Introduction: Depression is the only common psychiatric disorder that women are twice as likely to suffer from men. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between various aspects of anger and depression in women through mediation of object relations and Igo's empowerment. Methods: The present study is descriptive-correlational. 250 women aged 20 to 45 years old living in Tehran who had been referred to the emergency department of Roozbeh and Imam Hossein hospitals were selected by convince sampling method. Participants filled out Bell Object Relations and Reality Testing Inventory” , the “ Beck Depression Inventory” , “ Spielberger's State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2), and “ three Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 supplementary scales, namely Hostility, Overcontrolled-Hostility and Ego Strength” . Validity and reliability have been confirmed in previous studies. Data was analyzed by SPSS. 20. Results: The chi-squared result is about 3 degrees of freedom, and RMSEA is equal to 10. 0, which represents a good fit pattern. The criteria of GFI = 0. 99, AGFI = 0. 79, NFI = 0. 99 and NNFI =0. 92 fit the model appropriately (P < 0. 01). In general, the proposed conceptual model has a good fit; some of the paths in particular are from external expression, internal expression, internal control, external control, extreme hostility, anger, anger and hostility to depression by mediating alienation, attachment Insecure, social incompetence, self-knowledge and Igo's ability were meaningful. Multiple correlation coefficient showed that 87% of variance of depression can be explained through the proposed model. Conclusions: The components of anger and hostility through the mediation of Igo's empowerment and the components of the relationship of the subject, can predict 87% of women's depression. Therefore, therapeutic planning for women with depression and prevention programs for depression with regard to these components is suggested.