Water aerobic training performed in different forms such as running, (jumping and walking, has its own unique effects. Running in shallow water, is accomplish in three different forms: running in shallow water, running with special floating devices in deep water, and running without any t10ating devices in deep water jumping, and walking, has its own unique effects. In this study, aerobic power, body composition, weight, and 540 m run time are determined as pretest and post test in 22 untrained high school girls (mean age 15.42±.82), divided in two experimental and. control groups (n=11). Experimental group began their training program in water as high as 70 percent of their heights, and continued this for 3 days a week for 18 bouts. Running times in waterl1as began from 20 min, increased 1 min per session, so that finally subjects .ran about 37 min. Mean temperature of water during entire training was 27±2°C. The following results have obtained finally: 1. 4.7 percent significant increase in absolute V02max. 2. 1.7 percent significant decrease in weight. 3. 6.5 percent significant decrease in. percent body fat. 4. 12.8 percent significant decrease in 540m run time In summary, with respect to the results of different studies in this field, the objectives of aerobic water training, determine. Training form and quality: if the objectives of training are maintaining cardiovascular fitness of injured athletes or special population, then it would better that training be performed in deep part of the pool, with or without floating devices. If the objectives of training are Vo2max improvements, then it would better that training be performed in the shallow part of the pool, main training running pattern in track.