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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND: Rumen health in ruminants is of great importance because of its association with milk, meat and fetus production. Many factors can affect the rumen health and destroy its function and performance. OBJECTIVES: This research investigates histopathology of lesions resulted from ruminants in the sheep. METHODS: For this purpose, macroscopic examination in 1562 rumens of the slaughtered sheep in Sanandaj was done. Among these, 23 rumens that have lesions placed in drums of formalin 10% for macroscopic evaluation by means of Hematoxylin and Eosin coloring were referred into the pathobiology lab. RESULTS: In Macroscopic observations, swelling (65. 22%), swelling and focal congestion (30. 43%) and looming papillary (4. 35%) were detected. The highest microscopic signs in the rumen lesions included: sub mucosal edema (32. 69%), ruminate eosinophilic (23. 07%), parakeratosis (13. 46%), granulomatous ruminate (7. 69%), watery degeneration and acute purulent ruminate (5. 76%). CONCLUSIONS: Pathologic lesions of rumen can be due to hyperplasia change as a result of mechanical agitation, stress, parasitic diseases, and mature woody forage.

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BACKGROUND: Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus is an important tick, which can transmit parasites and bacteria to cattle. It can also cause hides damage, growth reduction and sometimes paralysis. So, the tick infestation can be regarded as a major problem in the livestock industry. Different control methods including the chemical ones are used to fight ticks, but because of developing resistance to chemical treatments, researchers try to find some immunogenic proteins for vaccine production. Investigating these tick proteins could be an important step in the identification of biological molecules for the purpose of developing control strategies. OBJECTIVES: The aims of present study were to evaluate and analyze Boophilus annulatus larval extract proteins by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns (proteomic profiling) and identification of some its immunogenic proteins by two dimensional immunoblotting and MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometry referred to as Mazandaran strains. METHODS: The steps followed here were: tick preparation and culture, 1-D electrophoresis, and then 2-D electrophoresis, Western blotting and Mass spectrometry and then Mass data were analyzed by Mascot software. RESULTS: Analysis of the produced 2D image identified approximately 80 protein spots with different Molecular weight and PI by Coomassi blue staining. Based on immunogenicity (through Western blotting) and high concentration, 10 protein spots (between 14 and 97 kDa) candidates for MALDI TOF and MALDI TOF-TOF MS. Among the 10 proteins spots, Vitellogenin, Vitellogenin-2 precursor, tropomyosin, hypotethical protein ISCW001652 were identified proteins with immunogenic properties. Also, quantification analysis showed some proteins had more quantity in soluble larvae protein extract and some such as vitellogenin had some isoforms. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study could be a preliminary step towards selecting proteins candidated to develop vaccines against ticks.

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BACKGROUND: Aflatoxin contamination in animal and poultry and its carry over to human beings is important in causing different diseases like Hepatitis and Liver Cirrhosis and finding methods to lessen toxin adsorption in animal and poultry tissues has a direct impact on health of animal products. OBJECTIVES: Evaluating the impact of natural toxin binder in broilers contaminated with aflatoxin B1 on performance, immunity and morpholgy of intestine. METHODS: 400 day-old broiler chicks under 4 treatments, 5 replicates and 20 chicks per replicate in completely randomized design manner were studied for 42 days. Experimental treatments were: 1-negative control (basal diet with out aflatoxin contamination); 2-positive control (basal diet + 0. 6 mg/kg aflatoxin B1; 3-basal diet along with 1g/kg natural toxin binder and 4-basal diet + 1g/kg natural toxin binder. RESULTS: Presence of aflatoxin in diet reduced all performance indexes significantly (p<0. 05) on day 42 and using natural toxin binder could reduce the negative effects of aflatoxin and improved body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio, when compared with treatment fed with aflatoxin. Significant (p<0. 05) enhancement in immune titer responses against Newcastle and Avian Influenza were noticed in group fed natural toxin binder, compared with control aflatoxin contaminated treatment. The significant (p<0. 05) reduction in E. coli and coliforms were seen in tratment 4, when compared with treatment 2. The crypt to depth ration was increased and the number of goblet cells decreased significantly (p<0. 05) in positive control teratment which received natural toxin binder, compared with control group. CONCLUSIONS: Results obtained from current study emphasized on the possible replacement of natural toxin binders rather than chemical-commercial toxin binders.

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BACKGROUND: Tilapia is one of the important farmed fish in the world. In the recent years this fish has been grown for evaluating the possibility of farming in climate status of Bafgh region. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was identification of some important bacterial pathogens in farmed tilapia. METHODS: In this study thirty fish with 153. 4 g (average weight) and 20. 12 cm (average length) were randomly collected from ponds. Some bacteriological and biochemical tests such as gram staining, Catalase, H2S production, Indole and motility were used. For definitive identification of isolates, PCR test was done by use of special paired primers. For each bacterium a target gene is detected. RESULTS: From two bacterial groups, gram positive and gram negative, six species were identified. In the gram positive group, Lactococcus graviaea and in the gram negative group, Yersinia ruckeri, Aeromonas hydrophila, Vibrio alginoliticus, V. parahemoliticus and V. vulnificus were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding of different bacterial agents in the fish farm environments is essential for cultivation of tilapia. There are different bacterial agents, each of which can be considered to threaten the living conditions of fish. Respecting the health management leads to increasing fish immunity and helps their survival in the cultivation status.

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BACKGROUND: Brucellosis is one of the most dangerous worldwide infectious zoonotic diseases that are common between ruminants and human. Consumption of infected milk and by-products is the major transmission source to human. In Iran, sheep compared to cow, has a higher rate of contamination with brucellosis. Therefore, early detection and precision could be a starting point for any efficient program to control the disease in human and animals. For brucellosis monitoring, milk ring test (MRT) is recommended but the test is not reliable in sheep herds. Perhaps a more realistic outcome could be achieved by changing the antigen used in MRT. OBJECTIVES: Comparison of two Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis antigens in MRT for detection of Brucella antibodies in milk, as well as monitoring contamination of ewe’ s milk in Dezful region by detection of B. abortus and B. melitensis genes using PCR. METHODS: In this research, 220 milk samples from 16 different herds were collected from Dezful region’ s nomadic at Khuzestan province. As the first step, MRT by two antigens, B. abortus and B. melitensis, were conducted on the samples. Next, the samples were subjected to detect Brucella genes using PCR technique. RESULTS: Results showed that 47 (21/3 %) out of 220 cases were positive by MRT test, in terms of both antigens of B. abortus and B. melitensis. In PCR, out of 220 samples, only 9 (4%) samples were positive for specific genes of B. melitensis which were MRT positive as well. CONCLUSIONS: A significant difference between B. abortus and B. melitensis antigens was not observed in MRT. Although the nature and basis of PCR and MRT methods for the diagnosis of brucellosis is different but a significant difference between the results obtained by PCR and MRT showed that MRT even by changing of antigens is still not authentic. Considering that various methods of identification have their limitations, it is recommended that in ewe’ s milk samples, in addition to using a serological method as screening, PCR and culture methods should be used for definitive diagnosis.

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Beheshti n. | YEGANEH S. | ADEL M.

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BACKGROUND: In recent years, medicinal plants have become an important option for use in aquaculture industry. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to determine mean lethal concentration (LC50) and investigated the anesthetic effect of Topped lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) juveniles. METHODS: Mean lethal concentration of essential oil was calculated based on the OECD (Organization Economic Cooperation and Development) standard in static system. For determining LC50, 150 common carp juveniles with mean body weight of 26. 96 ± 1. 98 g were used in 6 groups and one control group and each group with three replications (7 juveniles were used for each replication). After Compatibility period (about 2 weeks), juveniles were exposed to different concentrations including 71. 12, 72. 11, 73. 11, 74. 13, 75. 16 mg/l that were calculated by logarithmic formula. Juvenile behavioral changes and mortality were recorded in the time period at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after exposed to Topped lavender essential oil. Determination of Topped lavender essential oil anesthetic effect was done in 6 groups (with 3 replicates), as 10 fish exposed to increasing concentrations including 0 (control), 160, 165, 170, 175 and 180 mg/l. RESULTS: Mean lethal concentration (LC50) after 96 hours was obtained 99. 70 mg/l. The lowest time for completion of anesthesia (stage 3 anesthesia) was obtained at a concentration of 170 mg/l with 3. 74± 0. 35 min and the full recovery of this concentration was obtained at 3. 91± 0. 55 min. The results showed that the best anaesthetic concentration of Topped lavender essential oil was 170 mg/l. CONCLUSIONS: It seems that Topped lavender essential oil could be used as anesthetic agent.

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BACKGROUND: Medicinal herbs are used in poultry production to improve carcass quality, immunity and also lessen the use of antibiotics. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding coriander seed and ginger root powders to diet on performance, carcass traits, intestinal E. coli count and some serum biochemical parameters of broiler chickens. METHODS: One-hundred-sixty Cobb500 chicks were divided into four treatment groups with four replicates. Treatments as a completely randomized design were 1) basal diet (control), 2) basal diet plus 1. 5% of coriander seed, 3) basal diet plus 0. 75 %of ginger root powder, and 4) basal diet plus 1% coriander seed+ 0. 5% of ginger root powder. At the end of the study, one bird from each replicate was slaughtered for blood sampling and carcass analysis. RESULTS: The results showed that the effect of treatments on feed conversion ratio of chickens was significant at during days 1-28 (p<0. 05). The lowest feed conversion ratio was observed in coriander+ginger. Carcass analysis showed that the effect of treatments on abdominal fat weight, bourse and gizzard weights of chickens were significant (p<0. 05). The greatest gizzard relative weight was in ginger+coriander group while the lowest abdominal fat and bourse relative weights were in ginger group. The treatments had significant effect on blood cholesterol and HDL concentrations (p<0. 05). The lowest cholesterol level was observed in ginger group but the greatest HDL level was in coriander+ginger group. Effect of treatments on intestinal E. coli count was significant (p<0. 05). Coriander+ginger treatment had the lowest E. coli in the ileum. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the level 0. 75 ginger powder in broiler diets has positive effects on reduction of abdominal fat, bourse, cholesterol and also reduces the intestinal E. coli population. Ginger+coriander in the diet by reducing feed conversion ratio and population of E. coli caused an improvement in growth performance of broiler chickens.

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BACKGROUND: Loss of calcium around calving can lead to diseases of transition period and reduce animal economic life. Prevention of milk fever and subclinical hypocalcemia is crucial and important in this period. Repeated doses of oral calcium chloride at calving is a method to prevent hypocalcemia and associated complications. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of oral calcium chloride at calving on serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in transitional period of Holstein dairy cows fed with anionic and cationic diets. METHODS: Forty-two Holstein dairy cows were randomly divided in 3 groups. Group 1 (n = 14), fed diet with negative DCAD without calcium chloride supplementation. Group 2 (n = 14), fed diet with negative DCAD and supplemented with calcium chloride at calving and 12 h later. Group 3 (n = 14), fed diets with positive DCAD and supplemented with calcium chloride at calving and 12 h later. Blood samples were collected at calving and 6 h and 12 h and 1d, 2 d, 7 d, 14 d, 21 and 28 d after calving. Serum concentrations of Ca, P and Mg were measured by conventional methods. RESULTS: The pattern of changes in serum levels of calcium and magnesium in different groups in different time periods (time × treatment interaction) were different (p<0. 0001). Changes in serum phosphorus levels in different time periods were statistically significant (p<0. 0001), but its mean was not affected by the treatment groups (p=0. 7164). CONCLUSIONS: In addition to anionic diets, supplemental calcium chloride should be used to prevent subclinical hypocalcemia in high-producing dairy cows.

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BACKGROUND: A number of clinical cases of mineral deficiency, specially associated with copper in sheep of Khuzestan province have been seen annually; whereas the studies on soil and forage related mineral and effects of them on zonal domestic animals are rare. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to investigate the copper, sulfur, iron, molybdenum and zinc of soil and pastures forages status in order to see the probable correlation of these elements with copper and zinc serum of sheep in Susangerd town of Khuzestan province. METHODS: 5 soil and forage samples and 50 blood samples from sheep that were grazing in the area were taken. All the samples were sent to the Institute of Radiation at Atomic Energy Organization of Iran for the elements measurement. The soil samples were alkaline digested and read by ICP-OES apparatuses. After acidic digesting, forage samples were read by ICP-MS apparatuses. Serum levels of copper and zinc were also measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. RESULTS: The averages of iron and sulfur content of soil were higher than international standard and critical levels, while the copper and molybdenum averages were within normal range. The mean of soil zinc in comparison to the crisis amounts was in the lower level (p=0. 05). Comparing the mean values of forage elements with their critical levels showed that sulfur and iron were higher than standard levels. The results revealed that the serum copper and zinc were lower than normal and sheep under this investigation were mostly in a borderline deficiency status. CONCLUSIONS: It seems that high levels of sulfur and iron in pastoral forages reduces intestinal absorption and bioavailability of copper and zinc in sheep grazing in the under study areas.

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BACKGROUND: In recent years, disorder in lipid metabolism has been increased markedly in companion animal’ s population. Hyperlipidemia is a common sign of obesity in dogs, which is characterized by hypercholesterolemia or hypertriglycemia. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present survey is to determine the effect of obesity on blood lipid profile changes (including triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C) and comparing the decisive indicators of obesity in dogs in Ahvaz district. METHODS: Three groups of thirty dogs referred to Veterinary Hospital of Ahvaz were studied between 2012-2014. The dogs in group A (control), had good body condition score (BCS= 4 to 5). The dogs were all thin (BCS= 1 to 3) in group B, and all obese in group C (BCS= 6 to 9). All of the studied dogs were selected from small breeds (Terrier, Spitz, Pekingese and Shih Tzu), of both sexes and ranging from 1 to 7 years old. Fasting blood samples were collected from all dogs and lipid profiles including serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL were measured using commercial kits. RESULTS: Hyperlipidemia was confirmed in dogs of group A (normal) in 4 cases (13. 33%), group B (thin) one case (3. 33%), and group C (obese) in 19 cases (63. 33%). Data analysis showed that there was a significant difference between group C (224. 83± 74. 34) with groups A (149± 39. 66) and B (131. 80± 24. 37) for triglyceride level (p<0. 001), as well a significant difference was seen between group C (229. 40± 60. 36) with groups A (178. 80± 50. 17) and B (151. 47± 23. 45) and between group A with B for cholesterol level (p<0. 05). The difference was significant for LDL-C between group C (67. 10± 22. 83) with groups A (47. 97± 13. 01) and B (43. 07± 13. 08) (p<0. 001), but there was no difference between various groups for HDL-C (p>0. 05). The effects of age, gender and breed on the measured values did not show a significant difference between three groups (p>0. 05). CONCLUSIONS: The present survey showed that there was a correlation between obesity and hyperlipidemia in dogs. Determination of body condition score (BCS) can be as a predictive agent in characterization of lipid profile status. Modification of diet and weight loss is necessary in obese dogs.

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BACKGROUND: Skin is the first line of defense against the external environment and it is possible to maintain the natural physiological functions in the body. The mucus layer on the surface of the fish body contains anti-microbial combination that provides the first layer of defense against pathogens. The mucus is released by some of the epidermis cells which are called goblet cells and it mostly contains the mucin and other glycoproteins. OBJECTIVES: Histomorphometrical, Histochemical and Electron Microscopic Studies of Goblet Mucous Cells in Different Regions of Argyrosomus hololepidotus Epidermis. METHODS: In this study, six Argyrosomus hololepidotus are used and the structure of the fish’ s skin was studied. For doing this microscopic study, the sampling was done on dorsal regions of fish with a thickness of 0. 5μ then they were stained with H & E, PAS, AB (PH =2. 5) and AB (PH=2. 5)-PAS. For electron microscopic study, the samples after primary and post-fixation were dehydrated and were embedded in resin. Then, thin sections 50 μ m were prepared and stained with uranyl acetate. RESULTS: Argyrosomus hololepidotus fish has maximum goblet cells in ventral and dorsal skin and minimum numbers of goblet cells were seen in tail skin in 100 μ m length of epidermis. There were goblet mucous cells containing mucous in the Argyrosomus hololepidotus epidermal whose numbers were different in difference areas but mucus components were similar in different areas and they reacted positively to PAS and AB dyes with PH=2. 5. The electron microscopic results of this study showed that goblet cells immigrate in thickness of epidermis and they include mucosal drops. CONCLUSIONS: There are goblet mucus cells in all parts of Argyrosomus hololepidotus Epidermis and they have similar mucus nature.

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BACKGROUND: Many studies have demonstrated the important role of hippocampal serotonergic receptors in the emotional memory formation. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the possible role of hippocampal serotonergic receptors in emotional memory formation in several animal model tasks. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the possible role of ventral hippocampal (CA3) 5-HT4 receptors in emotional memory formation of rats in elevated plus-maze task. METHODS: 102 male Wistar rats were divided to 16 groups (n=7), randomly. Two guide cannulae were implanted bilaterally, into the left and right hippocampi, using stereotaxic apparatus. At the test time and following the injections of saline, 5-HT4 receptor’ s agonist and/or antagonist, the elevated plus-maze was used for evaluation of the emotional memory. RESULTS: A pre-test intra-CA3 injection of competitive agonist (RS67333; 1. 2 μ g/rat) and competitive antagonist (RS23597-190; 1. 2 μ g/rat) of 5-HT4 receptor, increased OAT% and OAE% by themselves while only the RS23597-190 decreased the closed arm entries, indicating that these drugs impaired the memory formation. Also, a pre-retest intra-CA3 injection of RS67333 and RS23597-190 (1. 2 μ g/rat) increased OAT% and OAE% by themselves, indicating that these drugs prevented the recall of the memories that formed on first day. CONCLUSIONS: The results revealed that the hippocampal 5-HT4 serotonergic receptor have an important role in memory formation and memory recall, at the time of emotional arousal and stressful situations.

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BACKGROUND: The trachea is the main air passage which is important for taxonomic reasons. The structure of trachea varies considerably in different avian species. OBJECTIVES: This study has been carried out in order to determine the histological and histochemical structure of the trachea in ostriches. METHODS: Sixteen tracheas of 8 female and 8 male nine-month-old healthy blue-necked African ostriches in slaughterhouse of Isfahan were selected. Each trachea was divided into cranial, middle and caudal portions and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Tissue sections were stained with H&E and special stains included Masson’ s trichrome, Verhoeff’ s, Foot’ s, Van Gieson’ s, Periodic acid-Schiff, and Alcian blue. RESULTS: The trachea of blue-neck ostriches was composed of tunica mucosa-submucosa, cartilaginous, muscular and serosa. The epithelium was ciliated pseudostratified columnar contained simple alveolar goblet mucous glands. These glands reacted negatively to Periodic acid-Schiff but positively to Alcian blue. The propria-submucosa was composed of dense connective tissue. The muscularis mucosa was absent. Tunica cartilaginous and muscular was made up of sternotrachealis muscle and cartilaginous rings. The rings were only composed of hyaline cartilage. There is no osseous tissue in the tracheal rings. Tunica serosa was composed of loose tissue containing parasympathetic ganglia, adipose tissues, vessels, and all the connective fibers. Three final cartilage rings were shaped tympanum of the syrinx. The histological structure of the trachea showed no significant differences between the male and female ostriches. Except for the decreased number of mucous glands in caudal portion of the trachea, the histological structures of the trachea showed no considerable differences among various portions. CONCLUSIONS: Based on this study, it can be concluded that although the histological and histochemical structure of the trachea in ostrich was similar to those of some other species, that there were also some differences.

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BACKGROUND: The middle ear ossicles have a fundamental role in the transmission of sound to the inner ear and therefore it will lead to sound understanding. There is no anatomical and morphometrical research performed on this organ in 91 to 117-day-old Makouei sheep fetuses. OBJECTIVES: Morphological and morphometrical study of middle ear ossicles in Makouei sheep fetuses. METHODS: For this study 8 sheep fetuses at the age of 91 to 117 days were collected from Urmia slaughter-house, then the heads were cut and the middle ear ossicles were obtained from the tympanic bulla and each of the ossicles was assessed anatomically by means of stereomicroscope. Then factors such as shape, dimensions and processes of each of the ossicles were measured. RESULTS: Anatomical results showed that the tympanic cavity contains three middle ear ossicles: respectively, Malleus, Incus and Stapes. Rostral process of malleus was not found but in the same place, there was a osseous lamina between the head and muscular process of the malleus that continues to the tympanic ring. Lenticular bone and muscular process of incus were not found. There was a distinctive surface at the junction of the head and caudal crus of stapes for the stapedius muscle insertion. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, anatomical findings of ossicles are similar to the other animals but there are some differences in these fetuses that can be useful for study of evolution and creation process and diagnosis of anomalies. For statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA and Tukey’ s post-hoc test were used, and the value of p<0. 05 was considered as the criterion for statistical significance.

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BACKGROUND: Neospora caninum is a protozoan intracellular parasite which is considered as one of the main factors for recurrent abortions of dairy cattle in various countries such as Iran. This parasite leads to negative economic impacts such as decline in reproduction, reduced amount of milk, and long calving intervals. OBJECTIVES: There have been numerous tests to determine the cause of abortion. PCR test is considered as a suitable method to specify Neospora caninum DNA and it can determine the DNA in tissue samples and body fluids of the aborted fetus. This study aims to use PCR to evaluate parasites in the tissues of aborted fetuses so as to detect the best tissue for determining the parasite. METHODS: In this study, 82 aborted fetuses in the first six months of 2015 were studied. The tissues were selected from brain, liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys and rennet fluids. The NP21plus primer was used to detect the presence of Neospora caninum in samples. After conducting the PCR Test, samples with 340bp band in Gel electrophoresis were considered as positive. Statistical data from the survey of Neospora caninum’ s presence in selected tissues were evaluated by SAS (version 9. 2) software. RESULTS: Contamination with this parasite was found in 34 brain samples (41. 5%) of aborted fetuses. In 2 (2. 4%) and 4 (4. 9%) of the aborted fetuses, parasite DNA was found in lung and liver tissues along with brain tissues, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Due to significant difference of infection of brain tissues in comparison to other tissues, our study considers brain tissue as the most appropriate sample for detecting Neospora caninum infection in aborted fetuses in PCR method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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