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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    3 (پیاپی 31)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (پیاپی 31)
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    3 (SERIAL 31)
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The aim of the investigation is to compare main needs related to personal physical education goals in schools from the students, teachers and scholars' views. Therefor, 534 members (405 students from high school, 72 physical education teachers and 57 physical education scholars) are among these stastical investigation sampels for mearsuring physical education goals. A scholar should use a questionnaire. Questionnaire was distributed among 60 members of investigation groups (for each group 15 questionaire) and then credibility rating of each scale or Alpha Cronbach test was estimated between 0.52-0.98. The information of investigation was analyzed by Cruskal-Wallis test in level of P≤0.5%. It shows that the main physical education goals are from 3 group  views investigation, elevaion healthy and fitness bodily. Priority to adroitness, physical needs from scholars and teachers, views are training games and from students views are exercises and activities related to preserving condition and natural skeleton. Priority to skill needs are adriotness games and sports from students views and running race from teachers views, priority to knowledge. Needs are acquaintance with preserving body condition and natural skeleton from students and scholars' views; and acquaintance with human anatomy and physiology from students and scholars' views priority social-sympathetic needs having suitable body from teachers, scholars and students' views. There is a significant difference among physical education goals.

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    3 (SERIAL 31)
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The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of supplements use, various attitudes towards these substance and their side effects of bodybuilders in Sabzevar's gyms. The instrument of this study was reseracher-made questionnaire the validity and reliability of which and already been verified. The questionnaires were distributed among 102 bodybuliders (age: 23.4 ± 5.5 years old; weighe: 76.3 ±11.9 kg; training- experience: 34± 34.3 months) who had at least 6 months training-experience. These subjects had been selected from a group of 200 bodybuilders who belonged to 9 gyms in Sabzevar. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistices, point-biserial correlation coefficients, phicorrelation and contingency correlation. The results showed that the majority of the bodybuilders believed that supplements caused more hypertrophy, more strength, and better physical appearance (respectively, 68.8, 61.7 and 72.3 percent). The majority of the bodybuliders believed that they needed supplements if they wanted to place high in championships and improve their chances for athletic achievements (respectively 65.7 and 74.6 percent). The majority of the bodybuilders belived that the Iranian office of physical eduction and the media had scarcely or covered the issue of supplements. The majority of the bodybuilders believed that supplements can partly of mainly be obtained from drugstores, coaches, or special stores (respectively 59, 69/3, 78.1 percents). The majority of the bodybuilders believed that athletes who take supplements suffer their side effects to an average, little, or no degree (70.1 percent). 34 percents of the bodybuilers had used supplements over the past 6 months. Based on the results obtained the reseracher concludes that the bodybuilders and coaches need more information, and more educational and guiding courses in order to reform their outlooks toward the supplements and their side effects. The office of physical education, and the media can play a more effective and conspicuous role in this regard.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (SERIAL 31)
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The main purpose of this study was to investigate physical educatin curriculum content in girl's middle schools in Iran. Designing a model base in information provided by physical education teachers served as the second purpose of this study. The sample of this research was 700 physial education teachers that selected randomly from all of States, which were divided to five regions according to their geographical conditions. A questionnaire used as an instrument to evaluate the physical education teacher's attitudes toward the current content of physical education in girl's middle schools. The reliability was assessed by Cronbach Alpha, r=0.96 and the constract validity of the instrument was significant. The descriptive data indicated that dependent variables (physical fitness, sport skills, cognitive and affective domaims) were avaluated fairly at five different regions of the country. The results revealed that were not enough time for implementing the content of physical education course in each period class. Also the findings showed that the girl's middle schools did not offer the same contents for their physical education classes. Analysis of intended hypotheses pointed out that there were significant differences between current content of the physical education (physical fitness, sport skills, cognitive and affective domains) in middle schools in five different regions of the country. Finally, base on the results of this study, a model was developed and proposed for girl's middle schools physical education classes and hope to be used in educational system in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (SERIAL 31)
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The main purpose of this research is to study the effect of training program on the electrical activity ratio of VMO to VL in knee closed kinetic chain. For this purpose 23 Non-athletes men were selected (Age 27±1/08, Weight 66±10, and Height 174±8). First of all, by connecting bipolar electrodes on VMO and VL motor point, it has been recorded the electrical activity of these muscles in normal position in 0-15-30-45-60-75-90 degree of knee through (Procomp) biofeedback before trining stage, and after 8, 16, 24, sessions of increased weight training program. It has been repeated EMG test. After recording raw EMG by procomp biofeedback machine and calculation IEMG ratio of VMO to VL with the help of statistical testes, Toky test and T-tests,the researcher has analyzed the data and compared the mean ratio of electrical activity of VMO to VL. The results show that training program particularly 16 and 24 training sessions have significant effect on electical activity ratio of VMO to VL in knee ligament as by reducing or removing difference between electrical activity of VMO to VL in knee ligament, electrical activity increase for VMO and therefore cause to improve performance of quadriceps extensors and increase of knee ligament movement in close kinetic chain.

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (SERIAL 31)
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The purpose of this study was to determine push factors that drives tourists to visit international sport events in Iran. Fifty two sport managers, supervisors and coaches; and twenty two tourism managers were asked the main topics of study, by a researcher-made questionnaire with 18 questions (Cronbach's alpha=0/81). Collected data were analyzed by using Factor Analysis. Results indicated that: "Celebrations, cerermonies, traditional programs and other accompanying programs of sport events","interest in culture, arts, architecture and ancient places", "having relatives and friend in host country","spiritual desires and locationg holly palces in host country", "curiosity about other people and countries", "escaping from boring social environment" and "getting acquainted with culture, beliefs, customs and characteristics of Iran" are of important push factors that motivate tourists to attend in international sport events in Iran. So, it seems that every marking plan should consider tha above mentioned factors for attracting tourists to international sport events. Marketers should provide in the event site the conditions that respones positively to tourist push factors, or concentrate on target markets that their push factors in compatible with conditions and characteristics of the event. Furthermore, according to findings and cumulative analysis of variance the present study covered 21.19 percent of all possible push factors and there are more push factors that may not be included in this research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    3 (SERIAL 31)
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The purpose of this study was to investigation Salivary IgA and Cortisol response to increase exercise sessions. Method: Eleven elite gymnasts females [mean age 1l±2 years, hight 145±11cm, wight 34±8 kg] performed gymnastic exercise on two separate days. In first day eaeh the subjects exercised one bout from 6 to 8 P.M. In the second day protocole was performed from 8:30 to 10:30 A.M. and then exercised again form 6 to 8 P.M. Salivary samples collected before, immediately and after 2 following the exercise in each bout. Salivary IgA and cortisol concentrations measured by Neflometry and Elisa methods respectively. Results: IgA concentration was 5.52±3 (ml/d) in first day and 5.72±4 in second day, (p>0.05) cortisol consentration was 18.51±3 (ng/ml) in first day and 8.67±3 in second day, p<0.05. Discussion and conclusion: No significant changes were observed in the concentration of IgA after two sessions exercise, but concentration of cortisol increased significantly. No relationship markedly found between IgA and cortisol after exercise. These results indicated that changes in concentration of IgA was not influenced by volume of exercise. Howerver the concentration of cortisol shown tobe influenced significantly by volume of exercise.

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  • Volume: 

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    3 (SERIAL 31)
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the Occupational Stressors (OS) Job Retention Factors (JRF) and thier relationship with job performance in male physical education teachers in Ahvaz city. The research methodological of this study is descriptive and correlation. All male physical eduaction (PE) teachers working in Junior and high school (170) from four sections of education system were selected as samples of this study. Occupational stressors (OS), Job Retention Factors (JRF) and job performance questionnaires were used to test the hypothesis. The relationship and job retention factors such as work balance, conditions, recogntion and inclusivity with job performance in PE teachers were measured. The reliabilty and validity of these questionnaires were confirmed (r=0.92, r=0.90, r=0.86). The Pierson correlation coefficient, multi regression and one-way ANOVA were used in the present study. Analyzing the proposed hypotheses at the P<0.05 showed the following results: No significant differences were seen between occupational streesors and Job performance in male PE teachers of four sections of education system in Ahvaz, but significant differences were reported in job retention factors (work balance and recogniton). Significant relationship between occupational stressors and work balance, recognition and inclusivity with job performance were observed. In addition, significant relationship between all occupational streessors and job retention factors were seen. Using multi-egression showed that only poor management, work balance and recognition were consideres to be better predictors female PE teacher's job performance. Overally, findings of this research revealed that there were a relationship between occupational stressors and job retention factors with job performance of the male physical education teachers. So, it is recommended to board of education particularly sport managers of four sections of Ahvaz education system to provide desirable condition in which to decrease the occupational stressors and increase job retention factors and job performance which may lead to better teaching.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (SERIAL 31)
  • Pages: 

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The objective of this study is to compare the MDA and DC in aerobic athletes, anaerobic athletes and nonathletes. The sample included 42 males aging 16 to 25 years who were selected from a population of 67 volunteers through a questionnaire. They belonged to 3 groups: aerobic athletes (roadcycling), anaerobic athletes (100 and 200 meter sprinters, shot putters, and hammer and discus throwers) and non-athletes. Every group-included 14 memebers. Groups were compareable with regards to age. Blood sampling were taken under standard conditions in the morning and from fasted subjects. After the separation of serum, plasmas MDA and DC were measured. Considering MDA and DC means, ANOVA showed there is no significant difference among the groups of the study (P≤0/05). It may indicate that there is no difference between the rates of lipid peroxidation among the groups. In other words, regular exerecise may desirably alter lipid peroxidation in response to training stimuluses. Alternatively, exercise may improve the resistance of the tissues against those factors that cause lipid peroxidation. It is concluded that regular physical activity could improve the anti-oxidant of the body.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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RAZAVI A. | Dolatabdi l.



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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (SERIAL 31)
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The purpose of this study was influence of two methods traditional teaching and group problem solution in creative degree & some physical factors (flexibility of adductor muscles & strength of abdominal muscles) in physical education students of Alzahra university during 20 session in 2 independent groups at gymnastic course in the 1st semester of 2003. The statistical population consisted of 27 females students that were 12 subjcts in each groups following two methods traditional teaching and group problem solution. The standard questionnaire of creative and some physical factors evaluated in two stages of pretest (before teaching) and post-test (after teaching). The youngest subject has burned 1980 and the oldest has burned 1966. The result of this study indicated on the base of independent T-test compare between creative degree and some physical factors didn't influence significantly in two methods of traditional teaching and group problem solution (df = 10,α = 0.05).

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