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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    2 (پیاپی 46)
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of foot position on EMG activity of the knee extensor and flexor muscles during a squat movement. Eight experienced power lifters, aged 22.38±3.74 yr, height 172.5±6.28em, and weight 91.95±9.98kg (Mean±SD), participated in this study as subjects. The subjects performed three 4-s maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC), to normalize the EMG data for each of the two muscle groups. Then, the EMG activity of vastus medial is, vastus lateral is and biceps femoris were measured during three consecutive repetitions of the squat using narrow (65% shoulder width), and wide (160% shoulder width) stance, with a barbell weight equal to 100% subjects' body weight. A two way repeated measures ANOVA (2foot positions x 2squat phases) was, performed to compare normalized EMG (% MVIC) values during each phase (eccentric and concentric)of the two foot positions. Results indicated that vastus medialis activity was greater in the wide foot position with 42.41±16.38% MVIC compared to the narrow foot position with 38.09±14.73% MVIC (P£0.05). In addition, all muscles showed greater activity during the concentric phase when compared with the eccentric phase (P£0.05). No significant differences were found between any combinations of foot positions and squat phases. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that wide stance squat, may be more effective than narrow stance squat in recruiting the vastus medialis.These results may have clinical and sport applications, because vasti activity is very important in knee rehabilitation and training programs, especially the vastus medialis.

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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The purpose of this study was to designing new maximal step test titled Tarbiat Modares Step Test (TMST) to predicting of V02max.Thirty physical education students participated in this study (age 23. 6±0.38 years; body mass 60.97±1.84kg; height 164.63±1.26 cm; body fat percent 26.18±0.8T) and performed a progressive cycle ergo meter test and TMST to measuring VO2max by expired gas analysis. The TMST was performed with the height of the bench set even with the height of the foot at a knee angle of 90°. The regression equation to predict VO2max using TMST was:VO2max (ml/kg/min) = 0.71(Final Stepping Rhythm) + 0.1(Final Heart Rate)- 0.18 (Body Mass) There was no significant difference in VO2max and total testing time between progressive cycle ergo meter test and TMST (P>0.05). There was significant correlation between VO2max, Peak Heart Rate (PHR) and respiratory quotient in two tests (P£0.01). Also, the results showed correlation between the rate of perceived exertion and Respiratory Exchange Rate (RER) (P>0.05). We concluded, TMST is a simple test that predict V02max with high accurately (Standard error=4/39 ml/kg/min).

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The aim of this study was to compare effect of short term creatine (20g and 30g) on anaerobic performance and blood lactate of wrestlers. 24 Iranian club male wrestlers (mean±SD of age, height and body mass: 23/2±2/71 years, 73/8±5m and 174/6±8/07 kg respectively) were randomly divided into 3 groups, a 30gr creatine supplementation (CrM30), a 20 grcreatine supplementation (CrM30), and a placebo (P). The CrM20 and CrM30 groups were ingested 30gr and 20gr daily doses creatine into 4 equal amounts for 6 days. The placebo group was ingested flour. Average power (AP), peak power (PP), minimum power (MP) and fatigue index (FI); rest blood lactate, immediately and 5 minutes after 30s-wingate test; rest heart rate, immediately after simulated wrestling and 30s-wingate test and total body mass was measured before and after supplementation. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and t-test. An alpha of p£0.05 was used to determine statistical significance. The results showed significant increases in AP, PP, MP and total body mass, comparing pre to post test values in CrM30 and CrM20 groups. No significant differences were found in other variables comparing pre to post test in creatin and placebo groups. Also there was defiance in AP, PP and MP in CrM30 and CrM20 groups compared to P group. No significant differences were found between CrM30 and CrM20 groups. The results suggested that short term 20gr and 30gr creatine monohydrate supplementation improve, similarly, the anaerobic power of wrestlers; however, there was no significant effect on blood lactate and heart rate.

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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The Present Research intends to investigate the relation between maximum EMG activity (as an index of strength) and fatigue of erector spinae muscles (as an index of endurance) with lumbar and thoracic curvature among non-athletes. 22 male, healthy non-athletes took part in this research. Height average: 175.78±4.09Cm, Weight Average: 72.04±4.6 Kg and Age Average: 25.4±3.7. At the beginning the Thoracic and Lumbar Curvature of any of these people was measured through Spinal Mouse Instrument. Then, applying MVC Isometric Trunk Extension method, the maximum Electromyographic activity of Erector Spinae muscles was collected. At the end, with Trunk Holding Test the Median Frequency Slope was calculated with raw EMG Signals and was considered as an Indicator of Muscles Fatigue. The results of Pierson Correlation Coefficient statistical test show that there is not a significant correlation between maximum Electromyography Activity of the Erector Spine Muscles and the size of Thoracic Curvature. But, a positive significant correlation between the Fatigue indicator of this muscles and the Thoracic Curvature was observed. (P = 0.022, r = 0.535). In addition, there is another positive significant correlation between Maximum Electromyography Activity of the Erector Spinae Muscles with the size of Lumbar Curvature (P = 0.043, r = 0.527). But there is no observable relation between the Fatigue indicator of this muscles and the Lumbar Curvature. Considering these results, it is suggested to pay more attention to the endurance of back extensor muscles when facing Kyphosis. Also it is recommended to consider the strength and the weakness of back extensor muscles when prescribing exercises for Lumbar Curvature correction.

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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The aim of this study was to make a skill profile of elite Iranian free- style wrestlers. For this reason, five relevant techniques in 143 wrestlers in two separate groups were assessed Gunior N=70, age = 19.7±0.8 years, height = 172.8±9.5 cm, weight = 77.4±19.5 kg, BF% = 11.5±3.5 & senior N= 73, age = 24.4±2.6 years, height = 173.2±9.3 cm, weight = 79.9±18.4 kg; BF% =10.8±4.1). Scoring method for each technique was taking movie and review of that in non-competitive situation. The results showed that Iranian free- style wrestlers earned high scores (above 19) in all five techniques in both junior and senior groups.

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View 794

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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We studied relationship between serum interleukin 6 (IL-6) and creatine kinase (ck) changes response in active women after submaximal eccentric and concentric exercise. 30 active healthy young women volunteers (age 23/07±1/76 year, height 163/5±4/83 cm, weight 58/93±6/02 kg and Vo2max 34/65±3/03 were randomly assigned to eccentric exercise (EE) (N = 15) and concentric exercise (COE) (N = 15) groups. Two groups performed 30 min treadmill running at (70-75% maxHR) either 0 grade (COE) or -5% downhill grade (EE). SerumIL-6 and the biochemical markers of muscle damage, creatine kinase (CK) was measured before, immediately after and 2 hour into recovery from exercise. ELISA and IFCC/DGKC methods used respectively for measuring serum IL-6 and CK. ANOVA with repeated measures (RM-ANOVA) and LSD test for within group comparison, independent t-test were used for between comparisons as well as Pearson correlation test were used too (p< 0.05).Results showed that serumconcentrationoflL-6 increased significantly after the eccentric exercise and continued after 2 hour in to recovery from exercise (P£0 05). In both groups Significant increase (P< 0.05) in serum concentration of creatine kinase (CK) were observed and 2 hours after exercise CK was significantly higher than before exercise in both group (P<0.05). There was no significant correlation between IL-6 and CK in both group (P>0.05). In conclusion our results showed that serum IL-6 increases after submaximal eccentric exercise. It seemes that increasing post exercise levels of circulating IL-6 is not due to muscle damage in despite of increase of CK.

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an exercise therapy regimen on quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease. 24 males Parkinson's disease patients were participated in this study voluntary. Subjects were randomized into the experimental (n=12; mean age±SD = 62.00±8.8) or control group (n=12; mean age±SD = 63.08±5.5). Quality of life of subjects was assessed using Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life (PDQL) questionnaire. During the to-week stretching and strengthening training, subjects in the control group were treated only by their pharmacological therapy; however, subjects in the experimental group in conjunction with their standard medical therapy, were participated in I-h exercise therapy sessions forth a week. Results showed no significant differences between two groups at base line for all sub-scales and total score of PDQL. After treatment, the scores of parkinsonion symptoms, systemic symptoms, and social functioning sub-scales; as well as total score of PDQL, were increased significantly only in the experimental group. The score of emotional functioning was decreased within the control group significantly. The results of this study demonstrate that performing exercise therapy could affect quality of life of patients with Parkinson's disease positively.

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of training intensity on tissue adiponectin concentration. Thirty-two male rats randomly divided into four groups. High intensity (34m/min-%80-%85 VO2max), moderate intensity (28m/min - %70-%75 VO2max), low intensity (20m/min- %50-%55 VO2max), and control groups. All experimental groups performed 12 weeks exercise program consisted of treadmill running for 1 hr/day, 5 days/weeks and 0 gradients. After 12 weeks adiponectin content in adipose tissue, soleus muscle, and liver determined using a validated sandwich ELISA. Statistical significance of differences between groups after intervention was determined by one-way ANOVA, and LSD test was used for post hoc analysis. After 12 weeks exercise training adipose tissue adiponectin concentration increased significantly at high and moderate intensity groups (p<0.05). Also, adiponectin concentration in liver and soleus muscle were decreased after 12 weeks exercise training but it was not statistically significant. In conclusion these findings suggest that the responds of liver and skeletal muscle adiponectin level to exercise training depend on the body's energy balance in recovery period.

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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The main purpose of this study was to video analysis of footballers injuries participated at Asian Cup 2007. Videotapes for thirty-one out of thirty-two matches of this tournament were recorded by using a video and analyzed by one of authors. One hundred twenty five injuries were recorded for the 31 matches of the Asian Cup 2007-an overall injury rate of 109.7 per 1000 match’s hours or four injuries per match. Significant difference (P<0.05) was found between the six 15-minute periods of the game, most injuries occurred in the last 15 minutes of the second half (23.2%). Also most injury occurred in second half (N=68) than first half (N=49) and extra times (N=8). Most injuries significantly (P= 0.001) occurred in the goal area. Also strikers (23.2%) significantly (P<0.05) more injured than other players and most of the injuries resulted from aerial duels (28%), (P= 0.001). The most common site of injuries was the lower leg (20%). This study shows factors such as time elapse of the game, player position and zone of the pitch can be affected player injuries and these factors should be considered by medical staff and coaches for design prophylactics programs.

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Learn ability and vast coverage of Internet along with various applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in different fields have made it an unavoidable requirement for achieving knowledge and skills in education and research scope. In this situation, universities and students are considered as the most curtail elements that are both impressive and impressed from this know edge. Generally speaking there have been little studies on this subject (ICT) especially in physical education field. Thus, in this study we examined the state of students in regard to their level of awareness about this new knowledge and their manner of its application and possible related factors to it. This research was done based on correlation approach. The 250 students who participated as subjects were volunteers from the B.A. students in physical education and sport science of Shahid Bahonar University in Kerman in 2006-2007. For gathering data, we use a closed questionnaire based on Likert-type Scale. All assumption for the statistical analysis was found to be met and the reliability of questionnaire was examined by processors. The related statistical approaches that were used in analyzing data in this study include: Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r), t-Test and SPSS software version 13. Results of this study demonstrated that the awareness of the majority of students (60%) was weak, and the planning for future job were in average level among the majority of students (73%). In addition the results from hypothesis testing showed that there is a positive and significant relation between ICT knowledge and academic performance of students (p=0.037), but there is no relationship between ICT knowledge and job prospective (p=0.059).

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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Recently, there are a number of models which can be used for football rankings and prediction of future results. Predicting the results in football is as complicated and difficult as in politics and economics. The aim of this study is to determine a forecasting model for the rank of Iran National Football Team (NFT) in FIFA by Neuro Fuzzy. The methods are used by this study consists of two parts: descriptive and analytical parts. In descriptive part, reports showed Iran in FIFA ranking during last 119 months (1996-2006) were obtained from official site. They were including the status of Iran in every month, the number of goals, the place of matches, the type of match, the status of opponent of Iran team in ranking of FIFA in last month and regional strength of Iran opponent teams. In analytical part, the data analyzed by Neuro Fuzzy and a model for forecasting of the rank of Iran team in next month is presented. Results were shown in two ways: first, it is conceptual model, in this model can predict status of Iran NFT in FIFA ranking in next month’s by giving independent variables. This method is relatively precise and its results are near to real FIFA ranking. The second is the statement, which in independent variables are not available. In this case, it can consider time as an independent variable, and predict the model upon it. For example, Iran NFT ranking in the next months will be 19, 20 ... respectively. The precision of second method was less than the first one and whatever the amplitude of forecasting is more; the accuracy of model will be decreasing.

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    2 (SERIAL 46)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Back extensor strength (BES) and spine flexibility with degree of kyphosis and lordosis in young healthy people. One hundred healthy male students participated in this study (23.27±1.41age, 177.42±6.64cm, 65.17±10.63kg). BES measured by using standard digital dynamometer KE-D300. Spine flexibility and degree of kyphosis and lordosis measured by using Spinal mouse 3.2 (non-invasive tool). The relationship of variables was determined by using Spearman Correlation Coefficients. Results showed significant negative correlation between BES and degree of kyphosis (r=-0.72, P<0.05) and significant positive correlation between BES and degree of lordosis (r=0.28, P<0.05). But there was no significant correlation between spine flexibility with degree of kyphosis (r=-0.04, P>0.05) and lordosis (r=0.06, P>0.05). Among variables regression analysis revealed that BES was the best predictor of kyphosis (R2= 55% b= -0.73, P<0.05) and lordosis (R2= 24%, b= 0.30, P<0.05). According to the results as BES increased, degree of kyphosis decreased while degree of lordosis increased manually, but there is no relationship between spine flexibility with degree of kyphosis and lordosis.

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