This study aimed to investigate the relationship between spiritual leadership and abilities of the staff. The whole statistical population is500 of Research and Educational Planning staff and the sample of population size of this study in the method of Morgan is 217.Question forms of spiritual leadership of Fry and colleagues (2005) and empowerment Spritirs (1995) to collect data was 2014-15. In order to ensure the validity of the content, both questionnaires were provided to 10 experts after the necessary reforms to the questionnaires was to get their views. Reliability, questionnaires components of organizational leadership 0.83 and empowerment questionnaire 0.87 was estimated using Cronbach's Alpha. Data analysis, inferential statistics with Pearson correlation and regression was performed using the software SPSS. The results of this study correlation of spiritual leadership, love of altruism, meaningful work, organizational commitment, organizational vision, faith, and the feedback was positive and significant performance, with the empowerment of the predictability and empowering its employe es.