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Background & Aims: One of the methods that coaches use to simulate a real game is training or small sided games, and now the study of small sided games is one of the topics that has received the most attention of researchers active in soccer (3). Small sided games are defined as a smaller version of the official game, in which the trainers divide the playground into several small sided according to the training objectives (2). small sided games allow for increased individual participation and short-term physiological and immunological responses (4, 5). However, little information is available on the effects of this type of training methods on physiological characteristics, including the immune responses of soccer players (6, 7). One of the cytokines involved in immunity is interleukin-15 (IL-15). Interleukin 15 is involved in the interaction and cooperation between adipose-muscle tissue and increases the metabolism of adipose tissue triglycerides and provides the resulting fatty acid to muscle fibers for consumption. On the other hand, this cytokine precipitates free fatty acid deposition, reduces adipose tissue and thus has potential role in weight control (10). On the other hand, some interleukins can increase the motility of neutrophils at the site of inflammation (14, 15). Neutrophils are among the axes of the innate human immune system, which according to available reports, their function is easily affected by the quality and quantity of physical activity (16). small sided games are one of the training methods that can simulate the needs of racing (2). The importance of this type of training method is such that many coaches in the world often use it to simulate the physical, technical and tactical needs of a real soccer match (18), however, the impact of this type of training on the immune system and aspects Its physiological properties have received less attention. Examining the effects of this type of exercise on the immune system and especially the functional components of this system, including cytokines, can provide very effective information. There are contradictions in the research on the effect of exercise on IL-15, some of which have confirmed the acute effects of resistance training on this cytokine (11) and in another study, the lack of effect of endurance training on IL-15 has been reported (19). Therefore, in order to answer the ambiguities in this field, it is necessary to conduct various researches based on different variables such as the type, intensity and duration of training. On the other hand, a study that examines the effect of training in the field Small on IL-15 and neutrophils were not found. Therefore, the present study intends to compare the effect two modes of small sided games on the interleukin-15 and neutrophil levels in soccer players. Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 24 youth soccer players of Tehran Province Premier League (15 to 18 years old) were selected and randomly divided into three groups include,control, 2 vs. 2 and 4 vs. 4. small sided game 2 vs. 2 consisted of eight two-minute activities with a minute of rest between each two minutes of play on a field measuring 20 by 25 meters. Also, the small sided game 4-on-4 included four four-minute activities with two minutes of rest after every four minutes on a field measuring 28 by 35 meters. Plasma levels of interleukin-15 and blood neutrophil counts were measured. Data were analyzed by t-test, One-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test at the P <0. 05. Results: The results showed that IL-15 levels increased significantly only after small sided game 2 vs. 2 compared to before training (p=0. 043). The number of neutrophils in both experimental groups increased significantly compared to before exercise (p=0. 001). There was no significant difference in the number of neutrophils between the two experimental groups (p=1. 000). Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that immediately after 2 vs. 2 in the small sided games, IL-15 levels increased significantly, although increase in IL-15 levels was also seen in exercise 4 vs. 4, but this increase, from the comment was not statistically significant. The findings of this study were consistent with the results of some Previous research showed that exercise leads to significant increase in IL-15 levels (11, 20). Due to the fact that exercise training is performed in different intensities and will have different effects, according to the above, it can be suggested that one of the reasons for the difference between the effect of exercise 2 vs. 2 compared to 4 vs. 4 in contrast to IL-15, the intensity of exercise is high, which increases the response of interleukin-15 to exercise. No change or increase in IL-15 has been observed following exercise. These changes probably depend more than anything on the age and training status of the subjects. In any case, more research is needed and with only one research cannot be concluded with confidence. also, it has been suggested by Ajuwon and Spurlock (2004) that IL-15 may be produced by organs in response to immune stress in muscle protein stability and fat oxidation to produce energy (26). Therefore, the action of interleukin-15 on muscle mass and fat can be important for exercise. In the present study, small sided game 20-25 compared to small sided game 28-35 led to a further increase in interleukin-15 levels. In this regard, it has been shown that in a training session, there is strong inverse relationship between the reaction of interleukin-15 circulating to the intensity and duration of training, so that longer and less intense muscle activity can reduce the secretion of this myokine (11). As mentioned, the intensity of training on small sided can be adjusted by changing or manipulating several factors, including the number of players involved in training, the size and shape of the small sided. Research has shown that training in small sided with fewer players increases heart rate more than training in small sided with more players (2). Also, the results of the present study showed that exercise 2 vs. 2 and 4 vs. 4 increased the number of neutrophils, which is in line with the results of previous research (29, 30). It is possible that the increase in neutrophil count is mainly due to exercise-induced muscle injury, but this increase has been seen following exercise that does not cause muscle damage (32). Also, some studies have shown that regular exercise reduces the number of neutrophils in active people (33). Because exercise can be considered a stress, and stress (both physical and mental) causes messages to be released from the brain and affect the functioning of the human immune system, the main neuroendocrine pathways against stress activated on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the human immune system controls the release of glucocorticoids (such as cortisol) and catecholamines. Thus, the primary increase in neutrophils is rooted in the release of catecholamines and the secondary increase is rooted in plasma cortisol activity (34). Overall, it seems that high intensity training on smaller pitches (Exercise 2 vs. 2 on 20-25m field) increased the IL-15 response. As mentioned, IL-15 is secreted by organs in response to immune stress in muscle protein stability and fat oxidation to produce energy. Therefore, the action of IL-15 on muscle mass and fat can be important for exercise. Therefore, it is recommended to use the game on smaller fields in order to have its benefits.

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Background & Aims: Cancer is considered the major health problem in the 21st century. The increasing growth of cancer in about last two decades and the detrimental effects it has had on the physical, mental, social and economic aspects of human life have, more than ever, caused concern among experts. Cancer is a "life-threatening disease" that kills more than 6. 7 million people each year. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women. It is a highly heterogeneous disease in which hereditary and environmental risk factors play a role, leading to the accumulation of masses and progressive genetic and epigenetic changes in breast cancer cells. In recent years, the Psychodrama approach has been used in the psychological improvement of cancer patients. In this type of treatment, screening is used to promote the mental health of patients. Researchers have examined the usefulness of Psychodrama in the emotional regulation of patients. People who have a high level of interaction with others, their emotions are dominant and use less logical thinking in the face of different situations. These people are in dire need of approval from important people in their lives and therefore are more disposed to psychological problems such as depression in the event of stress and interpersonal problems. Psychodrama can be effective in reducing their integration by developing the role of individuals and increasing their spontaneity and creativity. In fact, Psychodrama is a method of therapy that helps participants in a process to recreate their social and psychological issues in a real context, because this treatment provides an opportunity for them to be able to vent their emotions in the right direction. Psychodrama is one of the types of group therapies that help a person to review and discover the psychological dimensions of his problem by showing them and not just through dialogue. This approach, which uses mental imagery, imagination, physical actions, and group dynamics, is a combination of art, play, emotional sensitivity, and outspoken thinking that facilitates the release of trapped emotions to help individuals acquire new and more effective behaviors and to open up undiscovered ways of resolving conflict as well as recognizing one's own form. Psychodrama connects cognitive analysis with experimental and action dimensions. In practice, implementing interpersonal interaction in a problem, involving the body and mind that an event is taking place in the present, conveys ideas and feelings to a person's level of awareness that are not possible only in the case of talking about that issue. Nonverbal aspects not only affect the quantity and quality of the relationship, but are also clues to latent internal motivations and attitudes, such as behaviors with more anger or more obvious states of fear that raise awareness of emotions Which may be hidden in the person. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a combination of theories and techniques of behavior therapy and cognitive therapy. Behavioral and cognitive approaches both derive to some extent from the empirical tradition and its emphasis is on increasing cognitive skills and decreasing maladaptive cognitive activities, and it also uses behavioral tasks to change behavior and these methods are used for patients according to their progress in each session. In a research entitled “, The effect of group training on cognitive-behavioral therapy based on improving quality of life on hope and happiness in people with breast cancer”,Naqibi, Saeedi and Khazaei found that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the variables of hope and happiness after adjusting the pre-test scores. A cancer diagnosis can affect the emotional health of patients, families, and caregivers. Common feelings during this life-changing experience include anxiety, distress, and depression. Roles at home, school, and work can be affected. It's important to recognize these changes and get help when needed. Methods: The current study was a quasi-experimental design of pre-test-post-test with a control group with follow-up. The statistical population of this study included all women aged 30-50 years with breast cancer who referred to a specialist doctor's clinic for treatment and received a diagnosis of breast cancer. The sample of the current study consisted of 45 people (15 people for each group,ie 15 people in experimental group 1, ie 15 people in experimental group 2 and 15 people in control group). In this study, the available sampling method was used,Among the people who were introduced through surgical clinics or through other specialists. About 45 patients were selected and randomly assigned again in three groups and 15 experimental (two groups) and control in each group. Inclusion criteria were,1-Not using psychotropic drugs, narcotics and psychological therapies during the study, 2-Being over 30 years old, 3-Not having acute or chronic mental disorders, and 4-Expressing satisfaction for the participation of the subjects and criteria for leaving The study included,1-Not attending the experimental sessions and intervention for more than two sessions, 2-Not wanting to continue attending the experimental sessions and intervention and 3-Having a severe psychiatric disorder that needs immediate treatment. The Reef Psychological Well-being Questionnaire (1989) was administered pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The therapeutic packages of psychodrama therapy and cognitive behavior therapy applied on experimental groups (ninety minutes each session) weekly and the control group did not receive any therapy. Results: Results showed that both of cognitive behavior therapy & psychodrama are affected the same on increasing to Mental well-being level of patients with breast cancer. Three-month follow-up confirmed these results. Conclusion: By use to cognitive behavior therapy & psychodrama (especially CBT) can to increase Mental well-being level in women with breast cancer. Then this component affective to raise the health of these patients. This research has been done sectional and it is necessary to control comorbidities. The available research sample may not be representative of all patients. The results of the present study can be generalized to breast cancer patients with demographic characteristics related to this study and if it needs to be generalized to other women, this should be done with caution and sufficient knowledge. The treatment protocols implemented in this study were not implemented as a specific program for breast cancer patients, but a group training program was used. Due to the time constraints, if the time and conditions for follow-up and follow-up are possible in a longer period of time, we can talk about the treatment results with more certainty and confidence. However, due to executive and financial problems and time limitations of the dissertation, this opportunity was not provided in this study.

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Background & Aims: Cervical cancer develops in female cervix. 99% of cervical cancer cases are linked to infection with high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPV). Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women. Effective primary (HPV vaccination) and secondary prevention approaches can prevent most cervical cancer cases. The treatment of cervical cancer varies worldwide. Radiation may be used in all stages where surgical options do not exist. In addition, chemotherapy can be used to treat cervical cancer, and has been found to be more effective than radiation alone. However, prevention methods are very important to be considered to overcome the soaring incidence of cervical cancers (1, 2). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) are a group of medicines that relieve pain and fever and reduce inflammation. They work by blocking a specific group of enzymes called cyclo-oxygenase enzymes (COX enzymes) leading to reducing of prostaglandins production. Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is an NSAID used to reduce pain, fever, or inflammation. Aspirin is also used long-term to help prevent further heart attacks, ischaemic strokes, and blood clots in people at high risk. Aspirin decomposes rapidly in some chemical solutions including ammonium acetate or the acetates. Aspirin's ability to suppress the production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes is due to its irreversible inactivation of the cyclooxygenase enzyme required for prostaglandin synthesis. Aspirin also uncouples oxidative phosphorylation in certain tissues mitochondria, by diffusing from the inner membrane space as a proton carrier back into the mitochondrial matrix, where it ionizes once again to release protons. There is evidence that has shown that aspirin as a chemoprotective agent may reduce overall cancer incidence and mortality in colorectal, esophageal and gastric cancers with smaller effects on prostate, breast and lung cancer. Research has shown that NSAIDs such as aspirin play a role in preventing cancer development in a variety of organs including colon, pancreas, stomach, uterus and esophagus (3, 4). In vitro and in vivo studies have revealed that NSAIDs have significant inhibitory effects on a variety of tumors, including gastrointestinal tumors and tumors of the reproductive system. Recent research suggest that NSAIDs have inhibitory effects on ovarian, breast, and cervical cancer cells in vivo and in vitro (5-10). Aspirin has been reported to have antitumor effects on reproductive cancer cells (11). However, contrary to research findings that confirm the anti-tumor effects of aspirin on cancer cells of the reproductive system, some research has shown that aspirin has no significant effects on cancer development. Some research results have not shown a significant association between aspirin and reduced endometrial and ovarian cancers (12, 13). Although many studies demonstrate the anti-cancer effects of aspirin, the inhibitory effect of aspirin on cancer cells are still challenging. The present study investigated the cytotoxic effects of aspirin on cervical cancer (Hela) cells in vitro and the effects of cytotoxic concentration of aspirin on expression level of apoptotic BAX, anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and iNOS in cervical cancer cells. Methods: In this experimental-laboratory study, cervical cancer cell line was purchased from Pasteur Institute and divided into aspirin-treated groups with 0. 0001, 0. 001, 0. 01, 0. 1, 1 and 10 mg /ml, and control (untreated) group. MTT (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2–, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay was used to determine cell viability through determination of mitochondrial function of cells by measuring activity of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase, during which, MTT is reduced to a purple formazan by NADH. The product was quantified by light absorbance at 570 nm. The expression levels of BAX, Bcl-2, iNOS genes were evaluated by Reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) technique. Total RNAs were extracted with the high purity RNA extraction kit according to the manufacturer’, s instructions and reversetranscribed into cDNAs. Then, real-time quantitative PCR was conducted to analyze Bax, Bcl-2, iNOS and GAPDH expression levels. The expression of genes was calculated based on 2-Δ, Δ, CT method and was normalized to the loading control, GAPDH. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Results: The results of the present study showed that cervical cancer (Hela) cell viability did not change significantly when exposed to 0. 0001, 0. 001, 0. 01 and 0. 1 of aspirin compared to control group. However, exposure of cervical cancer cells to 1 and 10 mg / ml of aspirin significantly reduced cell viability (p<0. 05 and p<0. 001, respectively). BAX, Bcl-2 and iNOS expression levels significantly increased in cervical cancer cells exposed to1 mg/ml of aspirin. The BAX / Bcl-2 ratio was 3. 18 showing the higher level of apoptotic BAX than anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 expression level. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that lower concentrations of aspirin did not have cytotoxic effects on cervical cancer cells, but higher concentrations could induce BAX-dependent apoptosis by increasing the ratio of BAX to Bcl-2 expression level, and increasing the relative expression of Nitric oxide synthase gene. After binding to its receptor and triggering a chain of reactions, aspirin is thought to trigger the expression of apoptotic genes by acting on DNA and transcription. In this way, BAX in the mitochondrial membrane, after homodimerization and oligomerization, causes the opening of anion channels, and consequently the potential difference of the mitochondrial membrane changes. These channels release proteins and apoptotic factors such as cytochrome C into the cellular cytosol, and following this release, apoptosis occurs with the activation of caspase cascade. In this study, the cytotoxic concentration of aspirin, in addition to significantly increasing the expression of BAX apoptotic gene, unexpectedly increased Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic gene, but due to the very high ratio of BAX to Bcl-2, increased gene expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 was not able to counteract the high level of BAX expression and thus the process of induction of apoptosis has occurred in cervical cancer cells. The results of this study showed that aspirin increases the expression level of iNOS gene, which in turn plays a role in apoptosis induction in cervical cancer cells. Conclusively, lower concentrations of aspirin (and physio-pharmacological doses) do not have significant anticancer effects on cervical cancer cells. However, further experimental, clinical and epidemiological studies are required to determine the exact anticancer effects of aspirin on the cervical cancer cells.

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Background & Aims: Sometimes referred to as mental methods of measuring quality of life, life satisfaction is a multilevel structure that relates to the overall assessment of life areas such as health, capital, occupation, self-esteem, and interpersonal relationships [2]. Leisure and the way it is spent one of the recent concepts that after the industrialization of societies, the growth of capitalism and the expansion of cities found its true meaning [6]. In order to examine the benefits of leisure, various studies have placed great emphasis on individuals' mental assessments of their leisure time in the literature. This emphasis was more on the concept of perceived freedom in leisure, which was used to measure the performance of tasks (tasks) of people during leisure. Perceived freedom has been one of the most important aspects of understanding leisure behaviors. Self-esteem was another structure that was examined in this study, based on its close relationship with the perception of leisure freedom and life satisfaction [9]. Self-esteem is related to a positive or negative attitude towards oneself and reflects one's feelings of self-worth. This factor seems to be important for a successful and satisfying life, as one of the main characteristics of being good (being healthy) [2]. Also, another variable that has been studied in accordance with the variables of this research is psychological well-being. Reef sees psychological well-being as the pursuit of perfection in the realization of one's true potential. Psychological well-being refers to the quality of life experienced and reflects desirable psychological performance and experience [11]. Exercise and physical activity are extremely valuable tools as one of the ways to spend leisure time, which today is the largest part of the leisure time of millions of people around the world. Rati and Lee (2020) state that psychological well-being has an effect on life satisfaction [18]. Liang et al. (2020) believe that selfesteem has an effect on life satisfaction [19]. But Agiar (2014) in a study examined perceived freedom and leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction among Turkish women and showed that perceived freedom in leisure time did not affect life satisfaction, although psychological, social subscales, Physiologically and aesthetically, leisure satisfaction was significantly associated with participants' life satisfaction [23]. In expressing the necessity of research, it can be said that considering the importance of self-esteem, perceived leisure freedom, psychological well-being in the lives of people, including students, and the effects that these factors can have on people's life satisfaction, the result of this research is It can pave the way for discovering some factors affecting students' life satisfaction and provide a more logical justification for promoting attention to the mentioned factors and indicators among students and in society in general, Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the communication model of perceived freedom in sports leisure, self-esteem, psychological well-being and life satisfaction among students. Methods: The research was Quantitative method and descriptive in terms of implementation path, survey type based on structural equations. The statistical population of the present study is all physical education and non-physical education students of Azad University located in Tehran in research sciences units,Medical Sciences Branch, Central Tehran Branch, North Tehran Branch, East Tehran Branch, West Tehran Branch and South Tehran Branch, which consisted of 373 people according to Morgan table and unlimited population size based on cluster random sampling method Sample titles were selected from each unit. Reef (1989) Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire, Ellis, Peter & Witt (1984), Rosenberg (1965) and Denise (1985) Life Satisfaction Questionnaire were used to collect data. Pearson correlation coefficient test and structural equations were used to analyze the data using SPSS and AMOS software. Results: According to the results of Pearson correlation test, there is a significant positive relationship between the variables of perceived freedom in sports leisure, psychological well-being, self-esteem and life satisfaction. Also, based on fitness indicators (GFI, CFI, RMSEA) and other fitness indicators (CFI, NFI, IFI), the communication model of perceived freedom in sports leisure, self-esteem, psychological well-being and life satisfaction has had a favorable fit. The results showed that perceived freedom in sports leisure on psychological well-being and life satisfaction,Self-esteem has a significant positive effect on psychological well-being and life satisfaction and psychological well-being on life satisfaction of physical education students. Conclusion: According to the research findings, there is a significant positive relationship between perceived freedom in sports leisure and psychological well-being and life satisfaction. The results of the model also showed that perceived freedom in sports leisure has a significant positive effect on psychological well-being and life satisfaction of physical education students. The findings of this study were consistent with the results of Previous research [2, 17, 18, 23, 28]. It could be argued that students who perceived higher levels of freedom identified themselves as more deserving individuals and were able to control what happened before, during, and after participation in their spare time. In contrast, those who perceived lower levels of leisure freedom (with less perception of leisure freedom) were subjected to a learned misery and helplessness that led to a different end of the chain (hierarchy) in White's perception of leisure freedom. Thus, lower levels of perceived freedom were likely to lead to lower levels of leisure participation. This ultimately leads to the loss of a variety of benefits from leisure participation such as positive mental and physical health and greater physiological (mental) health, self-esteem, psychological well-being, happiness and higher social interaction, especially in the case of university students, which are the main objectives of this study. Having a strong will and self-esteem, decision-making power and initiative, creativity and innovation, mental health and mental health has a direct relationship with the amount and manner of self-esteem and self-esteem, which causes a person to have higher life satisfaction and psychological well-being. Based on studies on intrinsic motivation, they propose an autonomous model of well-being. This model assumes that there are three universal psychological needs: independence, competence, and dependence,Satisfaction of these needs is a predictive tool for wellbeing [31]. It can be said that according to the welfare autonomy model, the effect of selfacceptance, collective feeling and dependence is positively related to self-fulfillment and vitality and life satisfaction of individuals and at the same time, it is negatively related to behavioral problems. For example, students are happier during the day when they engage in activities based on innate beliefs. In addition, moving toward intrinsic goals is positively associated with increased life satisfaction among students. Explaining the results, it can be said that participation in entertainment, recreational and physical leisure activities can have positive effects on the life and psychological characteristics of physical education students such as life satisfaction, self-esteem and psychological well-being. According to the results, the need to increase the level of awareness and attitude and engage in leisure activities along with sports activities can increase life satisfaction and mental wellbeing of physical education students, which is done by holding training classes and evaluating leisure programs. It can be effective and useful. It is suggested that information about better life satisfaction, self-esteem and mental well-being of physical education students be made public through mass media such as radio, television, magazines, etc. to encourage the public to participate in sports. Provide. Supporting leisure sports activities should be one of the basic principles in a leisure program. One of the limitations of the present study is the lack of standard tools in the field of perceived freedom in sports leisure and also little research on this variable in the country. On the other hand, the present study is limited to all physical education students of Islamic Azad University of Tehran. Therefore, generalization of results should be done with caution. It is suggested that information about the better life satisfaction, self-esteem and psychological well-being of physical education students be made public through mass media such as radio, television, magazines, etc. to encourage the public to participate in sports.

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Background & Aims: Osteosarcoma (also called osteogenic sarcoma) is the most common type of cancer that starts in the bones. It is a malignant mesenchymal cell tumour, characterized by pleomorphic spindle-shaped cells, capable of producing an osteoid matrix. Tumour cells metastasize primarily via the haematogenous route. This disease is very aggressive and the tumor formed is fixed, hard and irregular. The cancer cells in these tumors look like early forms of bone cells that normally help make new bone tissue, but the bone tissue in an osteosarcoma is not as strong as that in normal bones. Overall, osteosarcoma is a rare disease, however, children and teens are the most commonly affected age group, but osteosarcoma can develop at any age. Although this disease occurs sporadically, approximately 70% of tumor specimens show an abnormality in the chromosome. Moreover, regulation of cell cycle has been reported to demonstrate inherited defects in some cases. The incidence of osteosarcoma is bimodal. The first peak occurs at the ages of puberty, implying the ages of 15 to 19 in boys and the ages of 10 to 14 in girls. The second peak occurs in the elderly with the age of 75 years. Noteworthy, osteosarcoma is rare before the age of 5. With the application of multimodal chemotherapy, disease-free survival of patients with high-grade osteosarcoma has been improved to more than 60% compared to 10–, 20% which was reachable with the surgery as the only therapeutic approach. At present, treatment of osteosarcoma is a combination of surgery and chemotherapy both before and after the surgery. Additionally, the use of common chemotherapeutic agents such as high-dose methotrexate, cisplatin, doxorubicin and/or etoposide and ifosfamide frequently causes both acute and long-term toxicity. Although several chemotherapy regimens have been applied in the past 20 years, survival rates of patients are still not satisfying and no practical targeted therapy is discovered. Therefore, it is important to investigate different therapeutic methods and anti-tumor agents in order to find an approach that provides a higher survival rate. Flavonoids possess several biological and pharmacological activities. In addition, flavonoids have the advantage of being less toxic and can be prescribed for an extended duration. Therefore, various plant-derived flavonoids use as drugs have been reported as a modulator for chronic inflammation caused by virus infection and other diseases, such as human papillomavirus, hepatitis virus, SARS-CoV-2, autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’, s disease, Parkinson’, s disease, and cancer. Quercetin is a naturally occurring polyphenolic flavonoid, whose chemical name is 3, 3′, , 4′, , 5, 7-Pentahydroxyflavone (C15H10O7), can be found in a wide range of daily foods, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables and in higher levels in capers, buckwheat seeds, radish, onions, apples, red leaf lettuce, asparagus, nuts, and teas. It is reported that oral administration of 1 g quercetin per day is safe and is absorbed up to 60%. Quercetin has a high ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) molecules,therefore, exhibiting beneficial effects in preventing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammation. Furthermore, quercetin is indicated to exert various anti-tumor effects both in vitro and in vivo against several cancers, such as ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer, lymphoma, gastric cancer, and breast cancer. On the other hand, the high toxic effect of quercetin against cancer cells is accompanied with little or no side effects or harm to normal cells. Its wide accessibility, efficacy, and a broad range of activity, and low toxicity as compared with other examined compounds, make it an attractive chemical in the fight against diseases including cancer. It has been recognized and employed as an alternative drug in treating different cancers alone or in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs. NO is a free radical that regulates several physiological functions and is formed by the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline by nitric oxide synthases (NOS). NO is a dual molecule that can have a tumor-protecting or stimulating effect, depending on its local concentration. Certain reports demonstrated a cytotoxic role of NO,others presented a protective role. Many investigations have shown that quercetin has anti-inflammatory activity that pulls out the nitric oxide, catalase, and cytokines, specifically TNF-α, , IL-β, , and IL-6, which are inflammatory mediators. Therefore, we tried to elucidate the influence of quercetin in order to suggest a new candidate for the treatment of this cancer, on in vitro NO production from Saos2 osteosarcoma cell line Methods: After 24 hours of culture of Saos2 cells in 96-well plates, different concentrations of quercetin were added to the wells for 72 hours. Cell viability was measured using the colorimetric MTT assay. Briefly, cells were incubated with 0. 5mg/mL MTT in DMEM at 37 º, C under 5 % CO2 for 3 h. The blue formazan reduction product, which is generated by the action of the succinate dehydrogenase on the dye only in living cells, was dissolved in 100μ, L DMSO, and its absorbance was read at 570nm using a Dynex MMX microplate reader. The level of nitrite as an indicator of NO production in the culture medium was measured using modified Griess reagent. In brief, after the experiment, the medium in each well was removed and centrifuged at 10, 000 g for 10 min at 20 º, C. Then, 100 μ, L of the supernatant was mixed with an equal volume of Griess reagent at room temperature for 10 min, and the absorbance was measured at 540 nm using a microplate reader. The nitrite concentration was determined from a sodium nitrite standard curve. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and P < 0. 05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The results of this study showed that quercetin can decrease the percentage of cell viability of Saos2 cells compared to the control group. The best effective dose is 120 μ, M. Also, the data showed that quercetin in all concentrations was able to reduce the production of NO levels in Saos2 cells and the best effective concentration is 120 μ, M. Conclusion: In this study, it was found that quercetin was able to reduce the viability of Saos2 cells, and part of its effects could be mediated partially by a decrease in NO production. However, further studies are needed on this natural compound.

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Background & Aims: Today in the context of Covid 19 disease, completely changing conditions and governing organizations, increasing competition, and the need for its effectiveness in such conditions, reveals their need for a valuable generation of employees. Today, completely changing conditions and governing organizations, increasing competition, and the need for its effectiveness in such conditions, reveal their need for a valuable generation of employees. A generation that is referred to as organizational soldiers. Undoubtedly, these employees are the distinguishing feature of effective organizations. Financial and technological resources are not the only advantage of organizations, having talented and capable people can not only be considered a competitive advantage of the organization but can also compensate for the lack or disadvantage of other resources. In the current competitive situation and in an environment where continuous change and continuous innovation is its main feature, only organizations that understand the strategic role of human resources and have skilled, knowledge-based, competent, competent, elite human resources will succeed. And be capable. Organizations that can not design appropriate mechanisms and measures for the retention of their talents must inevitably watch their departure. Organizations always spend a lot of money to attract the best staff,so if they can not maintain these forces, they have wasted those costs. Dismissal of key employees can be considered detrimental to organizations in terms of replacement costs and disruptions. The intention to leave an employee affects both the organization and other employees,therefore, thinking is important to minimize the negative effects of leaving the service on the performance of the organization. Leaving the service is very costly, and given the recent recession, the importance of retaining key employees for the success of the organization has been emphasized. Due to the conditions of Covid-19, in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, which is an important system in the field of medical education, the need for human capital, especially doctors and paramedics, has intensified. In addition, the heterogeneous population pyramid of the organization in this university, which was due to the inability to maintain and train specialized human resources in previous years, has created a deep gap in this area and therefore the university decided to attract and retain human capital. To be able to intelligently choose the right way of working and the best ideas. The general indicators presented in previous studies are not appropriate or effective for universities and especially medical universities and the result is not satisfactory,therefore, the results of the present study, which is specifically conducted at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, can provide more accurate and appropriate guidance. Therefore, the researcher pursues this research to determine the factors affecting the absorption and retention of human resources of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences with an emphasis on crisis management. Methods: The present research is based on the purpose of applied research and based on the method of data collection in qualitative research and the terms of implementation method are descriptive-survey research. The statistical population of the study included 25 human resources experts of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences who were selected by purposive random sampling method using a snowball sampling method. In the content analysis section, first, by conducting interviews with experts under the title of open-ended questions, the information required for content analysis was collected. Conducting interviews with experts After 25 experts, the comments were saturated and at this stage, the interview was completed. In the next step, content analysis, coding, and indexing were performed. In the second stage of content analysis, the indicators were assigned to the components, based on which the identified indicators were divided between several components. In the next stage of content analysis, the determining components were assigned to different dimensions. In the second part, the Delphi technique was used to confirm the identified indicators. In the next step, using the Delphi technique and CVR index, validation and elimination of insignificant indicators were performed. The Delphi technique was also examined in two stages. In the first stage of this section, a closed questionnaire consisting of identified indicators was scored using a 5-point Likert scale and distributed among experts and was performed in two stages of the Delphi technique. The results of content analysis and the Delphi technique are stated below. Results: According to the results of the study, two general dimensions of human resource absorption and retention were identified. Also, 11 components were identified, out of a total of 62 identified indicators, 17 indicators were allocated to absorption and 45 indicators to human resources retention. Conclusion: The result is that 11 components of recruitment or talent search operations, volunteer forces, selection operations, distribution operations, social resource socialization operations, service compensation system, organizational support, quality of work-life, safety and health, guidance and counseling and leadership, In crisis conditions (prevalence of Covid disease 19) is effective in attracting and retaining human resources of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. In general, the main features of the model of attracting and retaining human resources in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences are: Specific innovations of this model in comparison with other existing models in the field of attracting and retaining human resources in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences,In this research, two dimensions of human resources absorption and retention were identified, which are considered as innovations in this research,and The possibility of establishing the recruitment and retention of human resources in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in terms of components identified for the recruitment and retention of human resources in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in this study can show the ability of this university in attracting and retaining human resources to confirm. Therefore, it is suggested to prepare documents from the system of attracting and retaining human resources in times of crisis so that they can be used in the future and subsequent crises. Also, conferences and seminars on human resource management in times of crisis should be held at the University of Medical Sciences.

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Background & Aims: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic disease with a high mortality rate and is completely different from other diseases. It is an infectious disease caused by HIV, which is transmitted through contact between blood and semen. The disease is a rapidly expanding health challenge, and research findings show that people struggling with chronic diseases such as HIV + show high levels of psychological problems and dysfunction. HIV + is also associated with low resilience. Resilience is the ability to adapt to stressors in the face of adversity, which is a learnable skill and its mechanisms moderate the relationship between pain and its consequences. In other words, resilient and stubborn people can overcome a variety of adverse effects, have a greater ability to solve problems and respond better to adverse conditions to maintain their psychological well-being. Accordingly, research shows that people with HIV + have low psychological well-being in addition to low resilience. Psychological well-being is the pursuit of perfection in the realization of one's potential, which includes self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, autonomy, purposeful living, personal growth, and mastery of the environment. Unfortunately, in addition to affecting and lowering the quality of life of an infected person, HIV + can also affect the functioning of the family and the quality of life of those around them, including parents. Quality of life is a social concept according to which a person gives a mental understanding of the good or bad of life. Accordingly, the World Health Organization defines the quality of life as an individual's perception of life in the context of society's culture and values in line with the individual's goals and interests and relates it to physical, mental, beliefs, self-reliance, and social relationships. Knows. Therefore, some researchers believe that there is as much quality of life as there are people on earth because everyone can give a different perception and meaning to life. Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) was proposed by Paul Gilbert. Although the components of this treatment were initially proposed by Neff and he introduced them as awareness, kindness to oneself, and a sense of fellowship with humanity, it was Gilbert who used these structures in treatment sessions and introduced CFT. Although research findings support the effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy in a wide range of clinical problems, the researcher's research shows that so far a study on the effect of this treatment on variables of resilience, psychological well-being, and quality of life in HIV + patients Has not taken place. Accordingly, this study seeks to answer the question of whether a course of treatment focused on compassion has a significant effect on resilience, psychological well-being, and quality of life of HIV + patients? Methods: The present study was applied and included experimental designs of pretest-post-test with an experimental group and a control group. The statistical population of the study is all 330 HIV + patients in the Center for Behavioral Diseases in 1397. According to Fidel and Tapachik's (2001) purposeful sampling method, 107 people (104+ number of dependent variables) had the criteria for inclusion in the study. They were selected from the mentioned community. For screening, the selected candidates first answered the Connor and Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (2003), the Reef Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire (1989), and the Weir and Sherborn Quality of Life Questionnaire (1992), followed by 55 people with the lowest scores. Were selected in response to the questionnaires, and finally 30 people who met the inclusion criteria and declared their readiness to conduct the study were included in the study. Candidates were randomly assigned to a 15-member experimental group and a 15-member control group. Inclusion criteria included at least one year of HIV + infection, not receiving any other psychological intervention during the study, the age range of at least 20 and at most 30 years, higher education, single marital status, and no gender consideration is. Exclusion criteria included the unwillingness of volunteers to continue the sessions and the absence of more than one session in group interventions. The experimental groups underwent 8 sessions of 120-minute treatment focused on compassion therapy (CFT). The control group did not receive any intervention until the end of the study. At the end of the interventions, all three groups were re-evaluated and the results of the interventions were compared with each other. To evaluate the stability of treatment, 1 month after the interventions, the volunteers were re-evaluated. The instruments of this study included the Connor and Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (2003), the Reef Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire (1989), and the Weir and Sherborne Quality of Life Questionnaire (1992). Data analysis was performed in two parts: descriptive and inferential. Covariance analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The findings indicate that the independent variable, ie compassion-focused treatment, has affected all research variables including resilience, psychological well-being, and physical and psychological quality of life, and are significant at the level of 0. 001. Conclusion: Explaining the findings of this study in the sense that compassionfocused therapy affects the variables of resilience, psychological well-being, and quality of life, it can be said that compassion-focused therapy, like acceptance and commitment therapy, is opposed to clinical diagnosis. And these variables, as described earlier, are positive psychological variables. The three basic principles taught to people living with HIV in this treatment include mindfulness awareness, common human principles, and self-kindness. People in the group learned how to be kinder to themselves and useless self-blame. This may also provide a good explanation for how this affects research variables.

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Background & Aims: Recent research shows that grief over the death of a loved one from COVID-19 is actually more severe than that caused by other forms of loss, such as death from natural causes (1). As the effects of the death of a family member has a high psychological burden on the family (2). COVID-19 death statistics show that many people in families experience the loss and grief of loved ones,However, due to the epidemic nature of the virus and due to the observance of health protocols, it is not even possible for the survivors to mourn, and this makes the experience of the death of loved ones more painful and reduces the possibility of facing this loss ( 2). When mourning, the meaning of life changes,Because closeness to death can make people vulnerable to mortality,In other words, finding the meaning of life in times of mourning and injury faces challenges (3). Another variable examined in this study is spiritual health. According to Frankel's model, seeking meaning and coming out of oneself contributes a lot to the manifestation of human spiritual nature, which predicts an increase in spiritual paths and the meaning of life (11). In fact, spiritual health can act as a resilient factor when people deal with a traumatic factor such as grief (14). In the absence of flexibility, people do not find the original answer to their existential experience and face the crisis of achieving the meaning of life, which is called the syndrome of low mood, which is one of the manifestations of existential annoyance and at the same time indicates lack of cohesion and integrity. Is known (16). In general, researchers around the world are currently looking for programs to deal with this storm of untimely and unpredictable coronavirus in order to find a way to the deadly blows of this virus and the psychological damage caused by it. Because the corona pandemic has led to many psychological traumas in COVID-19 mourners (2). As the bereaved people at this time have suffered a lot from the physical and psychological effects of the virus, and this reminds us of the need for more research to find a solution to this damage. COVID-19 may be perceived as an ever-present fact of life that has left its mark on behavior and psychological dimensions, an effect that even individuals may not be consciously aware of. Recent findings suggest that fear of death in bereaved individuals predicts anxiety about the virus, which in turn leads to greater psychological distress (20). The researcher, therefore, seeks to answer the question of whether the meaning of life can be predicted on the basis of death anxiety, spiritual health, and demoralization in the mourners of Covid-19. Methods: For the present applied research, which was conducted by correlation method, among the citizens of Tehran between the ages of 25 and 70 in the spring of 1400, who lost at least one first-degree member of their family due to COVID-19, 215 Internet were selected as a sample. The method was as follows: After identifying people with experience of grief, provided they meet the criteria for entering the study, including consent to participate in the study, minimum literacy, loss of a loved one due to coronary heart disease in the last 6 months, Death Anxiety Inventory (DAS) (Templer, 1970), Meaning of Life (MLQ) (Steger, 2010), Spiritual Health (SWBS) (Pultzin and Ellison, 1982) and Depression Syndrome (DS) (Kisan et al., 2004) They completed the questionnaires via the Internet (WhatsApp and Telegram Virtual Networks). Also, after justifying the participants in the research regarding the steps of conducting the research, in order to maintain the anonymity of the participants, a code was assigned to each participant. Also, asking and obtaining personal information that was outside the research process was refused. Finally, in order to analyze the data, SPSS statistical software, version 25 and Pearson correlation and multiple regression statistical methods were used simultaneously. Results: The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between spiritual health and meaning of life. And the relationship between spiritual health with death anxiety is inverse and with demoralization syndrome is positive. Finally, the relationship between demoralization syndrome and spiritual health is not significant (Table 1). Regarding predicting the meaning of life based on death anxiety and demoralization symptoms, the results showed that the research variables simultaneously predict 36% of the variance in the meaning of life. Beta coefficients also showed that death anxiety and demoralization syndrome can significantly predict the meaning of life (Tables 2 and 3). Conclusion: The aim of this study was to predict the meaning of life based on death anxiety, spiritual health and mood syndrome in mourners of Covid-19. Many of the emotional and behavioral reactions of people to the coronavirus can be explained in the context of panic management theory, which states that many human behaviors are caused by death anxiety and its reminiscences. Death anxiety not only predicts Covid 19 anxiety, but also plays a causal role in mental health (30). The results of this study also show that there is a positive relationship between spiritual health and the meaning of life. Explaining these findings, high levels of hope / optimism on the spirituality scale were also associated with coronavirus anxiety in the community of health care professionals (32). The philosophy of the meaning of life begins with the basic view that life has meaning in itself, and in other words, life has meaning even in the worst of circumstances. People with higher spiritual health evaluate life more optimistically and with a more positive outlook, and therefore can be expected to evaluate life more meaningfully. To suffer less damage when faced with stresses and traumatic situations (15). The results also show that there is an inverse relationship between depressive symptoms and meaning of life. The correlation between mood swings and the meaning of life in reverse can be a solution in the specific context of the COVID-19 pandemic to use such theoretical models in psychotherapy and interventions to seek the help of the patient's mood infrastructure. Also, following the context of feelings and perceptions to which the patient attributes negatively in order to reconstruct and strengthen the meaning of life again to alleviate suffering (17).

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Background & Aims: One of the most important social institutions is the institution of education. An institution whose importance has caused planners and policymakers to pay special attention to it in their decisions and consider it as the basis for the development of societies. Favorable academic performance increases self-confidence and improves quality, and on the other hand, unfavorable academic performance causes feelings of inadequacy and loss of self-confidence. With the onset of Corona and the emphasis on social distancing in this regard, face-to-face education in schools and universities was closed in many countries. In addition to online education, the preparation of e-learning also affects the academic performance of students. If the learners are not prepared for this learning, they will have problems entering such learning and their performance will be affected. One of the important factors in the preparation of e-learning and the prerequisite for the implementation of virtual education is access to technology. Technology in virtual education includes the internet, smartphone, and necessary software. Without the necessary and appropriate equipment, the implementation of e-learning will have problems. Another important factor in preparing for electronic learning is having the necessary and continuous skills in using educational software, so learners must have the necessary ability to interact and communicate with technology to learn educational topics. One of the other factors affecting the academic performance of students in the conditions of the corona outbreak is the quality of teachers' teaching. The new situation caused by the spread of Corona has imposed unprecedented conditions on the education system of the countries, while before that, teachers were present in their classrooms most of the time and using traditional methods In particular, they used the lecture method to teach, but now they have faced a new situation where they have to teach online and change their teaching methods according to the conditions. Examining the quality of teachers' teaching is one of the most important issues that provides appropriate feedback in making basic decisions and analyzing educational issues. The quality of teaching is defined as the degree of conformity and consistency of each of the main indicators and characteristics of teaching quality with the standards and desirable and superior characteristics that are mentioned in various theories. The importance of the present research should be stated, considering that the results of some research pointed out the negative effect and undesirable uses of social media on the performance of students, and on the other hand, researchers also pointed to the positive effect of social media on learning and improvement. The communication skills of students and the development of these capacities have been pointed out, this existing educational gap justifies the need for investigation in this case and it is necessary to investigate more about the effect of virtual education on academic performance. In the research conducted on e-learning in Iran, most of the research refers to the preparation for e-learning at the university level, and the quality and preparation of learning in e-learning at the secondary level are not mentioned. Therefore, in this research, the preparation for e-learning was investigated as a mediating variable on virtual education at the high school level, to determine whether the change in the statistical population still confirms the results of the previous research or not. On the other hand, the studies carried out after the spread of the Coronavirus have mostly focused on the positive and negative consequences of virtual education from the teachers' point of view, and less research has focused on the role of teachers' teaching quality in virtual space and its final effect on academic performance, to fill the void. Mentioned research, in this research, the role of teachers' teaching quality on academic performance was investigated with the mediating role of e-learning preparation and virtual education. Because the rate of academic progress and failure is one of the efficiency criteria of the educational system, therefore, the discovery and investigation of variables affecting academic performance lead to a better understanding and prediction of effective variables in the school. As a result, the findings of this research can be a good help for the quality of education in the virtual space, and also the findings of the research can be made available to managers and teachers to use to improve the quality of teachers' teaching and teach teachers about the effectiveness of teaching. Make them aware of the academic progress of students. Methods: The statistical population of the research was all female secondary school students of the second period of Sabzevar city in the academic year of 1399-1400. Using the cluster sampling method, 335 people were selected as samples from this statistical population. The research was descriptive and correlational. To collect information, questionnaires on teachers' professional quality, e-learning readiness, and virtual education were used. Modeling of structural equations was performed by smart pls software. Results: The results of correlation analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the variables of teachers' teaching quality, learning readiness, and virtual education with the variable of academic performance. The results showed that the path coefficient of teachers' teaching quality to e-learning readiness was 0. 41, e-learning readiness to virtual education quality was 0. 70, and virtual education quality to academic performance was 0. 71. The model had good validity and reliability and all the fit indices of the model were in the desired range. Conclusion: The results indicate that the quality of teachers' teaching had an indirect effect on the academic performance of students due to the effect on the preparation of electronic learning and the quality of virtual education. According to the results of the present research, planning should be done in a happy atmosphere in such a way that the academic performance of students increases. For this purpose, it is better to provide preparation courses for students to use virtual space and for teachers, necessary courses for optimal teaching in virtual space. All researches face limitations. One of the limitations of the current research is related to the generalization of the research findings, considering that the study was conducted on high school students,therefore, generalizing the results to other stages should be done with caution. Another limitation is related to the unisex nature of the statistical population of the research, and its generalization to the statistical population of boys is not confirmed. It is suggested that other research on the effect of teachers' teaching quality on academic performance be carried out by changing and replacing the variables present in elementary school. In other research, it is possible to examine the research model in both sex groups to check what changes the gender factor causes in the research results. It is also suggested that teachers inform students about the way of activity and how to evaluate themselves in virtual education and teach them how to use virtual space.

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Background & Aims: Adolescence is considered one of the most critical periods of life. Due to the rapid technological, cultural, and social changes in today's societies, adolescence is associated with many physical, psychological, and social problems for several adolescents and is the basis of many risky behaviors and social harms caused by it this period in adolescents. Is placed Changes in this period of growth may cause certain problems. When adolescents cannot successfully overcome developmental crises and challenges, they will experience psychological distress and significant disruption in the normal flow of daily life and emotional, social, and cognitive aspects. One of the subjects investigated in this course is the occurrence of high-risk behaviors such as self-harm and self-mutilation. Self-mutilation is an intentional, impulsive, non-lethal act that causes injury to a person's body. Self-mutilation refers to localized and conscious self-destruction, which is caused by the inability to tolerate the aggressive impulses internalized by a person, to punish himself or others. Approximately 1% of the population uses self-harm during their lifetime to cope with a crippling situation or feeling. Self-harm makes people imperfect. It is difficult to understand this behavioral phenomenon and it occurs in a very simple way or in an emotional situation where a person is under pressure. The overall prevalence of narcissism in the general population is 4% and in clinical samples, it is 21%, which is 3 times higher in men than in women. It begins in early adolescence and can be the first manifestation of a severe mental illness. Regarding selfmutilation behavior, several models have been proposed. One model is the self-regulation model, which considers self-mutilation as a compensatory measure to relieve anger, anxiety, or emotional distress. They have unpleasant tension and by harming themselves, they reduce this unpleasant feeling in themselves. The therapeutic approach of acceptance and commitment is a new therapeutic approach and uses the processes of acceptance, mental focus, commitment, and behavior change processes to create psychological flexibility. According to the mentioned materials and the study of the background of the research conducted in the field of this topic, it can be said that the treatment method based on acceptance and commitment can have a positive effect on regulating emotions and reducing aggressive behavior of people, and also there is a gap of studies in This field is the researcher's motivation for the research to investigate this situation more closely. Finally, the contents of this research, it is an attempt to answer the basic question of whether treatment based on acceptance and commitment reduces emotion regulation, aggressive behavior, and self-mutilation. Does it affect students? Methods: The research method was quasi-experimental and the statistical population included teenage students with self-mutilation who were referred to the school counseling core and were referred to the emergency room of Zahedan city hospital in 1400. The sampling method was simply random, which included 40 people in three groups (20 people with acceptance and commitment therapy and 20 people as a control group). The research tools included the cognitive regulation of emotion questionnaires of Granfsky et al. (2003), aggression AGQ, and self-injury (SHI)). The experimental group received the intervention treatment method based on acceptance and commitment using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques in 8 one-and-a-half-hour sessions based on Bond and Hayes's (2004) treatment package. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software with multivariate analysis of covariance tests. Results: The results showed that the therapy training program based on acceptance and commitment had a significant effect on improving emotion regulation and reducing aggressive and self-harming behavior of students. Conclusion: In explaining this finding, it can be stated that treatment based on acceptance and commitment, unlike most treatments, does not seek to change the content of thought. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders seeks to help clients reduce their distress by changing cognitive and behavioral responses to anxiety. In fact, cognitivebehavioral therapy enables clients to create a new communication network of compatible thoughts and behaviors that compete with incompatible networks and memories and eliminate them. To achieve this goal, cognitive-behavioral therapy includes these components: training on the nature of fear and anxiety, reviewing signs and symptoms, training on body relaxation and correct breathing, cognitive reconstruction, behavioral tests, and imaginary exposure. And alive with mental images, bodily sensations, and situations, preventing responses. In cognitive reconstruction, clients learn to challenge the validity of anxiety-inducing thoughts, identify the cognitive errors that these thoughts reflect, and create alternative thoughts for them. Behavioral experiments directly challenge anxiety-based predictions. It helps clients approach the feared stimulus and see if their expected consequences occur. Response prevention confronts clients with the stimulus and anxiety-causing contexts, and at the same time prevents anxiety-reducing behaviors and avoidance behaviors. But treatment based on acceptance and commitment is a behavioral treatment that uses the skills of mindfulness, acceptance, and cognitive dissonance to increase psychological flexibility. In therapy based on acceptance and commitment, psychological flexibility means increasing the client's ability to connect with their experience in the present and choose to act in a way that is appropriate based on what is possible for them at that moment. With their chosen values, establishing this situation can have a positive effect on regulating people's emotions. In the alternative explanation, the treatment is based on acceptance and commitment to cognitive reconstruction, acceptance of symptoms, and control of behavior. Acceptance in therapy based on acceptance and commitment is defined as: "Accepting an event or situation and letting go of the dysfunctional symptom control program and an active process of feeling emotions as emotions, thinking thoughts as thoughts, and so on. Acceptance should not be confused with tolerance or submission. Both of these are passive and imperative. In fact, acceptance means being aware of inner experiences (thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical symptoms) and actively accepting them, without taking action to reduce them and without taking action based on their verbal aspect, in treatment based on acceptance and commitment to control and Avoidance is a context in which experiencing an internal event in this context can be traumatic. Therefore, instead of focusing on changing that internal event, the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy therapist seeks to change this context. By changing this context and turning it into a context of acceptance, any internal event can be experienced without being traumatic. And by changing this context, the goal of functional Contextualism, i. e. predicting behavior and influencing behavior, is realized.

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Background & Aims: Neurodevelopmental disorders are disorders that begin during the developmental period, often before the child enters school, and are characterized by developmental deficits that impair personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning. Neurodevelopmental disorder is a term used to describe neurological and mental disorders starting in childhood. Neurodevelopmental disorder includes specific learning and language disorders, motor coordination disorders, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, tic disorders and defiant-obstinacy disorder. Among the neuro-developmental disorders, autism spectrum disorder is considered a complex neuro-developmental disorder that usually has problems in communication and social interaction, limited interests and repetitive behaviors. Most of these children are also impaired in theory of mind, symbolic play, and imitation skills. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, its prevalence has quadrupled in the last decade. Autism spectrum disorder is a lifelong condition that is generally stable and includes persistent impairments in language, deficits in social skills, and inability to perform daily activities. Social, behavioral, communication and language problems. Therefore, it is challenging for children with autism spectrum disorder to communicate socially with their parents and manage their behavior. Methods: The present research method was a semi-experimental research with a pretest and post-test design and a control group. The independent variable in this research was parenting education based on executive functions and the dependent variable was parenting stress and its subscales. The statistical population of the study included all parents (mothers) of children with neurodevelopmental disorders in Tehran, who were present in the medical clinics of Tehran and received specialized services. The sample of this research includes mothers of 15 children with autism spectrum disorder as the experimental group and mothers of 15 children with autism spectrum disorder as the control group were selected through purposive sampling and were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. The criteria for entering the study are: the presence of neuro-developmental disorders in children such as autism spectrum disorder, the age of children between 7 and 11 years, the absence of physical and mental illness of mothers, full consent of mothers to participate in the research and participation in all sessions by the researcher in considered The exclusion criteria were non-cooperation and non-participation of parents in more than two sessions. Results: For another assumption of univariate covariance analysis, Levine's test of homogeneity of variances was used to check the assumption of homogeneity of variances. In this research, the use of this test showed that the assumption of homogeneity of variances has been fulfilled for all variables because the variables of childhood and parent's territory have F-statistics equal to 3. 48 and 2. 43, respectively, with degrees of freedom of 28 and 1 at the significance level. Equal to 0. 07 and 0. 13, they have homogeneity of variances in groups. Whenever the value obtained for this test is greater than 0. 05, the assumption based on the homogeneity of Levin's variances is confirmed. After confirming the presuppositions of univariate covariance analysis, the research hypotheses were checked. The data were analyzed by independent t-test. Data analysis showed that the experimental group compared to the control group, after participating in the training course, there was a statistically significant difference in test results. The results showed that parenting training based on executive functions had a positive effect on reducing the realm of childhood and the realm of parents with children with autism spectrum disorder Conclusion: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of parenting education based on executive functions on reducing parental stress of parents with children with autism spectrum disorder. The results of the research indicated that parenting training based on executive functions was effective in reducing parental stress. In this research, the effect of parenting training based on executive functions on two subscales of parental stress, such as the domain of childhood and parents, has been investigated. Research on the effect of parenting training based on executive functions on other psychological variables of parents with children with special needs and normal has not been done. For researchers interested in parenting training based on executive functions in students with autism spectrum disorder, it is suggested to implement this training on fathers of students with autism spectrum disorder and compare it with the results of this research on mothers. Also, implement the effect of parenting training based on executive functions on other groups of neurodevelopmental disorders. Also, the results of this research should be followed up in the long term. In addition to these suggestions, the effect of parenting training based on executive functions on the anxiety and stress of mothers with children with neurodevelopmental disorders should be investigated in future researches. Also, as practical suggestions, it can be acknowledged that brochures in the field of parenting skills based on executive functions are prepared and made available to parents, especially mothers, so that in the long term, the positive effect of this training on the psychological problems of parents, especially mothers, can be seen.

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& Aims: From the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic, a number of recommendations were made by health organizations, such as maintaining social distance, using masks, and hand hygiene. Hand washing with soap or alcohol-based disinfectants and high hygiene as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of this emerging virus is widely promoted, and almost all people follow these recommendations. Although hand washing and hygiene are more serious than ever before, and is certainly helpful in preventing the spread of Covid-19, but there is the question of how this can affect different people who have not previously had obsessive-compulsive disorder, and also peoples with mild and sub-threshold symptoms (1, 6). The Covid-19 epidemic in the late winter of 2019 / spring 2020 became a global crisis and spread widely and rapidly across borders and continues to this day (3). Covid-19 disease may have different effects on people with different socioeconomic status, as shown in several studies (11, 9, 8, 20, 21, 22). Very little is known about the impact of the emerging Covid-19 disease on the prevalence or development of mental disorders, and little research has been done in this area. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of obsessivecompulsive disorder in recovered hospitalized patients with Covid-19 six months after discharge from the hospital, evaluate the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder, socioeconomic status and demographic variables such as gender, age, level of education and marital status. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 479 patients with a history of definitive diagnosis of Covid-19 and subsequent hospitalization were studied. The participation of all sample members in this study was completely voluntary and the present study has been approved by the ethics committee of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The sample members were selected using random number generation software and through a completely random selection from the list of hospitalized patients. After selecting the sample, they were invited to participate in the study by telephone. After initial satisfaction, research questionnaires were provided to the sample members face to face. In this study, Maudsley Obsessional Compulsive inventory (MOCI), Ghodrat Nama et al. Socio-Economic Status Questionnaire (GHSESQ) were used. The validity and reliability of these questionnaires have been studied in Iran and both of them are valid and reliable. Also, after completing the questionnaires, each member of the sample was examined through a short face-to-face supplementary interview (maximum 10 minutes) for the presence of DSM5 diagnostic criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder and the results were recorded. After data collection, the overall point prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder was calculated. Also, the point prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder were obtained based on each of the classes of demographic variables in the study. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test were used in this study. SPSS 21 statistical software was used for data analysis. Results: After reviewing and analyzing the completed questionnaires and the results of the supplementary interview, 92 members of the sample were diagnosed with obsessivecompulsive disorder. The overall prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in all samples was 19. 20%. According to the results of statistical analysis, there was a significant relationship between gender and obsessive-compulsive disorder and this disorder was more common in women than men (χ, 2 = 5. 3793,P-value = 0. 020378,p≤, 0. 05). There was a significant relationship between age variable and obsessive-compulsive disorder and the prevalence of this disorder was more common in other age groups of 38-58 and 18-38, respectively (χ, 2 = 10. 3501,P-value = 0. 015813, p≤, 0. 05). There was no significant relationship between education and disorder (χ, 2 = 2. 9693,P-value = 0. 562976,p≤, 0. 05). Finally, in the case of marital status, there was no significant relationship between marital status and obsessivecompulsive disorder (χ, 2 = 4. 4587,P-value = 0. 107601,p≤, 0. 05). The prevalence of obsessivecompulsive disorder was 12. 16% in very low socio-economic status, 15. 16% in low socioeconomic status, 18. 12% in medium socio-economic status, 35. 84% in high socio-economic status and 40. 00% in very high socio-economic status. The results of this study showed that there was a significant relationship between socioeconomic status and obsessive-compulsive disorder in recovered hospitalized patients with Covid-19 (χ, 2 = 20. 7756,P-value = 0. 000351,p≤, 0. 05). The prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder has increased with increasing in level of socioeconomic status. The highest prevalence of disorders was in very high and high socio-economic status. One-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was performed to compare the mean scores of obsessive-compulsive disorder in different socioeconomic statuses and the value of F was 4. 67467, Which shows that there is a significant difference in the mean scores of obsessive-compulsive disorder between socio-economic statuses. The results of Tukey test on the mean scores of obsessive-compulsive disorder in different socioeconomic statuses showed that the differences between very low and high socioeconomic status (p = 0. 00597), very low and very high socioeconomic status (p = 0. 00179), low and high socioeconomic status (p = 0. 03153) were statistically significant. Conclusion: Evidence from research to date suggests that anxiety and fear of being infected by a person or family member, as well as fear of death and threat to life at the time of infection, especially in hospitalized cases, can lead to or the trigger for mental disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Hospitalized people who have experienced a severe illness and whose life and health are seriously threatened can be one of the groups with the highest rates of mental disorders caused by this epidemic. It is suggested that institutions and organizations related to the maintenance and promotion of mental health in the community take the necessary plans and measures to prevent the occurrence or exacerbation of mental disorders and reduce the psychological consequences of this epidemic in the general population and especially highrisk populations, like people who have experienced the intense and critical state of Covid-19. Considering that the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in recovered hospitalized patients with Covid-19 is much higher than the prevalence of this disorder in the general population, it can be concluded that covid-19 infection and subsequent hospitalization can lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder. prevalence of Covid-19 exacerbates obsessive-compulsive behaviors and thoughts related to cleanliness and avoidance of the virus. In addition to threatening people's physical health, Covid-19 also threatens their mental health.

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Background & Aims: Depression during pregnancy is one of the problems that may sometimes occur for some pregnant women. Many mothers also show the first signs of postpartum depression during their pregnancy. Feeling depressed is always difficult, and it can be a little harder during pregnancy because pregnant mothers are expected to have a happy life. Research shows that about 33% of women experience depression or anxiety disorder during pregnancy. While less than 20% of them seek treatment, and in most cases, treatment alone is not enough. The risk of depression in women during pregnancy is higher than ever. The estimated risk of depression during pregnancy is between 7% and 15% in developed countries and between 19% and 25% in weaker countries. Biological changes during pregnancy also have a direct effect on a person's mood and behavior. During pregnancy, the concentration of female sex hormones increases and changes the parts of the brain that are involved in mood settings. There is also a gradual increase in the concentration of the hormone cortisol, which is involved in the stress system, and high levels of this hormone have been found in people with depression. Depression is one of the most common mental health problems in the world. It is characterized by a depressed mood most hours of the day and almost every day, a marked decrease in interest or enjoyment of all activities, weight loss, or severe overweight without diet. Sleep or oversleeping almost every day, irritability or mental slowness of movement almost every day, feelings of worthlessness or extreme and disproportionate guilt, loss of concentration, recurring thoughts about death, and significant clinical impairment in social functioning and a job is specified. Due to the importance of the consequences of depression in pregnant women, such as depression affect mental health and quality of life, as well as the role of exercise and its relationship with mental health, it is important to research in this field. Therefore, due to limited trial studies, inconsistencies, and ambiguities in the effectiveness of interventions, limited research has been done on the effect of aerobic exercise in pregnant women with depression, so the purpose of this study is to answer the question of whether 8 weeks Does aerobic exercise affect serotonin and depression levels and quality of life in pregnant women with depression? Methods: In this study, 24 pregnant women with depression were randomly divided into two groups of exercise (n = 12) and control (n = 12). The aerobic exercise group performed moderate intensity aerobic exercise for 45 minutes for 12 weeks and three sessions per week. In addition to routine care, the intervention group participated in a 12-week aerobic program. Aerobic exercise for eight weeks (three sessions per week) included warming up, core exercise, and cooling down. Exercise for 15 minutes and included stretching and flexibility specific to the large muscle group in the upper and lower body. The main exercise consisted of continuous walking so that the person walked in a slow rhythm so that the foot was on the ground for a moment and the heart rate was maintained within 60% of the maximum heart rate. The intensity of training was 60% of the maximum heart rate in the initial sessions, which gradually decreased from the 27th week of pregnancy with the growth of the fetus to 45% of the maximum heart rate in the final sessions. In the first session, the exercises started from 10 minutes and in each session, one minute was added to the training time until the tenth session, which reached 20 minutes, and then remained constant at 20 minutes until the end (until the end of 36 training sessions). The control group performed its daily activities during this period. Serum serotonin levels were measured by ELISA, and levels of depression and quality of life were measured using a standard questionnaire before and after exercise. Data were analyzed using dependent t-test and independent t-test. Results: The results of the study of serotonin changes after the intervention showed that the level of serotonin in the experimental group in the post-workout period compared to the pre-workout period increased significantly (P <0. 001). Also, changes in depression and quality of life showed that there was a significant increase in the experimental group in the post-workout period compared to the pre-workout period (P <0. 05). There is a significant difference between the two groups (P = 0. 02,P = 0. 05,P = 0. 04, respectively). Conclusion: Most studies on serotonin secretion and depression indicate that exercise increases and decrease depression and there is a significant relationship between increased serotonin and decreased depression. The results of the present study showed that the selected aerobic exercise caused a significant increase in plasma serotonin concentration. Also, increasing plasma-free serotonin is effective in reducing depression and the role of serotonin receptors and their increase due to exercise should not be overlooked. On the other hand, a significant decrease in depression was observed in the experimental group that the relationship between these two variables was also significant. In general, the findings of this study showed that aerobic exercise has been able to be effective as a therapeutic strategy in the treatment of depression and increase the quality of life of pregnant women with depression and with a certain volume and intensity and appropriate to the characteristics of subjects. Reduce the level of depression and bring their mood closer to normal.

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Background & Aims: Throughout human history, there have been structured games among all cultures. Playing can be enjoyable, fun, and relaxing and can be used as a way to escape from everyday life (1). In addition to being a fun pastime, gaming is a social activity in which people with common interests interact with each other. With the popularity of computers, tablets, and smartphones and the use of the Internet in recent years, playing online and offline games has become a common activity, especially for young people, and increasingly, as an important part of recreational activities (3). Numerous studies show that in parallel with the spread of the Internet, overuse of it can lead to problems such as addiction and dependence, so that even Internet addiction is defined as a 21st-century epidemic (4, 5). Online games are a type of Internet games that have become widespread due to increasing people's familiarity with the Internet, especially the youth, increasing the speed of the Internet, as well as the existence of highspeed and wireless connections (6). Addiction to online games is considered obsessive, extreme, uncontrollable, and physically and mentally destructive. Therefore, addiction to these games can be defined as: Extreme and impulsive use of online games, in a way that leads to social and emotional problems, and despite these problems, a person can not control his extreme use of the game Slowly Internet addiction is an impulse control disorder characterized by overuse of the Internet, which is associated with significant functional impairment, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of psychiatric pathology (7). Internet addiction is sometimes associated with suicide, even after modulating potentially disturbing variables such as depression. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental neurological disorder that has three main characteristics: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Hyperactivity Disorder, and Impulsivity. People with ADHD have abnormalities in parts of themselves (9). Some psychologists report about the related between depression, anxiety and symptoms of ADHD with Addiction to online games (10). Also relation is between internet addiction with d reducing of academic hope and sleep quality (20, 21). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: This follows a pattern of health, not illness, and assumes that human psychological problems are related to unhappiness and emotional disorders caused by language, thus helping human beings cope with Cognitive and emotional problems mainly work on language (26). The effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment on sleep quality, academic hope and anxiety in students with internet game disorder, with and without comorbidity of ADHD in Khorramabad in 2020 became necessary. Methods: The statistical population was students with internet game disorder in Khorramabad city. The sample size was 42 people (14 people for each of the experimental and control groups) so that each group consisted of an equal number of students with internet game disorder with and without comorbidity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Therapeutic intervention sessions were performed in 9 sessions of two hours and one session per week. To measure the research variables, questionnaires of Internet Gambling Disorder-20 test, mental health assessment of children and adolescents aged 6 to 14 years (CSI-4), Petersburg quality of sleep (PSQI), academic hope scale (date and waist), and Beck anxiety (1988) and an acceptance and commitment-based treatment package were used. Data analysis was performed using analysis of covariance in SPSS22 and Smart PLS. Results: The results show that the univariate test is significant for each of the dependent variables in both post-test and follow-up stages (P <0. 01). Also, the univariate test is significant only for dependent variables of academic achievement (P <0. 05). And is not significant for other variables (P <0. 05). Conclusion: The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based therapy on sleep quality, academic hope and anxiety of students with internet gambling disorder has an effect and this effect persists over time. In explaining the present study, it can be said that the results of this study are consistent with the mentioned studies, meaning that the ACT treatment approach has an effect on the dependent variables and this effectiveness has continued and shows that the treatment is based It is an effective treatment approach for acceptance and commitment for different types of behavioral, psychological, mental, mood disorders, etc. Obviously, it is moderated by the individual's relationship to these experiences. Therefore, these people are taught that to the extent that they can accept and tolerate their experiences, they can act independently of the experiences. According to the results of the present study, it can be said that acceptance and commitment-based therapeutic education can reduce the symptoms of Internet gambling disorder and reduce the severity of dependence and thus the desire for treatment in a positive way., Be effective. Therefore, by teaching these ACT skills, an effective step can be taken to treat students with internet game disorder with and without co-occurrence with ADHD. Acceptance and commitment therapy affect the quality of sleep and this effect persists over time. In the explanation of the present study, it should be said that according to Table 4-12, the treatment based on acceptance and commitment on the quality of sleep of students with internet game disorder is effective and this effectiveness has continued in a one-month follow-up period. Explaining the results of the present study, it should be said that the therapeutic approach based on acceptance and commitment of ACT is effective on students' academic achievement with internet gambling disorder and this effectiveness has continued in a one-month follow-up period. Acceptance and commitment therapy has an effect on anxiety and this effect has persisted over time. According to the results of the present study, it can be said that therapeutic training based on acceptance and commitment can be effective in reducing the symptoms of internet gaming disorder and reducing the severity of mental disorders. Therefore, by teaching these treatment skills based on acceptance and commitment, an effective step can be taken in the direction of treating students with internet gaming disorder with and without comorbidity with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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Background & Aims: The global epidemic of the disease caused by the coronavirus (Covid-19), as a severe acute respiratory syndrome that appeared in December 2019, not only as a threat to the health and lives of millions of people around the world was considered The sudden outbreak of covid-19 faced many challenges in the education systems of the world and affected the field of education. In 120 countries, face-to-face learning stopped and the education of one billion students was ordered to close schools and higher education as an emergency measure to prevent the spread of infection. In the face of the Covid-19 epidemic, health protocols emphasized social distancing, and in many countries, including our country, the education of students is not interrupted during the period of social distancing and the curriculum continues according to the predetermined schedule. Different solutions were presented. In fact, with the beginning of the closure of schools to help eliminate this virus, the concern of developing and implementing educational programs to continue education at home and in the conditions of home quarantine is one of the biggest challenges of educational systems, including education. And breeding became. In such a way that international institutions and organizations, such as the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization, were forced to work hard to develop curricula, guidelines, and educational guides for these conditions. Although Covid-19 could have negative effects on educational activities, social distancing has stimulated the growth of online educational activities so that there is no disruption in education. The electronic learning system has created educational environments that are not dependent on any specific location or time and allows teachers to teach a course simultaneously or asynchronously or use a combination of these two modes. In this way, electronic education or education through virtual space was chosen as one of the important and serious programs in education. Electronic education and learning are one of the achievements that have transformed our world. So, in the field of health, virtual education can be used to increase the level of awareness and perform physical activity. Paying attention to motor and cognitive function during life and investigating effective factors for preventing the decline of body functions have always been of interest to researchers, therefore, the purpose of this research is the effect of a course of physical activity through virtual training on indicators of aggression and self-control in women in The critical situation of Corona was in 2019. Methods: The statistical population studied in this research included all the women in the sports hall of one district of Tehran in 2019. In this survey, an available sampling method was used, in the first stage, 3 districts were randomly selected from the ten districts of one district of Tehran city, which included districts 5, 6, and 9, each district had two clubs. One from each area was randomly selected. Then, after each morning and evening shift of classes held in the hall, one group from the morning shift and one group from the evening shift were randomly selected. In the next step, research questionnaires were administered to all women as a group. Then 30 women who had a significantly low score in the self-control questionnaire and a significantly high score in the aggression questionnaire were identified. Then these 30 people were randomly divided into two groups of 15 people (15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group). The aerobic exercise program was performed for 24 sessions and three sessions of 60 minutes each week with an intensity equal to 65-80 maximum heart rate. Before the beginning of the sessions and at the end of the last session, the aggression and self-control questionnaire was completed. To analyze the research data, descriptive statistical methods such as frequency, mean and standard deviation, as well as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic to check the normality of the data and at the level of inferential statistics while respecting the assumptions, at the level of the total score of the questionnaires, from the t analysis correlated to The statistical software SPSS version 22 was used at a significance level of P≤, 0. 05. Results: The results of the correlation t analysis show that in the physical activity group, aggression improved with a significant level of 0. 011, and self-control improved with a significant level of 0. 042. Conclusion: The results showed that aggression and self-control improved in the physical activity group. The results of the present study are a confirmation of previous studies regarding the role of physical activity in improving psychological, cognitive, and mood states. It is suggested that in line with the tendency of citizens to exercise more and more and increase their physical activity, on the one hand, to improve the changeable conditions of people's living environment, such as making it easier to access recreational-sports spaces, including the development of walking paths leading to these places, providing more services public transportation from different parts of the city and increasing the personal security of people on the street, and on the other hand, to strengthen the psychological-social factors through holding sports competitions in different age groups at the level of each neighborhood, equipping and attracting sports facilities in accordance with the interests of use-Participants in the direction of establishing and increasing the level of self-control and reducing aggression of people, providing sports fields for family use such as walking festivals with the aim of increasing role modeling, social support of the family and informing about the benefits of physical activity through social media and city advertisements to increase The level of awareness and social norms of different people, their family and relatives, should be given more attention. It should be kept in mind that this research was on women referring to clubs in one area of Tehran, so one should be careful in generalizing the results to other people, which was one of the limitations of the present research. The researcher couldn't control all the influencing variables (such as the motivation to participate in training sessions) on the subjects, which was one of the limitations of this research.

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Background & Aims: Addiction is a common scourge that neglects it and brings harmful consequences such as the destruction of socio-economic resources and a threat to social security. From 2006 to 2015, 23% was added to the number of drug users in the world. This is while the estimated global prevalence rate was around 9. 4% in 2006 and reached 39. 5% in 2015. Deaths due to drug use in 2015 compared to 2014 increased by 6. 8%. More than 3 thousand 190 addicts have died due to abuse. In addition to the consequences and changes that it has directly on the consumer, they also have secondary social costs such as disruption in the family, in education, work life, and the occurrence of various types of violence and risky sexual behaviors. Numerous studies have shown that one of the most important and common psychological disorders and injuries that may affect drug addicts is a lack of anger control. Some research findings have illustrated the relationship between aggressive behavior and substance use, a relationship that is deep, costly, and undeniable. But any discussion on the relationship between drugs and aggression and violence must begin with a definition of this concept. Aggression is a behavior whose purpose is to harm oneself or others, that is, a traumatic behavior is considered aggression if it is done intentionally to harm another person or oneself. Aggressive behaviors may manifest in different ways. During their research, Bass and Perry concluded that human aggression has three dimensions (instrumental, emotional, and cognitive). The instrumental or movement dimension represents verbal or physical aggression and its purpose is to harm others. The emotional and emotional dimension refers to the internal conditions of the organism as well as the readiness for physiological and emotional arousal and is manifested in the form of anger. This dimension is responsible for the preparation of aggressive behavior. The cognitive dimension, which is called hostility, causes feelings of selfishness and malice towards others. These dimensions can provide the basis for the occurrence of all kinds of physical and psychological injuries. Motivational counseling is a client-centered method, a guide to strengthening the internal motivation for change, through discovering, identifying, and solving doubts and ambivalence. The use of motivational interviewing is developing rapidly in the world so, in three years, the number of publications in this field has approximately doubled. Studies show that the motivational interview method is superior to traditional training and treatment recommendations for a wide range of psychological problems, including addiction. Another promising therapeutic approach in recent years is the matrix model. Matrix treatment is a non-pharmacological, outpatient treatment method for drug addiction. Matrix therapeutic approach is based on the cognitive approach. Considering that the effectiveness of two treatment models on aggression was shown in different researches and separately, and in addition, the review of previous research showed that no study compared the effectiveness of these two treatments at the same time. For this reason, the current study tries to investigate the effectiveness of these treatments on the aggression of marijuana addicts. Considering the importance of marijuana addiction treatment and the age range of users, the variable effect of depression, and the effectiveness of intervention approaches, the researcher was looking for an answer to the question of whether the effectiveness of motivational interviewing and matrix treatment is different from the cognitive-behavioral approach on aggression? Methods: The current research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with three groups (two experimental groups, one motivational interview treatment group, one matrix treatment group with a cognitive-behavioral approach, and one control group). Men addicted to marijuana were in Shiraz city in the second quarter of 2019. The statistical sample was selected by a targeted sampling method from people addicted to marijuana who were hospitalized and under treatment, referring to Maharhari Hospital in Shiraz. People were randomly assigned to three groups (15 people in each group). The aggression questionnaire by Bass and Perry (1992) was used to collect information. To analyze the data, univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance was used. Results: The results showed that matrix therapy and motivational interviewing had a positive and significant effect on improving aggression (0. 001), but matrix therapy and motivational interviewing did not have different effectiveness. Also, the results of the covariance analysis with the adjustment of the pre-test effect showed that there is a significant difference between the three groups. Conclusion: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of motivational interviewing and matrix therapy with a cognitive-behavioral approach on the aggression of marijuana users. The results showed that there is a difference between the effectiveness of motivational interviewing and matrix with a cognitive-behavioral approach on aggression in marijuana users. The results showed that these treatments had a positive effect on improving aggression. Also, the results showed that matrix therapy and motivational interviewing had significant differences from the control group, but matrix therapy and motivational interviewing did not have different effectiveness. According to the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that both treatments can be used as complementary treatments for marijuana addicts. One of the limitations of this research is that the results can only be generalized to marijuana addicts in Shiraz, so the generalization of the results to other cities should be done with caution. Another limitation was the impossibility of a longitudinal study, because due to the high cost, the difficulty of work, high dropout of abusers' samples, and their lack of commitment to participate in the study, the study was conducted cross-sectionally, therefore, if the study is conducted longitudinally, more accurate and important results will be obtained. Each family with its problems is influential in the treatment process,at the beginning of family therapy, based on the main problem (codependence, extreme control, limited vision of illness, uncertainty, and need for family therapy), treatment planning should be done. Wider and more scientific use of psychologists and psychiatrists in tandem to solve the problem in the form of simultaneous psychotherapy and drug therapy in camps and centers for deaddiction and emphasizing the follow-up of treatment should be given serious attention in these centers.

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Background & Aims: In December 2019, the corona virus in China's Wuhan city, the center of Hubei province, and spread very quickly and completely involved society members and government bodies in all countries. On the other hand, today, with the existence of a new interface called social media, most of the natural conversations and expressions of people with each other and in small and large groups are recorded, and therefore, with the help of data mining and text mining tools, it is possible to analyze big data. Very close to the real estimates of what is going on in the public mind. The use of these emerging methods of computational analysis can provide an objective picture of what is happening in society in front of the eyes of the managers, and in this way, increase the quality of the analysis of managers and decision-makers lead to better policies and planning, and so on. These models can provide a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of adopted policies and programs. But in general, it can be said that at a time when there is still no clear understanding of the help that intelligent data mining can have by using cognitive approaches, among society members and managers of the country, the existence of such research can fulfill this understanding, expectation a, and demand. It created among society and its managers that, in principle, perceptions, and decisions should be made using methods that rely on objective big data. From this point of view, the importance of the current research is doubled in terms of the impact it will have in clarifying and introducing such methods and its macro decision makers. It is obvious that the error in perception is caused by unconscious perceptual biases, generalizing parts of society to the whole society, not being up-to-date with the changes and developments of social beliefs and ruling based on what was perceived in the past, and many other perceptual errors of this kind., leads to decisions, criticisms, and, wrong behaviors that both lose resources and opportunities and waste the capital and public trust of the society finally, leads to decisions and policies that are not only ineffective but sometimes leave destructive and harmful effects on society and solve the crisis. Theoretically, this type of analysis is new in the space of media analysis, and the aspects that this research deals with the natural crisis of Corona are new and, of course, very practical. The combined use of artificial intelligence and cognitive science in analysis has a lot of room for growth and this research can encourage interdisciplinary research and theoretical activities in this field. From a practical point of view, the results of this research will be very useful and practical for all those who are involved in the field of macro policies, media people, also related business owners. The presentation of the results and achievements of this research can lead to the demands of the stakeholders, but during the time of the research and when its achievements were revealed, based on the request of the National Corona Headquarters and relevant decision-making institutions in the country, consultations were given based on the achievements. It was their request. Therefore, the key issue in the current research is to find a model to explain the dynamics of changing feelings and attitudes of Athenian society in the natural crisis of Corona. This research is conducted on Persian-speaking social media users and for Iranian society. Methods: Since in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to carry out a lot of research and examine the problem from various dimensions, the method of Meta synthesis was chosen, and for this purpose, a call was made in the last months of 2018 and with the peak of the Corona wave. And is affected by various aspects of people's lives, was held at the headquarters of the development of cognitive sciences and technologies. For this purpose, more than 25 million Persian language posts from social media were collected, preprocessed, and then made available to interested teams between February 1, 1998, and June 11, 1999. Then, the results of these plans have been extracted in the form of 148 propositions. Results: The results of the analysis of propositions, during qualitative research, led to the identification of 11 main categories, which were placed in 6 different dimensions of a comprehensive model. In this way, various aspects of the cognitive approach of Iranian social media users in this natural crisis led us to a comprehensive model that we called "Samee". Conclusion: In general, it can be stated that this model specifies that the influencers are effective on the mentalities, emotions, and perceptual attitudes and behavior of users in cyberspace, and again, the behaviors of users in cyberspace are effective on their mentalities, emotions, and attitudes. It is impressive. When the data of this research was extracted and analyzed, it was related to the first months of the corona outbreak. Obviously, similar research will be needed to carry out this study until the end of the Corona era and even months after that and to examine the next events and the cognitive approaches of social network users. In addition, other types of crises occur in societies, which are not necessarily natural crises, but this method of analysis can be done on those crises as well, and its results can be examined and applied in society. Using the methods introduced in this research can provide very valuable achievements for the managers and policymakers of the country. The research that this research is based on, points to the limitations of any computational work in the social and cultural field. We will eat them. One of the very key tasks to pave the way for such analyzes is to conduct preliminary research, which will generally be either in the direction of creating the necessary infrastructure for computational social sciences or in the direction of the necessary infrastructure for linguistic analysis and natural language processing in Persian. Since the theories and algorithms used in natural language processing for the Persian language are generally derived from the same theories and algorithms of natural language processing, researchers that deal with natural language processing with a cognitive approach can be very innovative and solve many problems that in these fields, it should be resolved.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Breastfeeding is the safest and the best way to provide growth and development of newborn and protect against many diseases. breast feeding is known to be beneficial for many benefits such as reduction of neonatal death syndrome) Sudden Infant death syndrome-SIDS) childhood and postpartum depression are a major public health strategy. these benefits may be particularly important for families who are grappling with drug use. while the use of addictive substances is a global health problem and dependence on drugs causes a certain concern. because this affects maternal, fetal and newborn health. during the past decade, drug use has grown dramatically and now become a major public health problem. drug abuse during pregnancy has led to an increase in the birth rate of a number of children with the syndrome of substance (neonatal abstinence syndrome-NAS). the cost of health care has skyrocketed. sudden cessation of drugs in newborns from mothers of drug users on the following days of birth leads to baby deprivation syndrome with symptoms such as tachycardia, tremor, agitation, increased tone, convulsions, nutrition and poor nutrition, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, fever and nausea. in addition, the time of hospitalization of newborns with NAS in hospital was 16. 4 days compared to other children who were 3. 3 days. there are also 46-76 % of the probability that these babies undergo drug therapy, such as the treatment cost, whereas drug addicts have low economic status. recent studies have shown that non-pharmacological agents should be used as the first line of treatment to reduce symptoms of NAS. among the non-pharmacological methods, breastfeeding may result in reduced severity and severity of symptoms. in addition, studies show a direct relationship between breastfeeding and decrease in length of admission, decrease of symptoms and necessity of drug interventions in NAS. the American academy of pediatrics and the world health organization, have a strong emphasis on breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life. In this regard, this study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of breastfeeding in mother's dependent on the use of narcotic drugs (opioids) on infant deprivation syndrome. Methods: The present article is a review study that researchers in Google Scholar, Science Direct, Pub Med, Medline, SID, Magi ran, using keywords Breastfeeding [mesh]", "opioids[mesh]", "neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) [mesh]”,and “, mothers [mesh]”,“, Drug Abuse/Parenteral [mesh]”,and searched for 10 years between 2010-2020. inclusion criteria in this study were qualitative and quantitative studies on the effect of breast feeding on deprivation syndrome, in domestic and domestic practical journals, focusing on benefits and usefulness, descriptive and investigative and review, access to full text and English and Persian language articles were considered. and unrelated, repetitive, language having different language and weak relation with the goal of study, and without proper executive methods, were excluded. in the search phase of the texts, some studies were carried out based on inclusion criteria. then, the remaining studies were evaluated and analyzed in terms of content. the initial search result of 876 studies, which 48 studies, due to having a different language, 775 studies, after reviewing title and purpose, respectively 16 after reviewing the summary, 15 studies were deleted after reviewing the text and two studies were added as a result of manual search. in the end, 24 studies were included. after the evaluation of these studies, the data were analyzed through comparison, summing up and determining the validity. it should be noted that regarding the wide distribution of mothers ' breastfeeding in this article, it is necessary to review the effect of breast feeding on pain syndrome of newborn. Results: According to studies, mothers who struggle with addiction are one of the most vulnerable groups among mothers. the amount of breastfeeding in these cases is very low. according to the results of the study, the socioeconomic status, age, education, social influence, knowledge and knowledge of breastfeeding, the health and mental health status of the mothers of the opioid-dependent mothers, support and pre-natal education influence the decision to breastfeed. in a study conducted (Wachman et al )colleagues on the extent of breastfeeding among the dependent mothers, the results indicated that only a small number of mothers of breast-feeding infants fed their infants. more than half of those, after a week of breast feeding, stopped feeding their baby and did not feed their baby at all. the results of the present study were shown by Volstrand et al. Breastfeeding rates were high in mothers treated with opioids (methadone and buprenorphine), but early cessation of breastfeeding is common among them. however, the effect of opioids on opioids is not considered safe, since opioids are considered to be immune to opioids as a result of opioids consumption in the mother, its secretion in milk is low and there is no risk for baby. according to the results of the study, breastfeeding can help to create an emotional bond between mother and baby, especially in addicted mothers with opioids, breastfeeding increases the release of oxytocin hormone, which has calm effects on mother. perhaps one of its benefits is the help of mother 's adaptation with agitation from NAS in the infant and reduce the likelihood of getting the baby by these mothers. also, breast feeding leads to decrease in severity of symptoms such as severity of symptoms, duration of stay in hospital, need for drug delivery and decrease of care costs. in addition, breastfeeding in these mothers reduced incidence and duration of neonatal signs symptoms in newborns. breastfeeding also has a positive effect on the prevention of sudden infant mortality (SID). therefore, it is recommended to be conducted on children at risk such as newborns with opioids in the uterus of breast feeding. the results of this study showed that the need for drug for treatment of deprivation syndrome in neonates fed by breastfeeding mothers was higher than newborns who had not been fed with breast milk. most of these neonates had normal weight and had better weight gain. also, according to the research, exclusive breast feeding was more effective in reducing the symptoms of breast feeding with breast milk, compared to breast feeding, or a combination of breast milk and formula. previous studies in 2012-2016 showed that compared to breastfed infants in 2012-2016, breastfeeding in mother's dependent to opioids leads to shortening the length of stay of newborns with NAS in hospital. although the study showed that breastfeeding reduced the duration of hospitalization and decreased the need for treatment of NAS, but in a research it was stated that the need for treatment for newborns with NAS and the other group that were fed with milk had been fed. there was no significant difference in this study suggesting that breast-feeding practice is more important than milk pharmaceutical content and more research should be done in this regard. therefore, it is suggested that opioids are dependent on opioids use to help their children if NAS occur, unless the hazards are greater than the benefits. according to the studies, clinicians have played a very important role in understanding, supporting, consulting and defending mothers ' rights that they wish to feed their children with the syndrome of food deprivation, and to inform them of the complications of drug use on their babies before the full cessation of breastfeeding. they also need to be encouraged to not consume alcohol, cigarettes or other illegal drugs throughout the lactation and receive mental support and medication from health centers and health care providers. Conclusion: The World Health Organization recommends methadone and buprenorphine in substance use treatment for all individuals, especially in women during pregnancy and lactation, along with psychotherapy. in the case of reducing the rate of symptoms in the infant, mothers who were treated with methadone (74 %) or buprenorphine (78 %) had no difference after delivery to their infants. in the study of johnson et al., the amount of methadone released in breast milk is-21-462 ng / ml, and it is unlikely to have a trace amount of methadone that is transmitted through the breast milk. therefore, the infants of methadone and Buprenorphine mothers can be fed by mother 's milk and can be used as a beneficial benefit. in addition, mothers can also use a good mother 's sense of breastfeeding as an opportunity to change their course of life. although some mothers of breast-feeding are challenging to their newborn, because the vibration, weak muscle tone, bound movements and poor swallowing will cause problems in breast and breast feeding. on the other hand, the approach and the frustrations of health care givers were not effective in breast feeding. therefore, understanding the benefits of breastfeeding depends on the use of opioids in reducing infant Deprivation to treatment staff to recommend breast feeding to these high-risk mothers. in addition, successful breastfeeding in these mothers requires nurses " education, understanding psychological problems, creating a secure environment, observing privacy and physical and mental protection by health care providers and eliminate the barriers to breastfeeding.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Incompatibility is opposite to compatibility, and when compatibility between couples decreases, incompatibility gradually takes its place. It can almost be said that all couples experience this type of incompatibility more or less,But sometimes the amount and intensity of incompatibility reaches such a point that couples cannot tolerate each other and this incompatibility may lead to violence, divorce and separation (3). Considering the importance of the topic, it will be very beneficial to identify effective intervention and educational approaches in order to increase marital compatibility in order to improve couples' relationships. In motivational interviewing, the goal is to guide the client to discover the discrepancy between his expectations from different aspects of his life and his current behaviors. As a result, evaluating and resolving ambivalence and inconsistency is one of the main goals of motivational interviewing (4). Considering the above contents and the effect of compatibility in married life on the one hand and the effect of meta-diagnostic treatment and motivational interview on the other hand on different aspects of married life and since by reviewing the research done inside and outside the country, a research on the topic in question not found. The researchers are trying to answer these questions, whether there is a difference between the effectiveness of motivational interviewing and meta-diagnostic therapy on the marital adjustment of couples referring to counseling centers in Shahrekord city. Which method is more effective? Methods: To conduct the current semi-experimental research, which was pre-test-post-testfollow-up and control group. Out of all the couples referring to counseling centers in Shahrekord city in 2014-2016, 1250 couples based on the criteria for entering the research and based on this to determine the sample size based on the sources related to the research methodology (10), 20 couples were assigned to the experimental group of motivational interviewing. 20 couples were assigned to the extradiagnostic treatment test group and 20 couples to the control group. Then the subjects completed the Locke-Wallace compatibility test in 1959 in the pre-test. In the following, the intervention test groups received one 90-minute session per week for two months at the counseling center of Nasim Aramesh in Shahrekord. In order to implement the training package of motivational interviewing, it is extracted from the motivational group book based on the curriculum and it is performed on the group in eight sessions, one session per week and each session lasts 90 minutes. Also, metadiagnostic therapy is also implemented in eight 90-minute training sessions, one session a week and during two months in the form of groups with twenty couples (Tables 1 and 2) (9, 10). Finally, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and statistical tests of analysis of variance with repeated measurements, multivariate analysis of variance and Bonferroni's post hoc analysis were used using SPSS version 25 software to analyze the research data. Results: The results showed that in the marital adjustment variable, the average difference between the research groups (motivational interview group, meta-diagnostic treatment and control group) in the pre-test stage is not significant (Table 3). Another finding showed that the average scores of the variable of marital adjustment of couples, apart from the effect of grouping, were affected by a significant change during the post-test and follow-up stages, which has a significant difference with the pre-test. On the other hand, it was found that the grouping variable (extradiagnostic treatment group) has a significant effect on the marital adjustment variable regardless of the stages (pre-test, post-test and follow-up). This issue shows the significant effect of meta-diagnostic treatment group therapy compared to control group 1. Also, the results showed that the variable interaction of stages and grouping explain 12% of the changes in marital adjustment (Table 4). It was also found that the difference between the average scores of the pre-test and the post-test is significant with the follow-up of the marital adjustment variable. This is despite the fact that there is no significant difference between the mean of the post-test and the follow-up of this variable. This means that the mean scores of marital adjustment in the follow-up phase have not changed significantly compared to the post-test, but due to the lack of decrease in the follow-up scores compared to the posttest and the significant change in the follow-up scores compared to the pre-test, it shows that the effectiveness of the group therapy of extra-diagnostic treatment on marital adjustment during Time is maintained (Table 5). Finally, the results of the follow-up test showed that the difference between the average marital adjustment scores of the meta-diagnostic treatment test group and the motivational interview test group was not significant, and this finding means that the effectiveness of the meta-diagnostic novel and motivational interview on the level of marital adjustment did not have a significant difference,But the difference between the experimental groups (metadiagnostic therapy and motivational interview) and the control group was significant. In a summary, it can be stated as follows: meta-diagnostic treatment intervention and motivational interviewing have a significant effect on marital compatibility,However, the effectiveness of meta-diagnostic treatment and motivational interviewing on marital adjustment are not significantly different (Table 7). Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that motivational interviewing has a significant effect on improving marital adjustment, and the results obtained are stable in the follow-up phase,which is consistent with the results of other researchers (11). In the explanation above, it can be said that motivational interviewing follows client-centered therapeutic principles in which empathic and supportive counseling styles along with continuous interpersonal interaction are the basis of the work. Motivational interviewing with a positive effect on psychological well-being makes couples accept their different aspects and have a more compatible attitude towards themselves, life and spouse. Accepting differences during motivational interviewing increases the ability to love, warm and trusted relationships, the ability to empathize with your spouse, the ability to stand up to the pressures of life, having a purpose and finding meaning in life, and the feeling of constant growth, and ultimately increasing marital compatibility,Therefore, the use of motivational interviewing can lead to marital adjustment,Because the basic principles of motivational interviewing are strengthening the client's sense of self-efficacy in all behavioral changes. Many of the group motivational interviewing techniques used in this research, such as assessment of trust commitment, behavior control, participation in decision-making and resolving ambivalence, are exclusively related to adopting adaptive approaches in marital relationships (8). The findings of the current research also showed that meta-diagnostic treatment has a significant effect on improving marital adjustment, and the results obtained in the follow-up phase were also stable,which is consistent with the results of other researchers (12, 13). In the explanation above, it can be said that the strategies of self-control of thoughts, exposure, prevention and response management were part of the skills used in the meta-diagnostic treatment program,Facilitates the identification of thoughts affecting emotions and behaviors that generate interactive problems. In meta-diagnostic treatment sessions, people learn that all emotions, both positive and negative, are important and necessary, and our goal is not to eliminate,Rather, it is identifying, tolerating and coping with negative emotions that these behavioral changes lead to greater compatibility in marital relationships.

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Afzali Mousavi Seyedeh Mahboobeh | Ashraf Ganjoui Farideh | ZAREI ALI

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Background & Aims: The link between corruption and sport has a long history. Corruption in sports (in all its forms and degrees) is a global phenomenon that continues to threaten the integrity of the sports industry, and is a major challenge for sports managers, clubs, organizations and all elements of the sports community (1). The increasing complexity and nature of corruption has been discussed in many sports. So far, however, little research has examined the state of corruption in sport. In this regard, Szwajdler (2016) in a study examined selected measures against corruption in sports and researchers' opinions about them. It was found that corruption in sports clearly has a negative impact on the health of sports and society (3). The results of Hwang (2016) study also showed that there is a positive correlation between people's perceptions of corruption and the magnitude of national corruption,There is a negative correlation between individuals' perceptions of corruption and corruption in sport,And there was a difference between people's perceptions of corruption at the individual level (e. g., individual recovery), sports corruption, and team level (e. g., team doping), corruption in sport (4). Due to the prevalence of corruption in sports, so far little research has examined corruption in soccer (9-11). In this regard, prioritizing the factors affecting corruption in soccer from the perspective of experts in this field has been determined that organizational characteristics are in the first priority and economic factors, cultural factors, personal characteristics of employees and rules and regulations, respectively, have caused corruption in soccer (9). On the other hand, so far, no research has examined the factors affecting the incidence and spread of corruption in age-old soccer. Soccer has a special place in discharging the emotions of children, and also in cultivating national heroes and motivating national pride, there are various life lessons in it. In this conscious and purposeful physical activity in the world of noisy environment, it is not only a great field of friendship, competition and struggle, but also a manifestation of high human values in which there are scenes of effort, forgiveness, cooperation, honesty, patience, courage and beauty. Students of this sport are taught the lessons of effort, sacrifice, cooperation, endurance and courage and it is one of the educational tools in the transformation and health of society. Now, if corruption is not eradicated in its most fundamental part, ie at the grassroots level, children will grow up in unhealthy conditions, so it is necessary for corruption in this sport to be given special attention in the grassroots sector. Given the above and paying attention to the fact that there is corruption in all elements of sports, this issue also attracts a lot of attention in soccer. Especially in grassroots soccer, which is not like adult leagues where all the media and people follow the small and big events. The present study has been compiled with the aim of the identification the factors influencing the incidence and spread of ethical corruption and its control methods. Methods: The research method is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection in the field. The statistical population of this research is 150 sports experts aware of soccer issues, consisting of experts in the field of media and soccer, experts in the field of economics and soccer marketing, experts in the field of culture and soccer and experts in the field of refereeing and professional coaching of basic soccer which were selected by cluster sampling method. They form. In order to collect data, field method and a questionnaire identifying the effective factors in the incidence of moral corruption have been used. Confirmatory factor analysis (structural equation model), Friedman test, Amos version 24 and SPSS software version 25 were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the cause of managerial corruption (β, =0. 831), the cause of family corruption (β, =0. 807), cultural corruption (β, =0. 788), social corruption (β, =0. 760) and media corruption (β, =0. 760) have an effect on the incidence of corruption in grassroots soccer. Factors affecting the incidence of moral corruption in grassroots soccer in terms of research samples in order of priority were media corruption, managerial corruption, cultural corruption, social corruption, family corruption. Conclusion: The findings of the present study show that the factors of managerial corruption, family corruption, cultural corruption, social corruption and media corruption have a significant impact on the incidence of moral corruption in grassroots football. These results are consistent with the findings of Najafikolori et al. (2012), Ghorbani et al. (2019) and Zare et al. (2016) (7, 10, 11). Sport must be accompanied by moral values, principles of chivalry, forgiveness and self-sacrifice, and the observance of moral principles and standards is obligatory on all athletes, spectators, coaches and sports managers. However, this is not the case in practice, and behavioral abnormalities, aggression, cheating, collusion, and lawlessness are increasing day by day in sports settings, and are also evident in the younger age groups, namely infants, adolescents, and young adults. In recent years, researchers have shown that playing football has many benefits in maintaining the vitality and health of children and adolescents (14). Therefore, moral corruption in this group can be a serious threat to the vitality and health of children and adolescents. Shaking the moral values of society, destroying the legitimacy of the government and the rule of law, destroying transparency and accountability, reducing healthy opportunities for progress for individuals, increasing the cost of healthy living are other harmful effects of corruption that are a major obstacle to achieving goals. And are considered social responsibilities (15-18). Determining the extent of corruption in sport is somewhat difficult because, first, the extent of corruption in sport depends largely on the definition of corruption in sport. Secondly, it is very difficult to investigate corruption in sports. On the other hand, the various dimensions of corruption in sports are very diverse. Lack of adherence of society to the observance of moral standards, the existence of lawlessness in the culture of society and the degree of patriarchy in society are the most important cultural factors affecting the tendency to corruption (19). Regardless of which factor plays a greater role in corruption, two basic conditions are necessary for a violation to occur in all circumstances: willingness and opportunity. If there is a desire and opportunity for corruption, corruption will be born and will grow if other conditions are met. Proper knowledge of the history, traditions, values, space and specific conditions of society and prevailing policies in the field of work, appropriate combination of supervision and punishment, participation of community members at the local level in the functioning of units, efficient rules and regulations, free, independent and committed media It can play an important role in controlling corruption (22-25). Also, according to the findings of the present study, the factors affecting the incidence of moral corruption in grassroots football in terms of research samples were in order of priority: media corruption, managerial corruption, cultural corruption, social corruption, family corruption. The present study, like other researches, has faced limitations. This research is spatially limited to a specific part of Iran and this issue limits the spatial generalization of research. Cluster sampling method instead of whole number sampling can be considered as an internal interfering variable. In general, identifying the occurrence of moral corruption and the reasons for its spread can help clubs, organizations and sports institutions to take measures to reduce the rate of corruption in sports, especially the younger age groups. According to the results of the present study, it seems that providing appropriate solutions to help the factors identified in this study can reduce corruption in sports of age groups.

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Background & Aims: Bullying at school has attracted the attention of parents and school staff who are concerned about the safety and mental health of students. Bullying is a disturbing behavior that a person or a group of people intentionally does repeatedly over some time and involves an imbalance of power. The power imbalance can be physical, where the bully is physically stronger than the victim. On the other hand, in adolescents with disorders and maladaptive behaviors in different environments, there are slight defects in the activity of neurotransmitters that started in the early stages of life and made them more vulnerable to the unfavorable environmental and family conditions they have. In this regard, neuropsychological function, which is considered one of the most effective processes of cognitive function, plays an effective role in curbing conduct disorder and aggressive behaviors along with adolescent bullying. Poor neurological performance is a precursor to future learning disabilities and behavioral disorders, which can manifest in parent-child conflicts or with peers in school environments. New findings support the use of neurological tests to distinguish between bullies and healthy people. Although there are contradictory findings in studies about the difference between bullies and healthy people. Psychological capital is one of the psychological indicators of positivism with characteristics such as a person's belief in his abilities to achieve success, persistence in pursuing goals, creating positive documents about himself, and tolerance. Making problems is defined. Having psychological capital enables people to cope better with stressful situations, to be less stressed, to be more resilient in the face of problems, to have a clear view of themselves, and less they are affected by daily events, so such people have higher psychological health. The tendency to bully has been investigated mostly from the perspective of environmental and educational factors. Factors such as the complexity of these disorders, their coexistence with other neurological disorders, increasing statistics in the field of bullying tendencies in students, loss of academic motivation, and also mental injuries, double the necessity of examining psychological variables related to it. And also, although various research has been conducted on the prevention of bullying and its effect on reducing physical and mental health, the tendency to bully remains one of the important problems in schools. Therefore, all those involved in education and training should make confronting bullying behaviors an important goal in education and training. Considering that bullying in school is a serious threat to the mental health of students and all those who are somehow involved in this issue, it is essential to conduct effective and serious research to prevent it. Given the above, the present study aims to answer the question, is the structural model of bullying tendency based on neurological function with the mediation of psychological capital in male students of the first secondary level of district 5 of Tehran suitable? Methods: The current research method is correlational and structural equation modeling (SEM). The statistical population of the research was made up of all 560 male students of the first secondary school in the ninth grade in 28 non-profit schools in District 5 of Tehran in the academic year of 2019-2019. 240 people were selected as the sample size by the two-stage cluster method. The data collection tool was the Illinois Bullying Questionnaire (2001), Nejati Neurological Performance Questionnaire (2013), and Psychological Capital Questionnaire (2007). This research used SPSS22 and Amos 23 software to analyze the information obtained from structural regression equation modeling. Results: The results of the research showed that the path coefficient of neurocognitive function (β,=-0. 41, p = 0. 001), and psychological capital (β,=-0. 39, p = 0. 001) Bullying tendency is significant. Also, the indirect relationship between neurocognitive performance and bullying tendency through psychological capital is meaningful with β, =-0. 37 at a significance level of p≥, 0. 01. Conclusion: Therefore, by identifying and improving neuropsychological processes in students in line with parenting management training and providing a rich environment for students, it is possible to take an effective step in preventing bullying. In the above explanation, it can be stated that boys with a tendency to bully show poor performance in the mental processing of communication information and have defects in the quantity and quality of problem-solving strategies, and positive solutions are needed to solve social problems. They use less, which leads to the creation of interpersonal conflicts, generally confirming the Neuro-psychological theory centered on cognition and social behavior. A student with a tendency to bully shows poor performance in decoding and processing information, so the lack of this self-control ability leads to a biased cognitive style and in turn spreads misbehavior and conflicts. creates in different environments, in this way, these students are not able to name negative behaviors, they respond to hostile signs and symptoms more than neutral signs, and in choosing symptoms, they have a biased behavior they do, therefore, relatively, their efforts in curbing behavioral problems do not end in a helpful result. Also, in explaining the above findings, it can be stated that studies based on neuroimaging have suggested the involvement of subcortical and Thalamocortical processes in frontal networks. Under the influence of these findings, the relationship between the neurological pattern related to violence and bullying has been confirmed by neuropsychologists in the last few decades. Cognitive deficits and specific damage in attention and executive functions are the main hypotheses proposed in the field of this disorder.

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Background & Aims: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. Globally, 30% of deaths (approximately 17 million deaths per year) are attributable to cardiovascular diseases. In 2006 alone, the estimated total direct and indirect costs associated with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases exceeded 400 billion dollars. Currently, in Iran, insurance organizations only bear a limited part of cardiac rehabilitation costs, while taking into account the impact of these programs in secondary prevention and reducing the incidence of cardiovascular events and as a result reducing the treatment costs imposed on this Organizations will focus on covering cardiac rehabilitation programs both for the benefit of the patient and for the benefit of the insurance organizations. According to the mentioned studies and many other studies and the high and increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in Iran, and on the other hand, the clinical advantages of cardiac rehabilitation in coronary artery transplant patients, including secondary prevention and preventing disease recurrence and improving the quality of life, are necessary and The importance of this research is clear. Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death all over the world, so the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of eight weeks of cardiac rehabilitation on the functional indices of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, vo2max and MEt functional capacity in male patients 55 Coronary artery transplant surgery up to 70 years old. Methods: The research method is semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design. The statistical population of this research consisted of 120 male coronary artery transplant patients aged 55 to 70 years who referred to the Sari Heart Center. The statistical sample included 40 people who lived in Sari city and underwent coronary artery transplant surgery for at least 2 months and at most 4 months. Then they were randomly and equally divided into 2 groups of 20 people, control and therapeutic intervention of cardio sports rehabilitation. In this research, in order to measure the resting heart rate HR H before the test of two control and cardio exercise rehabilitation groups, therefore the best time to determine the heart rate in the morning after waking up is one hour after breakfast and without intense physical activity in a state of rest. For 20 minutes, the subjects of the two groups sat on a chair and were measured. All the subjects were advised to sleep early the night before and avoid any kind of stress. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures of the two groups were measured before the test using a dial sphygmomanometer. The time of assessment was two hours after breakfast, and the subjects were advised to refrain from smoking, vigorous physical activity, and drinking for one hour before any use of cigarettes. Avoid coffee and caffeinated drinks and sit quietly for 20 minutes and wear comfortable clothes. 12 hours before the test, blood lipid profile was taken from the subjects of both the control and cardiac rehabilitation groups fasting. The sample required for the test was 10 cc from the brachial vein immediately without delay for the actual values after lying on the bed. 24 hours. Before the test, in consultation with a cardiologist, reduce the dose of heart and blood pressure medications such as Inderal and Atenolol. Also, asthmatic patients should carry a special spray and wear comfortable clothes and shoes for the test, and avoid caffeinated drinks and cigarettes 24 hours before. Cardio sports rehabilitation program consisted of 24 sessions 3 days a week for 2 months, which included 15 minutes of warm-up, 30 minutes of treadmill and 20 minutes of stationary bike, and 20 minutes of stationary bike and 15 minutes of cooling down. To investigate and compare pre-test and post-test variables between two groups, independent parametric t-test was used. Data analysis was done using spss software. The significance level was p<0. 5. Results: The results showed that eight weeks of cardiac rehabilitation has an effect on the improvement of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), improvement of heart rate and improvement of vo2max and MEt functional capacity in male patients aged 55 to 70 undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Conclusion: The findings of the current research have shown the effect of a cardiac rehabilitation course on the improvement of hemodynamic indicators and functional capacity, considering the high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in the country, and on the other hand, the high per capita consumption of drugs and their high costs, and the high importance of cardiac sports rehabilitation in improving The quality of life of heart patients, including coronary artery transplantation, is necessary and necessary to pay more attention to the category of cardiac rehabilitation and to build clinics and centers for it. The findings showed that cardio sports rehabilitation reduces the risk of coronary atherosclerosis by improving heart rate and as a result of heart attack and ischemic diseases. In order to control the risk factors of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), it is suggested to periodically use cardiac rehabilitation programs for their treatment.

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Background & Aims: Success and progress in learning is the goal of all educational systems and the degree of benefit from educational environments requires students' sense of energy and mental health. One of the most important variables in the health of the educational context of any country's educational system is mental health, which is an internal sense to ensure mental health, and in fact, researchers have called it a useful and simple way to understand the concept of students' well-being. In their daily academic life, students face various challenges, obstacles, and special pressures during their studies, which are a threat to their self-confidence, motivation, and, as a result, their academic performance. Some students are successful in dealing with them and others are not successful in this field. Therefore, educational researchers should pay serious attention to understanding and how to adapt to academic challenges. Mental Health Mental health is an issue beyond the absence or absence of mental illness. The positive dimension of mental health, which the World Health Organization relies on, is included in the definition of health: "Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or disability". Therefore, mental health is a state of well-being in which a person recognizes his abilities and can adapt to the normal stresses of life and be useful and productive in terms of work. Competitive anxiety and academic motivation can be mentioned among the factors affecting mental health. Anxiety, as a negative feeling, affects a person's perception and leads to a decrease in performance. Of course, many students experience anxiety. Competitive anxiety is an issue that almost every student faces from time to time. When the demands on a student exceed their perceived ability, their stress level rises. Motivation is the most important condition for learning. Interest in learning is the product of factors related to a student's personality and ability, task characteristics, incentives, and other environmental factors. What factors make students' motivation (due to its long-term effects on learning and self-fertility in students) valuable for parents and teachers? Motivated students are easily identified. They are eager to learn, interested, curious, hardworking, and serious. These students easily overcome obstacles and problems, spend more time studying and completing school assignments, learn more, and continue their education after finishing high school. Motivation can be seen as an intervening process with an internal state of an organism that forces or motivates it to act, in other words, it can be said that motivation is a force that gives force to behavior and guides it. Slow and is an effective factor in mental health. Like other topics, there has been a lot of research on the relationship between competitive anxiety, academic motivation, and mental health, but there is no integrated research among school students. Considering the review of past research and the understanding of the relationship between research variables, the lack of integrated research in this field, as well as the importance of competitive anxiety and academic motivation and mental health, the research question of the current research is whether there is a relationship between competitive anxiety and motivation. Is there a relationship between education and mental health in students? Methods: The present research is descriptive and correlational in terms of method, and its statistical population included all male student in the second year of high school in Marivan city who were studying in the academic year 2021-2022. The statistical population was 850 people according to the inquiry from the Statistics Unit of the Sanandaj Education Department. According to the table of Karjesi and Morgan, 265 people were selected through a simple random sampling method. Research tools included three competitive anxiety of Besharat et al. (2021), Harter's academic motivation (1981), and Goldberg's mental health (1972). Pearson's statistical method was used for data analysis. Results: The research results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between the components of competitive anxiety and mental health in students, while there is a positive and significant relationship between the components of academic motivation and mental health in gifted students. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between competitive anxiety and academic motivation with mental health, so there is a need for planners and education managers to increase mental health in students, competitive anxiety and academic motivation. Pay attention the current research, like any other research, has limitations that can clarify the findings and suggestions of the research and help future researchers to adopt effective measures to deal with the threat of internal and external validity of research projects. to give The basic limitations of the current research are as follows: the bias of people towards answering the questions of the questionnaires, which reduces the accuracy of the results to some extent, the presence of unwanted variables that affect the results of the research, and the lack of use of other research tools such as observation and interview. It has been associated with the subjects and only using the questionnaire. It is recommended to educational managers to take appropriate motivational measures such as innovation and creativity in creating a competitive and encouraging educational environment with appropriate and up-to-date educational facilities, suitable educational buildings, and preparing students as best as possible for their future jobs., make regular visits and scientific trips, and use teachers with high scientific knowledge and skills. It is suggested that the scientific and academic interests and tastes of the students be identified and these interests come to the fore through centers, associations, and scientific organizations. Providing a suitable atmosphere in terms of group work, creating innovation in teaching methods, using sincere and friendly spoken literature, and using students in teaching discussions are among the things that can be done by teachers in order to increase the academic motivation of students.

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Background & Aims: In today's world, solving many problems of a society depends on the educational system of that society. If the society has the correct education, it can overcome all its problems. There are several definitions of the concept of attitude. Attitude is a combination of beliefs and emotions that prepare a person in advance to look at others, objects, and different groups in a positive or negative way. Attitudes summarize the evaluation of objects and thus undertake to predict or guide future actions or behaviors. Attitude can be defined in terms of learning theories and cognitive approaches. In each of these theories, the concept of attitude is defined differently and each of the different aspects of attitude is emphasized. Attitude is a state of mental and nervous preparation that is organized through experience and has a direct and dynamic effect on the individual's reaction to all issues and situations related to attitude. "In this definition, which is mainly based on learning theory. The influence of past experiences on organizing attitudes as well as reacting to a situation (as in the behaviorist approach) has been considered. Attitude is the stable organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes related to With some aspects of the individual world, it is observed that this definition does not refer to the origin of the attitude and instead emphasizes the mental experience of the present, in other words, each attitude is a kind of the previous position to perform a positive or negative action. Attitudes toward people, objects, and events are social goals and play a guiding role in transforming psycho-emotional states into motor states. The attitude in educational management is a sensitive issue that affects a large set of organizations. They are the mainstay of current societies. Among these, educational organizations are very important due to their comprehensiveness, uniqueness and importance in growth and development. Attitude-related issues are closely related to the strategic and professional activities of the organization. Responsibility, commitment, and self-control can be mentioned as influential components of attitude. One of the important personality traits that play a major role in success is responsibility. Responsibility is defined as an inner obligation and commitment on the part of a person to perform well all the activities assigned to him/her, and responsibility originates from within the person. The person in charge of the work agrees to perform a series of activities and tasks or to supervise the performance of these tasks by others. Self-control means the ability to control ourselves in terms of controlling our desires and tastes. People who have self-control can adjust what they want to make sure they do not overdo it. Self-controlled people can save their lives. In other words, they are able to do the right thing to keep themselves healthy and happy. Identifying the components affecting the attitude of employees in the education system plays an effective role in advancing the goals of the education system. Methods: The research method is heuristic mixed. In the qualitative stage, the theme analysis was used and in the quantitative stage, the descriptive-survey analysis method was used. Participants in the qualitative section included experts and specialists in the field of management and educational sciences, and 16 people were selected as key informants through purposive sampling. The statistical population in the quantitative part includes all education staff in Mazandaran province. 350 employees were selected using a stratified random sampling method for the study. A semi-structured interview was used to collect research data in the qualitative stage and a researcher-made questionnaire was used in a quantitative part. The research data were collected in the qualitative part using open coding and in the quantitative part using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in Amos and SPSS statistical software. Results: The results showed that responsibility, commitment, and self-control have a significant effect on employees' responsible attitude, which is one of the components of ethics. Conclusion: As a result, we can pay attention to responsibility, commitment, and self-control in the education system to institutionalize the attitude of employees. Based on the analysis of research data, responsibility, commitment, and self-control components affect employees' attitudes. The results of a study showed that responsibility is one of the key components of organizational ethics. Attitude is one of the most important concepts in modern social psychology. In contemporary US social psychology, the concept of attitude is probably the most distinctive and essential. Attitude, like many psychological variables, is not a directly observable essence, but a hypothetical construct about the nature of human behavior. The concept of attitude does not refer to any particular action, but is an abstraction of a large number of related reactions or actions. In another study, it was found that the values of the organization, benevolence, service, intimacy, empathy, cooperation, consultation, and participation in the optimal performance of job duties and organization are components of organizational ethics, these results are consistent with the findings of the present study. Attitude is a state of mental and psychological readiness that is organized based on experience and has a dynamic and directional effect on a person's reaction to all the objects and situations he encounters. Attitude is therefore seen as the desire to respond to a person, an idea, or a situation in a particular way, and in fact reflects an inner desire and motivation to do or not to do a particular behavior. It is a combination of favorable and unfavorable beliefs, tendencies, or feelings, which refers to a person's readiness and willingness to react in a relatively constant way to specific objects, people, and events. Attitudes are fixed personal characteristics that give people a positive or negative view of working conditions. Attitude is not visible or palpable, but is inferred from a person's words or actions. Therefore, the study of employees' attitudes in different organizations due to the significant results that can have on improving organizational behaviors, has been considered by researchers and experts in organizational behavior management and human resource management over the past few decades. Manpower spends most of its life in the organizational environment, it is natural that attention and awareness of the dimensions of physical, mental, and social health of employees are of great importance. In line with the results, it can be stated that attitude is a common understanding of the occurrence of behaviors that should be done. Development of organizational values, creating a responsible attitude towards society and organization, developing the atmosphere and ethical atmosphere based on Islamic principles, developing organizational virtues, and observing the principles of professional ethics in the organization.

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Background & Aims: Health tourism, also known as medical tourism or medical travel, refers to travel to another country or region to receive medical treatment, procedures or services. The concept of health tourism has gained popularity in recent years due to rising healthcare costs in developed countries, the availability of highquality medical facilities in developing countries, and the ease of international travel. Health tourism can provide patients access to high quality medical treatments, reduce healthcare costs and improve their quality of life. However, it is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits of health tourism before deciding to travel for medical treatment. Patients should research the treatment facility and provider and ensure appropriate health insurance coverage prior to travel. In the meantime, one of the aspects investigated in the fields of health tourism has been the behavior of consumers of these services, as well as the effects of social networks on this behavior. One of the studied cases is in the field of consumer behavior in relation to social networks, which has been studied in various researches in recent years. In fact, social networks are one of the most used areas in recent years of social networks, which have greatly occupied various markets. In recent years, the amount of use of social networks in Iran has increased so much that the scope of using these networks has led to political debates and influencing the results of elections. In this research, considering the increasing role of social networks, its impact on health tourism has been investigated from the point of view of consumers of medical services in the form of medical tourists. Methods: In terms of research methodology, the current research is applied, survey and correlation research. The statistical population of this research includes all social network users in medical centers providing health tourism services in Tehran. The size of the statistical population was 850 people during the study period, and using the Cochran formula, the sample size was determined to be 256 people. In order to measure the research variables, a questionnaire was used. The validity of this tool has been examined through construct validity, and reliability has been examined and confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In the analysis method section, first the measurement model was formed and the fit of the model was examined based on the indicators. Finally, based on the structural modeling method, the relationships between the research variables were examined and the results were presented. Amos software is used in this section. Results: The results showed that the amount and type of use of social networks had a significant effect on the behavior before, during and after the use of health tourism services. Conclusion: One of the ways social media can influence health tourism is by giving patients access to information about medical facilities and doctors in other countries. Patients can read reviews, watch videos and connect with others who have undergone similar treatments. This can help them make informed decisions about where to go for treatment and what to expect when they get there. Another way social media can influence health tourism is by providing a platform for medical professionals to share their expertise and build their reputation. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers can use social media to showcase their skills, share educational content, and interact with patients and other professionals in their field. This can help them attract patients from other countries who are looking for quality care. On the other hand, social media can also have negative effects on health tourism. For example, false or misleading information can spread quickly on social media, which can lead to patients making poor decisions about where to seek treatment. In addition, some medical facilities and doctors may use social media to promote themselves in unethical ways, such as exaggerating the benefits of their treatments or making false claims about their qualifications. As a result, social media and health tourism are two distinct concepts that can interact in different ways. While social media can give patients access to valuable information and help medical professionals build their reputation, it can also pose risks for patients seeking accurate and reliable information about treatments and medical facilities in other countries. The relationship between the type and amount of use of social networks and the behavior of health tourists before, during and after the use of medical services was investigated. The results have shown that social networks can have a positive and direct effect on the behavior of consumers of health tourism services.

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Background & Aims: It is difficult to diagnose depression in children in some cases, because sometimes its symptoms are similar to some other disorders such as autism. For this reason, parents' attention and awareness of the child's behavior and timely psychological diagnosis is very important. For this reason, parents' attention and awareness of the child's behavior and timely psychological diagnosis is very important. Shyness or isolationism is another problem that has affected different people in many different ways from the past to the present. This problem has not been addressed for a variety of reasons, and the public is less likely to refer to it as a problem. Unaware that isolationism and shyness in the heart of society, the person faces many problems, including the inability to relate to others and, consequently, the inability to learn and acquire abilities of various skills (6). Therefore, the results show that the two indicators of isolation and depression can affect the mental health of the child and can affect her future life. On the other hand, research results have shown that depression can lead to isolationism, and on the other hand, isolationism stress, anxiety and depression, according to the above, seems to be one of the most important and effective treatments for mental disorders. Or communication problems among children such as depression and isolation. In this regard, the present study seeks to answer the question whether play therapy based on cognitive-behavioral approach can be effective in reducing depression and isolation of orphaned and poorly cared for girls in Tehran? Methods: For the present quasi-experimental study, which was conducted with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group, among orphaned and abused female children in Shahid Zarghami and Khayyam child care centers in Tehran in 1997-98, which had a high score of completing questionnaires on depression and isolation. A total of 24 people were randomly selected as a sample and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Then, before the intervention, all the subjects received the Children and Adolescents Depression Inventory called CDS-A, which has 25 questions, a single-factor score based on a Likert scale of 5 points, and all elements of depression based on cognitive theory. Covers and has Cronbach's alpha validity and reliability of 0. 86. And Shahim Children Behavioral Problems Questionnaire (1996) which has 28 questions and is scored based on a 5-point Likert scale and has 3 subscales of aggression, inattention and childish behaviors, isolationism and anxiety (9). Completed. In the next step, the research protocol was performed under 10 sessions of 90 minutes (two sessions per week) according to Table 1 for the experimental group. Finally, Smirnov-Kolmograph test was used to determine the normality of the data, Levin test to determine the homogeneity or equality of variances, as well as homogeneity of regression slope and covariance test were used for analysis. It should be noted that all statistical calculations were performed with SPSS software version 24. Results: Studies have shown that most people in the statistical population were between 11 and 8 years old and were studying in the first to fourth grades of elementary school. Based on the results obtained from Table 2, the weight of depression in the experimental period was 410/109 and in the control period was 169/109, and in the weight of depression in the experimental period was 74. 250 and in the control period was 111. 250, the weight of depression was reduced. Figure 1 In Table 3, The weight of isolation in the experimental period is 917/34 and in the control zone is 333/34, and in the weight of isolation in the experimental period is 199/9 and in the control zone is 834. 34%. Isolation in the free spheres. The results showed that play therapy based on cognitive-behavioral approach is effective in reducing the isolation of orphaned and poorly cared for girls in Tehran. So that the group factor with a significant level of less than 0. 05 (p = 0. 0001) has an effect on the change of isolationism. While the significance level of the pre-test is more than 0. 05 (p = 0. 304). Another finding showed that play therapy based on cognitive-behavioral approach is effective in reducing depression in orphaned and neglected girls in Tehran. So that the group factor with a significant level of less than 0. 05 (p = 0. 0001) has an effect on depression. This is while the significance level of the pre-test is more than 0. 05 (p = 0. 341). Conclusion: The results showed that play therapy based on cognitive-behavioral approach led to a decrease in students' isolation. The results of the present study with the results of Tavakoli and Kalantari (2017) that examined the effect of play therapy with cognitive-behavioral approach on the regulation of emotion, anxiety and depression in children with type 1 diabetes and concluded that play therapy in the post-test phase has an effect on reducing aggression It did not but had an effect on other research variables such as isolationism. Also, the results in the follow-up phase showed that the mean scores of aggression, isolationism decreased significantly, which indicates the effectiveness of play therapy is consistent (11). Another finding showed that play therapy based on cognitive-behavioral approach reduces students' depression. Boyd Webb (2018) addresses play therapy for bereaved children: adapting strategies for use in the community, schools, and family environment. In this article, it is stated that play therapy is one of the most flexible treatment methods that can be changed according to the age of children, conditions, and the environment in which counseling is performed. Play therapy can be used to help children who have lost loved ones in schools, social settings, and at home. After examining the basic developmental factors that affect children's ability to understand the meaning of death, this article discusses the specific characteristics of grief in different situations. These include social counseling after Hurricane Katrina, school-based group play therapy after the teacher's death, and parent-child play therapy after a father dies in a terrorist attack. To increase the acceptability and effectiveness of play therapy, professional psychologists must consider the beliefs and practices of teachers and parents. In addition, psychologists are expected to use play-based activities to help children express their grief more easily (14).

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Background & Aims: Marriage is one of the traditions with divine value. This tradition is beloved by God and emphasized by Islam due to its many effects on individual and social life. Marriage also has a great impact on the individual's existential dimensions, physical and mental health, and even the health of society. Peace of mind, chastity, and chastity, increasing quality of life, generation of children, etc. are among the positive effects of this important matter, marriage. Marriage has a significant impact on various aspects of life, including mental health, and for many people, it is the most meaningful part of life. A successful marriage is like a person achieving all his dreams. The beginning of joint life is done with engagement and a familiarization period. In the propositions of religious texts, this period as a background for family formation can be one of the factors affecting the stability of the family. Engagement can be considered a stage that is done before marriage to get to know the parties to continue life and start a family. This period is one of the best, sweetest, and most productive days of life, and if it is treated with delicacy and skill and its duties are fulfilled, it is an important factor in the growth and strength of the next periods of life. The occurrence of any disorders and problems in the engagement stage means a lack of health, especially in the mental field,these problems are a predictable factor for weakening the foundation of the family, including divorce. A wise decision to get married, in addition to success, will achieve its material and spiritual effects and be immune from the negative effects of carelessness in marriage. With a brief look at the statistics and figures in the growing trend of the ominous phenomenon of divorce, it is clear that the lack of knowledge and lack of insight into the important issue of marriage eventually leads to young couples getting separated after a short period. The reason for this incident is that reason and logic are not in their place in life. In the common life of people, some factors neglecting them may endanger the marriage. Engaged couples should be familiar with these factors before marriage. By examining the statistics and divorce cases in relevant organizations and family legal offices, these extracted factors have been introduced as predictive risk factors. Many of these factors are factors that existed in the relationship between couples before marriage but are ignored due to reasons such as ignorance, lack of thinking, and reasoning. Therefore, benefiting from a suitable therapeutic approach makes premarital education more successful. A cognitive-behavioral approach is a suitable approach that can be used well in this field due to the cultural conditions of our country. This approach has an educational aspect, in which behavioral cognitive techniques are given through exposure exercises in the sessions, prior cognitive reconstruction, and finally, educational homework. In this treatment, the connection of thoughts, feelings, and behavior are emphasized, and it is believed that people can deal with mental pressures by reconstructing their thoughts. In fact, in this approach, people are encouraged to pay attention to their negative spontaneous thoughts and identify cognitive distortions and challenge them, and then by reconstructing their thoughts, they experience better feelings and more appropriate behaviors emerge. Pre-marriage counseling is one of the basic categories that has received a lot of attention from experts and counselors in modern psychology and counseling around the world and is used to help people make the right choice and have a successful marriage. Based on what was said about the effects of premarital counseling training on wisdom in different societies, this research was conducted to investigate the effect of premarital counseling training based on risk factors based on religious teachings on the wisdom of engaged couples in counseling centers in Ray city. Based on this, the upcoming research has been conducted to answer this question: Does premarital counseling training based on risk factors with a cognitive-behavioral approach affect the wisdom of engaged couples? Methods: The design of a semi-experimental study was based on a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, which was conducted in Ray city in 2019. The statistical population was all engaged couples who went to counseling centers or similar centers in Ray city in 2019. The statistical sample of the research included 26 engaged couples who were randomly assigned to 2 experimental and control groups (13 couples in each group). The research tool included the Ardelet (2003) questionnaire, which was completed by the participants before and after the educational interventions. To analyze the data, multivariate covariance analysis was used. Results: The data analysis showed that there is a positive relationship between the wisdom of engaged couples with premarital education based on risk factors with a cognitive-behavioral approach, but in the control group, such a positive effect was not seen, and the component of premarital education had an effect on wisdom. Conclusion: In general, it can be said that there is a significant relationship between premarriage education and increasing the wisdom of engaged couples and their correct decisionmaking. The research results show the need to pay attention to pre-marriage education for engaged couples to develop their wisdom and correct decision. The present study, like other studies, faced some limitations. The quasi-experimental nature of the research and as a result the impossibility of controlling disturbing variables, the time limit, and the existence of a limited community of engaged volunteer couples which limits the generalization of the findings, forced to use of the available sampling method to reach the required sample of the research, among the limitations of this research. Is. The lack of reluctance of young people to accompany in the field of such an important matter, unreasonable resistance due to weak awareness and daily life problems, and the strength of defense mechanisms, including projection, etc., are among other limitations in this research. Since pre-marriage education based on risk factors has to some extent changed the view of the tested and trained couples towards their position as human beings and familiarized them with the purpose of life and marriage, as well as with the characteristics necessary for marriage and ways to prevent The disintegration of the family unit after marriage is more familiar and helps to have a meaningful and purposeful life with love. It is suggested that the issue of pre-marriage education is one of the mandatory programs in society by the relevant institutions, especially as a lesson in textbooks. Education and universities should be placed. Also, in future research, such research should be conducted jointly by male and female researchers and on wider samples.

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Background & Aims: Today, organizations think of success in the world's economic complexes and need the best talent in a competitive environment. In recent years, in organizations in Iran, the issue of education and labor has been present in various forms such as identifying and cultivating talent, succession, and future managers. In this context, various studies and researches are more important for designing and applying the successful experience of developed organizations. One of the most important factors in the development and success of the organization is talent management. Research on talent management and talented staff worldwide is growing rapidly. Three external factors, "demographic change", "globalization" and "increasing the number of knowledge-based employees", force organizations to take a more serious approach to talent management and its practices. For an effective talent management strategy, managers need to know that strategies in this area cannot focus solely on role-players at higher levels. Managers also need to know and understand the different motivations that determine the recruitment and retention of employees in the organization of different ages, genders, and nationalities. In this sense, human resources professionals must increase and develop their competencies and competencies in providing effective and efficient solutions. Therefore, talent management intends to be created at the center of the organization's general strategies. The theoretical management framework of forprofit and non-profit organizations has shown that in the field of sports, organizations are focused on the effective use of human resources, in other words, they seek to create products or services that create higher value for customers. People rarely have accurate information about the meaning of the word talent in organizations and its application to the performance of talent management. This is frustrating because working with the concept of talent search is critical to the application and policies of talent management in the organization and professional development and planning and development considerations. Although defining the concept of talent identification is not an easy task, there are at least some ways in which talent can be defined as a specific term in an organization. Talent management is the facilitation and development of the career path of highly talented and skilled individuals in the organization using developed guidelines, resources, policies, and processes. The history of talent management as a discipline and consulting in the field of sports business is more than 15 years, but they still seem to be confused about the meaning of "talent management". Despite many efforts to clarify the meaning of talent management, there is still no clear definition of the term. Talent control and innovation seek to achieve a common goal, which is growth, development, and effectiveness, and to provide a model of health in society,therefore, the purpose of this study was to present a model of talent control on organizational innovation in health-oriented organizations (managers of Tehran Municipality Sports Organization). Methods: The statistical sample of the present study included all managers and experts of Tehran Municipality Sports Organization in the number of 267 people who were purposefully selected. Due to the limited statistical population, no special sampling method was used and the whole sample was determined to be equal to the garment. Participants voluntarily completed the standard Phillips and Rapper Talent Management Questionnaire (2009) and the Organizational Innovation Questionnaire of Omid et al (2002) and the reliability of all variables was more than 0. 70. LISREL software was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the research model had sufficient fit (RMSEA = 0. 8) and the df/x2 ratio index in the allowable range and the relative and absolute fit indices (GFI), (IFI), and (NFI) were equal to 0. 94, 0. 93 and 0. 91 were obtained, which indicated the proper fit of the model. Conclusion: In general, in the present study, the three components of environmental innovation, individual innovation, and organizational innovation showed a more significant causal relationship than other components in relation to talent management, and the components of environmental innovation-feedback and individual-Showed less average feedback and not paying attention to environmental and personal feedback can seriously challenge the strategy of the municipal sports organization with a lack of proper understanding of the environment and competitors, and that in relation to talent management development components, maintaining positive relationships, maintaining And the functional capability of causal relationship did not show significance. By reviewing previous studies in this field, it can be said that the municipal sports organization is in the early stages of talent management and is more focused on the process of identification and recruitment, and has not been able to take an effective step by developing a strategy to develop talents and their functionality. Identifying the components and elements of talent management in different societies with different sub-sectors, resources, advantages, and markets is the most important study activity for talent decision-making. Therefore, researchers in this field try to observe the factors affecting the physical stimulation of elites and knowledge forces in different ways, and indirect and indirect ways, while identifying these factors, how to make decisions, and the type of decisions of managers in this field. Affect. The changing and changing environment of organizations in the current era is forcing managers to use more and better tools called knowledge to deal with and deal with factors of uncertainty and maintain the position and expand it. This requires that managers of organizations consider an important priority for innovation management. Organizational innovation is the new invention of knowledge or the development of new information such as a concept, theory or hypothesis,In other words, organizational innovation means something new to use. Organizational innovation requires the transformation of ideas into usable organizational forms, and this idea is used to promote organizational performance. The success of organizations depends on the effective use of talented people. Talented organizations are constantly looking for new talent,by satisfying their needs, they maintain them and create a challenging environment for them to work and be creative and innovative for their organization. It can be said that all organizations need new and innovative ideas to survive. Innovation can be considered as an organizational change to respond to or influence the external environment. However, it should be noted that knowledge, along with talent management, is the most important factor in production and a determining factor in innovation, because with the constant accumulation of administrative and technical knowledge over time and the use of information technology, knowledge quickly it is available worldwide and talented employees will be able to make the most of knowledge. This mechanism can be extended to facilitate learning in the organization. Therefore, researchers in this field try to observe the factors affecting the physical stimulation of elites and knowledge forces in different ways, and indirect and indirect ways, while identifying these factors, how to make decisions, and the type of decisions of managers in this field. Affect. Organizations create new facts and concepts by developing and restructuring past and present knowledge in a variety of ways.

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Rahimi Vaskasi Hossein | Kaviani Fard Hamid | Tabatabaei Lotfi Esmat al Sadat | KARIMI NASRIN

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Background & Aims: In today's modern and complex society, the issue of health is important. The World Health Organization defines mental health as a state of complete social, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. The psychological health of prisoners and detainees and the provision of appropriate services to them have attracted much attention from experts. Regarding the detention of individuals, there are two types of sentences, one: People who are actually convicted and two: People who are found innocent in the investigation process, who have the so-called principle of innocence. In the term of jurisprudence, innocence means that the principle of innocence of individuals should be considered. Innocence literally means liberation and acquittal, and is one of the most fundamental human principles to be practiced. The principle of innocence is one of the most important and influential principles not only in the laws of our country but also in international laws and conventions. From the point of view of many jurists, the principle of innocence is one of the fundamental rights of individuals in any society. Anyone accused of a crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to the law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. Also, no one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Also, no one will be sentenced to a punishment greater than the one prescribed for committing a crime, and if a person is innocent, it is natural that this person will suffer various injuries. Studies show that the prevalence of mental disorders in detainees is higher than in the general population. One of the most common mental disorders in detainees is the issue of self-esteem and mental health that is damaged. Psychotherapists assist in the psychotherapy process by using conversational, interpretive, listening, rewarding, and role modeling techniques to treat a wide range of psychological problems. Behavior therapy is based on the belief that all human behavior is "learned" and therefore unhealthy behaviors can be changed. Therefore, behavioral therapy focuses mainly on the current problems of patients and how to change these problems. Cognitive behavior therapy is a very popular approach in the treatment of mental disorders. This approach combines behavioral therapy with cognitive therapy. Cognitive behavior therapy focuses on how people's thoughts and beliefs affect the formation of their feelings and behaviors. Cognitive-behavioral therapy often addresses the patient's current problems and how to solve them. The long-term goal of cognitive behavior therapy is to transform unhealthy ways of thinking and behaving into healthy thoughts and behaviors. For example, the results of various studies have shown that psychological well-being is associated with behavior-based adaptation. Due to the adverse consequences of arresting individuals, a therapeutic approach should be sought to remove individuals from these symptoms and help them regain self-esteem and increase well-being, so the present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of group therapy Determined self-esteem and psychological well-being of detainees. Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population in this study was all detainees in the judiciary of Mazandaran province who were arrested in 1399 and so that these people were innocent and acquitted, which was equal to 80 people. The sampling method in this study was that by distributing announcements in the provincial judiciary, detainees with detention experience and the principle of innocence of the law were asked to attend counseling centers to participate in group sessions of behavioral therapy. Inclusion criteria include: (1). Willingness to attend meetings, (2). At least 2 months of detention experience, (3). Not having any previous physical or mental illness, and Exclusion criteria include: (1). Taking any type of antidepressant, calm Ward, etc., (2). Occurrence of any kind of unfortunate incident for the person after the experience of detention. Considering the entry and exit criteria, 24 people were selected as a sample and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups (12 people in each group). Then Reef (1989) and Coopersmith (1981) psychological well-being questionnaires were completed by two groups. The experimental group underwent behavioral therapy for 10 sessions, each session lasting 90 minutes, and the control group did not receive any training. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using an independent t-test. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the post-test scores of self-esteem and psychological well-being of the experimental and control groups and behavioral therapy had a positive effect on the experimental group (p <0. 05). Conclusion: The results showed that behavioral therapy can be used as an effective treatment to increase self-esteem and psychological well-being of detainees,therefore, it is important to pay attention to psychotherapy methods to increase the level of self-esteem and mental health of detainees. Today, cognitive-behavioral therapy has taken first place in the psychological treatment of many mental illnesses and its effectiveness has been shown in many controlled studies. Cognitive behavior therapy is in some cases more effective than other approaches to psychotherapy. Behavior therapy is a term for several different therapies, all of which are based on learning theory. Behavior therapists believe that maladaptive behaviors are behaviors that a person learns to cope with stress and can be replaced by more appropriate answers with the help of techniques that have emerged from laboratory work on learning. While psychoanalysis seeks to understand how a person's past conflicts affect his or her behavior, behavior therapy deals directly with the behavior itself. Unlike psychoanalysis, which seeks to change personality, behavioral therapy has a relatively limited purpose, which is to change maladaptive behaviors in certain situations. In addition, behavior therapists pay more attention to the scientific validity of their techniques than psychoanalysts. Behavior therapists have not paid much attention to presenting a theory about personality. They have primarily accepted the assumption that most human behaviors are learned and therefore behaviors can be modified or changed altogether using learning principles.

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Background & Aims: The lifestyle in the machine world of the last century is low mobility and very little activity with the use of various types of equipment and facilities. This lifestyle is the basis of many physical and mental complications in today's humans and causes the occurrence of many chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity, increased blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome as a whole, followed by widespread inflammation in the body. Increased inflammation in the body, especially in the central nervous system of the brain, can lead to neurological and behavioral disorders. The immune system plays an important role in regulating brain homeostasis. Even small amounts of Neuroinflammation can disrupt physiological processes that occur in the hippocampus, including neurogenesis. Inflammatory factors include inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 6 and alpha necrosis factor. In recent years, human and animal studies have shown that the increase of these two cytokines in the body and brain can lead to a decrease in memory. However, its exact mechanisms are not fully understood. Recent findings also show that IL-6 is involved in cognitive functions and memory, and increasing its level in brain areas such as the hippocampus may lead to a decrease in memory, on the other hand, anti-inflammatory factors such as IL-10 (potential role in immunotherapy and prevention) And progress or recurrence of neuropathy play a role in the body. Interleukin 10 prevents the production and secretion of inflammatory cytokines. This cytokine is secreted to suppress pro-inflammatory effects in stressful situations. The most important brain region involved in cognitive functions and memory is the hippocampus. Any damage to nerve cells in this area of the brain can be directly related to cognitive disorders. Exercise is known as a risk modulating factor for reducing memory and learning in neurological diseases and even Alzheimer's disease. It is assumed that neurological and vascular adaptation to exercise and physical activity improves cognitive function through neurogenesis, reducing pro-inflammatory processes and reducing cell damage. Physical activity can modulate microglial activation in the CNS. Low-intensity exercise is sufficient to induce an anti-microglial activation effect by regulating the expression of various factors. Some of these factors (eg, Myokines) can directly prevent microglial activation through various mechanisms that prevent Neuroinflammation in the CNS. Be secreted from different sources (such as damaged neurons, astrocytes, and microglia). According to past research and since the effect of swimming exercise on the amount of pro-inflammatory and inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-10 and as a result on the amount of spatial memory in adult rats has not been investigated, this research was conducted in order to make its results for patients suffering from memory loss. It should be implemented in clinics as a suggested nonpharmacological and effective treatment, especially in elderly people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Methods: C57BL6 male mice (approximate age 10-11 weeks) and (weight 18-21 grams) were obtained from Pasteur Institute of Iran and kept under light conditions of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness (8 am to 8 pm) and a temperature of 1±, 23 degrees Celsius and humidity of 40-50% and enough water and food were freely available to them. The data were analyzed using t-test analysis and P<0. 05 was considered significant. SPSS software was used for analysis and GraphPad Prism software (V8. 5) was used for drawing graphs. Results: Mice who have experienced swimming showed a higher level of the cytokine interleukin 10 in their hippocampus compared to the control group (p=0. 002) and the significant effect of swimming training on spatial memory was confirmed and swimming led to a decrease in hippocampal inflammation. Through the reduction of interleukin 6 levels compared to control group mice (p=0. 025). Conclusion: In this study, the effect of swimming training on the amount of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors and spatial memory was investigated, and according to the tests and results obtained, it was determined that swimming training has a significant effect on the reduction of the inflammatory factor interleukin-6 and the increase of the anti-inflammatory factor interleukin-10. It is effective in reducing the number of cognitive disorders, including spatial memory. Aerobic exercise can partially reverse the cognitive decline associated with diabetes by reducing the oxidative stress and inflammatory environment in the brain of T2D animals. Regular exercise has significant benefits on insulin sensitivity in adults with type 2 diabetes and may persist for more than 72 hours after the last exercise session. Long-term intense exercise can generally lead to higher levels of inflammatory mediators and thus may increase the risk of injury and chronic inflammation. In contrast, moderate exercise or vigorous exercise with adequate rest periods can achieve maximum benefit. Exercise can protect against age-related cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and vascular dementia. We provide evidence of swimming exercise in other animal models that assess cognitive functions and hippocampal inflammatory and Neurotrophic systems. In support of our data, studies are showing that swimming exercise can improve cognitive deficits in various animal models. Regular swimming exercise in mice significantly increases working, spatial and cognitive memory in Alzheimer's disease conditions or is effective in healthy conditions as well. Overall, this study shows that swimming exercise may be suggested as a complementary non-pharmacological strategy for the treatment of cognitive decline in affected individuals. However, further studies should focus on training protocols that can be used in humans.

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Background & Aims: Sex, as the most fundamental element of identity, accompanies a person from the beginning to the end of life. During the socialization process, the members of the society internalize and internalize cognitive, emotional, and behavioral patterns related to their gender. They learn to behave in different social situations as expected from the members of a particular sexual group. Successfully going through this process leads to the formation of a sexual identity compatible with society. But sometimes there are disturbances in this way. In the sense that a person may have the characteristics of a certain gender from a biological point of view, but he does not consider himself to belong to that group spiritually and psychologically. Such a person feels and behaves like a member of the opposite sex. It is obvious that this dual situation causes mental disorders and weakens the individual's performance. This phenomenon is called Transsexuality. Reality therapy is one of the approaches that has provided coherent therapy with a holistic view. And its use is possible for all people who have problems. Not denying reality, taking responsibility, and accordingly planning to achieve goals, are one of the main human needs in the life process, which is given importance in this therapeutic approach. Humans can create a better situation for themselves by choosing more effective and suitable ways to achieve a fun, power, freedom, love, and belonging. Social isolation during some rapid and sudden changes is considered normal and is not interpreted as maladjustment, but when it chronically hinders success and progress in normal tasks and functions of life, it can It has very harmful emotional, social, and even physical consequences. Social isolation is a threat to the mental health and psycho-social functioning of a person. In view of the mentioned materials and considering the effect that social isolation has on the personality, and considering that there is little research in the field of human sexual behavior, as well as the lack of research on reality therapy training for patients with gender identity disorder, the research Presented with the aim of the effectiveness of reality therapy on social isolation of patients with a gender identity disorder. Methods: This study was conducted as a semi-experimental design with a pre-testpost-test and follow-up with a control group. The research population is all people with gender identity disorder who were referred to the Shiraz forensic center in 2020-2021, whose disorder was diagnosed by a forensic doctor, and due to the impossibility of accessing all of them in a targeted manner, out of 195 A total of 30 people were selected by convenience sampling and were divided into two experimental (15 people) and control (15 people) groups. First, Russell et al. 's social isolation questionnaire (1980) was taken from both groups, then the experimental group was given reality therapy training for 8 sessions, and the control group did not receive training. Again, the social isolation questionnaire was administered after the reality therapy training and was repeated in the 3-month follow-up, and the data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Results: A significant difference was seen in the loneliness reduction component between the control group and the reality therapy intervention group at a significance level of 0. 1, therefore, the reality therapy approach has been effective. Conclusion: Since transgender people are often on the sidelines of social activities, many of their capabilities have not been developed. Efforts to make them capable of social relations can be effective in this direction. At the same time, heterosexual people must develop their social skills with people by developing their capacities and by avoiding committing deviant behaviors. The application of reality therapy techniques could help them in this field. Reality therapy is based on the basic assumption that people are motivated to change when they are convinced that their current behavior will not get them what they want. The goal of reality therapy is to foster acceptance of responsibility in the individual and create a successful identity. A person identifies the behavior he is trying to correct, devotes his whole being to it, and does not make excuses to deny his responsibility. In this approach, an effort was made to make the person know the short-term and long-term goals of his life. Define them clearly. Evaluate the ways to achieve the goal. Choose the methods that will lead to more favorable results and experience a more positive feeling towards yourself. It should be noted that this research has limitations that reduce its generalizability. Among these cases, we can mention the small size of the sample, the non-randomness of the sampling, and the fact that the samples are limited to one place, which is due to financial, human, time, etc. limitations, and shows the need for further extensive research.

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Background & Aims: Overweight and obesity is a serious and growing health problem, that is associated with the risk of disability and increased morbidity (1). In obese people, hypertriglyceridemia and insulin resistance lead to impaired fasting glucose, hypertension, inflammation, and accumulation of visceral adipose tissue (2). These factors contribute to adverse cardiovascular outcomes due in part to cardiac autonomic dysfunction (3-5). Thus, hypertension increases sympathetic balance and arterial stiffness, decreases heart rate variability, endothelial dysfunction, and ultimately increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular death (6). recently, whole-body vibration has been considered a potential alternative or adjunct to exercise (10). Evidence suggests that whole-body vibration is associated with decreased fat accumulation and fat reduction in rats (13). These results suggest the use of WBVT in the treatment of obesity. In fact, WBVT improves body composition, muscle strength and cardiovascular function in a variety of populations, including obese people (14). In general, physical activity may reduce cardiovascular risk factors and thus reduce mortality by improving the lipid profile and thus obesity (18). Therefore, there is a strong rationale for the importance of exercise in improvement programs of lifestyle to prevent or treat overweight and obesity. Whole body vibration training has been suggested as a useful protocol to increase metabolism (19). However, the effect of whole-body vibration training on cardiovascular risk factors in obese and overweight people is not well understood. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the effect of whole-body vibration training (WBVT) on blood pressure, heart rate and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight girls. Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 40 overweight girls were selected and randomly divided into experimental (whole-body vibration training) and control groups. Whole body vibration training was performed in 30 sessions every day. Biochemical variables were measured before and after training. Data were analyzed with covariance analysis (ANCOVA) at the P<0. 05. Results: The results showed that WBVT significantly reduced fasting blood glucose (P=0. 001), total cholesterol (P=0. 006), low-density lipoprotein (P=0. 000), heart rate (P=0. 028), BMI (P=0. 002), high-density lipoprotein (P=0. 047) and waist-to-hip ratio (P=0. 000) in overweight girls but had no significant effect on triglyceride (P=0. 852) and blood pressure (P=0. 189). Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that whole body vibration training significantly reduced fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, heart rate, BMI, high-density lipoprotein and waist-to-hip ratio in overweight girls but had no significant effect on triglycerides and Blood pressure. The findings of this study were consistent with the results of Previous research (16, 20, 21). WBVT increases glycemic control by improving insulin action and regulation of glucose. It seems that lowering blood glucose following whole body vibration training is associated with increasing muscle mass. In fact, these training increase the volume of lean muscle mass, and this increase in volume by increasing glucose storage in muscle and facilitating glucose metabolism (20). The mechanism of significant changes in blood pressure and heart rate following whole-body vibration training is still unclear. In some previous findings it has been reported that significant changes in systolic blood pressure have been achieved and a significant improvement in diastolic pressure is achieved when these training are combined with other forms of training (24). Increased local blood flow immediately after vibration training as well as neurophysiological changes following tonic reflection of vibration may increase elasticity and facilitate increased flexibility (30). The mechanism that reduces body fat percentage and fat profile by Whole body vibration is still unknown. However, there are potential contributing factors,whole-body vibration training increase the concentration of serum free fatty acids during the recovery period (33), in addition, activate the central sympathetic nervous system (34),The key role of this system is to stimulate lipolysis in white adipose tissue. There is relationship between the activity of the central sympathetic nervous system and fat oxidation, and hypofunction of this system is a risk factor for weight gain in humans (35). Also, the catabolic effect of vibration on adipose tissue can be explained by converting kinetic energy to thermal energy under friction forces (36). The present study had limitations such as lack of control over physical activity of research groups outside the study time, lack of control of genetic and congenital characteristics that affect obesity, lack of complete control of mental health conditions and lack of precise control of fatigue and sleep quality of the subjects was mentioned during the study. According to the results, it seems that WBVT can help reduce cardiovascular risk factors in overweight people.

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Background & Aims: Type 2 diabetes is the most common endocrine disease occurs due to glucose intolerance due to imbalance between reserves and insulin demand. Diabetes can also cause damage and cell death or apoptosis (1, 2). Recent research shows the vital role of p53 in the development of diabetes. The aim of this study was to study changes in p53 gene expression in liver tissue and insulin resistance index after HIIT and Zataria multiflora (Thyme) extract in obese type 2 diabetic rats. Methods: The statistical population of the study consisted of male Wistar rats from Royan Institute. All rats were fed a high-fat diet (45 to 60% fat) for 5 months or 20 weeks. after the Rats became obese and reached an average weight of about 407 ±,50 g, to create a type 2 diabetic model, 25mg/kg STZ was injected intraperitoneally. Rats with fasting glucose between 150 to 400 mg/dl was considered as a criterion for diabetes and all rats were diabetic divided into 4 groups control, HIIT, Thyme, HIIT-Thyme. HIIT protocol, performed for five sessions per week with 2-minute alternation of 2 and 8 intervals with 80 to 90% VO2max and a one-minute rest cycle with 50 to 56% vo2max. Running time increased from 16 minutes in the first week to 34 minutes in the eighth week. Thyme extract was given by gavage at a dose of 200 mg / kg 5 days a week for eight week. At the end of the training period and 48 hours after the last training session, the experimental training groups and after 12 hours of fasting, the rats were anesthetized and sacrificed by ether anesthetic. Blood samples were collected from the heart. Glucose was measured using an auto-analyzer. Insulin measured by a special kit of Pars Azmoun Company. The insulin resistance index was calculated using the formula and the expression of liver tissue P53 genes expression was also measured by RT-PCR. Statistical analyze performed with one-way ANOVA and two-factor analysis of variance test for comparison between groups and determination of the effect size and post-hoc method. Results: According to the results, these findings were observed: The mean weight in the experimental groups of exercise, thyme and HIIT-Thyme groups increased slightly compared to control group. The mean concentration of glucose in the exercise group was significantly lower than the control group (P = 0. 001) and also in the HIIT-Thyme group, there was no significant difference (P = 0. 99) compared to the thyme group. Moreover, in the Thyme-HIIT group there was a significant decrease (P = 0. 001) compared to the control group. Also, HIIT led to a significant reduction in glucose and insulin resistance index (P<0. 05). The mean insulin concentration in the HIIT group was significantly higher than the control group (P = 0. 005) group and in the HIIT-Thyme group was not significantly different compared to the thyme group (P = 0. 218),however, the Thyme group had a significant increase compared to the control group. The mean insulin resistance index in the HIIT group (2. 04) and Thyme-HIIT was significantly lower than the control group but Thyme group was not significantly different from the control group (P = 0. 994). HIIT reduced P53 gene expression in hepatocytes compared with controls (P <0. 009). HIIT and consumption of Thyme extract also significantly reduced P53 gene expression in hepatocytes compared with the control group (P <0. 05). Conclusion: The P53 gene, which is a tumor suppressor gene, is mutated and inactive in a wide range of cancers, this gene has been given the title of "protector of the genome", now new research shows that this gene has profound effects on metabolism and other Its activation can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes, and for this reason another name was given to this gene "protector against obesity" (11). While the role of this gene is well known during decades of cancer research, little information is available about its role in metabolism. Previous studies have shown that the role of P53 in metabolism and its function is important for tumor suppression (12), this gene also has effects on heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes (13). P53 gene regulates glucose transporters. Maintaining proper function of glucose transporters is crucial in glucose homeostasis and suppression of diabetes (11). P53 regulates the function of glucose transporters by influencing their transcription and transport. For example, p53 activated by genotoxic stress can directly bind to GLUT1 and GLUT4 promoters and repress their transcription. P53 also suppresses GLUT3 expression, but this occurs through an indirect mechanism by inhibiting IkB kinase or IKK (11). P53 gene negatively regulates glycolysis. It affects glucose levels by directly regulating degradation (glycolysis) and synthesis (gluconeogenesis). Following DNA damage, p53 can reprogram the cell's energy production strategies from glycolysis to mitochondrial respiration (or oxidative phosphorylation) in order to suppress tumor progression (11). The first p53 target gene identified to inhibit glycolysis is TIGAR (TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator) (30). TIGAR overexpression reduces the level of fructose 2, 6-bisphosphate (Fru-2, 6-P2), which activates the glycolysis promoter PFK1 (6-phosphofructo-1-kinase). P53 also regulates the stability of phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM), another enzyme important for the completion of glycolysis through the conversion of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PG) to 2-phosphoglycerate (2-PG). It has been shown that the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), an alternative mechanism for glucose consumption for energy production, is partially blocked by p53 through a direct interaction between p53 and its rate-limiting enzyme, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). 30). P53 also negatively regulates pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-2 (PDK2) through both transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms to activate the PDH complex that converts pyruvate to acetyl-CoA to shift the balance from glycolysis to mitochondrial respiration (28, 31). The results of the present study show a significant decrease in the expression of the P53 gene in the liver tissue in the intense interval training group, and also the decrease in the expression of this gene in the interaction group of interval training-thyme can indicate the effect of interval training on the decrease in the expression of the P53 gene in the liver tissue. According to the mentioned regulatory pathways, but in the thyme group alone, no significant decrease in the expression of this gene was observed, which can be inferred that when using thyme extract to use its medicinal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, performing periodic exercises its effectiveness can be improved by further reducing the expression of the P53 gene. Suppression of hepatic glucose production by reducing the expression of the P53 gene can effectively improve diabetes and be used to treat it, in a way, it can be said that targeting components in the gluconeogenic pathway can improve hyperglycemia (10, 11). HIIT with thyme extract in diabetic rats led to improved glycemic profile and changes in glucose and insulin levels, as well as positive and appropriate changes in the expression of P53 gen expression in hepatic tissue.

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Background & Aims: Confronting the modern world has led to the formation of different expectations in the lives of couples and subsequently to fundamental changes in the communication and emotional level. Several factors hinder the proper communication of couples and bring the common life to coldness and emotional deadlock, and in some cases it leads to the phenomenon of unconventional communication and betrayal (1). On the other hand, along with the development of science and technology and as a result of new innovations and techniques, products and goods have entered human life that have a dual function in the individual and social life of man. (2). One of the most prominent and widely used of these products is social media and virtual space. With the increase in the use of the Internet, reports of cyber-harassment, sexual requests and virtual bullying have also increased (3). Virtual space, with the possibility of establishing quick simultaneous and non-synchronous communication, access to a large amount of information and its widespread dissemination, is an effective tool for communication between people and plays a positive role in cultural development and human relations, (3). On the other hand, it seems that one of the most important factors affecting the willingness to use virtual space and social networks is psychological factors, including passion for virtual space. In 2003, for the first time, Wallerand et al. described a dual model of enthusiasm: 1-a great desire to do an activity on a regular basis, 2-a desire to do an activity to the point where all one's time and energy are spent on it. spend (4). Considering that the extramarital relationship of couples is one of the main causes of marital conflicts and divorce,And it has been growing in recent years. But in Iran, there is a lack of research in this field due to the high reaction and sensitivity of the society and laws to the perpetrators and the lack of easy access to people, and the research in this field is very little and insufficient. Therefore, the researcher is trying to answer this question: does virtual bullying and passion for virtual space have an effect on the unconventional relationship of couples in Tehran? Methods: In order to carry out the current applied research, which is based on two quantitative approaches (by completing personal information questionnaires, enthusiasm (Wallerand et al., 2003), virtual bullying (Minnesini et al., 2011) and unconventional communication (Whatley, 2008) by 384 people. of married couples in Tehran) and qualitative (based on grounded theory and unstructured in-depth interview technique, through interviews with 30 married men and women in Tehran with a history of extramarital relationship). Finally, to analyze the data at the descriptive level of mean, frequency, standard deviation, and in the inferential statistics section to check the state of data distribution from the skewness and kurtosis index and to check the validity of the questionnaires from confirmatory factor analysis for hypothesis testing. Spearman's correlation test and structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach and SPSS version 26 and Smart Pls version 3 software were used to test the model. Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between passion for virtual space and virtual bullying (r=0. 728, P<0. 01). The share of variance (determining coefficient) of the two mentioned variables is equal to 53%. There is a significant relationship (r=0. 564, P<0. 01) between passion for virtual space and unconventional relationships of couples. The share of variance (coefficient of determination) of the two mentioned variables is equal to 32%. There is a significant relationship between virtual bullying and couples' unconventional relationships (r=0. 663, P<0. 01). Conclusion: The results showed that the variable of passion for virtual space can explain and predict the variable of virtual bullying. It was also found that the variable of passion for virtual space has the ability to explain and predict the variable of couples' unconventional relationships. Finally, the variable of virtual bullying has an average ability to explain and predict the variable of couples' unconventional relationships. In the axis of individual factors, tiredness from shared life, excitement seeking, personality disorders (such as: paranoid, schizoid, bipolar disorder, etc. ) and personality traits (such as: dramatic, borderline, antisocial, narcissistic personality) in line with the research. Baucom et al. (2009),Curiosity has been consistent with the research of Mark et al. (2011) and Bakum et al. (2009) (6). Parsons' (1995) nuclear family model theory is cited in the axis of inappropriate marriage factors. According to Parsons, the nuclear family is a consumption unit that depends on the husband's job outside the home and is created based on free choice of wife and on the basis of romantic love. In the current situation and with the change of social structure from traditional to modern and as a result, the creation of family-wide institutions in various fields including employment and meeting economic needs, the family gradually loses its productive function and the only role of kinship of the members towards Each other remains in it (9). In the axis of society and environment factors, the theories of culture change through the media of Inglehart (1970), the role of religious factors of Alport (1955), the role of economic factors of Kanger (1900), Kasht Gerbner (1969) and the crisis conditions of Sarukhani (1376) are cited. has been According to Inglehart, individual use of media and especially social networks has a direct effect on individual values. People who are continuously exposed to the information of social networks and media, their orientations towards religion, gender equality, traditional ethical standards, attitude towards democracy and. . . They will be significantly different (11). The interviewees have admitted that with the change of society and its values, their beliefs about the norms of society, religion and commitment have changed and with the spread of social networks and the possibility of easier access, the possibility of unconventional communication has increased. Social media provide an outlet for behaviors that may be potentially harmful to romantic relationships, such as communicating with alternative partners, which can sometimes lead to relationship conflict, separation, or divorce (14). Most of them have considered the corona pandemic to be more important than before, which is in line with the results of Cope Gordon's research. He has admitted that the increased stress caused by the pandemic may expose couples to an increased risk of infidelity. The negative consequences of infidelity are also likely to be exacerbated for couples during the pandemic due to the intersection with the social, emotional, and financial consequences of COVID-19 (15). Also, most of them have emphasized the lack of emotional and sexual connection with their spouses and the desire to satisfy their needs in the form of extramarital relationships (16).

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Background & Aims: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes and alarmed many aspects of our existence. With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the countries were quarantined, many people were in their homes due to social distancing and with the stress of facing an uncertain future and fear of death and loss of family members, and also economic problems caused by the disease caused psychological problems in many sections of the society (1). Wearing a mask is one of the non-pharmacological intervention measures that can be implemented effectively with minimal cost and without disrupting social activities (2). Also, one of the important strategies to prevent the spread of disease during sports activities in public environments, whether outdoors or in gyms, is to use a mask,In this regard, research results show that wearing a mask during sports can prevent the virus from spreading into the air and other people from contracting the corona virus (3, 4). The importance of wearing a mask went so far that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that everyone wear a face mask for more than two years,especially when exercising indoors or when in public places (5). Despite the recommendation that people should use a face mask as a daily habit, wearing a mask during physical activity or sports may potentially have negative effects on the physiology. Therefore, masks should not be used during intense physical activity,because they lead to a decrease in the quality of breathing. Also, sweat can cause the mask to get wet faster, which makes breathing difficult and causes the growth of microorganisms (6, 7). Studies by Person et al. (2018) also show that wearing a mask in a 6-minute walking test has an effect on the heart rate of healthy adults (8). In this regard, the studies of Mapelley et al. (2021) showed that the increase in the feeling of shortness of breath with the use of a protective mask during exercise is more intense (9). The COVID-19 outbreak is having a profound impact on almost every aspect of life. Universal mask coverage is recommended as a means of controlling this disease. Regular exercise in a safe environment is an important strategy for healthy living in this crisis (1). Since gyms and public spaces may be sources of virus transmission, masking may become an integral part of physical activity (7). On the other hand, one of the main problems of using a mask is that it can prevent breathing. Also, the mask is gradually moistened and its resistance to incoming air increases (18). According to the mentioned materials, the purpose of this research is to compare the effect of eight weeks of combined training (aerobic and resistance) with a double-layered medical and fabric mask on maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) of young non-athletes. Methods: In this semi-experimental research with a pre-test-post-test design, among untrained young men with an age range of 35-25 years (average age 29. 40 years, average height 175. 30 cm, average weight 73. 37 kg and body mass index 23. 56 kg/m2) Tehran city, 40 participants were selected purposefully and randomly in four groups of 1-combined exercises with medical mask, 2-combined exercises with cloth mask, 3-combined exercises and 4-control. In this research, the shuttle run test was used to measure VO2max of the subjects,then, using the relevant formula, the estimation of the VO2max level of the subjects was calculated. The intervention phase was conducted in eight weeks and 3 sessions every week and every other day, the exercise groups performed a combined exercise program (aerobic-resistance training) using a medical mask, a cloth mask and without a mask. During this time, the control group was doing their daily activities. The obtained data were analyzed using paired sample t-test, analysis of covariance and post hoc Benferoni test. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS software version 24 at a significant level of P<0. 05. Results: The results of the present study showed that combined exercise training significantly increases the VO2max of young men (P<0. 01), but other results showed that the use of a medical mask and cloth mask decreases the VO2max compared to the training group without mask (P<0. 01). Also, other results showed that there is no significant difference between cloth and medical masks in cardio-respiratory indices of young men (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that combined exercises both with the use of masks (medical and cloth mask) and alone (without the use of masks) significantly increased the VO2max of young men. In line with the current research, Jimeno-Almazá, n et al. (2023) showed that combined exercises increase the maximum oxygen consumption in patients who have recovered from Corona (24). Also, Prieto-Gonzalez et al. (2022) showed that combined training increases the VO2max in recreational endurance athletes (25). In addition, Khalifi et al. (2022) in a review study showed that combined exercises, compared to aerobic exercises and separate resistance exercises, cause more improvement in heart and sweat factors in middle-aged men (26). In examining the effect of mask on VO2max, the findings of our research showed that combined training with either fabric or medical mask reduces VO2max in young men compared to combined training without mask. In line with the findings of the present study, Driver et al. (2022), reported a decrease in VO2max during sports activity with a cloth mask (5). Umutlu et al. (2021) also reported a decrease in VO2max during exercise with a surgical mask (35). Although in these two studies, the acute effect of sports activity on VO2max was investigated, but probably the cumulative effects of training sessions are also related to the acute effect of training sessions, and the adaptations resulting from long-term training are also consistent with the training response on VO2max. Overall, the results of this research showed that the use of combined exercises with and without the use of a mask increased VO2max in non-athletic men. Also, the results of our research showed that using a mask during sports training reduces VO2max improvement compared to training without a sports mask.

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Background & Aims: Family is one of the basic foundations of any society. Having healthy families can have an important effect on the mental health of society, and these social ties create a sense of meaning in life, and in this regard, women are considered one of the important pillars of balance, peace, and life improvement. They are responsible for very important roles such as mothers, wives, etc., so they are productive forces that nurture social and carry heavy tasks of education and community building. Considering the basic role of women in the family and their direct influence in society and the issues and problems that arise for these people due to the multiplicity of roles. One of the problems that women face is the fear of negative evaluation. In the field of interpersonal relationships, people's concern about others' inappropriate evaluation of them as an interpersonal inhibiting factor is particularly important. Women who are responsible for the family alone in their lives report a high level of stress and lack of self-esteem. When people fear the negative evaluation of others, they turn their attention to internal threatening stimuli such as anxiety reactions. High anxiety destroys the chance to reassess the situation and disrupts social functioning, and the level of self-efficacy of a person gradually decreases. Because the person avoids situations where there is a possibility of social evaluation and gradually provides the ground for the isolation of himself and his family. On the other hand, one of the variables that play a significant role in the wellbeing and mental health of married women is emotional maturity. Emotional maturity is described as the ability to control oneself in the face of failure, to feel responsible for one's decisions and actions, and to have an adequate level of awareness of one's emotions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the effective treatments that has been investigated in this research. The cognitive-behavioral approach focuses on cognitive distortions and efforts to change behavior. The core of CBT is the emotions and behaviors that are formed by our thoughts and perceptions. The therapist helps the patient identify cognitive distortions and replace them with more positive and realistic ways of thinking. It seems that this therapeutic approach can be used to increase emotional maturity and reduce negative evaluation in married women and is an effective step in improving their mental health. Therefore, the current research aims to answer the question of whether cognitive behavioral therapy is effective on emotional maturity and fear of negative evaluation in married women. Methods: The research method is semi-experimental with two experimental and control groups, and the statistical population of the research includes all married women 25-50 years of age who announced their desire to participate in the research in the virtual space, and their number was 120. According to the research method, 30 people were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups (15 people for each group). Data collection was done by fear of negative evaluation and emotional maturity questionnaires, and the intervention was done by cognitive behavioral therapy protocol. Also, the statistical method of covariance analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the total score and the subscales of the two questionnaires on emotional maturity and fear of negative evaluation, in the pre-test and post-test in the experimental and control groups in married women. Conclusion: It can be concluded that cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to improve social behavior, improve a person's positive feelings towards themselves and others, and provide the basis for a person's growth after marriage. The training of cognitive-behavioral skills leads to the reduction of extreme generalization and hasty conclusions, which are great obstacles on the way to emotional maturity. Undoubtedly, married people think that they cannot reach the level of skill and selffulfillment in society because of problems after marriage, and they are constantly afraid of being blamed for their immature and unorganized behavior. Therefore, they are afraid of being judged and evaluated. In other words, these people may avoid social relationships due to fear of negative evaluation. Since the fear of negative evaluation is a cognitive component that exists in social anxiety disorder. People with this disorder think that everyone evaluates them negatively and are afraid of being exposed to negative evaluations. Therefore, with the help of cognitive behavioral therapy, these people can be helped to become aware of their negative thoughts that have led to fear and avoidance of social relationships and to be able to have a proper relationship with post-traumatic conditions by controlling and regulating emotions. This approach helps people gain control over their lives and reduce their vulnerability to being judged and evaluated. In general, in this type of treatment, through the correction of cognitive misconceptions, such as self-blame, negative reactions, emotional problems, worries associated with anxiety, avoidance, dependence, helplessness towards change, and thoughts that cause the continuation of negative emotions and It affects the strengthening of negative beliefs, and as a result, this treatment can improve social behavior, improve a person's positive feeling towards himself and others, and increase the ground for the person's growth after Marriage provides.

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Background & Aims: Currently, sports is one of the effective educational and moral methods for the young generation and future-builder, whose scientific face is becoming more and more evident day by day. On the other hand, winning in international sports arenas is a useful tool for promoting national pride and international prestige, and for this purpose, every year, spending large amounts of money and human resources, for the advancement of sports and success in the arenas. To be looking at sports as a social necessity and need, and the health and vitality of the society depend on it, and you should try to promote it because it is one of the important social phenomena that is necessary for all ages. Inclination to sports will prevent the young generation from being spoiled and deviant and will eradicate issues and problems such as drug addiction and social anomalies. Sports activities and related environments have always faced various events and incidents for specific reasons. These incidents have started from the least important crimes such as insults and assaults and the most severe ones such as rape and murder. The lack of knowledge of the sports community about the legal consequences of violations and crimes in sports environments due to the lack of training and the absence of written collections that include the types of sports crimes and their punishments has always increased the quantitative and qualitative expansion of crimes. In recent decades, sports has become a big and popular industry in the world, and the legal issues related to it have become more complicated, and on the other hand, athletes generally believe that their illegal actions in sports activities,finally, it ends with disciplinary punishments, which are referred to by the disciplinary committees of sports boards or federations. The range of knowledge of professional sports managers about their responsibilities and knowledge of legal laws is usually not more than this. Knowledge of the set of legal rules and regulations of sports teaches the sports community how to participate in sports activities so that the resulting accidents do not make them aware of the legal responsibilities that ultimately lead to punishment, deprivation of social rights, and compensation and losses. Health-oriented laws should lead to the expansion of public welfare, the elimination of deprivation, and the implementation of justice. Health-related laws are firstly a sign of the genius of a nation, secondly, they are a model of natural laws. In history, nations that have succeeded in establishing the best laws for their society have had legislative and social genius. Knowing the legal rules and regulations of sports is one of the generalities of legal science, just as saving an injured athlete requires knowing first aid. Therefore, knowledge of legal laws is mandatory in the professional empowerment of managers to reduce accidents caused by sports operations. Considering the importance of knowledge of legal laws in reducing the occurrence of accidents caused by sports activities, the study aimed to investigate the role of knowledge of legal laws in empowering professional managers to reduce accidents caused by sports operations. Methods: This study is a mixed type of research in which 25 people were targeted in the qualitative part of the research and the quantitative part with the cooperation of 210 sports administrative managers, sports club managers, coaches, sports teachers, referees, and sports journalists through 33 questionnaires. A researchermade question was made in Central Province. Quantitative data were evaluated through SPSS software. Results: In this evaluation, 132 codes were identified, among the identified codes, the lack of legal and disciplinary laws in the program of coaching and arbitration classes with a frequency of 19, the absence of a legal federation with a frequency of 18, and the lack of specialized knowledge of executive directors and staff managers with a frequency of 19. 15, the absence of a specialized court with specialized judges and the non-responsiveness of legal laws and disciplinary regulations with a frequency of 17 were among the most important codes identified. Conclusion: In general, it can be said that knowledge of legal laws in empowering professional managers has a significant effect on reducing sports accidents in the province, therefore, knowledge of legal laws teaches the sports community how to participate in sports activities so that accidents resulting from them are punishable. It leads to deprivation of social rights and compensation for losses and doesn't pay attention to them. During the implementation of this research, some limitations can be taken into consideration by future researchers. This research was conducted in the area of the role of knowledge of legal laws in empowering professional managers to reduce accidents caused by sports operations, most of the respondents had minimal legal knowledge, and this made the researcher survey a larger number to access the results.

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Background & Aims: Every year, in Iran and the world, many researches are conducted in the field of stress, anxiety and depression, especially in the field of treatment, and on the other hand, the lives of people who are involved with these problems are greatly disturbed and the inefficiencies caused by these problems make their lives miserable. It seriously affects and in general due to the very high prevalence of these disorders, huge time, energy and costs are imposed on individuals and governments every year, both in the field of treatment and in the field of research. Mental disorders have gained special importance due to the current tense world, which among mental disorders, anxiety, stress and depression have a long history and high prevalence and have attracted the attention of researchers. Anxiety, stress and depression have been considered throughout the history of psychology due to their unfortunate consequences and high prevalence. Knowing the causes of these disorders and effective treatment solutions for these disorders have always been considered, and therefore, many researches have been conducted in this field and a large amount of financial and human resources have been allocated to them. Although a lot of money has been spent on these issues, the results of the conducted research are not consistent and even sometimes contradictory results are obtained in the research. Therefore, the application of contradictory research results, publication, interpretation, evaluation and recognition of their weak points requires a solution based on the correct review and analysis of the research background, the use of conflicting evidence and the use of a combined method. For this reason, we take help from meta-analysis for this matter. In fact, meta-analysis is a method that can be used to infer the differences in the conducted research and to combine the results of various and numerous researches and extract new and coherent results and remove what causes bias in the final results and to solve problems and reach it contributes to more accurate results. The result of the research that has been done in order to present and improve the treatment methods is a very high volume of studies that have contradictory and scattered results. Therefore, this issue makes it difficult for researchers and therapists to draw conclusions and provide treatment services. Therefore, the application and use of meta-analysis research method can play a significant role in organizing the scattered results and resolve the contradictions in the data. Statistically, meta-analysis discovers the relationships between characteristics and research findings by converting the results of previous research into a common scale. The necessity of this research and metaanalysis research in general is due to the low sample size studied in intervention studies. The results of such studies are estimated to be biased compared to studies with larger samples. In these cases, the meta-analysis method by combining related studies and calculating the effect size of the investigated hypotheses is actually evaluated with larger samples. The findings of this type of research will be fruitful both in the field of science and research development and in the field of application and treatment and will bring many advantages. Researchers, professors and students can use the information and results of the research to choose the exact and correct area of their research, in other words, by determining the areas that need more research, it becomes possible to expand the theoretical area, also if the results are, show the ineffectiveness of treatment, a research field will be provided so that those interested in that field of treatment can review and make effective changes in the treatment protocol and in future research, they can improve and improve treatment methods. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to analyze the results of the research conducted in the field of the effectiveness of integrative treatment approaches on the occurrence of depression symptoms by using the meta-analysis technique. Methods: The study method was meta-analysis, and its statistical population included Persian studies, which were searched for Persian language articles in the databases of specialized Persian journals with keywords integrative, integrative approach, integrative treatment, integrative therapeutic approaches, integrative group therapy, integrative positive psychotherapy and Depression, separately and in combination, were searched. As a result of the search process, 16 articles related to the topic were obtained and after the process of removing studies based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 7 articles were removed and 9 articles were found suitable for this meta-analysis. CMA2 software was used for data analysis. Results: Examining the questions showed that the effect size of integrative treatment approaches on depression is equal to 62. 3%. Conclusion: In general, it can be said that this research can greatly help therapists in the field of depression, and therapists using the results can make their patients' recovery more effective and efficient by choosing the correct method of treatment and implementing it effectively. Accelerate the treatment process and reduce the suffering of their patients. In the above explanation, it can be said that depressed people also suppress positive emotions. Strengthening the capabilities of gratitude, hope and vitality probably play a role in increasing positive emotions. It can be said that in the etiology of depression, the reduction of positive emotions indirectly helps the occurrence of depression symptoms through the increase of negative emotions. In this way, in addition to increasing positive emotions, strengthening the mentioned capabilities is also effective in regulating negative emotions. On the other hand, the increase in personality abilities may lead to the improvement of coping strategies in depressed people. Depressed people generally suffer from a sense of emptiness and meaninglessness in life. In the integrative therapeutic approach, various strategies are used to strengthen emotional regulation. For example, to strengthen the ability to forgive, the therapist helps clients identify negative emotions such as anger and hatred and express them during the therapy session. Also, in these meetings, clients face painful events from the past and reframe them if necessary. In the critical thinking sessions, ineffective cognitions related to negative emotions are identified and replaced with efficient cognitions. In this way, the client can better accept his inner experiences such as negative thoughts, anger and hatred. It can be said that by relying on an integrated program of treatment and introducing emotions to people, tracking mood and activity level, familiarizing with creating small behavioral changes and evaluating them, teaching common mental traps, preparing a list of pleasurable activities and other stages and steps presented in the research,There was a significant difference in the depression of people before and after the implementation and it has been effective in reducing depression. Also, with the effort that takes place in the integrative treatment approach for behavioral acceptance of the existing situation, and in practice, more patience and tolerance occurs in the relationship between the patient and his spouse, the platform for positive social exchange is provided, which is one of the platforms and areas for strengthening social capital.

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Background & Aims: The underlying factors of human behavior have been the subject of research for centuries, and the concept of happiness has generally been proposed as an answer to this question. The search for happiness is like every person. In recent years, intense work speed, working conditions, stress, anxiety, and technological advances have brought the concept of happiness to the fore. Therefore, the phenomenon of being happy, which is needed due to negative reasons arising today, has brought many questions about the definition and nature of happiness, its determinants, and whether it exists. Positive psychology, which focuses on the positive aspects of people, states that a person should actualize himself at the highest level. Today, football has become a global sport played by people in almost every corner of the world. This game attracts millions of people through its activities as players, coaches, referees, fans, volunteers, and supporters. Also recently, football has been identified as a driver with economic, social, and political influence for many stakeholders. So multinational companies invest billions of dollars in the field of financial support. Also, from childhood, players and teenagers in football schools choose their favorite football models and play on the football fields by imitating them. Football in developed countries has become a revenue-generating industry, and sports managers are looking for solutions that can make the best use of the potential around them and achieve their sports and economic goals in the shadow of that. In such a situation, managers are successful in creating better conditions for themselves by diversifying their work environment. Nowadays, most countries have realized that diversifying services and taking advantage of their direct and indirect benefits are not possible without proper planning and policies, and other organizations and companies need to formulate goals, strategies, and operational planning. It is so that, while being aware of the direction of movement, he can avoid any reworking, going astray, and wasting his physical financial, and informational resources. Currently, football schools are in trouble with their mushroom-like growth in terms of facilities, or they have drawn a goal other than the training and development of football talents, which if it were otherwise, even now, despite the many years of activity of these schools, the team We had strong players in the club and national level. Although some steps have been taken in this direction in recent years, it is not enough, and more attention should be paid to this matter. Perhaps a suitable solution is to identify ways to develop happiness and joy in football schools. By researching this and compiling it, football schools can play their crucial role in the sport and football of the country in the best way and without a doubt take their rightful place in developing talents. And its durability is getting closer every day,therefore, in this research, an attempt is made to investigate the effect of the factors affecting the vitality and vitality by relying on the diversification of football school services. Methods: The approach of the current research is a combination (of quantitative and qualitative). The statistical population of the qualitative part includes 17 sports management experts and physical training managers and coaches of the country's football leagues, and the statistical population of the quantitative part includes all the visitors to football schools in Mashhad, whose number was about 3000 people. The number of statistical samples in the qualitative section was 17 experts and in the quantitative section, the number was 306. The methods of collecting information are different in different stages. a) Collecting information and identifying the factors in the phase of identifying and studying related articles and books and interviewing experts, then according to the above question, there is a need to choose a specific criterion for including or not including the articles and works are done. To ensure that the research is well-formed. These criteria are necessary because as filters, they eliminate incorrect and irrelevant information. For this purpose, for a study to be considered in the systematic review of this research, it must first be a scientific article published in a university journal that has a scientific review, in addition to the fact that it must have been published between 2010 and 2020. In addition, it should be taken into consideration, whether it is in an operational method or in a conceptual way, it affects the goals of the research (study) since concepts and ideas in management progress and develop very quickly. This is the reason why articles older than fourteen years are not recognized as suitable because they can cause problems and distort the results. Of course, it should be noted that in addition to the articles selected based on the above criteria, some articles in lower-ranked journals and even articles presented at conferences have been considered to have more comprehensive access. To the literature related to this field. Papers were searched in Google Scholar, Springer, and ScienceDirect databases. To analyze the data, Lisrel software was used. Results: The results showed that the number of 34 open codes and 5 core codes (the existence of basic standards, safe physical facilities, service quality, having a written program and experienced trainers, and having a talent search program) are among the factors affecting vitality and vitality based on diversity. It is part of the services of football schools. Conclusion: In general, it can be said that by diversifying the services of football schools, it is possible to create a higher level of freshness and vitality in those who refer to football schools, which can improve the reputation of a football school and earn and increase Help the health level of people in the society. Undoubtedly, creating a happy and cheerful environment through the services of football schools in a good way and creating trust and understanding among families and every football school is of particular importance. On the other hand, this leads to branding and creating a brand image with the customer as a tool to create loyalty in customers and gain profitability as well as the sustainability of the organization. If we can design a good brand name and adhere to the commitments that we claim in the brand name, we can guarantee their loyalty to our future services. Because the football school has a set of organizational facilities it is profitable to enter into other businesses using those resources, and the branding of the football school means searching and entering into businesses that are well with The company's facilities are matched and the long-term effect within the football school is positive in terms of profitability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Sports is one of the important human activities that has existed in almost every human society. Mankind has been familiar with this phenomenon for different ages and each civilization has a special approach to it. The thinkers of educational issues in the past realized the valuable aspects of sports and their great power in human socialization and normalizing and building a balanced social personality. Sports achieve success in the light of its compromising factors with other systems within the social system,because sport is one of the typical aspects of the social system and a complementary part of the social context, and it is affected by all the factors and aspects that make up this system. Therefore, the weakness of the economy undoubtedly affects sports,as the confirmation and non-support of religion from sports, it leads to weakness. Also, education and advertising, which is the sports system, should be adapted to them if it wants stability and success. Championship sports are one of the important pillars of sports development in the country. The development of championship sports in every country is a prerequisite for success in world competitions and the Olympics. In the past few decades, the competition between countries to win medals in international competitions has intensified. This has led the governments and sports organizations of countries around the world to increase the number of dedicated funds for championship sports. To achieve international success, the championship sports systems of the countries have become highly homogeneous and homogenous, and all of them follow almost the same systems. A championship sport is a sport that is defined to gain a ranked position and it is a competitive and organized sport that is performed according to specific rules and regulations to improve sports records and earn a rank with a medal. The responsibility of its support is on the non-governmental and private sectors with the support of the government, and its executive responsibility is on the non-governmental sector (federations and boards). As a reflection of the social system, championship sports have always had a strange connection with sports. The meaning of cultural development in championship sports is the expansion of norms, values, beliefs, symbols, etc. in sports, away from immoral issues and current common anomalies,Therefore, unlike the development of sports culture, which emphasizes increasing the participation of people in sports programs and paying more attention to the physical aspect, cultural development in sports includes all social, political, economic, identity and cultural aspects of sports. On the other hand, sports culture is a part of cultural development in sports. It can be argued that the research on the factors and criteria of cultural development in sports, especially championship sports, has received less attention or interest from researchers, educational institutions, and policymakers. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to the pathology of championship sports in the Ministry of Sports and Youth (a case study of the General Department of Sports and Youth in Fars Province). Methods: The current research is mixed research based on the theory of mixed theory. The types of data are collected and analyzed in a combined manner. Therefore, both the survey technique and the in-depth interview technique are used in this research. Also, this research is a field study in terms of the type of dealing with the investigated problem and entering into it. Therefore, this research is carried out in two stages: the first stage with a quantitative approach and a survey tool on the managers of sports and youth organizations of Fars province and active athletes, and the second stage with a qualitative approach and an in-depth interview tool. Based on the type of data collected and its analysis, this research was quantitative and according to the objectives and the nature of the research problem in the direction of "behavioral pathology of championship sports in the Ministry of Sports and Youth", an inductive qualitative method was used. In this research, the statistical population studied was all active athletes and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Fars province, numbering 500 people. To determine the size of the studied sample based on the theoretical foundations of structural equations, a minimum sample size of 200 is suggested. Despite this, a larger sample size than this number may lead to a higher chi-square and decrease the model fit. Therefore, in this research, a sample size of 200 people was selected as stratified random sampling. The tools used in this research were the championship sport pathology questionnaire by Nouri et al. managers (2017) and the researcher's sports championship questionnaire (2018). After that, with the help of the predetermined format, content validity and reliability were determined as 0. 964 and 0. 758, respectively. To explain, the data extracted from the studied tools were analyzed in Lisrel software. Results: The results showed that from the point of view of managers, the strongest relationship between the components and the pathology variable of championship sports is the structural component, and from the athletes' point of view, the strongest relationship between the components and the pathology variable of championship sports is the contextual variable. Conclusion: In general, it can be acknowledged that from the point of view of the athletes, the most damage was related to the background factors in the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Fars Province, therefore, programs to change individual and social beliefs and attitudes are on the agenda of the authorities. be placed Also, from the point of view of managers, the most damage is related to structural factors in the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Fars province, therefore, changes in the components of structural factors are necessary. Organizational damage has a very broad concept that includes all internal and external aspects of the organization, which is considered a serious threat to the survival of the organization, and its timely detection is considered necessary for the maintenance and growth of the organization. Correct and timely diagnosis allows managers to always be aware of the current issues and problems of their organization and prevent them from becoming acute. Problems such as lack of interest of employees to work, lack of motivation, and ultimately the reduction of employee productivity, which leads to the reduction of organizational productivity, can be caused by inadequacies and damages in the system. There is employee performance management. The damages of the environmental fields are the damages that disturb the proper and correct relationship and interaction, or in other words, the timely and correct reaction of the organization with its neighboring environmental systems, and create a crisis in these relations. The relationship between structural, behavioral, and contextual factors is such that no phenomenon can occur outside of the interaction of these three branches. The relationship between these triads is a close relationship that is practically inseparable. In other words, there is no trinity between the three branches, but the trinity is the rule. Distinguishing and distinguishing these three aspects is purely theoretical to analyze and understand the concepts of phenomena.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Due to the pathogenic nature of the coronavirus, its transmission speed, and also the death percentage caused by this disease, epidemic precautions called "social distancing" or "physical distancing" were carried out in many communications, including the attendance of students at school (2). With the mindset of continuing education, many countries have rushed towards distance education using online platforms and various e-learning systems, which is truly student-centered learning. In this situation, when people are forced to quarantine at home, they will be under pressure in many ways and suffer from many problems, including weight gain, stature abnormalities, irregular sleep, stress and anxiety, and many other physical and psychological problems (9, 10). Meanwhile, children, adolescents, and young people are among the most vulnerable members of society, whose mental health is severely endangered (11). Physical education classes in schools have also been held virtually during this period. Since the process of conducting the class has been based on face-to-face training and the teachers have not been trained to teach this practical lesson virtually and online, and also, since the facilities needed to conduct the physical education classes have been estimated based on the face-to-face method, so investigation and evaluation of the problems and weaknesses as well as the advantages and strengths of the physical education distant learning method are important. Using the phenomenological approach and examining the lived experiences of students who have been the direct audience of virtual education can be beneficial in identifying these weaknesses and strengths, and providing solutions for improvement and modification of the distance education method. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the lived experiences of students during school closures due to the spread rate of the coronavirus. It is hoped that the results of this research can be useful in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of online physical education classes and improving the quality of distance education methods. Methods: In this educational research, the qualitative method of the phenomenological type was used. The sample size is chosen based on category saturation that is sampling continues until the researchers find that by adding more sample size, new insights, and information are not added to the research) (17). Accordingly, the researchers in the current study reached the saturation of the category with a sample size of 30 people (female students of upper secondary education). To collect information, a semi-structured interview was used in this research, which included questions such as "What negative and unpleasant experiences have you had from attending distant physical education classes? ", and "What positive and pleasant experiences have you had from attending distant physical education classes? ”, . To perform thematic analysis, all the conversations of the participants' interviews were recorded by permission and later transcribed by the researchers. The duration of the interview with each participant was 30 to 40 minutes. To analyze the data in this study the seven-step Colaizzi (1978) method was used including 1-reading the transcript to get familiar with the interview and understand it, 2-extracting the sentences from the transcript that directly pertain to the subject of study, 3-formulating the meaning(s), 4-dividing all meanings into categories or theme clusters, 5-defining all emergent themes in an exhaustive description, 6-describing the basic structure of the focal phenomena, and 7-return the results of the study to the participants to determine their accuracy (19). Results: The results of the current research were classified into 12 main themes by extracting the positive and negative lived experiences of upper secondary school students from participating in distant physical education classes. The main themes extracted from the interviews are based on the students' lived experiences of distant physical education classes. Positive experiences Facilitating the learning of motor skills Getting to know the concepts and applications of virtual space Reducing the stress caused by Corona No fear of negative evaluation Adherence and commitment to physical activity Promoting and spreading the concepts of health and hygiene Negative experiences Lack of pleasure, vitality, and motivation Lack of effective supervision of the teacher in the learning process Decreased social relationships Restrictions on doing personal and favorite sports activities Inactivity and activity with different intensities Psychological problems Conclusion: Considering the high goals of the education system concerning the quality of learning, the psychological and social experiences of this era, the anxiety and stress caused by it in students, and their scientific and cultural growth in the framework of the education system, the present study aims to investigate this important issue in the critical period of the coronavirus outbreak. Corona has taken place at the country level with attention and focus on distant education and psychological pressures created on students and the challenges of their progress. The obtained results showed that facilitating the learning of motor skills, getting to know the concepts and applications of virtual space, reducing the stress caused by Corona, not being afraid of negative evaluation, adherence and commitment to physical activity, and promoting and spreading the concepts of health and hygiene are the main themes of positive experiences and lack of Enjoyment, vitality and motivation, lack of effective supervision of the teacher on the learning process, reduction of social relations, limitations in doing personal and favorite sports activities, inactivity and activity with different intensities and psychological problems were among the main themes of students' negative experiences from physical education lessons during the Corona era. Gaining the lived experiences of students in an era like the corona disease causes new theoretical and practical strategies and solutions to be monitored and tested in order not only to prevent a possible stagnation in this field but also to consider the necessity and importance of the body in daily personal and social life. The teaching and learning of physical education lessons should flourish more and be internalized by various individuals and institutions. The urgency and speed of action in converting face-toface classes to virtual at first seemed difficult and an undesirable method that probably did not lead to good results,However, the results of this research showed that the virtual education method, despite the perceived harms and challenges, contained positive points to consider, such as facilitating learning, controlling the fear of negative evaluation, and spreading the concepts of health and hygiene. These issues, along with strengths such as saving time, reducing air pollution, protecting the environment, and access to high-level professors can create a clear vision of distant education even in non-pandemic times. On the other hand, the negative experiences of students can help find the weaknesses of distance education in the current way and provide solutions to overcome these weaknesses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Today, unlike in the past, each person's ability to learn is not dependent only on his intelligence and talents. In addition to the intrinsic factors of intelligence and talent, according to new theories, non-intrinsic factors such as self-regulatory strategies are considered effective in learning. Self-regulation was first proposed in 1967 by Bandura. There are several definitions of self-regulation, which shows that researchers have not reached the same view on this component, but it should be noted that the common denominator of all definitions, self-regulation is a set of psychological efforts to control the internal situation., To achieve long-term goals. In general, self-regulation refers to the ability of individuals to control their thoughts, emotions, and behavior, and studies have shown that people with high self-regulation are at a higher level in terms of interpersonal relationships, mental health, and academic achievement. Take. Students with academic self-regulation are hard-working and innovative learners and do not simply give up in dealing with issues and problems, they consider learning as an active process during which some responsibility must be taken. Accept and in case of problems try to understand what they need to solve it. There are several definitions of self-regulation, which shows that researchers have not reached the same view on this component. Several definitions of self-regulation will be presented below, but it should be noted that the common denominator of all definitions is self-regulation. Introduce psychological efforts to control the inner state to achieve long-term goals. Self-regulation of learning is one of the important and effective components of students' education and various studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between this component and other psychological components that in some cases these results are not consistent with each other in general and Given the above, the purpose of this study is to answer the question whether successful emotional adjustment and intelligence can predict self-regulation of learning? Methods: The method of the present study is a correlation. The statistical population of the present study was male and female high school students in Tehran, which according to statistics numbered over 500, 000 students, and using the Cochran's formula, 400 subjects is enough for this population, but for more validity of the results, 600 the student was selected as a multi-stage cluster. To conduct the research, the research license was first obtained from the university to refer to schools in Tehran. Then, in coordination with the education of Tehran, educational districts and schools were selected. At this stage, three districts were selected from among the 19 districts of Tehran to represent the socio-economic status of the whole city, and one girls' school from each district. A boys' area was selected. In the next step, the schools were referred to and the purpose of the research was explained to the school principals. Attended a meeting and after explaining the research and agreeing to cooperate, completed the Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire (SRQ-A),Successful Intelligence Questionnaire,they completed the Emotional Adjustment Scale (EAM). Results: The results of this study were analyzed using SPSS-18 software and simultaneous regression analysis method and the results showed that successful emotional adjustment and intelligence were positive and significant (p = 0. 001) Predict learning self-regulation. Conclusion: Conclusion: The aim of this study was to investigate the question of whether emotional adaptation and successful intelligence can predict learning self-regulation? The results show that emotional adjustment and successful intelligence have a significant relationship with learning self-regulation and in addition, they have the ability to predict this component positively, which means that the higher the emotional adjustment and successful intelligence. Learning self-regulation will also be higher. In order to investigate the factors affecting learning self-regulation, numerous studies have shown the existence of complex and strong relationships between different psychological components and learning self-regulatory strategies. In explaining the relationship between successful intelligence and learning selfregulation, it can be said that children with high successful intelligence have less stereotyped thinking, and this issue causes them to use different approaches to solve their problems in different situations, and this ability gives them Help achieve the goals. Also, children with high successful intelligence learn about different uses of information and also how to use this information in different life situations, and this meditation on their information increases selfregulation and higher motivation in learning, which is one of the reasons. Another effect of successful intelligence is on the growth of learning self-regulation. Also, high successful intelligence causes more goal-oriented behavior. In other words, self-regulation and successful intelligence act in the same way because both cause students' goal-oriented behaviors. It shows the deep connection between these two components. Another component that has been considered in the present study is emotional adjustment and its relationship with learning selfregulation. Studies have shown that high emotional adjustment in students makes them less involved in marginal issues. And become dangerous, such as criminal groups, physical conflicts, etc., which in turn leads to a greater focus on goals and better self-regulation of education. The emotional adjustment also allows students to better control their negative emotions towards the environment or some subjects, and this plays an important role in their academic self-regulation, while if they can not control their negative emotions towards the subjects. And control environment will have low academic self-regulation. On the other hand, it should be considered that low emotional adjustment will cause more aggression and abnormal behaviors in the school environment, and this will lead to punitive behaviors by school officials and parents, which will cause the whole educational process of knowledge. The learner will be impressed. In other words, emotional regulation does not directly but by affecting the student's behavior, and the feedback he observes from his behavior affects the whole process of student's education and academic self-regulation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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