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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND: Due to the globally increasing diabetes and widespread side effects after using the synthetic drugs, a lot of researches are being undertaken in order to replace chemicals with natural substances with similar biological effects. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare pancreatic histopathological changes between Glibenclamide and Mentha spicata extract consumed in diabetic Wistar rats. METHODS: 24 male Wistar rats were randomly divided to four groups (six rats per group) including healthy group (negative control), diabetics (positive control). Group 2 included diabetic rats treated with 2mg/kg Glibenclamide (standard anti-diabetic drug), Group 3 were diabetic rats treated with 300mg/kg aqueous extract of menthe spicata. Group 4 included positive control. Diabetes was induced through intraperitoneal injection (150mg/kg) in groups 2, 3 and 4. All treatments were carried out daily by gavage for 21 days. After the treatment period, and euthanizing rats, pancreatic tissues were fixed and prepared for staining with H & E and Gomori methods to differentiate α and β cells and other changes of Langerhans islets. Average area of islets and (total islets area/total pancreas) was calculated. Total cells average count per mm2 of islets and beta cells density were examined in random selected microscopic fields. Changes in shape of cells and their nucleis were considered. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test in SPSS software. RESULTS: The results showed that alloxan can induce severe damage on beta cells and Glibenclamide and aqueous extracts of Mentha spicata can be taken to prevent further destruction of these cells. Statistical results showed that although Glibenclamide has effects but there is no significant difference between aqueous extracts of Mentha spicata and Glibenclamide in their effects on the pancreas islets of diabetic rats. CONCLUSIONS: Because the aqueous extract of Mentha spicata has strong antioxidant properties, It may prevent the damaging effects of free radicals on the beta cells of Langerhans islets. As a result, due to side effects of chemical drugs, compared to the use of this extract, it can be more useful and prevent further destruction of pancreatic beta cells rather than chemical drugs used in diabetics.

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BACKGROUND: In recent years, the use of biofloc has been considerable as a culture method to protect water quality and reduce the cost of food in the environment cultured shrimp. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of biofloc on water quality, growth performance and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei post larvae reared with no water exchange. METHODS: Post larvae with weight of 7. 48 ± 0. 85 mg and length of 9. 23 ± 0. 49 mm were reared in fifteen tanks with volume of 40-L and stocking density of 10 PL/L. Different levels of biofloc were added to tanks’ water as food sources: B0 (100% concentrate); B75 (75% biofloc +25% concentrate); B50 (50% biofloc +50% concentrate); B25 (25% biofloc +75% concentrate) and B100 (100% biofloc). The experiment was carried out for twenty=eight days. RESULTS: Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) level was lower in B25 than other treatments (P<0. 05). The levels of Nitrate (mg NO3– N L− 1) were significantly lower in B25 and B50 in 28 days of the experiment than in other treatments (P<0. 05). At the end of the experiment, results showed that shrimp growth and survival were higher in B25 (301. 23± 32. 20 g and 81. 56%, respectively) than in other treatments (P<0. 05). The concentration of TSS tended to increase in the treatments during the experiment. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study suggest that replacement of 25% biofloc (B25) with food concentrate can improve growth performance and water quality of the cultured shrimp.

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View 842

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BACKGROUND: Barley cultivars contain different anti-nutritional factors that have negative effects on the intestinal ecosystem and reduce blood cholesterol concentration. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the effect of processing barley cultivars on the intestinal morphology, enzyme activity and volatile fatty acids of the small intestine and serum lipid levels of broiler chickens. METHODS: The experiment was carried out using a factorial experiment with a completely randomized design. Factors were barley cultivars (Fajr, Reyhaneh, and Yosef), diet form (mash or pellet) and enzyme level (0 and 0. 05 g/kg dry matter). Around 927 one day of old Ross 308 broiler chickens were assigned into 12 treatments, 3 replicates and 27 chickens in each replicate. RESULTS: Pancreatic amylase, lipase enzyme activity and digesta pH are affected by main (except for cultivar) and interaction effects (P< 0. 05). Feed Processing (pelleting, adding enzyme or combination of pelleting and enzyme) of barley cultivars, especially diets containing Ryhaneh barley cultivar reduced digesta viscosity and increased the concentration of volatile fatty acids and relative percentage of acetic acid and butyric acid (P<0. 05). Diets containing Fajr barley cultivars, enzyme or pelleted diets significantly decreased blood glucose, cholesterol and HDL concentration (P<0. 05). CONCLUSIONS: Due to lower amount of soluble NSP compared with the other barley cultivars, Ryhaneh cultivar resulted in a better response to processing as well as enzyme addition, and improved the morphological characteristics of the small intestine.

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BACKGROUND: Aflatoxins are natural fungal toxins that weaken the immune system and damage the liver. OBJECTIVES: The effects of seeds and whole plant powder and extract of Milk thistle (MT) plant in reducing the negative effects of feeding aflatoxin (AF) on broiler chickens blood parameters and immune response were examined. METHODS: 192 one-day old chicks (Ross 308) for 35 days in a completely randomized design with six treatments, four replicates and eight birds per repetition were used. The experimental treatments included: 1) control, 2) contaminated control (CC), 3) CC + 0. 5 percent of MT seed powder, 4) CC + 1 percent MT plant powder, 5) CC + 600mg/kg MT plant extract, 6) CC + 1000mg/kg MT plant extract. RESULTS: The treatments had no significant effect on plasma concentrations CHOL, HDL, LDL, ALP, LDH, AST, ImG and ImM. Feeding contaminated diet increased alanine aminotransferase enzyme compared with healthy control (P≤ 0. 05). The addition of 0. 5 percent MT seed powder, 1 percent MT plant powder and 1000mg/kg MT plant extract to the contaminated diets decreased alanine aminotransferase enzyme compared to the contaminated control (P≤ 0. 05). Inclusion of 1 percent MT plant powder to AF infected diet significantly increased the antibody titer compared with healthy control and contaminated control (P≤ 0. 05). CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that compared to other treatments, 1 percent MT plant powder was more effective in reducing the negative effects of feeding AF in broiler chickens.

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BACKGROUND: Honey is an excellent food product with health-giving characteristics. On the other hand, the honey quality can change based on various factors. OBJECTIVES: Physicochemical experiments intend to investigate the honey quality in four geographic directions of Kurdistan province shelf-life and the containers the honey is placed in. METHODS: In this research, totally 96 samples from 4 apiaries in various parts of the province were prepared and maintained in various dishes/containers and various (time) periods at 25. 5± 3. 5 ° C. After preparing the samples, some factors including moisture, reducing sugars, sucrose, pH, acidity, the ratio of fructose to glucose, ash, diastase, hydroxyl methyl furfural were evaluated. RESULTS: The result showed the moisture total average, reducing sugars, sucrose, pH, acidity, the ratio of fructose to glucose, and ash were 13. 79%, 77. 67%, 2. 22%, 3. 86, and 21. 39 of meq/kg, 1. 09% and 0. 13%, respectively. Qualitative examinations showed, there was the distance in all samples but no HME. With the increase in shelf-life time, metabolites in the ratio of fructose to glucose and acidity increased significantly, but the factors, moisture, pH were reduced significantly (P<0. 05). Various containers had no significant impact on physicochemical characteristics of honey. CONCLUSIONS: Generally, one can say that the comparison between the obtained amounts with the current standards, quality of the honey samples were standard and favorable. According to the results of this study, honey can remain at room temperature in different containers for 9 months and maintain anacceptable quality.

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BACKGROUND: Nowadays essential oils with antioxidant properties are used in order to increase the shelf life of pre-cooked food. OBJECTIVES: This study was carried out to compare the effect of Cumin and three methods of cooking, frying, oven baking and steaming on oxidative changes of pre-cooked fillet of rainbow trout. Chemical (DPPH(1, 1-Diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazine) for Cumin and FFA (Free Fatty Acid), PV(Peroxide value), TBARS)، Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) and sensory indicators, were evaluated during 4 months storage at freezing temperatures. METHODS: Fillet samples were treated with Cuminum cyminum EOs and BHT. The study was based on application of cooking methods, frying at 180° C for 4 min in sunflower oil, baked in the oven at 200 ° C for 22 min and steamed at 200 ° C for 22 min and oxidative changes were evaluated during the period of storage as frozen fillets. RESULTS: The FFA formation showed increase in all groups, oven baked rainbow trout fi llets gave the highest increase (P<0. 05). The highest value of PV was obtained from fried fi llets treated with C. cyminum EOs (4. 92 ± 0. 23 meq/kg). The TBARS values were not significantly different with fresh-raw fi llet after cooking (P>0. 05), but the treated samples with EOs generally showed slower oxidative changes than those of the untreated samples. Based on the sensory evaluation, fillet fried was found as a preferred cooking method and also, the additions of C. cyminum EOs have positive effect on sensory quality of baked rainbow trout. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in cooking methods includin frying, oven baking and steaming showed that rainbow trout fillet treated with C. cyminum EOs under the frying method are more desirable in terms of chemical changes and sensory analysis compared with the other treatments.

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BACKGROUND: Ascites is a metabolic disease that has negative effects on broiler chickens. OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to investigate the effect of cold induced ascites on performance, meat quality and quantity indices and some blood indices of broiler chickens with cold induced ascites. METHODS: Three hundred one-day-old female chicks (Ross 308) were used in a completely randomized design with two treatments of control (under normal temperature) and ascitic (under cold stress) with five replicates and 30 birds per each replicate. RESULTS: The results showed that cold-induced ascites caused the lower performance, carcass weight and thigh and breast meat (P<0. 05). Furthermore, ascites caused the increased anus temperature and thigh lightness (L) and redness (a) at day 42 of age (P<0. 05). Cold induced ascites decreased the enzymes of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase, uric acid, albumen and malondihaldehyde in blood at day 42 of age (P<0. 05). The higher blood hematocrit and hemoglobin were observed in ascetic birds (P<0. 05). CONLUSIONS: In conclusion, cold induced ascites increase the meat lightness through the increased peroxidation and decreased antioxidants of the body. Moreover, ascites cause the higher anus temperature by increasing the body basal metabolism.

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BACKGROUND: Neospora caninum is one of the most important pathogenic protozoan parasites causing bovine abortion around the world. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to detect the presence of Neospora caninum in the brain, cerebellum and medulla oblongata of aborted fetuses in cattle in Arak by means of molecular method. METHODS: 38 samples of brain, cerebellum and medulla oblongata from aborted fetuses in dairy cattle of Arak were tested for the presence of Neospora with nested-PCR. RESULTS: Survey findings indicated the presence of DNA in 26. 3 % of aborted fetal brains. In the cerebellum and medulla oblongata samples no Neospora caninum DNA was detected. There was a significant relationship between neosporosis and maternal age (number of calvings), abortion history and the presence of dogs in the herd. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed a significant association between the infection and the number of abortions in the examined cows; As a result it seems that neosporosis could be an important factor in epidemic abortions in Arak city’ s dairy farms which requires continuous monitoring and implementation of prevention programs in the dairy industry.

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RASOOLI ARIA | NOURI MOHAMMAD | Seifi Abad Shapouri Masoud Reza | Khalafi Elham | DAGHARI MARYAM

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BACKGROUND: Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute and highly contagious viral disease of small ruminants that is characterized by high fever, ocular and nasal discharge, pneumonia, necrosis, ulceration of the mucous membranes and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract leading to severe diarrhea. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the seroprevalence of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus infection in sheep and cattle in Ahvaz. METHODS: Blood samples were taken from 100 cattle and 100 sheep that were kept together from different parts of Ahvaz. Blood samples were also taken from 16 vaccinated sheep against PPR for positive control. The sera were separated by centrifuge at 3000 ×g for 10 minutes and 3 mL of serum was harvested and stored at-20 ° C until determination of antibody against PPR using VN method. RESULTS: The peste des petits ruminants (PPR) antibody seroprevalence was 23% in cattle and 58% in sheep and all the sheep samples collected for control were positive for PPR antibody. CONCLUSIONS: The present study indicates serological evidence for the natural transmission of PPRV from sheep to cattle under natural conditions and provides baseline information on prevalence of PPRV antibodies in cattle and sheep population in Ahvaz.

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BACKGROUND: Leptin as a cytokine-like hormone is derived from ob gene (one of the major effect genes on birth weight and growth traits) and is secreted by adipose tissue. This hormone with binding to its receptors in the hypothalamus, inhibits food intake and increases energy consumption. OBJECTIVES: There is not any report about expression of leptin gene in response to oral administration of selenium in livestock. In the present study, the effects of selenium nanoparticle and sodium selenite on the transcription of leptin gene in placenta were studied. METHODS: Twenty, four-month pregnant ewes within the same age were selected randomly. During the 21 days leading up to birth, oral administration of selenium nanoparticles (Se NPs) with dosages of 0. 05 and 0. 10 mg/kg B. W. and sodium selenite with dosage of 0. 1 mg/ kg B. W. was carried out. At the same time the control group was fed distilled water in equal volume. With sampling of the placenta during childbirth, transcription amount of leptin gene was determined by RT PCR Real Time based on a comparison assay of 2-Δ Δ Ct. RESULTS: The results of this study showed that leptin gene is expressed in placental tissue. The oral administration of selenium nanoparticle and sodium selenite caused a significant increment in terms of expression of mentioned gene in comparison to the control treatment. Also, there was a significant difference between the supplements, so that the highest leptin gene expression in placenta was observed in selenium nanoparticle treatment with dose of 0. 1 mg and then supplement with selenium nanoparticles with dose of 0. 05 mg. CONCLUSIONS: Selenium causes an increment of leptin gene expression in placental tissue.

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View 578

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BACKGROUND: Herpes virus infections are pervasive in equine populations worldwide, among them equine herpes virus 4 (EHV-4) is one of the major causes of economic losses in equine industry. Infection with equine herpes virus 4 (EHV4) is well recognized as a cause of respiratory disease. OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of prevalence of the EHV4 in horses with clinical signs or history associated with these viruses from four provinces of Iran using the most sensitive method, Real Time PCR Taqman assay. METHODES: Blood samples and nasal swabs were taken from 150 horses with clinical signs or history associated with these viruses from four provinces (Tehran, Golestan, West Azarbaijan and Khuzestan) of Iran. DNA of samples extracted were then used for detection by Real Time PCR. RESULTS: From 150 sampled horses, a total of 18 (12%) were found to be positive for EHV-4. A total of 7 (4. 6%) blood samples and 11 (7. 3%) nasal swab samples were found to be positive for EHV-4. Out of 47 sampled horses from Golestan province, 45 sampled horses from Khuzestan province, 37 sampled horses from Tehran province and 21 sampled horses from West Azarbaijan, 6 (12. 76%), 3 (6. 6%), 5 (13. 5%) and 4 (19. 04%) were positive for EHV-4, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This survey confirms the presence of EHV-4 in these provinces of Iran thus consideration should be given to preventive and control programs for dissemination of these viruses.

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BACKGROUND: Reproductive diseases are among the most important life threatening problems in captive female iguanas. Egg binding is a reproductive disorder in which female iguana cannot lay one or more of its eggs, mainly caused by improper husbandry. Physiological and pathological process of egg production such as egg binding in iguanas has to be assessed more. OBJECTIVES: In this study, diagnostic value of two modalities, radiography and ultrasonography, have been compared for evaluation of egg binding in green iguana. METHODS: In this study ultrasonography and digital radiography were used as non-invasive methods to evaluate and describe dystocia in captive female green iguanas. Ultrasonography was performed in ventral aspect of abdomen in two sagittal and transverse planes. While radiographic images were taken in both dorso-ventral (DV) and lateral projections. RESULTS: Ultrasonography provided more accurate and informative results than digital radiology. Radiography can be used to detect gravidity and presence of large eggs or follicles. Heterogeneous echogenic eggs or follicles, with different egg size, irregularity in egg borders and echogenic free fluid in celomic cavity were detected in egg-bound green iguanas. Among these ultrasongraphic evidences, the strongest sign was presence of echogenic free fluid in celomic cavity. However digital radiography is unable to delineate fluids in celomic cavity following egg binding in green female iguanas. Among two radiographic positioning, dorsoventral view provides more information than lateral images. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, when we encounter a female green iguana with clinical signs of egg binding, ultrasonography has more advantages than radiography, however both modalities can be informative.

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View 582

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BACKGROUND: An experimental study with randomized, double-blind crossover trial in excretory urography with Iodixanol (320 mgI/ml) and Na-Meglumine Diatrizoate (760 mgI/ ml) in dogs. OBJECTIVES: To compare images quality between Iodixanol and Na-Meglumine Diatrizoate after ureteral anastomosis. METHODS: In this study six healthy mongrel dogs weighing between 15-30 kg were used. Before surgery, all dogs randomly received both drugs in 3 day intervals and control excretory radiography with Iodixanol (500 mgI/kg) and Na-Meglumine Diatrizoate (850 mgI/kg) were taken in all of them at 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 and 45 minutes after contrast media injection. After midline celiotomy, left ureter near trigon area was incised and immediately end to end anastomosis was performed in simple interrupted pattern by using polydiaxanon 6/0. After operation at day 90 the same radiographs were taken in all animals. After completion of the study, the obtained radiographs were evaluated and compared independently by a radiologist who was unaware of the used contrast media. The urograms were scored in four categories from lack of opacity (grade zero) to excellent image quality (grade 3) for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Better nephrograms were obtained in right kidneys at 1, 5 and 15 minutes after injection of Iodixanol compared to Na-Meglumine Diatrizoate and in left kidneys the nephrograms were better with Iodixanol injection at 1 minute (P<0. 05). With respect to pyelograms in right ureters, Iodixanol had better quality at 1, 10 and 15 minutes (P<0. 05), but there were no statistically significant differences in pyelograms quality in left ureters. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of these results about better images quality of iodixanol and with regard to the literature that have reported less nephrotoxicity in non-ionic and isotonic iodinated X-ray contrast medium, it can be concluded, Iodixanol is the better drug for excretory urography after ureteral anastomosis in dogs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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MOROVVATI HASSAN | Fallah Sara | MESBAH MEHRZAD | Minosh Siavash Haghighi Zarhra | Arefi Amineh

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BACKGROUND: Fish gill is one of the important organs of fish which in different fish perform a variety of functions including respiratory gas exchange and important physiological processes such as osmoregulation, ion regulation, nitrogen wastes excretion and acid-base balance maintenance. OBJECTIVES: The present study was performed to determine and recognize the histological and histometrical in Gills Silver Carp Immature and Mature. METHODS: Samples of gills were harvested as 0. 5cm in diameter and fixed in Formalin 10% solution, then the routine tissue processing steps were performed and samples were cut into 5 to 6 μ m in diameter and finally were stained with hematoxylene & eosin and acid Schiff solutions. RESULTS: This study was conducted on 10 immature silver carps with mean body length and weight about 10. 95± 0. 36 cm and 12. 02 ± 1. 08 g and 10 mature silver carps with mean body length and weight about 41. 4± 1. 07 cm and 1. 5± 66. 6 g, respectively to evaluate the morphology and morphometric measurements of gills in this species. Gills consist of four gill arches within operculum which is located on either side of the pharynx. Freshly this organ appears to be bright red in color. Micrometric studies on the thickness of epithelial tissue covering the primary lamellae and gill rakers at both right and left sides in both mature and immature fishes, does not show significant differences. In mature fishes, the epithelial covering of gill rakers was measured thicker in apical area comparing to other parts. The results also revealed that the number of orifices of gill raker gap decreased with fish’ s weight but was larger in diameters in both mature and immature fishes. The number of mucous cells in club-shape of primary lamellae was much greater in number than in the other parts which reflects more mucous secretion in these areas. CONCLUSIONS: The covering epithelium of lamella in this specific species, does not show any difference with other fishes in the family. The only difference was in the shape and length of the gill rakers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli is a particularly complex species that is grouped into pathotypes of partly zoonotic intestinal pathogenic E. coli and extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC). Strains belonging to ExPEC are able to cause various clinical signs in hosts and due to similar genetic determinants, these hosts may act as a source of infection for each other. OBJECTIVES: Recent reports of outbreaks of human urinary tract infections (UTIs) have stimulated interest in the potential that E. coli from animals has to cause human UTIs via the food supply especially poultry meat, so we aimed to assess the genetic relationships between strains from these two hosts. METHODS: A total of 260 E. coli isolates were obtained from human UTI’ s (160 strains) and poultry colibacillosis cases (100 strains) and phylogenetic grouping was done based on the Triplex-PCR method and virulence genotyping was carried out using a modified Tetraplex-PCR detecting hly, iucD, papEF and sfa/focDE genes. RESULTS: Statistical analysis of results demonstrated that prevalence of B2 & D phylogroups in human UTI’ s (77%) and D & A groups in poultry strains (66%) are higher than others, considerably. Statistical analysis showed that distribution of A phylogroup within poultry isolates versus human and B2 phylogroup within human isolates versus poultry ones were higher, significantly. It was shown that iucD is noticeablymore prevalent in poultry strains rather than human isolates, . Also, sfa/focDE gene was significantly more distributed in human strains than poultry isolates. CONCLUSIONS: In sum, despite the minor genetic differences between isolates from both hosts, our results showed that there are major genetic similarities in E. coli isolates from human UTI and poultry colibacillosis cases in the region and these two hosts can play an important role as infection source for the other one.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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