In the present study, possible factors affecting ‘ Grouping’ within English language classes were collected drawing on some English language teachers affiliated in Iran and Japan (no. 19) and Iranian learners (no. 83). The teachers' viewpoints indicated seven factors, including (1) linguistic level (45. 16%), (2) age (3. 22%), (3) student needs (3. 22%), (4) psychological factors (22. 58%), (5) number of students in the classroom 12. 90%), (6) the number of classroom sessions (3. 22%), and (7) random factors (9. 67), which showed the tendency of Iranian teachers to focus on product-oriented while Japanese teachers were more preoccupied with process-oriented methodologies in grouping. Students’ viwes involved some six factors including (1) the use of strong partners in each group (45. 09%), (2) using homogeneous groups (29. 41%), (3) the ability to act with the teacher (knowledge and experience) (3. 92%), friendship (15. 68%), and 5) friendship with linguistic level (5. 88%) which could show their tendency towards improving their linguistic level and not necessarily their social skills through group work. Consequently, based on the evidence obtained in this study, it is recommended that before implementing any new approach – here, teamwork in communicative-style teaching-we should first consider the value system of teaching and learning in the region rather than implementing the related materials. After examining the beliefs of teachers and their students and in particular teachers, then we can align teachers' attitudes with new changes.