Background and objectives: Cake is one of the most important and high-quality cereal products. Because of high fat and sugar content in the formulation, its long consumption may results in obesity and some health problems. One option to produce more healthy food products is to remove some of the energy-rich compounds, such as sucrose, or to replace it with other non-energy or low energy sources. Materials and Methods: The treatments included the samples containing 100% of sucrose (C), 50% of sucrose with 50% of erythritol and sucralose (M), 50% of sucralose and 50% erythritol (SE), 100% of erythritol (E) and 100% of sucralose (S). Then the dough samples were subjected to rheological tests and the produced breads were subjected to physical, chemical and organoleptic tests. Results: According to the results, the control and M samples had the highest (2. 35 and 2. 19 g/cm3), but the sample E had the lowest density (1. 29g/cm3) (P≤ 0. 05). The sample E had the highest (39. 93Pa. s), but C, M, SE and S treatments had the lowest viscosity (P≤ 0. 05). According to the results, the highest moisture contents (27. 11 and 26. 72%) were observed in the control and M but the lowest moisture content (20. 20%) was measured in S treatment (P ≤ 0. 05). Also, the highest amounts of fat (20. 02 and 19. 59%) were observed in E and S treatments, while the lowest (18. 46%) in treatment C. According to the results of mean comparisons, E, S and SE treatments contained the highest amount of ash (0. 88, 0. 85 and 0. 83%) and protein (10. 14, 9. 93 and 9. 79%), respectively. After that, M and control treatments had the lowest amount of ash (0. 75 and 0. 70%) and protein (8. 78 and 8. 25%). The sample E had the highest amount of luminance (L*= 55. 65), while the sample C had the lowest amount (L*=46. 15) (P ≤ 0. 05). In the same way, the treatment C had the highest amount of redness (a*=2. 22), yellowness (b*=33. 52) and total color difference (Δ E = 7. 4), but the treatment E showed the lowest amount of redness (a*=1. 1), yellowness (b*= 21. 54) and total color difference (Δ E=1. 2)(P≤ 0. 05). Moreover, the highest volume (910. 32cm3) was observed in control sample while the lowest volume (551. 26cm3) was observed in SE treatment (P≤ 0. 05). Meanwhile, the highest (6400 calories) and the lowest amount of energy (1500calories) were measured in control and S treatments (containing 100% sucralose), respectively. According to the results, in the first, third and seventh days, the highest degree of staling were found in treatments E (26. 517N) and S(26. 446N), but its lowest amounts were observed in treatments C (9. 908N) and M (10. 25N) (P≤ 0. 05). In addition, the control and M treatments had the highest score of texture and structure (8. 6), chewiness (9), taste and flavor (9), porosity (9), apparent shape and form (8. 8) and freshness (6). Notably, no significant difference was observed between all treatments in terms of properties of crust and crumb (P>0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results of physicochemical, rheological, staling and sensory tests, the sample containing 50% erythriol and sucralose and 50% sucrose (M) showed the highest similarity to the control treatment in terms of different properties such as density, dough viscosity, moisture content, ash, protein, and staling (sensory and instrumental) and all sensory properties, and therefore is recommended as the best treatment.