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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Aims: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on social response in children with autism spectrum disorder. Materials and Methods: A total of 24 children (Mage: 10. 79± 3. 22) with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder were selected using convenience sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups, which were matched in verbal IQ. Symptoms of autism and social response were assessed using Gilliam Autism Rating Scale and social responsiveness scale questionnaires before and after transcranial direct current stimulation. The protocol used was transcranial direct current stimulation with a current of 2 mA for 20 minutes for 5 consecutive sessions with the placement of the left dorso latral prefrontal anode electrode and the cathode electrode on the right arm. Results: Data analysis showed a significant difference between the two groups in reducing autism symptoms (P=(0/002)-F(1-22)) and improving social response in pre-test and post-test (P=(0/014)-F(1-22)). Conclusion: It seems that the use of transcranial direct current stimulation can be a useful clinical tool in improving social communication and social response in children with autism spectrum disorder.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: Jump-landing is one of non-contact movements that occur frequently in soccer. Since the focus of attention has important influence on jump-landing performance, the purpose of the current study was to compare knee kinematic factors between dominant and non-dominant leg in jump-landing task after the internal and external focus of attention in male soccer players. Materials and Methods: A total of 19 male soccer players (mean age: 19/16± 1/119) were objectively selected. Participants performed jump-landing task in two instructions of internal and external focus of attention with dominant and non-dominant leg. Motions were recorded via motion analysis system and the values of knee valgus, knee flexion, and jump height were calculated using MATLAB software. Repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. Results: The results showed that there were significant differences in the dominant and non-dominant knee valgus between internal and external focus of attention (p=0/04), knee valgus between dominant and non-dominant in internal focus of attention (p=0/01), and in external focus of attention (0/003) and jump height between internal and external focus of attention (0/001). But there were no significant deferences in dominant knee valgus between internal and external focus of attention (p=0/889), dominant maximum knee flexion between internal and external focus of attention (p=0/235), and non-dominant maximum knee flexion (p=0/297) and dominant and non-dominant maximum knee flexion in internal focus of attention (0/114) Conclusion: It seems that the use of transcranial direct current stimulation can be a useful clinical tool in improving social communication and social response in children with autism spectrum disorder.

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Background and Aims: Balance disorder has been recognized as a leading cause of falls in the elderly. The most important aim of rehabilitation when balance system is weakened is to resolve this disorder. Therefore, sports scientists and therapists utilize exercise trainings to facilitate and improve balance condition. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of eight weeks of selected Fallproof exercises on static and dynamic balance in the elderly. Materials and Methods: Totally, 24 elderly people, aged 60-74 years, were selected via convenient sampling method and then randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in the FallProof program for eight weeks, while the control group did not participate in any special program. The static and dynamic balances were evaluated using Sharpendromberg (with open and closed eyes) and Timed Up and Go tests, respectively. Results: The results of Paired t-test showed that the opened-eye static balance scores (P = 0. 001) and closed-eye dynamic balance (P 0. 001) had improved in the experimental group following the training program, while no significant differences were observed in the control group. The results of one-way covariance analysis showed that the two groups had significant differences in static (opened and closed eye) and dynamic balance indices after training. Conclusion: It seems that Fallproof training program, which incorporates several components of postural control, is an effective training method in improving balance in the elderly. Therefore, due to its effectiveness and because it does not need costly equipment, the chosen Fallproof training program is recommended to be used as a rehabilitation program for the elderly at home, and especially in nursing homes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: Maturity involves physical and psychological changes that happen sequentially and maturity status should be considered in all the studies that aim to assess the physiological process in children. Flexibility is one of the most important indicators of physical fitness in children that are likely to be affected by maturity. The aim of the present research was to examine the relationship between maturity and flexibility in school-aged boys and girls. Materials and Methods: The statistical sample included 700 school-aged, 9-18 year old, boys and girls from Shahrekord city categorized into 10 groups of 35 girls and 10 groups of 35 boys. To evaluate maturity, predictive maturity offset, and to assess flexibility, sit and reach test and knee to wall test were used. For data analysis, the Spearman’ s rank correlation coefficient test was used (P≤ 0. 05). Results: Spearman correlation test showed a significant correlation between predictive maturity offset and sit and reach test (r=0. 162, P<0. 001) and knee to wall test (r=/280, P<0. 001). Also, there was a significant correlation between maturity offset and sit and reach test in boys (r=0. 368, P<0. 001) and girls (r=-0. 162, P<0. 01), and knee to wall test in boys (r=0. 284, P<0. 001) and girls (r=0. 302, P<0. 001). Conclusion: The findings showed that there was a significant correlation between predictive maturity offset and sit and reach test and knee to wall test. Therefore, realizing what changes may occur to flexibility on the maturation process can be considered as a goal for planning exercises; further research can be conducted on the causes of these differences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: Muscle damage, soreness, and pain are unpleasant experiences that most beginner athletes encounter, thus it is important to find a suitable way to prevent or reduce them. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of massage on the response of muscle damage, fatigue, and pain following kick exercises in beginner taekwondo girls. Materials and Methods: A total of 18 players, aged 20-30 years old, were randomly assigned into experimental (massage) and control groups. Both groups performed 3 repetitions of 20 seconds kick exercises with 20 seconds rest between repetitions and the experimental group received 30 minutes of massage. The level of blood creatine kinase and lactate, and the amount of pain index using McGill pain questionnaire were measured at rest, immediately after exercise, immediately after massage, and 2 and 48 hours after exercise. One way ANOVA with repeated measure and independent t-test were used for studying within subjects effects and between subjects effects, respectively. Results: The level of CK activity increased immediately after exercise and immediately after massage in both experimental and control groups (P = 0. 001). However, it decreased 2 hours after exercise in massage group but it still increased in control group. Blood lactate levels were significantly higher at all measuring times compared to rest time in both groups (p<0. 05). Blood lactate increased immediately after massage but it decreased 2 hours after exercise so that it was lower than that of control group (p<0. 05). Although pain level was significantly higher at all measuring times compared to pre exercise level, between groups comparison showed that after massage, the pain was lower in the experimental group. Conclusion: The results of the current study showed that kick exercises can cause fatigue and pain and increase the level of creatine kinase and blood lactate, but applying massage after these exercises will decrease the level of these muscular fatigue and pain indices.

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Background and Aims: Considering the prevalence of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and its respective psychological problems for their parents and in particular their mothers, the present study investigated the effectiveness of training mindful parenting on improving internalizing behaviors of mothers (e. g. Depression and Anxiety) and externalizing behaviors (Rule Breaking Behavior, Aggressive Behavior) of their kids. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test design and control group was carried out on 30 mothers whose children were diagnosed with ADHD chosen through convenient sampling and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Depending on the exit criteria for absence in more than one session, the group experienced a decline and the results were analyzed for 24 mothers. The research instruments were CSI-4 (1994), the child behavior check list (CBCL) for Parents (1991), and hospital anxiety and depression questionnaire (1983). Training mothers with mindfulness approach was accomplished in eight 3-hour sessions. At the end, both control and experimental groups completed the above-mentioned questionnaires as post-test. The collected data were analyzed using covariance, added scores, and independent samples t-test. Results: The results revealed the effectiveness of mindful parenting methods on decreasing mother’ s anxiety and depression (P<0/05) and also the effectiveness of the method on decreasing children’ s externalizing problem (P<0/05) in the experimental group in comparison with the control group. Conclusion: Generally, findings showed that mindful parenting method will decrease the mother’ s internalizing problems (Depression and Anxiety) and children’ s externalizing problem (Rule Breaking Behavior, Aggressive Behavior).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the strength, endurance, and muscles flexibility in Teenage wrestlers with and without hyper kyphosis. Materials and Methods: In the current study, 40 wrestlers were purposefully selected and divided into two groups of with and without hyper kyphosis. Hyper kyphosis and endurance of extensor and flexor muscles of trunk were measured using flexible ruler, Sorensen test, and test of trunk flexion at 60 degree, respectively. The strength of extensor and flexor muscles were evaluated using a digital dynamometer and thoracoabdominal Flexibility was measured using functional test. To analyze the data, Pearson correlation test and independent T test were used. Results: There were significant relationships among hyper kyphosis and strength of trunk extension (p=0. 005), endurance of trunk extensor muscles (p=0. 02), thoracoabdominal Flexibility (p=0. 01), the ratio of trunk flexor to trunk extensor muscles strength (p=0. 001), and the ratio of trunk flexor to trunk extensor muscles endurance (p=0. 001). In addition, there were significant differences between the two groups in trunk extensor muscles strength (p=0. 02), the ratio of trunk flexor to trunk extensor muscles strength (p=0. 001), endurance of trunk extensor muscle (p=0. 009), the ratio of trunk flexor to trunk extensor muscles endurance (p=0. 005), and thoracoabdominal Flexibility (p=0. 02). . Conclusion: The results showed that the changes in factors such as strength, endurance, and flexibility can aggravate the dorsal arch of spine and these factors in athletes, such as wrestlers, can be considered as abnormal despite being athletes. Therefore, coaches and athletic trainers should be trained to evaluate these factors and provide an effective training program.

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Background and Aims: The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of six weeks of comprehensive corrective exercises on balance and foot pressure pattern in female adolescents with flexible flat foot. Materials and Methods: Participants included 30 students aged 9 to 10 years with flat feet abnormalities randomly selected and divided into two groups of corrective exercise (age: 11. 60± 1. 02 years, height: 148. 46± 10. 29 cm, weight: 47. 40± 11. 69 kg, and body mass index: 21. 42± 11. 92) and control (age: 11. 40± 0. 95 years, height: 148. 46± 12. 67 cm, weight: 47. 46± 12. 28 kg, and body mass index: 21. 37± 4. 28). Questionnaires were used to collect demographic data and Navicular drop method was used to evaluate flat foot abnormality. Foot-related parameters, such as the level of the center of pressure and static balance, were also evaluated using a foot scanner. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the frequencies, central indices, and dispersion in the form of tables and graphs, and univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance was used to examine intergroup differences in research variables. Results: The results showed that corrective program had a significant effect on static balance with open and closed eyes (P<0. 01), and the level of the center of the big toe pressure, first metatarsal bone, second metatarsal, third metatarsal, and midfoot region and inner side of the heel (P <0. 01) in the exercise group. Conclusion: The current study showed that corrective exercises are effective in improving balance and posture of the sole of the feet, so it is recommended that therapists use different exercises related to the trunk and lower limbs in the form of a corrective program to improve children's abnormalities.

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Background and Aims: Homocysteine and Insulin resistance increase and adiponectin reduction are the risk factors for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In contrast, regular physical exercise is the effective intervention for reducing these risk factors. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of upper body, lower body, and mix resistance-training on adiponectin, homocysteine concentration, and insulin resistance in healthy untrained female students. Materials and Methods: A total of 56 healthy females (age: 21± 3 years old, weight: 60± 5 kg, height: 160± 5 cm, Body Mass Index: 21 /5 ± 3/5 kg m) voluntarily participated in the current study. After two sessions of getting familiar with each other and identifying maximum power, participants were randomly divided into four groups (upper body resistance, lower body resistance, mix [upper and lower] resistance, and control group). Training groups performed six resistance exercises for upper body, lower body, mixed upper and lower body three sessions per week for eight weeks. To measure adiponectin, homocysteine, and insulin resistance, blood samples were obtained before trainings and four weeks after training sessions and at the end of the training period. Results: It was shown that adiponectin levels increased significantly after eight weeks of resistance exercises in the upper body, lower body, and mix groups. The highest increase was observed in lower body and the lowest one was found in upper body training groups. Also, lower body and mix groups’ homocysteine levels reduced significantly. Moreover, insulin resistance index had significant reduction in all the training groups. Conclusion: Eight weeks of upper, lower body, and combined resistance training resulted in significant increase in adiponectin levels and a significant decrease in insulin and homocysteine resistance levels in untrained women, which directly affected the involved muscle mass and the length of exercise. In other words, the more the muscle mass is used over a longer period of time, the greater the benefits of increasing serum adiponectin and decreasing insulin resistance and decreasing homocysteine, and thus, in general, overall improving risk factors for preventing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

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Background and Aims: Ground reaction force frequency content during walking has clinical importance. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the frequency response of ground reaction force during walking on sand and flat surface in people with pronation foot. Materials and Methods: A total of 29 healthy participants (14 females and 15 males) (mean age: 24. 00± 4. 17 years, height: 170. 54± 7. 92 cm, and weight: 73. 36± 16. 68 kg) and 30 individuals with pronated foot (15 females and 15 males) (mean age: 23. 09± 2. 91 years, height: 172. 63± 10. 85 cm, and weight: 71. 09± 11. 07 kg) volunteered to participate in the current study. Ground reaction force data were recorded using a Bertec force plate (with sampling rate of 1000 Hz). Two ways ANOVA with repeated measure test was used for statistical analysis. Data analyses were performed at the significance level of 0. 05. Results: Interactive effect of surface and group on frequency spectrum with power of 99. 5% in anterior-posterior direction was statistically significant. Frequency spectrum with power of 99. 5% in the healthy group was significantly higher during walking on sand compared to walking on flat surface. No significant difference was observed in other variables. Conclusion: Walking on sand had the highest effect on the frequency spectrum with power of 99. 5% in the anterior-posterior direction but not in the medio-lateral and vertical directions. Generally, walking on sand is suitable in rehabilitation of pronated feet. However, further study is warranted.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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dehghani mahrokh | Jafarnezhadgero Amir Ali | Abdollahpour Darvishani Mohammad

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Background and Aims: Using textured insoles in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) individuals could be effective during walking. This factor is a major cause to change the frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces during walking. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of texture insoles on the frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces in children with ASD during walking. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder selected via available sampling. A total of 10 girls with ASD participated in the present study with the age range of 7-8 years old. A foot scan system (sampling rate: 300Hz) was used to assess frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces during walking with and without textured insoles and bare foot condition. Repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analyses. Results: The results did not show any significant difference in the frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces in the vertical direction, hallux 1, and toes 2-5 among the three conditions of bare foot, shoe, and LP insole (p>0. 05). Also, the number of essential harmonies in the third metatarsal during insole condition was lower than that for bare foot condition by 29. 32% (p=0. 044, d= 1. 13). In addition, the number of essential harmonies of the fifth metatarsal during insole condition was lower than that of shoe condition by 27. 19% (p= 0. 031, d=1. 33). Conclusion: The present study showed that the use of textured insole reduced the number of essential harmonics in the fifth metatarsal as compared to shoe walking and, therfore, could be recommended for the blind. However, it did not show any significant effect on most of the frequency spectral variables. Yet, further study is warranted.

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Background and Aims: An increased Quadriceps to Hamstrings muscle strength ratio, which leads to development of anterior shear forces on the Tibia, is known as a risk factor for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Gluteus Maximus Muscle (GM) strengthening exercises on the intensity of Quadriceps Muscle (QFM) contraction at landing. Materials and Methods: A total of 25 healthy volunteer females, aged 18-30 years, were assigned into two groups of control (n = 13) and experimental (n = 12) in a randomized control trial. Maximum isometric strength was measured using hand-held dynamometer and the intensity of contraction on the moment of landing to the maximum intensity of voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC) for GM, QFM, and Hams were measured using surface EMG, respectively. After eight weeks (3 sessions per week) of resistance training on the experimental group, measurements were repeated. Two-factor mixed model ANOVA was used as a significance test and paired samples T-test as the post hoc. Results: There was a 4. 55% non-significant increase in the mean GM strengths in the experimental group. In term of the intensity of contraction, there were a 16. 36% increase, a 8. 26% decrease, and a 9. 21% increase all of which were significant in the experimental group (P≤ 0. 05), and a 2. 93% increase, a 4. 73% decrease, and a 4. 3% increase, all non-significant, in control group, for GM, QFM and HAMS, respectively. Conclusion: These results suggest that GM strengthening exercises along with HAMS could be effective in decreasing the intensity of QFM contraction, preventing anterior translation of Tibia, and decreasing ACL injury, as a consequence.

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Background and Aims: Less training, along with a lack of visual symptoms, leads to less movement in people with visual impairment. This inactivity causes a delay in motor growth, and movement as the most important factor in the survival of each person is an important factor in promoting the health of disabled children. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of vestibular stimulation exercises on balance and motor performance of the blind. Materials and Methods: In the current quasi-experimental study, 30 males and females were randomly selected from the blind volunteers and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. After selecting the students and obtaining their consent to participate in the training program, dynamic balance was measured using TUG test and motor function using tinetti test as pre-intervention. The experimental group participated in the training for six weeks (3 sessions per week, each session for 30 minutes). Finally, the pre-intervention tests were repeated as post-intervention. Data were analyzed using independent and dependent t-test at a significance level of 0. 05. Results: The results showed that after six weeks of vestibular stimulation training, there was a significant improvement in the dynamic balance and motor function scores of the experimental group compared to the pre-exercise period of the vestibular stimulation exercises. However, there was no significant change in the control group. Conclusion: According to the results, it seems that vestibular stimulation exercises are effective on dynamic balance and motor function of the individuals. Considering the importance of mobility and balance, especially in children with visual impairment, it is recommended that vestibular stimulation exercises be used as an effective method for the physical mobility of these people.

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Background and Aims: The elderly population is increasing in the world as the levels of health and life expectancy increase, so more studies are needed in the fields of longevity and concequent changes in communication behaviors. Quick Speech in Noise Test (QSIN) examines auditory comprehension of the people in the presence of noise. The aim of the current study was to compare the results of QSIN in young adults and the elderly with normal hearing threshold. Materials and Methods: In the present descriptive-analytic and cross-sectional study, samples were selected through availability sampling. The study population consisted of 31 elderly and 31 young adults selected according to inclusion criteria. Audiometric tests of pure tone-acoustic Immitance and speech audiometric as well as QSIN were administered in the elderly and young adult groups. Results: In Signal to Noise Ratios (SNR) 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, and 0 dB, there was a significant difference between the young adult and elderly groups (P<0. 05). But in 25 SNRs, no significant difference was found between the two groups (P>0. 05). Also, the results showed that SNR 5 SNR and SNR0 had significant differences with SNRs in 10, 15, 20, and 25 between the elderly and young adult groups (P <0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results obtained in the present study, elderly people may be different from the young adult group in cortical and sub cortical processing activities of the brain, and thus may have the weaker speech in noise comprehension ability compared with the young adult group.

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Background and Aims: Hypermobility is one of the medical problems all over the world, That causes pain, decreased function, and increased joint position sense error and ultimately these cause disturbances in balance. It has also been reported that these people have differences in the muscle activity patterns compared to healthy individuals. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of six weeks of balance training on the balance and electrical activity patterns of some lower extremity muscles in hypermobile females. Materials and Methods: A total of 24 female patients with generalized joint hypermobility syndrome, 22-26 years old, participated voluntarily in the current study. The participants were randomly divided into control and experimental groups. In the pre-and post-test sessions, the onset of muscle activity of some lower extremity muscles, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, semi tendinosus, biceps femoris, and medial gastrocnemius were measured during drop landing using surface electromyography and static and dynamic balance were assessed respectively using bass stick and Y test. Then, experimental group performed training program for six weeks. Finally Shapirovilk test and covariance analysis at 95% significance level were used for data analysis. Results: The results showed that, the balance training program improved balance (static and dynamic in anterior and medial lateral direction) and decreased delayed onset of semitendinosus, biceps femoris, and vastus lateralis, significantly. Conclusions: After six weeks of balance training, the increased sensitivity of the joint receptors and electrical muscle activity changed pattern and led to moderating balance responses. Considering the high impact of the training group, it is suggested that balance training program be used to improve the essential factors for the stability of females with generalized joint hypermobility syndrome.

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Background and Aims: The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of unilateral and bilateral backpack carrying with different weights on the spatio-temporal gait symmetry in healthy adults. Materials and Methods: Totally, 17 healthy females with the mean age of 21. 73 years volunteered to participate in the study. Participants completed carrying unilateral and bilateral backpack with loads of 0, 5, 10, and 15% of their body weight. Then, their gaits were assessed using a 3D motion analysis system with six cameras. Also, the spatio-temporal parameters of the gait and step time and step length symmetry indices were calculated using Velocity-Based Treadmill (VBT) algorithm and coding in MATLAB. Data were analyzed using paired sample t-test and repeated measures ANOVA (p<0. 05). Results: The results of the present study showed that with increasing backpack weight, stance, swing and double support duration increased and the step length and cadence decreased. Evaluation of the symmetry index showed that the symmetry decreases with increasing load exerted to the body and leads to asymmetry of lower extremity. It was also found that unilateral backpack carrying affects the symmetry index more than bilateral backpack carrying; the difference when carrying backpack with 15% of the body weight was found to be significant. Conclusion: According to the results obtained in the present study, it is recommended that to improve symmetry, the backpack weight should not exceed 10% of their body weight and backpack should be carried bilaterally.

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Background and Aims: The myofascial trigger points are very sensitive points in tight bundles of the skeletal muscle and contribute to pain and motor limitation and ultimately cause functional impairment. The myofascial trigger points are divided into two active and latent groups clinically. Latent trigger points are more common compared with active trigger points. Among the muscles of the body, the upper trapezius muscle, has the lowest pressure pain threshold against the allgometer, is the most common site of the trigger points in which the trigger points develop, and can cause the myofascial pain syndrome in the neck and shoulders. Methods and Materials: The current study was performed on 10 women with an upper trapezius latent trigger points. Upper trapezius muscle thickness and pennation angle at rest and then thickness and angle pennation of muscle in contraction were measured using a Honda ultrasound machine (2100) Japan – 7. 5 MHz linear transducer) in a sitting position on an armchair. Measurements were repeated twice on the same day for half an hour. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC), Standard Error of Measurement (SEM), and Minimal Detectable Change (MDC) tests were used to measure the intrarater reliability and to estimate measurement errors. Result: The results for ICC, SEM, and MDC were used to examine the interrater reliability measuring the thickness of the upper trapezius muscle at rest (ICC = 0. 962, SEM = 1. 43, MDC = 3. 97) and the pennation angle of the upper trapezius at rest (ICC = 0. 913, SEM = 1. 46, MDC = 4. 06), the thickness of the upper trapezius muscle in contraction (ICC = 0. 979, SEM = 1. 95 MDC = 5. 43), and pennation angle of the upper trapezius in contraction (ICC = 0. 870, SEM = 1. 46, MDC = 4. 06). Conclusion: It can be cloncluded that ultrasound, according to the method used in the present study, is a reliable method with small SEM and MDC values in the thickness and pennation angle measurements of upper trapezius muscle at rest and the thickness and pennation angle of the upper trapezius muscle in the contraction.

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Background and Aims: Diabetic neuropathy leads to a reduction in the balance due to peripheral nerves involvement. On the other hand, quantitative studies have shown changes in balance indicators after using the body's entire body vibration. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the changes of equilibrium indices immediately after using the apparatus for whole body vibration in patients with type II diabetic neuropathy. Materials and Methods: In the current single-session, single-blind clinical trial study, 32 patients with diabetic neuropathy were divided into two experimental and control groups. Patients in the intervention group, stood on the laser screen of the body's total vibration, with a frequency of 30HZ and an amplitude of 2 mm, knees bent to 30 degrees for six times with a one-minute rest. In the control group, there were patients with the same conditions, but they stood still on the device screen. Patients in both groups were evaluated before and after intervention using Biodex device. Regarding the normal distribution of data, Shapiro-Wilk test was used. Also, t-paired test and covariance analysis were run for further comparisons. Results: Based on t-paired sample test, general balance (p = 0. 000), balance in the anterior-posterior direction (p = 0. 000), and balance in side direction (p = 0. 033), before and after intervention, revealed significant changes (P = 0. 06); however, in the control group, general balance (p = 0. 06), balance in the anterior-posterior direction (p = 0. 33), and balance in side direction (p = 0. 79) were not significantly different compared between pretest and posttest. Comparing the results of the two groups, using independent t-test, general equilibrium (p = 0. 000), balance in the anterior-posterior direction (p = 0. 000), and bilateral balance (p = 0. 027) showed statistically significant differences. Conclusion: According to the results, the whole body vibration can be effective in improving the balance in the short time.

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Background and Aims: The purpose of the present study was to investigate thoracic kyphosis and its relationship with hamstring muscles flexibility in Iranian students. Materials and Methods: A total of 13’ 712 students (6968 girls and 6764 boys), aged 12-17, selected randomly from schools of seven geographical regions of Iran, participated in the present study. Thoracic curvature was measured using the flexicurve method and hamstring muscle flexibility was measured using sit and reach test. Making use of descriptive statistics, means and standard deviations were calculated for all the variables. Non-parametric spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between sagittal spinal thoracic curvature and the hamstring muscles flexibility. Results: The results showed that the mean values of thoracic kyphosis was 32. 85± 11. 93 degrees in female students and 36. 89± 10. 61 degrees in male students and the mean values of hamstring muscle flexibility was 33. 38± 9. 62 (cm) in female students and 30. 01± 10. 41 (cm) in male students. Findings also demonstrated that there was no significant relationship between hamstring flexibility and thoracic kyphosis among Iranian male and female students (r =-0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the findings of the current study, a broad range of thoracic kyphosis and hamstring muscles flexibility was identified according to different age groups and genders. Additionally, no strong relationship has been shown between thoracic kyphosis and hamstring muscles flexibility in Iranian students. These findings can be used as a comprehensive basis for teachers, trainers, and any related parties to the health and education of the students, as well as future studies in this area.

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Background and Aims: It seems that endurance training and Stanozolol consumption can activate fat burning. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of six weeks of endurance training and injection of stanozolol on CD36 and Beta-hydroxyl acyl coA dehydrogenases (B-HAD) levels of muscle tissue and levels of desnutrin in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue in male healthy rats. Materials and Methods: In the present study, 40 male Wistar rats, aged 12 weeks old (initial body weight, 289± 16g), were randomly divided into four groups; placebo (n=10), training (n=10), training+ stanozolol (n=10), and stanozolol (n=10). Training+ stanozolol and stanozolol groups received a weekly intramuscular injection (5mg/kg of body weight) of stanozolol, while placebo and training + placebo groups received Arashiz oil as placebo. Endurance training was performed on treadmill for 6 weeks, 5 sessions per week with the intensity of 70-75% VO2max. CD36, B-HAD, and Desnutrin levels were measured using ELISA method Results: After six weeks of exercise training and Stanozolol consumption, the protein content of CD36 in training+Stanozolol significantly increased compared to placebo group (P=0. 0003), training+placebo group (P= 0. 008), and Stanozolol group (P= 0. 029). Protein content of B-HAD soleus muscle in training+Stanozolol significantly increased compared to placebo group (P=0. 0002), training+placebo group (P= 0. 006), and Stanozolol group (P= 0. 018). Also, desnutrin of subcutaneous adipose tissue in training+Stanozolol significantly increased as compared to placebo (P=0. 0005) and Stanozolol groups (P= 0. 021). Desnutrin of visceral fat in training+Stanozolol significantly increased compared to placebo group (P=0. 0007), training+placebo (P=0. 039), and Stanozolol group (P= 0. 004). Conclusion: It seems that stanozolol treatment improves lipolytic effects of endurance training to significant extends.

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Background and Aims: Urinary incontinence is one of the clinical symptoms of pelvic floor muscle instability whose potential role in the body balance has been suggested. The present study aimed to compare static and dynamic balance indices in women with and without Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Materials and Methods: In the present cross-sectional analytic study, 15 women with and 15 women without SUI were enrolled. After collecting demographic data, the static balance indices, time to stability, rate of loading during landing, and ground reaction force during walking were measured using the force plate device. Independent t tests were used for data analysis and the significance level was set at p≤ 0. 05. Results: The length of the route of the center of pressure in the anterior-posterior (p=0. 004) and lateral (p=0. 002) directions, the velocity of the center of pressure in the anterior-posterior (p=0. 004) and lateral (p=0. 002) directions, and length of total path traveled with open eyes in women with and without SUI had significant difference. All of the static balance indices were significantly different between the two groups (p< 0. 05). Time for stability in the vertical (p=0. 001), anterior-posterior (p=0. 008), and lateral (p=0. 044) directions in the group without SUI was significantly less than that of the group with SUI. Conclusion: Based on our results, almost all static and dynamic balance indices were weaker in women with SUI than in women without SUI. Therefore, it can be concluded that pelvic floor muscles, as a part of core muscles, play an important role in postural control.

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Background and Aims: Ankle sprain injury is the most common injury among soccer players. Previous studies have shown that injury prevention exercises generally reduce injuries. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of 12 weeks of selected injury prevention training on the risk factors of the internal ankle foot in professional male footballers. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 soccer players under the age of 21 who were present in the pre-season trainings of 1396-1396 were selected. Participants were randomly divided into two groups of 25 (experimental and control). In the preliminary test, in order to check the static test, the dynamic balance of the Y test, to measure the ankle range, goniometer, and to measure height jump (Sargent), meter were used. The experimental group performed their training protocol for 12 weeks (every 3 weeks and 30 minutes each session), but the control group performed only their usual exercises. After 12 weeks, all variables were measured. Independent t-test was used for intra-group comparisons and independent t-test was run to test the inter-group comparisons (P> 0. 05). Results: The results showed that the experimental group had the highest increase in static balance, dynamic balance, and height jump (P > 0. 05); although improvement was observed in the ankle motion range, it was not statistically significant (P <0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results, it is concluded that selected injury prevention exercises improve static equilibrium, dynamic equilibrium, and high jump levels for soccer players, so it is recommended that these exercises be included in their training programs.

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Background and Aims: The outbreak of coronavirus has caused a severe crisis in the world and governments in different countries have been forced to enact laws to prevent its spread, leading to experiencing a psychological trauma by most people. On the other hand, physical activity has known to be one of the effective factors in improving people's physical and mental health conditions. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of physical activity on perceived stress during coronavirus home quarantine. Materials and Methods: The current field study followed a quasi-experimental method. The research population included healthy women aged 30 to 45 years who were members of Social Media platform groups. A total of 24 individuals were selected and divided into experimental and control groups. Perceived Stress Questionnaire was used to collect data. The experimental group trained based on designed exercise program. They completed training protocol for six weeks, three sessions per week, each session for 60 to 80 minutes. The control group did not receive any intervention during the research period and continued their normal daily activities. Analysis of Covariance statistical method was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that intervention program during coronavirus quarantine had a significant effect on the level of perceived stress in the experimental group. On other word, physical activity program could significantly reduce the perceived mental pressure level of the experimental group. Conclusion: According to the results of the study, physical activity might improve body's immunity system as well as mental and psychological level, leading to a higher ability to deal with the virus.

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Background and Aims: One of the issues rehabilitation counselors face is that people with physical disabilities and spinal cord injuries have psychological problems, such as hopelessness, and many other challenges, such as unemployment. Occupational rehabilitation is one of the vital aspects of rehabilitation that helps individuals increase their efficiency and restore their abilities and minimize disabilities, while also addressing aspects of their psychological needs, such as life expectancy in itself. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of occupational rehabilitation on life expectancy in people with spinal cord injuries. Materials and Methods: A single case study of ABA type was used in the current study. For this purpose, using purposeful sampling, five individuals with spinal cord injury were selected and received eight sessions of individual intervention training in Social Cognitive Theory vocational rehabilitation program. Data were collected using the Luthans Psychological Capital Inventory Questionnaire. The results were analyzed making use of visual evaluation, Reliability of Change Index (RCI), and Percentage of Improvement (MPI). Results: The results of the current study showed that the visual analysis of the graphs in the intervention phase had an ascending slope and the reliability index of change was greater than 1. 96 and the recovery rate was higher than 50%. Therefore, occupational rehabilitation program has significant statistical and clinical significance. Conclusion: Based on our findings, because of weaknesses and inefficiencies they feel in their bodies and due to lack of suitable training for recruitment and keeping their job, people with spinal cord injury face to frustration and hopelessness. Therefore, using a vocational rehabilitation program can increase the life expectancy of these people with spinal cord injury.

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Background and Aims: SIRT1 protein has been investigated as a key factor in many biological functions, such as longevity, oxidative stress, and bone mass in interaction with physical activity. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of combined and isometric exercise training on plasma level of SIRT1 in elderly women with osteopenia. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, 45 women, aged 50-60 years, with osteopenia who were eligible for the present study, were selected and randomly divided into three groups of 15, each consisting of two exercise groups (Combined group and Isometric group) and one control group. After grouping the participants' initial blood sampling, Co group was trained 45-90 min per session (stretch, strength, endurance) and Iso group was trained 20-40 min (set, frequency, contraction time), three sessions per week, for 12 weeks. Data were analyzed using SPSS, version 24, running using paired t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Tukey post hoc test with the significance level set at 0. 05. Results: The ELISA results showed that both exercise methods had significant effects on SIRT1 compared to baseline (p=0/01). There was a significant difference between the two methods of training with control group on SIRT 1 level in the elderly women with osteopenia (p=0/001), but the difference between the two was not statistically significant (p=0/979). Conclusion: It seems that elevated SIRT1 level in aged people is compensatory mechanism of stress oxidative system and decreased activity in growth factor such as IGF1 in old age. It can be concluded that combined and isometric exercise could have positive effects on SIRT1 level in elderly women with osteopenia.

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Background and Aims: Possessing ideal dynamic balance in athletes is of crucial importance in order to improve the movement and to prevent injuries during exercises; therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the effect of lower limb corrective exercise along with gluteal muscle activation in dynamic balance while treadmill running. Materials and Methods: In the present quasi experimental design study, a total of 25 healthy active women with convenient sampling method participated in two groups of control (12 cases with average age of 21. 2± 2. 8) and experimental (13 cases with average age of 20. 5± 2. 5). In the experimental group, corrective exercise was performed in eight sessions during two weeks and pre and post balance test were administered for the two groups using Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) in three anterior, posteromedial, and posterolateral directions. Statistical analyses were performed using pair t test for within group comparison and independent t test for between group comparisons with the significance level set at 0. 05. Results: The results showed that the two groups had no significant differences in balance indicator for different directions on pretest (P˃ 0. 05) and within group comparisons in experimental group illustrated significant differences in anterior (P =0. 008) and posterolateral directions (P = 0. 011), while in posteromedial direction no significant differences were found (P˃ 0. 05). Conclusion: The results of the presented study demonstrated that this corrective exercise has probably been able to improve dynamic balance in anterior and posterolateral directions of SEBT in healthy active women possibly through having impact on gluteal muscles function, thus to this could be considerable in terms of injury preventing approaches and can be used in conditioning programs.

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Background and Aims: Progressive motivation is one of the most powerful influential sources affecting learners' behavior in the school and determines the strength and sustainability of the behavior. Learner motivation gives the learner the opportunity to attain the goal and acquire the ability to perform the necessary activities in specific circumstances. Materials and Methods: In the current study, the population included all students of Islamic Azad University of Naghadeh in the academic year of 2017-2018 (1, 250 people). A total of 290 students were randomly selected using Morgan table. To collect data, three questionnaires were used: Self-handicapping (SHS) (Jones and Rodvalt, 1982), Achievement motivation (Herman, 1970), and Academic burnout (Brsou et al., 2007). The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed to be 0. 835 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results showed that there is no significant relationship between achievement and motivation of academic self-handicapping. Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between academic burnout and academic self-handicapping. Also, a negative significant relationship was observed between academic burnout and motivation for achievement and a negative significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic self-handicapping academic burnout due to the effect of mediation. Conclusion: According to the results, the authorities should create the necessary strategies so that each person's abilities can be recognized by themselves and thus increase their motivation. Also, by reducing the academic burnout in the students, they will be self-adaptive in the field of science curriculum, and even research. This way, hopefully, we will have an active and dynamic generation for the future of the country.

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Background and Aims: Hypermobility is defined as a condition in which many synovial joints move beyond their natural range of movement. Since hypermobile individuals participate in athletic activities, identifying their functional differences with healthy people and the likelihood of injury can help planning suitable exercises for them. The purpose of the present study was to compare time to stabilization (TTS) and scores of functional movement screening (FMS) tests in active girls with and without hypermobility. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 physically active girls, with (Brighton criteria more than 4) and without hypermobility were selected and participated in the current study. TTS was calculated during jump-landing on force plate and FMS test was gathered in all the participants. Results: The results of independent t-test showed that TTS and FMS scores were significantly more and less, respectively, in hypermobile girls compared with healthy participants. Conclusion: Based on the results, hypermobile girls have weaker stability, mobility, and movement control compared with healthy ones and thus are more prone to injury. Therefore, it is suggested that coaches pay attention to their differences and design a workout program appropriate to them, with particular emphasis on stability and postural control.

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Background and Aims: As perception of language and particularly syntactic perception has a significant effect on language and learning development, the present study aimed at comparing syntactic perception and production between educable children with ID and TD children. Materials and Methods: In the current causal-comparative study, 15 children with intellectual disabilities of chronological age 12-13 and mental age 7-9 were included. Intellectual disabilities of these children were confirmed earlier using Wechsler intelligence test, edition 4, and their IQ were measured to be between 55-70. The control group included 15 typically developing children of age 7-9 years and 15 typically developing children aged 12-13 years. Children with intellectual disabilities were selected from exceptional schools and typically developing children from normal schools of Jiroft city via available sampling method. All the three groups were homogenized in language ability using the verbal section of the Wechsler Intelligence Test, edition 4. The research data was gathered by adapting the study of Bení tez-Burraco, Garayzá bal, and Cuetos (2016). This test included six subtests that standardized by the Spearman-Brown. The data were then analyzed using multivariate analysis and SLD in SPSS. Results: There was a significant difference between the overall performances of the three groups in syntactic perception and production (basic phrase rules, auxiliary markers and basic structure of the inflectional phrase, verbal valency, syntactic subcategory constraints within the verbal phrase, production of noun complement clauses, production of relative (adjunct) clauses) (P<0/05). Conclusion: The results of the present research showed that, in general, children with intellectual disabilities had a weaker performance in the perception and production of syntax in comparison to typically developing children with the same chronological and mental age. Gender was not found to have any significant effect on syntactic perception and production. Individuals who work in education of children with intellectual disabilities can make use of the results of this research.

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Background and Aims: The upper crossed syndrome is a type of musculoskeletal disorder in the upper extremity, leading to deformities such as forward head, round shoulder, and hyper kyphosis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of corrective exercises carried out in water on static and semi dynamic balance on patients with upper crossed syndrome (UCS). Materials and Methods: In the current randomized controlled clinical trial, after initial screening, 30 students with UCS were selected and were assigned randomly into experimental (n=14) and control (n=16) groups. Before and after the intervention, static and semi dynamic balance variables were measured using Biodex Balance System (BBS). Data was analyzed in SPSS, version 20 (Inc, Chicago, IL). Paired sample t-test was used to compare the mean of the pretest to posttest and independent t-test was run to compare the differences between the two groupsgroups with the significance level set at 0. 05. Results: The results showed that the experimental group had significant improvement in static (P= 0. 005) and semi dynamic balance (P= 0. 002) (overall stability), as well as in static (P= 0. 001) and semi dynamic balance (P= 0. 003) (the anterior – posterior stability). But in the static (P = 0. 720) and semi dynamic (P = 0. 426) balance (lateral stability), the effect was not significant. Conclusion: According to the results, in the current study, the focus of the corrective exercises protocol was on postural correction and its effects on balance improvement. The overall stability and the stability of the anterior-posterior direction improved after abnormalities correction. So, this protocol can be recommended as an effective protocol to improve posture and balance in the patients with upper crossed syndrome.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: Hamstring strain is the most common muscle injury in soccer. In addition, hamstring injuries bring about significant time loss. Although there are various prevention protocols, the incidence of injury has not changed over the years. Therefore, the present review article was conducted to review the effectiveness of hamstring injury prevention protocol in soccer codes. Materials and Methods: In the present study, the authors reviewed articles published between 2005-2019 in the databases Science Direct, Pub Med, EBSCO, and Sport Discus using relevant keywords, resulting in locating 200 articles. In the final screening, eight articles were selected for final analysis. Results: Five articles used Nordic exercise, two articles used 11+, and one article used flexibility training. Flexibility exercise was not effective on injury incidence but was effective on severity among these exercises. The most effective exercise was found to be Nordic exercise. Discussion: Although Nordic exercise was effective on injury incidence, based on epidemiological studies, incidence of injury has not changed in the real-world over the years. Except for exercise type, many factors influence the effectiveness of sport prevention protocols. One of these important factors is acceptability and compliance of protocol among trainers and coaches. Another point in designing hamstring injury prevention protocols is the reductionist point of view that influences the effectiveness of the protocol. Conclusion: Prevention protocols should be designed specific and functional for each sport. In addition, prevention protocol designers should consider a systematic point of view to obtain more positive results.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) refers to symmetrical bilateral hearing loss, which results from aging and affects most people over 70, and its effects are more frequent at high frequencies, which are important in speech recognition. This progressive hearing loss is characterized by features such as changing the audiometric threshold and speech perception problems in noisy environments. Recent findings suggest that in addition to audibility of the signal, cognitive factors such as attention, working memory, and speed of processing also play a significant role in speech perception both in noise and silence. Although hearing aids enhance hearing, they cannot compensate for the defects that occur in the auditory temporal processing. Another solution is to use auditory training. Auditory-based training can partially restore age-related defects in temporal processing in the brain, and this plasticity in turn leads to improved cognitive and perceptual skills. Materials and Methods: In the current review article, some of the topics discussed about auditory processing and speech perception in the elderly, as well as the role of amplification and training in them, were selected in articles obtained from Scopus PubMed, Google scholar, and Science direct databases published between 1971-2019. Conclusion: With regard to the results of auditory training in increment of auditory perception in the elderly, a primary assessment of central auditory processing capabilities and auditory training program should be considered as a basic step for their management. Therefore, the role of audiologists become very important in the detection of central aspects of presbycusis and explaining the importance of auditory training program as a part of selecting and fitting hearing aids for the elderly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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