, whose clinical effectiveness has been shown in various research to improve the psychological components of different people. Treatment is based on acceptance and commitment, which is a combination of ways of accepting and paying attention to awareness along with commitment and changing behavior, and this approach teaches people to accept their thoughts without judgment instead of challenging them, and the goal is to People should learn to identify their life values and plan and act based on them. Action therapy is one of the treatments of the third wave of behavioral therapy, which is theoretically based on the theory of the framework of mental relations, which is how the human mind creates suffering and the useless methods of dealing with it, as well as alternative contextual approaches for It explains these areas. The treatment based on acceptance and commitment is studied by teaching this point to the sample group, i. e. overweight women, life is mixed with suffering, man cannot approach his desires by avoiding and abstaining, and by distinguishing between tolerance and Accepting and emphasizing the point that tolerance is accompanied by suffering and hides passivity in itself while accepting pain (instead of suffering) is accompanied and does not stop a person from moving,Maybe it follows the weaving. Also, accepting the fact that a valuable life is accompanied by suffering and moving in the path of values requires commitment, and words do not replace experience and can strengthen the tolerance of failure. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to answer the question, is the therapy based on acceptance and commitment effective on cognitive flexibility and perfectionism in married women? Methods: The research method is semi-experimental with two experimental and control groups, and the statistical population of the research includes all married women of 25-50 years of age who announced their desire to participate in the research in virtual space, and their number was 120. According to the research method, 30 people were voluntarily and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups (15 people for each group) using the available sampling method. Data collection was done by Wall Wadner and Denier's cognitive flexibility and Hill et al. 's perfectionism questionnaires, and the intervention was done by acceptance and commitment protocol. Also, the statistical method of multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA) was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the mean value and standard deviation for the cognitive flexibility variable in the experimental group were 20. 65 and 6. 941 in the pre-test and 73. 11 and 2. 915 respectively in the post-test and the control group in the pre-test. 67/13 and 3/871 and in the post-test it is 67/20 and 3/840 respectively. Also, the mean value and standard deviation for the perfectionism variable in the experimental group in the pre-test were 191. 60 and 12. 046 in the post-test respectively, and in the control group in the pretest 184. 53 and 16. 203 respectively. In the post-test, it is 183/80 and 15/001 respectively. According to the table, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores in the total cognitive flexibility and perfectionism test group. The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the total score and the subscales of the cognitive flexibility and perfectionism questionnaires in the pretest and post-test in the experimental and control groups of married women. Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on cognitive flexibility, it can be concluded that the awareness of the intensity of needs and the psychology of internal control is a predictive factor of people at risk. Therefore, it can be suggested that these factors are identified and necessary information provided in consultations using this technique. This study, like all other studies, has some limitations, which can be mentioned as follows: Since the present study was conducted on married women, caution should be observed when generalizing it to married men. Also, the geographical area investigated in this research was Tehran, so the generalization of its results to cities and provinces should be done with caution. According to the results of this study, it is suggested to hold a therapy workshop based on patience and commitment in the direction of flexibility and perfectionism for married people.

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Background & Aims: Today, human resources are considered the most important capital of organizations, and it is clear that people are the main factor in the survival of organizations in the field of competition With the complexity of the environment and the creation of diversity of different cultures and occupations, the role of human resources has gradually changed. Dynamic organizations to operate in this competitive world, in an effort to create opportunities for today's organizations, need creative, flexible and responsive forces and on the other hand, they are attracted to these talents, and organizations that cannot manage their human resources according to today's norms will be doomed. Career developments facing organizations have caused the strategies and plans that have been determined in advance to not respond to the future needs of the workforce in these organizations,Based on this, during the past decades, there has always been the issue of how to successfully implement the human resources talent management system in public organizations. Considering that both talent management and innovation agents seek to achieve a common goal, which is growth, development and effectiveness. It is possible to assume the point of intersection between these two variables. And in the meantime, it is very important to examine the effective components from the psychological and cognitive aspect such as emotional intelligence. Also, considering that the municipal sports organization of Tehran city needs talented human resources and providing new products with an innovative approach and improving the current business environment in order to achieve optimal effectiveness and efficiency according to its mission, conducting such a research at this time of Time seems necessary. Methods: The statistical sample of the present study included all the managers and experts of the sports organization of Tehran city in the number of 272 people who were selected in a purposeful way. The participants of Phillips and Roper's (2009) standard talent management questionnaire including 38 questions and four components, the emotional intelligence questionnaire of Brackett et al. They completed the component voluntarily. The instrument had good validity and reliability. In the data analysis section, descriptive and inferential statistics were used, the method of structural equation testing was used to test the hypotheses of this research using Lisrel software version 8. 8. Results: The results show that the model had sufficient fit (RMSEA = 0. 08) and the indices of IFI, GFI and NFI indices are. 49, . 43 and. 41, respectively, which indicate the appropriate fit of the model. A significant causal relationship was reported between talent management and emotional intelligence of managers, also the relationship between talent management and organizational innovation was significant, in addition, talent management showed a significant causal effect through the mediating variable of emotional intelligence on organizational innovation. Conclusion: Although a review of the research conducted in this field shows that innovation in organizations is a growing scientific branch, but the effectiveness of talent management and its value creation is still not properly understood in sports organizations. In addition, the number of studies related to emotional intelligence and talent management in sports organizations is very small and requires more research in this field. Since employees with higher emotional intelligence overcome problems better and have a better relationship with their colleagues. The social self-awareness of the employees has increased and can have a favorable effect on the performance of the organization.

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Background & Aims: Today human resources are the most valuable factor of production and the most important capital of any organization and the main resource that generates competitive advantage and creates the basic capabilities of any organization, one of the most important organizational planning is human resources planning. The important factor for the existence of human resources planning is planning to achieve skill, and educational needs and finally improving human resources. The most effective way to achieve a competitive advantage in the current conditions is to make the employees of organizations more efficient by improving them and what is important in the direction of human resources development is that the improvement of human resources is not achieved only with technical and specialized training, but it should be developed in many ways. Payment and this important component will not be possible by applying strategic management in the field of human resources management. Today, the role of resources in every organization is well-defined. Among all the resources of organizations, human resources are the most sensitive and vital resource. The reason for this is the difficult and difficult access to expert human resources when needed. Therefore, the sensitivity of human resources seems important and necessary in today's organizations. Paying attention to human resources and proper management of these resources is important and worthy of attention for the organization. On the other hand, human resource management in hospitals is of great importance,because the performance of all the employees of a medical center has a direct effect on the health of people (patients). If human resources in the health system are directed in the right direction, we can hope to improve other structures of the health system. Considering the above contents and considering the high importance of the performance of hospital personnel on the one hand and the observation of unprofessional behaviors in all hospitals of the country, it is necessary to take more management measures to manage the behavior of this category of employees. According to the review of the relevant literature and records related to the research topic regarding the criticisms of the past programs, it can be concluded that none of the past programs related to the design of behavioral standards of hospital nurses has been fully and comprehensively criticized and reviewed and few criticisms in this The ground has been made. Client satisfaction with the services provided in a health center can be a suitable indicator for measuring the quality of these services, for this reason, the use of behavioral standards is considered very important. Therefore, this research tries to design an interpretive structural model of applying the behavioral standards of young and inexperienced human resources in the country's hospitals (case study: nurses and midwives of Milad Hospital). Methods: The current research is of mixed types (qualitative and quantitative). In the first phase, a qualitative research method was conducted using thematic analysis, and in the second phase, a quantitative method was conducted based on interpretive structural modeling. The statistical population in both qualitative and quantitative sections, due to the expert-centeredness of the interpretive structural modeling approach, formed experts, who included long-term managers of Milad Hospital. The purposeful sampling method was of a criterion type (the criterion of having more than 10 years of experience) until reaching theoretical saturation. The number of samples included 24 people. The sampling method in the quantitative part, due to the expert-oriented approach of interpretive structural modeling, the experts was in the qualitative part (N=15). The measurement tool in the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the data were confirmed. Results: The results showed that 5 main themes of effective factors in the application of behavioral standards of human resources in the country's hospitals have been identified. Individual and management are placed in the linked cluster, that is, they influence other factors and are influenced by other factors,Legal and social-cultural are located in the independent cluster, which means that it has a great influence on other factors and other factors have little influence on it, and organizational, occupational and communication are located in the dependent cluster, which means that they are affected by other factors and have little influence on other factors. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, individual and managerial factors have been identified among the main factors affecting the application of behavioral standards of human resources in the country's hospitals. In this regard, individual factors such as people's belief in ethical principles and appropriate behavior, personality characteristics of human resources, the degree of adherence to behavioral principles, individual characteristics (age, sex, education, marital status), the legality of hospital human resources, lifestyle and the amount Income and living conditions of human resources and management factors such as management style of managers, the leadership style of managers, use of management techniques by managers, development of a strategic plan for the development of behavioral standards, degree of adherence to behavioral standards of managers from the dimensions of designing an interpretive structural model of applying behavioral standards of human resources. It is the country's hospital. In terms of individual and managerial dimensions, there are two dimensions affecting organizational behavior that can help to improve behavior in the organization. In total, the main variables of the factors affecting the application of the behavioral standards of human resources in the country's hospitals were identified and extracted based on the thematic analysis technique, and the classification of primary concepts into sub-concepts and main concepts is observed,Therefore, finally, the data obtained from the theme analysis method and the theme network formation show that the factors affecting the application of the behavioral standards of human resources in the country's hospitals have 7 main themes and 36 concepts.

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Background & Aims: There are different definitions of patient satisfaction provided by researchers. In general, the definition of patient satisfaction includes the patient's expectations and the excellence of health care and medical services (1). Various factors are involved in creating patient satisfaction, which include nursing care, medicine, support and various organizational departments (2). Information related to patient satisfaction can be used in many health-care facilities and designs and be effective in improving the quality of health care (1). The importance of patient satisfaction is that if this is achieved, the patient will establish a better and more appropriate relationship with the treatment team, and in this way, recovery will be accelerated. By building trust towards hospital personnel, the patient will be more cooperative in treatment procedures (3). According to the above content, it is clear that firstly, the level of patients' satisfaction with hospitals is very low compared to the rest of the world, and on the other hand, the conducted researches have considered other dimensions that are contrary to the dimensions of the present research. In the context of the subject, it has not been done in Gorgan hospitals, so in this study, we investigated the level of patients' satisfaction with the health and treatment services of Gorgan Philosophical Hospital in order to add a point to the existing information in this field in order to solve the existing deficiencies. For this purpose, a satisfaction questionnaire was completed by the patients and the obtained information was analyzed. Methods: The current research is a descriptive-cross-sectional type that was conducted in 1401. For this purpose, from among the patients who were admitted in the departments of internal medicine and male surgery (Milad), neurology and psychology (Aghaz), CCU, general department (Pegah), internal medicine and female surgery (Shafaq) and maternity ward, available during a 173 patients were selected as samples. Then, the satisfaction level of referring patients was investigated using a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed by the professors of Golestan University of Medical Sciences. The questionnaire contained demographic information including age, gender, level of education and the department where the patient was admitted. Questionnaire topics include security with one question, reception with two questions, department secretary with one question, medical staff with 5 questions, nursing staff with 8 questions, nutrition with 5 questions, laboratory with 3 questions, pharmacy with one question, discharge and cashier with 4 questions, imaging with 3 questions and amenities with 13 questions. Results: Out of 173 patients included in the study, 13 patients were excluded due to the incompleteness of the questionnaires and their lack of consent to participate in the study. A total of 160 patients were examined. The demographic information of the patients is presented in Table 1. According to the information obtained, the age of men was higher than the age of women, while the number of female participants was higher than that of men. The educational level of most of the participating patients (38%) was diploma and most of the patients (25%) from Milad department of the hospital participated in this study. The frequency distribution of patients based on different health and treatment services provided in Philosophical Hospital is presented in Table 1. The most satisfied was with "doctors' encounter" where 129 people (80. 62 percent) gave an excellent answer. The lowest level of satisfaction was "providing necessary training regarding the amount of tariffs and service insurance coverage" where 83 people (51. 87%) gave an excellent answer. Of course, the lowest level of satisfaction was related to "how to provide ambulance services" that not all patients used this service. The most weak answer was related to the question of "providing necessary information for admission" and 7 people (4. 37) gave this answer. Conclusion: Based on the results, more than 50% of patients had an excellent opinion on all the services provided. In general, in the medical staff department with 5 services, on average, 73. 25% of patients had an excellent opinion and 19. 50% had a good opinion. In general, patients' satisfaction with the services of the nursing staff was slightly lower than that of the medical staff. The importance of satisfaction with nursing services is to the extent that it affects patients' satisfaction with the entire hospital services (6). In this regard, Aiken et al. (2018), in an extensive study on patients discharged from 161 British hospitals, point out the important role of the quality of nurses' work and the presence of the right number of professional and experienced nurses in patients' trust in nurses and doctors (7). In the nutrition department, on average, 63. 22% of the patients gave an excellent response and 29. 37% gave a good response to the service. The highest level of satisfaction was related to "time of food distribution" and the highest level of satisfaction was related to food quality. In the laboratory department, on average, 58. 33% of patients gave an excellent response and 28. 33% gave a good response to the service. In this department, the percentage of patients with no response was increasing. This result is worth considering. In the departments of pharmacy, discharge and fund, imaging and comfort facilities, the satisfaction of the patients gradually decreased, which should be noticed by the hospital officials. In the security department, reception and department secretary, the responses were mostly excellent and good. But the presence of 7 weak answers in "providing the necessary information at the time of admission" was significant and requires more cooperation of the admission staff. In this context, Moin et al. (2016) investigated the satisfaction of 400 patients with the emergency services in Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital, Tehran. The findings showed that 91. 3% of patients had satisfactory satisfaction. The highest level of satisfaction was with the medical staff. The lowest level of satisfaction was reported in the received costs, the facilities of the emergency department compared to the comfort facilities and park clinic affairs. They stated that the status of health insurances, activating hospital staff, equipping comfort facilities and finding committed and experienced human resources were the things that needed more attention from the managers of the mentioned hospital (3). In our study, similar to the study of Moin et al., satisfaction with the medical staff (doctors and nurses) was more than other services. Overall, patient satisfaction is one of the factors that increase patients' loyalty to the hospital and its services. In this regard, Yousefi et al. (2017), in the study of the factors affecting the loyalty of patients to the hospital brand in the educational and therapeutic hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, named three factors affecting the increase of loyalty, which are patient satisfaction, trust and commitment. to the relationship in the hospital (14).

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Background & Aims: Currently, insurances and their coverage is an important issue for people in society, during which health can progress or decline and help to improve social and economic security and reduce people's concern in accessing health services. Treatment, prevention of poverty due to disease, creation of a healthy and dynamic society and economic growth, etc., ultimately leading to the strengthening of national security. Disclosure of financial information of insurance companies is necessary because if insurance companies do not plan and implement strategies properly and do not review them according to environmental changes, it will lead to bankruptcy. In the area of financial disclosure of insurance companies, leaders must keep their team informed and share information freely, the most important role of a leader in such a system is to set a clear direction, be clear about how to get there and stay on track. The regulation "Reporting and Disclosure of Transparent Financial Information in Insurance Institutions" approved by the Supreme Council of Insurance, is currently the only document requiring the disclosure of information by insurance companies, the entirety of which alone does not meet the needs of this industry. In addition, despite the short time for the approval and implementation of corporate governance in Iran's insurance industry and the lack of full implementation of these regulations, the Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Securities and Exchange Organization and the resistance of commercial insurance companies, which can be a reason for weakness, Whether it is the inadequacy of the notified instructions and the lack of a mature, comprehensive and appropriate model or the lack of executive guarantee for its implementation, we are witnessing the weakness of financial reporting in Iran's insurance industry. One of the performance evaluation indicators of the insurance industry is the insurance penetration rate (dividing the production insurance premium over the GDP), which indicates the effect of the insurance industry on the GDP. This index does not have a good coefficient compared to the region and the world. Therefore, by effectively monitoring and guiding insurance companies through the "reporting transparency model", protecting the rights, assets and capital of shareholders and beneficiaries remains immune from managerial greed. At present, a large part of the structural problems of Iran's joint stock companies can be attributed to such things as the inefficiency of the companies' performance, not respecting the rights of the beneficiaries, the lack of accountability of the board of directors, and the lack of constant monitoring of the companies' performance. Since the health insurance system is the most important tool in providing, maintaining and promoting health, the lack of transparency of the financial information of the health insurance system will cause concern and anxiety in the society and weaken the national security, hence the purpose of this research. The design of the financial reporting transparency model is in the field of health insurance. Transparency is essential as a tool for the growth and development of society, therefore, the correct discovery and identification of factors affecting the transparency of financial reporting from the perspective of different groups can turn financial reports into an important source of reliable information for users. Therefore, the present research was conducted with the aim of identifying and ranking the factors affecting the transparency of financial reporting in order to introduce the factors affecting the transparency of health insurance financial reporting. Methods: The statistical population consisted of 11 professors familiar with the subject of health insurance and accounting with at least ten years of experience, who were selected purposefully and using the snowball method. Also, in order to collect data, a questionnaire based on the DANP method was used. By reviewing the literature on the transparency of financial reporting and by reviewing the research literature and applying the opinion of expert using the fuzzy Delphi technique in the screening of factors, 54 factors affecting the transparency of financial reporting were identified and identified in 12 groups. Results: The findings showed that the factors affecting the transparency of financial reporting were categorized into 12 groups, which include the establishment of internal control system, meritocracy in the hiring of managers, evaluation of the quality of financial reporting, intra-unit political communication, intra-unit economic communication, transparency of financial reporting., economic development in health insurance, establishment of accounting standards, establishment of accounting rules and requirements, need for transparency of financial reporting, control over financial and operational policies of the company, pressure and competition of the capital market were categorized. The research results showed that the clarification of financial reporting procedures with a weight of 0. 0345, the revaluation method in identifying assets with a weight of 0. 0311, the existence of rent and political connections of individuals with a weight of 0. 0309, and the application of the rules established in the company with a weight of 0. 0308 were ranked first to fourth. Conclusion: Therefore, considering the importance of financial reporting transparency in insurance, it is recommended to the insurance organization to consider rewards and benefits for companies with high financial reporting transparency and punishments for companies with low financial reporting transparency, so that companies can improve their position from in terms of financial reporting transparency and appropriate information, they are taking steps. In this way, health insurance can benefit from the quality consequences of proper disclosure (such as optimal allocation of resources in the economy and information efficiency).

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Background & Aims: Adolescence is a transition period that is associated with physical, emotional and psychological changes and developments, and in which children are at greater risk for certain behaviors, including drug use, risky sexual behavior, and behavioral adjustment problems (1). Engaging in these risky behaviors and adjustment problems at an early age is particularly problematic because it is associated with many negative outcomes later in life, including pregnancy and adult substance or alcohol abuse (2). Researchers believe that risky behaviors are one of the most important factors that affect people's physical, social and psychological health (7). Therefore, the mechanisms that explain the various traumas during adolescence are said to pinpoint the protective factors that prevent the development of high-risk behaviors. It is one of the most important mechanisms for brain development processes,During adolescence, neural development is characterized by long-term growth of frontal brain regions and earlier and faster development of limbic systems (9). The joint development of these two systems and their inability precede risky behaviors during adolescence, because maturation in the prefrontal regions enables diagnostic control and regulates decision-making behavior to overcome inappropriate responses. Its growth is associated with defects in cognitive control and causes high-risk behaviors (10). On the other hand, a series of researches and other studies indicate that high-risk behaviors may also be caused by emotion regulation processes (14). Agents who use negative emotional regulation strategies and suppress their emotional responses are prone to tend to risky behaviors in order to self-control their emotional states (17). Among the treatments that have recently received a lot of attention for the advancements of the nerves is emotional working memory training, which can be effective in improving cognition and regulation of affective sciences (19, 26, 29). However, due to the fact that less researches have investigated the effectiveness of working memory training to control cognition and emotional regulation in adolescents with a tendency to risky behaviors, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of emotional working memory training on cognitive control and regulation. Excitement in teenagers tends to risky behaviors. Methods: For the implementation of this research, which was in the category of semiexperimental research with a control group and of pre-test and post-test type, 30 adolescent boys who had the minimum cut-off score of the questionnaire tending to risky behaviors and other entry criteria were selected as available. They were divided into two groups of 15 people, experimental and control. The experimental group underwent 20 sessions of emotional working memory training, but the control group did not receive any intervention. All of these people were evaluated before and after the training in two stages, pre-test and post-test, with Gross and Jan (2003) emotion regulation questionnaire and (go/no-go) test. The collected data were analyzed using the Mancova multiple covariance analysis method by SPSS software version 28. The tools of this research include Iranian adolescents' risk-taking scale, emotion regulation questionnaire and test (Go/No-go). To train emotional working memory in this research, emotional memory training software based on the protocol described by Schweizer et al. was used (20). This software includes visual and auditory back-to-back emotional tasks in which a face was simultaneously presented for 500 milliseconds on a four by four matrix on the monitor screen and a word was presented for 500 milliseconds in headphones, during which the subjects pressed Pressing the button responded to one or both stimuli simultaneously. 60% of the words (such as rape and death) and faces (such as fear, sadness and anger) are emotionally negative and the rest are emotionally neutral (for example, closet and chair). The subject was required to compare whether the word Is the previous hearing similar to the presented word or not, or is the presented image compatible with the previous image or not? In order to place the subjects at their best level of performance, the lower threshold of the test was 20 and the upper threshold of the test was 60 (out of a total score of 100). That is, if the number of correct answers of the subjects for images and auditory stimuli was more than 60, one step was added to the test, and if the number of correct answers of the subjects was less than 20%, one step was reduced from the test. Results: The results of covariance analysis and T-test showed a significant difference between the control and experimental groups in reaction speed (β,= 0. 89 & p < 0. 01) as well as improving positive emotion regulation skills (β,= 0. 89 & p < 0. 01). and negative (p < 0. 01 & β,= 0. 89) in subjects. Therefore, it can be said that working memory training has a significant effect on the variables of cognitive control and emotion regulation and their components in teenagers with high-risk behaviors (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The results of this research showed that 20 sessions of continuous training of the emotional working memory program increased the cognitive control of subjects with a tendency to risky behaviors in the reaction time component of the correct answer as well as their emotional regulation from the pre-test to the post-test stage. The results of this research are consistent with the results of Friedman and Miyak's research on the increase of emotional working memory capacity after emotional working memory training,According to the results of this study, increasing the capacity of emotional working memory leads to an increase in the activity of frontal regions related to cognitive control, which improves cognitive control of people as a result (38). The results of Schweizer et al. 's research also showed that emotional working memory training can improve cognitive and emotional control and emotion regulation (39). According to the results of the present study and the results of other studies, it can be said that training emotional working memory by improving emotional regulation can reduce the tendency to risky behaviors in adolescents. Also, the application of this new treatment method by improving executive actions and cognitive control of people limits their attention to irrelevant thoughts and information and reduces risky behaviors.

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Background & Aims: Conflict is an inevitable fact of human existence that can arise among members of a team such as a professional basketball team. Basketball coaches, as team leaders, must identify and manage the sources of conflict between players. This is important because of the human and social nature of sports can also happen in women's basketball. The premise of this issue is that lack of conflict control in the team reduces the effectiveness of the team. Some coaches in teams perform better when there is a conflict in the team and have a different relationship with other coaches, and some coaches seem to lack strategies for resolving the conflict to increase effectiveness in be a team. No systematic review of the use of conflict management and problem-solving strategies and communication with players and the effectiveness of the basketball team, especially among Iranian women coaches, has been examined. Understanding how to select aspiring coaches may be helpful to the players and managers who work with these club coaches. Coaches can help players and stakeholders develop coping skills to compensate for the problem-solving aspects preferred by teammates. The value of the present study is that, since so far little has been reported on the value of conflict management strategies, conflict identification and the process that coaches go through at different stages of the basketball game, especially when some of these processes These include team members' conflicts. A conflict can affect a period of competition, and a loss can overshadow the performance of players and coaches and eventually be transferred to the team. Therefore, considering the importance of psychological components in problem solving management, the aim of the present study was the effect of conflict management psychology components on the effectiveness of women's basketball teams. Methods: The present research method is descriptive and falls within the scope of field research. Initially, in order to obtain the number of coaches present in the competitions, the 2021-2022 period was prepared by interacting with the competitions section of the basketball federation, a complete list of teams, and telephone numbers, supervisors and head coaches, and questionnaires were distributed online among coaches. For the effectiveness of the teams, the results and ranking of the matches were used from the official website of the Basketball Federation, which is publicly available. The researcher was responsive at all stages of completing the questionnaire to any ambiguities and doubts that educators may have encountered. The statistical population included all the coaches of Iranian women's basketball club leagues. Statistical sample was obtained from the coaches of 41 teams, leagues (category 2, category 1 and superior) of Iranian adult women's basketball club, which included 118 coaches (37, league coaches 1, 44, coaches of league 2 and 37 coaches of Premier League). Collected. The sampling method was non-random (targeted). Three different instruments were used for measurement. The research questionnaire consisted of three parts. The first section collects demographic information from coaches, demographic questions about age, coaching degree, education, coaching experience, and work experience with the current team. The second and third sections show the main research questionnaires that mention their psychometric properties: Robbins Conflict Management Strategies Questionnaire was used as a research tool in this study. This questionnaire measures five conflict management styles in three cases. The measurement tool includes a conflict management strategies questionnaire that includes 30 questions in three dimensions of competition, cooperation and avoidance. The coach-athlete relationship questionnaire consisted of 11 items and was used in three subscales of commitment, closeness / intimacy and complement / complementarity, and the intimacy and closeness questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 statistical software with a confidence level of 0, 05. Both the independent variable and the dependent variables were quantitative and continuous and were measured at the distance scale level,hence, the statistical model was multivariate regression. Predictions of the effectiveness of the results and performance of the teams that led to their wins and losses were obtained from the official website of the Basketball Federation. Finally, structural equation modeling was performed using LISREL software. Results: According to Pearson correlation coefficients, it can be said that there is a significant positive relationship between the component of "no coping strategy" related to "conflict management strategies" and "effectiveness". Thus, with the increase of "nonconfrontation strategy" component in the coaches of women's basketball teams, "effectiveness" also increases and with its decrease, "effectiveness" also decreases in the coaches of women's basketball teams. In addition, a significant positive correlation was observed between the "complementary / complementary" component related to "coachplayer interaction" and "effectiveness". Thus, with the increase of "complementary" component in the coaches of women's basketball teams, "effectiveness" also increases and with its decrease, "effectiveness" also decreases in the coaches of women's basketball teams. It can also be argued that no significant relationship was observed between the components of "commitment" and "closeness / intimacy" related to "coach-player interaction" and "effectiveness". Conclusion: The results showed that the model with emphasis on these indicators has a fit and has high efficiency in describing the relationships between variables and explaining the effectiveness variable through the variables of conflict management strategy and coach-player interaction. The experimental results of this dissertation also provide more support for the concept of the use of conflict management strategies using analysis at the team evaluation level. This means that team coaches are close to each other in their general tendencies to deal with team conflicts with effectiveness in understanding management, and the role of avoidance strategy means that coaches understand conflict management. Therefore, the results of this article can be helpful in contemporary and future trends in basketball management factors, and coaches can use conflict management to improve the results and improve the player-coach relationship by guiding effectiveness.

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Background & Aims: Emotional schemas make people avoid treatment. Emotional schemas have been related to post-traumatic stress disorder, knowing and treating these schemas can be effective in improving the symptoms of this disorder. On the other hand, psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress at older ages are among the consequences related to traumatic experiences, and these consequences are not limited to negative ones, and according to researches, some stressful situations and suffering They can provide a suitable platform for people's development, and injured people not only return to their previous state, but also reach a higher level of psychological functioning, and this higher level psychological functioning, growth after injury. Post-traumatic growth is characterized by positive psychological changes after coping with challenging life circumstances and has five domains,a) communication with others, which means developing a network of relationships and more intimacy with them,b) new possibilities that indicate the creation of a new path or opportunities,c) Personal strength, which refers to the increase of inner strength and the ability to rely on oneself in difficulties,e) spiritual change, which refers to understanding experiences and strengthening spiritual beliefs,f) Appreciation of life, which means realizing the value of life. There are several intervention approaches to help people with post-traumatic stress disorder and improve their emotional schemas and post-traumatic growth, among which Gestalt therapy has useful and significant effects in treating problems caused by post-traumatic stress disorder. They have the assumption that people have the basic ability to be alert, introspective and reflect, people have the potential freedom of understanding and action and a responsible attitude in relation to others and life in society. Personal growth and fulfillment is possible if the existing potential is not blocked by limiting expectations and norms and this personal growth is supported by the utilitarian resources of others. Based on the background of the research, group gestalt therapy can be used as an independent therapy or along with other treatments to improve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. It has also been shown that Gestalt therapy is effective for helping teenagers with traumatic experiences, and by combining cognitive-behavioral elements and committed to an interactive and conversational approach, it can help reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. But what has not been paid attention to in previous researches is the effectiveness of this treatment method on emotional schemas and posttraumatic growth in girls suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Therefore, based on what was said, the research question is, is Gestalt therapy effective on emotional schemas and post-traumatic growth in girls with post-traumatic stress disorder? Methods: In this research, the statistical population of all girls aged 14 to 19 years with post-traumatic stress disorder who referred to the welfare of Boushehr city was 91 in 2019, and by using simple random sampling method, 40 of them were selected and They were replaced in two groups (gestalt therapy test group of 20 people and control group of 20 people). The experimental group underwent Gestalt therapy (10 sessions of 90 minutes),But the control group did not receive any Gestalt therapy intervention and remained on the waiting list. Foa et al. 's PTSD scale (1993), Leahy's emotional schemas (2002) and Tedeschi and Calhoun's post-traumatic growth (1996) were used to collect information. The analysis of the information obtained from the implementation of the questionnaires was done through SPSS software version 24 in two descriptive and inferential parts (variance analysis with repeated measurements and Ben-Ferroni post hoc test). Results: The results showed that the above-mentioned treatment had a significant effect on emotional schemas and post-traumatic growth in girls with post-traumatic stress disorder compared to the control group (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, it can be said that Gestalt therapy can be used as a therapeutic method to reduce emotional schemas and increase posttraumatic growth in girls suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder in medical centers. be taken away It is suggested that similar researches be conducted in other cities and other cultures on girls suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder in other cities as well as male students so that the results of the researches can be compared. Applied research should be conducted with similar topics on the effectiveness of Gestalt therapy on other problems of girls with post-traumatic stress disorder such as aggression, resilience, distress tolerance, anxiety and depression. Conducting research on the comparison of Gestalt therapy with other treatment methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, commitment-acceptance therapy, self-compassion therapy, etc., can lead to effective results in improving the problems of girls with post-traumatic stress disorder. have In addition to the use of self-reporting tools, in which the possibility of bias is possible, it is suggested to use other research methods such as interview and observation to measure this variable in order to reduce the biases to a minimum. Considering the prevalence of this disorder and that the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder can have negative psychological, physical and social consequences for girls,Psychological interventions with the Gestalt therapy approach can reduce the severity of these negative consequences, and carrying out this therapeutic intervention with the aim of increasing growth after injury and improving emotional schemas can help the psychological health of these girls, and counselors and clinical psychologists. They can use the results of this research in counseling centers and psychological services.

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Background & Aims: The concept of readiness for change has been proposed in organizational studies. Due to its abstract nature, there is a willingness to change different definitions of this structure. Readiness for change is defined as individual beliefs, feelings, and intentions about the limits and capacity of the organization to successfully implement changes and that this amount of changes will be beneficial for themselves and their organization. Researchers emphasize that it is necessary to prepare for change before any planning, implementation, and change management. The first stage of Lewin's modification model shows unfreezing (opening) when the perspective of change is agreed upon. At this stage, people are involved and affected by possible changes in what is happening. Readiness for change is the basis of a person's willingness to progress in the "change process". Researchers in this field have always been asked the question of what factors affect readiness for change. Most researchers examine the factors related to readiness for change in two categories: individual and organizational factors. Individual factors for predicting individual readiness for change include self-management, personal capacity, values and beliefs, demographic characteristics, general attitudes, self-efficacy, individual resilience, variety of skills, emotional commitment, health, and Compatibility noted. The researchers in the studies conducted on the preparation for change are of the same opinion on the issue that the main and central cognitions and beliefs provide the preparations for the preparation for change. Beliefs, as relatively stable structures, are one of the most important individual characteristics that can explain a large part of a person's feelings and thoughts. It seems that an individual's readiness for change can be the result of a person's positive beliefs about himself and the world. On the other hand, social-cognitive theorists consider factors related to the individual (beliefs, motivation, and personality) as mediators between external stimuli and behavior. Therefore, it seems that examining the role of beliefs, motivation, and personality in readiness for change will help to fully and comprehensively understand this structure. Personality is one of the durable and unique characteristics that can change in response to different situations. Because among the personality traits identified by personality theorists and the five big factors of personality i. e. neuroticism, extroversion, openness, adaptability, and conscientiousness have been agreed upon by psychological experts. The theory of self-determination shows that the optimal functioning of Rome requires satisfaction and three psychological needs for autonomy (understanding the source of the internal cause), competence (feeling effective), and connection (feeling a meaningful connection with others). The researchers suggested that instead of making a list of independent variables that predict individual readiness for change, researchers should investigate the factors that mediate or moderate these relationships, in a detailed manner of the readiness profile. To clarify the change. In general, despite the existence of many theories and research in the field of readiness for change, it is necessary to explain the factors related to it. In this research, the role of self-determination as a mediating variable is investigated. It seems necessary to examine the effective factors in individual preparation for change in the student society, which can play an important role in the implementation of change programs. The researches that have been conducted so far on the structure of readiness for change are mostly in the field of organizational management and organizational change. According to the researcher's searches, no research was found that examined the relationship between readiness for change and basic beliefs and personality traits, and self-determination. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to fit the structural model, to predict readiness for change based on basic beliefs and personality traits with the mediation of self-determination in students. Methods: Descriptive-correlation research method and structural equation modeling analysis method. The research population includes all undergraduate students in the faculties located at Azad Rodhen University, who were selected as a sample using the method suggested by Schumacher and Lomax (2004) and the multi-stage cluster sampling method, and they were asked to fill in the questionnaires. They answered and after removing the distorted questionnaires, finally, 375 questionnaires were examined. To collect data from the questionnaires of Neo McGarry and Costa (1985), basic beliefs of Kathleen Webstein (1992), readiness for change, Slow (2006), and self-determination with basic psychological needs. LaGuardia et al. (2000) were used. Results: Structural equation modeling showed that all fit indices support the optimal processing of the structural model of the research with the collected data. Among the personality factors, openness and extroversion are positive, and neuroticism and conscientiousness factors negatively and significantly predict readiness for change. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that cognitive-social factors and personal factors (beliefs, motivation, and personality) are considered mediators between external stimuli and behavior. The current research, like most research, has limitations that it seems logical to recognize in order to conduct future research and try to reduce or eliminate these limitations. The current research was conducted on undergraduate students of Islamic Azad University, Rodhan branch, so caution should be taken in generalizing its findings to other students. The lack of familiarity of many students with research and research affairs was managed with the briefing session. Only using self-report questionnaires, especially for evaluating thoughts was one of the limitations. Therefore, it is suggested to examine the research topic in other regions of the country due to the existence of different cultural and ethnic conditions in order to examine and compare the research results with each other.

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Background & Aims: Today, high-quality and competent human resources are one of the key assets in every system and industry. On the one hand, having such a capital can generate sustainable competitive advantages, and on the other hand, it is one of the most important factors for obtaining operational efficiency. Health tourism and related marketing activities are among the fields that are highly dependent on quality human resources. Also, due to the interaction and interaction of this industry with all segments of society and international health tourists, the competences of health tourism marketing activists is one of the most key issues in the mentioned industry. Despite this importance, studies show that there is not much theoretical attention to the issue of professional competence in health tourism marketing and the effective indicators of measuring such competence in the country that the present study aims to solve this research gap among domestic studies. The development of Iran's health tourism industry is not possible only by recognizing and relying on strengths and potentials,the weaknesses and challenges of this nascent industry in our country are issues that should not be ignored. Knowledge and awareness of issues and problems of health tourism helps managers, planners and policy makers in the field of tourism and health to use a systematic perspective and all-round efforts to improve and develop the state of health tourism in Iran. Due to the lack of theoretical studies in the field of what is the professional qualification of health tourism marketing, despite the efforts in the field of health tourism, we have not yet achieved a worthy position in this industry. Therefore, in this research, the design of the professional competency model for health tourism marketing has been investigated in the post-Corona period. Methods: The current research is a mixed research because it uses qualitative and quantitative methods in order to collect and analyze data. To identify the components, qualitative approach and systematic review tools, inductive content analysis and Delphi were used, and in order to investigate the relationships between different components and its final verification, quantitative approach and structural equation modeling method were used. The statistical community for collecting qualitative research data consists of university professors, senior managers in the field of health, and deputies of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Yazd Province and senior managers of reputable tourism companies that used the snowball sampling method. 9 managers, assistants and supervisors were interviewed along with managers of tourism companies and academic experts. In the quantitative phase, the field method and standard questionnaire were used. Finally, 13 components were identified and the main research model was structured using MAXQDA software. Results: Therefore, the components resulting from the analyzes carried out in two different parts, i. e. the analysis of tourism marketing literature and the analysis of interviews conducted with experts and the combination of the obtained results, include the following 13 components, which are: General professional performance, analytical skills, specific professional skills, general professional skills, job information and awareness, job commitment, professional attitude, desire for career development, inherent individual characteristics, increasing factors of competence, basic job assignment knowledge, Bright personality and psychological abilities. Among them, psychological abilities and increasing competence factors were identified as the main and most effective dimensions in the path of better development of health tourism marketing during social distancing and after and the element of general professional performance is the least important among the investigated dimensions. Conclusion: The unprecedented growth of the tourism industry in the past few years and the competition at the global level have faced the health tourism marketing discussion with new challenges, which has made researchers look for more effective marketing strategies. Therefore, the need for a systematic and targeted planning for marketing in Iran is increasing day by day. Therefore, one of the factors that can develop and improve the tourism industry in this area is the use of effective professional qualification tools and parameters. Based on this, there is a need for a model under the title of health tourism marketing professional qualifications that will be a guide for people and managers to create promote or develop qualifications that optimize health tourism skills. Based on this, the tourism industry and health tourism marketing are practically without people who are psychologically capable of showing behavioral flexibility and have a high level of interest in health tourism, curiosity, creativity, physical and mental health, and self-confidence, it will not be able to influence the behavior and decisions of customers. In addition, the ability of leadership in this industry strongly refers to the existence of charismatic performance in the individual, and the existence of such capabilities and characteristics means the ability to deeply influence others. As a result, with the disappearance of the existing weaknesses in Iran's health tourism value chain, each of the patients will confidently return to our country to receive more services. Customer satisfaction is what makes the reputation of the quality of Iran's medical and beauty services spread to health tourists across the borders.

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Background & Aims: health system reform is one of the basic and pioneering strategies and policies in different countries, according to the two main principles of structural reform and decentralization and reform of financial systems. Based on this, the financial system is considered the second most effective feature of the reform, in addition to the feature of self-organization and decentralization, as the first fundamental basis for the reform of the health system, which acts as the driving force and backbone of the reform. The financial function is one of the main functions of the health system (management, resource generation, health financing, and service provision). In most middle-income countries, more than 5% of GDP and 5-10% of total government spending are allocated to the health sector. Without a suitable infrastructure for the effective deployment of resources, especially financial resources, it will not be possible to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of these resources, and even the permanent increase in financial credits of this sector will not be useful in solving the problems of the system. Therefore, the effort to reform financial management and accountability in the public sector started in 2000 in Australia by changing the accounting method from cash to accrual as the most fundamental step resulting from the reform of financial management in the public sector. While in Iran, several major problems in health and pharmaceutical affairs as one of the government sectors prevent the emergence of reforms. By mentioning a few cases, these problems can be listed: problems of cash registration and financial records of receipts and payments, as well as recording the purchase of assets and real estate, weakness in preparing financial reports and preparing financial sheets, and ambiguity. In the actual performance of the budget. Among the most important priorities of the health sector to achieve an optimal financial management system, the following can be mentioned: allocating credit at the time of creating or approving expenses, implementing effective internal controls, integrating and standardizing processes, budgeting Basis of activity, budget control and project deviation analysis, organizational structure modification and data homogenization and people's awareness of managers' thinking style level. As mentioned, people's awareness of the thinking style level of CEOs is considered important and effective in reducing the financial burden of health and disease control audits. One of the important factors to explain the difference in people's behavior is the difference in their attitude toward different subjects, which is referred to as thinking style in psychological texts. Thinking style is defined as a part of rational methods in using individual abilities and preferred methods of people to use their abilities in doing cognitive tasks. Ability refers to how well a person can do something, but style refers to how things are done. Therefore, people may be similar in abilities, but different in styles. It is expected that the identification of factors affecting human behavior and the examination of relationships and the scope of their influence and influence will make human action and reaction predictable to a large extent, thus providing a possibility to improve the financial burden process. Based on this, the main problem of this article is to investigate the impact of managers' thinking styles on financial health. Methods: The statistical population of the present study included the employees of the financial affairs of the health system of Tehran, who were working in health centers and hospitals from 2018-2019. The number of the statistical population was over 100, 000 people according to the inquiry from the Medical Sciences University Unit of Tehran. The sample size of 384 people was selected by a simple random sampling method through the Morgan Krejci table. The financial health questionnaire made by the researcher and the thinking style of Sternberg and Wagner (1992) was used to collect data. The method of structural equations has been used to investigate the relationship between variables. Results: The results showed that managers' thinking style has a 0. 905 effect on financial health (P<0. 05). Considering that the desired level of the GOF index is higher than 0. 36, it can be said that the level of this index in the research variables is in a favorable condition. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present research, it can be said that one of the ways to develop financial health is to improve the thinking style of managers in the direction of the financial development of the medical system organization. Although financial health deals with access to minimum income and financial resources,at the same time, it focuses on "skill enhancement, training and empowerment of individuals and community organizations in the field of financial management to create a sense of confidence and control over financial affairs". On the other hand, financial inclusion seeks to provide the necessary infrastructure and tools for the use of financial skills and capabilities by individuals and organizations. As a result, we should note that financial health and financial inclusion do not focus only on poverty alleviation of the society and the low-income deciles, but seek to "empower all people, businesses, and organizations of the society in the field of financial management to increase the quality of life of the whole society". Naturally, in order to have the ability to use financial skills and capabilities, individuals and organizations must have access to the necessary financial tools. According to the above explanations, it can be said that the requirement of financial health is to increase financial inclusion and to increase the quality of life in society, we need both factors. That is, we must provide the ground for all members of society to have access to jobs and minimum income, and then empower them in terms of thinking and financial literacy skills. It is also necessary to provide the necessary tools for effective administration and continuous improvement of the quality of financial life at the disposal of people and organizations of society. Financial institutions can play a role in all these three areas, i. e., job creation, community empowerment, and the development of life financial management tools. Also, thinking styles are among the variables related to individual differences that can be affected by visual abilities. People learn through their experiences, and there are many ways in which learned facts are described, and there are many ways of understanding and thinking about what is. For example, some people learn reality better by drawing. If some way of searching, pattern means that people may use different ways to learn which is called thinking style. Thinking styles are the preferred ways for people in using their abilities,therefore, thinking style is not an ability in itself but refers to how to use abilities. The basic characteristic of a human being is the ability to think. With the help of their thoughts, humans have been able to master the complex and changing environment and continue their lives.

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ABBASI MAJID | Shariat Bagheri Mohammad Mahdi

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Background & Aims: A person's attitude towards drugs is a type of thinking that may be logical or irrational. This type of attitude is often spontaneous, unconscious and permanent and cannot be easily changed. One of the methods that helps an addict to get to know himself is to examine the type of attitude and create a negative attitude towards addiction. Researchers have identified various reasons, including pressure from friends and peers, rebellion against parents, escape from life's adversities, emotional turmoil, alienation or rejection by others, life history, attachment styles and personality traits. Addiction is considered effective. As mentioned, one of the important factors that can have a significant effect on a person's attitude towards addiction is the person's attachment style. Many believe that addiction is a coping mechanism and attachment style can play an important role in the development of addiction, such as addiction to smoking, drugs, alcohol, and the InternetIn general, despite the fact that the student period is a sensitive and risky period and there is a possibility that students will be drawn towards drug use and addiction, modifying students' attitudes towards drugs can help prevent addiction in the university and society. May it be useful. In this regard, the current research intends to investigate the role of attachment styles and emotional schemas in predicting the general attitude towards addiction among students,Therefore, the researcher is looking for an answer to this question: do attachment styles and emotional schemas predict the general attitude towards addiction in students? Methods: The current research is descriptive (correlation) and survey in terms of its purpose and applied. The statistical population of this research includes all students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch in the academic year 2019-2019. available (online method due to the spread of corona disease through virtual networks by distributing the link of the online questionnaire-press online-) participated in the research. The attempt was to select the sample in such a way that all students such as natives and non-natives, girls, boys and different faculties should be present in the research. Results: After higher values and mental rumination, avoidant attachment has the largest contribution in predicting attitude towards addiction. The correlation coefficient of these three variables with the attitude towards addiction is 0. 437, and these three variables have been able to predict nearly 20% of the changes in the attitude towards addiction, which is significant. The weight of avoidant attachment (B=0. 246) (t=3. 684) shows that this variable with 99% confidence can, along with variables of higher values and mental rumination, attitude In relation to addiction, in this research sample, explain that if the study sample is generalized to the main population, the weight of avoidant attachment will be 0. 246 (Beta), finally, the higher the score of avoidant attachment, the more positive attitude towards addiction. It will be more. Table 3 shows that about 20% of the total variance of attitude towards addiction is explained by higher values and mental rumination, avoidant attachment. Other variables did not have a significant role in predicting positive attitude towards addiction. Conclusion: The present research was conducted with the aim of predicting students' attitudes towards addiction based on attachment styles and emotional schemas. The results of the regression analysis showed that higher values, mental rumination and avoidant attachment in three steps are able to explain about 20% of the changes in attitudes towards addiction in a meaningful way in students. These schemas cause bias in people's interpretations of events, and these biases manifest themselves in interpersonal psychopathology in the form of misunderstandings, distorted attitudes, false assumptions, unrealistic goals and expectations. When emotional schemas are activated, it negatively causes bias in information. On the other hand, the temptation of materials goes through a process and each of the parts of this process can have a different contribution in speeding up this process, which according to the contribution of each one can prevent the temptation. This cycle starts with an arousing stimulus, and this stimulus, by affecting each part of the process, causes the person to be tempted. Inconsistent emotional schemas such as mental rumination increase temptation in people suffering from substance abuse. Maladaptive emotional schemas, such as being uncontrollable, which mainly refer to the suppression, avoidance and non-acceptance of emotions, prevent emotional processing and lead the person to use ineffective strategies, causing the continuation and intensification of unpleasant emotions.

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Background & Aims: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is one of the serious psychological health problem and imposes huge economic and social costs on society every year. Problems associated with obsession and its debilitating symptoms disrupt interpersonal functioning, job, and life. In obsessive-compulsive disorder, a person's mind is filled with uncontrollable and persistent thoughts and is forced to repeat specific actions that cause helplessness and disruption in his daily functioning. Excessive and negative perfectionism can become the basis of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Perfectionism is motivated by the fear of failure, and as a result, perfectionists are almost always worried about achieving high-level and unrealistic goals. Treatment studies about this disorder are generally focused on three areas: drug therapy, behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and the combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy with drug therapy. Therapy based on acceptance and commitment is basically context-oriented therapy and tries to change the socio-verbal context of the behavior instead of changing the clinical content of the behavior. In this treatment, instead of changing cognitions and challenging them, it is tried to increase the psychological connection of the person with his thoughts and feelings. It means that painful thoughts and feelings should be changed from the old form, i. e. abnormal traumatic symptoms that prevent a meaningful and rich life, to a newer form, i. e. natural human experiences that are parts of a rich and meaningful life. The main goal of treatment is to create psychological flexibility. Acceptance and commitment therapy directly targets emotional distress by accepting unpleasant thoughts and emotions. The goal of treatment based on acceptance and commitment is to improve a person's performance and reduce his emotional distress by increasing psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility, from the point of view of this psychotherapy approach, means the ability to fully communicate with the present and change or maintain behavior in the service of valuable and important life goals. Therapy based on acceptance and commitment has six central processes that lead to psychological flexibility. Each of these processes affects a person's language act. Some of these processes weaken the function of verbal regulation of cognition and some others increase the function of behavioral activation. These processes are related to each other and have a mutual effect on each other for psychological flexibility. Commitment and acceptance of therapy is an approach based on mindfulness. Mindfulness-based approaches increase the acceptance of internal experiences such as thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and physiological feelings that can strengthen and sustain many complaints and clinical problems. In this regard, studies have shown that acceptance and commitment therapy has been effective in reducing the severity of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. Despite the many types of research that have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in the field of obsession and other related disorders and its effectiveness has been confirmed,However, there has been no research comparing this intervention with drug therapy, so in this research, the researcher is looking for an answer to the question of whether there is a difference between the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based therapy with drug therapy in improving interpersonal relationships and perfectionism of patients with Is there a significant difference? Methods: The research method was experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group and a two-month follow-up period. The statistical population of the present study included all obsessive-compulsive patients in Yazd city, and 45 obsessive-compulsive patients were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study and divided into two experimental groups (15 people under drug treatment and 15 people under medical treatment) on acceptance and commitment) and the control group (15 people) were randomly assigned. The research tool was Maudsley's obsessive-compulsive questionnaire (1977) and Rempel and Holmes' (1986) interpersonal relationships. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance with repeated measures. Results: The findings showed that treatment based on acceptance and commitment and drug therapy has a significant effect on improving interpersonal relationships and perfectionistic thinking of obsessive-compulsive patients in Yazd city (P<0. 01). Also, the findings showed that there is a significant difference between treatment based on acceptance and commitment and drug therapy (P<0. 01). Conclusion: In general, it can be said that therapy based on acceptance and commitment is more effective than drug therapy in improving interpersonal relationships and perfectionistic thinking. Therefore, it is suggested that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment be used by clinicians as an effective treatment in the treatment of obsessions and improving interpersonal relationships and the perfectionistic thinking of people with obsessions. Paying attention to drug side effects in the long term, patients refuse to take medicine and this issue causes recurrence of disease symptoms. If the treatment is based on acceptance and commitment with the method of accepting the person's self and negative thoughts and mindfulness, which shows the obsessive patient himself, can be effective in treating and controlling the signs and symptoms of obsession and perfectionism. An obsessive person with perfectionism can also reduce obsessive actions.

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Background & Aims: Personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thought, performance, and behavior is observed in a person. A person with a personality disorder has difficulty in understanding and communicating with situations and people. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, and understanding of diseases. The presence of personality disorders in sick people leads to the development of the disease and increases the level of stress and depression in patients. Among the diseases observed in patients suffering from personality disorders such as dual personality, the presence of stress, depression, harming themselves, scratching the skin, and causing self-inflicted wounds are mentioned. Personality disorders usually start in adolescence or early adulthood. There are different types of personality disorders. Some types may become less apparent during middle age. Types of personality disorders are classified into three clusters based on similar characteristics and symptoms. Many people with one personality disorder also have signs and symptoms of at least one other personality disorder. To diagnose a disorder, showing all signs and symptoms is unnecessary. Cluster A personality disorders are characterized by abnormal and unusual thinking or behavior. They include paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder. Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional, or unpredictable thinking or behavior. They include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder. Cluster C personality disorders are characterized by anxious, fearful thinking or behavior. They include avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessivecompulsive personality disorder. There is increasing evidence about the negative impact of personality disorders on various physical, mental, and emotional aspects of healthy and sick people. Psychotherapy can help a person understand the effects of their behavior on others, learn to manage or cope with symptoms and reduce behaviors that cause problems in functioning and relationships. The type of treatment depends on the specific personality disorder, its severity, and the individual's condition. If personality disorders are not treated in people, the level of many diseases such as depression, cardiovascular diseases, and skin diseases will increase. Skin diseases are conditions that affect the skin. These diseases may cause rashes, inflammation, itching, or other skin changes. Some skin diseases may be genetic, while lifestyle and psychological factors such as severe obsessions and personality disorders may cause others. Both the skin and the central nervous system are derived from the ectoderm during embryogenesis. Their anatomicalfunctional relationship has been known for a long time. However, many aspects of this relationship are not fully understood. There are several studies that confirm the link between Dermatosis and mental illness. The findings of studies conducted in the field of psychiatry show that infectious-parasitic Dermatoses are the most common skin diseases in more than 70% of patients with mental disorders. The general explanation for this complication is that the physical condition of many mental patients decreases, which is associated with a decrease in immune defense and, as a result, an increase in sensitivity to skin infections. Considering the importance of skin diseases and the effect of personality disorders on this type of disease and the explanations provided, the question raised here is the relationship between personality disorders and skin diseases in various studies in the field of psychiatry. What results have been obtained and what requirements have been recommended regarding the reduction of this disease through psychotherapy? Methods: The current study is a review study that includes papers published in domestic and foreign journals available in SID, PubMed, Google Scholar, Magiran, Springer, Wiley, Web of Science (ISI), Scopus, Science direct, and ProQuest databases. The range of years 2020 to 2022 was used. Papers were searched using the keywords "acute skin diseases, skin diseases, personality disorders, mental disorders" and their English equivalents. As a result of the initial search of papers, there were 156 articles, of which 74 apapers remained in the screening stage, and at the end, 12 papers were subjected to content analysis. Results: This review study showed that personality and mental disorders have an effect on the development of skin diseases and controlling these disorders is considered as a solution to reduce the complications of skin diseases. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that in order to reduce the complications of skin diseases, paying attention to the personality and mental disorders of people can increase the patient's understanding of the disease and reduce the level of complications of this disease. Psychotherapy of the last century uses biological, psychological, and social factors at different levels significantly in the pathogenesis of each disease, through complex interactions in the treatment of diseases. There are many ontogenetic, anatomical, and functional connections between the skin, the psyche, and the immune system. These connections are the reason that Neuro-immunological mechanisms are often involved in the pathogenesis of Dermatoses. This is why skin diseases are classified as "paradigm" psychosomatic diseases. The skin is the only organ that is completely visible, and therefore the patient can always observe it closely. Patients are free to act on their ideas about pathogenic mechanisms. This means that, as mentioned above, clinicians, especially in the field of dermatology, must examine (and respect) patient disease models. However, skin lesions are visible not only to the patients themselves but often to other people as well. For example, patients with Dermatosis are often exposed to stigma: skin diseases may cause hatred or fear of contagion. Therefore, feelings such as embarrassment about one's illness, or disgust expressed by other people, may affect the patient's outlook on life. Some patients actually anticipate and experience imaginary stigma even in the case of minimal skin lesions. The fact that skin is very visible has also contributed to psychoanalytic theories and interpretations of psychoanalysts interested in psychosomatic medicine for skin diseases.

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Background & Aims: The increasing use of methamphetamine, as a strong psychoactive drug, has caused severe concerns around the world. Abuse of glass or methamphetamine is considered a global problem for human health, especially in East and Southeast Asia as well as in North America due to its easy production and availability and cheap price. Methamphetamine increases the activity of the central nervous system and causes increased heart rate and blood pressure and even sudden death. Glass causes the discharge of dopamine terminals in the striatum, and in high doses, it also causes the discharge of serotonin terminals in the brain. Cognitive and movement disorders, attention, learning and memory, and brain damage are observed in glass users. Methamphetamine compounds in the central nervous system prevent the reabsorption of dopamine and other monoamine neurotransmitters and also facilitate the release of monoamine neurotransmitters into the synaptic spaces. Repeated use of methamphetamine drugs causes damage to dopaminergic and serotonergic nerve terminals in different parts of the brain. It leads to abnormalities such as anxiety, depression, and movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease. On the other hand, new evidence shows that addiction to narcotic drugs and amphetamines causes disruption in neurogenesis and weakens the function of neural stem cells/progenitors, and based on this, it has been claimed that this feature is one of the basic mechanisms of behavioral changes. In patients addicted to methamphetamine drugs. Therefore, it is possible to use stem cells/neural progenitors to reduce or treat the side effects caused by the use of methamphetamines. SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma cell lines from the stem cell category (SH-SY5Y) are derived from immature neoplastic neural crest cells that display the properties of stem cells. These cells are derived from the bone marrow, which consists of a triple-cloned subset of SK-N-SH cells, and are widely used for neurological studies, focusing on neurotoxicity, protecting the nervous system against Neuropathogenic agents. It destroys nerve tissue, and is also used to differentiate neuron-like cells into cholinergic, adrenergic or dopaminergic neurons and to express one or more nerve fiber proteins. These cells also express opioid, muscarinic, and neurodevelopmental receptors. The SH-SY5Y neuronal cell line is able to express different alleles in various conditions and turn into nerve cells in front of compounds such as retinoic acid and neurogenic factors derived from the brain. Therefore, according to the mentioned characteristics and also the high ability of SH-SY5Y cells in long-term proliferation (without contamination) of nerve cells and taking into account the high and increasing consumption of methamphetamine substances, especially among young people and adolescents, and the effects of neurotoxicity. These substances in nerve cells, this study was conducted with the aim of investigating the cytotoxicity effect of methamphetamine on the SH-SY5Y cell line. Methods: In this experimental study, SH-SY5Y cells were purchased from the Pasteur Institute of Iran and then incubated in DMEM medium with 10% fetal bovine serum, L-glutamine, penicillin, and streptomycin at 37 degrees and 5% CO2. After ensuring the multiplication of the cells and reaching the necessary density, the cells in the fourth passage, to the control and experimental groups treated with a dose of 0. 6 mmol for 7 days (10 days after the cultivation of the cells) were divided and the growth of SH-SY5Y cells was calculated by flow Cytometry. Results: SH-SY5Y cells, 24 hours after being transferred to the cell culture flask, wholly adhered to the bottom of the flask and were initially spherical, and became spindle-shaped after 24 hours. The results of the cell counting test on days 1 to 7 showed a strong decrease in the growth of cells treated with methamphetamine compared to the control group. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that SH-SY5Y cells were spindleshaped in the culture medium, similar to fibroblast cells, and based on the results of cell counting, it was determined that methamphetamine probably has the effects of cytotoxicity and inhibition of growth in the SH-cell line. Methamphetamine leads to progressive neurological disorders, which can be due to the changes and damage in the brain tissue along with neuropsychiatric symptoms. Many other mechanisms have been proposed for methamphetamine-induced toxicity,including toxicity stimulation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and Neuroinflammation which is caused by Microgliosis, Astrogliosis, and cytokine induction and leads to apoptosis and neurotoxicity in the central nervous system. One of the strengths of this study is the time-dependent investigation of the growth of SH-SY5Y nerve cells in the presence of methamphetamine, and this test was repeated within 7 days, But it would have been better if this experiment was done in vivo (animal) and by injecting amphetamine into the animal, a behavioral test was taken from the animals and its effect on SH-SY5Y nerve cells was investigated.

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Background & Aims: Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa, the prevalence of which is estimated at 40% in children and 10-30% in adults. The symptoms of the disease include frequent sneezing, runny nose, itching of the nose, throat and eyes, which can significantly affect the patient's daily life and activities. Over time, these symptoms may lead to depression, anxiety and loss of performance by affecting a person's psyche. In the United States, this disease accounts for 2. 5% of medical visits. Unfortunately, only in a small number of patients, the symptoms may be suppressed for a long time and may not return. Currently, the prevalence of disease is increasing in industrialized countries, especially in urban areas, and it imposes a lot of costs on societies. On the other hand, due to the fact that the cause of the disease is unknown, no definitive treatment has been proposed yet. But the existing symptomatic treatments have been able to relieve the annoying symptoms of the disease to some extent. The most effective treatment in patients with severe and permanent symptoms is the use of topical intranasal corticosteroids. Cellulose powder is used as a thickener in many nasal sprays. Due to the fact that cellulose powder acts as a protective layer, it plays a role in preventing the inhalation of pollen, dust and allergens and prevents these substances from reaching the nasal mucosa. As a result of allergies, the nasal mucosa has a low surface tension, and allergens can easily pass through the nasal mucosa and be absorbed by the nasal mucosa, and cellulose powder reduces the symptoms of patients by compensating this system. Also, intranasal cromolyn is widely available today and is used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis with the mechanism of inhibiting the granulation of mast cells. Although this drug is safe for general medicinal use, it is not used as a line of treatment because compared to antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids, it is less effective in reducing symptoms, the results of a study showed. that consumption of cellulose powder significantly improved all symptoms of allergic rhinitis and especially runny nose in these people and no clinical side effects were reported in these people. Also, Nasaliz was able to control hay fever well and significantly improved the patients' symptoms. In general, CT scan is usually not recommended for simple rhinitis. However, when rhinosinusitis or nasal polyp is suspected, especially if it does not respond to medical treatment, CT scan is useful. Due to the chronic nature of this disease on one hand and patients' selftreatment and lack of attention to medical recommendations on the other hand, definitive and effective treatment of allergic rhinitis has become a challenge for patients and treatment staff. The present study was designed and carried out with the aim of investigating the effects of nasal cellulose powder and sodium cromolyn in controlling the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and quality of life, as well as its relationship with CT scan findings in patients referred to Baqiyatullah Clinic. Methods: The present study is a clinical trial that was conducted on patients with allergic rhinitis who were referred to the ENT clinic of Baghiy A. (Aj). The study was conducted as a random and single-phase study in two groups (50 people for each group) using Cromolyn spray with a dose of 3 puffs per day and nasal spray with a dose of 3 puffs per day for 6 weeks in patients. RQLQ quality of life questionnaire, nasal endoscopy score based on Lund criteria, Kennedy score, and visual analog scale (VAS) was completed. Also, in this study, patients with a clinical diagnosis of allergic rhinitis were selected for a CT scan of the Paranasal sinuses without medical treatment. They were referred to the CT scan departments of Baqiyatullah University of Medical Sciences and underwent a Paranasal CT scan and indicators such as polyps, mild mucosal thickening without obstruction, increased bone density of the sinus wall, septal deviation, inferior corneal hypertrophy, and Conca Bellaza were investigated. Then, the findings of the CT scan were reported blindly by only one radiologist. The data collected from both study groups were compared by the respective statistical tests. The significance level for data difference was considered 0. 05. Results: The severity of nasal congestion after 6 weeks of treatment was 2. 27 ±,0. 97 in the sodium Cromolyn group and 4. 61 ±,1. 1 in the cellulose powder group. There was a significant difference in the mean severity of nasal congestion after treatment between the two groups. (P=0. 03). Statistical analysis showed that the intensity of sneezing and also the intensity of runny noses in both groups improved significantly after the completion of the treatment. (P=0. 00). The mean RQLQ score after treatment was 22. 525 ±,5. 71 in the sodium Cromolyn group and 25. 85 ±,2. 91 in the cellulose powder group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the average RQLQ score after treatment. (P=0. 073). In this study, the relationship between CT scan findings in both groups of patients before and after the use of both drug categories was investigated. In this study, both groups of patients underwent CT scans before starting the treatment, and the most common findings in both groups in the CT scan were polyps, mild mucosal thickening without obstruction, increased bone density of the sinus wall, and septal deviation. hypertrophy of the inferior cornea and Conca Blesa, also according to the obtained results, no statistically significant difference was found between the findings of the CT scan in both groups (P-value<0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that nasal decongestant can be used as an effective drug without complications in the treatment of allergic rhinitis patients due to the improvement of symptoms and quality of life. But in terms of effectiveness, it is not more effective than Cromolyn. On the other hand, there is no correlation between CT scan findings among patients with allergic rhinitis, and it can be said that the use of radiology and especially CT scans is not recommended for allergic rhinitis.

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Ghanipour Khondabi Fatemeh | Asadi Davodabadi Mohammadhossein | aliahmadi omid | Roshanaei Ali

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Background & Aims: It was associated with the policy maker's attitude based on the belief of greater participation of women in the social, economic and cultural scenes, therefore, compared to the previous two programs, attention to the situation of women was planned in a clearer way. One of the basic points in the third development plan was to align it with the establishment of an institution as "Women's Participation Affairs Center". In the important parts of the program, such as education and employment policies, no interesting needs are observed between the two sexes. The fourth program is interesting both in terms of the amount of materials of the program that are dedicated to women and also in terms of a different approach regarding the topic of gender. In the fourth development plan, it is emphasized to eliminate violence against women. The most important concern in the fourth development plan is the issue of women's employment and the improvement of the economic status of women in the society, and if we are talking about reforming public attitudes towards women, this reform of attitudes is related to holding economic positions and employment opportunities. In the third program, special educational and cultural-sports needs are emphasized by using Islamic principles and foundations. In the fifth development plan, which is considered to be the most important article of this plan about women and family. In the 6th Development Plan, it is very important to improve the status of women and a suitable position for women and family was considered in this program. Creating suitable job opportunities to attract unemployed graduates, which has increased as a result of the increase in the number of girls entering universities, paying attention to female heads of the household, self-headed and abusive women, reducing divorce, increasing the facilitation of marriage, the possibility of facilitating the entry of women into higher academic degrees such as Ph. D. Specialization and serious attention to improving the quality of women's health is one of the issues that should be given serious attention in the future. As a result, it is in accordance with the theories of gender justice, which is often equated with the concept of gender equality. But in reality, they are two separate concepts. Gender equality refers to equal life opportunities for women and men, which includes the ability to participate in the public sphere. Gender equality focuses on fair participation in education, the labor market, health services and politics. Legal reform is one of the key and important tools in the fight for equality. Gender equality does not necessarily ensure equality of outcomes,because it assumes that when barriers to participation are removed, there will be a level playing field for both sexes, and it does not consider that men and women may have different realities and experiences. Therefore, the concept of gender justice is raised. Gender justice refers to justice in life outcomes for women and men. As a result, it thinks beyond equal opportunities, reminds the need to change attitudes, emphasizes the different interests, preferences and needs of men and women, and emphasizes the need to redistribute power and resources. This paper examines the gender policies governing Iran's employment development programs before and after the revolution. Which is using qualitative content analysis. The purpose of this study shows that there are several elements and propositions of gender discourses in the set of employee development programs of Iran before and after the revolution. Methods: The above paper is a documentary and library study. The research method used is of the secondary analysis type and is mostly done by using library data and using sites and the general population and housing censuses and registration information. The data used are second-hand data and partly third-hand data. According to the type of data, the study is descriptive and analytical. In this paper, due to the limitation of census information, that part of the gender analysis of employment based on Iran's development programs before and after the revolution and population and housing statistics has been used to some extent from registration data. Results: The results obtained from the employment status of women show that during different years before the revolution and even after the revolution, the changes in women's employment did not experience a regular upward or downward trend. Comparing the employment of women and men also shows superiority the regularity of men in the labor market during the statistical survey was from (1956-2020). Also, the unstable trend of development in the employment of women and men, especially women, shows that with the smallest changes in economic conditions, a large part of the female labor force has left the market. This issue is not only from an economic point of view but also from a social point of view. It also has adverse consequences for society. The current state of Iran's labor market, including its high unemployment rate, and low participation rate, shows limited employment generation. That the set of policies, laws, and regulations in the field of employment did not have the necessary efficiency. A review of each of the development programs in Iran shows that the issue of "gender justice" has been neglected and has faced shortcomings in its application and implementation. In the development programs before the Islamic revolution, the statesmen's view of development was purely economic. It was believed that the movement towards development begins with the growing trend of the growth of the national gross product. By dividing the population into two semi-urban and rural, the semi-urban brought new values following the increasing contact with the outside world. Conclusion: In terms of the period, the approval authorities in the fields of employment, diversity, transformation, decline, and rise. In other words, while in the development programs, there have been things such as equal pay, insurance, equal working hours, and expertise for the employment of women and men. In some cases, policymakers have paid attention to things such as wage equality, skill-oriented, empowerment and structural changes in women's employment, and in general, by using the theory of Giddens, Barry, Tocqueville, Bloomberg, it can be seen that there are approaches to create jobs for women and men, change the structure, identified equality, development, dignity, economic power in the documents of Iran's employment development programs. That a diverse set of macroeconomic policies and active and inactive labor market policies have been implemented with the purpose and motivation of creating employment. Which have different and diverse positive and negative, strong and weak consequences and functions. The results of women's employment status show that during different years before the revolution and even after the revolution, the changes in women's employment did not experience a regular upward or downward trend.

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Background & Aims: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world (1). Diabetes and hyperglycemia caused by diabetes lead to disorders in various organs such as lungs, heart, muscles, kidneys, etc. (9, 10). One of the main complications of diabetes is diabetic cardiomyopathy,Diabetic cardiomyopathy is the result of diabetes-induced changes in the structure and function of the heart. Diabetic cardiomyopathy occurs as a result of impaired glucose and lipid metabolism associated with diabetes, which leads to increased oxidative stress and activation of multiple inflammatory pathways that mediate cellular and extracellular damage, pathological remodeling of the heart, and diastolic and systolic dysfunction. Preclinical studies in animal models of diabetes have identified several intracellular pathways involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy and potential cardioprotective strategies for disease prevention and treatment, including anti-fibrotic agents, anti-inflammatory agents, and antioxidants (11). Cellular energy homeostasis is a fundamental process that governs the overall health of the cell and is critical for cell survival. Central to this is the control of ATP production and utilization, which is regulated by a myriad of enzymatic reactions controlling cellular metabolism (12). Adenosine monophosphateactivated protein kinase (AMPK) is an energy sensor with aberrant expression in various diseases, including diabetes (12). There is considerable evidence that AMPK is reduced in cardiac tissues of animals and humans with type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome compared with non-diabetic controls, and that AMPK stimulation (physiological or pharmacological) can ameliorate diabetesrelated cardiovascular complications (14). Considering the role of AMPK in energy metabolism in the heart, as well as the effects of diabetes and exercise on the gene and protein expression of this energy sensor, measuring the changes of this gene can improve our knowledge about the effect of different adaptations caused by different exercises, as well as the effect of lack of exercise. With the aim of investigating the effect of maintaining these adaptations after training (22, 23). However, so far, no research has been done that specifically compares the effect of two common training methods, continuous and intermittent training, followed by no training on cardiac AMPK gene expression in diabetic rats, which shows the necessity of the current research. According to the mentioned information, the present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effect of a detraining period followed by aerobic and HIIT exercises on cardiac AMPK gene expression in alloxan-treated diabetic rats. Methods: In this experimental research, 48 male Wistar rats (age: 10-weeks,weigh: 220±, 20 grams) were randomly divided into six groups (n=8). One group was considered as a healthy control and the rest of the rats were made diabetic using a single dose of 90 mg/kg of alloxan. One group was considered as diabetic control,and the rats were divided into two groups of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and continuous moderate aerobic training (MICT). After 12 weeks of training, half of the rats in each group were sacrificed,and the rats were sacrificed after 2 weeks of no training. MICT program was performed for 5 sessions per week with a gradual increase in speed (18-26 m/min) and time (10-55 minutes). HIIT program also included 5 30-minute sessions per week in the form of running on a treadmill with one-minute repetitions and 2-minute active rest between each interval. For statistical analysis, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc test were used and the significance level (P ≤,0. 05) was considered. Results: The results showed that the induction of diabetes decreased the cardiac AMPK gene expression compared to the healthy control group (P < 0. 001), also the results showed that after 12 weeks of training, there was a significant increase in the cardiac AMPK gene expression in the training groups compared to the control group. Diabetes control was observed (P < 0. 001), but no significant difference was observed between the two exercise groups (P > 0. 05). Also, the results showed that after 2 weeks of non-training, there was a slight decrease in cardiac AMPK gene expression compared to the training groups, and these changes were not significant (P > 0. 05). Conclution: The results of the present study showed that induction of diabetes with alloxan decreased cardiac AMPK gene expression, which was related to hyperglycemia caused by induction of diabetes with alloxan injection. Previous research has also shown that a single dose of alloxan injection with 90 mg/kg body weight of rats induces diabetes (24-26). According to the findings of the present study, 12 weeks of continuous aerobic exercise and HIIT both significantly increased cardiac AMPK gene expression in diabetic rats, but no significant difference was observed between the two types of exercise. Based on the research conducted in animal models, exercise increases cardiac AMPK values, which are consistent with the results of the present study (30, 31). However, comparing the effects of continuous and HIIT exercises, the results of these two studies were different from our findings,In their research comparing the effect of moderate intensity continuous training and HIIT training on AMPK of skeletal and cardiac muscle, Wen et al. reported that the effects of HIIT training on increasing oxidative capacity and AMPK are more obvious (30),The results of Su et al. 's research showed better effects of continuous training on AMPK and PGC-1α,gene expression in the HIIT group than continuous aerobic training (30). As shown in various animal models and patient studies, physical exercise is known to be cardioprotective and can partially compensate for cardiac damage. At the cellular level, exercise counteracts heart disease-related changes in these cellular pathways and can improve heart function (32). AMPK activation leads to the regulation of metabolism, protein transport, transcription factors and/or activators, kinases, and other enzymes and non-enzymatic proteins. AMPK increases substrate uptake and utilization in the heart, enhances mitochondrial biogenesis, and modulates the activity of specific proteins and transcription factors to exert cardioprotective functions (33). Therefore, exercise training can moderate the effects of diabetes on the heart by increasing cardiac AMPK. AMPK also plays an important role in reducing oxidative stress, regulating autophagy and anti-apoptosis of cardiomyocytes (29, 34). Exercise activates signaling molecules and transcriptional networks to promote physiological adaptations such as mitochondrial biogenesis (35). It has been reported that after swimming exercises in rats, the levels of activated AMPK showed a decrease in cardiac fibrosis due to the inhibition of NADPH oxidase (36). This finding has been confirmed as decreased AMPK activity by beta-adrenergic activation exacerbates cardiac fibrosis (37). These changes are important because exercise activates AMPK and thus may be able to inhibit pathological hypertrophy and cardiac fibrosis (38). Other findings of our research showed that 2 weeks of detraining after exercise decreased AMPK in both exercise groups, but this decrease was not statistically significant. In line with the findings of the current research, Cao et al also reported in their research that after the training period, a significant increase in AMPK level was observed, but after stopping training for 10 days, the AMPK level started to decrease, but the changes were not significant 40). Based on the results, it can be said that any two methods of continuous aerobic exercise and HIIT increase the expression of the AMPK gene,Also, after two weeks ofdetraining, cardiac AMPK gene expression is still high in diabetic rats. However, more research is needed to investigate the longer-term effects of non-exercise on AMPK gene expression and mechanisms related to non-exercise on diabetic cardiomyopathy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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