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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Considering the necessity of dentistry students' involvement in learning treatment topics and, in order to achieve deeper learning, this study was performed to evaluate problem based learning method and compare it to traditional method of teaching orthodontics to dentistry students.Methods: This interventional study was performed on 64, fifth year dentistry students in 2007-2008 academic years. After selection and orientation of tutors, a trainer helped them to adjust to the new method. After orientation of students about PBL method, the groups were identified and the PBL method was performed in four steps. A pretest was taken from students to assess their attitude and satisfaction about traditional method of lecture. Then, A post-test evaluated their attitude toward and satisfaction with the new method.The domains of this method were assessed by 5 point Likert scale. Results were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The average of achieved scores out of the total score of five was as so in areas of material organization (main subjects) (3.41±0.75), internal motivation (3.41±0.7), assignments appropriateness (3.38±0.53), and suitability of evaluation method (3.67±1.17). The mean of satisfaction score was 14 out of the total score of 20 which demonstrates agreement higher than average.Conclusion: By promoting learner's internal motivation, enhancing the quality of education, and, increasing continuous learning, PBL method could prove useful in teaching dentistry students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Due to the close association between clinical competency and the quality of care concept, clinical competency has a special place in evaluating medical sciences students. This study was performed to investigate perceived clinical self-efficacy among students at the beginning and end of clinical education course and compare it to teachers' evaluation of students’ clinical competencies.Methods: This descriptive correlational cross-sectional study performed on all students of physiotherapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), speech therapy (ST), and social working (SW) in Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences University. Data was gathered using a researcher made questionnaire distributed at two points, once at the 4th semester and once again at the 8th semester. Data was analyzed using independent t-test and variance analysis.Results: The mean of perceived clinical self-efficacy was in the range of 51-100 for students of all disciplines. The mean score of overall perceived self-efficacy of all students in all disciplines was significantly higher in the 8th semester compared to that of the 4th semester. The correlation coefficient between teachers' evaluation and students' perception from their own clinical self-efficacy was insignificant (r=0.04).Conclusion: Students' self-evaluation of clinical competency could provide valuable and complementary information for evaluating medical sciences students. Setting educational objectives according to students' needs and faculty members’ viewpoints as well as adopting qualitative strategies for educational evaluation and emphasizing on self-efficacy perception in students, may lead to qualitative improvement of educational procedures.

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Introduction: Evaluating nurses' clinical competencies is of special importance in managing care process and determining their educational needs. The objective of this study was to compare the clinical competencies and clinical skills application by nurses in two hospitals affiliated to Boushehr and Shiraz Medical Universities.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the clinical competencies of all 266 nurses employed in two main hospitals of Boushehr and Shiraz medical universities and volunteered for participation in the study were compared. A questionnaire containing 73 nursing skills in seven domains of clinical competencies was used to investigate the level of nurses' clinical competencies through Visual Analogue Scale (0 to 100) and their clinical skills application via a 4 degree Lickert Scale. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.Results: Having a mean score of 87.03±10.03, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences' nurses enjoyed higher level of clinical competencies compared to the mean score of 71.07±13.66 achieved by those in the hospital affiliated to Boushehr University of Medical Sciences. More over, 70 percent of clinical skills are recurrently exploited by nurses employed in Boushehr while this rate is more than 83 percent in the hospital affiliated to Shiraz Medical University.Conclusion: The level of clinical competencies and the extent to which nursing skills are employed by nurses is dissimilar in these two hospitals. Educational needs assessment for nurses and modification of health care quality in different hospitals is recommended to be investigated.

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Introduction: Divergent results are reported from studies on PowerPoint exploitation in teaching. With regard to the existing conflicts, this study was conducted to investigate nursing and midwifery students' experiences and views concerning using PowerPoint by lecturers.Methods: This qualitative study was performed using six individual interviews and two sessions of group discussion with the participation of 12 students in Kashan University of Medical Sciences. In each session, students described their experiences and views about the way teachers used PowerPoint and its impact on their learning. The interviews and discussions were recorded and transcribed, then analyzed using content analysis method.Results: Two main categories emerged from data including "the nature of PowerPoint" and "PowerPoint application culture". The second category encompassed subcategories of "correct application", "incorrect application", and "consequences of incorrect application". Participants recognized PowerPoint as an educational instrument which could be used properly or improperly. Based on their viewpoints, "correct application" embraces purposeful usage of PowerPoint, integrated with other teaching methods which can lead to deep understanding of teaching content. In contrast, "incorrect application" entails rapidity in presentation, slide overuse and illustration of slides with improper structure and content, without considering students' learning. This method causes tiredness and distraction as well as inattention to lesson and lack of time for deliberation in students, and reduces their interaction with teacher.Conclusion: Although proper and accurate application of PowerPoint may prove helpful in having attractive teaching and improving learning, its overuse and improper use by teachers causes the decrease in student's interaction with the teacher and consequently leads to student's aversion with this educational instrument.

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Introduction: Lack of knowledge about choosing delivery type in mothers, is one of the reasons for the increase in the number of cesarean section. Therefore, this study was performed to determine the effect of prenatal group education on knowledge, attitude and delivery type selection in primiparous women who referred to Qaemshahr Health Care Center.Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 170 primiparous women who had no limitation for having normal delivery were selected. The sampling was multistage and purposeful. Data gathering tool was a questionnaire. Education was started at the 27th week of gestational age and continued to the end of pregnancy in regular intervals. The questionnaires were filled by study samples before and after education as pre-test and post-test). Data was analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive statistics, t-test, Vilcoxon, and Z tests.Results: A significant difference was observed in women's knowledge and attitude, before and after education. Normal delivery was women's preferable choice before and after education, but, following up their performance, showed that only 57.6% chose normal delivery in practice. In fact, 61.8% of women before and 80.6% of them after education chose normal delivery.Conclusion: Prenatal education is effective in reducing the rate of caesarean section. It is recommended to provide more facilities regarding different methods of low-pain deliveries and also educate labor room staffs for normal delivery.

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Introduction: The ongoing rapid changes in science bring about the need of higher education to independent and self-directed learners. This study seeks the effect of meta-cognition package training on selfdirected learning in medical records students.Methods: In this quasi-experimental study using two group design with pre-test and post-test, 24 female and male medical records students were selected not randomly. Then, they were assigned randomly to two groups of control and experiment. A researcher made meta-cognition package was taught to the experiment group during 6 two-hour sessions using explanatory method along with question and answer. Data gathering instrument was Williamson self-rating self directed learning scale. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive statistics indices (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Covariance analysis).Results: The mean score of self-directed learning and its subscales in the experiment group, demonstrated the increase in post-test compared to that of pre-test.Conclusion: Teaching meta-cognition package was effective in the enhancement of the total score of selfdirected learning and its subscales.

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Introduction: Considering students' learning styles may change teaching methods in accordance with their learning styles and consequently improve the educational outcome. The aim of this study was to investigate learning styles of medical students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This descriptive study was performed during the academic year of 2008-2009 in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Ninety medical students were selected through random sampling method as study samples. VARK learning style inventory was used as the research tool. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: Medical students use different learning styles. The most preferable one among them was visual learning style with the score of 39.26±6.87. The learning style of Male and female students were different.Conclusion: Improving educational quality requires for paying attention to learning style in teaching and educational technology. Teachers and educational technologists are recommended to make use of media and various technologies.

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Introduction: Considering the significance of life quality in chronic diseases and the role of education in its improvement, this study was performed to investigate the effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on improving the life quality of cardiovascular patients in Isfahan city.Methods: In this experimental study, 56 patients who referred to Chamran Hospital and Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center were randomly selected and assigned to two groups of experiment and control. The experiment group was trained in 8 group sessions, each session taking 2 hours. Both groups received Mc New life quality questionnaire for cardiac patients before and two weeks after education. Some demographic data was also gathered along with the questionnaire. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using statistical tests such as independent t-test, chi², and covariance analysis.Results: With observing the possible effect of pretest, cognitive-behavioral therapy had a significant effect on the total score of life quality and its three subscale.Conclusion: It seems that, along with other medical therapies, making use of cognitive-behavioral interventions is an appropriate method for improving the life quality of cardiovascular patients.

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    2 (پیاپی 26)
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مقدمه: ارتباط نزدیک بین شایستگی بالینی و مفهوم کیفیت مراقبت باعث شده است شایستگی بالینی در ارزشیابی دانشجویان رشته های آموزشی علوم پزشکی، از جایگاه منجصر به فردی برخوردار باشد. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی و مقایسه درک خودکارآمدی دانشجویان نسبت به شایستگی بالینی در آغاز و پایان دوره آموزش بالینی و مقایسه آن با ارزیابی مربیان از قابلیت های بالینی دانشجویان انجام گرفت.روش ها: مطالعه حاضر از نوع توصیفی- همبستگی و مقطعی است که بر روی کلیه دانشجویان رشته های فیزیوتراپی، کاردرمانی، گفتاردرمانی و مددکاری دانشگاه علوم بهزیستی و توان بخشی به روش سرشماری به اجرا در آمد. داده ها در دو مقطع از برنامه آموزشی یعنی ترم چهارم و ترم هشتم از طریق پرسشنامه محقق ساخته جمع آوری گردید. داده ها با آزمون های آماری t مستقل و آنالیز واریانس، تحلیل شدند.نتایج: میانگین نمره درک خودکارآمدی از شایستگی بالینی برای دانشجویان تمام رشته ها در محدوده متوسط (100-51) بود. میانگین نمره درک خودکارآمدی کلی دانشجویان تمامی رشته ها در ترم هشتم بطور معنی داری بیشتر از ترم چهارم بود. ضریب همبستگی بین ارزیابی مربیان و درک خودکارآمدی بالینی دانشجویان در حد  r=0.04و غیر معنی داربود.نتیجه گیری: خود ارزیابی دانشجویان نسبت به شایستگی بالینی می تواند اطلاعات ارزشمند و مکملی را در ارزشیابی دانشجویان علوم پزشکی فراهم آورد. تنظیم اهداف آموزشی متناسب با نیاز دانشجویان و هماهنگ با نظر اساتید و اتخاذ راهبردهای کیفی ارزشیابی آموزشی با تاکید بر درک خودکارآمدی دانشجویان می تواند منجر به ارتقای کیفی فرایندهای آموزشی دانشگاهی گردد.

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    2 (26)
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Introduction: There are methodological challenges on the subject of communication skills training despite general agreement on its advantages. This study was performed to compare the effect of communication skills training through video feedback with the usual method of lecture.Methods: This quasi-experimental double-blind prospective study was performed on two groups of 20 interns in the year 2005 in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. First, both groups received education through lecture and immediately were tested by OSLER (Objective Structured Long Examination Record). Then the video feedback was played for the experiment group. Two months later, the same examination was performed for the both groups. The result was analyzed by SPSS software using Mann–Whitney, Wilcoxon, and chi² tests.Results: No significant difference was observed between two groups considering gender, age, and the number of internship months. Scores achieved on OSLER-I revealed no significant difference between the two groups but, the discrepancy in OSLER-II was significant. The difference between scores of OSLER-I and OSLER-II was significant in the experiment group and insignificant in the control group. A significant difference was discovered in history-taking skill, physical examination, diagnosis, and treatment, before and after participation in the workshop in the experiment group.Conclusion: Communication skills training through video feedback improved interns' skills for historytaking and physical examination. It also enhanced the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment. Emphasizing on necessity of communication skills training, it is also recommended to pay attention to advantages of video feedback method as an educational approach.

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    2 (پیاپی 26)
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مقدمه: با عنایت به ضرورت درگیری فعال دانشجویان دندان پزشکی در یادگیری مباحث درمانی و به منظور تعمیق هر چه بیشتر یادگیری آنان، این مطالعه با هدف ارزیابی روش آموزش برپایه حل مساله و مقایسه آن با روش های تدریس سنتی در درس ارتودنسی دانشجویان دندان پزشکی انجام شد.روش ها: این مطالعه به صورت مداخله ای در 64 دانشجوی سال پنجم دندان پزشکی در سال 87-1386 انجام شد. پس از انتخاب و توجیه اساتید گروهیار، یک راهنما برای یکنواخت سازی شیوه اجرا در اختیار آنان قرار گرفت. پس از توجیه دانشجویان در مورد روش آموزش بر پایه حل مساله، گروه ها مشخص شدند. مراحل چهارگانه آموزش بر پایه حل مساله اجرا گردید. یک پیش آزمون برای ارزیابی نگرش و میزان رضایت مندی آنان از روش تدریس سنتی سخنرانی به عمل آمد. یک پس آزمون، میزان نگرش و رضایت مندی آنان از روش به کار رفته را ارزیابی کرد. حیطه های این روش با مقیاس لیکرت پنج تایی سنجیده شد. تجزیه و تحلیل نتایج با استفاده از نرم افزارSPSS ، آمار توصیفی و استنباطی انجام گرفت.نتایج: معدل نمرات کسب شده از سقف پنج، در حیطه سازمان دهی مطالب (0.75±3.41)، انگیزه درونی (0.7±3.41)، حیطه تناسب تکالیف (0.53±3.38) و حیطه تناسب روش ارزشیابی (1.17±3.67) بود. میانگین نمره رضایت 14 از 20، موافقت بالاتر از حد متوسط را نشان داد.نتیجه گیری: روش آموزش بر پایه حل مساله در تدریس دانشجویان دندان پزشکی، با تقویت انگیزه درونی دانشجو و افزایش کیفیت آموزش و یادگیری پایدار، می تواند مفید باشد.

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Introduction: In addition to precise physical examination and objective observations, it is necessary for students and interns to be knowledgeable about the rules and religious orders in medicine. This study was performed to investigate Yazd interns' knowledge on religious orders and legal rules in medicine.Methods: In this descriptive study performed in educational health centers of Yazd, 120 interns selected through census sampling were asked about religious orders and legal rules in medicine using a researcher made questionnaire. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive statistics and chi² test.Results: Fourteen point three percent of interns had knowledge about religious orders and legal rules among which, 11.8% had knowledge about legal rules and 14.6 about religious orders. Seventy two percent had faced with cases about which did not know the related rules. Eighty three point two percent believed that academic courses of medical education did not provide enough information to resolve many problems. Level of their knowledge showed no significant relationship with demographic features.Conclusion: Interns' knowledge about religious orders and legal rules was in an average level. It is recommended to increase the content of medical curriculum regarding medical ethics and related issues.

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Introduction: Teacher evaluation is carried out through several ways among which the most used method in our country is teacher evaluation by students which is so controversial. This study was performed to compare the viewpoints of teachers and students about factors affecting teacher evaluation by students.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in second semester of 2007-2008 academic years, in school of nursing and midwifery of Tehran Medical University. Using convenient sampling method based on time, 95 teachers and 379 students of this school were selected as study samples. Their viewpoints were collected by two separate questionnaires each comprising 5 sections. These questionnaires were distributed among students as group administered and among teachers as self-administered. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using frequency distribution and t-test.Results: There was no significant difference between the mean score of students' and teachers' viewpoints considering factors related to teachers’ personal features, teacher's educational activities, educational conditions, and factors associated with students. But a significant difference was observed between their mean score regarding factors related to practical course. Students considered factors unrelated to teacher's quality of education such as easy taking, easy examination questions, level of interest in discipline, and level of interest in teacher, very important.Conclusion: According to teachers' and students' viewpoints, many factors affect teacher evaluation that discounting factors related to practical course, all other factors are adhered by both groups. Therefore, evaluation by students serves as a valuable criterion for teachers' performance. It is necessary to pay attention to the factors unrelated to teacher's quality of education in teacher evaluation by students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 26)
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استفاده از پورت فولیو به عنوان ابزار یادگیری و سنجش بین حرفه های بهداشتی افزایش یافته و مربیان بیشتری برای پایش پیشرفت دانشجو به استفاده از پورت فولیو روی آورده اند. تعریف پورت فولیو پورت فولیو مجموعه مدارکی است که برای نشان دادن توانایی های فرد و سیر یادگیری وی در طول زمان جمع آوری می شود. پورت فولیو می تواند به یک موضوع خاص اختصاص داشته باشد و یا کل یادگیری های فرد را در طول عمر در بر گیرد، هرچند که بنا به نظر کیمبل (به نقل از باتلر) کل این مجموعه تهیه شده و یا انتخاب مواردی از آن بدون بازتاب تفکر و اندیشه ارزشمند نخواهد بود. در واقع، بازتاب و انعکاس تفکر، کل پداگوژی پورت فولیو را تقویت می کند.

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