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Distribution of infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN) was studied in five major provinces producing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry in Iran by indirect fluorescence antibody IFAT and nested-RT-PCR techniques. Also the effect of time duration was examined on some positive samples after 8 months post sampling. Samples of kidney, liver and spleen of rainbow trout fries collected from 27 trout farms were processed and delaminated. Fourteen trout hatcheris located in all provinces were identified to be contaminated with IHNV tested by both techniques. The obtained results also showed that nested-RT-PCR is more sensitive than IFAT test particularly if samples are stored for a longer time.

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The effect of short term usage of GnRH antagonist as pretreatment on superovulation in goats was evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using t-test and showed that usage of GnRH antagonist as pretreatment can improve number of recovered embryos (p<0.05), but there were no statistically difference between treatment group versus control group in term of number of corpura lutea and cystic follicles (p>0.05). This study showed that usage of GnRH antagonist can improve superovulatory response in term of embryo recovery in goats .

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In this study the effects of gamma irradiation and frozen storage on sensory, chemical and microbial quality of fish fillets was investigated. Hypophtalmyctis molitrix were equally divided to 12 fillests, then these 12 fillets were equally arranged in 4 groups (1-4). One group considered as control with no treatment and the other 3 groups was treated by 0.75, 3 and 5KGy of gamma irradiation, respectively. All of the groups were kept in -18oc for 3 month. All of the samples were examined for microbial, chemical and sensory examinations at day zero and 3 months later. The data were analysed by ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis) using SPSS 10. The results showed treatment with 0.75KGy of gamma irradiation plus frozen storage in extension of shelflife of fish fillets without any unacceptable effects on sensory and chemical characteristics of them.

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Survey on developmental stages of Myxobolus karuni and M. persicus in the gills of Barboid fishes from Mezopotamian part of Iran was done. A total 296 fish specimences were examined. Random sampling was carried out during 2002- 2004 from Karoun, Karkheh Rivers and Shadgan Lagoon. The fishes transported alive to the laboratory, their gills were fixed and stained. Myxobolus karuni developed histozoic, the plasmodia were found inside the blood vessel, it developed in the epithelial cells of primery filaments, the spores are large and ellipsoidal in shape. M.persicus starts and finished the plasmodia in epithelial and endothelial of the secondary filaments, the spores are oval in shape. Up to now, the locations of infection of few species of gills Myxobolus Spp. are known. According the results of this study Barbus pectoralis, B. barbulus and B. esocinus are new hosts for Myxobolus karuni and M persicus.

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This study conducted during 3 years period (2002-2004). Tick sampling was randomly carried out from domestic animals during seasonal activity of ticks from six provinces of Iran. 2170 ticks from 151 cattle, 629 sheep, 336 goats and 32 camels were collected proin 30 prosseces with a mean number of 1.9 tick per animal. 209 Dermacentor ticks collected from six provinces (Kordestan, Ardebil, East Azarbaiejan, Zanjan, Khorasan and Semnan) that included 23% of collected tick population in those provinces. The diversity of Dermacentor is restricted to three species; D.niveus (50%), D.marginatus (27%) and D.raskemensis (23%). The maximum occurance of D.raskemensis, D.niveus, D. marginatus, were occurred in provinces of Semnan, Khorasan and Kordestan, respectively. It can be concluded that livestock had almost different pattern of tick species in any localities thus distribution of D.raskemensis, D.niveus, D. marginatus, has been confirmed this matter.

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To establish a stable challenge system for induction of necrotic enteritis (NE) in broiler chickens, different potential factors and predisposing conditions were imposed in 6 separate different experiments using 525 day old chicks in total. Despite the presence of some predisposing factors and using 4 isolates of Clostridium perfringens (CP) from acute and severe NE outbreaks as challenge bacteria, the disease was not successfully reproduced in the first 4 experiments. In the 5th and 6th experiments, the predisposing conditions were changed and each bird was challenged with 3 ml (3×108CFU/ml) of CP live culture via oral route and also the feed mixed with CP suspension 2 times per day and for 5 consecutive days. Clinical signs and mortalities, and lesions associated with NE were observed in the later two experiments. This study showed that by stressful nutritional and management procedures such as increased stocking density and high levels of wheat and fish meal; induction of relative immunosuppressant; using sufficient CP concentration and appropriate ways of its multiplication; and applying challenge bacteria isolated from acute outbreaks, NE may be experimentally induced in broiler chickens

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To evaluate the effect of probiotic (Primalac) and Salmonella enteritidis-specific IgY on prevention of Salmonella enteritidis infection in broiler chickens, four 33 week-old Single Comb White Leghorn hens were hyperimmunized with Salmonella enteritidis (SE) whole cell antigens obtained by ultrasonication and administrated at a protein concentration of 500mg/ml after centrifugation. Primary immunization was performed with 250mg of the antigen prepared in equal volume of Freunds complete adjuvant and saline. Booster injections were done each 14 days for twice, using incomplete Freunds adjuvant. Bleedings were performed 20 days after first injection and eggs were collected. The presence of anti-Salmonella antibody IgY and IgG in egg yolk and serum respectively, was monitored by ELISA, during the immunization period. Body weight, feed intake and feed conversation were determined. Then two hundred forty male "Ross "day-old chicks were randomly assigned to 8 groups and 3 replications of 10 birds were grown for 56 days of experiment. Eight experimental groups identified with, S, P, A, SP, SA, AP, SPA, C. Four birds from four challenged groups (S) were orally inoculated with 0.5 Ml of S. enteritids that contained 1×106cfu/ml on day 7. The groups that supplemented with antibody (A), received 15 ml of yolk contained antibody (1.5 ml/bird/day), from day 1 to end of the experiment. The probiotic treated groups (P) were received probiotic, 0.1% of feed and 0.5% of feed, during 1-21 and 22-56 days of experimental period respectively. One group as control (C) did not receive any treatment of probiotic and antibody. The test was completely randomized designed. In this project the SAS statistical program for parameter data and X2 test for non- parameter data. The results indicated that high titer polyclonal antibody may be obtained 20 days and 55 days after first immunization, in serum and egg yolk respectively. A-treated, P-treated and A-Ptreated groups had significantly lower fecal shedding (P<0.01). The antibody alone and A-P treated groups had a significantly lower concentration of SE cecal colonization. Antibody alone and A-Ptreated groups had a lower isolation of SE from the liver, spleen and ileume. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the mean body weight, mean daily feed intake, feed conversation ratio and mortality rate among the experimental groups at any period of experiment, but in the A-, P-, and A-P treated groups, daily weight gain significantly increased during finisher period and at day 49 (p<0.05).

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In this study one lymph node from cow with viral lymphosarcoma and one lymph node from healthy cow were analyzed by three different methods for protein extraction, include simple homogenizing in PBS, sonication and phenol extraction. Tumor antigen detection relies on immunoprecipitation followed by SDS-PAGE. In this experiment Streptococcus pyogenes was used for purification of immune complexes. Eletrophoretic patterns were obtained using reduced and non reduced buffers. In PBS homogenization 3 distinct antigens (39, 32 and 30kDa) were observed. When sonication or phenol extraction were used, 5 (72, 48, 42, 32 and 30kDa) and 6 (104, 77, 54, 32, 30 and 26, 5kDa) distinct antigens were observed, respectively. This study showed that the ability of antigen detection mainly depends on protein extraction procedure and antigen-antibody equilibrium achieved by quantification of precipitins. Immunoprecipitation could be used successfully for study of tumor antigens in bovine leukosis.

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Laparoscopic and open ovariohysterectomy were compared for the following parameters: surgical time, incision length, suture number, saturation of oxyhemoglobin (SPO2), heart rate, complications, CBC findings, Melbourne pain scale (MPS) and gross pathology. MPS pain scores were evaluated using Mann-whitney U Test. Other parameters were evaluated using Student’s t test. There were no significant differences in SPo2, heart rate, surgical complications, MPS pain scores and CBC, whereas the blood loss was significantly (P<0.05) lower and the total incision length and suture number was less in laparoscopic group. There were less surgical time and more extensive adhesion formation in the open technique. The laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy is a potentially safe surgical technique in dogs and leads to less adhesion formation that may result in pain of adhesion sites and movement limitation.

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The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between histopathological lesions and tissue enzymes in chickens affected by Marek's disease. Five apparently healthy chickens (as control group) and 25 chickens affected by Marek's disease were selected. After consideration of history and gross lesions, tissue samples were collected from kidney, liver, heart, ovary, pectoral muscle, spleen, crop, proventriculus and bursa of fabricius for histopathological and tissue enzyme studies. In tissue samples, the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine kinase (CK), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) was measured. Histopathologically, lymphomatous lesions in visceral organs were included in local or diffuse ple omorphic small to medium lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, marek cells and rarely plasma cells. The results indicated that the activities of AST, LDH, CK, SOD and GPX were decreased in the crop of affected chickens. The activities of CK, LDH and AST in the liver tumors and the activities of LDH, AST, ALP, SOD, CK and GPX in pectoral muscles were increased. In proventriculus, the activities of AST, ALP, LDH and SOD were shown to be increased, but the activity of CK was decreased. The activities of AST and SOD in the ovary lesions and the activities of SOD, AST, CK and LDH in the heart lesions showed an increase. Fluctuations in the activity of enzymes in different tissues showed that measurement of these enzymes cannot be used as a tumor marker in the diagnosis of Marek's disease. In order to determine whether these enzymes are tumor markers or not, the measurement of the specific isoenzymes of each enzyme is necessary.

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Histidine at the doses 30 and 60ml/kg had no effect when injected at 7:00h, or at 19:00h. Histidine at the doses of 120, 240 and 480 mg/kg decreased defecation at the first 8 and 24 hours post injection, respectively, when injected at 07:00h. The amino acid at the doses of 120, 240 and 480 mg/kg decreased the number of fecal pellets at 2, 8 and 24 h post injection, respectively, when injected at 19:00h. Suppressive effect of histidine in the light period was more intense and lasted longer than that in the dark period. The mean number of pellets for each individual prior to the interventional study was recorded as interval negative control.

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Gastrointestinal helminthes in domestic dogs in Shiraz and the effect of age, sex, anthihelminth drugs, use of dog (pet or guard) and food on the infection rate were studied in 105 fecal samples. Samples were collected directly from the rectum and examined by floatation method. Data was analyzed by Chi square test and Fisher's exact test. No significant differences were found in male and female dogs and also different age groups. Higher infection rate was observed in guard dogs in comparison with pet dogs. The infection rate was higher in dogs feeding on viscera or uncooked food. The awareness of owner's about the zoonotic helminthes infection was unsatisfactory. However according to risk of communicable helminthes educational programs for owners are strictly recommended.

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